OMG: Trump Bans Travel From Europe To The US (Full Details)

OMG: Trump Bans Travel From Europe To The US (Full Details)


Update: This ban has now been extended to the UK and Ireland.

During an address from the Oval Office last night, President Trump talked about “our nation’s unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak.” As part of this, he announced a drastic new travel ban for those traveling from Europe to the US.

At first the details were quite limited, but we now have more of a sense of what the restrictions are, so I’ll go through them below. To go along with this, the Department of State has also issued an advisory warning Americans against travel abroad.

If you’d like to see Trump’s address, you can do so here:

30 day travel ban for foreigners who have visited Europe

With Trump’s new Presidential Proclamation, the US has banned entry of most foreign nationals who have been in certain European countries at any point during the 14 days prior to their first scheduled arrival to the United States.

This isn’t that different than the proclamation that was issued on January 31, 2020, banning foreign nationals who had been to China in the past 14 days. Except this time it’s for Europe. As of now there is no ban on domestic travel.

Here’s what you need to know:

Why does the ban only apply to European countries?

As Trump explains it, this is being done because the US took “early and intense action” to stop the spread of coronavirus, which has caused dramatically fewer cases than are now present in Europe. Because the European Union failed to take the same precautions to restrict travel from China and other “hotspots,” Trump is introducing this policy.

He points out that the Schengen area has the highest number of cases of coronavirus outside of China. As of March 11, 2020, the number of cases in the Schengen area was 17,442, with 711 deaths.

When does the travel ban take effect?

The travel ban applies as of 11:59PM ET on Friday, March 13, 2020. It doesn’t apply to anyone onboard a scheduled flight that departs prior to that time. It will be valid for 30 days, though restrictions will be “adjusted subject to conditions on the ground.”

Which countries are impacted by the European travel ban?

The ban applies to foreign nationals who have been to Schengen area countries in the past 14 days, including any of the following:

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

As you can see, some countries, including the United Kingdom, aren’t subjected to this rule.

Let me emphasize that for foreign nationals, this is all about where you’ve been, rather than what passport you hold. In other words, someone with a German passport who hasn’t been in the Schengen area in the past 14 days could enter the US, while someone with a South African passport who has been in the Schengen area in the past 14 days couldn’t enter the US.

What about US citizens?

This policy doesn’t apply to legal permanent residents of the US, immediate family members of US citizens (parents, children, spouses, etc.), and other individuals who are identified in the proclamation.

Those who are allowed to travel to the US will be subjected to additional screening, though we don’t yet know what this will look like.

How does the Europe ban impact travelers?

This ban obviously has huge implications for airlines, hotels, etc., and they haven’t yet fully responded to the situation. Let me share below what we know so far, and note that I’ll update this post as we learn more.

What does this policy mean for airlines?

Airlines still seem to be trying to figure out what to do with this policy. In theory there’s nothing banning flights from anywhere in Europe to anywhere in the US, but rather the restriction is just on who could travel on these flights.

What we don’t know yet is if flights from the Schengen area to the US will be completely canceled over the next several weeks, or if they’ll just operate a very limited number of flights, due to the restrictions on who can take them.

At absolute best I would expect a massive reduction in flights between the Schengen area and the US, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them canceled completely.

As of the time of this post I continue to see airlines selling flights from the Schengen area to the US beyond Friday, so I’ll be sure to update this post if that changes.

How can the US tell if you’ve been to the Schengen area in the past 14 days?

A lot have wondered if you could fly from the Schengen area to the US via London, for example, since the UK is excluded.

For foreigners this ban isn’t based on your nationality, but rather based on whether you’ve been to the Schengen area in the past 14 days.

For example, if you have dual citizenship (both non-US), could you use one passport to enter the Schengen area, and a different passport to enter the US, so it looks like you haven’t been to the Schengen area?

Obviously that would be prohibited, and I imagine the US has quite a bit of info on people in the background. It’s not something I’d risk or expect to work, personally, though I do wonder how easily they’ll be able to enforce it.

Can you cancel a hotel in the US because of the new travel ban?

Most hotel companies have been issuing travel waivers for regions heavily impacted by the current situation. I would expect that most global hotel groups will waive cancelation policies for those who can’t visit the US as a result of these new restrictions. However, as of now it doesn’t look like policies have been updated.

Can Americans still travel to Europe?

There’s nothing restricting Americans from visiting Europe during this travel ban. You can expect you’ll be subjected to additional screening for your return journey, but this ban is exclusively for foreign nationals.

Personally I wouldn’t be concerned about the policy extending to US nationals. Trump had a similar policy for China, and that didn’t apply to Americans. If it didn’t apply for travel to China, I can’t imagine it will apply for travel to Europe.

Bottom line

For the next 30 days, foreign nationals who have been to the Schengen area of Europe in the past 14 days will be banned from entering the US, with few exceptions.

These really are unprecedented times, and it will be interesting to see how airlines react. As of now I don’t see any huge flight cancelations, though I guess we’ll find out soon if all flights between the Schengen area and US are canceled, or how this is handled.

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  1. Alicia Guest

    Can you please help effected passengers by writing a post about TAP Air Portugal's unfriendly COVID-19 policy? They are refusing to issue refunds ( for effected passengers flying to/from USA. Only willing to change for free + pay fare difference + several other restrictions.



    Yes, we're talking about 20% hospitalized. I have been living within these four walls for two weeks now, I read the official bulletins everyday, and the numbers are exactly those. I think I know my share about this, like all the people in my country. The fact that overseas people are still pretending that the same rates won't apply is rather surreal. Hospitals are literally exploding here, and we have more IT beds per...


    Yes, we're talking about 20% hospitalized. I have been living within these four walls for two weeks now, I read the official bulletins everyday, and the numbers are exactly those. I think I know my share about this, like all the people in my country. The fact that overseas people are still pretending that the same rates won't apply is rather surreal. Hospitals are literally exploding here, and we have more IT beds per capita than most other countries in the world, other than northern Europe countries.

    Hospitalized doesn't mean IT. Sometimes you only need concentrated oxygen (it affects young people too), sometimes you need proning. But you do need a hospital.
    May be too bad to believe it, but it is indeed that bad.

  3. Jakub Guest

    Hello, Im pretty sure you have tons of messages. If I will be traveling from Europe and Im heading to Canada, I know that all flights are canceled to USA but can I at least change a airplane in USA?

  4. Andry Guest


    So your sources are canon law and other sources are fake? (and please remember that I haven't mentioned any sources as of yet). I suggest you look up the name Thomas Erdbrink and how your NYT handled that situation. Maybe that would/ could give you a broader perspective and ignite critical thinking.

    Still the above doesn't surprise me as much as this does "not desirable to bring back jobs". Im still speechless.

  5. DCS Guest

    August 13, 2019, not August 12.

  6. DCS Guest

    @Andry -- I repeat: Inform yourself first, then pontificate. Material from right-wing fax machines, Trump's "exaggerations" or boasts, or distortions by his sycophants on Faux News do not count as facts.

    "Trump’s Push to Bring Back Jobs to U.S. Shows Limited Results" -- The New York Times, August 12, 2019

    I am done here.


  7. Noah Bowie Guest

    The virus is already spreading within the US. There was a time where this policy might've worked a bit. It was a month ago. This is Trump closing the door too late showing how woefully unprepared the US is for an outbreak.

  8. Andry Guest


    Im ignoring ur personal attack... but this:

    "I have no time to school you on what’s now plain to anyone who’s paid attention. Trump has been disastrous in anything that he’s done or tried to do as POTUS, including isolating the US from its traditional liberal democratic allies while cozying up with the world’s worst autocrats: Putin, Kim Jong Eun, Duterte. He brought no jobs back home and, in fact, it is not even...


    Im ignoring ur personal attack... but this:

    "I have no time to school you on what’s now plain to anyone who’s paid attention. Trump has been disastrous in anything that he’s done or tried to do as POTUS, including isolating the US from its traditional liberal democratic allies while cozying up with the world’s worst autocrats: Putin, Kim Jong Eun, Duterte. He brought no jobs back home and, in fact, it is not even desirable to do that in what’s an irreversibly interconnected and global economy."

    - Makes me wonder, why did you abandon your fact based argumentation in favour of generalising? What happened?

    - In what reality hasn't he brought jobs back to the US? U deny that production is brought back? that major companies are now forced to have some level of production in the US?

    - Yet the most staggering part in your second goodbye is where you claim bringing jobs back is not desirable: Im absolutely speechless.

    Thank you for your time. Goodbye

  9. JJP Guest

    @snic: Your first thoughts are so true but your last line is the most important and also remember that Scotland where he has a golf resort and Turkey, the only EU country not included in the travel Ban is where he has Trump Twin Towers. This is no coincidence. He attacks anyone that will not kiss his his feet or any other appendage in any country including mine, the USA.

  10. Brian Guest

    Seems a foolish knee jerk reaction that won’t really help. The lack of federal action has let the virus spread across the US practically unfettered. They only reason the infection rates are so low is because the testing rates are equally low. The president should have taken the threat posed more seriously. What kind of idiot calls a virus that is already endemic in other countries a hoax?

  11. snic Guest

    @Farnboroughman: "I cannot understand the logic of the ban in its form devised by Trump. UK and Irish citizens can freely travel within the Schengen area by production of their passport and vice versa with European citizens. Our passports are not stamped and we have no visas. We just have to queue! Iceland for example is not in the EU but is within Schengen The blanket ban on the 26 Schengen countries visits is difficult...

    @Farnboroughman: "I cannot understand the logic of the ban in its form devised by Trump. UK and Irish citizens can freely travel within the Schengen area by production of their passport and vice versa with European citizens. Our passports are not stamped and we have no visas. We just have to queue! Iceland for example is not in the EU but is within Schengen The blanket ban on the 26 Schengen countries visits is difficult to understand"

    It's easy to understand when you remember where Trump's golf resorts are: The UK and Ireland.

  12. Jonathan Guest

    Not surprising,. I sure wish that this was avoidable.

  13. UA-NYC Guest

    I hope all the Trump Sycophants continue to only get their info from Fox News. The whole thing is a scam! It’s a Lib’l conspiracy! No need to wash my hands! Travel ban keeps evil foreign virus 100% out of Murica!

    And then natural selection will take its lovely course.

  14. KK Guest

    Lucky, if Schengen residents are barred entry to the USA, will that also mean European carriers must fill their crew rosters with Americans, Canadians, Irish or UK residents? Or is this a thinly veiled attempt to bar foreign carriers from serving the USA while the North American airlines profit from this temporary ban?

  15. Stefano Guest

    ... meanwhile, in Mar-a-Lago, Trump spent the weekend with his friend Bolsonaro and his press secretary who resulted positive to the novel coronavirus...
    And UK authorities estimated today during the PM’s speech to the nation that they estimate there are up to 10,000 cases in the UK, despite the 650 reported cases... which means the US may have 30,000 cases by now, including Trump...
    Additionally, data suggest that cases are doubling in Italy...

    ... meanwhile, in Mar-a-Lago, Trump spent the weekend with his friend Bolsonaro and his press secretary who resulted positive to the novel coronavirus...
    And UK authorities estimated today during the PM’s speech to the nation that they estimate there are up to 10,000 cases in the UK, despite the 650 reported cases... which means the US may have 30,000 cases by now, including Trump...
    Additionally, data suggest that cases are doubling in Italy every 3.6 days, and in the US every 2 days.
    Italy, which has the most reported cases in the world after China, does not allow its citizens to travel anywhere, so the likelihood of an Italian traveling to the US is close to zero in this moment.
    Trump’s decision is pure political game, useless rhetoric, while he’s not addressing the domestic problem that we will see in 2-3 weeks.

  16. D3KingAmerican Guest

    President Trump has saved thousands of American lives so far and domestic travel bans will be coming soon.

  17. Mark Guest

    If he really meant business he'd have banned ALL people who were in Europe from going to the USA. Americans are just as likely to contract CoronaVirus as anyone else . In fact USA should just shut the borders and allow no one , including American's outside the USA - from ANY country until this clears .

    Which will be a couple of years at the least.

  18. John Guest

    @ everyone: Trump is basically saying the virus is Europe's fault. When in fact, until a couple of weeks ago he was in denial about the virus. The only thing in all this that amazes me is how this guy can run a country like the USA.

  19. DCS Guest

    Similar info because @JJP was quicker on the draw...

  20. DCS Guest

    @JJP -- Excellent catch!

    Trump owns twin towers in Istanbul, Turkey. Here's what Wikipedia says about them:

    "Trump Towers Istanbul are two conjoined towers in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey. One of the towers is an office tower, and the other a residential tower, consisting of over 200 residences. The complex also holds a shopping mall with some 80 shops and a multiplex cinema. They are the first Trump Towers built in Europe. The property developer is...

    @JJP -- Excellent catch!

    Trump owns twin towers in Istanbul, Turkey. Here's what Wikipedia says about them:

    "Trump Towers Istanbul are two conjoined towers in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey. One of the towers is an office tower, and the other a residential tower, consisting of over 200 residences. The complex also holds a shopping mall with some 80 shops and a multiplex cinema. They are the first Trump Towers built in Europe. The property developer is Turkish billionaire Aydın Doğan, in a license-partnership with American businessman Donald Trump. His daughter Ivanka Trump attended the April 2012 launch with Erdoğan. Many businesses based in Europe and the Middle East occupy the complex.

    The residential tower includes the only collective wine cellar in Turkey, the cellar being built by Focus Wine Cellars.

    Among the buildings' prominent tenants is Iranian-born businessman Reza Zarrab."

    While the world burned, Trump, the most corrupt POTUS ever, was using his position to push policies ("No travel from Europe to the US except from countries where I own golf courses and twin towers.") designed to line up his pockets!

  21. JJP Guest

    @globetrotter: Yes, thank you for pointing out the British Health Minister has tested positive. I was unaware of that. Here is some info on the Trump Towers in Istanbul, Turkey.

    Trump Towers Istanbul are two conjoined towers in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey. One of the towers is an office tower, and the other a residential tower, consisting of over 200 residences. The complex also holds a shopping mall with some 80 shops and a multiplex cinema....

    @globetrotter: Yes, thank you for pointing out the British Health Minister has tested positive. I was unaware of that. Here is some info on the Trump Towers in Istanbul, Turkey.

    Trump Towers Istanbul are two conjoined towers in Şişli, Istanbul, Turkey. One of the towers is an office tower, and the other a residential tower, consisting of over 200 residences. The complex also holds a shopping mall with some 80 shops and a multiplex cinema. They are the first Trump Towers built in Europe.

  22. globetrotter Guest

    @ JP: Not to forget that the British Health Minister is tested positive for the coronavirus. Interestingly, no previous commentators detected the most important factor that Trump excluded those countries on the list. I am not aware that Trump has a resort in Turkey. But all those Trump resorts and golf courses are financially struggling. Big time even with taxpayers support.

  23. JJP Guest

    Notice which countries are not in this travel ban - Britain, Ireland, Scotland, and Turkey. Guess where Trump has resorts and golf courses.

  24. Farnboroughman Guest

    I cannot understand the logic of the ban in its form devised by Trump. UK and Irish citizens can freely travel within the Schengen area by production of their passport and vice versa with European citizens. Our passports are not stamped and we have no visas. We just have to queue! Iceland for example is not in the EU but is within Schengen The blanket ban on the 26 Schengen countries visits is difficult to understand

  25. bdv Guest

    He needs to find a culprit for miserably failing to protect us here in the US.

    There are less cases in the US because they aren't testing people on purpose so the numbers look low !!

  26. DCS Guest

    @Andry -- Please educate yourself. I have no time to school you on what's now plain to anyone who's paid attention. Trump has been disastrous in anything that he's done or tried to do as POTUS, including isolating the US from its traditional liberal democratic allies while cozying up with the world's worst autocrats: Putin, Kim Jong Eun, Duterte. He brought no jobs back home and, in fact, it is not even desirable to do...

    @Andry -- Please educate yourself. I have no time to school you on what's now plain to anyone who's paid attention. Trump has been disastrous in anything that he's done or tried to do as POTUS, including isolating the US from its traditional liberal democratic allies while cozying up with the world's worst autocrats: Putin, Kim Jong Eun, Duterte. He brought no jobs back home and, in fact, it is not even desirable to do that in what's an irreversibly interconnected and global economy. That is why January 2021 won't come soon enough to take Trump to the annals of history, where he will earn the distinction of being the #worst.POTUS.ever ...

    What Trump deserves is not credit but discredit for bringing the world's greatest democracy to the brink of collapse by thumbing his nose at its central pillar of respect for the constitution and rule of law.


  27. CK Guest

    Since this applies to the Schengen area, of course it does not apply to the UK since they are not part of the zone and never have been.

  28. Frank Guest

    @Andy 11235 - Actually, since Korematsu v. US (Japanese Internment) has never been overturned so the executive could ban US citizens and naturalized foreigners from entry if they could prove that it was the only way to prevent a harm to a significant governmental interest. The reasoning would basically have to be the traditional strict scrutiny test on steroids to pass judicial review but it could still theoretically happen. If I had to make the...

    @Andy 11235 - Actually, since Korematsu v. US (Japanese Internment) has never been overturned so the executive could ban US citizens and naturalized foreigners from entry if they could prove that it was the only way to prevent a harm to a significant governmental interest. The reasoning would basically have to be the traditional strict scrutiny test on steroids to pass judicial review but it could still theoretically happen. If I had to make the case, the argument is that there is ample proof of asymptomatic transmission so the only way to be sure of zero transmissions would be to test all travelers then only allow travelers with a negative test and full isolation from the time of the test until the person boards the plane. Since that is impossible, no one can travel, period. (I actually did a thesis report in my Con Law II class on the theoretical application of Korematsu back in 1999 and nothing has changed since then.)

  29. Ryan Guest

    @Michelle Bayley the fact that you "would not even doubt" that this is some massive conspiracy somehow orchestrated by the "left-wing media" with the obvious help of China and Italy is exactly why Trump says that he can kill someone in the middle of NYC and he would still get votes and be right about it.

  30. Paul Guest


    No. If you book a flight from FRA to LHR and then onward to the U.S., you will have a Schengen exit stamp from when you left Germany. I (U.S. citizen) am due to go back to the U.S. from Israel on April 2, but I booked separate flights TLV-ATH then ATH-LHR-MSP. When I recheck my bags in Athens, I’ll have a Schengen entry and exit stamp from the same day. If I were a non-U.S. citizen, I’d be screwed, despite only spending a few hours in the Schengen zone.

  31. snic Guest

    Just to repeat what S says, as it makes a LOT of sense and should be heard above the noise:

    "I’m a pulmonary and critical care physician. The europe travel ban is the right thing to do. ICUs are already operating at full capacity and about to get overwhelmed if the virus spread does not come down.

    We need not just international travel ban, but everyone should do social distancing, work from home, avoid travel,...

    Just to repeat what S says, as it makes a LOT of sense and should be heard above the noise:

    "I’m a pulmonary and critical care physician. The europe travel ban is the right thing to do. ICUs are already operating at full capacity and about to get overwhelmed if the virus spread does not come down.

    We need not just international travel ban, but everyone should do social distancing, work from home, avoid travel, minimize exposure in public spaces until the spread comes down."

    What I would like to know is why Trump didn't emphasize the second half: social distancing, etc. He said a lot of things in his address, and devoted just seconds to the one thing that is going to actually save people. Instead, he said "The risk is very, very low," and that the elderly population "should be very, very careful." The fact is that ALL of us need to be "very, very careful" in order to avoid spreading the disease and putting friends, loved ones and strangers who might be vulnerable at risk of death.

    Instead, Trump went on and on about the economy, as if that were what we should be worrying about in the face of a pandemic. This is extremely poor leadership.

  32. Andry Guest


    So basically you are saying that Pr. Trump waging eco. war on (basically) the entire world, pulling out of countless trade deals which was supposed to cause armagedon according to every liberal media outlet and their experts who warned us countless times of the financial meltdown that was just going to happen if Pr. T did this or that, forcing major companies to bring back PRODUCTION LINE back to the US (which + the...


    So basically you are saying that Pr. Trump waging eco. war on (basically) the entire world, pulling out of countless trade deals which was supposed to cause armagedon according to every liberal media outlet and their experts who warned us countless times of the financial meltdown that was just going to happen if Pr. T did this or that, forcing major companies to bring back PRODUCTION LINE back to the US (which + the deregulation are the reason big and small companies are hiring like crazy again) etc etc had none to do with it and eco. boom was all in place before him? He just a free rider?

    Come on man. Dont make me say "Too bad Pr. Obama wasn't around to reap the benefits of his work and instead had to watch THE mean orange man steal all the glory". Come on.

    Ever since Globalism took off, production has been moving out of the western world. Pr. Trump and his team have reversed that for the first time if I'm not mistaken. This is something that you, you personally as an american, will in one way or anther, benefit from (unless you are major global player).

    Hate him all you want, but give credit where its due, its the right thing to do.

  33. Andy 11235 Guest

    Just because I think it is important to note, the restrictions MUST exempt US citizens and permanent residents who may have been in these areas. The former have an absolute constitutional right to enter the US. They should be quarantined, but cannot ever be banned from entering the country. Similarly, permanent residents have a statutory right of entry that cannot be modified by executive decree. The perennial issue is that unless quarantines are rigorously enforced...

    Just because I think it is important to note, the restrictions MUST exempt US citizens and permanent residents who may have been in these areas. The former have an absolute constitutional right to enter the US. They should be quarantined, but cannot ever be banned from entering the country. Similarly, permanent residents have a statutory right of entry that cannot be modified by executive decree. The perennial issue is that unless quarantines are rigorously enforced on everyone, there will continue to be spread of this virus.

  34. John Guest

    it is a lot easier to ban travel instead of making sure the country has an adequate supply of tests. Currently in China tests give results in 15 minutes. In the USA it can take 24 hours. The problem is not air travel - flights to Italy had been cancelled for ages. The problem is that Trump has no policy at all. Pointing fingers except to himself seems to be the only thing he can do.

  35. KRB Guest

    Maybe a silly question, but I am traveling on my way home from the U.K. through Amsterdam to the U.S. Is that not allowed? Haven't changed plans based on this. Trying to get a right answer.

  36. Lisa Guest

    If I have a flight leaving Scotland to the US, but it connects in Finland, would the time in the airport be considered spending time in a Schengen country?

  37. AlexanderH Guest

    Germany has fewer deaths (even population adjusted) and most likely fewer cases (all cases reportetd as there are tests here for everyone unlike in the US) So if you believe that Trumps measure really protects citizens, I guess we germans have to thankful to him for protecting us from contact with a country more heavily affected then us. Who did you say has handle on this?

  38. Gautam Rao Guest

    What about passengers travelling to US from Non-European countries, but transiting via these countries? Are they impacted too?

  39. Frank Guest

    @Andy S - One of the prohibitions is foreign nationals on flights from the Schengen area. Unless your boyfriend has a Green Card, he will not be allowed into the US. Most likely, he would not be allowed on the first flight since the airline would be responsible to fly him back to his point of origin when he is refused entry. If he can get rerouted on a flight through the UK, that would be his best shot to get here.

  40. TM Guest

    My wife and I arrived in Munich to start our honeymoon on Wednesday after a great flight over in Delta One on LAX-CDG and woke up to this news this morning. Ultimately we made the call to bail and are currently flying to Denver with LH. Two weeks of uncertainty with the likelihood of DL cancelling our return flight just wasn’t worth it. Trying to get a hold of Delta to try and change our...

    My wife and I arrived in Munich to start our honeymoon on Wednesday after a great flight over in Delta One on LAX-CDG and woke up to this news this morning. Ultimately we made the call to bail and are currently flying to Denver with LH. Two weeks of uncertainty with the likelihood of DL cancelling our return flight just wasn’t worth it. Trying to get a hold of Delta to try and change our original booking to today’s MUC-ATL flight was impossible and by the time we talked to anyone, the flight was overbooked. Sucked it up and booked the LH flight in Y and hopefully our travel insurance will cover the costs. We were suppose to go skiing in the Alps, but now I’ve heard many of the skiers are closing down for the season early.

    Note to self: don’t book a honeymoon around Friday the 13th. It won’t go well.

  41. DCS Guest

    @Chuck -- I did not notice that it was a quote. My bad ;-(

  42. Michelle Dauphiny Guest

    Viruses do not care what passport you hold. If the administration believed that the Shengen area was dangerous enough to block transport from into the US, it would not exclude US passport holders. I think India did this better -- giving everyone 3 days to get out or stay before borders simply close. Also better for the airlines and businesses.

  43. Creditian Guest

    Make BA Great Again!!!

  44. Chuck Guest

    @DCS, I was quoting Michelle Bayley's absurd comments. I'm not sure that her tin foil will shield her from COVID-19.

  45. Colin Guest

    Germany thinks that up to 58 million of their OWN people will get COVID-19.

    Yeah, Europe has a handle on this. No restrictions needed.

    (And here's the source for the above commment, regarding Sweden: )

  46. Colin Guest

    Just FYI, Sweden announced they will NOT perform any more testing, unless you're hospitalized. Even if you show the symptoms of COVID-19.

    Yeah, Europe has a handle on this. No restrictions needed.

  47. Colin Guest

    @Erick - Are you asking why Americans can't be included in a ban of traveling to America?

    Are you for real?

  48. Erick Guest

    @Fantastico and other readers/writers very supportive of the measure... seriously? can you explain why US citizens/residents are excluded? individually considered they probably represent the biggest risk for the US population...

  49. DCS Guest

    chocked out == shocked out

  50. Andy S. Guest

    My boyfriend, who is a non U.S. citizen will be traveling from Istanbul to Seattle on March 15 with a 3 hr layover at CDG. Technically, he is not visiting a Schengen country as he just has a layover. Does that mean he will still be affected by the ban?
    Thank you!

  51. DCS Guest

    @Chuck sez: "In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy…a plan Z if you will…of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets in an election run up. The truth of the virus is that it is simply that..a simple virus."

    LOL. That is called the 'Deranged by Trump Syndrome'!

    The entire world, led by China, is...

    @Chuck sez: "In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy…a plan Z if you will…of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets in an election run up. The truth of the virus is that it is simply that..a simple virus."

    LOL. That is called the 'Deranged by Trump Syndrome'!

    The entire world, led by China, is in cahoot with the liberal US media in perpetrating a 'hoax' that is designed to spook the markets and throw the world economies into a recession, all so that Trump can lose an election that he has very little chance of winning to start with, considering the fundamentals and his record unpopularity since he lucked out the last time around?

    It took a "perfect storm" for Trump to squeak out an electoral college victory 4 years ago. Another "perfect storm" is gathering that is going to send Trump packing by handing him a seismic landslide loss: (a) Biden's "Lazarus Act" means that Trump is about to face the general election opponent of his worse nightmares, who even led to his impeachment; (b) the markets are tanking, presaging the country's economy slide into a recession by November; and (c) having come face to face with Trump's incompetence in his handling of the life or death situation created by the COVID-19, some of his staunchest supporters are likely to be chocked out of their mass hypnosis and desert him November.

    The liberal media is not Machiavellian enough to come up with that "perfect storm" that is gathering to take Trump away. For such a master piece, you've got to blame karma or providence or fate or just a very cruel twist of irony.

  52. Kai Guest

    What the hell happened to that promised freaking wall? Please build it ASAP and lock yourselves inside!

  53. Rod Guest

    I am in a unique situation…
    Travelling from Australia to JFK on QF. Then BA from JFK-AMS in a week.

    Now Trump has instituted the travel ban for non-US citizens/Permanent Residents returning to the US from Europe. Technically, I cannot fly last leg from AMS-LHR-JFK due to being denied entry to USA.

    Should BA be contacting me to offer refund? I booked the ticket 8 months ago, before COVID.

  54. Colin Guest


    80% being mild does NOT mean 20% are hospitalized (let alone hospitalized on breathing tubes). Let’s stop the misinformation campaign


    If 80% of cases are mild, it means 20% are hospitalized. And the virus spreads more quickly than seasonal flu. It means 20% of millions and millions will need a breathing support at a hospital.
    There are not simply enough IT beds and devices for this, no country on Earth is ready for that. Lethality is low as long as there's a breathing device and a bed ready for you.

  56. JohnC Guest

    I think it should include Americans also. The sad fact is that Americans are the ones infecting other Americans when they come home.

  57. Chuck Guest

    "Michelle Bayley says:
    March 12, 2020 at 1:01 am

    just wow to all of the above posters….you just cannot resist throwing a little Trump Derangement Syndrome out there can you? How sad. YOU are the virus. In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy…a plan Z if you will…of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets...

    "Michelle Bayley says:
    March 12, 2020 at 1:01 am

    just wow to all of the above posters….you just cannot resist throwing a little Trump Derangement Syndrome out there can you? How sad. YOU are the virus. In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy…a plan Z if you will…of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets in an election run up. The truth of the virus is that it is simply that..a simple virus. 99 percent survivable. Trump was hosed either nothing and be labeled as an uncaring oaf or do what he did and be an alarmist. He did what he HAD to do in this circumstance to calm the highly triggered and easily distracted American public. Enjoy."

    You're saying that Trump had to close the barn door after the horses were out? Okay, if you say so. "A problem, you say? And I need to address it? Well, how about a travel ban?! After all, the world is nothing but nails since I have only this hammer." The killer is already in the house. Sure, feel free to lock the door so that no more killers get in, but it fails to address the significant aspects of the current and upcoming disaster. You say you are going bankrupt due to your monthly spending of thousands more than you make? Trump will suggest that you solve your problem by not buying any more penny candy.

  58. Johannes Bols Guest

    In my action packed 61 of life, I have NEVER had my liberty curtailed. I have enjoyed absolute freedom to move about as I wished. I am profoundly disturbed by this travel ban. You can call me paranoid, you can also say I engage in critical thinking.

    It's beginning to feel like cattle cars hauling us away and we're never seen again. If I could make one iota of sense out of this travel...

    In my action packed 61 of life, I have NEVER had my liberty curtailed. I have enjoyed absolute freedom to move about as I wished. I am profoundly disturbed by this travel ban. You can call me paranoid, you can also say I engage in critical thinking.

    It's beginning to feel like cattle cars hauling us away and we're never seen again. If I could make one iota of sense out of this travel ban, I'd be able to put aside a sense of dread I've never felt before, being American and living in the United States.

    I hope I'm horribly wrong in thinking this is the beginning of an orchestrated plan. For what?
    That's what I'd like to know.

  59. Max. Guest

    When I drive in will border patrol suddenly ask me where I have been?


    @suhail kazim..........thank you for kind words. All will be good, positivity. It is just worrisome when your in the heart of it. And why I used a graphic word, I’m sure others posting may be in it as well around the world. Although, it hits harder when it is in your backyard and you know you can easily get it bc immune system. Or at least epicenter of USA. And sadly, I was not paying...

    @suhail kazim..........thank you for kind words. All will be good, positivity. It is just worrisome when your in the heart of it. And why I used a graphic word, I’m sure others posting may be in it as well around the world. Although, it hits harder when it is in your backyard and you know you can easily get it bc immune system. Or at least epicenter of USA. And sadly, I was not paying attention for once in my life on news for few days ( I guess pain drugs put you out of it after surgery when on them few days ) and I never would have came to Seattle if I knew. Sorry my complete screw up. All will be great, but hank you for words.

  61. Sam Guest

    Norwegian won’t survive this. This is pretty bad for the airline industry.

    I’ll cancel my planned trip to SFO + LA over Easter with UA.


    Correction in First post post - bipartisan.
    @brewerSea ——— And thank you. I was displeased and the word came out.

  63. Shimon Guest

    I can believe the American people put this nut job in the WH.

    Concentration must be focused upon existing cases within the US and actually testing people rather than the usual rhetoric about how great America is.
    Whatever said and done the Europeans all essentially have a system that is open to one and all. America, does not - which is the main reason the appropriate measures have not been taken.

  64. VT-CIE Guest

    A lot have wondered if you could fly from the Schengen area to the US via London, for example, since the UK isn’t excluded.

    You mean that the UK *IS* excluded.

  65. Nathan Guest

    As an Australian not impacted at all by this decision it does seem to make sense to limit new cases coming into USA. You can’t really ban your own citizens from returning but enhanced screening and testing can reduce that risk and in fact should be welcome by those returning so they can get some peace of mind.

    However the question comes at what point to you ban domestic air travel. If the best way...

    As an Australian not impacted at all by this decision it does seem to make sense to limit new cases coming into USA. You can’t really ban your own citizens from returning but enhanced screening and testing can reduce that risk and in fact should be welcome by those returning so they can get some peace of mind.

    However the question comes at what point to you ban domestic air travel. If the best way to stop the spread is social distancing that really can’t occur in an airplane. I’m not advocating for such a ban but logically that would be the next step once a country gets to a certain point (like Italy has now). Is there a plan for that (I’m including my country here as well)?

    I know in Australia they are starting to talk about playing major sporting events without crowds although the Grand Prix this weekend is going ahead without restrictions but with growing criticism (including from the drivers). I’ve note the NBA decision, when does this ban or banning crowds, go mainstream?

    I’m serious about the above questions, when does domestic air travel and sporting and major cultural events or events with big gatherings become untenable?

    Good luck to everyone. If we stay sensible and consider our neighbours as well as ourselves we can keep deaths limited and social cohesion intact.

  66. Ross Guest

    Thank God this doesn't affect flights from Australia. No one there has Covid-19, right?

  67. Brian Guest

    The UK and Ireland aren't on the list because they have not been designated as Level 3 by the CDC.

    Illnesses from this strain first appeared less than 80 days ago, it was genome mapped roughly 60 days ago with the first strain specific tests developed shortly afterwards. If testing were more widespread and the denominator (those infected) increases then the death rate drops. COVID19 is lethal to the elderly and with already compromised...

    The UK and Ireland aren't on the list because they have not been designated as Level 3 by the CDC.

    Illnesses from this strain first appeared less than 80 days ago, it was genome mapped roughly 60 days ago with the first strain specific tests developed shortly afterwards. If testing were more widespread and the denominator (those infected) increases then the death rate drops. COVID19 is lethal to the elderly and with already compromised health. 80% of known cases to date are mild.

  68. Memento Guest

    With 1300+ cases in the US I fail to see how the ban will help. We are infecting each other regardless of whether people from the great other are coming here. This policy is written with the xenophobic voter in mind. Never mind if it really makes sense. Never mind what this will do to the travel industry that is already weathering this issue without Baby Brent sticking his short fingers into it. I hear...

    With 1300+ cases in the US I fail to see how the ban will help. We are infecting each other regardless of whether people from the great other are coming here. This policy is written with the xenophobic voter in mind. Never mind if it really makes sense. Never mind what this will do to the travel industry that is already weathering this issue without Baby Brent sticking his short fingers into it. I hear Jared Kushner is now reading up on the issues and he will rescue us just like he did for government modernization, the opioid crisis, and Middle East peace.


    Makes sense, but the measure will be worthless, as the virus has already got a stable hold on the US. And it's spreading much more than you think, because the number of positive cases is underestimated to say the least, since not everyone is willing to pay a fortune to get tested: many people showing a simple flu will just stay home, avoid paying for the test, pass the virus to family members who will...

    Makes sense, but the measure will be worthless, as the virus has already got a stable hold on the US. And it's spreading much more than you think, because the number of positive cases is underestimated to say the least, since not everyone is willing to pay a fortune to get tested: many people showing a simple flu will just stay home, avoid paying for the test, pass the virus to family members who will in turn spread it around.
    In Europe, tests are free -and still too few are made-. In Korea, tests are made by the thousands every day. In the US, the problem is overlooked.
    I really hope it will go well, because if the US are hit then the whole world economy receives one more massive blow. This is why it's a disgrace that the worst health crisis in modern history will happen with someone like Trump as president.
    Again: the virus is there, isolation is no longer a solution.

  70. Jerome Guest

    Thank God for Trump! Bravo! Well done!

  71. Ross Guest

    Meanwhile, air freight rates are soaring, because half of it is carried on passenger flights that surely will be canceled.
    Aeroflot still flies from Russia. It's a way of thanking Putin for lower oil prices.

  72. DCS Guest

    @Andry sez: "i cannot ignore the fact that “the facts” that you keep repeating like a mantra, you know statistics, unemployment rates, those kind of stuff, they all point towards your country having one of its best moments in decades."

    No one said you should ignore anything. Obama inherited an economy in free fall as a result of the 2008 'Great Recession' and proceeded to right that ship, with the unemployment rate dropping from around...

    @Andry sez: "i cannot ignore the fact that “the facts” that you keep repeating like a mantra, you know statistics, unemployment rates, those kind of stuff, they all point towards your country having one of its best moments in decades."

    No one said you should ignore anything. Obama inherited an economy in free fall as a result of the 2008 'Great Recession' and proceeded to right that ship, with the unemployment rate dropping from around 10% to ~4% when he left office. So, "the best moments in decades" that you are referring to were started before Trump took office, meaning that he inherited rather than created those "best moments." Other than a tax cut that benefited only corporations, there is little that Trump did that can account for the 'great moments'. The fundamentals for the 'great moments' were already in place and they were robust enough to withstand tampering with by Trump, which is why the good times have continued rolling *in spite* of Trump.

    The stock market is not the economy, but Trump likes to brag about how the markets have shattered records during his presidency, which is nonsensical because what are important are not the absolute values, since they always rise with time despite gyrations like now, but the rates of change. Here's a comparison of %change in market indices:

    Total stock market days: 789
    Data Last Updated: 2020-03-11

    Mkt Index Trump Obama Difference
    S&P 500 +21% +68% +47% Obama
    NASDAQ +43% +104% +61% Obama
    Dow Jones +19% +61% +42% Obama

    See? Obama wins...

    ...So, look up these things up before pontificating!

  73. BrewerSEA Guest

    @Florida Sunshine
    Your second post was automatically filtered for language but is now visible due to moderator intervention.

    I am no fan of the president, but I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiments. I was particularly impressed with the the president’s appointment of Dr. Deborah Birx (she ran PEPFAR since 2014) as the White House coronavirus coordinator. If she has a real voice in the decision-making process, then we can feel confident that the...

    @Florida Sunshine
    Your second post was automatically filtered for language but is now visible due to moderator intervention.

    I am no fan of the president, but I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiments. I was particularly impressed with the the president’s appointment of Dr. Deborah Birx (she ran PEPFAR since 2014) as the White House coronavirus coordinator. If she has a real voice in the decision-making process, then we can feel confident that the best measures are at a minimum being considered. I hope the partisan mudslinging we see here will ebb. From the way things are turning in Seattle, people need to recognize this is a natural disaster of proportions not seen in the United States in our lifetime. The messaging from our local leaders in Washington took an abrupt turn yesterday. We are being told to expect impacts similar to a major earthquake. In King County, any public space that can’t ensure the public maintains six feet separation other than incidentally is closed or closing. Restaurants and bars are expected to fail en masse. Service industry workers are generally expecting most people to be laid off with no prospect of other employment or income. This means we are at a critical moment. We need to come together and implore our leaders to implement programs that help people now, not criticize past failures or cynically predict inaction.

  74. Ernest Alleva Guest

    I for one will welcome the reprieve from European Tourists here in NYC who constantly decide to stop in fnt of you while your trying to get to a destination so they can photograph a crack in the sidewalk.

  75. suhail kazim Guest

    @Florida are doing a very sensible thing by taking your precautions....wish you all the best...

  76. John Guest

    The only reason why the UK and Ireland are not included is to protect Trump's hotels in those countries.
    The situation in the USA is a lot worst than in most of European countries.

    "Good news for golfers: The travel restrictions exempt nations where three Trump-owned golf resorts are located, as Ryan Heath writes. The U.K., which is home to Trump Turnberry and Trump International Golf Links, and Ireland, which is home to...

    The only reason why the UK and Ireland are not included is to protect Trump's hotels in those countries.
    The situation in the USA is a lot worst than in most of European countries.

    "Good news for golfers: The travel restrictions exempt nations where three Trump-owned golf resorts are located, as Ryan Heath writes. The U.K., which is home to Trump Turnberry and Trump International Golf Links, and Ireland, which is home to another Trump-branded hotel and golf course at Doonbeg, aren’t in the Schengen area."

  77. The Jetset Boyz Guest

    News just in from Hilton…

    We know that earning Hilton Honors Points and Status is an important way we show appreciation. We also know the current travel environment may limit your ability to stay with us.
    * We will pause the expiration of all points scheduled to expire between now and May 31, 2020.
* We will make updates to the requirements for earning tier status for 2021. Since the situation is still...

    News just in from Hilton…

    We know that earning Hilton Honors Points and Status is an important way we show appreciation. We also know the current travel environment may limit your ability to stay with us.
    * We will pause the expiration of all points scheduled to expire between now and May 31, 2020.
* We will make updates to the requirements for earning tier status for 2021. Since the situation is still evolving, it is too early to make and announce specific changes. We are committed to sharing details as soon as possible.

    We remain committed to offering you flexible booking options. Given these unique circumstances we are making additional adjustments to our individual booking policies to give you extra peace of mind:

    * Government Restrictions. In regions affected by government-issued travel restrictions, we will continue to waive change fees or offer full refunds. Please click here for the latest information on our travel waivers.
* Existing Reservations. All reservations – even those described as “non-cancellable” (“Advanced Purchase”) – that are scheduled for arrival before April 30, 2020, can be changed or cancelled at no charge up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival.

    * New Reservations. Any reservation you make – even those described as “non-cancellable” (“Advanced Purchase”) – that are booked between today and April 30, 2020, for any future arrival date, can be changed or cancelled at no charge up to 24 hours before your scheduled arrival.

  78. Florida Sunshine Guest

    Thanks for keeping my last post out. Sincere post.

  79. Alan Guest

    This is totally hilarious. The only reason the US has fewer cases is because hardly any testing is going on! They have 5x the population of the UK but have done 1/5th of the tests.

  80. WhoCares Guest

    I wonder what all those racists against Asians would say now.

    Hard to witness those uncivilized shmucks’ stupidity in my neighborhood. Asians are attacked for no reason. A lady was physically attacked cuz she was wearing a facemask, one was punched in her face for NOT wearing one in Manhattan Midtown during daylight, and a man was abused in a subway train for doing absolutely nothing.

    Guess where the “patient 0” of NY...

    I wonder what all those racists against Asians would say now.

    Hard to witness those uncivilized shmucks’ stupidity in my neighborhood. Asians are attacked for no reason. A lady was physically attacked cuz she was wearing a facemask, one was punched in her face for NOT wearing one in Manhattan Midtown during daylight, and a man was abused in a subway train for doing absolutely nothing.

    Guess where the “patient 0” of NY traveled from? Italy, Europe and nor the Pt 0 was an Asian. How funny

  81. Andry Guest


    Same in Swe. Although they did pull the direct flight to Tehran last week. Funny/ ironic/ sad thing was that just a couple of days before that the Public Health ministry was saying "we do not believe in stoping flights and screening people at airports" in response to why they were still allowing people in without checking. Absolute mess.

  82. Tom Guest

    Good luck America! Regardless of a travel plan, once you guys start testing more people the numbers of Corona patients will dramatically increase within the US.
    I'm not saying that a travel ban isn't a useful thing but the spread of the desease will increase as long as ill people can't be testet or can't afford to stay away from work. Getting a proper health care system might be a good start

  83. Andry Guest

    @CDS, G´mornin :)

    I do not wich to disrespect the former president of your country, no ifs no buts. At the same time i cannot ignore the fact that "the facts" that you keep repeating like a mantra, you know statistics, unemployment rates, those kind of stuff, they all point towards your country having one of its best moments in decades.

    About the rest, maybe the it was the individual officials who despite lack...

    @CDS, G´mornin :)

    I do not wich to disrespect the former president of your country, no ifs no buts. At the same time i cannot ignore the fact that "the facts" that you keep repeating like a mantra, you know statistics, unemployment rates, those kind of stuff, they all point towards your country having one of its best moments in decades.

    About the rest, maybe the it was the individual officials who despite lack of a plan from WH, are responsible for keeping the spread of the virus as low as it has been in the US. Or maybe the virus just decided to take another route? Maybe it even didn't start in China after all? Maybe it was Trump who started the spread, just to blame the liberals? Maybe

  84. Michael Guest

    Living in the Netherlands, I can't believe there are still flights going in and out of Milan and other Italian cities. Chinese airlines also still fly on European destinations. And we wonder why so many people get sick... No measurements taken at all either for people returning from these places, just walking around going about their lives until they get sick - together with whoever else they might have infected in the mean time. Ridiculous...

  85. EBWaa Guest

    I guess the virus wasn’t a hoax perpetuated by the LIBERAL MEDIA!!! after all. Weird.

  86. Craig jnr. Guest

    Thank God for that.
    Most English have bad teeth whereas the French and Italians tend to smell of body odour.
    Just saying what everyone is thinking.
    How long will trumps do it?

  87. kevin Guest

    interestingly, while anyone who has been in mainland europe in the last two weeks is banned, if a passenger flew in via the UK or Ireland can easily lie and say they didn't go to continental europe as a schengen stamp won't be in their passport.

  88. Kevin Guest

    Ben, can you make a correction? It's only a ban on the Schengen area. Ireland is neither a member of the Schengen agreement nor part of the UK


    And then if anybody cares, I had half my pancreas removed a month ago. I’m 33, but weak and immune system shot. So I’m very susceptible. I have beaten cancer. I’m going to the doctors tmrw morning to screen again then getting on a chartered flight with all necessary precautions to go stay with the two people I care about most On planet ( My significant other and our 1 year old daughter ) in...

    And then if anybody cares, I had half my pancreas removed a month ago. I’m 33, but weak and immune system shot. So I’m very susceptible. I have beaten cancer. I’m going to the doctors tmrw morning to screen again then getting on a chartered flight with all necessary precautions to go stay with the two people I care about most On planet ( My significant other and our 1 year old daughter ) in Palm Beach ( if test negative only ). And will self quarantine before I see them for time, but I’m there regardless. They haven’t left our condo in 10 days. I only came back to finish packing few items up. Sorry it is KIRKLAND. And sadly I did tell my boss to fuck off yesterday and resigned. So all you haters out there, it is not a problem for you until your really in it. Any in life is same way. Like 401ks decimated last few weeks, but some people have made fortunes and set up generations Sadly. But life. My hope is that people can be partisan and come together, this is a global issue and sadly tragedy is what typically only unites people in America.


    In all honesty, this is an awful event happening globally. I swing left, but I thought he did a nice job on his speech and acted Presidential. Of course people will ask questions for clarification and nit pick if ever possible, because all definitive questions weren’t answered. Maybe this should have been in place before....ok, but action was taken. I am sure the White House has many of you hating individuals above scenarios / questions...

    In all honesty, this is an awful event happening globally. I swing left, but I thought he did a nice job on his speech and acted Presidential. Of course people will ask questions for clarification and nit pick if ever possible, because all definitive questions weren’t answered. Maybe this should have been in place before....ok, but action was taken. I am sure the White House has many of you hating individuals above scenarios / questions answered by foreign governments. I live in Kirkland, the epicenter and just today, had another facility break out not more than 200 yards from my residence. Sadly, I want to leave and will although, I’d rather make sure I don’t have it before leaving and exposing others. And all you out there hating....come live in Kirkland where all stores are out of everything you need. And FYI. I was told I had to go into my job yesterday since I’m our general counsel or be fired bc a serious issue. I did and she tested positive for it 3 hours ago. Sadly we do not know who really has it bc the incubation process and that’s scary, but to me President Trump did the right thing tonight. As long as it’s contained and they get the test kits out. Human loss it tragic, but anyone can come back from losing a few dollars in the stock market or a recession..... u can’t come back from death with whatever u have or don’t. Personally, one of his better speeches and stayed on script for once. He is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRESIDENT. I give him kuddos regardless for once.

  91. DKB Guest

    Ireland was excluded too.

  92. Lauren Guest

    Currently in Africa with an award flight back to the states transiting through Frankfurt on Sunday. Hoping United will continue to fly a few flights to the US for the next week or so to get folks home before they stop all operations out of Europe.

  93. Stewart Edwards Guest

    As a Brit, some thoughts....

    1. I would love to visit the US this year. Finances aside, I just can’t see it happening now, for the simple reason that what the CDC have been saying and what your president has previously said seem to be at odds.

    2. This reminds me a bit of what the press report of the early stages of the issue in China. Hence (as now confirmed by health experts)...

    As a Brit, some thoughts....

    1. I would love to visit the US this year. Finances aside, I just can’t see it happening now, for the simple reason that what the CDC have been saying and what your president has previously said seem to be at odds.

    2. This reminds me a bit of what the press report of the early stages of the issue in China. Hence (as now confirmed by health experts) it is likely that the US has a lot of internal cases undiagnosed, which could well lead to serious domestic problems soon.

    3. This means that if I travelled to the US, I could end up getting quarantined, and then again on my return to the UK. I have better things to do with a month of my time. The risk is too high (I have underlying health conditions that could make me appear to have the flu/covid when it’s just a cancer treatment side effect).

    4. Given how the US has handled this so far, China first, your President declaring Europe second, if the US domestic cases do get out of hand due to domestic transmission, lack of testing kits, people not being able to access free health care etc, it may be that before long the US itself becomes the country that gets globally banned to prevent reinfection of other countries, who are now or will be soon more in control of it.

    5. As with Gimo, black sites, even politics, have hit the reputation of the US hard in many parts of the world, covid could well add to US woes global reputation wise for reasons noted above. This matters at a time China is rising an the US is falling relatively in terms of global clout, economy, even some aspects of defence abilities. It is important for the US that it leads well to help reduce the speed of its relative global decline. (Be objective it is happening as China rises and the US walks away and does things differently, and all leading nations/empires historically give way, its inevitable it’s just a matter of time, my county once ruled the waves and much of the world as but one example, others Rome, Greece, etc). Perhaps soon the US will realise that it no longer commands the global soft power it had prior to the millennium. Hopefully the US will work to retain it to help reduce its speed of decline as China rises, helping global security and its own leadership future.

    6. Most people will get covid at some stage, as no one yet has immunity. It’s been expected for years by health experts. But the global focus on money at all costs has reduced resilience considerations I think.

    7. Add to the the recent global trend in nationalism, intolerance, me first, breaking up and growing ineffectiveness of global institutions that have kept us safe and made things work for decades, and there is less scope now than just a few years ago, for effective global coordinated responses to almost anything. Which is sad and scary.

    8. I am just amazed that there hasn’t been more reported cases from Vegas given its centre for global and domestic travel, by people who have the means to travel widely. Bugs on chips, slots etc, 4000 room hotels etc.

    9. Governments are trying to buy time to flatten the curve (which is good) but it will still be with us this time next year, hopefully with immunity through catch and recover and inoculation. It’s just a bug, a serious one given lack of immunity, but it is just a bug.

    10. A bug that can kill humans and humans can so far do nothing to stop it. So who is the most powerful species at the moment? Globally squabbling humans, or covid?

  94. DCS Guest

    @Icarus -- That is another variable that makes comparisons and claims like @Andry's meaningless...

  95. Matt Guest

    I’d expect most airlines to strip back flights to almost nothing , they don’t won’t to be flying empty planes. If you have plans to travel between the two, get it done before the end of Friday and be on the side of the pond you want to be on before Saturday.

  96. Fiona Okawele Guest

    Absolutely the correct decision. The spread of the virus in Europe is already extraordinary and it's only going to get worse. Good proactive decision making by our President . Now let's fight this virus together and shame on those in this comment thread who are using this for petty partisan point scoring.

  97. Icarus Guest

    @dcs you don’t know the true infection rate in the US since the poor and undocumented won’t seek treatment as there is no universal healthcare.
    Who do you contact if you are unwell ?

  98. Icarus Guest

    Most trump supporters probably don’t know where Europe is anyhow , even though their grandparents may have been born there. They can’t even find the USA on a map
    In the US healthcare is only for the rich and heavily insured
    Millions who don’t have a safety net won’t be able to seek treatment
    Many ( those who are not Caucasian) who may have the virus won’t seek treatment due to their status

    Meantime trump will permit rallies to support him

  99. DCS Guest

    @Andry -- It will make me feel better if everyone just tries to stick with facts for a change.
    -- Fact: Obama administration did do better (look it up).
    -- Fiction: “Trump spread the virus”.

    I will repeat:
    There is no evidence that the Trump administration acted or had any plan of action to respond to the virus other than calling it a hoax or a liberal media invention to try...

    @Andry -- It will make me feel better if everyone just tries to stick with facts for a change.
    -- Fact: Obama administration did do better (look it up).
    -- Fiction: “Trump spread the virus”.

    I will repeat:
    There is no evidence that the Trump administration acted or had any plan of action to respond to the virus other than calling it a hoax or a liberal media invention to try to harm Trump. Insofar as there was any kind of response at all, it happened *in spite of* the administration, with state and local officials taking the initiative in the absence a coherent plan from DC.

    In short, your claim is a non sequitur. For it to have any merit, one would have to assume that the virus arrived in Europe around the same time and under similar circumstances, and that the virus strains and virulence are the same, etc, etc, etc… (y’know, like, the need to compare apples vs. apples sort of thing?).


  100. Andry Guest


    Would it make you feel better if I say "Obama administration did better"? Or maybe if I say "Trump spread the virus"?

    Just look at damn charts. Europeans (and I live there) were resting on their laurels while the US was putting restrictions on travel to China. Isolation is the only defence we have against this virus ATM.

  101. Emmanuel Ruiz Guest

    @UA-NYC - you are just one of those liberal clueless knucklehead brain dead ahole. Enjoy Trump 'til 2024 you freakin idiot...hahaha...

    @Bob - I certainly hope you catch it too so you can rot in the SATAN that you are....

  102. Jackson Wayerson Guest

    @Chris C

    I agree all travel should be banned from every country and including U.S. citizens on vacation at an unfortunate time. But even with U.S. citizens allowed to repatriate, it means less tourists and European businesspeople who are infected coming in and being vectors for the virus. It means less strain on screening at the airports and less people that have to be monitored. It means less tourists staying in hotels and going to...

    @Chris C

    I agree all travel should be banned from every country and including U.S. citizens on vacation at an unfortunate time. But even with U.S. citizens allowed to repatriate, it means less tourists and European businesspeople who are infected coming in and being vectors for the virus. It means less strain on screening at the airports and less people that have to be monitored. It means less tourists staying in hotels and going to tourist attractions as opposed to citizens who can just stay home in isolation. Less people spreading the virus is always a good thing.

  103. ChrisC Guest

    Jeffrey Ivan Chang says:
    March 12, 2020 at 1:04 am

    Americans and those with legal status have a right to be repatriated. We are doing so for our people. Europeans have no such right.

    But unless those returning citizens are put in quarantine for 14 days there is no guarentee that they are virus free and won't spread it about.

    Admitting them back into the country without quarantine of some sort is useless so you might as well let everyone in

  104. DCS Guest

    @Andry sez: "Trump administration has acted far better than their eu counterparts in response to this virus. Just compare the infection cases in the US vs EU"

    There is no evidence that the Trump administration acted or had any plan of action to respond to the virus other than calling it a hoax or a liberal media invention to try to harm Trump. Insofar as there was any kind of response at all, it happened...

    @Andry sez: "Trump administration has acted far better than their eu counterparts in response to this virus. Just compare the infection cases in the US vs EU"

    There is no evidence that the Trump administration acted or had any plan of action to respond to the virus other than calling it a hoax or a liberal media invention to try to harm Trump. Insofar as there was any kind of response at all, it happened *in spite of* the administration, with state and local officials taking the initiative in the absence a coherent plan from DC.

    In short, your claim is a non sequitur. For it to have any merit, one would have to assume that the virus arrived in Europe around the same time and under similar circumstances, and that the virus strains and virulence are the same, etc, etc, etc... (y'know, like, the need to compare apples vs. apples sort of thing?)

  105. Dan Guest

    Despite Brexit, there are still no passport stamps for Schengen citizens going to the UK or vice-versa. So in passports there are no evidence of visiting a Schengen state...

  106. ChrisC Guest


    I'm quite aware of how EC261 works.

    But given that international travel has tanked not many people are going to be affected by cancellations and airlines know to give 14 days notice of a cancallation so no compensation is payable or to rebook on other flights that the time critera aren't breached so huge amounts of compensation won't be due.

  107. Ryan Guest

    @neil, it is like raising the drawbridge because there is a fire outside, but a barn is already on fire with 20 mph winds and all the water is outside the walls in the moat.

  108. Wen G. Guest

    Trump said the coronavirus is a hoax and now he is not allowing Europeans (except Britain) to enter to stop the spread of the virus. Make up your mind Trump. How can a "hoax" spread? Care to go back on your entire hoax speech? Finally ready to admit the coronavirus is real?

    How will stopping Europeans (except Britain) from entering the US stop the spread of a virus that is already here? And 30 days?!....What...

    Trump said the coronavirus is a hoax and now he is not allowing Europeans (except Britain) to enter to stop the spread of the virus. Make up your mind Trump. How can a "hoax" spread? Care to go back on your entire hoax speech? Finally ready to admit the coronavirus is real?

    How will stopping Europeans (except Britain) from entering the US stop the spread of a virus that is already here? And 30 days?!....What the heck?!!!! Are you trying to bankrupt airlines and stop us from traveling.

    What about we Americans who are attempting to plan trips to Europe? You are messing with our freedoms.

  109. Alex winterstorm Guest

    I never really look at the comments on this blog but Jesus Christ this place has so many trolls. Now I know not to read these as a source of actual information regarding this sort of policy

  110. Jackie Guest

    EC 261 would apply if one is flying from US to Europe as European countries haven't banned travelers from the US. If the flights are cancelled, it is because airlines are purely trying to save money. EC 261 is instituted so airline does not cancel flights solely for the purpose of saving money. They would have to fly empty planes to the US so booked passengers can fly back to Europe.

  111. Andry Guest

    Trump administration has acted far better than their eu counterparts in response to this virus. Just compare the infection cases in the US vs EU.

    ATM the only real protection humans have against this virus is isolation. There is no other way. And no leftist ideals are going to change that.

  112. Jeffrey Ivan Chang Guest

    @Chris C
    Because Americans returning home from Europe will suddenly be ‘clean’ and virus free but europeans are all filthy and shedding virus particles.

    Americans and those with legal status have a right to be repatriated. We are doing so for our people. Europeans have no such right.

  113. Jeffrey Ivan Chang Guest

    While drastic, we need to stop the infection rates. We cannot have people travelling like they were before as all it will do is amplify the spread and crush ER's with patients.

  114. Michelle Bayley Guest

    just wow to all of the above just cannot resist throwing a little Trump Derangement Syndrome out there can you? How sad. YOU are the virus. In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy...a plan Z if you will...of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets in an election run up. The truth of the virus...

    just wow to all of the above just cannot resist throwing a little Trump Derangement Syndrome out there can you? How sad. YOU are the virus. In any case, this is a contrived and media fueled frenzy...a plan Z if you will...of the Left. I would not even doubt that they somehow orchestrated the release of the virus to help bring down the markets in an election run up. The truth of the virus is that it is simply that..a simple virus. 99 percent survivable. Trump was hosed either nothing and be labeled as an uncaring oaf or do what he did and be an alarmist. He did what he HAD to do in this circumstance to calm the highly triggered and easily distracted American public. Enjoy.

  115. neil Guest

    Two facts to deal with:
    First there is a lot of the virus already here in the US, and it will spread amongst us regardless of whether a few infected folks fly in from Europe (could be either US or foreign residents/citizens). So this ban is basically irrelevant in preventing the spread at this point.
    Second the speech did not mention the most important thing we could be doing which is massive testing...

    Two facts to deal with:
    First there is a lot of the virus already here in the US, and it will spread amongst us regardless of whether a few infected folks fly in from Europe (could be either US or foreign residents/citizens). So this ban is basically irrelevant in preventing the spread at this point.
    Second the speech did not mention the most important thing we could be doing which is massive testing to find out where the infections are currently located. We need to know this if we are to prepare for massive increase in domestic infections in the near future.
    The virus is already here. Raising some of the drawbridges isn't going to help all that much.

  116. Mr G Guest

    I've read that a complete 90 day shutdown of the UK had been mentioned in the Cobra meeting the government had this week. That would include all air travel, sea travel and of course the Eurostar train.

  117. ChrisC Guest

    Jackie says:
    March 11, 2020 at 10:11 pm

    It is EC 261 time!

    NO. EC 261 one won't apply as this is outside of the control of the airlines.

    Why do you think it would apply?

  118. DCS Guest

    @Nate: "If Obama would do this, you would be cheering him on."

    LOL. Obama did not do this and, yet, your 'Emperor' has already tried to pin it on him:
    "Criticized for Coronavirus Response, Trump Points to Obama Administration" - The New York Times, March 4, 2020.

    In fact, the truth is that to cut costs 2918, it's the Trump administration that fired the U.S. pandemic response team -- y'know, the one that successfully...

    @Nate: "If Obama would do this, you would be cheering him on."

    LOL. Obama did not do this and, yet, your 'Emperor' has already tried to pin it on him:
    "Criticized for Coronavirus Response, Trump Points to Obama Administration" - The New York Times, March 4, 2020.

    In fact, the truth is that to cut costs 2918, it's the Trump administration that fired the U.S. pandemic response team -- y'know, the one that successfully managed the H1N1, aka swine flu, pandemic under Obama in 2009!

  119. Nicole Guest

    My wedding is next week in Europe, leaving on Saturday with the ban starting Friday at midnight... have all of the accommodations set and my family is planning on traveling too... our flight is via London, but now I’m not even sure how this will play out. Not sure whether to try and go, if possible, or not... it’s been such a long time coming already!

  120. GoCanes Guest

    I thought this was all a hoax, BOOZO ???

  121. DCS Guest

    "As Trump explains it, this is being done because the US took “early and intense action” to stop the spread of coronavirus, which has caused dramatically fewer cases than are now present in Europe."

    Having been skewered and ridiculed for days for his lackadaisical response to the killer virus and unable to pin it on Obama, Trump just again passed the buck and found a fall guy: now it's all the E.U.'s fault!

    In short,...

    "As Trump explains it, this is being done because the US took “early and intense action” to stop the spread of coronavirus, which has caused dramatically fewer cases than are now present in Europe."

    Having been skewered and ridiculed for days for his lackadaisical response to the killer virus and unable to pin it on Obama, Trump just again passed the buck and found a fall guy: now it's all the E.U.'s fault!

    In short, the move is purely and simply political, and cynically so.

  122. Nate Guest

    Get a life guys. Your hate of Trump is showing. If Obama would do this, you would be cheering him on.

  123. Eddie Guest

    Yes this will slow down the spread, but the more important measure would be testing more people domestically!!! It's already everywhere in the States and the # of cases could quadruple in 10 days!!! We need to test more people and quarantine them if they are tested positive, work from home if possible, keep good hygiene, keep social distancing, reduce unnecessary travels and cancel all large events, schools!! It will be a tough battle but...

    Yes this will slow down the spread, but the more important measure would be testing more people domestically!!! It's already everywhere in the States and the # of cases could quadruple in 10 days!!! We need to test more people and quarantine them if they are tested positive, work from home if possible, keep good hygiene, keep social distancing, reduce unnecessary travels and cancel all large events, schools!! It will be a tough battle but if everyone does their part we can fight the virus!

  124. ChrisC Guest

    Because Americans returning home from Europe will suddenly be 'clean' and virus free but europeans are all filthy and shedding virus particles.

    What a load of nonsense. Based on no science at all. I won't go on about some of his other reasons but lets say the more I heard the more angry I got.

    I've just cancelled my hotel for a week long trip to NYC next week. The cost of that plus what...

    Because Americans returning home from Europe will suddenly be 'clean' and virus free but europeans are all filthy and shedding virus particles.

    What a load of nonsense. Based on no science at all. I won't go on about some of his other reasons but lets say the more I heard the more angry I got.

    I've just cancelled my hotel for a week long trip to NYC next week. The cost of that plus what I would have spent when in town on visiting musuems, eating and drinking in bars and shopping the US has lost $3,000 of econmic activity.

    Multiply that by the hundreds of thousands of Europeans - if not more - who have been prevented from visiting the US in the next month (and those that have been put off future visits) you've just lost a shed load of cash to businesses and tax income to the various levels of Government.

  125. KMan Guest

    This is hilarious. As a EU citizen, there is no passport stamp for entering the UK.
    You can even enter on a national ID card. Traveling by ferry or train is another way to "get around" the ban. They only check your ID, but they don't register anything. So even with the sharing of information, the US won't know if a EU citizen came from a third country or not before flying out of the UK

  126. Ryan Guest


    EU Nationals don't need a passport to travel to other EU countries (including the UK until the end of the year). They simply need a national ID, which border guards barely look at.

    Presumably, you could take a train or ferry over and never even show up on a flight manifest.

  127. JohnnyBoy Guest

    That this is a citizenship-based ban makes it even more insane and clear that it is a political move and not a true attempt to stop the spread of the virus.

    @Jam77 He is not closing any borders, but rather banning travel from a few countries by people with certain passports only.


  128. majik Guest

    "I predict that the UK will institute a similiar ban stopping all Europeans from entering the UK"

    Good luck with that. The UK economy would grind to a halt. It's an island nation heavily reliant on it's neighbours for resources and people.

  129. Evan Guest

    This Administration is a NATIONAL DISGRACE. Say what you will about this particular policy, but I'm amused that conservatives applaud this action, yet completely overlook the FACT that the U.S. refused testing kits from the World Health Organization, and that "Hair Furor" declared just days ago that the 15 cases in the U.S. would soon be zero -- despite countless scientists and health officials declaring otherwise.

    Anybody who still believes that this moron is plugged...

    This Administration is a NATIONAL DISGRACE. Say what you will about this particular policy, but I'm amused that conservatives applaud this action, yet completely overlook the FACT that the U.S. refused testing kits from the World Health Organization, and that "Hair Furor" declared just days ago that the 15 cases in the U.S. would soon be zero -- despite countless scientists and health officials declaring otherwise.

    Anybody who still believes that this moron is plugged into reality is delusional themselves.

  130. Ross Guest

    Nice guy, to make Greta happy this way.

  131. ALI SONG Guest

    I see many of you are scared worried frightened as you should be... some of the comments above make no sense Monday morning quarterbacks need not apply.... wanting to place blame on someone else something else is asinine but a common .. this is a huge move , a necessary move, and just imagine the repercusions ... but as WHO labels this a global pandemic its what a President has to do , the hard...

    I see many of you are scared worried frightened as you should be... some of the comments above make no sense Monday morning quarterbacks need not apply.... wanting to place blame on someone else something else is asinine but a common .. this is a huge move , a necessary move, and just imagine the repercusions ... but as WHO labels this a global pandemic its what a President has to do , the hard stuff ... .. the wolf has arrived folks.... and the boy is silent. I know may of you respond in nonsense comments ... there are the usual lets blame Trump for everything ... best get over that children ... this is real and travel ban is real and will need and be expanded ... sadly I think this will bankrupt more people than it kills... in the near term.

  132. Jamie Guest

    Has anyone actually read the Proclamation? A bunch of visa categories are excluded as well as U.S. Citizens/Permanent Residents. Also if you've been in the Schengen Area within 14 days of planned good.

  133. Jason Guest

    If he was really serious about banning air travel, then the UK should have been included as well, no? He is clearly doing this to spite the EU and raise Brexit sensationalism.

    In an alternate universe, where the spread of the Covid-19 virus could be channeled to a particular person, it should target only Republicans and Brexiters.

  134. Makeswedengreat Guest

    I stay home and enjoy some free time and still get salary from my company. Cant wait for my 4 weeks holiday this summer.
    Stay safe.
    Carpe diem! :-D

  135. KevinS Guest


    Is Finland (included in the ban) more overwhelmed with the pandemic than the UK (not included in the ban)?

  136. davistev Guest

    I predict that the UK will institute a similiar ban stopping all Europeans from entering the UK. If they do not, the UK will be a major 14 day rest area (if that) before flying to the USA.

    and what about Tom Hanks, I bet you he is choking on his box of chocolates now.

  137. Schemuel van Messel Guest

    Thank you Thank you Boris Johnson for having pushed thru Brexit and sparing we Britons from this unprecedented travel ban for Europeans to the USA.
    We are so glad to have been weaned of the EU and their problems, and never in our wildest dreams expected such a huge advantage from Brexit so imminently.
    Raw Britannia.

  138. DocReddy Guest

    The ban ins't for US citizens. They can travel to and from any European Country. Please update the article.

  139. majik Guest

    Eh, Trump was in Europe at the end of January for Davos. Maybe he should quarantine himself LOL!

  140. Jake Guest

    I think the plan is to delay the main ‘wave’ of the virus coming to US while they work out plans and put things in place (such as testing kits) for preparation of the main wave.
    Over here in the UK, it’s not too bad and I suppose the only reason there’s no ban between here and the US is because it could have a catastrophic effect on both economies especially as travel between two major business hubs would be restricted.
    Quite a sensible thing to do IMO.

  141. Blake L Guest

    Good! Should have been done two months ago, not just Europe, but other regions! Protecting Americans is the first order of business. The narcissistic generations could care less if they are infected or spread the disease to others so long as they can do the 'me' thing. Sick - pun intended. Shut it all down for a short term pain to gain long term health! What is it about people. Look at the people on...

    Good! Should have been done two months ago, not just Europe, but other regions! Protecting Americans is the first order of business. The narcissistic generations could care less if they are infected or spread the disease to others so long as they can do the 'me' thing. Sick - pun intended. Shut it all down for a short term pain to gain long term health! What is it about people. Look at the people on cruises who got caught up in the virus and screamed for Uncle Sam to evacuate them. Selfish idiots for going on cruises at a time of a pandemic. You cannot make up the stupidity.
    Look at the nightmare Italy is going through. Almost 1,000 dead! The hospitals in Northern Italy are at collapsing point - read, listen to the front line doctors and nurses telling how it is there! Go to youtube. Sheesh. Thank you, Mr. President. Also, no entry into the U.S. if you have been in the Schengen zone the previous 14 days, so hopping a flight from FRA-LHR-JFK or CPH-YYZ-LAX won't cut it if you have been to the Schengen Zone the prior two weeks - except U.S. citizens! READ! My goodness, the stupidity, ignorance, laziness is beyond the pale with some people.

  142. Michael Guest

    They'll probably do what they're doing here in "The South Korea" as Trump called it. All flights to America require a "quarantine certificate" aka a temperature and background check by government officials before you can be issued a boarding pass for your flight to the US. They also do temperature checks at security/immigration and also again at the gate, if I recall correctly. They also have a whole setup on arrival at airports here for...

    They'll probably do what they're doing here in "The South Korea" as Trump called it. All flights to America require a "quarantine certificate" aka a temperature and background check by government officials before you can be issued a boarding pass for your flight to the US. They also do temperature checks at security/immigration and also again at the gate, if I recall correctly. They also have a whole setup on arrival at airports here for temperature check, ask where you came from, and there's an app you must download/submit health info for 14 days.

  143. Mas Se Guest

    Trump spoke... the futures market went down 1,400. well not everybody is so confident in our Dear Leader .

  144. KL Guest

    This ban is almost same as those for foreigners from China or India.
    - US citizens and US permanent residents are not affected.
    - Foreigners can still fly directly from non Shengen countries (Russia, Croatia, UK, and so on) to the US if they have not been in Shengen countries for the last 14 days.

  145. Ed Guest


    Many people have said that Europeans can travel to the UK and then catch a flight here. However the UK is not part of the Schengen country arrangement so there should be a passport stamps indicating recent travel within or from Europe…


    This is not true - you do not receive a stamp if you enter the UK from the EU

  146. Rich Guest

    Need to ban all travel and isolate people as much as possible. No one is immune from it. We got actors and athletes with it now. I hope it passes quickly but there are tons of fools out there that will ignore it unless they get sick.

    Hopefully you realize the foolishness of thinking about travel with your mom.

  147. jam77 Guest

    Glad to hear Trump is closing border to Europe.

    Living on the southern US border I have first hand knowledge of the diseases crossing into the US for quite some time now. Hepatitis, TB, and whole host of others have become an issue in our border town. Now the House of Representatives is considering swinging the doors open to an even greater number of people...with.....daresay Coronavirus.

    Close down ALL our borders now and...

    Glad to hear Trump is closing border to Europe.

    Living on the southern US border I have first hand knowledge of the diseases crossing into the US for quite some time now. Hepatitis, TB, and whole host of others have become an issue in our border town. Now the House of Representatives is considering swinging the doors open to an even greater number of people...with.....daresay Coronavirus.

    Close down ALL our borders now and shut down travel to the countries who are currently overwhelmed by this pandemic.

  148. Juan Guest

    @Robert: That's until the UK governement (misgovernement) decides to close their gates, then you'll be stuck.

  149. W Guest

    The bright side of all of this is that Boeing no longer has a need to get the 737 MAX back in the sky immediately. Now hopefully they can focus on doing it right.

    And perhaps United can do more Polaris retrofits.

    But AA will unfortunately do more of their "Project Oasis" retrofits (or whatever their calling their improved version of

  150. Rob Guest

    "S says:
    March 11, 2020 at 9:39 pm
    I’m a pulmonary and critical care physician. The europe travel ban is the right thing to do. ICUs are already operating at full capacity and about to get overwhelmed if the virus spread does not come down.

    We need not just international travel ban, but everyone should do social distancing, work from home, avoid travel, minimize exposure in public spaces until the spread comes down."


    "S says:
    March 11, 2020 at 9:39 pm
    I’m a pulmonary and critical care physician. The europe travel ban is the right thing to do. ICUs are already operating at full capacity and about to get overwhelmed if the virus spread does not come down.

    We need not just international travel ban, but everyone should do social distancing, work from home, avoid travel, minimize exposure in public spaces until the spread comes down."

    The above is 1000% correct. My brother is a pulmonary physician who just called and said prepare for a big increase in infections - this virus is VERY contagious - and as the prior posted said, my brother's prescriptive was the same - social distancing, etc. He felt that we should know a lot more within the next 3-4 weeks.

    Why risk it?

  151. JB Guest

    @Lucky - Some clarifications were just made about the ban, which have more exceptions than previously clarified.

  152. putout Guest

    The Presidential Proclaimation is here for the exact terms:

    It applies specifically to the Schengen Area, so technically Ireland is excluded as well as the UK.

  153. mallthus Guest

    He's sure gonna look like a moron when it turns out we're in a reporting/diagnosis lag rather than actually having fewer cases.

    Wait. This won't change anything because, depending on your politics, he either already looks like a moron or no amount of idiocy will sway your views.

    This is, apparently, what the end looks like.

    Oh well.

  154. Fgggvv Guest

    He's already changed it twice since the briefing.

  155. Christy Guest

    Lol. Not banned for American citizens which of course the virus can’t infect American citizens, it is foreign!

  156. peteco Guest

    So you fly from wherever in Schengen to Dublin, drive to Northern Ireland without any need for a stamped passport and then fly back from London. If asked, you arrived to UK more than 2 weeks ago.

  157. Bill Guest

    "In other words, could Europeans choose to fly to the US via Canada?" No this doesn't work. Any foreign national who is coming from Europe OR has been in Europe in the prior 14 days is banned.

  158. UA-NYC Guest

    Hopefully Republican knuckle draggers like Matt Gaetz and Louie Gohmert are on the last flight out to Europe

  159. DonRock Guest

    MAJOR UPDATE. CNN reporting that Homeland Security is clarifying that the ban will only apply to foreign nationals who have traveled within prior 14 days to a list of affected countries, entering the US from Europe. Amazing that in a moment of crisis that there could be so much confusion.

  160. Gene Guest

    Why is there no ban on flights between Korea and USA?

  161. AI Guest

    It is big hit for the airliners, and hospitality industry, but it is sensible to do. I don't think UK will allow EU citizens simply changing their ticket and fly through LHR to enter to US.

  162. Ric Guest

    And I can bet you 1 million bucks that DHS doesn’t have the guidelines set up to begin this on Friday. Where have we seen this complete inept proclamation happen before?

    Many people have said that Europeans can travel to the UK and then catch a flight here. However the UK is not part of the Schengen country arrangement so there should be a passport stamps indicating recent travel within or from Europe… But still...

    And I can bet you 1 million bucks that DHS doesn’t have the guidelines set up to begin this on Friday. Where have we seen this complete inept proclamation happen before?

    Many people have said that Europeans can travel to the UK and then catch a flight here. However the UK is not part of the Schengen country arrangement so there should be a passport stamps indicating recent travel within or from Europe… But still what about Europeans on vacation in Canada Mexico or any other country that plan to come to the United States will they also be banned? So many questions and I’m afraid the DHS has no answers Many people have said that Europeans can travel to the UK and then catch a flight here. However the UK is not part of the Schengen country arrangement so there should be passport stamps indicating recent travel within or from Europe… But still what about Europeans on vacation in Canada Mexico or any other country that plan to come to the United States will they also be banned? So many questions and I’m afraid the DHS has no answers!

  163. David Guest

    The only reason the US has fewer confirmed coronavirus cases than some European countries is because our incompetent government can't manage to test anyone. Keeping out Europeans isn't going to change anything at this point, there is widespread and uncontrolled community transmission within the US - we know this for certain in several states (Washington, for instance), and it is likely happening in many more, but, again, lack of testing prevents us from seeing it....

    The only reason the US has fewer confirmed coronavirus cases than some European countries is because our incompetent government can't manage to test anyone. Keeping out Europeans isn't going to change anything at this point, there is widespread and uncontrolled community transmission within the US - we know this for certain in several states (Washington, for instance), and it is likely happening in many more, but, again, lack of testing prevents us from seeing it. Our lying and incompetent president (who has been actively trying to pretend that this is not a serious crisis) and his lying and incompetent administration bear much of the blame, along with Trump's buddy Xi Jinping, whose government let this get out of control in the first place. Interestingly, both Trump and Xi's failures are the result of thinking that you can cover up any problem, rather than actually deal with it.

  164. Bruno Guest

    Looks like the ban is for foreign nationals who have been in Schengen countries in the last 14 days.

    DHS statement:

  165. UA-NYC Guest

    LOL keep smoking it MAGA trolls...the Tangerine Idi Amin is showing his true stripes now that he's not riding the coattails of the Obama Economy

  166. D3KingAmerican Guest

    Thank you President Trump for closing our borders and keeping America safe. #KAG2020LandslideVictory

  167. Rick Guest

    What will 'screening' look like upon arrival?

  168. Bob S Guest

    Good! Should have done this long ago and with many other countries, regions! Tough times call for tough measures. Don't think so? Wait until you or someone you love contracts this insidious contagion. Still don't think so. Look at what doctors on the front lines in Italy are dealing with. Go to youtube see what they are saying. Aint' pretty picture. Your vacation can wait!

  169. Colin Guest

    Now, the guy threatening to punch people in the face and calling women "dog-faced pony soldier" is a much better option. LOL!

  170. derek Guest

    UA-NYC says:

    March 11, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    46th President of the US, Joe Biden, can’t come soon enough

    When there was H1N1 10 years ago, Biden said to stay away from planes and trains but Obama corrected him and said it was ok, go travel.

  171. derek Guest

    The European flight ban will save a few lives but most travelers would have been covid19 free.

  172. KevinS Guest

    But I thought the virus was contained two weeks ago? I guess this is just the MSM and deep state out to get Trump...but, wait....I am confused

  173. Paul Guest

    I read this on CNN and got worried for a little bit. I've got a cousin on his senior trip to Europe who lives in Dallas. I knew that his mom would freak out when she sees this. Thankfully he is coming home tomorrow!

  174. Peter Guest

    Hmmm, cancels all flights to/from Europe, but cripples the CDC and puts a creationist in charge of handling this domestically. I wish you could insert the Michael Jackson popcorn eating GIF here...

    We'll see how this plays out.

  175. JohnnyBoy Guest

    Not that we needed any more evidence that the lunatics are in charge, but this is insane.

    Flights have been arriving in the US from China, Japan and Italy for months, and he is banning them from Europe now?? And leaving out the UK, where London it one of the most international cities in the world, with planes arriving from every continent around the clock???

    Reasonable precautions are in order, but scattershot travel restrictions...

    Not that we needed any more evidence that the lunatics are in charge, but this is insane.

    Flights have been arriving in the US from China, Japan and Italy for months, and he is banning them from Europe now?? And leaving out the UK, where London it one of the most international cities in the world, with planes arriving from every continent around the clock???

    Reasonable precautions are in order, but scattershot travel restrictions like this are unhelpful, especially when they are tinged in politics.

  176. ktc Guest

    it's a good measure for the safety within. I dont want them to come into my area.

  177. Raoul Springsteen Guest

    @Bob. You are truly a piece of shit. You are the worst part of humanity and I hope you rest tonight knowing that no one is praying for you.

  178. Anthony Thomas Guest

    Fairly certain any EU citizen can freely travel to the UK, then take a flight to US as Brexit doesn't really come into play for some time.

  179. UA-NYC Guest

    46th President of the US, Joe Biden, can't come soon enough

    At least the current clown occupant of the WH isn't making jokes like he was, oh I don't know...YESTERDAY

  180. BOB Guest

    If I read correctly he says banning travel from Europe. with the exceptions of Americans. Sounds like to me the flights will not be stopped.. as one can fly to and from if a US Passport holder. ?? If it is the flights he should have said flights and not travel FROM europe

  181. Paolo Guest

    The horse has well and truly bolted. This is tinkering around the edges and a thinly veiled appeal to his domestic supporters. He has been a major vector of the illness via his lunatic ramblings, like “ we killed the virus already”, “it’s not a big deal”, “ I’m not concerned about it”, “ carry on as usual”
    The man is a certifiable nutcase.

  182. Jkjkjk Guest

    This will slow down transmission for sure. Now just need to make sure he does something domestically. Someone that is against this definitely didn’t see ccp banning their own citizen from leaving homes.

  183. Adrian Guest

    A stupid president tries to gaslight the country again by another stupid travel ban. There is already a community spread in the country, so travel bans will not slow down the virus from spreading. The focus should be on increasing test kits, medical costs for those without insurance, and preparing the hospitals for increased cases. This 11 minutes speech shows that this White House still has no grasp on this matter. I will expect retaliation...

    A stupid president tries to gaslight the country again by another stupid travel ban. There is already a community spread in the country, so travel bans will not slow down the virus from spreading. The focus should be on increasing test kits, medical costs for those without insurance, and preparing the hospitals for increased cases. This 11 minutes speech shows that this White House still has no grasp on this matter. I will expect retaliation from Europe, when the cases in our country grows exponentially in the near future. For those working in the airline and hospitality industry, this next few months will be bad.

  184. S Guest

    I'm a pulmonary and critical care physician. The europe travel ban is the right thing to do. ICUs are already operating at full capacity and about to get overwhelmed if the virus spread does not come down.

    We need not just international travel ban, but everyone should do social distancing, work from home, avoid travel, minimize exposure in public spaces until the spread comes down.

  185. Johnson Waterson Guest

    Kudos to Trump for taking appropriate action. All countries should have banned travel from China, Korea, Japan and Singapore 3 weeks ago. They didn’t. All countries should have banned travel from Italy and Iran 10 days ago. They didn’t. So at least this does something given the spread of the virus and lack of containment success in a number of European countries. It should go farther with a ban on travel from all countries so...

    Kudos to Trump for taking appropriate action. All countries should have banned travel from China, Korea, Japan and Singapore 3 weeks ago. They didn’t. All countries should have banned travel from Italy and Iran 10 days ago. They didn’t. So at least this does something given the spread of the virus and lack of containment success in a number of European countries. It should go farther with a ban on travel from all countries so we are not compounding those cases that are already here. Let’s hope that travel is only allowed from the UK if people didn’t enter continental Europe and their passports reviewed for the arrival of exit stamps.

  186. yu Guest

    hmm, why banning travel to Europe is big deal? US banned all China travel a month ago.

  187. Bill Guest

    The reality is that it is already here. We still can't even get the testing. The health care system doesn't have enough redundancy to be able to handle the increased demand and people who could have been saved will end up dying as a result due to the way this is being mismanaged. Anyone who thinks the federal government is doing a good job is delusional.

  188. J Guest

    We have been coddled by years of relative peace and prosperity. The world has changed. This is a crisis. Treat it like a crisis.

  189. BOb Guest

    @ Robert: U.S. Immigration will still deny you entry to the US and deport back to Europe if you try that. The US/UK share a lot of information, and they'll know you entered the UK from Europe.

  190. Bill Guest

    Tom Hanks has coronavirus in Australia.

  191. Bill Guest

    "This reeks of Stephen Miller" yes the reporting is that Miller wrote this speech.

  192. Tahsin Guest

    I am surprised he did not suggest building a wall to keep the virus out...

  193. Rob Guest

    Should have been done a month ago but better late than never.

  194. Mr G Guest


    With the ban not applying to UK, I would assume this has been coordinated between the two countries. You could arrive at LHR and they see you've flown in from FRA and prevent you from flying to JFK.

  195. Eskimo Guest

    Maybe a bit too late Don?
    If you are going to exercise such extreme measures might as well doing back in February when it still make a difference.

  196. Santastico Guest

    Totally supportive of this measure. Lots of people I know ready to spend Spring break in Europe. Sit your ass at home for a while until this gets sorted out. Criticize the president as much as you can but if it is to protect the American people it should be done.

  197. Open society Guest

    Open borders. let everyone in

  198. Ed Guest

    He called it a ‘foreign virus’ so why would he have to do anything domestically?

    Apart from cut payroll taxes, apparently they spread the virus (or something)

  199. Jeff Guest

    Everyone was moaning he wasn't doing anything. Well, he did something.

  200. Robert Guest

    Let's say I'm in FRA and need to be in JFK. All I'll need to do is to buy a separate ticket FRA-LHR, then onwards to JFK. This ban doesn't make sense.

  201. Seattle Eric Guest

    Will BA liberalize it’s cancellation policy to waive fees? Offer refunds? I have a trip booked to Hamburg via BA on 29MAR. Interesting times...

  202. Senyah Guest

    When all you have is a hammer, every problem is a nail.

    Corona Virus? Travel Ban!

    Nothing about what the administration can do better to help mitigate the spread inside the country.
    Nothing about how tests can be sped up.

    What a farce.

  203. Bob Guest

    This reeks of Stephen Miller. Praying to Jesus that he catches the disease and dies.

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Alicia Guest

Can you please help effected passengers by writing a post about TAP Air Portugal's unfriendly COVID-19 policy? They are refusing to issue refunds ( for effected passengers flying to/from USA. Only willing to change for free + pay fare difference + several other restrictions.


@Colin Yes, we're talking about 20% hospitalized. I have been living within these four walls for two weeks now, I read the official bulletins everyday, and the numbers are exactly those. I think I know my share about this, like all the people in my country. The fact that overseas people are still pretending that the same rates won't apply is rather surreal. Hospitals are literally exploding here, and we have more IT beds per capita than most other countries in the world, other than northern Europe countries. Hospitalized doesn't mean IT. Sometimes you only need concentrated oxygen (it affects young people too), sometimes you need proning. But you do need a hospital. May be too bad to believe it, but it is indeed that bad.

Jakub Guest

Hello, Im pretty sure you have tons of messages. If I will be traveling from Europe and Im heading to Canada, I know that all flights are canceled to USA but can I at least change a airplane in USA?

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