All passengers traveling to or connecting in the United Kingdom need to present a negative coronavirus test result and complete a passenger locator form. Yes, this applies even if you’re just transiting airside while traveling between two other countries.
In this post I wanted to outline my experience with this pre-travel testing requirement, as well as the passenger locator form, based on my transit at London Heathrow Airport while traveling between the United States and Greece earlier this summer. I initially published this back in May, but wanted to update the post to reflect the current situation, and to also address the most frequent questions I’ve received regarding the process since this post was first published.
Let me emphasize that you should always check official government websites for guidance — the below outlines my experience, which might not match your experience, especially with regulations constantly changing.
In this post:
England’s travel coronavirus testing requirement
All air travelers to England need to provide proof of a negative coronavirus test. This applies even if you’ve been vaccinated, if you’re traveling from a green list country, if you’re a citizen, etc.
Note that requirements are slightly different for Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, so I’ll be focused on England here, since that’s where most of the major points of entry are, and that’s what my firsthand experience was with (meanwhile the passenger locator form is for the entire United Kingdom).
When do you need to get tested?
Your coronavirus test needs to be taken within three days of the departure of your nonstop flight to the United Kingdom. In other words, if you fly from New York to London and depart on a Thursday and arrive on a Friday, you could get tested as early as Monday (and this is based on calendar days, and not a strict 72 hour interpretation).
What kind of testing qualifies?
The good news is that you’re not limited to a PCR test, but rather a rapid antigen test generally qualifies as well, as long as the test meets performance standards of ≥97% specificity and ≥80% sensitivity at viral loads above 100,000 copies/ml.
This could include tests such as:
- A nucleic acid test, including a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test or derivative technologies, including loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) tests
- An antigen test, such as a test from a lateral flow device
What information does the test need to have?
The test must include the following:
- Your name, which should match the name on your travel documents
- Your date of birth or age
- The result of the test
- The date the test sample was collected or received by the test provider
- The name of the test provider and their contact details
- Confirmation of the device used for the test, or that the test was a PCR test
The UK’s passenger locator form
Anyone traveling to or through the United Kingdom needs to complete a passenger locator form each time they take a trip:
- For people staying in the UK, this form asks details about where you plan on staying, given the mandatory quarantine for many travelers
- All passengers (including transit passengers) need to provide exact details about their flights and even where they’re seated, presumably (at least to some extent) for contact tracing purposes
We just had a layover at London Heathrow Airport where we were staying airside, so I’ll share the process of completing this requirement for us. Note that each adult has to complete their own form.
So, how does the process work? There are three main steps, which I’ll outline below:
- First you can create a passenger locator form account, which will save your basic details for six months from your previous activity; you might as well create an account, since you have to enter this info anyway, and this means you won’t have to enter basic details again when traveling through the UK in the future
- Next you have to enter details about your specific trip
- Lastly you have to print out your form and bring it with you to an airport; some airlines have services that they use to simplify the process so that you can upload this in advance and be “verified” before you get to the airport, so look out for those (for example, American and British Airways use VeriFLY)
When should you complete the passenger locator form?
You can complete your UK passenger locator form up to 48 hours before arriving in the United Kingdom. Personally I think completing the form 24-48 hours before arriving in the UK is the sweet spot:
- You can’t do so more than 48 hours before arrival, presumably because travel plans can frequently change further out than that, and you have to provide very specific details, down to your seats
- This is far enough from departure so that you can still upload all of your details to a third party service like VeriFLY and have time for that information to be verified, which will expedite your check-in process
Plan on it taking around 15 minutes per passenger to complete the passenger locator form, not including the VeriFLY process, should you choose to use it.
Step #1: Create a passenger locator form account
To create a passenger locator form account you’ll need to provide some basic details about yourself, including your name, contact details, passport details, and address.

To create an account, you need to provide an email, phone number, and password.

Below you can see the questions you’ll be asked, starting with your name, sex, date of birth, telephone number, how you can be contacted, your home address, and your passport details.

Step #2: Upload your trip details
Once you’ve created a passenger locator form account, you’ll be able to upload specific details about your trip. While you’ll only need to create an account once, you will need to upload trip details with each trip. When logged in you can click the “Create a new form” button, and then you can enter your trip details.

You’ll be asked to share when you plan to arrive in the UK, and when you plan to depart.

You’ll then be asked about your vaccination status. That’s because as of recently, fully vaccinated travelers coming from amber list countries no longer need to quarantine. So you’ll be asked to confirm that you’ve been fully vaccinated at least 14 days prior to arriving in the UK, and that you haven’t been in any red list countries in the past 10 days.

Assuming you’ve been vaccinated, you’ll then be asked in what country your vaccination took place.

You’ll then be asked if you plan to stay in the UK or are just in transit.

You’ll be asked what airport you’ll be arriving at, what country you’re traveling from, which flight you’re taking, and what your seat number is (if you haven’t yet been assigned a seat, I’d recommend just writing “none,” as that does the trick, and allows you to proceed).

You’ll be asked what airport you’ll be departing from, what country you’re traveling to, which flight you’re taking, and what your seat number is.

You’ll then be asked if you’re traveling with any minors, since they can be added to the same form (while adult travel companions can’t be).

If you’re entering the United Kingdom, you’ll also be asked if you’re required to book a coronavirus test for the second day you’re in the country. Day two testing is required if you’re coming from an amber list country and are skipping quarantine on account of being vaccinated (if you’re spending under two days in the UK, then there’s no need to get a day two test).

If you answer yes, you’ll need to provide your test booking reference. You can only get tested through an official provider (here’s the list of eligible providers), and once you book a test, you’ll be given a test booking reference, which you’ll have to enter.

Lastly, you’ll be asked to confirm that all the information you shared is correct, and that you understand you’ll need to provide proof of a negative coronavirus test.

At that point your form will be submitted, and you’ll be able to download your passenger locator form, which will also be emailed to you. This will contain a reference number.

Step #3: Have your passenger locator form on hand (and more)
In theory at this point you’re all set, and you could just show up at the airport for check-in with your form.
However, some airlines have partnered with services that allow you to upload this information in advance and have it verified before you even get to the airport, intended to cut down on the amount of time it takes to check-in. Think of it like TSA PreCheck for your travel documents.
For example, American and British Airways (the biggest airline joint venture in the UK) use VeriFLY to allow passengers to upload their passenger locator form and negative coronavirus test result prior to travel.
I’ll outline the process of using VeriFLY in a separate post, as it’s super clunky and not great, but I’d consider it to be a necessary evil.
Prior to my trip, I wondered if this was even necessary or useful. While not necessary, it would appear that it is useful. When I checked in at the American Airlines counter prior to my trip and informed the agent I had completed the VeriFLY process, he said “oh my God, I love you, thank you.”
I was surprised by the response, so I asked if VeriFLY actually made things that much easier, to which he responded “it’s like an extra 45 minutes, you don’t understand how many steps they make us go through.”
Even with having completed VeriFLY, check-in took about 20 minutes.
Note that it was only at check-in that this was needed — as transit passengers we weren’t at any point in the UK asked to show our passenger locator form or negative coronavirus test result.
Bottom line
If you’re traveling to the UK (including just transiting an airport) you’ll need to complete a passenger locator form within 48 hours of arrival, and provide proof of a negative coronavirus test within three days of travel. Hopefully the above is a useful breakdown of my experience.
Expect the process of filling out the actual form to take around 15 minutes, but that doesn’t factor in the time it takes to get tested or upload your results to a service like VeriFLY.
If you’ve traveled to or through the UK recently, what was your experience with the passenger locator form and/or testing?
Shall i need to carry a negative rtpcr report upon arrival at uk from india
Does anyone know how or when to fill out the passenger locator form if I am flying standby into Heathrow from the US on Feb 16th. Since I will be flying standby I may not know with too much notice if I will actually get on the flight.
Will I require 2 separate antigen unique reference numbers for my wife and I or can I use one to cover two of us on the PLF when returning to UK.? Thank you
Assuming I have filled in my PLF. At the airport I decide to upgrade my cabin class. Am I then allowed to make changes on the PLF as well ?
The form will not accept my ExpressTest PCR reference information which includes 4 letters and 10 numbers.
Have the same problem, did you get it sorted?
Where is says FORM SUBMITTED REFERENCE NUMBER..... what number must I fill in?
Does a connecting light equate to traveling through a country?
I’m looking at PCR tests for uk day 2. None of the providers have expedited tests like the “Fit to fly” PCR. (Which can see results in 3 hours). But. A PCR is a PCR ? Where and why the difference and would a person be in trouble if they did the fit to fly test instead ?
Going from the UK to the USA with a stopover in Lisbon. The passenger loactor form I have to fill in asks me for the address im staying at in Portugal? Im not staying in POrtugal what do I put that the online form will accept
I'm travelling from Australia to England to visit family. Do I list my home address as my Australian or my parents uk address?
I am leaving this Saturday for the UK and Thursday is Thanksgiving, and you cannot get your covid test done 72 hours in advance because it is a holiday and you need your information for your locator form 48 hours, and cannot get it completed because you do not have the test results. I can get the test done on the day I am leaving but isn’t it to late for the approval for the passenger locator form?
Dear All thank-you got this helpful information.
Just a question I'm returning from Brazil on the 28th I will collect my 12 years old daughter, I'm fully vaccinated and it's only asking me to book both of us a Cov test for day 2 on arrival? Not droature it's sayi g not required correct?
Also can you conokted sbs save all passenger locater information and them submitted it 48hours? So basically I can do it well in advance?
Just wondering what happens if you dont have internet or iphone etc. Can you get given a passenger locator form at the airport?
Hello, am travelling to the UK from Canada, but the form won't recognize my Canadian area code and phone number. What can I do?
Hello I will travel tomorrow from Germany to uk do I need covid test before I left?
I am travelling to UK but not very sure of where I will be staying the 1st 10 days. I am a UK citizen but living in Africa at the moment. I will be staying at a friends residence for a few days and move to somewhere else after.
How do I feel in that information
Thank you for these information. One question about Day 2 testing on the form. We are fully vaccinated, travelling from USA to Venice, Italy via London Heathrow. We have a 16hr overnight layover - arriving Wednesday afternoon about 3pm and connecting flight is the next day Thursday morning around 8am. We plan on leaving the airport, go to the city and return the next day. On the form for Day 2 testing - if we...
Thank you for these information. One question about Day 2 testing on the form. We are fully vaccinated, travelling from USA to Venice, Italy via London Heathrow. We have a 16hr overnight layover - arriving Wednesday afternoon about 3pm and connecting flight is the next day Thursday morning around 8am. We plan on leaving the airport, go to the city and return the next day. On the form for Day 2 testing - if we are under 2 days in UK, do we still need to pay for Day 2 testing? We have the same layover on our way back on Sunday that week. Thank you for any information.
I have same day onward connection on Wednesday - but I paid 18 pounds for a lateral test - day 2 - just to get a Booking reference to satisfy the PLF
I have a smartphone but my husband doesn’t. How can he travel?
Since posting my question yesterday, I have since discovered that I can only include my 12 year old child on MY Passenger Locator Form IF we share the SAME UK address. We don't.
He lives at his mother's UK address. In this case, he is obliged to fill in a separate PLF in his own name. On this form he will be asked if he is vaccinated. HE IS NOT VACCINATED, so he put,...
Since posting my question yesterday, I have since discovered that I can only include my 12 year old child on MY Passenger Locator Form IF we share the SAME UK address. We don't.
He lives at his mother's UK address. In this case, he is obliged to fill in a separate PLF in his own name. On this form he will be asked if he is vaccinated. HE IS NOT VACCINATED, so he put, NO. Looking at a sample of the form, he will have to isolate, etc.. There does not seem to be any other option ON THE SEPARATE PLF for UK children under 18 who are travelling with a double-vaccinated UK adult. I hope somebody has some knowledge of this situation.
Can a uk resident, double vaxed returning to UK from Green country with 12 year old child after half-term holiday, late October include that child on his UK Passenger Locator Form? The child will have a different address as the child will return to his UK resident separated mother's house. uk 2-day tests will be booked before return to UK. If so, how is this data filled in? However, if the child has to fill...
Can a uk resident, double vaxed returning to UK from Green country with 12 year old child after half-term holiday, late October include that child on his UK Passenger Locator Form? The child will have a different address as the child will return to his UK resident separated mother's house. uk 2-day tests will be booked before return to UK. If so, how is this data filled in? However, if the child has to fill in a separate form, does he have to take pre-departure tests in holiday country.
Thank you for the detailed instructions. Very helpful. I have one quick question. When you are transiting via London Heathrow Airport and staying airside and only been in green list countries, I understand I don't need to take the day 2 COVID test but do I still have to book for a test and provide the booking reference number in the Passenger Locator Form?
I booked my day 2 test through Express tests and they sent my an email with a code. The passenger locator form would not accept the code. Turns out I had to log into the Express Test site and click on My Bookings and there was another code! That one worked. So VERY frustrating!!!
Does anyone have a human number to call for help?
Any final word on the code format? My confirmation code is two digits too long for the entry field.
YES! I fly tomorrow, am filling out Locator Form and it will not recognize the number I have for my Day 2 test I ordered. I received word from the dispater, they gave me tracking number, it is a recognized supplier of tests. I can't complete the form without this number! Yikes!
Hi, can anyone help, thought I would create an account to make things easier before returning to the UK, but the Locator form will not accept my postcode, keeps saying‘ invalid postcode’ , which it isn’t, I’ve checked bank, utilities and Royal Mail , my postcode is correct, I don’t know who to contact to help me.
when it asks for your mobile telephone number, what format do I use please? It shows + do I include 44 then my number?
2day test booked with a boots but PLf will not recognise ref? Anyway around this???
Same problem. My test is scheduled through Boots --- which doesn't show up on the UK Gov't list of recommended providers.
the PLF won't accept my test booking reference number even though i've had confirmation/payment etc. what do i do?
I have just spent the afternoon trying to fill in the form, 2 hours of which were trying to find an issuing authority that it would accept. My passport says HMPO. which is not recognised. neither were UK, GB, England, Britain or anything else I could think of. I do not have a printer and gave up after many attempts to upload inoculation proof on mobile phone. Finally says form must be done within 48...
I have just spent the afternoon trying to fill in the form, 2 hours of which were trying to find an issuing authority that it would accept. My passport says HMPO. which is not recognised. neither were UK, GB, England, Britain or anything else I could think of. I do not have a printer and gave up after many attempts to upload inoculation proof on mobile phone. Finally says form must be done within 48 hours. It is going to take me 3 days to drive up to the ferry at Calais. I do not know if I will have a wifi signal on the way. I am double jabbed UK citizen, I have booked covid day 2 test. I can do normal things on my home PC, but I am septuagenarian and have difficulty with my tiny screen basic mobile phone. I am just going to have to turn up and tell them that I have tried but their form is beyond my ability to complete.
still waiting for SMs.....
5 day test to release is not exactly as it states. You can't take the test UNTIL day 5 and then if you have to wait 3 days for some numpty to get off their behind and do the results. Its a private test costing 198 pounds! - what a joke, what a rip-off. SO 5 day is actually day 8 and I'm doing another on that day! I am losing valuable time and money...
5 day test to release is not exactly as it states. You can't take the test UNTIL day 5 and then if you have to wait 3 days for some numpty to get off their behind and do the results. Its a private test costing 198 pounds! - what a joke, what a rip-off. SO 5 day is actually day 8 and I'm doing another on that day! I am losing valuable time and money with this silly scheme. I take a lateral flow Antigen test every day and they have been negative all the time for last 5 months since I obtained them. My PCR tests overseas and pre-flight PCR tests have all been negative.
My double inoculation (Done by W.H.O. isn't recognised in UK !!) was done in June and July 2021. I have travelled all over the world for last 14 month and always been negative and the worst place is the UK. I put on form I am fully inoculated but was never asked to prove it.
Passenger Locator Form? What a joke, no one has called or turned up at my door. Checks at Manchester Airport 5 days ago? Didn't exist, I collected my bag and was on the street within 20 minutes. I see here in UK, no one is using masks, overseas it is mandatory and in Philippines it's face shield and gloves in shopping malls and it is enforced distancing. UK? not a chance.
I get 2 weeks leave from my job overseas where I have to hop around the globe to find an acceptable route to enter UK so I don't have to do the 2300 Pound mandatory 10 days hotel quarantine. I go via an Amber country (who don't have silly rules like UK) and book 2, 5 and 8 day tests in advance to get Passenger Locator Form but when I arrive I have to wait days and 8 of them will be spent waiting for the email confirmation that my results are negative on day 5 so I can actually get out and see my family I haven't seen for 14 months.
It's a big money making scam governed by an idiot and his tory followers.
no matter what i do i cannot get further than "awaiting for my SMS" that never arrives...
Hi folks I'm going insane, plf of course. Are you visiting any islands before you arrive in UK ? Before entering UK. So I put Turkey as it's where I live.
Departure date arrival date.PUT it in no enter date two days in advance of original date. Did that No !!! So I put UK as don't under the islands bit. No
Honestly this is a nightmare any help greatly appreciated
How do my elderly parents fill out the UK locator form when they go away to Spain for 4 weeks and don’t have mobile phones or ipads to download a QR code
On holiday in Spain booked to fly back to uk & fly back next day fully vaccinated & booster on 2nd day in uk, filling in locator form we are told we don’t need 2nd day test but can’t find anything on government exemption to say we are in fact exempt…. Help please
I fully vaccinated x 3. We transit thru Hethrow, London. Will be there less than 3 hours airside. Do I need to purchase a post 2 day Covid test? Or am I exempt?
Well I had a go at setting up an account but did not receive a confirmation SMS code . I am now in the catch 22 situation where I can not access the account because I did not enter a confirmation code but I can not set the account up again because it says the account already exists . There does not seem to be any way out of this and could be cancel holiday as only option as there does not seem to be any way of contacting anyone over it.
Perhaps you included the 0 prefix of your mobile after the country code. If you did, you may not have received the SMS code.
Also, it is only helpful but not compulsory to create an account in order to fill in the Passenger Locator Form so you should be able to fill in the form without needing a previously created account any time in the 48 hours before you arrive in the UK.
on a test run i had the same problem
Dont set up an account
submit a PLF without making an account
Booked a Day 2 test with Boots but system won't recognize the booking reference number?? any suggestions
I have the same issue! Did you manage to resolve it? If you did can you let me know how please?
Did you include the letters and numbers in the reference number ? It needs both.
There are no letters - just 6 numbers - I’m in a right state.
Exact same problem with a different supplier - HELP please
I read on another website that you need a code starting with 5 letters, then numbers eg BOOTS1234567. This code should have been emailed to you when you booked the 2nd day test. I've yet to travel and use mine but hope it works!
I'm from Toronto Canada travelling from Toronto via a one hour change of flight at Dublin to my final designation Birmingham, UK and then return flights back to Toronto same way via Dublin after 6 weeks.
So I've two separate flights and two different seats. Do I have to "Create a new form" for separately for the two separate trips? Do I have to complete one for the Ireland - they have their own PLF?
Same problem. Which flight and which country do I list on the form? In my case it's a flight from New York to Glasgow with a change of planes in Amsterdam .
i have one ref and a kit at home and ive completed my form to fly home but the ref will not go in twice so dont know how to fill in my wifes any ideas
The form relies on your giving your phone number to get calls or SMS, but if you have a US number, and then are switching to a UK SIM card, then you can't really be contacted because you won't know your UK number until you load the SIM card. What happens then, can they reject the form? After all the whole point is to be able to contact you.
I'm traveling from Portugal to London (staying 7 hours) and than going do turkey. Can anyone tell me if I have to book the 2nd day test? I'm only staying 7 hours. And from Portugal to London I need a Pcr test? Thank you
I completed one of these forms for my return journey from Mallorca to the UK, this week. The annoying thing about this form is that it asks you to download evidence of your vaccination status using a single QR code. Unfortunately, the NHS vaccination certificates have two QR codes and therefore, this doesn't work. You will have to show evidence of your vaccination status separately - not that Border Force are checking anything except passports at the moment!
In that case, I would just use the QR code of my second vaccination certificate to prove I am fully vaccinated.
Hi, am travelling from Singapore (under Green List) and fully vaccinated as declared in form.
However, final PDF Form shows Vaccine Status as No/Not Declared on page 1 even though last page shows fully vaccination Anyone has this experience.
The exact same thing happened to us and we also wondered why because we are fully vaccinated too. I would assume because we live in Canada, also a green country, that it's due to the fact your vaccination status is irrelevant as per the requirements when entering from a green country.
I too have been locked out of my account as I entered my mobile with the '0' after the country code. I therefore did not get the verification code required to confirm login.
How can I reset my account?
I don’t have a UK phone number or a plan that allows me to make/receive calls in the UK? What should I do
what happens if there is no internet?
what happens if you put in the wrong mob code ( ie miss out the +44) it wont let me access my account now using my e mail address.. can i reset ?
Are Lateral flow antigen tests and Rapid Antigen tests the same. Can I enter the UK using a Rapid Antigen test from Canada? Thanks
Yes you can!
I am flying from Canada (green). Can I use a rapid antigen test for my pre-departure Covid test? Thank you!
Hi. I filled in wrong the passenger locator form and now is show them in vaccinated, but I'm not. How do I sort it out?
IS the PLF 48 HOURS UK time or the time in the departure country. As NZL is 12 hours ahead?
i booked a test kit which i never received and had to leave urgent after having been there for just 4 days
the company i have booked the kit told me that i can use it again the next time but will not refund the 112 pound which i have paid
they will instead send me another testkit and will not provide me with a new reference number which i need for the...
i booked a test kit which i never received and had to leave urgent after having been there for just 4 days
the company i have booked the kit told me that i can use it again the next time but will not refund the 112 pound which i have paid
they will instead send me another testkit and will not provide me with a new reference number which i need for the locator form online so means now i am stuck
whats the advice (company name is nationwide pathology) they just wont give me any options
im seeking an alternative i have my pre settled status in Uk and live in London and have to be in belgium a lot for work
and i am travelling in 7 days already
I had same with Medicspot which I pre-booked weeks earlier from Bangladesh. I did 11 days work in Luxembourg to get around the silly red country mandatory quarantine but on arrival in UK the Medicspot day 2 test I did on exactly 48 hours from arriving took them 3 days to do results. This is ridiculous for an expensive 198 pounds test. I had tests on arrival and departure in Luxembourg and the results came...
I had same with Medicspot which I pre-booked weeks earlier from Bangladesh. I did 11 days work in Luxembourg to get around the silly red country mandatory quarantine but on arrival in UK the Medicspot day 2 test I did on exactly 48 hours from arriving took them 3 days to do results. This is ridiculous for an expensive 198 pounds test. I had tests on arrival and departure in Luxembourg and the results came within 6 hours each time and they were only 39 Euro and they were EU wide certification. I also took Lateral Flow tests every day - all negative. Arrive in UK, 3 days wait for the results. What a joke. I can't leave to drive south of UK to see rest of family now because of the silly delays in UK. Next they'l. say its the fuel crisis, driver shortage, Brexit, Global Warming. Wake up UK!
I have been creating a UK Passenger Locator Account and made a mistake entering the required phone number for verification of the email address. The verification code SMS was therefore not received and the verification cannot be completed until the phone number is corrected.
On backing out and attempting to create the account again from scratch I get a message saying the account has already been created. Then if I try to log in I...
I have been creating a UK Passenger Locator Account and made a mistake entering the required phone number for verification of the email address. The verification code SMS was therefore not received and the verification cannot be completed until the phone number is corrected.
On backing out and attempting to create the account again from scratch I get a message saying the account has already been created. Then if I try to log in I get another message indicating that the email address is not verified and login fails.
There seems to be no way to abandon account creation and start again or to adjust the phone number error and I cannot find any appropriate help for this situation on the official web site.
Can anyone help please?
I have just done the exact same thing did you get an answer how to resolve?
I have 5 months remaining on my British Passport & will be flying to Spain for a duration of 4 days. I understand that 3 months minimum remaining on your passport is required to travel to Spain. I have checked in to all flights no problem. I just don't want any nasty surprises when I complete the passenger locator form 48 hours before the flight & it says I need 6 months on my passport...
I have 5 months remaining on my British Passport & will be flying to Spain for a duration of 4 days. I understand that 3 months minimum remaining on your passport is required to travel to Spain. I have checked in to all flights no problem. I just don't want any nasty surprises when I complete the passenger locator form 48 hours before the flight & it says I need 6 months on my passport to complete the form or something... Do you think this will be an issue?
I already have a passenger locator form saved - I just need to create a new document 48 hours before returning to the UK. Would really appreciate someones advice - Thanks!
when trying to create an account it will not take the phone number for a USA phone, can anyone help?
We're flying on Virgin, LAX-LHR (2 hour layover)-DUB on Sunday. I was told, And read, that the pre flight COVID testing is up to the rules at your destination country. Which for us is Ireland. Where there is no test needed if vaccinated. We are all vaccinated. But we will need to be tested before heading home. As per the president's ruling. Unless that changes before the 26th.
I'm flying from Toronto (Canada) to London this Saturday (September 11th) and connecting to Spain 5 hours after landing in Gatwick. I'm not leaving the airport. According to the UK Government rules, I still need to buy a Day 2 TEST, even if you don't stay 2 days to use it.
How do you book and pay for this test if you won't leave the airport to visit a clinic and you don't have a UK address for the test to be sent to?
Gary - I am having exactly the same issue. The text message needed to verify the account never reached me when I request to reset the password I'm advised I can't do this so I'm stuck in a black hole. Awful user interface. Did you find a solution ?
I trying to complete my locator form for travelling to Spain on Wednesday they say it is validated do I need a number and something to show at airport or just my very on phone?
Hi I have messed up on creating an account for
my passenger locator form. When I try to login it won’t recognise it but then when I try to create a new account it says I already have an account . I am stuck. Any help would be appreciated.
I have done exactly the same thing and having googled the problem the Government website suggests you complete the Locator Form without setting up an account.
With accounts deleted after 6 months you will have to wait that long before setting up a new account.
Thank you for the information.
The government information is horrible, and they only provide a telephone helpline!
What if my flight is 45 hours in total. Plus 3 hours departure airport. How do I do it before I leave first destination in the time frame. Plus can't print.
Planning a trip from USA to Switzerland but will transit thru LHR. On the way over the layover will be "airside" but on way back to US from Switzerland, it will be a 23 hour "landside" layover. The posted information about your experience with an "airside" transit is very helpful so thank you very much. Was wondering if anyone had experienced a "landside" layover? I will be staying over night in a hotel by LHR....
Planning a trip from USA to Switzerland but will transit thru LHR. On the way over the layover will be "airside" but on way back to US from Switzerland, it will be a 23 hour "landside" layover. The posted information about your experience with an "airside" transit is very helpful so thank you very much. Was wondering if anyone had experienced a "landside" layover? I will be staying over night in a hotel by LHR. No tourism stuff, just LHR to hotel and back to LHR. Thanks. Chris
That happened to me too, but when I corrected the number I still couldn't open an account.
I’ve typed in the wrong number on passenger locator form. Now I can’t confirm my sign in. Can anyone help? Or know what to do…?
I've finally got the form to load and completed it. I' ve downloaded it but can't save it to my mobile. The QR code that is on the form does not work though - when you scan it in it takes you to a private website ( This means I will have to take a paper copy with me to the airport, but surely when they try to scan it the same will happen. Any advice will be gratefully received.
Thanks for the useful information but you said you need to complete this before you fly, how can you put a seat number on the form when it gets allocated at the airport checking ?
A question. Can 4 adults travelling together use the same email address and password to create 4 locator forms?
The locator form won’t accept my mobile phone number in any type of format
Miss off the leading zero of your number (00 44 871xxxxxx)
What phone number code do you use while filling in abroad? Is it 0044+ for a UK mobile?
00 44 then miss off the first 0 of your phone number
What is the test booking number on the Verfy app.? I’m passing thru Heathrow and have filled out the outer parts
I have a question, and I can't seem to find the answer for it anywhere. I'm in the Cayman Islands currently (green list), and I plan to fly to London via Miami in a couple weeks. It is unclear whether or not I would need to quarantine when I arrive in England based on the fact that I am transitting through the US for a short period (amber list). I had seen somewhere that vaccinated...
I have a question, and I can't seem to find the answer for it anywhere. I'm in the Cayman Islands currently (green list), and I plan to fly to London via Miami in a couple weeks. It is unclear whether or not I would need to quarantine when I arrive in England based on the fact that I am transitting through the US for a short period (amber list). I had seen somewhere that vaccinated travellers might be exempt from quarantine procedures when transitting through the US, however, I'm not vaxxed and there was no information regarding unvaxxed travel procedures when transitting through the US to the UK. I am also a UK citizen, so I'm not sure if that might help at all. I hope somebody can provide me some clarity on this subject, as I feel unsure about it currently.
Thank you for your marvelously detailed and helpful post. After a 2 year hiatus thanks to Covid, I'm finally returning to my beloved London for 2 weeks as of 9/28/2021. I have a problem with the locator form -- When asked how to contact me, I was stymied because the choices are limited to phones. I do not have a phone with international capabilities. I am staying with a friend and feel it's an imposition...
Thank you for your marvelously detailed and helpful post. After a 2 year hiatus thanks to Covid, I'm finally returning to my beloved London for 2 weeks as of 9/28/2021. I have a problem with the locator form -- When asked how to contact me, I was stymied because the choices are limited to phones. I do not have a phone with international capabilities. I am staying with a friend and feel it's an imposition to use hers. What's your expert recommendation -- just print out a hard copy or what? Thank you.
MARTIN KENNEDY . Yes i am afraid so .Just booked mine , having it done at Terminal 2 , Heathrow ( get it out of the way asap ). Cost £69 . It's free where I live ): . I also live in a 'Green' country .
Fantastically helpful and far superior to government guidance.
Just one query....the second day pcr test is required for passengers arriving from green as well as amber countries, correct?
Yes i am afraid so .Just booked mine , having it done at Terminal 2 , Heathrow ( get it out of the way asap ). Cost £69 . It's free where I live ): . I also live in a 'Green' country .
This is September 1. I arrive in England on September 3. I cannot complete my husband's form. The message says I can't complete it more than 48 hours in advance. These are the same dates I used on my own form and I was able to complete it.
Hello, I am a Canadian trying to fill out the passenger locator form. I can't seem to figure out what format my phone number should be in. I have tried looking up the international code for Canada and I think its 01144 then 1 xxx-xxxx. I have tried many combinations of this to no avail. Please help and thanks a lot!!!
The international dialling code for Canada is 1, so 00 1 then your area code (ie 613 for Ottawa) then your number.
Uk would be 00 44 Spain is 00 34 etc
Thank you Sue!!
I still can’t seem to get my Canada number to be accepted. Our phone numbers are 10 digits plus country code is 1. The example provided has + then 11 digits so thought it would work.
It’s saying invalid phone number format!?? Thanks
Your account profile contains information such as passport number, home address etc. You will have to create a new form each time when you travel. You only have to fill in your travel plan ect. as your basic info has been stored in your account already. say you can register fyour location form and use it for six months of journeys..
How and where do I find it or is it activated 48 hrs on first trip?
Sorry not technically minded!
I have a 7 hours stop in London and I have to change airports to catch my second flight to Ukraine, do I have to quarantine for 10 days before proceeding with my trip? Im flying from Morocco
Can I stop over in London and do my 10 days insolation there before proceeding to Scotland, my final destination if am coming from an Amber country?
kindly advise
How can you amend info on the form?
Do I need to print the form or can I just show the .pdf on my phone
I will be taking a flight from the USA to the UK with a connection in Amsterdam. When completing the UK passenger locator form do I enter the USA or Amsterdam when it asks where I’m coming from? The flight number of the service I arrive in the UK on is from Amsterdam, so I’m not sure what to enter. Thanks for any advice
Same question.
I will be travelling from Dublin to Scotland. There is a block when you come towards the end of section 2. It is a question about travelling to/from Islands...
After much agonising I discovered that I in fact do not have to use the form in spite of headlines that says everyone has to complete one. Maddening!!!
I have used both personal and business email to try and set up the account as I’m nit getting the SMS confirmation code. So now I’ve used both options, how can I set up the account?
I will be taking a flight from the USA to the UK with a connection in France. When completing the UK passenger locator form do I enter the USA or France when it asks where I’m coming from? The flight number of the service I arrive in the UK on is from France, so I’m not sure what to enter.
Is it that after you have made the entry of your UK arrival date in the Passenger Locator Form, the Form automatically calculates the 48 hours time window before which you cannot complete filling in the form? I was asking myself how the Passenger Locator Form can "know" when the 48 hours time window begins?
Hi, So if i am only transiting like you did then i should select "change flights in th uk within 24 hrs, without crossing through uk border patrol"‽
Can I amend my phone number after my flight?
So what do you do if the reference number does not work? Did you still have the personal locator form filled out to download to VeriFLY?
The booking reference number does not seem to work and i’ve used assured screening but it does not work
My question is about the UK Locator Form. It asks where you are traveling from. I am traveling from the USA. BUT, then it asks which airline and flite number you are arriving on. Okay, I am not flying direct. I am flying from the USA to the Netherlands and then into MAN. SO, do I say that I am traveling from the Netherlands? Or from the USA? I take it that they want the last leg of the trip reflected in that part of the form?
I've tried to sign up for the Locator Form on the GOV.UK website but the process crashes when it's time to confirm my account. The application crashes as it fails to send me an SMS depite clicking the resend link multiple times. when trying to login again, the system asks me for another email address. I have used up two email adresses so far in vain. Any suggestions?
No suggestions but I've experiences exactly the same. Tried yesterday and today, as has my mum - exactly this.
How can I receive a locater form to process before traveling to save time
Hy How can I fill in locater form early if I don’t have it
Im going to the uk in 2 months.i have both set of my i still gotta get a covid test 72 hrs before leaving the us.and do i gotta do the 2 day test when getting to the uk.
The answer is yes to both of your questions. However, things might be different in 2 months, so you'll need to check on the UK gov website ( nearer your date of travel
I've been trying to enter my day 2 test booking number but it keeps saying its invalid, anyone know why this is happening ?
I'm slogging through this horrid thing for a BUS trip even though I'm coming in from a "green" area. I have to print it out and show it at all points where it's asked because the bus is pretty 'primitive" in terms of check-in and there's not a scannable code on my ticket so I'm sure everything will have to be input manually anyway. And as for "arriving which way" under "Eurotunnel" I found the...
I'm slogging through this horrid thing for a BUS trip even though I'm coming in from a "green" area. I have to print it out and show it at all points where it's asked because the bus is pretty 'primitive" in terms of check-in and there's not a scannable code on my ticket so I'm sure everything will have to be input manually anyway. And as for "arriving which way" under "Eurotunnel" I found the only locations available to be London St-Pancras as the "Eurostar" = London Victoria isn't even listed as an arrival point! Maybe because most cross-Channel buses have stopped running or something. I guess the Russians haven't gotten the message yet? That the buses aren't supposed to be running to London Victoria anymore or something?
Two weeks before my flight from the USA to the UK I tried to create a Locator Account and made a mistake with the phone number. I’m in the USA and have a USA cell phone with a ten-digit number but I mistakenly wrote my number with the UK country code 44. To create an account, you need to provide an email, phone number, and password. You are then sent a 6-digit security code to...
Two weeks before my flight from the USA to the UK I tried to create a Locator Account and made a mistake with the phone number. I’m in the USA and have a USA cell phone with a ten-digit number but I mistakenly wrote my number with the UK country code 44. To create an account, you need to provide an email, phone number, and password. You are then sent a 6-digit security code to proceed. Because I included an incorrect country code with my phone number I never got the security code and couldn’t complete the account sign-up. I called UK Visas and Immigration in the UK and they told me they could delete or reset the account attempt and I will have to fill out the form as a guest. When ask if I have a Locator account say NO when ask if I filled out a form say NO.
Has anyone had a similar problem with the ‘create account’ and then completed the ‘Locator From’ as a guest? If so did you have problems with the form?
Hi. Is there any way to delete previous passenger locator forms saved on the account?
FYI- the gov has not made this clear but you can book and take your 'day 2' test immediately on arrival at the airport. Express test (?? can't remember the exact name but it's on LHR website) has a monopoly on this. Given all the issues of lost tests/ slow returns and this is a mid range option under £70, IMO this is the best option if offered. I waited 5 minutes last week, took...
FYI- the gov has not made this clear but you can book and take your 'day 2' test immediately on arrival at the airport. Express test (?? can't remember the exact name but it's on LHR website) has a monopoly on this. Given all the issues of lost tests/ slow returns and this is a mid range option under £70, IMO this is the best option if offered. I waited 5 minutes last week, took roughly 36h for results to come back.
Also FYI you need a test certificate so unobserved LFT are probably not valid (we get them for free in the uk and they are not accepted). The guy in front of me was denied boarding on my BA flight from Berlin due to lack of paperwork so make sure it's in order (not sure if it's vax, PLF or both)
First of all, thanks for this detailed post.
I have a question to the Day02 tests:
Many test providers are offering 'in-clinic' testing which costs only 20£ and the other by-post versions cost ~60£. One of the provider has this on its webiste: "You will receive your PLF number when you collect your kit and hence this service is only suitable before you have left the UK."
Does that mean that this option...
First of all, thanks for this detailed post.
I have a question to the Day02 tests:
Many test providers are offering 'in-clinic' testing which costs only 20£ and the other by-post versions cost ~60£. One of the provider has this on its webiste: "You will receive your PLF number when you collect your kit and hence this service is only suitable before you have left the UK."
Does that mean that this option can not be availed, since I won't have a "PLF number" (probably the reference number) when I'd be filling the PLF.
Does anyone have any experience with these in-clinic tests?
Thanks in advance
Can’t for the life of me work out the blessed
Phone number format on application form
Tied all ways
Yes, Kathy, I am having the same issue. I have a Canadian number. Please let me know if you have found anything out and I will do the same!!! Cassie
if after filling of passenger locator form, we are unable to travel and have to postpone journey date to 1 week. Whom should we inform pls ?
If you a travelling into England for somewhere within Great Britain’s Common Travel Area - such as from Jersey or the Isle of Man, then my understanding is that you DO NOT have to have any tests or complete any forms.
Do you know if this is ONLY if you have not been in an amber list country in the 10 days before arrival to the second UK location? That’s the question I’m finding it difficult to answer. We are traveling from France to Scotland, then on to England and I can’t tell if I will need to fill out a second passenger locator form!!
Did you find an answer to this? I'm in the same situation. Spain to England to Scotland and don't know if I need to fill in another passenger locator form / test?
That was very helpful. I am traveling soon, and this is the last document I need to complete. Knowing what was coming was helpful and I am now fully prepared.
I will update after my trip if I learn anything worthwhile :-)
I am flying from Spain to Greece via London, I am fully vaccinated. Do I need a negative pcr test to fly?
Travelling from Paris to Glasgow with a connecting flight at London Heathrow. Not sure how to answer the question "Where will you arrive in the UK?" on the Passenger Locator Form. Heathrow? Glasgow? Thanks for any help!
I plan to fly in to LHR at 7 am and depart from Gatwick within 12 hours. Do I need to book the day 2 PCR test to do this? I will have departed the UK well before I reach day it sees pointless. But do I need to do it?
Same situation here, I’ll be changing airports in London to proceed with my trip to the Ukraine and not sure if I should book the second datest or not, did you book it eventually? Thanks for replying
Same situation here, did you book it eventually? Thanks for replying
I am filling the form but it need seat number and I can not do check in now because my flight in 16/8 so tomorrow I can do check in
Can I do sumbit tomorrow for the passneger locator form it means beforw 24 hours?
A friend of mine is an airline employee dependant so travels standby. I asked him as he never knows his seat number until he's called at the gate. He says not putting one on the form has not, so far, caused him any issues.
No quarantine if fully vaccinated
If I am flying into and out of the UK multiple times in a month, do I need to fill out the form each time? I am flying in and taking a train out and then returning to take a flight out - all more than 3 days in between each time.
I have the same question! I am flying into Scotland from Paris, staying a few days, then traveling via train to England. I can't figure out if I need to fill out the form again and book a day 2 test again or if I'm covered from my first test! Praying for an answer as this is causing me a huge amount of stress....
For the last two days, I've been desperately trying to fill in part of the form which states 'where was passport issued/authorised?'. My UK passport states Authorised.. HMPO, the form keeps rejecting the info... I fly to UK from France tomorrow. Does Anyone have any info.
Do they really make you quarantine for 10 Days upon arrival? I do not want to spend my entire trip quarentined.
if you're coming from an amber-listed country, yes you will need to quarantine. if you're vaccinated, you don't need to quarantine. I suggest reading through this
I have put my land line number in by mistake and cannot receive text messages on it. How do I correct this please
My brother is having the same problem. He used another device and it took the Boots info without a problem.
He thought it was the ref no. BOOTS ******* but not. Try using another laptop, phone etc. Good luck
If you are not planning to depart the UK after arriving home, I presume it's acceptable NOT to fill in the section 'Details of your travel from the UK'. But will The Computer be happy if this section isn't filled in i.e. will it still accept the form?
Also: presumably the Reference Number box under 'Form Submitted' at the end is filled in by the government after submission i.e. we don't need a reference number to fill in the form in the first place?
Hi, I can't enter the Covid test reference number from Boots UK on the Government locator form: says invalid number? !! Help, flying tomorrow and on hold forever with Virgin Atlantic to get help.
You put 44 (UK country code) in the first box and your mobile no (removing the '0' at the beginning) in the second box
What if you are staying at multiple hotels while in the UK? Does the form allow more than one or do you just put the first one?
What is the correct telephone number for UK plc form using my mobile number
How do I write/input my uk mobile phone number in the correct format on the locator form,do I add any extra digits or leave any off ?
Hi, I am travelling through UK where I have a 8 hour layover. Do I still need to book the Day-2 PCR test (even though I know I won't be in the country to take it)?
I did fill in the form but I could not generate it at the end.
I travel one week from now on.
I am flying in the UK and will be staying for less than 48 hours (actually for 34 hours). Do I still need to take a PCR test on day 2 since I will be leaving the country on day 1?
Hi George,
I was looking for the information myself and found the following info on
"If you will be in England for less than 2 days you still need to book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test. You only need to take the test if you are still in England on day 2."
Hope this helps :)
I need to self isolate and to boom for 2nd day and 8th day PCR tests. The PLF ask for the reference number. UAE is moving to amber on 8th, but on Boot’s country of departure UAE is not there yet.. will they add it only after 8th Aug.?
I need to write my 14-years daughter test reference number , do i need to fill new form? In my is no space to write it , only for my reference
I understand that I have to obtain a COVID-19 PCR test kit prior to my arrival in Edinburgh. Can they send it to the US? I won't have an address in Scotland since the 10 day quarantine has been waived and we will be traveling about the country.
Transiting from USA thru LHR to EDI, staying airside. Which flight info is needed on the passenger locator form - the inbound flight on AA that lands at LHR or the connecting flight on BA (on the same ticket as AA) which goes to EDI our final destination? The form seems to only want one set of flight info. Thanks for advice.
Would love to know as well
I’ll be traveling from Milan to Manchester, and then from Paris back to the USA.
Does anyone know if I could just buy the 6-packs Abbott BinaxNOW home test kit for the purposes of satisfying the UK entry requirement when I fly from Milan to London? I know I could use the home test kit for returning to the USA for sure when I am in Paris but just not sure about the Italy...
I’ll be traveling from Milan to Manchester, and then from Paris back to the USA.
Does anyone know if I could just buy the 6-packs Abbott BinaxNOW home test kit for the purposes of satisfying the UK entry requirement when I fly from Milan to London? I know I could use the home test kit for returning to the USA for sure when I am in Paris but just not sure about the Italy to the UK part. I am fully vaccinated and I know I will have to take a PCR test on day 2 after arriving into the UK. Thanks!
who should i contact if the service is not working for me? i tried creating an account with two different emails but i cant confirm it cause im not receiving the code through sms
My husband doesn’t own a smart phone , will I be able to fill his pfl on my phone
I have 2 questions
1 Is the number for the day 2 test that needs to be put on the passenger locator form the number on the box and not the number you get when you register the test?
2 I have just had covid so have been told my tests will remain positive for up to 90 days. No one seems able to tell me what will happen - any ideas? Will I use my text from the NHS showing my positive PCR?
I also need an answer to your Q2 - I’m looking to book a trip to Cyprus in the next 7 days and we all had Covid 4 weeks ago. I can’t find any info on this anywhere! What a mare!
And what do you put down as a "home address" if you're on a fiancé visa with a plan to remain in the UK once you've married? Therefore, wouldn't your "home address" be that of your partner (the person you're living with) ?
The British love their bureauracracy like no others, and this crisis is their time to outdo themselves!
The fact that this applies to even airside transit is nuts.
Equally nutty is the dismissal of vaccinations done outside the UK! There is nothing special about the backbone of the UK vaccination program, AstraZeneca, a non-mRNA vaccine with increasingly alarming side effects responsible for more than a few deaths. Some might think their rule is...
The British love their bureauracracy like no others, and this crisis is their time to outdo themselves!
The fact that this applies to even airside transit is nuts.
Equally nutty is the dismissal of vaccinations done outside the UK! There is nothing special about the backbone of the UK vaccination program, AstraZeneca, a non-mRNA vaccine with increasingly alarming side effects responsible for more than a few deaths. Some might think their rule is a bit arrogant in dismissing Pfizer and Moderna to name just two which are regarded as superior, in favour of their home-grown product.
Very strange, since 19th of this month their PM has thrown caution to the wind and set the country on a path probably back into lockdown like no other.
Of course I will not be there to say "I told you so!"; I will leave that to others.
The section that asks about "your travel plans" is a bit confusing. Because I passing through the UK to go to Italy and I need to stay atleast 3 nights so I can get the day 2 test done as well as fit to travel test. But this option is not there.
This is useful since I'm taking BA/AA flights to and from Athens in September!! Would Heathrow accept the BinaxNOW at home test?
I have tried to set up an account for the PLF but have not been successful. I enter the mobile number as per the example in the field +79--etc without the country code 44 and the form is accepted. But I do not receive the code for verification. I tried the full number 079 etc and +4479 etc and these were not accepted. Hence I ended up with +79--etc. Very confusing. Any advice on the best format to enter when setting up the account.
If for some reason the first test is taken on Day 5 and proves negative does this then mean you can actually be released. Please explain reasons either way
Can I use a test to release on day five rather than a test on day 8th. Does the passenger locator ask reference number for each test individually? Thank you
My PLF is not recognising my reference number either was there any progress guys
I booked my Day 2 & 8 tests and received a booking confirmation number but the UK Passenger locator form isnt recognizing this reference number. Is there a lag between receiving my number and the UK Gov accepting it?
Hi Nicole, I am having the exact same problem - the passenger locator form won't recognize by booking reference number. How did you resolve it? Thanks!
Hi Any luck Jenny? Mine won’t take my reference either.
I am wondering if the site is being updated as rules changing tomorrow.
Thank you for the very informative post! How do you know your seat number before getting your boarding pass?
I’m trying to fill in a new PLF after being in the country for 2 days as I’ve just purchased a test to release but I get to the dates of arrival and it doesn’t let me go any further
I have booked 2 tests (Day 2) and (Day 8) with two different reference numbers, but there is only a form for one test. What should I do?
Did you figure out what to do here? I also booked 2&8 in different orders but it’s still too early to fill out my form.
I have the same problem, how did you deal with it? :Ö)
Is it necessary to print the form? I will be able to show the form using a smartphone but don't have printer access 48 hours before flying, is this a make or break for flying?
I am trying to fill in a new passenger locator form in the uk as required for my TEST TO RELEASE EARLY ...
But it doesn’t except my details
What is the arrival test reference number on the verifly app?
We are returning home to the U.K.
The form asks for departure information
Do we just leave this blank
Where do we enter the test we took before take off
Where do we enter the day 2 test we have booked on return to the uk
i have travelled from Mallorca Balearic Island which is green but that is not on the list countries you have to write Spain which is amber? What did anyone else write
My wife doesn't have an e mail can she fill her passenger locater form using mine thank you
I find the locator form ,but there was changes in the seat due to upgrade. and i want to make the changes but it telling to fill a new form. which it will off cos ask me day of arrival which was 9th of july. How can this be solved
I have read that I must have a PCR test booked in UK before my departure to UK. Is this correct? The PLF shown on this site does not have that as a requirement.
same wont accept my phone number
having trouble creating an account format of mobile phone number is no accepted
therefore no confirmation code is being sent
says account exists but can not progress to complete form
any ideas/
I'm traveling to UK with my dad and my little sister (16 years old). Do I have to include her under 18 for both my dad and my own passenger locator form? Or I can just add her under my dad? Please advice.
What is that status RED at the top left corner of my form after I got the pdf file? Please tell me.
Hi what happened to you because the same thing is coming for me??
It won’t accept my postcode?!?!? How do I type it in, I’ve tried different ways and it says it’s an invalid postcode - I’m about to scream
I am flying to the UK and understand whats needed to enter, regarding testing, however, i am only staying 8 days. Do i need to do the 2 day and test release in order to be able to leave again ?
The UK is a total racket. Free tests in the US, free tests in Europe, but they cost in the UK. What's more, they made me buy a days 2 and 8 test package from their cronies when I was connecting from a eurostar to a flight at Heathrow, even though that's not what the passenger form stipulates.
The UK is a complete racket. Avoid it.
Testing is too much. I suggest one test on arrival and one week quarantine follow by self testing. Also the cost of PCR testing is high punching your nose and throat three testing within a week it's painful
I want to ask about,If I visit red list country but before back to U.K. if I stay 10 days in amber list country . I need the follow rules for amber county is in it ?
I’m scheduled to fly from the US to LHR late next week and wondering how tightly regulated the hotel where I’m staying will be about quarantining. Also, where can I get the test kits from? Ty!
Thank you so much for this breakdown of the passenger locator form! Where does it ask you where you plan on staying upon arrival and for how long you’re staying there?
MY family comming from Bangladesh (RED LISTED COUNTRY), I HAVE BOOKED HOTEL AND I have passenger locator form booking reference but after i complite passenger locator form me shown status red , what does that men ? please let me becouse my family should depart tomorow
Hi what happened to you because the same thing is coming for me??
i have same problem read
First of all I would like to thank you for this publication. It is very complete and useful for those of us who have to travel to England and complete the Public Passenger Locator Form ( ).
I have read that passengers coming from Ireland do not need to fill out this form, is that true? They also don't have to run a PCR test before their trip?
I am from Spain and...
First of all I would like to thank you for this publication. It is very complete and useful for those of us who have to travel to England and complete the Public Passenger Locator Form ( ).
I have read that passengers coming from Ireland do not need to fill out this form, is that true? They also don't have to run a PCR test before their trip?
I am from Spain and I have come home to spend a few weeks with my family and it is clear to me that in order to return to the UK I will need to complete the Public Passenger Locator Form.
However my girlfriend is Irish and she does not know if she will have to complete the PPL and if she will have to show negative PCR as she has not yet been vaccinated.
Thanks again.
All the best,
test booking reference- how its look like? no' 41042 ? leters ?
How are you expected to cope with this if you have no internet access and not PC savvy and flying home to UK from a RED LIST country.
I got sent an order confirmation number, but nothing else. The passenger locator form seems to be asking for a number I haven't got.
I need help quick. I can't get my flight without a passenger locator form and I can't fill it in without a test booking reference number. I've ordered the NHS packs and they've arrived, but I have no reference number. What can I do?
You can't use NHS covid19 test. You need to order from private provider.
Thank you so much for the detailed information getting through London. We are going to Italy from Florida via Heathrow. Appreciate your help
Does anyone know if I can complete a form for my wife? I have myself and my children. I can't seem to find a place to put a family member that is not a minor on this form.
It seems ridiculous that my wife would have to make a separate UK.Gov account just for a 2 hour layover. Of course the helpline is closed, so... Any assistance or advice on this would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
The Arrival test reference number is a code that you receive when you order your Day 2 and Day 8 tests for use back in the UK
Has anyone flown from an amber country connected in London with final arrival in Edinburgh? What was your experience?
I’m flying US -> LHR -> EDI next month and guidelines are a little unclear. I know I need to test before travel, day 2/8 tests (presumably the Scottish one as that is where I will self isolate?) and will need to fill in passenger locator form (presumably with LHR as entry point into UK...
Has anyone flown from an amber country connected in London with final arrival in Edinburgh? What was your experience?
I’m flying US -> LHR -> EDI next month and guidelines are a little unclear. I know I need to test before travel, day 2/8 tests (presumably the Scottish one as that is where I will self isolate?) and will need to fill in passenger locator form (presumably with LHR as entry point into UK and noting that I am staying in UK?). This is further complicated as I am traveling with my 8 yo son which I think means no pre-trip testing (as not required if < 11) and also no day 2/8 testing (Scotland does not require if <11 but England is <5 so slightly confusing here too). Any advice?
Did you find answers to your questions? I have exactly the same conditions
I don't see any box to ask for any post arrival test reference in the above example, where do they ask for this please?
What is Arrival test reference number
I bought two test kits for myself and my wife and received a single reference. Now when completing separate passenger location forms it seems I cannot use the same reference in two forms.
Anyone knows, if I leave UK by car to an amber country, staying for a few days, then travelling to a green country (on UK's list) staying there 10 days, how should I complete the PLF? As it's asking for when I left UK and asking for flight details...
Has anyone transit through LHR, and had to stay in a nearby hotel overnight during covid
Do you receive the PLF on your email account, as the form would be filled in when I am in Russia and from experience a UK phone number would not work foe receipt of a document
Do you also know if you can use the same email account for two different people, eg husband and wife
is there a part of the passenger locator form which asks for proof of day 2 and 8 covid tests ? (ie. a reference number)?
Hi, my son arrives from an amber country on 25th, flies to another amber country on 27th but has had to buy a package of day 2 and 8 tests - it states on that he has to buy them even if he won't be in the country to use them - which he won't be.
He is concerned now that on his form he stated stay in the uk as he will be doing so for 48 hours but then won't be in the UK for any track and trace follow up. We are very confused and would appreciate any help.
what happens if you are exempt from quarantine due to your job?
I wondering is there a box to click for regular overseas workers on the form that you can release after 5days but still have to do the 2 and 8 test aslong as you social distance
On 24/06 Italy is due to pass the green list. I'll travel from Italy on 24/06 so will start testing when it is on the green list BUT at the time I must fill in my Plf, it is amber. Could I insert a code for a day 2 test only in this form? It would save me over a hundred pounds!
I'm waiting to hear the reply to your question. I fly from France to UK on 23rd.
Could France become a green country next week, maybe yes??? If so, same question, do I need to quarantine / test etc?
Anyone who has transited/connected in LHR with a 16 hrs layover and went through customs and immigration to return the next day to continue their journey.
Is it possible to stay overnight in a hotel during Covid near LHR?
where do I enter the confirmation codes for Day 2/8 tests on arrival in UK?
How do you deal with passenger locator form when you just do a trip in one day by car to pick up kids at school in England from France (Test 2/8 are irrelevant) ?????
What can i do if i do not receive a verification code to verify my account?
Thanks for this info.
Just want to ask, will there be a problem if I made multiple PLF?
Thanks a lot.
Do we have to show kits for days 2/8 on passenger location forms
OMG! Since my next trip to UK involves a 7 day vacation in Japan before arriving in London LHR, I am wondering nervously how I will get the test in Japan. Presumably, but not definitely, I'm hoping the airline (ANA) will provide useful guidance on how to go about this. Are airlines being helpful in this regard?
Is anyone else feeling like COVID has been leveraged for a big data grab? I'm booking a trip for early 2022. I pray this testing and mask nonsense is done, else I'll cancel my trip. People travel with all sorts of contagious illnesses (e.g., influenza) and aren't tested. Vulnerable people should stay home.
I completed step 1. How do I get to step 2?
This is not full process of the filling of the form. There are more steps regarding ref number of pre booked PCR tests, exact times of arriving at home and more. The registration is time consuming and took me nearly 1 hour. This is horrible and requires too much personal info.
How do I cancel the sign up form that I created, it has the wrong information on it.
I'm filling the Passenger Locator Form and I need to delete an answer and it is impossible. What can I do?
does anyone know if you can use the day 8 test earlier? I'm only in the UK for 6 days
From what I can gather you must swab and take the day 2 test and post on or before day two ie if you arrive in the country on Monday you have to take the test before end of day Wednesday . Day 8 test should be taken on day 8 or after ie the following Tuesday. This is what I have read
I am interested in what the official day 2 & 8 are for example is the following day of arrival for Day 2 and then follow for day 8. Some people are saying day arrive is 0, then day 1 then test on day 2. All confusing and locator form does,nt give info.
Anybody know if you have to put the 2 & 8 day COVID test reference number on the passenger locator form, looking at the example in the blog there is no place for it.
Flying out on the 20th June to Manchester but visiting family else where in the Uk so I have not booked a return flight. Do I need to book a return flight as it does say optional & then asks further on in the form for return details. Very confusing.
I have dual passports ie use UK to fly into the UK and Canadian to fly out. Will be doing this next week. Suggest you fill out the passenger locator form using your UK passport (don’t show a leaving UK date) without creating a permanent profile. If you have to fill out a passenger locator form on the way out just use your other passport again don’t save you profile.
Has anyone flown recently who has dual passports and who travelled to the UK recently? A passport has to be declared on the passenger locator form but what happens if you usually fly out of one country on their passport and into the UK on a British? Were you able to switch to your UK passport going into UK?
Just use your UK passport to fly into the UK and put this on your locator form. If there is any confusion they will ask you to clarify (your dual nationality) at the airport when you check in your bags. They're very used to dealing with dual passport holders.
What is the test booking reference number needed to enter uk on the travel location form ......not sure what it is asking for
I am flying into Cardiff international from Canada via Amsterdam. I booked the day 2 and day 8 covid test with TESTINGFORALL and have a reference number for the passenger locator form. I have now read on the Gov Wales website that I should have be using a dedicated test agency called CTM. Does anybody know please if I can use this booking reference or should I cancel it and rebook on CTM very confusing.
Hello, on the passenger locator form it asks if you have been in a red list country in the past 10 days.
In the past 10 days I was in Egypt (day 1-3) and then Jordan (4-10). Both countries are on Amber list but Egypt changes to Red on Day 4 (day after we leave the country).
Egypt will on the red list when I arrive in the UK (even though I left the country before it turned red). Do I quarantine at home or airport hotel? Can't find anything on the govt website.
Does anyone what happens if you are flying into an Amber country in the morning and returning within the same 24 hr period? Do you still need to take a test to return on the same day and still day 2 and 8 tests?
Hi, did you find this out?
Doing the same thing next week.
Did you have to prove you purchased day 2 & 8 test on passenger locator form?
Yes. You need to put your day 2 and day 8 covid test booking reference number on the passenger locator form. You receive the number when you purchase the test.
If you're connecting in London again on your way home after visiting Greece, do you have to fill out another form? And get another negative covid test while in Greece? Thanks
Thanks very useful
@PPar -- you can't cancel a submission -- the only thing you can do is refile a new passenger locator form to 'override' the contents of your older passenger locator form .. you can't go back and edit an old one .... I'd ignore it - if you don't show up, you don't show up ;-)
So just a question, I filled out the form, but my trip was canceled at the last moment. How do I cancel the submission?
@echino Why doesn’t UK exempt vaccinated transit travelers from Covid test? Because the vaccine only prevents the disease (Covid-19) that results from the virus (SARS-CoV-2). It does not magically stop you carrying and spreading the virus. Despite a few short term concessions which are either carrots to encourage compliance or a misunderstanding of virology, in the longer term vaccination should make absolute zero difference to travel formalities.
I know that this was asked before but I didn't see a reply. Can I use the Abbott BinaxNOW Covid-19 test when transiting through LHR or one of the EU airports? If so, this will help my summer trip planning if I'm unable to get a non-stop flight.
Thanks for any insight that can be provided.
=> Why doesn’t __ exempt vaccinated travelers from a Covid test?
If it's a US person, then they might be concerned that the person is actually vaccinated, rather than carrying a forged CDC card, especially considering the ease of forgery.
@Jules - you are correct - the Abbott test must be purchased from eMed and then guided to qualify.
I got covid tested & guided with the abbott test at the pharmacy will that count? it was lab tested
@JimboJ - I was called and texted but apparently they are visiting some people. The UK have invested a whole pile of money in making tracking and tracing work.
Foreign correspondents and journalists are exempt given they are carrying their credentials and are entering for work. I made a stop in the UK the day before for an incident and did not require to follow this procedure since I was only in the country for 48 hours.
Very helpful, thank you. For the quarantine, did you get visited in person or called/texted?
The form says
When do you plan to arrive in the UK?
I am leaving for Portugal on 28th May and return on 30th May.
If I type in the arrival date of 30th as arrival in the UK, the form won't let me proceed as it says the form cannot be submitted until 48 hours until arrival. Should I be submitting 28th May as the arrival date?
"Why doesn’t UK exempt vaccinated transit travelers from Covid test?"
Because there is still a small chance you can have the disease and still transmit it to others, even if the disease does not affect you.
Ben, your explanation is correct for transit but if anyone is planning to holiday in UK , there is another step. You will be asked for a UK address , as if you will need to isolate for 10 days coming from an ambercountry ( USA) , this will be explained . You need a test on day 2 and day 8 and you need to buy these in advance and enter the reference number...
Ben, your explanation is correct for transit but if anyone is planning to holiday in UK , there is another step. You will be asked for a UK address , as if you will need to isolate for 10 days coming from an ambercountry ( USA) , this will be explained . You need a test on day 2 and day 8 and you need to buy these in advance and enter the reference number on the passenger locator form. The tests are mailed to your address and you self test and mail them back . Day 8 needs to be negative to leave isolation. Coming from a green country does not need isolation ..
I will be staying on a boat during my visit. I will not have an address, any suggestions?
@ben -- agreed if not mandated you need to print everything -- it just made things way easier @ several stages to have printed copies to hand to people rather than trying to show the various docs on your phone or laptop .. for me -- particularly @ immigration going into the UK it was just way easier just to hand the officer printouts of the docs with my passport and then have the conversation with him about who/what/why/where when ... :)
If you're doing landslide or airside transit you still need a negative C19 test to travel to the UK. You need to complete the passenger locator form for the limited you'll be there. You can say no to most of the rest of the form -- the site does a pretty good job of explaining what you need to do.
I flew into LHR last Sunday from the US. If you plan to stay in the UK you need a negative covid test within 72 hours of your departure flight from the US. You need to complete the passenger locator form in the 48 hours before your flight. You need to present these docs @ checkin. Take printed copies. The US is currently an Amber country (UK Covid level) you also need to book...
I flew into LHR last Sunday from the US. If you plan to stay in the UK you need a negative covid test within 72 hours of your departure flight from the US. You need to complete the passenger locator form in the 48 hours before your flight. You need to present these docs @ checkin. Take printed copies. The US is currently an Amber country (UK Covid level) you also need to book and pay for 2 and 8 day Covid tests after your arrival in the UK before you leave the US. You need to plan on isolating in the UK for 10 days on arrival - you can stay in more than one location, but immigration/UK gov will call you and potentially show up on your door step where you're isolating to check you're isolating. The site is pretty good at directing you through what you need to do. You can also pay for an extra "test to release" covid test for day 5 after arrival which if negative will release you from 10 quarantine requirement. Most of the test kits are delivered by Royal Mail priority overnight delivery. Getting a negative test @ weekends (or delivery) is hard - most labs are closed/ Royal Mail doesn't deliver on Sundays. When you're coming back to the US you need a negative test to reenter the US. If you are flying back on Sunday or Monday the Collinson test facility @ LHR terminal 2 (for me) was pretty good. 40 pounds for a LAMP test. Make a reservation on their site. They are organized - you need to book a test appointment for 3 hours before you would check in. I got my results 35 minutes after the test by email and then was able to go checkin etc. (Heathrow has free wifi). Budget $300 or maybe more for all the covid tests. Have have printed copies of all your tests etc. whenever you can - it make things faster. Lots of documentation and protocols but not insurmountable if you really need to visit. The UK is serious about the 10 day isolation protocol and testing (or 5-7 days if you do the extra test to release) be ready for that. :)
Hi ! Thanks for all this info- you said you can stay in more than one location for the 10 day quarantine. Do you need to provide that info on the passenger locator form? How do they know when/where you relocated to?
Did anyone else come straight to the comments to see how many people will cry how this is a HIPAA violation?
@ Chris - please explain how this is a HIPPA violation? Your test results are being sent to you via electronic media (email) which you have the passcode to access or possibly by courier for your eyes only. You upload or enter those details onto an application that would have gone through an IS compliant process and then you are manually displaying that information to an airline employee during check-in. I can understand if you're...
@ Chris - please explain how this is a HIPPA violation? Your test results are being sent to you via electronic media (email) which you have the passcode to access or possibly by courier for your eyes only. You upload or enter those details onto an application that would have gone through an IS compliant process and then you are manually displaying that information to an airline employee during check-in. I can understand if you're thinking "what if VeriFly or the British government is hacked?" Anything can happen, but I don't think this is necessarily a HIPPA violation.
What about landside transit within 24 hours (arriving in the evening, departing next morning? What should be marked in that case for plans in the UK? I worry that selecting "stay in the UK" will lead to having to reference prebooked COVID testing for days 2 and 8, which of course wouldn't happen.
@ Anna -- This page is a good resource for that:
If you're a transit passenger and plan to go to landside:
-- Select "Stay in the UK" under the “Your travel plans” section
-- Reply "No" to any questions about whether you are required to complete COVID-19 tests on arrival
-- Reply "No" to the question "Have you visited a Red List country within the past 10 days and/or...
@ Anna -- This page is a good resource for that:
If you're a transit passenger and plan to go to landside:
-- Select "Stay in the UK" under the “Your travel plans” section
-- Reply "No" to any questions about whether you are required to complete COVID-19 tests on arrival
-- Reply "No" to the question "Have you visited a Red List country within the past 10 days and/or are required by law to quarantine in a government approved facility?"
Hey! I am doing this next weekend and also worried about the 2nd day test, I’ll be leaving within 24 hrs but spending the night at a hotel. Would you mind sharing what you did in regards to your trip?
Thank you
Will this form be sufficient if I'm transiting airside on two separate tickets, or will I also need to meet the conditions of entry for the UK in that case?
@ Willem Y Van Eck -- Transit on two separate tickets shouldn't be an issue.
Do you have to actually PRINT the PLF or can you just show it on a smart phone to check in at the airpot?
Flying to LHR tomorrow on United - the UK govt site clearly states you can show on a phone but now wondering if i have to scramble to find a printer tomorrow morning to check in at the airport.
@ Andy -- It's not actually necessary to print it, having it on your phone is fine. And I'm not usually someone who would print things if I didn't need to, but there's just so much paperwork that was needed for this trip, and we were three people, so I felt better if things were printed.
I have attempted to use Verifly on 4 trips. On two trips, my documents never moved past 'pending.' On one my covid test was rejected because it "didn't have my name on it..." It did. I finally actually got it to work yesterday, shockingly.
IMPORTANT NOTE for anyone planning to use the Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 home test - I believe you MUST buy it from eMed and have the guided test. The ones available at the pharmacy won't qualify AFAIK.
I got it done at the pharmacy, I didn't buy it there. It was guided. Will that count?
Yes - I believe so. I'm flying US to UK on Weds and Verifly just accepted the results from it today. It was approved within 3 minutes. I guess it's possible they approved a test which gets rejected when I get there but you'd hope not... Also those tests have published accuracy which is above the minimum standards the UK specified.
Means those tests can be used both ways which is nice because the testing costs add up.
Germany has put travel restrictions on people arriving from U K. It remains to be seen if they encourage other EU members to do the same. Things change every day.
The tricky thing about using UK as a transfer point is this state of flux happening there with approved tests, approved forms ,colour coding of countries. Then on Sunday Germany slapped restrictions on arrivals from the UK. Will other countries follow or be pushed by Germany to follow?
It all seems to change day by day. And more worry than it is worth. There are nice beaches and islands in my own state. And...
The tricky thing about using UK as a transfer point is this state of flux happening there with approved tests, approved forms ,colour coding of countries. Then on Sunday Germany slapped restrictions on arrivals from the UK. Will other countries follow or be pushed by Germany to follow?
It all seems to change day by day. And more worry than it is worth. There are nice beaches and islands in my own state. And I know the recipe for a Greek salad.
Anyway Ben, I hope you can protect your mother from all the covid stuff and concentrate on the holiday aspect.
I will not fly to countries which do not recognize fully vaccinated passengers for entry. Taking a PCR or antigen test prior to arrival is superfluous. Also, President Biden needs to lift the January 21, 2021 Executive Order which requires Americans and other fully vaccinated individuals traveling to the United States to take a COVID-19 test with negative results before boarding a commercial aircraft. Again, this is unnecessary for fully vaccinate individuals. America is on...
I will not fly to countries which do not recognize fully vaccinated passengers for entry. Taking a PCR or antigen test prior to arrival is superfluous. Also, President Biden needs to lift the January 21, 2021 Executive Order which requires Americans and other fully vaccinated individuals traveling to the United States to take a COVID-19 test with negative results before boarding a commercial aircraft. Again, this is unnecessary for fully vaccinate individuals. America is on the road to recovery and normalcy with safe vaccines. Let’s have our nation moving again and not be bogged down with redundancy and expensive requirements to submit to mandatory testing prior to returning to the United States!
I landed this morning at LHR from the States. This is a good description of the process. I don't know how verifly fits into the procedure to improve it. Seems like one more unnecessary step that could go wrong. UA checked my antigen test and my PLF at check-in and the gate. They were rechecked on arrival at LHR. We got in early to London and immigration was very quick, maybe 10 minutes.
Did you have to schedule COVID-19 tests for day 2 and day 8? The Gov.UK indicates people traveling from Amber Countries (USA) are required to pay for tests and proof must be on the passenger locator form.
I want to know this too. Do I have to purchase this kit if my stay is less than 48 hours.?
I am searching for the answer to this as well. I return from Ireland, spending one night in London, then return to Houston. Wondering if I need to book and take a day 2 test.
Hey Pat, you don't need to book a test. On the passenger locator form you say that you're exempt, in the box where it asks why you're exempt, start to type in the transiting and you'll see the option transiting landside option (England only) that is the one you want. Good luck!
This applies to passengers from Amber and Green countries: If you will be in England for less than 2 days you still need to book and pay for a day 2 COVID-19 test. You only need to take the test if you are still in England on day 2.
How do you book and pay if you will only be in transit? Some test providers ask you to book an appointment with the clinic (to get the test booking reference) or provide a UK address for the test to be sent to you.
I suspect the UK will change their practice for vaccinated travelers. Why even connect or end at LHR if you are fully vaccinated and have proof of vaccination. One who is fully vaccinated can travel to the EU with no hassles. This is typical British bureaucracy with no forethought. The UK has the highest landing fees and taxes in Europe and duty free shopping has been discontinued thanks to Rishi trying to recover COVID costs....
I suspect the UK will change their practice for vaccinated travelers. Why even connect or end at LHR if you are fully vaccinated and have proof of vaccination. One who is fully vaccinated can travel to the EU with no hassles. This is typical British bureaucracy with no forethought. The UK has the highest landing fees and taxes in Europe and duty free shopping has been discontinued thanks to Rishi trying to recover COVID costs. Hmm, "Global Britain?:" I think not with rules and economic policies making the EU look very favourable, why visit the UK? I can make these comments having recently relocated from the UK to the USA.
Yup hard pass on the UK i will take myself and my fellow vaccinated friends somewhere less strict and more fun.
Why doesn't UK exempt vaccinated transit travelers from Covid test?
Will the UK accept the Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 home test, which includes having an eMed representative supervise the test? Apparently it's CDC-approved for travel to the US.
I need to know this too
I should clarify - I submitted the info over 24 hours prior to departure!
When I used VeriFLY a couple of weeks back flying back to the U.K. from Europe, it took over 24 hours for my test to be verified - I received full verification from VeriFLY 18 hours after I landed back in the U.K.!
I flew FAO-LHR yesterday and the check-in agent was also very happy I had used VeriFLY. They quickly glanced at my VeriFLY pass and checked nothing further.
@Steve - VeriFLY basically lets you input your trip details, then gets you to add the required documentation and then they verify it and give you a 'pass'. So you just show that pass to the airline instead of all the various documentation.
The UK government site is obviously mandatory. Can someone explain how VeriFly fits into the process?
Just a note, you misspelt Northern as Norther
The reason you weren't asked at any other point for your passenger locator form or negative test is because the UK was having horrible queues at border control. With foreign travel for leisure being permitted as of 17.05, they changed when it was collected in order to speed up the border process. As a result, the information is now verified at check-in.
I entered the wrong country code is that a problem