PSA: Please Respect Those Who Wear Masks On Planes

PSA: Please Respect Those Who Wear Masks On Planes


I feel like this shouldn’t have to be said, but don’t be a jerk to people who choose to wear masks at airports and on planes.

On April 18, 2022, the federal transportation mask mandate ended in the United States, after a ruling by a district judge in Florida. While the Biden administration is trying to appeal this ruling, for the time being you don’t have to wear masks on planes.

As you’d expect, this has drawn mixed reactions. Many people are excited about this development, while others are frustrated. One thing I’ve found to be rather alarming is that there have been several reports of people who choose to wear masks being harassed by both fellow passengers and crews.

One doctor claims that a Delta pilot walked by him in the terminal and told him to take his mask off and “breath free.”

Another Twitter user claims he was traveling from Orlando to Seattle on Alaska, and that “the pilot created an anti-mask party from the start, which encouraged the non-mask wearers to chide the mask-wearers.”

It’s claimed that passengers were calling them freaks, and “they awarded the most outspoken guy with free drinks.”

There’s even a video of a JetBlue flight attendant cheerily singing a “throw away your masks” song in the aisle, while holding a garbage bag for people to dispose of their masks. In this case I’m going to assume it was at least well intentioned and he was just excited, and perhaps wasn’t thinking about how it makes others feel.

I would hope that most people wouldn’t be so rude and cruel as to call out people for wearing masks. Fortunately we have masks that offer great personal protection nowadays, and those who want to wear masks can do so.

It doesn’t really matter what the reason is — whether they’re vulnerable, whether they have loved ones who are vulnerable, whether they don’t want to get sick, or whatever — but they deserve to be respected and not made to feel out of place. If we want freedom of choice when it comes to masks, that also means respecting those who choose to wear masks.

I also think airlines have a duty to train employees to not turn flights into a cheer fest for no longer having to mask up. This is uncomfortable for those who choose to wear masks, and makes them a target for fellow passengers.

Bottom line

The transportation mask mandate has ended in the United States (at least for now), and personally I’m happy to see that. However, I very much respect those who continue to wear masks, and in high risk situations I’ll continue to wear masks when traveling (because I have vulnerable family members, because I like not getting sick, and because getting coronavirus while traveling is really inconvenient, if nothing else).

It’s dismaying to hear that some airline employees and passengers are choosing to insult those who exercise their right to wear masks. I would imagine that this is a tiny minority of people, but still, please don’t be that mean to another human. For that matter, if you witness this kind of behavior, please stand up for that person and/or report the situation.

To those who have traveled in recent days, have you seen any sort of negative behavior directed toward those wearing masks?

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  1. JT Guest

    This morning I flew Southwest from Nashville to San Antonio. I wear a mask because I have a MIL with dementia and a special needs son who is immunocompromised. I was harassed by 4 men, two in each airport, including the PILOT of my plane who sarcastically commented in my face at the door of the aircraft "Nice to see your smiling face." His far classier flight attendant quickly tried to smooth over his uncalled for snark. I weep for what is happening to this country.

  2. JBCH Guest

    I guess it goes both ways, back in the day the mask proponents were making fun and being aggressive towards those not wanting to wear masks. Even Fauci wrote emails saying the masking wasn't going to do help people in 2020! At this point, deal with it, masks will not prevent you from getting COVID. I hated masks from the beginning but if anyone wants to wear a mask, whatever I don't really care but...

    I guess it goes both ways, back in the day the mask proponents were making fun and being aggressive towards those not wanting to wear masks. Even Fauci wrote emails saying the masking wasn't going to do help people in 2020! At this point, deal with it, masks will not prevent you from getting COVID. I hated masks from the beginning but if anyone wants to wear a mask, whatever I don't really care but don't act like victims when you were victimizing others for not wearing them before.

  3. David Guest

    Thanks for the post Ben. There are already enough people chiming in about knowing vulnerable people (or are vulnerable themselves) around them, so I'd also like to add even for people who don't know anyone vulnerable, we'd still like to travel to our destinations and not test positive, ending up in an extended quarantine.

    Many countries have not stopped testing, and as a "freedom lover", I've been enjoying my freedom to travel around the globe...

    Thanks for the post Ben. There are already enough people chiming in about knowing vulnerable people (or are vulnerable themselves) around them, so I'd also like to add even for people who don't know anyone vulnerable, we'd still like to travel to our destinations and not test positive, ending up in an extended quarantine.

    Many countries have not stopped testing, and as a "freedom lover", I've been enjoying my freedom to travel around the globe again, and would prefer not to get stopped in my tracks, so if you don't want to stay masked, that's fine, but please don't harass those who choose to wear masks still.

  4. Toan Guest

    Each time someone is infected by covid, it's an opportunity for the virus to mutate. If it does and becomes immune to the vaccines then we're all going back to square one. That potentially means more deaths, impacts business that might have to close and in the end it will impact all of us as we could lose our jobs. I will keep wearing my mask as long as we have hundreds of deaths due to covid.

    1. Sosong Guest

      No one said you can’t!

    2. JBCH Guest

      Were you wearing one when the flu was killing the same amount of people?

  5. Justin..... New Member

    >>If we want freedom of choice when it comes to masks, that also means respecting those who choose to wear masks.

    Any take that is not this take is the wrong take. Full stop.

  6. Andrew Diamond

    Thanks for saying this, Ben. I personally appreciate you using your platform for this.

  7. RF Diamond

    Report pilots & FAs who do this. They should be fined & disciplined for creating an unsafe environment.

  8. Jakob Guest

    Your article is perfectly argued, Ben.

    My wearing a mask harms no-one. Not wearing a mask can harm others. If I'm not to comment on those who will not show me the respect and courtesy to not put me at that risk by not wearing a mask, I at least expect them to leave me in peace when I take my precautionary measures.

    Live and let live. And be a little kinder to each other.

  9. Andy 11235 Guest

    I have clearly spent way too much time in Korea. These masks aren't just to reduce the risk of catching COVID -- they work pretty well against just about any other infection that spreads through the air. Before COVID it was typical to see Koreans wear a mask in crowded public spaces, because getting sick is unpleasant. But then, as soon as you mandate something in America, it becomes a political "freedom" argument that overwhelms...

    I have clearly spent way too much time in Korea. These masks aren't just to reduce the risk of catching COVID -- they work pretty well against just about any other infection that spreads through the air. Before COVID it was typical to see Koreans wear a mask in crowded public spaces, because getting sick is unpleasant. But then, as soon as you mandate something in America, it becomes a political "freedom" argument that overwhelms any logic as to whether the mandated thing is actually a good idea or not. The real story isn't about masks or not, but how we seem to have lost basic respect for others.

    1. Joshua Member

      “They work pretty well against just about any other infection that spreads through the air”

      That’s an overstatement. In 2010 a systematic review of available evidence found that there was very limited evidence to support community masking to prevent flu like symptoms.

      “Our review highlights the limited evidence base supporting the efficacy or effectiveness of face masks to reduce influenza virus transmission. ”

      “They work pretty well against just about any other infection that spreads through the air”

      That’s an overstatement. In 2010 a systematic review of available evidence found that there was very limited evidence to support community masking to prevent flu like symptoms.

      “Our review highlights the limited evidence base supporting the efficacy or effectiveness of face masks to reduce influenza virus transmission. ”

    2. JBCH Guest

      It's interesting how people don't realize they're just repeating talking points and not doing any thinking or research on their own. Good job!

  10. Gary Guest

    Anyone who comments on my decision wearing a mask, i will just inform them that i actually have Covid and just protecting other people!

    1. Samo Guest

      If you have COVID, you shouldn't be on a plane. All you'd do would be proving the point that masks give people false sense of security and an excuse to not take more effective precautions.

  11. Foxy Guest

    Reading these comments reaffirms how glad I am to be Canadian.

    Wearing a mask on a flight should not depend on some unqualified political appointee.

    That said, I am very uncomfortable having to travel to Europe next month. I will be masked- for over 24 hours - but what will I do sitting next to an unmasked person? And then the transit?

    I can't afford to get sick. I am travelling to support my ailing parent through surgery.

    1. Frances Price Gold

      Reading these comments reaffirms that I'll only be vacationing in Canada and flying there on Canadian airlines that require masking and vaccination!

  12. D3kingg Guest

    If I got knocked out by Mike Tyson on a plane I’d wish I was wearing a mask.

  13. Speedbird Guest

    Personally, I won't go out of my way to ridicule someone that's not wearing a mask. However I can't say I feel bad for those that do get ridiculed. I haven't forgetten how those that were not properly wearing a mask or not wearing outdoors were treated in 2020. Got plenty of death stares in 2020 from these people simply for not wearing a mask when outdoor restrictions were loosened in my area. Funny how...

    Personally, I won't go out of my way to ridicule someone that's not wearing a mask. However I can't say I feel bad for those that do get ridiculed. I haven't forgetten how those that were not properly wearing a mask or not wearing outdoors were treated in 2020. Got plenty of death stares in 2020 from these people simply for not wearing a mask when outdoor restrictions were loosened in my area. Funny how they don't like it when they're on the recieving end of the ridiculing.

  14. Alan Diamond

    While I believe everyone has the right to choose, I can also understand those who comment on someone still wearing a mask. Too many of us who have not worn masks have faced Karens on a daily basis - I personally will not comment but I can understand the frustration of those who have been on the receiving end of a Karen.
    If masks actually worked, it would be different but all of the...

    While I believe everyone has the right to choose, I can also understand those who comment on someone still wearing a mask. Too many of us who have not worn masks have faced Karens on a daily basis - I personally will not comment but I can understand the frustration of those who have been on the receiving end of a Karen.
    If masks actually worked, it would be different but all of the studies have basically shown any mask apart from an N100 or equivalent, to essentially be a waste of time. I personally got covid from my surgeon wife who wore an N95 all of the time at the hospital where she was exposed to covid.

    1. reddargon Diamond

      All of the studies did not "basically" show that. Sure, they don't say masks are foolproof or even anything close to it. But most studies I have seen do suggest that they help reduce the spread. And when we are talking on a large scale around the world, even a 10% reduction in cases can equate to millions fewer cases. It may not seem like a lot when put as a % but when you...

      All of the studies did not "basically" show that. Sure, they don't say masks are foolproof or even anything close to it. But most studies I have seen do suggest that they help reduce the spread. And when we are talking on a large scale around the world, even a 10% reduction in cases can equate to millions fewer cases. It may not seem like a lot when put as a % but when you think about what that means for a large number of people it becomes more significant. Of course, that assumes that everyone is doing it; they lose effectiveness as people opt out.

      Also, given that your wife works in a hospital it's fair to say she was exposed to Covid a lot more regularly than most people. It was probably inevitable that she got Covid. Does that mean masks don't work though? Not really. She may have gotten it sooner, or gotten infected multiple times (given how prevalent reinfections seem to be now), if she hadn't worn a mask.

      Having said all this, mask mandates have been dropped where I live (in France) for over a month now and I don't really wear one anywhere. Everyone reaches their breaking point I suppose.

    2. Joshua Member

      As noted by Alan, the research does show that cloth masks are a complete waste of time and surgical masks offer a very modest, if any, reduction in transmission in the community setting. Only rigid use of a well fitting N95 type masks will prevent catching covid. Fortunately that N95 offers excellent protection to the person wearing it, so the actions of the others around them do not matter.

      As such, there is no...

      As noted by Alan, the research does show that cloth masks are a complete waste of time and surgical masks offer a very modest, if any, reduction in transmission in the community setting. Only rigid use of a well fitting N95 type masks will prevent catching covid. Fortunately that N95 offers excellent protection to the person wearing it, so the actions of the others around them do not matter.

      As such, there is no need for a mask mandate. However I do agree that leaving alone those who do chose to wear a mask is the polite thing to do.

    3. Harold Guest

      "All of the studies" lol. The song of the misinformed... Obviously wearing a full respirator mask makes it LESS LIKELY that one will contract Covid than a surgical mask. It's all about probablilities and risk tolerance.

    4. Joshua Member

      Certianly true - but the effectiveness of surgical masks (low - potentially single digit % risk reduction) vs an n95 (approaching 100% risk reduction) is night and day.

  15. Bill Cannedy Guest

    If people want to wear masks that is fine by me. However if they were really serious about not catching Covid they would be properly wearing a N95. Cloth masks IMO are just one step above wearing a lucky charm

  16. Endre Guest

    Americans (predominantly white and male) and their insecurities. Like, seriously…

    1. Sholani Guest

      Just because I’m white and male means I can’t wear a mask and that I’m insecure? Mind your own business!

  17. Speedbird Guest

    And then everyone clapped. These tweets are the most terribly written works of fan fiction I have seen in ages. Never once have I seen anyone told a thing for wearing a mask. I have repeatedly been harassed for not wearing a mask even when legal to do so

  18. Bill n DC Guest

    So to me it’s like a bicycle helmet. I’ll keep it up

    Also to ‘own’ the fredumb folks ;-)

    And it doesn’t surprise me a bit that the haters are so starved for validation and desire to be better than they are would harass regular folks rolled eye emoji

  19. ChuckMO Member

    I still wear a mask at work even though I'm vaccinated and boosted. My choice. One co-worker asked me why and I told him point blank: I don't trust you people. Even if it is just a minor bit of protection, it's better than nothing.

  20. John Guest

    Can we also stop being jerks about people's vaccination status? Is that too much to ask for?

    1. lkmk Guest

      When was the last time people made a big deal about that? It's been a few months.

  21. Eileen Kerrigan Guest

    "I would hope that most people wouldn’t be so rude and cruel as to call out people for wearing masks."

    I wish the same had been/would be true for those doing the same to people who did not or could not wear them. Instead, they were lambasted for being "granny-killers" and not caring if babies and sick people died.

    1. AW Guest

      The difference is that vaccination really works and is shown to have a significant effect at reducing morbidity and mortality. How many stories have we read by now in which some unvaccinated rube says, "if I'd only known."

  22. Peter Guest

    I hope someone tells me to take mine off. I'll say "cool, I tested positive this morning, but since you insist."

  23. MM Guest

    I certainly respect people that choose to wear masks! What I find quite interesting is those that say masks should still be mandatory, for health reasons. So along that line of reasoning we all should have been masked up for years during flu season, which typically is as contagious if not more so than Covid.

    1. Alex Guest

      Someone you don’t acknowledge the difference between the common cold or flu and COVID - COVID is a disease that has killed close to 1 million people in the US in two years. However, anyone who is sick with a cold or flu should as a courtesy to other wear a mask. Might as well avoid getting other people sick right?

  24. Dylan Guest

    The interesting change due to removing the mask mandate: you can now wear ventilator masks that protect you but not your neighbor.

  25. Polly Guest

    If there's one place that you should be wearing a mask...its on an airplane where you're practically sitting on top of people. Take a look at what's happening overseas...again...and you think everything is over and we're back to normal?

    1. AW Guest

      The problem with your comment is that there is actually no scientific proof of what you say. There is no evidence of airplanes being "superspreader" type locations, and that includes the time before masks were mandated. I think we can also agree that, the mask requirements on planes have not been extensively enforced and the majority of people were not wearing the types of masks that have been shown to have statistically significant effects. Like...

      The problem with your comment is that there is actually no scientific proof of what you say. There is no evidence of airplanes being "superspreader" type locations, and that includes the time before masks were mandated. I think we can also agree that, the mask requirements on planes have not been extensively enforced and the majority of people were not wearing the types of masks that have been shown to have statistically significant effects. Like many on this site, I've flown a lot during Covid--probably two dozen trips in the past two years. Generally, I'd estimate that 25% of the people aren't wearing their masks at any given time (either "eating" or just flouting the rules). We've also realized that high intensity air filtration seems to be the best defense against Covid. I know it doesn't match the "gut feels" of a large percentage of people, but the evidence seems to imply that an airplane may be one of the safer places that you can be, notwithstanding the close quarters. Make your own decisions; wear your own N95. But at this point, I'm triple vaccinated, and I've had Covid. I'm not wearing it anymore if I'm not required--especially now that the conversation seems to have devolved to people saying that you should now do it to protect others from influenza and other infections that no one in the West (yes, Asia is excluded) thought anything about 2.5 years ago. Covid is an endemic disease in the world now and something that people are just going to have to include in their personal risk calculations.

  26. jeffers New Member

    The worst thing about the World now is that idiots on Twitter are being given coverage in the news, and on blogs like this.

    Spend 5 minutes reading the's just laughable garbage, all of it. People need to get out more.

    1. jeffers New Member

      Also..grow the f*** up, America.

  27. Mike Guest

    Thanks for saying this, Ben! While I am opposed to wearing masks, I just had a kidney transplant two months ago and I have to wear one anytime I'm in public or around another person due to my immune system being suppressed. I feel like telling everyone that sees me what my circumstances are so that they won't think I'm someone who I'm not...haha :)

  28. Brian Guest

    Thanks, Ben. I have been an outspoken critic of masks for quite some time. Living in Florida where masks haven't been required for well over a year, it's still a shock when I go to other parts of the world where they are still required.

    That said, I have also been respectful of those that feel more comfortable with me wearing a mask. I don't know what their circumstances are and I just keep my distance or put on a mask... it's not a big deal.

  29. Mary Guest

    The hypocrisy of those who celebrate "freedom" but chastise those who wear masks is revolting. Since masking began, I've been free of colds, and am now being treated for cancer. I'll be wearing my mask in the airport and on planes forever. And it's nobody's business but mine.

  30. Mike Guest

    Let me start by saying that I am 100% happy with the court ruling and that I think masks should no longer be mandated on planes.
    Tht being said, personally (and I accept that I am probably an exception) I like wearing these masks. I used to travel to Asia frequently and masks were very common there well before covid was even a thing. I was always a little jealous - I thought it...

    Let me start by saying that I am 100% happy with the court ruling and that I think masks should no longer be mandated on planes.
    Tht being said, personally (and I accept that I am probably an exception) I like wearing these masks. I used to travel to Asia frequently and masks were very common there well before covid was even a thing. I was always a little jealous - I thought it was a nice way to keep yourself a bit protected in dense environments. Is it all in my head? Possibly. Does the mask provide 100% protection? Not even close. Do I think goverenment should dictate to people where they need to wear them? Absolutely not.
    I do like the idea that I can choose when I wear one without being judged.

  31. Morris Guest

    I'm one of those that prefer not to wear a mask but on my recent trip from DEN to LAS, the guy sitting next to me kept coughing every 5-10 minutes. This continued for the entire 2 hour flight. I'm kinda glad he wore a mask.

    1. Gary Hal Hohenstein Guest

      Well I guess it is just too bad for them now. People who didn't want to wear a mask were harassed and intimidated for more than 2 years. Now the shoe is on the other foot!! I was on Lufthansa in March from DRS to JFK and return and the stewardesses never stopped bothering people about masks for 9 hours - will never fly that airline again.

  32. nomilk Guest

    people are too damn sensitive yo.
    if you wanna wear your mask, wear your mask, put your headphones in and ignore anybody who tells you that you shouldn't.
    bet the people quoted in the article are the same people who try to shame folks who aren't vaccinated and now their feelings are hurt cause they feel like outsiders for 4 hours or less during their flight.
    *plays the worlds smallest violin*

    1. Mike Guest

      That’s a slippery slope. Telling people to put their headphones on? Where does that stop? Does that give license to racism? Misogyny? Homophobia?
      Usually you’d find that the answer to “where does it stop” is “ it stops when I’m on the receiving side” so the argument as a whole is fairly weak.

    2. lkmk Guest

      Those people have good reason to be shamed.

  33. NYGuy24 Diamond

    That pilot should be immediately fired. Who the hell does that clown think he is? If one of these anti-masker blowhards says this to the wrong person and gets knocked out I am going to laugh.

  34. Vernon Demerest Guest

    The problem is that early on in the pandemic, masks became a flag and a virtue signal. It wasn't enough for some people who wanted to wear a mask to quietly go about doing so, regardless if they wore it for their own protection or for the benefit of others. They clung to a belief that the mask didn't protect them, it protected others and when others who didn't share that belief didn't reciprocate a...

    The problem is that early on in the pandemic, masks became a flag and a virtue signal. It wasn't enough for some people who wanted to wear a mask to quietly go about doing so, regardless if they wore it for their own protection or for the benefit of others. They clung to a belief that the mask didn't protect them, it protected others and when others who didn't share that belief didn't reciprocate a showdown over virtue ensued. Then public health policy morphed from masks don't work to masks are mandated, this emboldened a subset of the population who now felt the law was on their side to enforce their virtue - the mask still worked as well or as poorly as they may have but anyone that didn't want to wear a mask - even in situations where it was totally unnecessary (walking outside) was branded as a scofflaw.

  35. Abey Guest

    Bravo Ben! This shouldn’t even need to be said

  36. Jim Guest

    Not even "one doctor," he's the former US Surgeon General

  37. DaninMCI Guest

    I don't hassle people with masks on but the tweet featured is a bit ironic "Why is it those who so strongly felt others were imposing their beliefs (in health, wellness and compassion) on them, feel so free to impose their beliefs on others?!" I doubt he felt that way over the past 2 years in the other direction for those that didn't want mask nazi's to "impose their beliefs on others".

  38. Jim Guest

    For those of opposed to masks because you think it's political keep in mind some of do it for the most conservative reason possible... Our money. If I don't work in my business I don't get paid. Getting sick and quarantined would come between me and money. I don't care at all if you get sick/die but I'd rather be dead than poor.

  39. Icarus Guest

    It’s totally unprofessional and inappropriate for employees to now turn into anti maskers and make customers feel uncomfortable. If it’s true how the delta crew responded, it’s clear where his political opinion lies. Are Americans now being allowed to bully and chide people for wearing masks ? And if the Alaska story is true, the crew should be suspended.

  40. Sean Guest

    I hope the CDC brings the mask mandate back. People are still dying. Millions of people are suffering from Long-Haul Covid, creating severe disabilities and suffering. So simple and easy to wear a mask. I don't understand people who have this desire to not wear one. If you don't wear a mask, you put Other people at risk. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

    1. MikeL1986 Guest

      Selfish? No it should be a choice just like anything else. You expecting every person to wear a mask because you're scared is selfish. YOU wear your N95 mask if you are worried. There is zero justification for requiring masks in airports and planes when masks are not required in any other public indoor spaces at this point. Planes have the best ventilation short of being outdoors, and hospital grade air filtration so if I...

      Selfish? No it should be a choice just like anything else. You expecting every person to wear a mask because you're scared is selfish. YOU wear your N95 mask if you are worried. There is zero justification for requiring masks in airports and planes when masks are not required in any other public indoor spaces at this point. Planes have the best ventilation short of being outdoors, and hospital grade air filtration so if I don't need a mask in bars, arenas, etc. then there is zero reason to require them on planes. With viable vaccines and treatments readily available to anyone who wants them, it is shocking to me that people like you still believe that Covid is an emergency still. Get a grip on reality Sean.

    2. Max Guest

      People are dying with masks the same as without. A recent study from the medical department University of Mainz (Germany) came to the conclusion, that the occurence and symptoms of long-covid and long-lockdown are exactly the same: In other words, people suffer the same from lockdowns as from covid.
      And please check how much micro- and nano-plastics a person who continuously is wearing a mask has accumulated in his lungs over 2 years.

    3. Dan77W Guest

      So I’m supposed to respect people who still choose to wear masks (which I do), even after 2 yrs of compliantly wearing mine… only to be shamed and called selfish by Sean here. Nice

    4. TravelinWilly Diamond

      Many Americans think that any minor inconvenience (masks) is an infringement on liberty blah blah blah.

      Dumb Americans don’t believe in science.

      Therein lies the problem.

    5. Mantis Guest


      You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

      Please point me to the scientific studies that proved that cloth and surgical masks (as these were the minimum required) are effective at stopping covid. Hint: there are none, though there are numerous studies that show they have statistically no effect. This should be obvious to you since Covid kept spreading for 2 years despite draconian mask mandates.



      You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

      Please point me to the scientific studies that proved that cloth and surgical masks (as these were the minimum required) are effective at stopping covid. Hint: there are none, though there are numerous studies that show they have statistically no effect. This should be obvious to you since Covid kept spreading for 2 years despite draconian mask mandates.

      So yes, you maskers should be ridiculed, as you truly are delusional. Besides, you extended so much courtesy to those of us who chose not to wear a mask at the height of the hysteria, right? To get respect you have to give respect. You maskers haven't earned any respect from me.

    6. Bob Guest

      Dumb Americans are not capable of learning math and science. The easiest way to hide that is to deny it (regardless of exhaustive proof) or bully it into submission because that's all they learned in elementary school. It's an easy way to not have to deal with why their life is a mess.

    7. Interested Reader Guest

      I am for anything that ACTUALLY works and population masking as seen in the USA is not all that effective simply put.

      There have been various studies of population wide masking only one used the gold standard of any study a randomized controlled trial (a better type of study would have been a double-blind randomized control trial, but to date none have been performed).

      The best study on population wide masking found that cloth masks...

      I am for anything that ACTUALLY works and population masking as seen in the USA is not all that effective simply put.

      There have been various studies of population wide masking only one used the gold standard of any study a randomized controlled trial (a better type of study would have been a double-blind randomized control trial, but to date none have been performed).

      The best study on population wide masking found that cloth masks have close to no benefit at all and medical procedure style masks had very little benefit at all. In essence it proved what some people knew all along, short of N95s cloth and paper masks are not all that effective when used as filters in either direction.

      Then there are KN95s, and more problems appear, the biggest issue with the KN95s are the manufacturers in China who are making them. I am sure that there are some good companies meeting the Chinese KN95 standard, but there are also some unscrupulous factories who are not meeting the standard and since the Chinese Government is not as stringent inspecting manufacturers as other nations are, the quality standards are not guaranteed.

      As such the best mask one could possibly use is the NIOSH N95, while they are effective at protecting both the wearer and the outside world, they are relatively expensive compared to cloth and paper, plus they are uncomfortable to wear.

      I understand your sentiments regarding selfishness but doing an activity which has little to no benefit is not really helping the population. Better actions would be helping folks get UV light sanitizers installed in their HVAC systems in their home, helping businesses put in similar air sanitizing systems in their HVAC.

      Wearing a cloth mask which is more about fashion/comfort (all the big designers are making them) and not so much about filtration is not really doing much for the public good.

    8. AR Guest

      As doctor, with an actual degree and real-life daily experience in health sciences, I agree with this. I don't love wearing one, but it's at most a small inconvenience with real benefits. When my patients tell me to take of my mask so they can see my face (this has happened multiple times), I wonder if they want me to do surgery on them without my mask on too.

    9. AW Guest

      Being an MD is not at all the same as being an epidemiologist or a statistician. Hell, half the doctors in the US still prescribe antibiotics for viral infections. Most people still believe that wiping down your tray table is going to have some effect in reducing Covid even though we've now known for two years that it has no effect. Masks in surgical situations are not worn to prevent aerosolized respiratory infections; they're worn...

      Being an MD is not at all the same as being an epidemiologist or a statistician. Hell, half the doctors in the US still prescribe antibiotics for viral infections. Most people still believe that wiping down your tray table is going to have some effect in reducing Covid even though we've now known for two years that it has no effect. Masks in surgical situations are not worn to prevent aerosolized respiratory infections; they're worn to prevent droplets in open wounds of patients and doctors from blood-borne infections. And here's a direct quote from just one published study (pre-covid), "overall there is a lack of substantial evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious contamination." There are quite a number of studies with similar conclusions. Doctors also wear gloves during surgery. Why don't we require them on planes? "It can't hurt," or "it's just a minor inconvenience" which seems to be the rallying cry of most mask defenders today.

    10. Alonzo Diamond

      You aren't wrong at all. But give me a timeline and real data that lets folks know you no longer have to wear a mask. What outcome are you waiting on that's visible?

    11. Joshua Guest

      Except that the widely used (and mandated) cloth mask does nothing to prevent transmission.

      Also, there is no definition for long Covid. As such it is certianly difficult to quantify how many people are suffering from long Covid when we don’t even know what symptoms are long Covid and what symptoms are not.

      Additionally persistent symptoms after any viral infection is possible and documented. Covid is not alone in this.


      Except that the widely used (and mandated) cloth mask does nothing to prevent transmission.

      Also, there is no definition for long Covid. As such it is certianly difficult to quantify how many people are suffering from long Covid when we don’t even know what symptoms are long Covid and what symptoms are not.

      Additionally persistent symptoms after any viral infection is possible and documented. Covid is not alone in this.

      And finally you can protect yourself immensely well with an N95 mask. It doesn’t matter what others around you do.

      So again, what is the justification in mandating cloth masks?

    12. magice Gold

      I personally would love it for them (CDC) to be systematic and relatively objective about this. In other words, instead of just CDC say you must wear mask, it should be "if the transmission rate is X for Y days, masks on; if transmission is Z for W days, masks optional." Would have been so much nicer.

      Also, I think CDC and airlines should *really* require all passengers with flu-like symptoms (e.g. runny nose, coughing, etc.) to wear masks.

    13. Jeffrey Chang Guest

      "If you don't wear a mask, you put Other people at risk."

      If someone is so concerned they can wear a N95 or P100 mask.

      "If you don't wear a mask, you put Other people at risk."

      Is taking your mask off to eat pretzels selfish?

    14. lkmk Guest

      >If someone is so concerned they can wear a N95 or P100 mask.

      Way to miss the point. Masks aren't as effective if only a few people wear them.

      >Is taking your mask off to eat pretzels selfish?

      Yes, ideally we wouldn't have to.

    15. Joshua Member

      One way masking (ie you wearing a mask) offers great protection for the wearer if they are using an N95 mask.

      So yes a single masked person offers great protection to that one person irrespective of what the other people around them are doing.

    16. Bob Guest

      If people think wearing a mask is stupid they should fully express that to their doctors and nurses to not wear one prior to performing these people's next surgery.

    17. Lisa Guest

      Yes that is so true! Perfect response!

    18. Joshua Member

      Totally different scenario. In surgery there is an open wound somewhere on the body. An open would that can easily be colonized by the normal bacteria living in the mouth. That’s why human bites cause such nasty infections. Your surgeon wears a mask to stop from infecting your wound with bacteria that is always there. They don’t wear a mask to prevent transmission of a virus to your lungs or upper airway.

    19. MG Guest

      To truly be unselfish and 100% safe from giving/ getting, you would simply stay home and not interact with others as any measurements such as making are not a surefire guaranteed way to stop transmission. Spreading COVID while masked doesn't make one better than the unmasked as both made the decision and choice to be out in public. Any concerns of required travel for work to their justification should consider a career change effective immediately....

      To truly be unselfish and 100% safe from giving/ getting, you would simply stay home and not interact with others as any measurements such as making are not a surefire guaranteed way to stop transmission. Spreading COVID while masked doesn't make one better than the unmasked as both made the decision and choice to be out in public. Any concerns of required travel for work to their justification should consider a career change effective immediately. The finger pointing on others while literally adding to the risk yourself by traveling or being out in public is bothersome. Unless you do absolutely everything humanly possible resulting in your daily life being inconvenienced on your end to stop the spread, you cannot tell others how they should live.

  41. Jordan Diamond

    I'm baffled (not) by this "PSA" Especially when the masked are abusing the unmasked equally, if not more. The filthy looks, the snarky to downright direct comments.

    1. Sea Guest

      That is because no wearing a mask is selfish. It puts others at risk. Wearing a mask mainly protects others, not yourself. So easy to wear a mask... I don't know why people make such a big deal of it if it can literally save peoples lives.

    2. Sosong Guest

      And in pops Sea to prove your point….they demand you respect them still wearing masks (which no one really care) as they call you selfish.

    3. Mantis Guest

      Every single thing you said is a lie.
      No, it is not selfish to want to breath freely. No, masks do not protect others, cloth and surgical masks are useless, N95 are only marginally effective. No, protecting you is not my responsibility, you protect yourself and stay in your basement if you are so risk averse.

      This self righteous attitude of yours is exactly why you want the mask mandate. It's called virtue signaling....

      Every single thing you said is a lie.
      No, it is not selfish to want to breath freely. No, masks do not protect others, cloth and surgical masks are useless, N95 are only marginally effective. No, protecting you is not my responsibility, you protect yourself and stay in your basement if you are so risk averse.

      This self righteous attitude of yours is exactly why you want the mask mandate. It's called virtue signaling. We're done with it. You're not a good person by wearing a mask, in fact you are arrogant, delusional, and fail to understand the fundamental way this virus spreads (through your breath, which is not stopped by masks...not through coughing and sneezing which masks are marginally effective at stopping).

    4. Joshua Member

      To be fair, while surgical masks offer very limited protection and clots masks offer no protection, N95 respirators when properly worn offer excellent protection vs Covid-19.

    5. Blublah Guest

      Sea ….So wait… I compliantly wore my mask for two years and now I have the ability to choose not to wear one and am told by you I’m selfish all on a posting about being respectful to those who still choose to wear masks. How about I am respectful and refrain from calling you names and you do the same? But no you can’t do that can you?

    6. danceswithwords1 Member

      Given that masks have been shown to have no effect on stopping COVID, one can hardly state that "it can literally save people's lives."

    7. Ralph4878 Guest

      @danceswithwords1 - please provide your peer-reviewed, scientifically-based source for this misinformation.

  42. derek Guest

    Maybe wear a mask and periodically cough?

    1. DMNYC Member

      I'm just going to say, "Oh I have COVID."

  43. TrvlGuru Guest

    It sounds like there are a lot maskaholics that over emotional. These were probably the same "Karens" yelling at everyone to put their mask on for what now turns out to be an unlawful command by our government.

    Been living in Florida maskless for two years. Got the vaccine and booster. Went to Italy where the government maskaholics required N95 everywhere. Guess where I got Covid? Italy.

    To each his own. However, most of the...

    It sounds like there are a lot maskaholics that over emotional. These were probably the same "Karens" yelling at everyone to put their mask on for what now turns out to be an unlawful command by our government.

    Been living in Florida maskless for two years. Got the vaccine and booster. Went to Italy where the government maskaholics required N95 everywhere. Guess where I got Covid? Italy.

    To each his own. However, most of the bitching is coming from the maskaholics right now.

    1. lkmk Guest

      Overemotional? You're the one calling people maskaholics.

  44. Not Lucky Guest

    What pathetic human beings. It just goes to show that most of the FREEDOM brigade really means "Everybody should be free to do it my way, and if the government mandates what I believe in they should intervene, but if they have a different view, they should **** off"

    Karma will get them someday. Really sad.

  45. Ernest Alleva Guest

    But the opposite holds true . Please respect those who don’t wear masks on planes and know that they ate following the ruling of a federal judge

  46. Jeff Guest

    There is no way the “freaks” story is true. If that was happening on a plane in 2022, it would be on video for sure. Fake fake fake

    1. Not Lucky Guest

      Not everyone has their phone out and in video mode to capture a few second clip of harassment. There's a reason most videos only start part way through an incident.

    2. Steve Diamond

      Agreed, there are more video cameras than people on every single flight (as a lot of people have a camera on their phone and tablet therefor my math is correct). If there is any incident someone films it period.

  47. Steve from LA Guest

    When masks were first imposed at my workplace I was confronted by a protestor as I walked in the building. I had a kn95 mask on and he turned to me and said “Take the mask off. Don’t let them tell you what to do. Think for yourself.” I turned to him and said “Why should I let you tell me what to think? Should I let you think for me?”

    Pre-pandemic I use to...

    When masks were first imposed at my workplace I was confronted by a protestor as I walked in the building. I had a kn95 mask on and he turned to me and said “Take the mask off. Don’t let them tell you what to do. Think for yourself.” I turned to him and said “Why should I let you tell me what to think? Should I let you think for me?”

    Pre-pandemic I use to see the occasional foreign tourist wearing a mask and snicker. I feel badly now.

    Wear a mask if you want, don’t if you want. I know I like the fact that I haven’t had so much as a cold since this whole shit show started.

    I don’t always wear a mask, but I will keep wearing one for now in large crowds of strangers. I might not wear it my entire flight, but I plan on donning it during the boarding process and deplaning when people are filing by me. Think what you want because frankly I don’t give two shits what you think. I prefer to think for myself.

    1. Will Guest

      There’s a 0% chance this happened

    2. lkmk Guest

      How condescending of you, Will. (I shouldn't throw stones—I haven't been the nicest either.)

    3. Steve from LA Member

      Really. I was there. The guy kind of looked at me and thought on it before he walked away. I guess it help that I was walking into a government building.

      Hey I do have a question for you Will, since you seem to be some sort of statistician. If the chances of it happening are 0% and it happened, what are the chances of you getting Covid? Think on that one. :)

    4. Steve from LA Member

      Ah, never mind Will. I don't give two shits what you think......

  48. beachmouse Member

    I’ve got multiple hiking heavy trips planned for this summer and one of those ‘mild’ covid cases that causes high levels of fatigue for a couple of months would seriously impair my plans for fun. So onward with the N95s and damn the torpedos.

    1. TrvlGuru Guest

      Just had mild Covid 3 weeks ago. Wasn't happy about it as I followed all the guidelines and recommendations.

      Finally got back to Crossfit today and there was no noticeable drop in my stamina.

      The fatigue really wasn't fatigue, but it sure made for some good sleep. The brain fog and lack of concentration finally went away this week.

      I don't blame you for wearing N95's and not wanting to get sick. But after getting it myself, I am not sure they work to well.

    2. danceswithwords1 Member

      There's a laundry list of studies that show they don't work at all (for COVID).

    3. Larry R (MD) Guest

      The overwhelming consensus of scientists reviewing the large study literature on mask effectiveness vs. COVID is that masks do have significant effectiveness in slowing and preventing transmission and infection (e.g., Sure there have been some negative studies, but most of these are small and/or critically flawed. I get it that masks are a bother to put on, and no one likes additional regulations, but this pandemic is serious. The bother of masking (and loss...

      The overwhelming consensus of scientists reviewing the large study literature on mask effectiveness vs. COVID is that masks do have significant effectiveness in slowing and preventing transmission and infection (e.g., Sure there have been some negative studies, but most of these are small and/or critically flawed. I get it that masks are a bother to put on, and no one likes additional regulations, but this pandemic is serious. The bother of masking (and loss of "freedom") must be weighed against the much greater social and medical benefit for the country's population as a whole. Please don't spread such misinformation!

    4. Joshua Member

      The study you linked to was performed on the beginning of 2021 and had very little actual evidence and lots of “out of an abundance of caution” type justifications for mask wear.

      A RTC in Bangladesh found cloth masks had no effect and surgical masks had minimal affect.

      In Spain a retrospective study between 5 year old kids and 6 year old kids on school found no change in infection rate between...

      The study you linked to was performed on the beginning of 2021 and had very little actual evidence and lots of “out of an abundance of caution” type justifications for mask wear.

      A RTC in Bangladesh found cloth masks had no effect and surgical masks had minimal affect.

      In Spain a retrospective study between 5 year old kids and 6 year old kids on school found no change in infection rate between the two ages. 6 year old kids wore masks, 5 year old kids did not. If masks made a difference you should see a reduction in case rates when you hit 6 years old.

      Finland noted a similar result between 10 year old kids and 12 year olds. Masks has no affect on infection rate.

      When you then consider that one way masking with an N95 has been shown to be effective at preventing Covid infection, there is very limited evidence to make a case for community wide masking.

  49. Donna Diamond

    As long as the negative test requirement is in place for entering the US following international travel, I will wear a mask since all my business travel is international. The moment the testing requirement is lifted, the mask will come off.

  50. Brands Guest

    I would also like to point out that it goes the other way. I was returning a rental car on Monday evening in Hawaii, and I was one of the only people in the building not wearing a mask. There was a middle-aged woman about 3 people in front of me that was just glaring at me for not having a mask on, so I just glared back at her. I was so sick of...

    I would also like to point out that it goes the other way. I was returning a rental car on Monday evening in Hawaii, and I was one of the only people in the building not wearing a mask. There was a middle-aged woman about 3 people in front of me that was just glaring at me for not having a mask on, so I just glared back at her. I was so sick of the mask Nazis trying to go around and enforce mask-wearing (not employees, just random people taking it upon themselves to enforce the mandate requiring people to wear a scientifically proven, ineffective non-N95 and cloth mask). Maybe these same people that are feeling persecuted should have been a little more gracious when those mask mandates were in place, but I agree, I just wish everyone would treat others with respect and kindness, regardless of one's opinions.

    1. TravelinWilly Diamond

      “There was a middle-aged woman about 3 people in front of me that was just glaring at me for not having a mask on…”

      What exactly did she say to you?

      If she said nothing, maybe she was glaring at you because you had a giant green-grey booger hanging from your nose.

    2. Brands Guest

      Great point. You who were not there could definitely tell she was staring at me for something other than wearing a mask. Ignorance at its finest.

  51. HopeDealer Guest

    I'm going to continue to wear my mask because I don't trust the government.

    1. NYGuy24 Diamond

      That's fine. Just make sure you wear a mask that actually works instead of cloth masks which are not very effective. I don't have a problem with mask mandates, but I have a problem with mask mandates that have people wear masks just for the sake of wearing masks but they are of such a low quality that they are not effective. I also have a problem with temperature checks that have repeatedly shown to...

      That's fine. Just make sure you wear a mask that actually works instead of cloth masks which are not very effective. I don't have a problem with mask mandates, but I have a problem with mask mandates that have people wear masks just for the sake of wearing masks but they are of such a low quality that they are not effective. I also have a problem with temperature checks that have repeatedly shown to be an ineffective screening mechanism. Why the hell are we still required to do temperature checks. I can't stand government officials that keep doing things just for show.

    2. Frances Price Gold

      I'm going to continue to wear my mask because I don't trust antimaskers like all the ones in these comments. Those antimaskers who say it's payback for how they've been treated: it's not equivalent. As another poster said, "My wearing a mask harms no-one. Not wearing a mask can harm others."

  52. Highgamma Guest

    You make two arguments here. One I (and nearly everyone I know who opposes mask mandates) agree with. One I do not. It's important to separate these arguments.

    Argument 1: People should be free to choose whether to wear masks or not without harassment. (Totally agree. By the way, people who choose not to wear masks should not be harassed either.)

    Argument 2: People who choose not to wear masks should not engage in behavior...

    You make two arguments here. One I (and nearly everyone I know who opposes mask mandates) agree with. One I do not. It's important to separate these arguments.

    Argument 1: People should be free to choose whether to wear masks or not without harassment. (Totally agree. By the way, people who choose not to wear masks should not be harassed either.)

    Argument 2: People who choose not to wear masks should not engage in behavior that you don't like, such as celebrating the fact that they don't have to wear masks anymore. (Totally disagree)

    After two years of being told to sit down, shut up, and put on your mask or else I'll put you on a no fly list, I think that people who do not want to wear masks have the right to celebrate that fact. You may not consider it a cause for celebration, but that's not your call.

    1. DMNYC Member

      I don't think the point was that individuals shouldn't feel free to celebrate and be happy about it.

      The point is that the airlines and their employees should not be telling passengers who are wearing a mask to take their masks off (like the Delta pilot mentioned), or themselves creating conditions on their planes that make it feel like the expectation is that everyone should have their mask off.

      Would you be happy if a...

      I don't think the point was that individuals shouldn't feel free to celebrate and be happy about it.

      The point is that the airlines and their employees should not be telling passengers who are wearing a mask to take their masks off (like the Delta pilot mentioned), or themselves creating conditions on their planes that make it feel like the expectation is that everyone should have their mask off.

      Would you be happy if a pilot said, "The mask mandate is no longer in effect, but it's prudent to wear one, and I commend those passengers who are still making the choice to keep us safe?" I don't think so. That would be inappropriate.

  53. Jerrod Guest

    Wearing a mask implies that you actually believe it does something to prevent illness. How did the at risk population travel safely before 2019? People in the US never wore masks before covid. Why have masks suddenly (in historical terms) become a source of comfort and confidence in preventing illness? Answer - Power hungry politicians, idiot bureaucrats and our wonderful media. I believe wearing a mask is silly but I respect your right to do...

    Wearing a mask implies that you actually believe it does something to prevent illness. How did the at risk population travel safely before 2019? People in the US never wore masks before covid. Why have masks suddenly (in historical terms) become a source of comfort and confidence in preventing illness? Answer - Power hungry politicians, idiot bureaucrats and our wonderful media. I believe wearing a mask is silly but I respect your right to do so. I don't advocate calling out others for their choice.

    1. NYGuy24 Diamond

      Umm because covid had a way higher mortality rate and was way more infectious than prior viruses in recent times? You would think the extreme death counts people would understand this after all this time but apparently not.

    2. Jeffrey Chang Guest

      "You would think the extreme death counts people would understand this after all this time but apparently not."

      I trust the CDC saying that vaccines are safe and effective dramatically reducing the serious illness / death rate almost 10 fold. Thus this bring COVID to the same danger as the flu.

  54. 9volt Gold

    The award for best Jussie Smollett impersonation goes to Jerome Adams, MD.

  55. Mark G Guest

    I just flew from LAX to London yesterday and it was amazing not having to wear a mask. I wore mine sometimes and sometimes I didn’t. Amazing. I honestly believe if you are not prepared to go maskless after you arrive at your final destination then you should reconsider travel.
    If we’ve learned anything, I hope it’s that you can’t give this type of power to any entity without consequences for when it goes...

    I just flew from LAX to London yesterday and it was amazing not having to wear a mask. I wore mine sometimes and sometimes I didn’t. Amazing. I honestly believe if you are not prepared to go maskless after you arrive at your final destination then you should reconsider travel.
    If we’ve learned anything, I hope it’s that you can’t give this type of power to any entity without consequences for when it goes poorly. I think the CDC made many mistakes but their leadership has not changed.

  56. Raksiam Guest

    That's not just any doctor, it's the former Surgeon General of the United States.

    It's nobody's business if I choose to wear one.

    1. Max Guest

      A high bureaucratic title usually means the opposite of what it first implies: The title holder is not extremely qualified/practically experienced, but is a mere bureaucrat sitting behind a desk, isolated from the actual practical situation.

    2. chasgoose Guest

      Kind of like the incompetent judge appointed by Trump who completely ignored the law to reach the incorrect outcome she desired. I don't like masks and glad they are starting to be over, but that judge brazenly was legislating from the bench with her decision.

    3. MikeL1986 Guest

      That also goes the other way too though. It is nobody's business if you choose to wear a mask but it is also nobody's business if someone chooses not to. My own relatives would talk all the time about the "bad person" at the grocery store not wearing a mask. They had all sorts of nasty names for people who didn't wear masks and it's ridiculous. Everyone needs to mind their own business and do...

      That also goes the other way too though. It is nobody's business if you choose to wear a mask but it is also nobody's business if someone chooses not to. My own relatives would talk all the time about the "bad person" at the grocery store not wearing a mask. They had all sorts of nasty names for people who didn't wear masks and it's ridiculous. Everyone needs to mind their own business and do what they feel is right for themselves. It is an individual choice and it ALWAYS should have been a choice.

    4. Dan77W Guest

      Of course it’s nobody’s business if you choose to wear them! And it’s nobody’s business if I choose not to wear them….. let’s finally be civil to each other again! I’ve been flying for the last 3 days and I’ve seen nothing of what has been presented here!

  57. Samy Guest

    Thanks Ben for your post. I find it comical that now we have such a post from you! Never was there a post to respect a non masker, for whatever reason! Many videos and stories of ppl being harrasd kicked off planes, denied service, ppl going on a power trip, yet no complaints from anyone. Is it just when it's your point of view is being mocked of....

    1. Jordan Diamond

      I was waiting for someone to say this! Exactly.

    2. NYGuy24 Diamond

      Umm people were being kicked off for violating a mandate that applied to everyone. Those people knew the rules and decided not to comply. This is not the same thing as someone being mocked for wearing a mask when their doing so has ZERO negative impacts on anyone else and is allowed by the rules. Nice try though.

    3. Gaurav Guest

      Completely different situations. The rules were clear that everyone needed to mask. It was not a "point of view". Harassing people who are not doing anything wrong is completely inappropriate.

  58. Alonzo Diamond

    PSA: people aren't very bright. Stop letting the media control your thoughts. Do I think some of this happened? Sure. But the overwhelmingly majority of what I saw with my own eyes, was positive and well intended.

    1. Eve Guest

      Well intended? Who or anyone are you to tell me what I should do? I have been through covid twice and both times I had severe fever and breathing issues, and considering my underlying conditions, I am more then very susceptible. If I want to wear mask and if my fellow pax wants to wear, let us wear, don’t tell us or force your “intentions” because it is well intended well for YOURSELF!


      Well intended? Who or anyone are you to tell me what I should do? I have been through covid twice and both times I had severe fever and breathing issues, and considering my underlying conditions, I am more then very susceptible. If I want to wear mask and if my fellow pax wants to wear, let us wear, don’t tell us or force your “intentions” because it is well intended well for YOURSELF!

      This behaviour would not be at all accepted in Asia, no wonder they always manage to control pandemic much better then US.

    2. Alonzo Diamond

      Are you drunk? China doesn't have the pandemic under control at all. Educate yourself before you speak and look like a complete donkey. Oh wait, too late lmao.

    3. derek Guest

      The pandemic is not over. People getting rid of all precautions except some people getting vaccinated is not the best thing to happen.

    4. lkmk Guest

      >Stop letting the media control your thoughts.

      I assume they don't control yours?

  59. Christine Guest

    In Italy right now traveling with my family. Some people wear masks outside, but everyone wears them as soon as they step foot indoors. No sign on the door. It’s just done. Never saw anyone make fun of someone. It’s just polite and accepted here just like in Asia. Why can’t people in the US just act civilized. It’s quite embarrassing.

    1. Entendu85 Guest

      That's cause Italy still has a mask mandate, its not some community altruism. And they had an outdoor mask mandate up until 2 months ago.

      My sister and BIL are on their honeymoon in Europe. Germany, Austria, Denmark, and Czech Republic. Very rare to see a mask outdoors and all of their pictures from museums, restaurants, and bars have been majority mask free. Acting like everywhere but the US is still diligently masking up is patently untrue.

    2. Will Guest

      Ah yes, cause the mask mandate/vax mandate crew has been joyous to deal with the past 2 years. Kick rocks Ben- respect cuts both ways

  60. Ryan Guest

    PSA: Not everything you read on twitter is true.

    How gullible does one have to be to think that any of this happened? Yeah On a flight to Seattle, where a decent percentage of the residents would consider Mao “right wing” in 2022 a bunch of passengers ganged up on a passenger with the crew rewarding them with free drinks and there’s no video? I’m guessing they also all wore MAGA hats and yelled this is MAGA Airspace while they were at it.

  61. Syd Guest

    Let's just get something straight, for the record: The peoples who spent over 2 years relentlessly and hysterically shaming others into mask wearing (let's sed aside the highly questionable mast effectiveness discussion, just focus on the optics for now), now ask others to be respectful, when the sides have switched?

    Speaking of the particular case cited, can someone tell me what's disrespectful with the Delta pilot interaction? He didn't insist on anything, didn't shame anyone,...

    Let's just get something straight, for the record: The peoples who spent over 2 years relentlessly and hysterically shaming others into mask wearing (let's sed aside the highly questionable mast effectiveness discussion, just focus on the optics for now), now ask others to be respectful, when the sides have switched?

    Speaking of the particular case cited, can someone tell me what's disrespectful with the Delta pilot interaction? He didn't insist on anything, didn't shame anyone, purely suggested "breathe freely" as he passed by. If the pro-mask crowd had acted that way the past 2 years, we'd be Gucci in this country.

    And look, nobody (expect for very few freak cases) will get shamed into taking off their masks - nobody cares if you want to wear a mask, wear a space suit if you wish. But if anti-maskers did intend on shaming pro-maskers - they have every right to do so, and that right doesn't expire till May 2024, or 2 years and 1 month from now.

    1. lkmk Guest

      >Speaking of the particular case cited, can someone tell me what's disrespectful with the Delta pilot interaction? He didn't insist on anything, didn't shame anyone, purely suggested "breathe freely" as he passed by.

      I don't need to be spoken down to by a pilot. They're there to fly me where I want/need to go.

    2. Syd Guest

      I don’t need to be spoken down to by a politician on a highly questionable subject. They’re there to do some clerical work I’m my (and others) behalf.

  62. CJS Guest

    Bottom-line: Isn't it a sad statement on our society that a post such as this even has to be written?

  63. Santastico Guest

    Flew two segments yesterday. At the airport, TSA employees had no masks. Most Delta airport personnel had no masks. Inside the Delta lounge 95% of people had no masks. On my flights I could count on 10 fingers how many people were wearing masks. Met over a dozen people for dinner at my destination that came from all over the country and shared the same story. I am very supportive of anyone that choses to...

    Flew two segments yesterday. At the airport, TSA employees had no masks. Most Delta airport personnel had no masks. Inside the Delta lounge 95% of people had no masks. On my flights I could count on 10 fingers how many people were wearing masks. Met over a dozen people for dinner at my destination that came from all over the country and shared the same story. I am very supportive of anyone that choses to wear a mask but keep your histeria to yourself. Most of the people wearing masks are just in fear because their mental health was damaged by this theater. My neighbor still wears a N95 mask to walk to her front yard and get her mail. I feel bad for her but the damage is already done.

    1. Giovanna Guest

      Or maybe those continuing to wear a mask in crowded places have underlying conditions??!!

    2. Entendu85 Guest

      Remarkable how the supposed number of people with a condition that either prevents them from receiving the vaccine, or still would put them at grave risk of contracting a respiratory disease even with the vaccine, thus necessitating masking or those around them to mask, has skyrocketed over the last year. How interesting

    3. Will Guest

      No Giovanna- they do not. Go wear your 3 masks, no one cares.

  64. Jan Guest

    Having been to Asia before 2020, some people are masked, a lot aren’t, no one’s judging each other, and all is good. They can wear helmets too if they wish, I don’t really care.

    1. Entendu85 Guest

      Thank you. I always find the anecdotal "tons of people wear masks on public transportation or in flu season in Asia, even pre-Covid!" to be amusing...and often by people who haven't been there themselves. Traveling widely in China and SE Asis pre-Covid, it was still noteworthy or "what in the?" to see people wearing masks on subways, trains, or planes.

  65. George Romey Guest

    People can wrap themselves in a huge condom and fly. I don't care. Just don't tell me what to do, specifically with something that's not proven. I can take care of myself.

  66. Adam Bond Guest

    I was at Starbucks in Schiphol last month, and when I received my coffee, I said, “Yay! Happy, happy!” To which the maskless manager said, “you’d be a lot happier if you took your mask off.” I looked her dead in the eye and said, truthfully, “I live with someone who has bone cancer.” She paused, and then said, “ah. I understand.” So many people are going through things of which no one else knows.

    1. Vernon Demerest Guest

      The story would be better if you said you had bought a book, that doesn't require you remove your mask to use/consume. You are free to wear or not wear a mask for your own personal reasons but don't be self righteous about mask wearing when you are about to consume a cup of coffee - something that would be impossible to do with a mask on. Does your perception of the risk posed by covid suspend itself to consume a coffee?

    2. RSB31 Guest

      Or maybe he was going to drink it outside?

  67. pelican55 Guest

    Is there now going to be harassment towards those individuals that opt to wear a mask from those idiots that do not? They should shut the hell up and mind their own business. period.

    1. Sosong Guest

      Ironic comment considering I (along with the vast vast majority) completely respect everyone’s comfort level when it comes to masks and would not think of making any sort of comment. However you are the one labeling people like me “idiots”, so who is doing the harassing? Perhaps you should “shut the hell up and mind (your) own business” as that is all we ever asked from your side.

    2. Dan77W Guest

      Pot calling the kettle black right here!

    3. RW Guest

      What do you mean “now”? They’ve been harassing people for damn near 2 years.

      They will claim it’s exactly equivalent to the treatment they received for not wearing a mask but it absolutely isn’t. One group followed the rules and the other gave the rules a middle finger.

    4. Sosong Guest

      From your post it’s quite apparent you have been doing the harassment over the past 2 years. What a judgmental victim mentality point of view while calling people that just want to be left alone by your ilk as idiots. We don’t care whether you wear a mask or not, that’s the whole point!

    5. Dan77W Guest

      Nope I followed the rules for the last two year, now I’m comfortable going maskless however Pelican55 calls me an “idiot” and fears me harassing them! Treat people with respect and stop with the stereotypes and assumptions…. Painting everyone with a broad brush… that goes for everyone.

  68. Max Guest

    It's quite hard to still respect WEF/CCP propaganda victims after they had more than 2 years now to see through this bs.

    1. lkmk Guest

      My eyes are still opaque. Enlighten me.

    2. Max Guest

      'You will own nothing and you will be happy' (Klaus Schwab, WEF)
      'Vaccine Passports as the first step to a digital [slave-]identity'
      'mRNA as a new [very profitable] enabler of gen-therapy' (Bayer manager)

  69. BookLvr Diamond

    Thank you for this, Ben.

    We are that family who will be masking because of medically vulnerable members of the family when we travel to Barcelona next month. We are flying Delta in the Delta One cabin which also gives us a little distance from other passengers. This is the best decision for our family.

    I respect other people's rights to make the decisions which are best for them, and I hope they will extend that same respect to us.

    1. Larry C Guest

      How did your medically vulnerable family members survive exposure to flu strains and other endemic diseases that circulated pre-pandemic? If they truly have severely compromised immune systems, perhaps you should behave more responsibly and not place them in situations where they will be harmed. Even N95 masks are not perfect, and after many hours of exposure to a pathogen in aerosol form their failure percentage starts to rise to material levels, even ignoring the possibility...

      How did your medically vulnerable family members survive exposure to flu strains and other endemic diseases that circulated pre-pandemic? If they truly have severely compromised immune systems, perhaps you should behave more responsibly and not place them in situations where they will be harmed. Even N95 masks are not perfect, and after many hours of exposure to a pathogen in aerosol form their failure percentage starts to rise to material levels, even ignoring the possibility they’re removed for dining, etc.

    2. Jordan Diamond

      Then you should honestly stay home. I suspect that none of you will eat onboard, or out at restaurants??

    3. BookLvr Diamond

      Many restaurants offer outdoor seating in Barcelona. It's very charming. I intend to enjoy it.

      We also do have a gorgeous AirBnB with full kitchen and dining room will enjoy some meals at home.

      I hope you enjoy your summer vacation as well.

  70. Mitch Cumstein Guest

    Jerome Adams in 2020: "Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus"

  71. chris Guest

    Mask mandate has never worked well, maybe 30% effective. Most pax never use properly fitted N95/KN95/KF94s, they just use some useless fabrics as chin diapers.

    I couldn't care less what they do. It's not my family they will infect.

    1. Ray Gold

      Where does the 30% come from? Proving a negative like this is impossible. Guesses, yes, but proof, no.

  72. Anthony Diamond

    I’m glad the mandate is no longer in effect, but I plan to wear a mask on all public transportation (including airplanes) until at least the summer, when case numbers should be a lot lower. With current case counts where they are, masking makes sense for me. I’m vaxxed / boosted, been doing maskless indoor dining, conferences, and gyms for a year, mask where it makes sense, and so far have avoid Covid. People should...

    I’m glad the mandate is no longer in effect, but I plan to wear a mask on all public transportation (including airplanes) until at least the summer, when case numbers should be a lot lower. With current case counts where they are, masking makes sense for me. I’m vaxxed / boosted, been doing maskless indoor dining, conferences, and gyms for a year, mask where it makes sense, and so far have avoid Covid. People should be encouraged to do what they want, including wearing masks, indefinitely. This thing in our culture where we pick a tribe and try to impose our behavior and mores on the opposite tribe has to stop.

    1. Jan Guest

      How do you know you haven’t had covid? You could have been asymptomatic, especially when 3x vaxxed you just probably didn’t feel a thing.

  73. Khatl Diamond

    Totally agree Ben. Let people now choose and live their own lives. It doesn't impact a non-mask wearer if the person next to you choose to wear a mask. Maybe they actually have a deadly disease and are protecting the non-mask wearer. Or maybe they are immuno-compromised, or people with young, unvaccinated children who simply believe they it's the best decision to protecting their children.

    1. Blake Guest

      Let people choose and live their own lives is what has been said for over 2 years. And no respect was given to those who chose to forgo their masks. I don't care if you wear a mask but lots of people cared that I chose not to.

    2. Not Lucky Guest

      In fact, that's the time to be a good person and put on your mask. If my server in a restaurant has a mask, I put mine on when I'm speaking with them. It's simple human decency and it doesn't hurt me one bit. Simply assume that someone who is wearing a mask is doing so for good reason, and do the same if you're engaging with them or sitting right next to them for an extended period of time. Dead easy if you're a good human being.

    3. Entendu85 Guest

      ...or their employer requires them to because of rules put in place months ago that haven't been rolled back. If you're in a place where nobody is wearing masks and there is no mandate, except for employees of a restaurant or store, its silly to automatically mask up when speaking to them because you assume they are doing so for safety, and not rules.

  74. SE Guest

    While I am strongly against the mask mandates, I understand people's needs to mask, whether it be for their own safety or anxiety over the incredibly exaggerated messaging of the last two years. I will not be surprised when people get berated for wearing masks, just as many were berated for not wearing them previously. Frankly, people who berated others for not wearing masks are the reason behind this situation we're in right now, and...

    While I am strongly against the mask mandates, I understand people's needs to mask, whether it be for their own safety or anxiety over the incredibly exaggerated messaging of the last two years. I will not be surprised when people get berated for wearing masks, just as many were berated for not wearing them previously. Frankly, people who berated others for not wearing masks are the reason behind this situation we're in right now, and they made it into a moral issue where they've convinced themselves that those who chose not to wear masks are a-holes. This is completely unacceptable and should never have been the language used, but here we are.

    1. magice Gold

      There is a major difference between berating an unmasked person and berating a masked person. Generally speaking, a person berates unmasked crowd because the unmasked crowd actively endanger the person. Kinda like if a driver behaves recklessly, you honk at them. Why would a person berate a masked person? Like, if I have a HUGE pimple I want to hide, why do you insist that I have to show my face? My masking doesn't increase...

      There is a major difference between berating an unmasked person and berating a masked person. Generally speaking, a person berates unmasked crowd because the unmasked crowd actively endanger the person. Kinda like if a driver behaves recklessly, you honk at them. Why would a person berate a masked person? Like, if I have a HUGE pimple I want to hide, why do you insist that I have to show my face? My masking doesn't increase your risk.

      So I can understand berating unmasked people. I don't think it's a great idea to do it by yourself, and if it's not required and the person is not coughing or running nose, it should probably not be done. But it makes sense. A person is fearful, and is asking for help. Why would you berate a masked person? That person "oppresses" you by, ummm, minding *their* face?

  75. Steven E Guest

    I’m at pains to think what other country on this planet would be so ridiculous in their attitudes to something that has devastated the world - yes the USA isn’t the world.

  76. ltgcqw13479 New Member

    I can never understand the modern American attitude: if you have a problem, do nothing.

    If masks don't work, vaccines don't work, medicine don't work, my first thought would be find something that does. But, no. The best solution is to pretend it is not there. No masks. No lockdowns. No vaccines.

    1. Ray Gold

      It isn’t hard to understand if you look at the education level. This I’m the only one that matters is based on uneducated, bigoted, faith is the basis of us all, mentality. The country is in sad shape and unfortunately the “politicians” ( term used loosely since few have any prerequisite outside of being a businessman or TV actor ) continue to promote this life as it benefits re-election possibilities.

  77. SubwayNut Guest

    First overall airlines creating this situation is disgusting. I am flying tomorrow to go on a cruise, which requires us to take a COVID-19 test and test negative at the port before we will be allowed to board our ship. We will be fully KN95 masking (and have been spending this week not eating in restaurants and masked as well), to mitigate the risk of our entire vacation being ruined by a positive COVID-19 test....

    First overall airlines creating this situation is disgusting. I am flying tomorrow to go on a cruise, which requires us to take a COVID-19 test and test negative at the port before we will be allowed to board our ship. We will be fully KN95 masking (and have been spending this week not eating in restaurants and masked as well), to mitigate the risk of our entire vacation being ruined by a positive COVID-19 test. If any airline employees act this way towards us I will definitely be filing a complaint towards the airline, and possibly towards the DOT since this type of behavior is harassment.

    If that JetBlue flight you referenced left from JFK or LGA it would be slightly more understandable, New York Citystill has a local mask mandate while within Airports and on public transportation so masks are required (talk about confusion for the Port Authority, New Jersey doesn't so masks are no longer required at Newark), that JetBlue flight attendant might be slightly more understandable if she was just getting ahead of the clean-up of discarded masks from passengers who flew out of a New York City Airport and don't need to wear them for the rest of their flights and journeys.

  78. Justin Guest

    PSA: Please Respect Those Who Don't Wear Masks On Planes

    1. lkmk Guest

      Have you seen how people reacted to this? They're giving you too much respect.

  79. Morgan Diamond

    That Alaska pilot should be fired

  80. JBR Guest

    Have no fear mask wearer's, the Biden administration is appealing the mask ruling. If that appeal is effective and the mask mandate comes back, it is going to be a mess in the airports and airplanes. As enthusiastic as a lot of the FA's and crew are at the mandate being repealed, I can't see them actively enforcing the mandate once/if it comes back. That will then infuriate the maskoholics who complain to the FA's...

    Have no fear mask wearer's, the Biden administration is appealing the mask ruling. If that appeal is effective and the mask mandate comes back, it is going to be a mess in the airports and airplanes. As enthusiastic as a lot of the FA's and crew are at the mandate being repealed, I can't see them actively enforcing the mandate once/if it comes back. That will then infuriate the maskoholics who complain to the FA's that the people next to them aren't wearing a mask. Yikes. Oh, yeah, and the Democrats are absolutely toast this fall. Bye bye House of Reps....

    1. TomLV Guest

      The Biden admin doesn’t care about the mask mandate, which is why it wasn’t immediately appealed (and thus able to lapse immediately). The appeal is to sort out what powers the cdc does and doesn’t have when acting in an emergency. Further, the assumption is that with the majority of deaths being the unvaccinated, and the majority of the unvaccinated being red, no harm in letting it go. Also, dems will hold the house. See you in November.

    2. grichard Guest

      The Justice Department didn't ask for a stay of the order; they only appealed the ruling. This isn't an attempt to put the mandate back right now. It's an attempt not to let that ruling stand in the future.

    3. magice Gold

      I frankly think Biden is relieved that the mandate is lifted. Biden was caught in a catch-22 kinda situation. Transmission rate is still high, so taking down the mandate risks angering the risk-adverse crowd (including a lot of his followers). On the other hand, I feel like he and his administration might also want to end this whole mandate business, given that much of Europe already moved on. So Trump's judge did him a great...

      I frankly think Biden is relieved that the mandate is lifted. Biden was caught in a catch-22 kinda situation. Transmission rate is still high, so taking down the mandate risks angering the risk-adverse crowd (including a lot of his followers). On the other hand, I feel like he and his administration might also want to end this whole mandate business, given that much of Europe already moved on. So Trump's judge did him a great favor and threw that mandate out. Now, he can blame *them* if anything bad happens. Plus, the appealing process would give him and his administration lee time to see how removal of the mandate impacts the situation. If anything goes bad, there you go, Trump's judge.

  81. Cedric Guest

    I'll be the first one to take the mask off (in Canada...) but you have to respect people who want to keep wearing it. People have been told for two years they would die if they didn't mask's only normal it will take time for them to feel ok to do so.

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BookLvr Diamond

Thank you for this, Ben. We are that family who will be masking because of medically vulnerable members of the family when we travel to Barcelona next month. We are flying Delta in the Delta One cabin which also gives us a little distance from other passengers. This is the best decision for our family. I respect other people's rights to make the decisions which are best for them, and I hope they will extend that same respect to us.

Sean Guest

I hope the CDC brings the mask mandate back. People are still dying. Millions of people are suffering from Long-Haul Covid, creating severe disabilities and suffering. So simple and easy to wear a mask. I don't understand people who have this desire to not wear one. If you don't wear a mask, you put Other people at risk. Not wearing a mask is selfish.

Adam Bond Guest

I was at Starbucks in Schiphol last month, and when I received my coffee, I said, “Yay! Happy, happy!” To which the maskless manager said, “you’d be a lot happier if you took your mask off.” I looked her dead in the eye and said, truthfully, “I live with someone who has bone cancer.” She paused, and then said, “ah. I understand.” So many people are going through things of which no one else knows.

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