International travel is really complicated nowadays, between constantly changing rules, testing requirements, and endless pre-travel forms. In a previous post I shared my experience with the UK passenger locator form, which I needed to complete in order to even transit the UK enroute to Greece.
In this post I wanted to talk about VeriFLY, which I recently used for the first time. Prior to using it I was confused about what exactly it was, and I’m sure I’m not the only one, so hopefully I can clear things up a bit.
In this post:
What is VeriFLY?
On the most basic level, VeriFLY is a free app that can help simplify the international travel experience. VeriFLY works with select airlines to help verify travel credentials (like coronavirus test results and passenger locator forms) for select destinations, in order to make the check-in experience more seamless.
Use of VeriFLY is not mandatory for travel on any airline, but rather it’s a tool intended to save you (and the airline) time when you’re at the airport.
Here’s how VeriFLY describes itself:
VeriFLY compiles real-time wellness information from self-certified health questionnaires and/or diagnostic COVID-19 test results from over 20,000 performing labs and provides digital badging, proof of test status for both antibody or viral testing, and (in the future) proof of vaccine. Our HIPAA-compliant solution removes the burden from organizations to structure agreements for lab results in multiple locations.
Users enjoy countless ways to acquire, verify, and assert their credentials—proof of health status, age, enrollment, citizenship, membership, reservations, and more.
VeriFLY won’t be useful for all airlines and/or destinations — the service partners with American Airlines and British Airways for international travel, but not most other airlines. You can find all the details about eligible VeriFLY destinations at these links:
- Find American Airlines’ eligible VeriFLY destinations here
- Find British Airways’ eligible VeriFLY destinations here
If you’re on a flight eligible for VeriFLY, chances are the airline will email you prior to travel promoting you to use VeriFLY.
Perhaps this is easiest explained in the form of an example. I was flying from Charlotte to London on American Airlines, and London to Athens on British Airways. American Airlines partners with VeriFLY for flights to the UK.
By using VeriFLY, I was able to have my passenger locator form and negative coronavirus test result verified before I even got to the airport — when I got to check-in I just showed the agent my digital pass from VeriFLY, and that’s all that needed to be done.
We’ve heard the concept of a “vaccine passport,” so think of this (as of now) as more of a “testing and form passport.”
Why is VeriFLY useful?
You might be thinking to yourself that this sounds like a lot of effort for little reward. For travel to the UK, VeriFLY essentially helps you verify that your passenger locator form is complete, and that you have a valid negative coronavirus test.
Shouldn’t that just take a check-in agent a minute to verify, and therefore VeriFLY is useless? While you’d hope so, that’s not the reality:
- The check-in agent that helped me explained that they have a ridiculously convoluted process that’s required for passengers who don’t use VeriFLY, and he said it can take them 45 minutes to complete (I’m guessing that was an exaggeration, but still)
- I’m inclined to believe that’s not too far off, because it took the check-in agent about 20 minutes to properly document in our record that we could travel to Greece; and this wasn’t because he was clueless, but rather he was typing in our record almost the entire time
If you travel internationally:
- Arrive at the airport really, really early, because at the counter next to me five people in a row missed their international itineraries
- If possible use a service like VeriFLY that verifies your credentials in advance, because you’ll make your life easier, as well as the life of the check-in agent easier
How do you use VeriFLY?
I’ll share my experience using VeriFly for an American Airlines flight from Charlotte to London. I’ll talk about the process, and also share why I found the app to be rather clunky.
To start, you’ll want to go to the app store and download the VeriFLY app. You’ll then go through the “onboarding” process. This involves sharing basic details, before actually sharing details for a specific trip.

This involves sharing your first name, last name, and email address.

You’ll also have to take a photo of yourself, which will be what displays on your “mobile pass” when you’re done. I found the process of taking a picture through the app to be frustrating — sometimes the picture button just wouldn’t work, while other times the app rejected my picture.

With those details entered, you can start to create a “pass” for the trip you’re taking. VeriFLY can be used for several destinations, from Aruba, to Brazil, to the United Kingdom. Since I was traveling to the United Kingdom, I selected that option.

The next page outlines the process, which is that you have to enter basic trip details, then you have to enter passenger details, and then you have to go through the pre-travel checklist.

To start, I had enter my exact flight details. Since VeriFLY partners with American Airlines, I only had to enter the basic details (like the departure airport and destination), and then the app automatically recognized the flight number, flight times, etc. I also had to enter my passport details.

The next thing about VeriFLY is that you can add several companions to the same trip, including adults. You do need pictures and passport information for each person, but at least you don’t need to create separate accounts. This differs from the UK passenger locator form, where you have to create a separate account for each person.

From there you have three main steps:
- You need to upload your negative COVID-19 test result, which needs to be done at least two hours before departure
- You need to share details of your travel authorization, which in this case would be the UK passenger locator form
- You need to go through a final checklist before leaving for the airport, which needs to be done within 24 hours of departure

To submit your COVID-19 test result you’ll need to:
- Confirm that your date of birth is displayed on the test form
- Select the type of test you took
- Share the test date
- State whether the exact test time is stated on the document; if it’s not, 8AM will be used as the presumed time of testing
- Confirm that the lab you used is stated on the form
- Confirm that your test result is negative
- Upload the actual test result

Understandably there’s a manual review process here, though this is part of the process I found to be frustrating. My mom’s test was verified within two minutes, while mine took 16 hours to be approved, and that only happened a couple of hours before we headed to the airport. I’ve heard of others just having their test stay in the “pending” state without anything happening, which negates the purpose of this.

To complete the travel authorization:
- I had to enter the application reference number on my UK passenger locator form
- Separately I had to scan the QR code on my UK passenger locator form
- I had to confirm that I haven’t been to a UK red list country in the past 10 days

Lastly, within 24 hours of departure and before going to the airport, I had to go through the pre-travel checklist, confirming that I have a valid passport, that I have a copy of my negative COVID-19 test, that I have a copy of my UK passenger locator form, and acknowledge I’d have to wear a face covering when flying.

At that point the checklist was complete.

With everything done, I was essentially given a “mobile badge” with my picture and a green check mark next to it, which means you’re clear to travel (I’m blurring the picture because I was getting so pissed off with VeriFLY’s useless photo taking feature that I’m basically scowling).

At the American Airlines check-in counter the agent was thrilled to see that I had completed the VeriFLY process. I just had to show him that “mobile badge” with my picture and the green check mark, and that was all the verification that was needed for the UK.
The check-in process still ended up taking about 20 minutes, as our documents had to be verified for Greece, which doesn’t participate in the VeriFLY program.
Bottom line
International travel is ridiculously complicated nowadays, between entry requirements, testing requirements, and paperwork. VeriFLY is a free travel verification service that partners with select airlines for select destinations.
While use of VeriFLY isn’t necessary, it does make the check-in process significantly easier. I recently used it when flying American Airlines from Charlotte to London, and VeriFLY was able to verify my UK passenger locator form and negative coronavirus test before going to the airport.
While the app is clunky and not amazing, it is something I’d recommend using if prompted to do so by your airline. It will eliminate some of the stress on the day of travel, and will also reduce the workload for check-in agents.
If you’ve used VeriFLY for international travel, what was your experience like?
This article was definitely written by a “Verifly” promoter. As a 30 yr airline employee, I can say that this app is NOT required. There are TWO things required for travel..1) Airline ticket, 2) Passport for International travel. This is vaccination for Covid is required and yet American Airlines FORCES you to use Verifly if you check in online. Everytime I go to the counter there is someone there to check you in and...
This article was definitely written by a “Verifly” promoter. As a 30 yr airline employee, I can say that this app is NOT required. There are TWO things required for travel..1) Airline ticket, 2) Passport for International travel. This is vaccination for Covid is required and yet American Airlines FORCES you to use Verifly if you check in online. Everytime I go to the counter there is someone there to check you in and it does NOT take 40 minutes, nor is it a “convoluted” process. Believe me, they have been doing this a long time. Verifly is intrusive and an information gathering app..nothing more.
This is terrible. When I click on the bar code it tells e that there is a mistake. I can not get signed in
Used Verifly on a trip to El Salvador. It was not clear to me that it was actually not necessary and my wife, daughter and I went through the entire clunky, non-intuitive, and STRESSFUL process waiting hours and hours for manual reviews of our uploaded documents. Since neither the American Airlines App nor the Verifly App told us that Verifly was not necessary, we were concerned that we would not be allowed to board our...
Used Verifly on a trip to El Salvador. It was not clear to me that it was actually not necessary and my wife, daughter and I went through the entire clunky, non-intuitive, and STRESSFUL process waiting hours and hours for manual reviews of our uploaded documents. Since neither the American Airlines App nor the Verifly App told us that Verifly was not necessary, we were concerned that we would not be allowed to board our flight if we could not navigate the convoluted labyrinth of the Verifly process. When we got tot the airport and checked in with American Airlines, they said they didn't need it. Some reviews describe an expedited experience when checking in, but that was not the case for us.
Screw Verifly. All it has ever done is cause me stress. Woe to the airline agent who evens mentions that app to me again.
Extremely frustrated. I received an email stating that the Vaccine form has been completed, however when I click on the verifly app on my phone, a search box comes up and I can't get beyond it. He doesn't recognize any keys words or even the word "Help"???
Aer Lingus mandate using verifly if you want to check in online. Going through it now for a flight to USA in 4 weeks. Verifly wont let me upload Covid Certificate until 2 days before flight. This just adds extra stress as I wont know if certificate acceptable until last minute.
This was extremely useful, thank you.
I’m a bit confused though, as some of the images shown online (when I googled it) showed a QR code that needed to be used at checkpoints.
I’m worried that mine just shows a green tick and screen like yours. Is this all I need? (So no QR code?).
I was also advised that I would receive a confirmation email, which I don’t have. Help!!….Thanks!
Thank you for your guide to using the VeriFLY app, your step by step instructions are quite detailed, but I have a question on the "Add Companion" screen, which I have not been given the option to bypass as I am flying solo.
How do I surmount this road block?
hello, today my wife and sister-law were at Jacksonville airport going to Bogota . they completed all the requirements on line . American Airlines wont let them on the flight cause the did not had hard copy authorization form . are they correct on not letting my wife and sister-law on the flight
I didn't experience any issue with the picture taking process on my android cell phone. My inclination is to take advantage of any processing tools offered AND bring paper documents to. We plan to use emed for covid testing on our return to the USA & confirmed with Verifly that they accept emed.
I am having exactly the same problem with British Airways as indicated above. I did everything on VeriFLY And I got the green checkmarks and they say I am “ready to travel“. However on the British Airways site when I try to get my boarding pass, they keep telling me I don’t have any of my Covid stuff done. But I did get my Covid stuff done on the BA chosen vendor called VeriFLY. Apparently...
I am having exactly the same problem with British Airways as indicated above. I did everything on VeriFLY And I got the green checkmarks and they say I am “ready to travel“. However on the British Airways site when I try to get my boarding pass, they keep telling me I don’t have any of my Covid stuff done. But I did get my Covid stuff done on the BA chosen vendor called VeriFLY. Apparently the BA website and the VeriFLY website do not talk to each other ? Which was the whole point in the first place of using the thing. Complete garbage. So now I’m going to go to the airport hours and hours early before my flight and stand in lines and try to figure out how to get a boarding pass and how to get on my plane.
Got 3 of the 4 verifications done, but will not let me put in confirmation for Covid Test. I see some say cannot do it until 48 hrs prior to trip (I am at 72 hrs for a cruise - which says 3 days is ok). No footnotes of what the problem is. We will see??
Finally got all 4 areas green checked - Ready to go. The covid test was not able to load until 2 days before my trip. I finally got to that screen and uploaded a pic of my negative test. Then it sat in limbo for 5 hours until Verifly approved it. Then all 4 green checks showed up and the main page said something like "Ready to Go" next to my (and on a separate app page my wifes) "trip" Hope it all works on Sunday
I am helping my parents with this app as they fly to the USA in April. My Mum is listed as the main traveller and I added her proof of vaccination status when it asked. I have added my Dad as her companion but it is not offering me the option to provide proof of his vaccination status. Does anyone know why and if this will be a problem at the airport.
I found the app HORRIBLE!!! Your "how to" info is very good, but the app doesn't mirror your steps. I'm stuck with a screen that gives me instructions for A Trip to UK but won't let me enter my info.
I found it very confusing. I'll wait in line to show my COVID test results when coming back from UK.
Can I use this for travel to and from Mexico?
I am going to Australia tomorrow and I had a negative covid test which I needed and it says 72 hrs but going on verify app it won't take my test result as it has to be 48 hours
this is not right as I have done an ADPD and it has been accepted.
Verifly App worked well on way out from JFK to CDG but refused to recognize CDG as my departure point for the return flight so I could not use it. What's more, I was told the app was free but I've been billed 8.99 USD. Anyone know what that was for, especially as the app didn't work for the return leg and I actually didn't even need it going into France as they dropped their test requirements and other forms need to be filed on line with the French authorities.
Complicated and full of bugs. You’ve got a QR code but it won’t recognize it. You’ve got your original hospital-issued record of vaccination but it won’t upload that. They charge money to look at your card? Rubbish.
Canada accepts a positive Covid test if it is more than 10 days and less than 180 days old. There is no way to upload that into this app. Really awful.
Verifly will not accept picture of my companion. Tried camera, file, passport picture. Nothing.
Must of taken around 30-40 pictures. I took mine in one shot. Any suggestions.
The app works, but is ridiculously stupid. It doesn't require an account for each person, but the app is limited to one device. So your companion won't have access to it. They also have a rule against multiple accounts for some reason.
The app scanned my QR code fine, but not my wife's. I used the Smart Health verifier app to make sure that her QR code was fine and it was.
Downloaded the app & currently having the issue mentioned above about trying to take a selfie.... this being the 3rd Step of registration on VeriFly. I keep pressing the start button, but, nothing happens. I cannot advance to the final Step until this is completed. I wish this article mentioned the fix.
Flying to Spain and each time I input the data for my partner and I when I review it a couple of hours later, it needs repeat inputs of data. Flying tomorrow and just checked it again and it hasn’t “saved” my data. What am. I not getting right?
I selected a Trip to Spain on AA. The departing from Airport only gave me 3 choices and the airport I was flying out of wasn't;t one of them! This NOT an easy app.
Trying to verify and it does not recognize me, going this Saturday to Italy via Madrid
Hopeless. My departure city is Chicago (ORD), and the only option available for departure city is London (LHR).
Verifly doesn't recognise Manchester Airport UK. The third largest/busiest UK airport. No use at all unless you are travelling through a listed airport, on a listed airline, to a listed destination. Too limited to be of any use to most travellers.
I flew from LAX (Los Angeles, US)->MBJ(Jamaica)->LAX. I found it was really easy to upload our travel documents and COVID test results and my COVID test was accepted within about five minutes. My daughter's was uploaded a day later and took about an hour to be approved. The whole travel check-in process was so much quicker and easier than our last trip to Jamaica (pre-COVID). They scanned our passports at LAX and said we were...
I flew from LAX (Los Angeles, US)->MBJ(Jamaica)->LAX. I found it was really easy to upload our travel documents and COVID test results and my COVID test was accepted within about five minutes. My daughter's was uploaded a day later and took about an hour to be approved. The whole travel check-in process was so much quicker and easier than our last trip to Jamaica (pre-COVID). They scanned our passports at LAX and said we were all set and our documents had already been approved. When we arrived, we got to do to the automated line in Jamaica and scan our passports, get a printout, and we were on our way to the resort. It was surprisingly so easy. The return trip was just as seamless. I was surprised at how much easier it was than previous trips.
I don’t understand why it costs £53 to veryfly documents
Hi! Thanks for this report. So what did you do for Athens? Did they pre-approved you all the way when you checked in at CLT?
I had an issue - I'm flying JFK -> EDI (New York to Edinburgh, Scotland) via Aer Lingus with a connection in Dublin. I was able to enter the information for the trip from the US to Dublin, but not for the second leg as when I picked a second "trip to the UK" it only let me start in the US so showed the wrong airlines and flights :(
Ireland to UK is considered as part of the Common Travel Area and a lot of that information is simply not required. I'm not sure you can even fill in a verifly leg for Dublin to Edinburgh (though you can do the reverse). Aer Lingus' own website states:
"UK to Ireland flights: From Birmingham | Bristol | Edinburgh | Glasgow | London Gatwick | London Heathrow | Manchester to Ireland.
VeriFLY is not available on flights from Ireland to the UK."
This app is shit...slow and i lost my flight becsuse it did not work
BA just making life awkward when you go to check in online if you want to check your seating .... the veriSLY app questions are ambiguous ... the way that I read the questions proved to be wrong and scanning my QR code wasnt accepted .. hjad to wait for 2 hrs to get it accepted ... Green checked at the end but takes too long for it to actually show on my app !
I hate this shit !
Used VeriFLY with BA.
Despite getting two green ticks, BA still insisted that I could not check in on line as I had not confirmed Covid status.
So, what is the point? Can't check in and reserve seats until I get to the airport.
Why won't VeriFLY link with BA as BA seem to be pushing this app very hard?
The app may be ok--hard to tell--but I wouldn't count on any kind of tech support from Daon (the company behind the app) if you need it. I gave up trying to get a couple of very simple questions answered after five rounds of email exchanged. The "support" people kept sending me boilerplate paragraphs that "explained" to me that the problem I was asking about exists--no kidding, that's why I was asking about it!--and directing...
The app may be ok--hard to tell--but I wouldn't count on any kind of tech support from Daon (the company behind the app) if you need it. I gave up trying to get a couple of very simple questions answered after five rounds of email exchanged. The "support" people kept sending me boilerplate paragraphs that "explained" to me that the problem I was asking about exists--no kidding, that's why I was asking about it!--and directing me to pages on their website I had looked at (and told them about my having looked at them in my emails to them) before I started trying to get tech support help. It's a free app, and worth exactly what you pay for.
This guide, and the guide to the UK Passenger Locator Form, were very useful. I was confused though by the meaning (and possible misinterpretation) of a couple of phrases, viz:
in this VeriFly guide: "within 24 hours of departure for the UK": this is intended to mean "within the 24 hour period before departure for the UK" but it reads as if it might mean "within 24 hours of having departed for the UK".
This guide, and the guide to the UK Passenger Locator Form, were very useful. I was confused though by the meaning (and possible misinterpretation) of a couple of phrases, viz:
in this VeriFly guide: "within 24 hours of departure for the UK": this is intended to mean "within the 24 hour period before departure for the UK" but it reads as if it might mean "within 24 hours of having departed for the UK".
in the PLF guide: PLF has to be submitted "within 48 hours of departure". Same potential misinterpretation.
Both instances need a clear statement that actions have to be taken 24 or 48 hours BEFORE departure.
Oh! And I was told by the airline that I needed to change my name in one of the countries so both passports reflected the same name!!!
What a mess when you have double nationality and use one legal name to leave a country and enter the other with your other legal name. I am married and took my husband's name in the USA but am also Colombian and all my documents there are under my maiden name. Basically the airline had to erase my legal US name and redo my reservation under my Colombian name. When returning to the States am supposed to come in as a foreigner being a legal US citizen. What a mess!!
Verifly is just farming your information for sale. If the product is free, you are the product.
What if we’ve had Covid recently and aren’t required to test? How do I upload those documents?
If you're vaccinated, but contract symptomatic covid you are not supposed to travel until you have been cleared by a doctor. You are required on the attestation form to list that you've had covid and have a negative test with you, you will need to bring that test with you to the airport along with your forms for manual validation.
If you are not vaccinated, you must show a negative test prior to returning. Verifly...
If you're vaccinated, but contract symptomatic covid you are not supposed to travel until you have been cleared by a doctor. You are required on the attestation form to list that you've had covid and have a negative test with you, you will need to bring that test with you to the airport along with your forms for manual validation.
If you are not vaccinated, you must show a negative test prior to returning. Verifly does not support this workflow currently and you will have to bring your paperwork to the airport for evaluation. Currently, most counties won't let you in if you're not vaccinated so the outbound isn't a concern. Those that do will require a quarantine on arrival and returning to the US plus contact tracing and testing at intervals while you're there.
Hi there , my son is traveling to the usa on friday 12th november . He has done the Verifly app for BA and everythink has been done ok . What were concerned about now is the passenger locator form , is that all done on the app or do i need to get a print out from the usa website for a passenger locator as were concerned when he gets off the plane at pheonix when u get the checks done
You will want a print copy and save a digital copy on your phone as well. Also note on the return immigrating agents will ask you for the form, so take two copies per individual as the BA agents will collect your first copy and the two parties do not share information of processes.
I admit to have being confused by the Verifly App itself. I was thankful for this clear step by step check list to use it and be quickly ready to travel with a Verifly pass. Thanks.
It’s useless. Tried to use it for flight to Montreal. American Airlines gate agent still made me produce all the hard copy documents and gave me a lecture about how I should have checked in at the front. Even though I used VeriFLY, had my ArriveCan code, filled in all the info on the check in page, and got an electronic boarding pass from American. Complete waste of time!
Trying to use VeriFLY for upcoming BA flight, but it does not have my airport New Orleans international listed on the airports. Not sure what to do as can’t get help.
I thought that travel now for fully vaccinated travelers does NOT require proof of a negative COVID test before departing from USA to Europe? You just need to show your vaccine card? This Verily app is very confusing to me as it acts like you need a negative test (when I'm being told that your don't).
I was advised by BA to use VERYfly. I tried, but it did not accept my photo of my Covid certificate, and I had to give up. I`m also a bit wary of these private companies. If you have necessary documentation/proof that you are vaccinated and comply with your destination`s rules for entry, why do you need VERYfly?
We shall just check-in at the airport with plenty of time to spare.
BA state...
I was advised by BA to use VERYfly. I tried, but it did not accept my photo of my Covid certificate, and I had to give up. I`m also a bit wary of these private companies. If you have necessary documentation/proof that you are vaccinated and comply with your destination`s rules for entry, why do you need VERYfly?
We shall just check-in at the airport with plenty of time to spare.
BA state that you can`t book in on-line without VERYfly. That`s sounds akin to some sort of blackmail to me...
That's just BA in general; their business model revolves around mild degrees of extortion and coercion whenever possible.
If you are traveling through London to Croatia, do you create two separate trips on Verifly (US to LHR & LHR to Croatia)?
I used Verifly in September to fly from Seattle to London. The locator form was no problem, but the app would not accept the QR code from negative covid test results, so make sure you can provide those manually.
I'm in the UK now waiting to get back to the US- despite being double vaxxed I contracted covid over here , a mild case but still have to quarantine 10 days . British Airways...
I used Verifly in September to fly from Seattle to London. The locator form was no problem, but the app would not accept the QR code from negative covid test results, so make sure you can provide those manually.
I'm in the UK now waiting to get back to the US- despite being double vaxxed I contracted covid over here , a mild case but still have to quarantine 10 days . British Airways has just sent me an invitation to upload my info onto Verifly ( I fly out next Saturday pending negative test) but I notice I cannot put in Heathrow as a point of departure. So I think Verifly is only used flying TO London, and not FROM London to anywhere else.
For anyone else experiencing this, use LHR instead of Heathrow. Their system has a very poor airport lookup that is missing quite a lot of data.
If travelling thru Frankfurt with Lufthansa in transit to another Schengen area country, will Frankfurt verify my Covid eligibility or the final destination?
If LHR is a layover to my final destination, should I use VeriFLY? I’m not sure…..
Thanks for the info. We are going ORD-SJU on AA this week and I wasn't sure if I should use it or not, but after reading this I decided to sign up. It took about a total of 10 minutes, which is not bad. The worst part was tracking my husband down for a photo. :) Hopefully it will make things easier at the airport.
I used the app JFK to CDG. Easy to fill out and great at check-in.
BUT there seems to be no way to set up the return flights. AA and VERIFLY need to be clear here that it's not set up for flights to the USA
Agree. I think it is VERY confusing personally. I keep having to email some person asking questions. Sometimes she replies and sometimes she doesn't.
I used VeriFLY for my trip from Chicago to Rome but I can not figure out how to enter my return flight information. The app is not recognizing Rome. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this task? It is very frustrating
Stuck in a pending phase. Could they make this more cumbersome?
I am off to the airport in a couple of hours - MIA to BCN. I found the application very clunky and difficult to use. It locked up my phone a bunch of times and I had to back out and start the QR code scanning code a number of times before I could get it to work. I will report back later if it really did speed the airport process. BTW: I also filled out the Spanish entry documents and the app for the French Health Passport. They were a piece of cake in comparision!
It works perfectly. I like it. I use it because I like to be considerate of the people behind me at check in and to avoid carrying paper.
On American Airlines, the app works for outbound but not inbound, although an article from late 2020 said it would work for return flights. I'd like to set up my return flight so I can upload my 72 hour pre-flight Covid test, but no luck. At least I have the paper copy to show the customer service agent.
I am unable to upload my fax certs. It is greyed out , is it time sensitive? Ie within 24 or 48 hours of departure?
The VeriFLY didn’t really work for us. It considers out “trip to London” separately from our “trip to Dublin”. Consequently our trip to Dublin is too easy because it doesn’t consider our recent visit to a green list non EU country. And our trip to London can’t be completed because they want a Covid test booking number that we don’t need because it doesn’t know we are only airside transiting through UK.
Will not accept Test QR code nor accept manual upload.
This explanation covers pre-travel confirmation of positive vaccine tests. I understand some countries ALSO require proof of vaccination - in my case the Moderna Vaccine. How is this inputed into VeriFLY?
Hi there. I'm just trying it now and agree it is confusing. For example on the Authorization to travel screen it asks for a test reference number. WHAT IS THAT?
This app is ill-conceived and the whole process is horrible. I'm sitting here now for 3+ hours waiting for verification from Verifly before I can even check-in online?!?!?!? Really stupid guys... intro an app that creates more work for your passengers and slows the whole process to more of a crawl than it was before
What is the test booking number???
Just like Kathy, I too had trouble at the Travel Authorization stage. We are merely transiting through LHR on our way to Spain (Flights- PHX-LHR-AGP). After reading all the rules for transiting passengers, a test is not required, but the app requires a test booking number to be entered in order to confirm your entries.
Thank You Kathy for the post. I got stuck at the same point and entered 6 or 7 zeros and the app let me continue.
Thank you for this post. We are traveling from the US to Portugal, through Heathrow tomorrow night. All was well with the verifly app until I got to the 3rd item. I scanned my QR code for my UK passenger locator form without issue; indicated that I have not been to a red list country without issue. But then it won't let me go on until I enter a Test Booking Number, which I am...
Thank you for this post. We are traveling from the US to Portugal, through Heathrow tomorrow night. All was well with the verifly app until I got to the 3rd item. I scanned my QR code for my UK passenger locator form without issue; indicated that I have not been to a red list country without issue. But then it won't let me go on until I enter a Test Booking Number, which I am gathering is a required PCR test on Day 2 in England if you are traveling from an Amber List country (which the USA now is). Even though we only have a 2 hour layover in Heathrow. I figured it was just a hoop to jump through and I would need to pay for the test that I would never have. BUT you have to have a UK address to pay for the PCR test. I'm sure there is a logical answer to my issue, I'm just not seeing it!
The application doesn't support people with long first name(s) I have 3 names in my first name and the app doesn't let me check-in
I have been trying to complete my information for over an hour and have gotten nowhere. There are many rabbit holes. My first detour was to the Gov.UK site (transiting to Spain through Heathrow) and THAT took quite some time only to find out that one part of it can't be done until 48 hours prior so now, 4 days out, I am again at a stand still. Further, there does not seem to be a way to now add my Spain and France legs of my trip. This damn thing is just impossible.
I used it to fly from Cyprus to LHR, some of the questions it asked were stupid, I just used my best guess and passed.
I used verifly on my way to Aruba but can't seem to find a way to use it for the return trip
I used the verify app for the first time flying on American to St. Lucia. I found it helpful at the check in process. However, it has become far more complicated to Travel internationally and I don’t see it getting any better. Since July, 2021, I have been out of the country seven times. Last year airports were deserted around July and August. Now the crowds have really picked up as well as the endless...
I used the verify app for the first time flying on American to St. Lucia. I found it helpful at the check in process. However, it has become far more complicated to Travel internationally and I don’t see it getting any better. Since July, 2021, I have been out of the country seven times. Last year airports were deserted around July and August. Now the crowds have really picked up as well as the endless paperwork. Not to mention that procedures can change day to day. Coming into some foreign countries, you think you’re being admitted into an emergency room. The lines tend to be very long, over an hour, and you will be greeted by locals who are dressed in nursing outfits….. all gowned and gloved Up. In Jamaica, they were also locals dressed up in military outfits, Collecting your Health information. Then you still have to process through immigrations. I think my international travel is going to slow down. It’s far too complicated and time-consuming. Most frustrating, being vaccinated doesn’t seem to have any benefit whatsoever in accessing international travel
The Verify App appears highly selective regarding which QR codes it will accept. I'm UK based flying with BA from London to Boston and received my Fit to Fly Test result this morning which was negative. When I opened the app and tried to upload the test QR Verifly said that only "Verifly approved codes" are accepted. My test was with a larger rapid test provider in the UK. Rather unhelpfully neither Verify nor BA give any advice as to which QR codes are acceptable!
Can you explain how to get by 'Add Companions' if there are none. I got this far a few times and can't go any further.
I tried using Verifly and find it totally frustrating and so have others who tried using it. I couldn’t get past the companion information. Then I pressed the back button and it had lost all my information and I had to start all over. How does one get past adding a companion - and their photo? I have given upj.
Terms and conditions are all about using your (and your kids) personal information. I know (nearly) nothing about Daon, the biometrics company that owns Verifly, but this is not their only biometrics product. Who knows how they’ll use our personal information.
Same problem with the "Arrival Test Reference Number" field. :-(
Same issue. Can anyone confirm that we can just write “transit” and that will be ok?
Also here for the same question. The field is now updated and named "Test Booking Number." Anyone know what to put in this mandatory field if we're just there for a connecting flight?
Hi! Did you get a response for this?
I just put in "TRANSITING" and it gave me a green checkmark.
I'm traveling to PMI with a transit thru LHR, and the app doesnt have a way for me to detailed this. If i select Spain as my final destination, it only have AA airline with no connection. Anyone have tips for using the app for travels with transit in another country?
I also don’t know what an Arrival Test Reference Number is - it won’t let me proceed without it - please help!
Pls help, what is the Arrival Test Reference Number on the Travel Authorization page?
I traveled from PHL to LHR this week. The agents never asked if I’d used VeriFLY despite multiple emails from American Air encouraging me to do so. The ticket counter agent accepted my paper copies of everything. The gate agent gave me hell for the exact same paperwork till I finally realized that I should show her the VeriFLY app with my green check mark indicating my paperwork was already accepted. At that point she...
I traveled from PHL to LHR this week. The agents never asked if I’d used VeriFLY despite multiple emails from American Air encouraging me to do so. The ticket counter agent accepted my paper copies of everything. The gate agent gave me hell for the exact same paperwork till I finally realized that I should show her the VeriFLY app with my green check mark indicating my paperwork was already accepted. At that point she snarled “I guess I’ll have to let you on”. What a doll. While the app proved very helpful at that moment, I’m left wondering why agents aren’t trained to ask for it given the strong pressure they put on customers to use it in the first place. Additionally, no one at UK Border Control even cares about the app so there’s not much of an advantage there.
International travel absolutely sucks right now. I only traveled because my brother died and the incredible problems I encountered in airports on both the outbound and inbound journeys made a very hard situation absolutely miserable. Much of the problem rests on the shoulders of governments and their ever changing requirements. The UK, where I live, is going to continue hemorrhaging tourist dollars until Westminster and the other devolved governments get their crap together.
Thank you so much for doing this!
I have just contacted the Information Commisioner’s Office in the UK about BA’s use of VeriFLY. It was an additional step of bureaucracy which gave absolutely zero benefits to me, I feel as if I have been bounced into giving my personal information to this third party for no reason at all. Online check in was not available and the covid test certificate and passenger locator form were checked numerous times (at check in and...
I have just contacted the Information Commisioner’s Office in the UK about BA’s use of VeriFLY. It was an additional step of bureaucracy which gave absolutely zero benefits to me, I feel as if I have been bounced into giving my personal information to this third party for no reason at all. Online check in was not available and the covid test certificate and passenger locator form were checked numerous times (at check in and then at boarding against my passport). I feel totally scammed by this and would suggest that people just follow the country’s requirements, and give themselves time to check in at the airport rather than give away more and more personal information to this third party, and I don’t even understand who they are.
Terrible app. Total waste of time with a ton of bugs that will prevent you from proceeding. Just go to the airport early.
Useless application because there is no communication with AA application. It's another place where hackers can getl your data.
I found it on the AA app. They are pushing this out for international travel. I wish my own country CBP had an App for this. Just so you know, they added Greece just recently. You can’t do it too far in advance. I am planning some research but if someone wants to steal your info, they can no matter what you do unless you plan to go off grid.
If you get stuck in the VeriFLY App on the “arrival test reference number”, enter the passenger form number but only the digits/letters after the underscore.
Viking cruise line uses veriFly. Was told yesterday we would need to do this prior to boarding river cruise. I do not like the idea of this information being in the hands of an unknown 3rd party.
Wondering if you can comment on how you can online check in after you have received the green check. It says that after you get the green check that somehow will allow you to check in online. Does Verifly somehow communicate with
I tried to use the Verifly app, but got caught at the point where it asks for an Arrival Test Reference Number (for the UK)... which is not applicable to me because I'm just transiting through LHR to Denmark, for less than 5 hours (but switching carriers, so AA doesn't know that... but my UK Passenger Locator Form does!). In any case, I can't check in online without a completed checklist on Verifly, and I...
I tried to use the Verifly app, but got caught at the point where it asks for an Arrival Test Reference Number (for the UK)... which is not applicable to me because I'm just transiting through LHR to Denmark, for less than 5 hours (but switching carriers, so AA doesn't know that... but my UK Passenger Locator Form does!). In any case, I can't check in online without a completed checklist on Verifly, and I can't get past step two without entering my non-existent test number. Good to hear that check-in isn't so bad in person! Can't remember the last time I didn't check in online :) And yeah-- traveling internationally during Covid is a beast! Figuring out which countries require what, even just for transits... wow it's a lot to research and keep track of!
Does anyone know where you find the arrival test reference number?
I’m wondering the same thing! I’m only transiting in London before flying to Greece, so I’m exempt from doing a test on arrival, but it doesn’t let me proceed without adding a number in that field :/
I'm flying to Athens tomorrow via ORD. I've been using the Verifly App for my documents and my husband's. We are all "verified" (i.e., valid vaccine, travel authorization) except that it is making us wait until we are within 24 hours before our flight leaves ORD to complete the final travel checklist (which appears to be confirming you have a valid passport, filled out the PLR, etc.) and receive the Green Check Mark. Since I...
I'm flying to Athens tomorrow via ORD. I've been using the Verifly App for my documents and my husband's. We are all "verified" (i.e., valid vaccine, travel authorization) except that it is making us wait until we are within 24 hours before our flight leaves ORD to complete the final travel checklist (which appears to be confirming you have a valid passport, filled out the PLR, etc.) and receive the Green Check Mark. Since I can't complete the final checklist until this afternoon (per the App), I'm hoping it ultimately works and I can check-in online. Currently AA won't let me check in for the first leg of my flight because I'm not verified. It's been a long time since I've traveled internationally from the United States so wondering if you ever could check-in online or if you always had to check-in at the desk at the airport. (We usually flew out of YYZ pre-Covid). So far, I've been happy with the amount of time that it is taking for uploads to be verified by Verifly. Time will tell if it works though.
Try typing anything. That worked for me.
Just type anything there and see what happens. I even wrote "transit" (since I'm going to CPH), and that was accepted.
OHmy god this app is so confusing. Im I'm traveling from dallas to la do i still need to use the app?
I am currently using Verifly and i was travelling with husband and daughter. Everyone is now reviewed and okay to travel on Verifly. But when i tried to check in on AA, it says my daughter is Incomplete status on Verifly. Im not sure if AA app is the problem or Verifly is not transmitting my data to AA.
I am having difficulty with the Verifly App; I am the primary traveler and my wife is the "companion." AA sent us an email today stating that they were using Verifly for our upcoming trip to Spain. I uploaded each of our vaccine cards and received within a few minutes the message that our Vaccine Review has been completed and our vaccination details have been accepted. I clicked on the first email as requested and...
I am having difficulty with the Verifly App; I am the primary traveler and my wife is the "companion." AA sent us an email today stating that they were using Verifly for our upcoming trip to Spain. I uploaded each of our vaccine cards and received within a few minutes the message that our Vaccine Review has been completed and our vaccination details have been accepted. I clicked on the first email as requested and it updated my wife's status with green check marks. I found this strange as the app asked me to upload my CDC Vaccination card first. No matter, I clicked on the 2nd email and .... nothing changed - my status on the Vaccination Review is still showing pending. This makes absolutely no sense to me.
I used VeriFly several times and in the beginning it was fast and easy. More recently, assuming much greater passenger traffic, my PCR test has not been approved until about 24 hours after submission. My recent trip back to the US from Mexico it was not approved until I was sitting on the aircraft about to take off. It seems they are a bit overwhelmed with approvals recently?
Yeah, doesn't really take a rocket scientist to approve a covid test.
Why Verifly can't just hire min wage remote workers to do this beats me.
They have a chance to be best in class right now and are basically choosing to do bare minimum.
Have used VeriFLY twice going to/from Barbados with American. Outgoing, uploaded tests at first available time….stayed pending until I called. Then never linked with AA. Waste of a lot of time.
Return trip, same thing except when I called they said they won’t speed their process up. Basically had to do same procedure at the airport.
Bottom line, won’t waste my time until major improvements are made. Stressed over making sure all was...
Have used VeriFLY twice going to/from Barbados with American. Outgoing, uploaded tests at first available time….stayed pending until I called. Then never linked with AA. Waste of a lot of time.
Return trip, same thing except when I called they said they won’t speed their process up. Basically had to do same procedure at the airport.
Bottom line, won’t waste my time until major improvements are made. Stressed over making sure all was good and spent hours. Took me 5 minutes at the airport.
This is definitely disruptive technology.
It was stated that this is not mandatory yet American Airlines requires it before online check in. Did everything the app asks for and uploaded the required documents for the 3 of us traveling. Two of us say "pending" one says "incomplete". To verifly's credit I called they and they answered quickly and actually spoke to a live person. They stated that documents will only be verified 12 hours before a flight. I'm willing to...
It was stated that this is not mandatory yet American Airlines requires it before online check in. Did everything the app asks for and uploaded the required documents for the 3 of us traveling. Two of us say "pending" one says "incomplete". To verifly's credit I called they and they answered quickly and actually spoke to a live person. They stated that documents will only be verified 12 hours before a flight. I'm willing to bet they will never be reviewed. I printed everything needed and also have files saved on the phone for each of us. How did the person writing this article check in 24 hours before? Seems fishy. They also stated the uploaded the Covid test results 2 hours before the flight? Can't check in without that. Hmmm. They need to work out the bugs and coordinate better with the online check in times with the carriers.
I am leaving for France tomorrow, uploaded my PCR test results since yesterday and am still in pending status as well as my daughter so we can’t check in online. I feel like the app is totally useless at this point…
I had the same experience. I actually did all my checkin at the airport. I was in Mexico coming home to the USA. The AA app wouldn’t let me check in online unless the VeriFly app approved all our results which are still in a pending status. I am now checked in with a boarding pass with no help from Verifly. They should get rid of VeriFly - all it did was cause unnecessary anxiety...
I had the same experience. I actually did all my checkin at the airport. I was in Mexico coming home to the USA. The AA app wouldn’t let me check in online unless the VeriFly app approved all our results which are still in a pending status. I am now checked in with a boarding pass with no help from Verifly. They should get rid of VeriFly - all it did was cause unnecessary anxiety for hours before my flight and in the end VeriFly wasn’t even used!!! Horrible experience- for all of you who are in a pending status when you get to the airport they will take care of you - our checkin went very smoothly.
I am from the US to the Bahamas in a couple of days. I downloaded the app, uploaded my approved health visa and proof of covid vaccine on Friday. It is now Sunday and covid 19 vaccination review is still “pending.” I am concerned it will stay in “pending” mode and not sure why it is taking so long.
Ben summed it up very well. The app is clunky but well worth using if it applies to your itinerary. I used it yesterday for the AA flight from ATH to JFK. I opened the app, flashed my “Ready to Travel” message from the app, and was waived through. Other pax were encountering significant delays completing the paper attestation, showing their printed COVID test results, etc. Why not save yourself that added hassle at checkin...
Ben summed it up very well. The app is clunky but well worth using if it applies to your itinerary. I used it yesterday for the AA flight from ATH to JFK. I opened the app, flashed my “Ready to Travel” message from the app, and was waived through. Other pax were encountering significant delays completing the paper attestation, showing their printed COVID test results, etc. Why not save yourself that added hassle at checkin if you can? Kudos to AA for offering this option!
SO what if your flying on AA but its not to one of the preset destinations? Even though you're leaving from one of the airports that supports verifly?
Despite what AA says.. this does NOT work with Liberia, Costa Rica… it is NOT offered as a choice on VeriFLY
I flew LHR - USA - LHR. I did not use Verifly, and will not. The security is awful on the app, and this is your international paperwork and medical way!! The paperwork printout process took 2 mins at check in, both times. (inc checking my passport etc). There was ZERO difference in the check in process.
One just has to prepare, have your printouts and its fine.
I'm sure many will love these...
I flew LHR - USA - LHR. I did not use Verifly, and will not. The security is awful on the app, and this is your international paperwork and medical way!! The paperwork printout process took 2 mins at check in, both times. (inc checking my passport etc). There was ZERO difference in the check in process.
One just has to prepare, have your printouts and its fine.
I'm sure many will love these apps, but for those of us who do not wish to use them (still many) ..paper print out still works just fine. (I have backup printouts so its no hassle at all) :)
I signed up - even though no near term international travel. The description here is very helpful to see what the fields are. Makes it clearer what they are asking for (basically Covid pre-departure test at this time).
I guess there will be more items to fill in once they add vaccination details.
Very soon there will be fees for this. Nothing like this can just be free. I bet they are working out the bugs and waiting to see how many more airlines are willing to go along. There is also the issue of providing so much personal data that can be hacked and/or used for other purposes for commercial gain and profit.
Since it apparently takes so long to check-in for international flights right now, I am concerned about how things will be a in a couple of months when demand for international flights goes up. Will the airlines have enough staff to accommodate this?
My partner and I made a relatively brief trip to Costa Rica at the end of April and used Verifly on our return to Los Angeles from Liberia International Airport to document our negative COVID tests that we obtained in Tamarindo 72 hours before our return flight. There were other attestations and affidavits that were part of the Verifly process; but, once completed it made the airport check in process for Alaska Airlines super easy.
Only a matter of time before every country has its own app or shared app and you need a subscription pass to enter. Think of the ski passes like Epic and Ikon i fully beleive in 5 years every country will require you to have a paid pass to just to visit on top of all the other taxes and fees we are being charged for international travel. Just makes no sense for every country...
Only a matter of time before every country has its own app or shared app and you need a subscription pass to enter. Think of the ski passes like Epic and Ikon i fully beleive in 5 years every country will require you to have a paid pass to just to visit on top of all the other taxes and fees we are being charged for international travel. Just makes no sense for every country to not charge you $50 everytime you walk in, some already do this and the ones that dont will soon do so for "our safety".
I took a short trip to Panama last week and AA sent me an email about Verifly. I downloaded the app and tried to figure out how to use it for my trip to no avail. Now I see that Panama isn’t one of the destinations where the app can be used. ♂️
It has worked great for me the times I've used it. I was initially put off by the poor reviews in the Google Play store but I had no issues with it at all, found ieasy to use, and the tests were verified fast (I wonder if the variation people experience is related to how easy the results document is to check).
@Ben - thank you for posting about this for people. I've experienced the...
It has worked great for me the times I've used it. I was initially put off by the poor reviews in the Google Play store but I had no issues with it at all, found ieasy to use, and the tests were verified fast (I wonder if the variation people experience is related to how easy the results document is to check).
@Ben - thank you for posting about this for people. I've experienced the same appreciation from check-in staff when I've used it, and if everyone were to take the few minutes ahead of the airport, rather than at the check-in desk, it would make a big difference to travel on these routes.
> While the app is clunky and not amazing
...which implies great things for their database security.
I've used Verifly on AA flights from US to Europe a few times, and it worked great.
I used VeriFLY with JAL several weeks for travel from Asia to SFO. It was useful in making sure all my documents were in order and acceptable...International travel, especially when transiting, can be a confusing maze of different restrictions at the present moment so any tool that simplifies it is most welcome. (I was still asked to show test results on four separate occasions during checkin and transit but obviously no big deal)...
I used VeriFLY with JAL several weeks for travel from Asia to SFO. It was useful in making sure all my documents were in order and acceptable...International travel, especially when transiting, can be a confusing maze of different restrictions at the present moment so any tool that simplifies it is most welcome. (I was still asked to show test results on four separate occasions during checkin and transit but obviously no big deal)...
I will certainly use it again on upcoming travel.
I had a recent COVID test at a clinic in Addis Ababa for a return flight to the US. The clinic had a similar arrangement where they would upload your results to some app, which would be shared with Ethiopian Airlines, or maybe it was the ET app itself. The sign wasn't clear. My flight was ET & UA.
I'm reluctant to do this in the first place. The convenience may be nice but...
I had a recent COVID test at a clinic in Addis Ababa for a return flight to the US. The clinic had a similar arrangement where they would upload your results to some app, which would be shared with Ethiopian Airlines, or maybe it was the ET app itself. The sign wasn't clear. My flight was ET & UA.
I'm reluctant to do this in the first place. The convenience may be nice but it's also ripe for data hacks and abuse, and God knows we've seen enough of that through the years. In my case I just showed my COVID results at check in ADD and again to UA during the document check in Europe. In each case it took less than 60 seconds.
I completed the same process twice flying through Heathrow to Greece. Both times validating the test results took way longer than I would expect.
On the way in, I hadn’t received validation 3 hours before boarding, and escalated via the app’s support feature and they validated the test within an hour, basically as I was pulling up to the airport. Unfortunately the AA team didn’t use any of it.
On the way back...
I completed the same process twice flying through Heathrow to Greece. Both times validating the test results took way longer than I would expect.
On the way in, I hadn’t received validation 3 hours before boarding, and escalated via the app’s support feature and they validated the test within an hour, basically as I was pulling up to the airport. Unfortunately the AA team didn’t use any of it.
On the way back I provided test results and UK PLF about 42 hours before check in and the information was never validated. Luckily check in was quick anyways.
Hope they can handle the volume better as travel returns to normal.
@Tim - Looks like it's only AA and BA as of now.
In the meantime, I think I'll just stay in the USA for the time being; no time to get a PhD in covid-19 entry requirements at the moment.
is there a list of participating airlines?
Ben, I am traveling to Croatia next month--Star Alliance, UAL to Croatia Airlines in FRA--and it appears United has its own equivalent to VeriFLY where I was able to successfully upload my vax status. The United App also clearly stated that being fully vaccinated, I am eligible for a Non-Schengen to Non-Schengen transit in FRA and that I can enter Croatia too. However, while the App notes that I must fill out two different forms...
Ben, I am traveling to Croatia next month--Star Alliance, UAL to Croatia Airlines in FRA--and it appears United has its own equivalent to VeriFLY where I was able to successfully upload my vax status. The United App also clearly stated that being fully vaccinated, I am eligible for a Non-Schengen to Non-Schengen transit in FRA and that I can enter Croatia too. However, while the App notes that I must fill out two different forms to enter Croatia in addition to providing Vax status and providing evidence of prepaid accommodation and it offers a link to the forms/rules, there is no mechanism to upload this information to United. I assuming that this is as good as it gets for this particular itinerary on a UAL ticket as VeriFLY is not offered as option that I can see. Can you confirm?
When I looked at this the other day it was all 1 star reviews on the Play store
Thanks Lucky!! This is super helpful.
We are going to Greece is 2 weeks and will transit via LHR on our way back to the US.
I flew from EWR-LHR on united, I had a very quick experience it took them less than 5 minutes to verify my info. just sharing my experience