17 years ago today (on February 4, 2008), I launched OMAAT, and published my first post. I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to all OMAAT readers, because I wouldn’t be here without you. I also can’t believe how time flies, and that it has already been 17 years.
In this post:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I’m not writing this post because I’m looking for any congratulations or recognition (I’m the same way about birthdays). But the reality is that this isn’t about me, it’s about all the awesome OMAAT readers and commenters out there, as you’re the reason I’m still writing this blog 17 years later.
Words can’t adequately express this, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. Whether you’ve been reading for years or are new here, I really appreciate you. No “job” is perfect, but I’d say mine is pretty close. I’m incredibly fortunate that I get to wake up every morning and cover my favorite industry in the world (gosh, has it changed a lot!), and I make a living doing it no less. I’ll never take that for granted.
I started this blog as a hobby in my freshmen year of college, at the encouragement of Randy Petersen. I never thought I’d make a dime writing this site, let alone that this could end up being my “career.” Tens of thousands of posts later, I’m still here.
This is something that’s only possible thanks to the support of the OMAAT community. So honestly, thank you… I don’t say it enough.

My biggest takeaways from 17 years of blogging
I’m hardly qualified to be a life coach, but I can’t help but share a couple of thoughts as I reflect on doing this for 17 years. It’s kind of terrifying how time flies. I can’t believe it has been 17 years. I mean, I started this blog when I was 17 years old, so I’ve been writing it for half my life. I remember back in the day when I was younger than just about everyone else in this space, and now… I’m not.
There have been many things in recent years that have made me more reflective on life, from my mom’s illness, to becoming a father. If anything, blogging has been the most consistent and stable thing in my life. So I’d just like to share two things, particularly with younger people who may be reading.
First of all, time flies, and life is too short not to try to make the most of every day and enjoy life. 17 years has passed by in the blink of an eye. I vividly remember the day I sat down and started the blog, like it was yesterday. As a kid, you always hear older people talk about how time flies, but don’t believe it. Well, I’m very much feeling that now. The days are (sometimes) long, but the years and decades are most definitely short.
Enjoying life doesn’t have to mean giving up your job and partying or traveling like there’s no tomorrow. It can just as easily be seeing the beauty in everyday life, which I’m increasingly appreciating as I get older.
Life can also come in many chapters. A decade ago, I was living in hotels full time and was happy as a clam, and now I’m married, have a toddler, and certainly have a less carefree life, and am still happy as a clam… but in a different way.
Second of all, don’t ever feel pressure to take a traditional path. I’ve written in the past about how I became a full time blogger. Like I said, this started as a hobby, and I just never believed it could be something I could do full time, because society largely discourages people from sort of doing their own thing (or at least it did 17 years ago… I think times have changed there, for the better).
But I think if you’re passionate enough and are willing to put in consistent effort, anything is possible. And as a quirky introvert, I’m particularly grateful for that, since I’m not sure how well I’d function following someone else’s path for me.

Bottom line
I can’t believe it has already been 17 years of OMAAT, so here’s to the next 17 years, God willing. Thanks so much to everyone who has been here for the ride, I appreciate it more than words can express!
Ben—I've never commented before, but I've been reading this blog every morning for the last 10 years. It's one of the only sources of content I regularly consume. Watching your journey is inspirational. As a new(ish) business owner, I drew a lot of courage by watching your pathway with OMAAT. Keep up the great work!
Congrats! You first caught my attention on Flyertalk when you posted, as a precocious adolescent, your mileage runs.
I came across OMAAT in my freshmen year of college back in 2016. Ever since I read on a daily basis. We appreciate for the adventures. Thanks to Randy Petersen for the push too.hehe
I remember reading your trip reports and you couldn't even order alcohol because of your age. I remember you always had diet coke with lime in it. I guess it has been a while.
Thanks and congrats. My first recollection of you was on FlyerTalk when you thanked staff at the United Club (probably Red Carpet Club then) at Narita for staying overnight, i think, because of IRROPS. I enjoy reading your blog from time to time.
Congrats on 17 years! That's impressive longevity... and still an amazingly useful blog!
Congratulations Ben! This is my favourite travel blog and one of my favourite blogs period. The joy you in it is inspiring and shines through in every article. Keep up the good work!
I've been following you since you were in college, and this blog is one of the few things I read on a daily basis that brings me joy! You also helped me plan my honeymoon with my husband where we both experienced first class for the first time. Keep up the great work, and here's to another 17 years!
Never written anyone on the web before, but want to say congratulations! Also, that
your email (for many years!) gives me a little burst of fun and hope for travel in the middle of stressful work days. I feel like I know you and your lovely family, even though of course I don't! From John in Vancouver, Canada
Congratulations, Ben! I've been following your blog for almost 10 years! You've really inspired me to travel. I remember my first mileage redemption was with US Airways Dividends for a round-the-world trip.
Also, thanks to your blog, I've been able to travel in Emirates First Class, Cathay Pacific First Class, Qatar Airways First Class, Etihad Airways First Class, and so many more!
Keep up the great work!
Congratulation, Ben, such a terrific milestone. I’ve been reading since Day 1, and I really appreciate all that you do for this community.
Congrats on the milestone. Been reading the content for almost the same length of time. Look forward to what’s coming next
Congratulations on 17 years of quality content!
I look forward to the next 17 years.
Congrats, Ben! I stumbled across your blog as a college student in 2010 and have become a regular reader ever since. I think your work is special in large part because it is rooted in genuine authenticity. Thanks for all you do!
You are the best in the business Lucky! Cheers to 17 more!
It is uncommon that anyone does anything for. this long... it's even less common for them to do it well.
Congrats Ben! I read one travel blog daily….YOURS.
Thanks to your insight I’ve been able to book several bucket list trips and have another set up for this summer.
Keep doing what you do.
Ben I’ve been readying this blog almost daily for 7 years and I can’t express how much joy and happiness I get from reading it. Your hard work, honesty, dedication and passion are second to none - here’s to another 17 years!
I've reading the blog for about 12 of those years, and I've said this before and I'll say this again: you are truly the best out there. Here's to many more years!
Ben, thank you again. I got into your blog when I was in my mid 20s so I think that means I have been reading for over a decade! How time flies indeed. Only thanks to you did I manage to enjoy CX First via Alaska miles from my previous home of Hong Kong to SF and NY (yes twice, those were the days!). Most people I know haven't even heard of Alaska airlines (I...
Ben, thank you again. I got into your blog when I was in my mid 20s so I think that means I have been reading for over a decade! How time flies indeed. Only thanks to you did I manage to enjoy CX First via Alaska miles from my previous home of Hong Kong to SF and NY (yes twice, those were the days!). Most people I know haven't even heard of Alaska airlines (I don't live in the US) and I find that amusing and reminds me this is such a great corner of the internet. Your site and hackernews are probably my only daily consistent website checks virtually every day.
Here's to another 17 indeed!
Congratulations Ben! When you were a wide-eyed college kid, I remember flying on Randy Petersen's free Open Skies flight to Paris with you and a bunch of others. You outlasted Open Skies "by a mile" and you've come a long way!
Congratulations Ben. Thank you for always writing fantastic high quality content. I've been reading you since 2014 when I was 10 years old, and reading OMAAT every morning has become a part of my daily routine! I am not sure what I would do without OMAAT! Looking forward to reading many more posts into the future!
Congratulations Ben!! I’ve been reading consistently for a decade since this is genuinely a wonderful, insightful blog, and I look forward to continuing reading OMAAT for the decades to come :)
Cheers to you, Ben!
Congrats - quite the run! I truly appreciate your honest positive and critical, always helpful reviews! It's a rarity in the media landscape these days.
Congrats, Ben! I've been a follower since around 2012 and have enjoyed reading and learning, not just about first class and luxury hotels, but also about travels with your family as that's evolved over time. As a now 75 YO, I can attest to the fact that the years seem to go by faster and faster. So enjoy them all. Wishing you continued success and happiness as a blogger and in life. And in the...
Congrats, Ben! I've been a follower since around 2012 and have enjoyed reading and learning, not just about first class and luxury hotels, but also about travels with your family as that's evolved over time. As a now 75 YO, I can attest to the fact that the years seem to go by faster and faster. So enjoy them all. Wishing you continued success and happiness as a blogger and in life. And in the next 17 years, I hope we will hear from Miles about what it's like to travel with you, just like you did on your trips with your Mom and Dad. ;)
He wrote: " I’m ridiculously fortunate that it has worked out the way that it has. "
We are also ridiculously fortunate that it has worked out the way that it has. You provide a great service to all of us who visit. You also let us dream about what a great non traditional job is like. From first class flights to having an entire country turn against you...
I can't remember when or how I had the amazing fortune of coming across your blog. At least 10 years ago. Shortly after graduating Nursing school I had the thrill of a life time by being hired by Pan Am as a Miami based Flight Attendant. I only flew for 2 years but this kid from rural Nevada saw the world and never looked back. Your blog daily takes me to places that I have...
I can't remember when or how I had the amazing fortune of coming across your blog. At least 10 years ago. Shortly after graduating Nursing school I had the thrill of a life time by being hired by Pan Am as a Miami based Flight Attendant. I only flew for 2 years but this kid from rural Nevada saw the world and never looked back. Your blog daily takes me to places that I have enjoyed and shows me many others that I never will be able to experience. Thank You, Ben, for the smile you bring every day around 1700hrs. Bless you and Ford and your wonderful son.
Thanks so much for all you do, Ben.
Such great writing, analysis, and opinions here!
As we say on the other side of the pond Ben …. “Get some time in lad”
Seriously now, thank you for presenting your experiences, etc, in your own very informative way. As every day is a school day, we all have much to learn from each other. The trick is, as you are well aware, sometimes, it only takes a suggestion to promote lunacy.
Congratulations, Ben. I believe I’ve been reading since 2012, and although I’ve read other travel blogs over the years, I wholeheartedly throw your thanks to us back to you. You are one of the only blogs from the early 2010’s that hasn’t been either totally sidelined by life, aka marriage, kids, etc; or totally sold out and become worthless, aka TPG (although I do find their videos entertaining, the website is worthless). I come here...
Congratulations, Ben. I believe I’ve been reading since 2012, and although I’ve read other travel blogs over the years, I wholeheartedly throw your thanks to us back to you. You are one of the only blogs from the early 2010’s that hasn’t been either totally sidelined by life, aka marriage, kids, etc; or totally sold out and become worthless, aka TPG (although I do find their videos entertaining, the website is worthless). I come here because I know I can get your unfiltered thoughts - you’ve remained steadfastly transparent. You also somehow find the time to engage with your readers still. A lot of bloggers - not just in the travel spectrum - ask “what do you think about x?” and are nowhere to be found when people weigh in.
A lot has changed in 17 years, and the way you travel and write has changed - I’d say for the better, with all due respect. Yet at the core level you’re the same Ben, this is the same blog, and a lot of us are the same readers.
Here’s to a lot more great content to come.
Congratulations, Ben! I found your blog in 2015 when I was 20 years old, and it's truly changed the way I travel. The lessons you shared in this post ring particularly true for me, especially re: the passage of time. I just turned 30 and it feels like I found your blog a few years ago, but it's been 10! Thank you for all you do and cheers to many more years.
Thank you for your dedication all through these years!
Congratulations Ben. Not an easy way to make a living, but you have mastered it.
Been following your blog since 2017ish and it's become my go-to for product reviews, mileage sweet spots and booking tips, and card benefit overviews and comparisons. I also really appreciate your trip reports and how upfront and real they are. There's no starting crap for clicks or pulling the DYKWIA, just reporting the facts on what happened. I love that you love what you do, because it really shines through in a way other points and miles blogs don't.
Honestly it feels like more than 17 years.
Some of us have been interacting with you for even longer than that :)
I thought you were closer to 40. Regardless, congrats!
Savage. Some people think I'm 40, as well, but I take it in stride. I worked hard to make equity partner at a $6 million PPEP firm.
lol, you're not insecure at all
A quick scroll of the comments thus far would prove otherwise.
Says the guy plugging his YouTube channel a few days ago…
Read it again.
Ben. I remember you applying for your first credit card. You've taken this hobby a long, long way
Hope you are at if for 17 more and 17 more and....
and.... Delta is the most premium and profitable airline.
This time next year your blog will be old enough to vote! :)
Congratulations on a fantastic achievement! I started reading your blog 12 years ago as a 17 year old anxiously wanting to break into the exciting world of miles & points, and hopefully turn my love for travel and aviation into a full time career. 12 years and almost 2 million miles later, your blog has proved an invaluable resource for me, and is still the first site I check every morning. Cheers to another 17 years, Ben!
Thanks for all your hard work Ben. I’ve been reading your blog for more than a decade and I really appreciate how much work and dedication you put into it.
Congrats! Been coming here for 10+ years, its my morning read with a cup of coffee. Partially because of this blog, 2025 will be the first year I make OW Emerald Status! (Helpful too is Alaska Mileage Plan awarding EQM on award tickets)
I hope to continue reading OMAAT for decades to come, if the airlines don't screw us first!
I work for a travel company and I cannot tell you how much your blog has helped me build my career. Seeing your reviews, I'm able to give customers an account of on board experiences I've not had myself. Plus, the general knowledge on points and miles... Thank you for writing and sharing your expertise and experiences!
Congrats, Ben! Quite the accomplishment!
Congrats. Wish you had another 17 years and 17 years after that and after that, and after that, well you get a picture
Bejn you have just one of the best travel blogs of anyone. Authentic, well written, and prolific with a great sense of humor. Thanks for all of your hard work! Wishing you many msny more years of happy blogging and trsvel to come.
And I've been reading every day for 17 years....that's about a third of my life!
Congrats Ben, i have been following along for about 11-12 years, with great interest.
Always well written and the Aviation stuff is very well explained for people not direct engaged in the Aviation Industry
Congrats on the milestone, Ben.
And thanks for the great articles for so long!
I'll bet you never imagined you'd have a deranged Delta fan full-on squatting in your comment section and attempting fame from it 17 long years ago...
Then again, Delta was just an operational mess fresh out of bankruptcy back then.
Your website is my homepage. 'Nuff said :)
Congratulations, Ben! Many thanks for your hard work. Unlike others I have not been following you for all the 17 years, but for about a decade. We have seen many changes to the aviation industry and to travel experience, some for good (e.g., privacy in business class), some for not so good (e.g., service downgrades especially on short haul flights). It will be interesting to see where future takes us. Safe travels and many more blogs!
Thanks for all your hard work, passion, dedication, and -- perhaps above all -- consistency.
OMAAT nine times out of ten is the link I use when sharing aviation stories with friends, family, etc.
Despite having many advertisements and likely benefitting from credit card sign-ups, I highly respect that fact that you haven't resorted to the [insert paragraph about optimal way to purchase tickets] in every single article like so many travel blogs do...
Thanks for all your hard work, passion, dedication, and -- perhaps above all -- consistency.
OMAAT nine times out of ten is the link I use when sharing aviation stories with friends, family, etc.
Despite having many advertisements and likely benefitting from credit card sign-ups, I highly respect that fact that you haven't resorted to the [insert paragraph about optimal way to purchase tickets] in every single article like so many travel blogs do nowadays.
Oh and thanks for the RSS feed ;)
Congratulations - and looking forward to many more exciting trip reviews!
Yes, echoing what others are saying, I have been checking in on your blog for many years now. Very grateful, and happy that it pays off financially for you. I have some firm disagreements with you (minimizing the environmental impact of air travel, celebration of state owned airlines run by religious fundamentalists come to mind), but I appreciate the respectful nature of your response to criticism. Good success and longevity!
Ben, thank you for your dedication to this blog and congrats on 17 years! I've been reading your blog for more than a decade, and this is my first time commenting. Having subscribed at one point to most of the major blogs in this space, yours is now the only one I regularly follow - a testament to the quality of your content and your authenticity.
I also highly respect you for being so open...
Ben, thank you for your dedication to this blog and congrats on 17 years! I've been reading your blog for more than a decade, and this is my first time commenting. Having subscribed at one point to most of the major blogs in this space, yours is now the only one I regularly follow - a testament to the quality of your content and your authenticity.
I also highly respect you for being so open and inviting us into your life to share along in the journey with your husband, baby, dog, and parents. In today's internet that takes a lot of bravery. Just know that for every hater in the comment there are probably 10 of us highly appreciative lurkers out there.
Looking forward to the next 17 years of omaat!
Ben, congratulations on 17 years. Your site is one of the first, if not the first one I check every morning. Cheers to another 17 years.
We met once 16 years ago, at your(our) beginning, in the TK (closed) IST First Class Lounge and chatted a little bit
Times flies...
You are the American guy I'm talking about :)
Well, I often disagree with you regarding AF and Flying Blue, yet I've been enjoying reading you most of the time.
Another long time reader who hasn't commented before, but read your blog daily and have done since early 2014. Here's to another 17 years!
I've been reading daily since 2009 when I was an 12 year old 6th grader. Thanks for everything over the years, Lucky!
Congratulations, Lucky. Read every day but comment sparsely. You are roughly half my age. I'm still working and travelling more than the average person. Not as much as for most of my working life. Enjoy every moment. Life continues to speed up.
There's very few pages I'm still reading in my mid thirties that I was in my mid twenties, yours is one. Always look forward to reading it at the end of the day.
A testament to you, congratulations and thank you.
Ben, with this blog, you have proved that three things matter most even in this TikTok- and influencer-driven world:
1. If you have a weird passion that can nevertheless help people (in this case, to travel more for less), by all means follow it with your heart.
2. In this era of AI-generated content, authenticity and genuine experiences matter most. It’s easy to just churn out a bunch of articles saying that Emirates’ 777 business...
Ben, with this blog, you have proved that three things matter most even in this TikTok- and influencer-driven world:
1. If you have a weird passion that can nevertheless help people (in this case, to travel more for less), by all means follow it with your heart.
2. In this era of AI-generated content, authenticity and genuine experiences matter most. It’s easy to just churn out a bunch of articles saying that Emirates’ 777 business class is awesome (without knowing how subpar it is), but calling them out for it without being over-the-top like Cahill is something that only you can do. Conversely, few people outside East Asia and North America know of EVA Air, as it barely promotes itself, but only your reports show just how BRilliant an airline it is.
3. Never be afraid to speak your mind. Whether it’s on homosexuality, or life-threatening diseases, or repression and pushback (as in the recent Egypt saga), if you believe in yourself, by all means stand your ground and fight for what’s right.
To this day, OMAAT is second to none. Wishing you all the best for another 17 years and beyond!
Well said!
From threatening Ben to fly Copa and visualise, to lapdog commenting.
Seeing this picture of the LH F seat I would be interested in a post detailing how flying has evolved, maybe for different classes and/or airlines.
Been a longtime reader since your days flying Northwest. I always enjoy the content, discussions, even debates on here. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Speaking of Northwest, I was wondering just for the fun of it make a compilation of airlines that you enjoyed and/or that were better pre-merger or before they got absorbed by another carrier. I'm sure plenty have some stories to tell.
You’re welcome :)
And thanks of course. No OMAAT = no multiple ocean crossings in biz, or what should be once in a lifetime, honeymoon level stays all over the globe. The Iberia Avios “promo” saved my long distance relationship several years back.
I could never stand the fakeness of the other blogs, and enjoy your authentic, well-thought out takes, guidance, and discussions (save the political stuff).
Congrats, Ben! And thank you, Randy.
Congratulations! I have been a daily reader of the blog for more than 12 years! The only website I check 4-5 times a day :-)
Well done Ben, what’s your view on the future for your blog, with the individuality of airlines J class seats and the only differential really being the soft products are you looking at more hotel reviews or diversifying into other travel areas of interest?
so here’s to the next 17 years, God willing...
It better be much longer, like 60 more years, albeit maybe not daily towards the end of those years. In 60 years, it will be like writing today "I started writing back in 1947 when there were no jets, only a 3 times a week DC-3 that made 6 stops to Willow Run, near Detroit...I brought a thermos of hot water"
When Ben hits 68 years old in 34 years, there will likely be the trans-atmospheric transport that Richard Branson has talked about. Two or so hours to anywhere in the world. No need for a lay-flat seat. It will be like a bullet train versus a sleeper car.
Unfortunately, I don't think so. The A321XLR will still be flying. Maybe there will be a 777-10 about to be delivered. A 737 replacement might (or might not) be in design. It would be called either the 797 or 7A7
I don't comment much, but for the many of us that have a hierarchy of blogs that we review as part of this lifestyle, OMAAT has remained at the top for me for years. Thanks for your clear, concise and easily digestible contributions to this culture. Here's to 17 more years :)
Thank you Ben! Been reading daily since 2014 because the content is so consistent and so good. A tribute to your hard work! Literally I wouldn't have had some of the best experiences of my life without you. Period. I know a lot of folks on here use points for amazing premium experiences, but as a struggling undergrad then grad student for a long time I was just scraping together enough points for two transatlantic...
Thank you Ben! Been reading daily since 2014 because the content is so consistent and so good. A tribute to your hard work! Literally I wouldn't have had some of the best experiences of my life without you. Period. I know a lot of folks on here use points for amazing premium experiences, but as a struggling undergrad then grad student for a long time I was just scraping together enough points for two transatlantic economy tickets. But I still managed to see the world, and it was only possible thanks to you!
Great going Ben! I've been reading this blog nearly everyday for 10+ years and its been a lot of fun.
I wonder what LH F will look like 17 years from now? You think they would have managed to roll out Allegris to 50% of the fleet by then? Or maybe they'll be trying to win a Skytrax award for a product they are launching in 2060.
The 777-8 will be finally delivered to its first customer by then.
In 2016 I won a contest here for a new camera. I was leaving for Hong Kong in 2 days and I asked if you'd pay to overnight it. You very kindly said you'd just do it for free.
Just one of the many ways you have helped my travels over the years. Thanks so much for all that you do!
Sadly, attention-deficit Gen Ys and Gen Zs have turned to know-nothing short-video personalities.
Congrats on 17 years! Here’s to many more! Looking forward to the trip reports written by the little one…
Likewise, reading this blog daily has been a part of half my life too, so thank you.
I think I've been here for 12 years and it's one of the only blogs I check several times a day. Never boring and I always appreciate your take on things, beyond flight reviews too!
So here's to the next 17 years!
Keep going and having fun.