My Day-To-Day Life As A Full-Time Travel Blogger

My Day-To-Day Life As A Full-Time Travel Blogger


A reader recently asked me the following question in the comments section, which I figured I’d address in a post:

“One thing I’m amazed about is how you’re able to write so much day-in-day-out without burning out or losing interest after all the years. Have you thought about writing an article on a typical day in Ben’s shoes: how you maintain productivity, find information, look after your family, what you like writing about and don’t like?”

First of all, thank you very much, that’s too kind! I’ve written in the past about how I stumbled into becoming a full-time blogger, something that I’ve been lucky enough to do for over 15 years. If you’re curious what my day-to-day life is like, I’m happy to share some insights here. I won’t be offended if you’re not interested and choose to skip this post. Heck, you’ll probably regret asking after you find out how boring my life actually is. 😉

My typical day starts at around 9AM. I then have a virtual meeting with all my ghostwriters, I then have ChatGPT write a couple of posts for me, and then I go see how my trust fund investments are doing for the day. Then I call it a day. Okay, just kidding, though that’s basically what some people seem to assume, so I’m just trying to give them what they want.

Let me share what my life is really like…

My “job” is mainly just my hobby

I’ve been blogging seven days per week, 365 days per year, for over 15 years now. I’m always flattered on those very rare days where I don’t have a post published early in the day (usually because I’m on a flight with broken Wi-Fi), and then someone comments asking if I’m okay. That’s very sweet, and I’m grateful that people appreciate the consistent effort!

The reason I’ve never burned out and still love what I do is that the airline, hotel, and loyalty program industries are my passion. Honestly, they’re just so interesting, I don’t know how some people aren’t obsessed? 😉 As a kid, I dreamed of being able to get a job where I could travel a lot, so little did I know that covering the travel industry would become my job.

The fact that I get to wake up every morning and cover topics that I love so much is something I’ll never, ever take for granted. I started this blog as a hobby without ever thinking I’d make a living from it. Yes, it pays my bills nowadays, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still my hobby first and foremost.

A lot of people start a blog with a five year business plan, or try to figure out how they can sell it, or try to figure out how they can leverage it to rub shoulders with as many C-list celebrities as possible (not naming any names…).

That has never been the case for me. As long as I can help provide for my family and enjoy this industry as much as I do today, why would I want to do anything else? I of course want to recognize OMAAT readers, because without you, I obviously wouldn’t be able to make a living doing this.

The airline industry has always fascinated me

What my day-to-day life is like as a blogger at home

So, what are my average days like? It depends whether I’m at home or on the road, so let’s start with when I’m at home. Admittedly this has changed a bit in the past year, now that we are parents.

Ford and I both get up really early, often before 4AM. To be clear, I’m not one of those “I only need five hours of sleep” people. Nope, we get up before 4AM naturally and get eight hours of sleep, so we usually go to bed around 8PM (it’s typically a struggle to stay up that late, and we usually fall asleep a bit earlier).

Ford finds it embarrassing when I admit our bizarre schedule, but can I just say that I absolutely love getting up so early? I’m most productive in the mornings, it’s so nice to start the mornings not feeling rushed, I love watching the sunrise every day, and at night I fall asleep almost instantly.

So, what do my days look like?

  • I’m the most productive between 4AM and 7AM, as there are the fewest distractions (both because our son, Miles, is still asleep, and because there aren’t many outside distractions)
  • Miles wakes up at around 7AM, so then we typically hang out with him for a couple of hours; on weekdays we have an amazing nanny who helps us during the work day, so we can stay productive
  • I then typically work from around 9AM until 12PM, and then take a mental break by going to the gym
  • I then usually work for another few hours, typically until around 4PM, and then my brain basically stops working
  • We then hang out more with Miles; sometimes we just go on a walk with him, sometimes we go out to “dinner” (which is easy at 4PM in every part of Florida other than Miami…. grr!), or sometimes we just hang out with him at home, before putting him to sleep around 7PM
  • Then we usually wind down with a bit of TV, and then we do it all over again
  • I also can’t forget to mention our dog, Winston — he’s quite jealous of his brother, so requires extensive petting throughout the day, to be reassured that he’s a good boy
A work break I look forward to every day!

Weekends are basically the same as weekdays, except we sleep in (usually until 5AM, rarely until 6AM), and I don’t have quite as much time to work, because we’re hanging out with Miles all day long. Then we also try to spend as much time with the rest of our family as possible (especially our parents), so often they’re in the mix as well, either with them visiting us, or us visiting them.

Winston is also a good boy!

I realize my life probably sounds boring to most, and perhaps it is. But honestly, there’s very little I’d change, which is a nice feeling to have. Different folks, different strokes.

What my day-to-day life is like as a blogger when traveling

How does my life differ when traveling vs. at home? Well, I think the below is what people picture that the life of a travel blogger is like when traveling (I don’t know who this person is, but looks relaxing!).

That’s not the reality of what my travel is usually like, especially on review trips. For one, I try to keep a US schedule when traveling in terms of writing (after all, that’s when most people are reading!), which isn’t great for sleep in Asia, Europe, etc. So when traveling I usually do only sleep a few hours per night, especially since I do what I can to also enjoy the destination I’m visiting.

Then my travel is largely centered around making sure I can get the content I need. I do what I can to capture “clean” pictures of hotels and airport lounges, with as few people in the pictures as possible. That takes some effort:

  • I am always the first person at hotel breakfast, and try to be at all hotel amenities the second they open, to maximize the odds of getting good pictures; sometimes I have to visit the same facility five times before I get the pictures I’m looking for, like if a hotel gym is usually occupied
  • If my flight is at 11AM but the airport lounge I want to review opens at 4AM, you can bet I’ll be at the airport well before 4AM, to make sure I can get those pictures

So hopefully that’s a bit less leisurely than the trips most of you are taking. But honestly, I enjoy all of it, and don’t mind it one bit. After all, I can work from anywhere!

The Qantas First Lounge Sydney isn’t usually this empty!

What I like and don’t like about blogging

I think at the beginning of the post I sufficiently explained what I like about blogging, which is… basically everything. I get to geek out about the industries I’m most passionate about every single day, and I happen to make a living doing so as well! What more could I ask for?

What don’t I like about blogging? To be honest, not a whole lot. That’s not because there aren’t challenges, but because I’m used to most of them. I mean, the occasional death threats and daily homophobic slurs objectively aren’t terribly pleasant, but I’m used to them (I have filters set up to moderate most of these, but my gosh, you should see the stuff some people come up with).

If I were to add one thing, I guess in some cases I wish people would give me the benefit of the doubt more on some things. But I also recognize that this is the internet, and of course you’re not going to please everyone. If nothing else, I try really hard — hopefully you can see the quantity of content I publish, and the effort I put into it:

  • Will I always get things right? Absolutely not, as I publish thousands of stories per year, and I’m bound to have some bad takes, and I’m willing to own up to them
  • It’s more a nuisance than anything, but I’m amused when I write an opinion piece, and then I’m accused of it being a sponsored post because someone has a different opinion; absolutely disagree with me, but please don’t baselessly question my integrity
  • I totally get my grammar isn’t great sometimes, and that there are typos — I publish 60-70 posts per week, and there are some tradeoffs to trying to provide my authentic take, so I always appreciate when people correct my mistakes
  • Making money blogging nowadays is a lot harder than most people assume, when every mainstream publication has also gotten into the travel rewards space

As far as what I do and don’t like blogging about, I try to maintain a balance:

  • I try to publish trip reports as much as possible; I know readers love them (and I enjoy them too!), but they’re by far the most time consuming and least “profitable” posts
  • I try to keep up with the latest news in the industry, whether it’s about airlines, hotel openings, loyalty program changes, etc.
  • My favorite kinds of posts are probably the ones where I get to geek out over some random avgeek fact, whether it’s the very old cargo plane flying over my home, or how the world’s biggest airport was almost built in the Everglades
  • I find general travel stories interesting as well, but there are limits — I try not to write about situations where peoples’ privacy is creepily being invaded for clickbait, or posts that are designed to just make fun of people dealing with some kind of a mental episode on a plane or at an airport
Winston thanks you for letting me stay home!

Bottom line

Hopefully that’s more than anyone actually wanted to know about my life as a blogger, but there you go. I get up very early, and I go to bed very early. And I spend just about all my waking hours either blogging, hanging out with family, or trying to get fresh air or exercise.

While it might not objectively be the most exciting life, personally I wake up every day excited, an I thank all of you for helping to make that possible.

Conversations (91)
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  1. John Lee Guest

    I recently purchased a ticket on LATAM, issued in Miami. The ticket was sent to me over email, and therefore was not secure. The identifying information was my passport number, which means LATAM does not understand basic traveler security! (I've contact LATAM already, which confirmed that government ID is used for passenger identification, vs. frequent flyer numbers on tickets issued by the US airlines I fly (UA, DL, AA, WN, B6, LH). One might complain...

    I recently purchased a ticket on LATAM, issued in Miami. The ticket was sent to me over email, and therefore was not secure. The identifying information was my passport number, which means LATAM does not understand basic traveler security! (I've contact LATAM already, which confirmed that government ID is used for passenger identification, vs. frequent flyer numbers on tickets issued by the US airlines I fly (UA, DL, AA, WN, B6, LH). One might complain about FF numbers, but the use of passport numbers is, to me, totally unacceptable.

  2. iamhere Guest

    I wish you would consider the average reader's prospective. Most of us are maintaining a handful of credit cards at most depending on our points and miles strategy rather than tens of cards and we do not maintain a complicated redemption strategy, but we equally may do well at it. Also, some of your reviews or lists, I think you should consider the real reasons people chose an airline.

  3. Walter Guest

    Hey Ben. Not sure if you’ll read this comment but just wanted to express some gratitude for your work over the years. I started reading your blog in 2013 when i was in my second year at college. I feel like i have grown up with your content. I remember the post you wrote about living in hotels fulltime - my mid-20s self was so envious but now that I’m in my 30s I can...

    Hey Ben. Not sure if you’ll read this comment but just wanted to express some gratitude for your work over the years. I started reading your blog in 2013 when i was in my second year at college. I feel like i have grown up with your content. I remember the post you wrote about living in hotels fulltime - my mid-20s self was so envious but now that I’m in my 30s I can fully relate to how you have chosen to settle down. I have always found your takes on travelling to LGBT-unfriendly places to be nuanced and insightful. I too am a member of the LGBT+ community - and your posts opened my mind to living for periods of time in KSA and the UAE. Most importantly your reviews have really helped me maximize my precious vacation time - I have learnt to never waste my miles on Lufthansa business class for example. It’s super impressive that you have been able to maintain your quality of content for so long. Some of the other websites come across as very inauthentic but your voice has always been the standout one in this space. You have been relevant for as long as Taylor Swift has, which is saying something!

  4. Garrett Guest

    Thanks so much for doing what you do for so long! Passion comes through and this is probably one of the last "OG" points and miles blog I find myself continuing to come back to due to the quality of the content. Thank you!

  5. Nancy Guest

    I like many others have been reading for years. Wanted to comment and say thank you for all your posts throughout the years. Have been reading since my college days. Loved seeing how your life progressed along with my own. Thanks Lucky!

  6. Steven E Guest

    What a nice insight and what a nice normal sort of life - in my opinion - Thankyou for that

  7. Aman Guest

    Ben, been reading the blog for almost a decade, since I was in middle school - I just graduated college now. It meant more than you know to see a blogger who was out and had similar avgeek dreams from a young age, just like me. It was wonderful to see Ford enter your life and I remember thinking I hope I also meet a guy who likes miles and travel. Thanks for everything!!


    Ben, been reading the blog for almost a decade, since I was in middle school - I just graduated college now. It meant more than you know to see a blogger who was out and had similar avgeek dreams from a young age, just like me. It was wonderful to see Ford enter your life and I remember thinking I hope I also meet a guy who likes miles and travel. Thanks for everything!!

    PS as a DMV native one of my favorite articles I remember is when you wrote about the AA mistake fates from DC to Beiiing and wishing that I was old enough to have my own money to go (I was 13 LOL). Also the time you ordered granola and they gave you something called granra? I was crying

    1. Juny Guest

      Ben, i've been reading your blog for the past 5 years. Always love your content, and you inspiring me. The way you educating us and the authenticity makes this blog alive. So thank you, Ben. Sending best wishes to you and your family.

  8. Benny Guest

    Thank you for writing this! I’ve been following you I don’t know how long now but I’ve learned a lot from you. Got to go on some amazing award trips thanks to you! So glad you’re doing something you love.

  9. James Guest

    Thanks for giving readers a frank peek into your blogging life and answering some of the questions we may have had (how the heck does he snag those photos sans customers/travelers?). Your posts are prolific, timely and insightful. Kudos to making everything work (outwardly) seamlessly raising a little one and his brother!

    1. Arlene Guest

      Loved this post. Thank you for your transparency❣️

  10. Rick Guest

    Hello, Benjamin. I’ve been following for over 10 years now. Almost never write. Here just thank you and keep it up.

  11. Michael Guest


    Thank you. You have added such helpful and valuable information to our travel decisions.
    I so enjoy reading your post and reviews. Well Done!!

  12. Malc Diamond

    @Lucky--I'm pleased to know that you're open to having typos pointed out. I've mentioned before that your blog changed my life (I met my wife because of it), so I like to point out occasional typos as way of saying thank you! (I previously worked as a copy editor.) But over the years the majority of the typos I've pointed out were not fixed, so I've wondered if I'm just just being a thorn ...

  13. Ley Guest

    Thank you for your hard work, genuineness, enthusiasm, and love of family. So appreciate the insight into your day-to-day life, especially as a father, husband, and son. I've been reading your blog for many years, and it never grows old. Even as a seventy plus years traveler (started as a "military brat" at a year old, who still cannot travel by ship), I learn something new from your writings each day and definitely like the...

    Thank you for your hard work, genuineness, enthusiasm, and love of family. So appreciate the insight into your day-to-day life, especially as a father, husband, and son. I've been reading your blog for many years, and it never grows old. Even as a seventy plus years traveler (started as a "military brat" at a year old, who still cannot travel by ship), I learn something new from your writings each day and definitely like the fact that you don't sensationalize your posts but share thoughtful and timely information.
    Continued best wishes for you to find joy in your career and personal life! Also, as an aside, I find uplifting how you have taken great care of, and spend time with, your mother and father.

  14. SEAmericanExpat New Member

    Ben, as others have noted:
    1) You are the best in the businesses at what you do
    2) Your authenticity, consistency, sense of humor, and unwillingness to sugarcoat makes you a rare breed in a points and miles world full of puffery
    3) I had been wondering to myself recently about how you "get things done"; this post, like so many others you have written, is timely and most welcome.

    Ben, as others have noted:
    1) You are the best in the businesses at what you do
    2) Your authenticity, consistency, sense of humor, and unwillingness to sugarcoat makes you a rare breed in a points and miles world full of puffery
    3) I had been wondering to myself recently about how you "get things done"; this post, like so many others you have written, is timely and most welcome.
    4) Thank you for enriching the lives of so many of us (literally and figuratively)
    5) I use your credit card links whenever I can, and refer others to do so!
    6) Because I think about value from points as miles much as you, I 1) primarily fly on oneworld airilnes and credit my miles to AAdvantage, 2) stay at WoH hotels because Hyatt's loyalty program is the best in the business, 3) primarily accrue transferable points from Chase and Capital One. So as you might imagine, I find your posts on your personal loyalty program strategy to be especially enlightening!
    7) I love the (occasional and gentle) snark and winking humor! I also appreciate that you maintain a sense of perspective about money and luxury travel. While you clearly like the finer things in life, I don't get the sense that you are entitled. So good on your parents for raising you well, and I assume you and Ford are doing the same for Miles!

  15. ecco Diamond

    Thanks Ben. Love the family photos. What cuties. Fascinating insight into your daily routines.
    Thanks also for all the effort you put into the articles. I’m visiting daily and your blog has helped me immensely on my miles and points journey.
    I think it’s your plain English style of writing and balanced, commonsense approach to everything that I find the most compelling. That’s a credit to your parents and the upbringing they gave you. Thanks again.

  16. jonno Guest

    is the photo in the header from Oman by any chance?

    1. JetBlueFanboy Diamond

      Yes, it's from this trip specifically:

  17. Morgan Diamond

    @Ben I just want to echo what others have said - you are truly amazing and have provided me with so much insight into the points and travel world and really ignited my passion for it especially from a younger age when I started reading your blog over 6 years ago and at the time your blog was a bit of an escape for me.

    And thank you for not taking the comments away like...

    @Ben I just want to echo what others have said - you are truly amazing and have provided me with so much insight into the points and travel world and really ignited my passion for it especially from a younger age when I started reading your blog over 6 years ago and at the time your blog was a bit of an escape for me.

    And thank you for not taking the comments away like a sub-par blog has which I of course stopped reading years ago.

    It isn't said enough but thank you - you are without a doubt the best in the business!

  18. Randy Guest

    I’m an avid traveler and would love to help you expand and provide new content, reviews, articles, news and more! Travel IS my passion and happy to help educate others on how to do it and where to go!

  19. Rich Guest

    Always enjoy your writing and honesty . Thanks for sharing this!

  20. Enjoy the years before they learn to talk ..... LOL Guest

    Airplanes on your son's sheets .... lol Nice touch! He looks so happy! He is blessed to be in a home that inspires such happiness [enjoy it while you can..... the teenage years come quickly. But one day, eventually, the teenage years will be the past and they will look back, thank you and admire you, for being the parent you were during those years. It usually happens when their kids turn 17.... so be...

    Airplanes on your son's sheets .... lol Nice touch! He looks so happy! He is blessed to be in a home that inspires such happiness [enjoy it while you can..... the teenage years come quickly. But one day, eventually, the teenage years will be the past and they will look back, thank you and admire you, for being the parent you were during those years. It usually happens when their kids turn 17.... so be prepared to wait :-) ] . But I am sure you feel that you are blessed more than he :-)

  21. Matt Guest

    It's easy to see that you love what you do! I especially love that you don't post about the annoying traveler or the problem flyer. You have clean posts that help me navigate my hobby in a very unbiased way. You help my wife understand why this is my hobby

  22. Issac Guest

    Do you mind giving us a rough idea how much a blog like yours could make from ads ? I also wanna make a blog but have no idea how much it can generate. Thanks.

  23. Ron Mexico Guest

    Ben, you rock. It’s your job. You do it well.

  24. Dan Guest

    I used to be a morning person, but the college lifestyle changed that for some reason. I now dread the morning and can easily sleep until 9am.

    I'm now approaching middle age and the morning is where you can really get ahead of the day. I still have trouble dealing with the AM though. You are fortunate to have been able to keep up your morning habits

    All the best!

  25. Theresa Guest

    Thanks for letting us in. Thanks for all you do. I'm sure there are a lot of us who read your post all the time that don't reply that much. We are here.

  26. Patrick Guest

    Your success is remarkable and well deserved. Your passion and work ethics are second to none. I've been reading your blog virtually since day one. Years have passed; my interests have evolved and I'm not as focused on miles and points as I used to, yet your blog is the only one I still follow daily. You offer your readers the perfect mix of industry news, commentary, reviews, along with humor and a genuine personal...

    Your success is remarkable and well deserved. Your passion and work ethics are second to none. I've been reading your blog virtually since day one. Years have passed; my interests have evolved and I'm not as focused on miles and points as I used to, yet your blog is the only one I still follow daily. You offer your readers the perfect mix of industry news, commentary, reviews, along with humor and a genuine personal touch. I wish you many more years of success and happiness with family.

  27. Schar Diamond

    You're the best. Love your posts. You have added so much knowledge and entertainment to my life. So I thank you.

  28. Ed Guest

    Ben, thanks for the insights into your day. I find these posts to be some of the most interesting, stories about the everyday often are. I’d love to see a bit more day in the life stuff, especially about destinations. I know you aren’t a destination blogger but some of what you get up to when you get there. However if you want to make the counter argument that that is some happy Ben time...

    Ben, thanks for the insights into your day. I find these posts to be some of the most interesting, stories about the everyday often are. I’d love to see a bit more day in the life stuff, especially about destinations. I know you aren’t a destination blogger but some of what you get up to when you get there. However if you want to make the counter argument that that is some happy Ben time I can totally see that.

    I think that a lot of social/influencer media is about the bombast, the big event or the killer photo. I love your consistency and the practicality of your work.

    I love what you do and I think it’s great you can make a comfortable living from it. I still hold out hopes of running into you in an airport lounge one day.

    As for the haters, I hate that you have to deal with a bunch of abuse every day.

    Keep doing this as longs as it makes you happy and not a moment longer.

  29. Dan Guest

    Thank you Ben for all of your insight and experiences. I lost the urge to travel all the time many years ago, but still appreciate your viewpoint and thoughts regarding the travel industry. From Hotels to airfares to an occasional human interest story, your posts sometimes leave me yearning for a trip abroad, and other times I'm glad that I only take to the skies on the now rare occasion.

    Thank you.

  30. Here Hare Guest

    Wait: Miles isn't playing with a Lufthansa duck?

  31. Michael NC Guest

    Thank you for helping me for years enjoying this fun hobby. I find your home and travel lives wonderful.

  32. JetBlueFanboy Diamond

    Hi Ben, thanks for this insight! I really like your blog, and it’s great to see that you have a passion for what you do, and have been doing what you love most every day of your life for 15 years.
    FYI. my favorite articles are the trip reports (esp. flight reviews) anything avgeek-related, and, as (unintentionally) creepy as it may sound, the personal insights like this one. I just love how genuine they are.

    1. JetBlueFanboy Diamond

      I think I should expand on why the flight reviews and avgeek posts are my favorites. I’m a high-schooler who loves flying and everything related to aviation, and not only do I always enjoy reading about avgeek-y facts about the aviation industry, I also love living vicariously through your reviews.
      While miles & points admittedly aren’t what I love most about aviation and want to dedicate myself to, I still find this a really...

      I think I should expand on why the flight reviews and avgeek posts are my favorites. I’m a high-schooler who loves flying and everything related to aviation, and not only do I always enjoy reading about avgeek-y facts about the aviation industry, I also love living vicariously through your reviews.
      While miles & points admittedly aren’t what I love most about aviation and want to dedicate myself to, I still find this a really fun & interesting blog to read. Keep up the great work Lucky!

    2. Cody Johnson Guest

      I love that you are a high schooler with such knowledge and understanding not to mention you’ve clearly had great English teachers and parents :). You’ll go far I have no doubt.

  33. Christian Guest

    Thanks for the insight. A lot of people - myself included - have no idea what your profession entails and it's nice to get some perspective.

  34. Phil Guest

    Wow, no glamour there.
    Wake up
    Clean diapers
    Clean more diapers
    Go to bed

  35. Ted Guest

    Thanks for the insight into a day in the life of Ben! Congrats you get to do what makes you happy for a career, be with family regularly, and help others enjoy travel too. And keep ignoring the haters - some people are just crazy and some are bots.

  36. Nic777 New Member

    Hi Ben, been reading your blog for over 10 years now, from my high school days to now as an airport engineer!

    I check your blog daily, my only routine that never changed. Thanks for all you do, and for the quenching your readers thirst for aviation content!

  37. Points and Miles Doc Guest

    Thanks for sharing Lucky! You are the best in the industry and when it comes to reviews, I’m always looking for yours first.

    Cheers to all of your success and all there is to come!

  38. Chris W Guest

    Ben I guess I've always wondered why you don't delegate some of the stuff you don't want to do to anyone else?
    Yeah you love writing most posts, but do you really leap out of bed each morning desperate to write 7 reasons to get a business credit card?
    You're a wealthy man running a successful business - surely there are some other things you would rather do with your time than be chained to your computer 10 hours a day??

  39. Nate nate Guest

    Such cute pictures of both Miles and Winston!

    In the past there were other writers -- Tiffany, James and others. What happened to the non-Lucky posts?

  40. Airfarer Diamond

    I check more times a day than seems reasonable to see if there's another post. Thanks.

  41. Johnny Guest

    " The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation."
    - Mark Twain

    Well done!

  42. Bill Guest

    I’ve learned so much that allowed so many experiences we couldn’t have purchased. Many thanks!

    One small item which for me would add to your posts. For each of the pictures tell us what it is. i.e. Air France A350 business class or Four Seasons Singapore lobby.

  43. Mike P Guest

    Cheers to the 8pm bedtime club :)

  44. BookLvr Diamond

    Love your reviews and love this post! cute is Miles?!? Those teeth! The airplane-themed sheets!!!

    Thank you for generating so much engaging content. I am typically only a one or at most two international trip abroad per year person, and your blog posts help me know which airline products are worth my time and business.

  45. MikeyInOregon Guest

    Of all the travel blogs out there I enjoy reading yours the most, your style of review resonates with me. Before I try a new airline that I am unfamiliar with I come to your blog to find the review. And pay no attention to those people that question your integrity, there will always be those people out there, you just can't avoid it when you're in the public eye. I just had a thought...

    Of all the travel blogs out there I enjoy reading yours the most, your style of review resonates with me. Before I try a new airline that I am unfamiliar with I come to your blog to find the review. And pay no attention to those people that question your integrity, there will always be those people out there, you just can't avoid it when you're in the public eye. I just had a thought that when I retire maybe you could hire me. LMAO P.S. Miles is adorable as is Winston.

  46. Kay_Elemeno Guest

    Hey Ben, Great post!

    One thing that I think could make a really interesting blog post would be looking back at your takes 5 years ago or 10 years ago and doing a deep dive on what you got right and what ways the aviation and hotel industries have changed in ways you didn't see coming.

    1. JetBlueFanboy Diamond

      Agreed, that would be interesting.

  47. ATX Jetsetter Guest

    I am by no means a professional but I normally write my blog posts either in a lounge or on a plane after a few glasses of champagne so typos are bound to sneak in. Even after reviewing and spell check I still find errors days later and I'm publishing a couple posts a week at max. Always enjoy the site, especially the trip reports! Cheers!

  48. Never In Doubt Guest

    Kudos to you on what you’ve built, and the (relatively) high-flexibility life it allows you!

  49. Andy Diamond

    Thanks for sharing this and for including also some personal information, like your sleeping habits. I'm also going to bed early and getting up early, although about an hour and a half later, due to meal times being later here in Switzerland (but fortuantely not as late as in Spain ...).

    I understand that you have to work hard, being self employed. But it has also advantages, considering the numerous hours I spend on corporate nonsense ...

  50. Peter S Guest

    This is why we read your blog, you're very real!!

  51. Steve Diamond

    Lucky you are the best in the business hands down, we are lucky to have you and we are fortunate to still read your posts after all these years.

    Everyone else in your business eventually sells out which i dont blame them but you are different. You still have journalistic integrity in a world where that has gone extinct. In this age of influencers and promoted content you find a way to truly be...

    Lucky you are the best in the business hands down, we are lucky to have you and we are fortunate to still read your posts after all these years.

    Everyone else in your business eventually sells out which i dont blame them but you are different. You still have journalistic integrity in a world where that has gone extinct. In this age of influencers and promoted content you find a way to truly be authentic and we thank you for choosing honesty over a couple of extra dollars.

    Thank you and i cant wait to meet you on Baltia's inaugural flight lol.

  52. WB Guest

    Maybe you could hire someone to proofread your articles before you publish them. Maybe find a college kid who is interested in Miles & Points.
    I actually know someone who would be interested for that job, me :)

    I've been following your blog for 8 years now, since I was in Middle School. I'm an airline geek, I love planes, I love to travel, and your blog has changed my life. I've lived vicariously...

    Maybe you could hire someone to proofread your articles before you publish them. Maybe find a college kid who is interested in Miles & Points.
    I actually know someone who would be interested for that job, me :)

    I've been following your blog for 8 years now, since I was in Middle School. I'm an airline geek, I love planes, I love to travel, and your blog has changed my life. I've lived vicariously through your posts for a long time, and now I'm starting adventures of my own. I've sometimes posted corrections in the comments about grammar issues as a courtesy (since I understand how these things can happen when you post so much), and I'd love to proof read your content before you post! I'm on my gap year right now, and I'm starting college in the Fall. I could use some extra funds for my travels. If your interested, feel free to email me :)

    1. Optimist Guest

      Oh dear. An offer to proofread (for money) that includes the sentence, “If your interested…”

  53. François Guest

    Loved this! Been following along for over 10 years now, and of all the blogs I used to read when I first jumped down the points and miles rabbit hole, you're the only one I still read daily. Also, love the TPG dig hahaha

  54. Kevin C Guest

    The biggest compliment to you that I can think of it that I have been reading this blog every day for what feels like a decade now. I've always enjoyed your trip reports and the effort you put into this blog, especially as something that's free to read. Thanks for all of your hard work through the years.

  55. Anthony Guest

    Ben, you're blog has been a daily read of mine since you started. Thank you for everything through the years.

  56. ryan Guest

    What I want to know is your annual salary doing this gig!

  57. Santos Guest

    You are the GOAT in the miles/points blogosphere. So happy to see all your hard work paying off over the years. Here's to many, many more.

    (Although 4AM wakeup time, yowza!)

  58. Milena Guest

    With all due respect, I'd say you're more of an aviation blogger than a "travel" blogger. You spend far too little time writing about your experiences on the ground to really be considered a proper traveler! Moreover, these dispatches are often less then compelling, and are almost never reflective of someone who's actually put boots on the ground, but rather an individual who prefers guarded, heavily curated luxury experiences separate from the ordinary people who...

    With all due respect, I'd say you're more of an aviation blogger than a "travel" blogger. You spend far too little time writing about your experiences on the ground to really be considered a proper traveler! Moreover, these dispatches are often less then compelling, and are almost never reflective of someone who's actually put boots on the ground, but rather an individual who prefers guarded, heavily curated luxury experiences separate from the ordinary people who actually make a given destination worth visiting.

    Still, when it comes to miles and points, you're the best.

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Milena -- As you can see, I don't claim to be a destination blogger. In this post I exclusively mention writing about airlines, hotels, and loyalty programs. I use the term "travel blogger" generically, because I'm also not just an airline blogger (I write about more than airlines!). And I actually think it fits. Travel is defined as "going from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length."

      So I...

      @ Milena -- As you can see, I don't claim to be a destination blogger. In this post I exclusively mention writing about airlines, hotels, and loyalty programs. I use the term "travel blogger" generically, because I'm also not just an airline blogger (I write about more than airlines!). And I actually think it fits. Travel is defined as "going from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length."

      So I think we're in agreement that I'm not a destination blogger, as that's not what I generally write about.

    2. chris Guest

      to think someone would actually take the time to type and post such a petty comment... says much more about you than ben.

  59. LEo Diamond

    Remember reading your blog in primary school, and know, I have already graduated from high school. Time flies

  60. Nikojas Guest

    You never getting bored means we never get bored. I’ve been reading the blog daily for 10 years and it’s still interesting. You sound, and are, genuine and authentic which is sadly quite rare. The only thing that’s changed that I don’t like is all the horrible comments… it used to have a different vibe altogether in the comments; a lot more knowledge, a lot less ranting!

  61. Gary Leff Guest

    "I’m most productive in the mornings, it’s so nice to start the mornings not feeling rushed, I love watching the sunrise every day, and at night I fall asleep almost instantly."

    I feel seen.

    1. Alvin | YTHK Diamond

      Gary are you a werewolf

  62. Clem Diamond

    What a great post! I've also been wondering about what your schedule looks like. Couple of thoughts: first and foremost, Miles is RIDICULOUSLY adorable and handsome! Then regarding your bizarre sleep schedule: I know you mention very often that you are an introvert, but I assume you're not a full on hermit and you still have some friends and family that may invite you to dinner or drinks or events at times. How do you...

    What a great post! I've also been wondering about what your schedule looks like. Couple of thoughts: first and foremost, Miles is RIDICULOUSLY adorable and handsome! Then regarding your bizarre sleep schedule: I know you mention very often that you are an introvert, but I assume you're not a full on hermit and you still have some friends and family that may invite you to dinner or drinks or events at times. How do you deal with that if you're in bed before 8pm? Do you never go to those or are you just suffering for a few hours :) ?
    Keep up the great job - we appreciate all the hard work you're putting into it, although I'd advocate for you to take some proper time off here and there and maybe delegate a little to other writers you've had on this blog before :).

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Clem -- Thanks, and great question! Indeed, I'm an introvert and not a full on hermit, and I do sometimes enjoy social engagements (as long as it's not just small talk with strangers, which I struggle with). To be honest, there haven't been too many of those when at home since becoming parents, simply because we've seen so busy. When we do have social things, it's typically on weekends during the day. I'm also...

      @ Clem -- Thanks, and great question! Indeed, I'm an introvert and not a full on hermit, and I do sometimes enjoy social engagements (as long as it's not just small talk with strangers, which I struggle with). To be honest, there haven't been too many of those when at home since becoming parents, simply because we've seen so busy. When we do have social things, it's typically on weekends during the day. I'm also flexible to stay up later one or two nights a week, but more often than not I, I try to avoid it. I really do like my sleep! Meanwhile when I travel for non-review trips, I'm typically a bit more flexible.

    2. snic Diamond

      LOL. Every set of parents with young children does the same (including my wife and me when our kid was a tot) - either the social event is in the day on the weekend, or we're not going. Simple as that. Staying home and maintaining a regular schedule is FAR better than dealing with a cranky kid at someone's dinner party. A babysitter for a night out was a rare treat, but we really only...

      LOL. Every set of parents with young children does the same (including my wife and me when our kid was a tot) - either the social event is in the day on the weekend, or we're not going. Simple as that. Staying home and maintaining a regular schedule is FAR better than dealing with a cranky kid at someone's dinner party. A babysitter for a night out was a rare treat, but we really only trusted certain relatives (our moms, basically) and we just enjoyed staying home with the kid anyway.

  63. Daniel B. Guest

    @Lucky: thank you for everything you have taught me over the years via this blog! Me and my family had so many amazing flights and hotel stays as a result of what I have learned from you.
    Recently I posted a question to you but you might not have seen it, and I am very curios what your answer is. Basically, I asked you how you cope with stress when you are waiting for...

    @Lucky: thank you for everything you have taught me over the years via this blog! Me and my family had so many amazing flights and hotel stays as a result of what I have learned from you.
    Recently I posted a question to you but you might not have seen it, and I am very curios what your answer is. Basically, I asked you how you cope with stress when you are waiting for a first class award seat to open up. During one of your recent posts you said that the award space opened up 4 days before your complicated trip! I would be s....g bricks (as my college son would say), if I didn't have a confirmed seats months ahead of my travel.

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Daniel B. -- Thanks! Great question. In general I don't get too nervous if I know there are backups. If there aren't any backups, I try to book an award with a program that allows free redeposits, just as an insurance policy. But more often than not, I find that there are several options available as I wait for my ideal flight to open up. That helps with managing the stress.

    2. Daniel B. Guest

      Thank you - I envy you :-))

  64. Al Guest

    Ben, if you are ever looking to hire most ghost writers, I asked ChatGPT to write a job posting to save you time ;) (the prompt was: come up with a job posting for a one mile at a time ghost writer. I didn't give any context or say anything else)

    Are you passionate about travel? Do you have a deep understanding of the airline industry, loyalty programs, and luxury travel experiences? We are...

    Ben, if you are ever looking to hire most ghost writers, I asked ChatGPT to write a job posting to save you time ;) (the prompt was: come up with a job posting for a one mile at a time ghost writer. I didn't give any context or say anything else)

    Are you passionate about travel? Do you have a deep understanding of the airline industry, loyalty programs, and luxury travel experiences? We are seeking a talented Ghostwriter to join our team and contribute to the renowned "One Mile at a Time" travel blog. As a Ghostwriter, you will have the unique opportunity to work with a leading travel expert and influencer, providing captivating and informative content to our global audience.


    - Collaborate closely with the founder and principal author of "One Mile at a Time" to develop and execute a content strategy that aligns with the blog's vision and voice.
    - Conduct thorough research on various travel-related topics, including airlines, loyalty programs, hotel accommodations, luxury travel, and more.
    - Create engaging, well-researched, and informative blog posts, articles, and reviews that cater to the interests and needs of the travel community.
    - Develop a deep understanding of the founder's writing style and seamlessly replicate their tone and voice in all written content.
    - Ensure all content is accurate, fact-checked, and aligned with industry trends, offering valuable insights and expert opinions.
    - Collaborate with the founder and other team members to brainstorm and generate fresh ideas for blog posts, articles, and special features.
    - Meet project deadlines and maintain a consistent publishing schedule to ensure a steady flow of high-quality content.


    - Exceptional writing skills with a keen eye for detail, grammar, and punctuation.
    - Proven experience in travel writing, preferably within the airline industry or travel blogging.
    - Strong research abilities, able to gather and analyze information from various sources to create compelling content.
    - Excellent understanding of loyalty programs, airline alliances, frequent flyer miles, hotel rewards, and other travel-related topics.
    - Familiarity with SEO best practices and the ability to optimize content for search engines without sacrificing readability or engagement.
    - Self-motivated and able to work independently while adhering to strict deadlines.
    - Flexibility and adaptability to accommodate the founder's writing style and preferences.
    - Ability to receive constructive feedback and make revisions accordingly.
    - Passion for travel and a genuine interest in providing valuable insights and recommendations to the travel community.

    To apply, please submit the following:

    1. A well-crafted cover letter outlining your experience in travel writing and why you are interested in working with "One Mile at a Time."
    2. A comprehensive writing portfolio showcasing your travel-related articles, blog posts, or other relevant written work.
    3. Any additional supporting documents or links that highlight your expertise in the travel industry.

    Join our team and be part of a leading travel blog that has shaped the way people explore the world, one mile at a time. Together, let's inspire and inform travelers around the globe!

  65. D3Kingg Guest

    Death threats and homophobic comments ? That’s terrible.

    Miles looks like a kid that terrorized me recently on a flight from Syd to lax in J. That’s what Bose headphones are for. Screaming babies on planes happen. Charlie was a good boy for 56 minutes of the 14 hr flight. Smh

    I don’t care about screaming kids anymore. Complaining about crying babies and your meal order being unavailable are rookie moves.

  66. Jeff Guest

    I really enjoy your blog - have been reading your posts since the Flyertalk days. Makes me sad that there is so much hate and people are not ashamed to show it, at least on the internet. Hopefully you are able to stay healthy as constant travel is definitely tough on your body.

  67. Roberto Guest

    Thank you for all your efforts,
    You have inspired a lot of people and informed them of all the particulair details of hotels and flights.

    You even inspired a new generation of youngsters of travel hackers, so the legacy goes on!

    Inspired by you,
    a new Dutch generation ,
    can access the lucrative American creditcard market and provide new insights in travel hacking.

    And unlike Pierre Blake with the glossy hotel...

    Thank you for all your efforts,
    You have inspired a lot of people and informed them of all the particulair details of hotels and flights.

    You even inspired a new generation of youngsters of travel hackers, so the legacy goes on!

    Inspired by you,
    a new Dutch generation ,
    can access the lucrative American creditcard market and provide new insights in travel hacking.

    And unlike Pierre Blake with the glossy hotel photos, everyone here appreciates your first hand experience photos insitu,

    Thank you

  68. Izz Guest

    Loved this post Lucky! Been following your blog since the early years, and your blog is one of a kind! I miss your live updates from trips on Instagram, those were fun to follow too.

  69. James K. Guest

    You're the absolute gold standard, Ben. You devote your life to this and it shows. I appreciate everything you do and wouldn't have been able to do half the stuff I have (86 countries and counting!) if I hadn't started reading you in 2010. Thanks so much for everything

  70. Alvin | YTHK Diamond

    As someone who's been learning from you, I've developed some kind of "first onboard, being told 'no photos'" anxiety – do you have something similar? Or did you overcome it at some point? It's never been a realised fear for me, though it's always at the back of my mind, especially since I bear in mind flight attendants treat the airline cabin as an office and are unaware I'm doing the same from a different...

    As someone who's been learning from you, I've developed some kind of "first onboard, being told 'no photos'" anxiety – do you have something similar? Or did you overcome it at some point? It's never been a realised fear for me, though it's always at the back of my mind, especially since I bear in mind flight attendants treat the airline cabin as an office and are unaware I'm doing the same from a different perspective...

    (To others – of course I could email in beforehand but that takes away the impartiality as I could get special treatment)

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Alvin | YTHK -- Hah, in a way I have similar anxiety, though I also know it's not within my control, so I try to just not think about it. The reality is that most airlines don't have policies against taking pictures, as long as you aren't taking pictures of the crew or other passengers.

      So when I board, I usually try to greet the crew with a big smile, so they don't think...

      @ Alvin | YTHK -- Hah, in a way I have similar anxiety, though I also know it's not within my control, so I try to just not think about it. The reality is that most airlines don't have policies against taking pictures, as long as you aren't taking pictures of the crew or other passengers.

      So when I board, I usually try to greet the crew with a big smile, so they don't think I'm suspicious. If anyone looks at me taking pictures, I'll usually just comment on how the cabin is nice, and how I'll be sure to avoid taking pictures of others. That usually solves the issue.

      Of course if you're flying an airline like TAAG Angola or Uzbekistan Airways, it could be a different story.

      BTW, you're doing a great job, and I enjoyed your QR J review!

    2. Alvin | YTHK Diamond

      Ahh thanks, that means a lot!

      I'll be practicing my smile in the mirror before my next flight!

    3. Chris W Guest

      All your cabin photos have absolutely no other passengers in them. Surely you're organizing early boarding with the airline to manage that.

      How else would you do that if another passenger was five seconds behind??

    4. Benny Guest

      Where can we find your work? I’d be happy to support and click!

    5. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Benny -- He's good people, check him out:

    6. Santos Guest

      "BTW, you're doing a great job, and I enjoyed your QR J review!"

      Second that! I was researching LH A340 J reviews last night and came across yours for HKG-FRA. Super in-depth and entertaining to read. Keep it up!

Featured Comments Most helpful comments ( as chosen by the OMAAT community ).

The comments on this page have not been provided, reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any advertiser, and it is not an advertiser's responsibility to ensure posts and/or questions are answered.

Steve Diamond

Lucky you are the best in the business hands down, we are lucky to have you and we are fortunate to still read your posts after all these years. Everyone else in your business eventually sells out which i dont blame them but you are different. You still have journalistic integrity in a world where that has gone extinct. In this age of influencers and promoted content you find a way to truly be authentic and we thank you for choosing honesty over a couple of extra dollars. Thank you and i cant wait to meet you on Baltia's inaugural flight lol.

Optimist Guest

Oh dear. An offer to proofread (for money) that includes the sentence, “If your interested…”

Ben Schlappig OMAAT

@ Clem -- Thanks, and great question! Indeed, I'm an introvert and not a full on hermit, and I do sometimes enjoy social engagements (as long as it's not just small talk with strangers, which I struggle with). To be honest, there haven't been too many of those when at home since becoming parents, simply because we've seen so busy. When we do have social things, it's typically on weekends during the day. I'm also flexible to stay up later one or two nights a week, but more often than not I, I try to avoid it. I really do like my sleep! Meanwhile when I travel for non-review trips, I'm typically a bit more flexible.

Meet Ben Schlappig, OMAAT Founder
5,163,247 Miles Traveled

32,614,600 Words Written

35,045 Posts Published

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  • January 14, 2024
  • Ben Schlappig
My LASIK Eye Surgery Experience: I CAN SEE!!!
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The Story Of How I Became A Travel Blogger
My Day-To-Day Life As A Full-Time Travel Blogger
  • February 18, 2014
  • Ben Schlappig
Tips For Becoming A Travel Blogger