Seeking: Savvy Miles & Points Enthusiast To Write For OMAAT

Seeking: Savvy Miles & Points Enthusiast To Write For OMAAT


We have some amazing friends who have contributed to the blog over the years, and have learned a great deal during that time. Our ideas on what works, what doesn’t, and the best ways to supplement what Ben is already writing have evolved, and we’ve tried to factor in the feedback from readers as well.

We’re ready to add a contributor under a more formal arrangement, and would like to open up the opportunity to readers, and not just people we know personally.

We will be accepting applications until February 28th at 11:59PM Eastern, read on for more.

What we’re looking for

Obviously we adore the community of readers here, and the contributions and insights in the comments and Ask Lucky are invaluable, so I know there’s a tremendous pool of potential talent here.

For content on the main page of the blog, we’re looking for a specific type of person/material, and need someone who is extremely well-versed in earning and using miles and points. I know everyone here loves travel, many of us are avgeeks, and those are all great bonuses, but whoever we bring on has to have the fundamentals down pat.

Content-wise, we’re open to a variety of perspectives and topics (after all, part of what makes this fun is the enthusiasm we each bring to the space), but are specifically looking for more detailed and educational posts. A few examples of the types of posts we’re thinking of:

Personality is also critical — one of the things we love about OMAAT is that there are no ghostwriters or random bylines, and you can tell who is writing from the first sentence without reading the name at the top of the post. We want to maintain that, so the ideal candidate will not just have the technical chops, but also be able to write in a distinctive and engaging style that shows their humanity.

And the corollary to that is needing a thick enough skin to not be devastated by constructive criticism, while being able to graciously engage with and respond to reader comments.

We have a few other requirements:

  • Capacity to generate 5-10 substantive posts (meaning 600+ words, with relevant images) on a weekly basis
  • Ability to learn and adhere to OMAAT publication standards, including proper handling of images, tables, links, disclosures, and headlines
  • Proficiency in written English, including a solid understanding of punctuation — we have an editorial process, but don’t have time to correct commas and quotation marks in every post (and make enough typos now as it is)

Experience with WordPress is a bonus, but not a requirement, and while we’re more concerned about your knowledge and writing ability than your technological prowess, you’ll be more successful if you’re at least moderately comfortable using general computer and internet-based tools.

What we’re not looking for

We get daily emails from people hoping to contribute to the blog in one way or another, and I expect this opportunity will generate quite a bit of interest, so to be fair to everyone I want to be as upfront as possible.

In that spirit, there are some circumstances that while not necessarily disqualifying, might not be the best fit for our current needs, such as those who:

  • Actively generate content about miles and points on other sites and platforms
  • Are primarily interested in reselling, manufactured spending, and other gaming opportunities that aren’t a focus of OMAAT
  • Want to focus on reviewing airlines and hotels — while we appreciate different perspectives, we’re not looking for trip reports or similar reviews at this time
  • Aren’t extremely familiar with earning and redeeming miles and points — I’m not expecting anyone to know the nuances of every program, but we need someone with a solid understanding of the possibilities in this space

Hopefully none of that sounds too harsh. We value all of our readers, and have a very specific idea of the type of individual we’d like for this role, so would rather be honest than waste anyone’s time.


I’m sure there will be questions beyond these (and feel free to post others in the comments), but we’ve anticipated a few things people might wonder about:

I have written for [some platform] in the past / write about [non miles/points content] on another site. Am I ineligible?

Not at all! For a variety of reasons we’re not going to add a contributor who is writing on miles and points elsewhere, or is creating other content for a miles and points site, but we’re very interested in hearing from great writers in general.

If you do write on other topics for other outlets, please note that we do expect that anyone writing for us adheres to our editorial policies for content published on One Mile at a Time, and that topics don’t overlap. As an example, if you write about gadgets elsewhere, and are given products to review, we wouldn’t accept a travel-themed review of those same products from you on OMAAT.

How much of a time commitment is needed?

That’s going to depend. As noted above we need someone who can commit to 5-10 posts a week. I anticipate that this will be much closer to five than ten in the beginning, as learning new technology, processes, and getting generally acclimated takes time.

Ben is a machine-like writer, so the time he spends per post isn’t really a useful metric. 😉 While I don’t have much time to blog currently, I can comfortably write about 1000 words/hour. I would expect anyone new to need 2-3x longer than that, so let’s say a range of 15-30 hours a week?

We’re flexible as to when that time happens — at this moment we don’t need someone with a certain schedule. The ability to consistently generate content at a predictable rate is more important. As our team at PointsPros will attest, as long as we can rely on you to do what you say you’ll do, we’re pretty accommodating of everything else.

What does this pay?

This will also vary, but compensation will fundamentally be a generous revenue share determined by the quality and performance of each post.

We want to continue to provide engaging and compelling content on OMAAT, so while there will be a base rate per post, there are also additional rewards for posts that resonate particularly well with readers.

Basically, we always want to be fair with our people, so at a minimum we want to make sure you’re compensated for your time, but there are perks and incentives beyond that too.

I’m not a US citizen, does that matter?

International applicants are welcome, but you will be responsible for any legal or financial paperwork in your home country.

I’m under 18 years old, does that matter?

Unfortunately yes. At this time our relationship with contributors is as independent contractors, and we aren’t able to engage minors.

I know people at OMAAT, can I just email/message/text/carrier pigeon them if I’m interested?


I missed the February 28th application deadline, can I still be considered?

Not at this time.

What if I have more questions?

Please post them in the comments, and I’ll answer below or add them here.

Still interested?

We’d love to hear more! The link to the application is below, and I want to warn y’all that it is lengthy, and designed to be so.

Adding contributors to the blog in this way (versus having friends write on occasion) is a big, serious step for us. We need people who will take this seriously, and so the application can’t just be filled out on a whim. We’re looking for the chance to get to know you, your interests, and your writing style, and I’d suggest setting aside at least an hour.

OMAAT Contributor Application

Thank you (and some reassurance)

This is scary and exciting, and we’re so grateful to you guys for the readership and support that makes having this option possible.

One Mile at a Time is always going to be Ben’s baby, and we promise that isn’t changing. He’s still going to write 95% of the content, and will probably continue to refuse to take a day off ever.

Hopefully by adding some consistency with another contributor we can take a bit of the daily load off him, which should also allow us to add more of the detailed and time-consuming content that sometimes falls by the wayside currently. Having OMAAT be the first and last spot you need to look to learn about using your miles is important to us, and this seems like the best way to open up more bandwidth. But the fundamental nature of the site and content won’t be changing.

So thanks to everyone for reading, and thanks in advance for your patience as we go through this process. I’m looking forward to hearing from many of you!

Conversations (83)
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  1. Melissa New Member

    Hi, I know the applications closed last week but is there a time table for when we should hear feedback if we applied. Thanks.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Melissa -- I think it's going to take a few weeks, honestly. There are hundreds of (amazing and inspiring) applications to go through, and we want to make sure we're giving equal time and thought to each one. We'll be in touch as soon as we can!

  2. Kevin Guest

    Darn, just read this post. I'm a former journalist from California who lives in China with my wife and three daughters. I could offer quite a different perspective on the miles and points game because it looks quite different when you need to save up 210,000 miles to nap five economy seats to fly one-way to the US for the summer than spending on business class seats. But I just missed the deadline. Do you still want/need applications?

  3. mGill Guest

    Gosh, I sure hope so some day! Good luck to all!

  4. J Alabi Guest

    1000 words an hour????

  5. DCS Diamond

    No, it does not take two to troll. It takes a troll to know a "troller". ;-)

  6. DCS Diamond

    @AD sez, with a straight face while trolling: "Also, I’m not going to say who because I don’t want to pick a fight, but one of the regular trollers, um, commenters needs to learn about sacrasm because he/she just got owned by some."

    Your perceptions do not seem as sharp as claimed based on whom you consider a "troller" (sic). I thought it was fun to respond so I did, regardless of whether or not...

    @AD sez, with a straight face while trolling: "Also, I’m not going to say who because I don’t want to pick a fight, but one of the regular trollers, um, commenters needs to learn about sacrasm because he/she just got owned by some."

    Your perceptions do not seem as sharp as claimed based on whom you consider a "troller" (sic). I thought it was fun to respond so I did, regardless of whether or not it was sarcasm, which is not at all clear. I respond to sarcasm, as well as to trolls, all the time, as I do below.

    @AD: "And I just mistyped sarcasm… I’ll correct myself before someone does it for me!"

    Should've corrected this one too. According to Urban Dictionary:

    "Top definition


    People often make mistakes assuming that someone who trolls is called a troller, when really, there is no such thing. Someone who trolls is correctly called a troll."

    It takes two to troll!


  7. AD Diamond

    And I just mistyped sarcasm... I'll correct myself before someone does it for me!

  8. AD Diamond

    @Tiffany I cracked up when I read "you can tell who is writing from the first sentence without reading the name at the top of the post" because it is so accurate. I never read the bylines but occasionally go back to check who is writing and I'm always right. That's one of the things I love about OMATT.

    Also, I'm not going to say who because I don't want to pick a fight, but...

    @Tiffany I cracked up when I read "you can tell who is writing from the first sentence without reading the name at the top of the post" because it is so accurate. I never read the bylines but occasionally go back to check who is writing and I'm always right. That's one of the things I love about OMATT.

    Also, I'm not going to say who because I don't want to pick a fight, but one of the regular trollers, um, commenters needs to learn about sacrasm because he/she just got owned by some.

    Looking forward to hearing from the new person!

  9. DCS Diamond

    @European Son said on February 16, 2018 at 8:44 am: "Get DCS to write all the articles comparing the merits of hotel loyalty programs. "

    Thanks, but no, thanks. I already have a highly stimulating and challenging job that consumes my time almost 24/7, so that a gig as offered here is out of question. Moreover, I doubt that I would be a good fit as a contributor to OMAAT, or even as a Boarding...

    @European Son said on February 16, 2018 at 8:44 am: "Get DCS to write all the articles comparing the merits of hotel loyalty programs. "

    Thanks, but no, thanks. I already have a highly stimulating and challenging job that consumes my time almost 24/7, so that a gig as offered here is out of question. Moreover, I doubt that I would be a good fit as a contributor to OMAAT, or even as a Boarding Area blogger, because I disagree with practically everything that now passes for established travel/loyalty blogosphere dogma or wisdom. I prefer to remain a "rebel with a cause" so that I can continue to offer different perspectives as I do here and elsewhere -- perspectives that I hope have spurred (putting it euphemistically) a "reexamination" of much of the dubious wisdom or dogma that was hatched in and continues to be perpetuated by the travel blogosphere echo chamber, despite seismic shifts in both the airline and hotel loyalty landscapes.

    My "soapbox" will continue to be "InsideFlyer" because it offers a suitably "agnostic" platform for "rebels" who wish make one point or another more emphatically than would be wise in the comments a section of a travel blog that already has an established viewpoint and a loyal following... ;-)

  10. William Y. Guest


    I know you do an incredible job here and I love what the OMAAT teams bring me in terms of content.

    However, I want to seriously warn you against accepting any social justice warrior types. They seem to sneak into positions that give them a platform, which this is.

    Do not make OMAAT another haven for censorship, political ranting and identity politics, please.

  11. Eskimo Guest

    So who gets fired. You guys have more than enough bloggers on roster yet you are looking for more.
    I believe unless you clean up first, by adding a new person you would still eventually turn out to be like the current folks who writes once every few months (Except Ford as he currently has immunity). And no of fence, you should stick to what you do best, selling credit cards with a few...

    So who gets fired. You guys have more than enough bloggers on roster yet you are looking for more.
    I believe unless you clean up first, by adding a new person you would still eventually turn out to be like the current folks who writes once every few months (Except Ford as he currently has immunity). And no of fence, you should stick to what you do best, selling credit cards with a few click-bait headlines every now and then. Get someone to (ghost)write as Ben#2 while Ben#1 goes out getting bank contracts and other partnerships (at least not from airlines/hotels as this is one true thing I like about Ben, being independent from sponsors)

    What you really need is an HR and a project manager.

  12. Steve Guest

    I agree with Evan. Not interested in family style travel at all.

  13. Evan Guest

    Please don't try to diversify too much in order to chase an audience - there are other blogs out there which deal with "family" travellers for example. Stick to what this blog does best, and in my view that's Tiffany's words and Ben's photos - so a combination of those skills would be ideal.

  14. Sam New Member

    Hi Tiffany! Under the question "What's the best trip you've ever taken?" are you looking for the best trip taken leveragin miles and points or the best trip ever taken irrespective of miles and points? I'm assuming the former, but honestly, my best trip ever was before I ever registered for a miles and points program.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Sam -- Whatever you want to tell us! It's not a quiz, we just want to get to know you :)

  15. Iamhere Gold

    @ Tiffany / Lucky – I did not see the article announcing that you will be taking on another writer/blogger for this website, but I saw it in beginning of this article. If I could say one suggestion, I think it is about perception. It is the blogger’s job to review various airlines and mileage programs, hotels and hotel rewards, airport lounges, credit cards, etc, but more consideration should be on “regular” people’s use and redemption.

  16. DiploBrat New Member

    Nice idea but I'm pretty sure JT is satisfied with his current workload. Plus, if you read his articles, you should recognize that traversing ;) the remote and far flung corners of the planet is not suitable to blogging. It would be cool to see his work here though.

  17. Steve Guest

    Readerhere, where do you work that your company doesn't try to make more profits when hiring people?

  18. Steve Guest

    @ readerhere

    Yes, that’s what companies do when employing people.

  19. readerhere Guest

    So you want to leverage other people's time to make more profits

  20. Kevin Guest

    I think it’ll be great if the new hire will write about the best way to redeem miles to go from say San Francisco to Denmark in business/ first class using any airline but US3. Or something along the line of going from Dallas to Sydney. New York to Siem Reap. You get my point. I have cc miles but am at a loss how to redeem them at the most efficient way and would...

    I think it’ll be great if the new hire will write about the best way to redeem miles to go from say San Francisco to Denmark in business/ first class using any airline but US3. Or something along the line of going from Dallas to Sydney. New York to Siem Reap. You get my point. I have cc miles but am at a loss how to redeem them at the most efficient way and would love to avoid US3 for these super long flights. Many airlines like Qantas rarely have any premium class available from US to Australia. Then what other options with minimal amount of miles do I have to get there? I’m thinking flying Korean Air first class may be most comfortable with lots of award seats available between west coast to Seoul and Seoul to Sydney. Jal is great but award availability is not that good and miles needed is high. Cathay only release one first class in advance and I need two. So I hope the new writer can address these questions I have. Thanks in advance!

  21. Dylan Guest

    Bummer, got 6 months till I turn 18. Maybe I need to launch my own website :). I can't wait to see what 2018 brings for OMAAT! Daniel has an interesting perspective because of his European background; I enjoy his post hopefully they become frequent. Best of luck with all the applicants!

  22. Evan New Member

    Hi Tiffany, will applicants hear back either way or only if they're selected to move forward?

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Evan -- I try and be good about contacting everyone regardless when I hire, but won't be responding to anyone until the first week in March or so.

  23. Steve Guest

    Just gonna throw this out there, but have you thought of Ann Coulter?! Heard she’s really up on the nuances of Amtrak Rewards....

  24. Ryan Yuk Guest

    The writers I like are Tiffany from this site and Richard Kerr/ Emily McNutt from The Points Guy and Gary Leff. Get people like them! Best wishes.

  25. European Son Guest

    Get DCS to write all the articles comparing the merits of hotel loyalty programs. :-)

  26. Zach Honig New Member

    Aww thanks for the love, guys! TONS of respect for Tiffany, Ben and OMAAT, but TPG is home. If you meet the requirements above I VERY much recommend you apply! And feel free to hit me up too

  27. Chop Suey Guest

    Please pick me. I can assure you I never get a little too excited flying a new business class suite.

  28. David Guest

    Even this post is top-notch and we thank you for that Tiffany, as usual!

    It may go without saying (and I may be a bit biased), but really, there is simply no other blog like OMAAT.
    As one who's been reading since before Ben started drinking in flight !!, I have Always enjoyed it.

    That said, and I know you said you aren't looking for trip reports, but as several others mentioned, one...

    Even this post is top-notch and we thank you for that Tiffany, as usual!

    It may go without saying (and I may be a bit biased), but really, there is simply no other blog like OMAAT.
    As one who's been reading since before Ben started drinking in flight !!, I have Always enjoyed it.

    That said, and I know you said you aren't looking for trip reports, but as several others mentioned, one of the first names that came to mind was Zach Honig, or someone like him.

    Regardless- All the best to you and Lucky!

  29. Jim Guest

    Hire a family-oriented writer. Travis gets there, but not entirely. For example, I travel a lot for business, and 1-2x a year with family. Should I register my 2-year-old in an FF program? Some let you pool the points with family members. Is that the best strategy?

    Ben has a great perspective as a childless traveler, but a lot of us have kids too.

    Also I do like Dantorp for his economy focus. It's great to see things from another angle.

  30. Malc Guest

    @ Tiffany -- I'm not remotely interested in this position, I just love the clarity of your writing and read the post to the end!

    @ Patrick -- That's hilarious! Hire Debit on a formal basis.

  31. Katy Guest

    I liked the way this post was written and what solidified my desire to comment was the "Thank you (and some reassurance)" bit. That was straight-up classy.

    Much as I love to read the blog, I know I don't have it in me to research all the details needed for in-depth strategy posts. However, I can't wait to read the new person's posts. Cheers!

  32. Steve Guest

    Tiffany just do what flyingfish suggested. It seems anytime someone here makes a suggestion on the hiring process, you try to argue against it. At the end of the day, you answer to us, the readers.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Steve -- Thanks for the feedback. I certainly don't intend to come off as argumentative, and I don't believe I've rejected anyone's "suggestions on the hiring process". I do want to make an effort to answer questions and assuage concerns, and understand that both applicants and readers will have plenty, so that's the motivation for my responses.

  33. Flyingfish Guest

    The best way to audition these candidates is to publish their 3 of their articles and have them rated by the readers on OMAAT.

    We are a tough crowd to please. If they pass the test, you found a gem. I am not sure if 5 to 10 articles a week by the new hire is necessary. Like wines, if we control the yields, we may get better quality grapes.

    I am happy to read 1 good quality post a week from this writer, if he/she is really good.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Flyingfish -- I hear ya on quality, and the balance of posts goes both ways. We're not trying to add to the overall number of posts, but if someone else can handle 5-10 of the easier (but still informative) posts in a week, that could give Ben or I more time to do the 5,000-word deep dives we don't currently have bandwidth for. Or vice versa -- it will depend on the person.

  34. Emily Guest

    I just feel that the subjects of mileage, points and airline reviews are reaching a plateau. This is apparent from the recent decline in the quality of topics and the unending teasers. Perhaps a fresh outlook with destination specific articles can breathe some fresh air into the blog.

  35. DeltaCharlie Guest

    Jared Traverse (pen name) for NatGeo and CN Traveler frequents this blog for pleasure and may be a good fit, but may not have the time nor find the compensation fulfilling. He posts interesting comments on your articles frequently. Worth a shout out.

  36. Tiffany OMAAT

    @ pointster -- We aren't envisioning this as a full-time gig at this point, and don't really expect anyone to be spending 30 hours a week on an ongoing basis.

    That could be the case at first, as there is a lot to learn and it takes time to get into a groove, but ideally this would be something that supplements income rather than replaces it (for now).

  37. schar Guest

    Would love to be a guest contributor here and there reviewing flights + hotels, let us know when the team at OMAAT is interested, Tiffany!

  38. schar Guest

    +1 @Ben ....

    Theres like a list of 6 different random "contributors" that maybe write 1 post every 2 or 3 months.....

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Ben @ schar -- Yep, and the desire for more consistency (both for us and for readers) is a big part of the motivation here. We've never done this formally, so most of our contributors are personal friends, and they're smart people who are extremely successful in their respective professions. We love them, and appreciate their insights when they have time to write, but also don't begrudge them prioritizing their actual careers.

      Bringing on...

      @ Ben @ schar -- Yep, and the desire for more consistency (both for us and for readers) is a big part of the motivation here. We've never done this formally, so most of our contributors are personal friends, and they're smart people who are extremely successful in their respective professions. We love them, and appreciate their insights when they have time to write, but also don't begrudge them prioritizing their actual careers.

      Bringing on someone other than Ben to write at all seemed unthinkable at first, and even starting with people we knew and trusted was a difficult transition (Travis had a byline on OMAAT before I even did, and took a ton of crap at the beginning just for being Not-Lucky). We've learned a ton from that experience, and are super grateful to our friends for being guinea pigs, and feel like we're at the point now where we can support and integrate someone more methodically, if that makes any sense.

  39. Kalboz Member

    Is the size of the applicant's awardwallet taken into consideration? Or, how comprehensive is their travel history/experience?

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Kalboz -- Those things are interesting, but I don't think they're defining metrics in this case. We built an entire consulting service around helping people who have millions of miles and don't have the first clue how to redeem them, and while I strongly believe that travel provides great opportunities for maturity and perspective, plenty of other experiences do as well. So it depends on the full picture.

  40. François Member



    I haven't read TPG in a couple years, but Honig is the one contributor there that I respect.

  41. Donna Diamond

    Last year you had a guest writer review the QSuites - I believe his name was Vlad. I thought it was a great review and I was hoping to see more of these types of posts and perhaps opportunities for guest contributors to add content. More to the point, will your new person be responsible for coming up with the topics or will that person be handed topics to develop?

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Donna -- We're open to doing more of that in future, and I agree that Vlad's review was fabulous. I wish I were half the photographer he is!

      For our current needs, I expect topics to be a mix. We want people to write about stuff they're interested in, because we feel that enthusiasm for a topic comes through in the writing, but we'll provide plenty of guidance and ideas as well. We have...

      @ Donna -- We're open to doing more of that in future, and I agree that Vlad's review was fabulous. I wish I were half the photographer he is!

      For our current needs, I expect topics to be a mix. We want people to write about stuff they're interested in, because we feel that enthusiasm for a topic comes through in the writing, but we'll provide plenty of guidance and ideas as well. We have a running list with several hundred posts to write "when there's time" so there's no shortage of prompts!

  42. Jack Guest

    This is a little different than what you mentioned, but would take even more of the load off I think Zach Hoing from TPG would be a great addition. TPG overall has had a substantial drop in quality the past year-two years however he is the one writer there which I consistently read. He has great insights, is passionate/knowledgeable about the industry, and definitely has a distinct writing style which is enjoyable I see him...

    This is a little different than what you mentioned, but would take even more of the load off I think Zach Hoing from TPG would be a great addition. TPG overall has had a substantial drop in quality the past year-two years however he is the one writer there which I consistently read. He has great insights, is passionate/knowledgeable about the industry, and definitely has a distinct writing style which is enjoyable I see him as the one bright light at TPG. Don’t know if you would consider but I thought I should throw it out there.

  43. Dave - Canada Member

    Keep encouraging Lucky to write about airlines and first/business class reviews even if you aren't looking for airline reviews! While I'd love to write for OMAAT, the expected pace to write is far too much for me. I could probably only write once every 2 weeks. So, thanks for producing so much content!

  44. Ben Guest

    Other than Tiffany I don't recall any other existing contributors writing more than 1 post a week yet you seem to have like 5 extra guys on your books. Now you are wanting someone new to write 5-10 posts per week.
    Why not just have one of the existing contributors write more rather than trying to on-board a completely new one? Why are they listed as contributors if they never write anything?

  45. dca Guest

    "manufactured spending, and other gaming opportunities that aren’t a focus of OMAAT." LOL

  46. pointster Member

    Could we have a bit more detail on the pay?

    I couldn't see myself devoting 30 hours a week to writing unless the income from that writing would come very close to replacing my existing salary...

  47. Andrew Guest

    Sent in my application, thank you for the opportunity!

  48. Stan Guest

    Can't quite out my finger on it, but the tone of the post is a bit arrogant and "harsh", at least it seems so to me.
    Oh well, hope you find who you're looking for. Best of luck!

  49. Robert Diamond

    What does this really mean? Who is scaling back work on the blog? Hopefully this doesn't dilute things, last thing we need is another mediocre blog.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Robert -- No one is scaling back! It's more that Ben and I both work over 100 hours a week, 52 weeks a year (and have for years and years), and there still isn't enough time to do all the things we want to do around here. We're hoping some consistent help will enable us to do more than tread water in some areas that currently get a little neglected at times.

  50. Sice Diamond

    Shoot, I'm the one you're looking for. I accumulate points and have no time to use them. I'd be perfect!

    Seriously though, you need to get someone like Seth Miller...more insights on the actual physical side of airlines. That would really round out this blog.

  51. Tommy Trash Gold


    Why not poach a proven talent? That was my whole point. Any points guru capable of pumping out 5—10 high quality blog posts per week is already doing it now. TPG really jumped the shark with his self indulgent Lil’ Uzi Vert party with Z list celebrities.

  52. MDV New Member

    Could you preview the applications questions in the post? They currently can't be seen unless you fill out the questions on each page on the Google form.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ MDV -- Nope, but the questions in general are about how you earn points currently, how you like to redeem them, and the topics you might find interesting to write about, along with asking for a short writing sample. I've enabled editing on the form though, so you should be able to go back and modify your responses.

  53. Tom Guest


    I think they mean that they would only work for OMAAT. If someone currently works somewhere else, but wanted to move over entirely, that seems like fair game.

  54. Ryan Member

    When I read the headline, I said 'oh no.' But the well thought-out job description, and really keen understanding of what makes OMAAT special, have me thinking it'll be 'ok'. Thanks for preserving what's great about this site, as you move forward with a few changes.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Ryan -- Thanks for giving us a chance with this, we're really trying to consider tone and the community here as much as anything else.

  55. Debit Guest

    My cheerful personality is sorely needed here.

  56. Ben O. New Member

    If our name is also Ben are we disqualified?

  57. wpr8e Guest

    Just hire an adult that has at least some business acumen.

    Your critiques of airline's business decisions without any context or perspective are making your (and Gary at VFTW) posts irrelevant. Too much childish ranting.

    Guess that's what happens when you have tapped out writing reviews of airlines. You've got nothing left to say.

  58. ITST Member

    This is awesome. Only if I were not a graduate student...

  59. echino Diamond

    Do you need someone with a Canadian perspective? I am extremely well-versed with Aeroplan and it's nuances and tricks, but the program is going away in 2020 and I am not as big of an expert in any other programs. Should I apply?

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ echino -- Sure! Having a detailed understanding of one program generally means someone can apply that skillset to other programs, so you probably know more than you do. The bigger thing would be your level of comfort with US financial products, and how that impacts miles and points in the US versus in Canada. Amex US has different transfer partners than Canada, there are different co-brand card opportunities, etc.

  60. Mike New Member

    Can I just say as someone who works in the work of hiring/ finding employment that this is such a well thought out job description & post. Kudos, I hope you find an amazing person.

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Mike -- Thanks, it's something we've been discussing for a long time. :)

  61. Billiken Guest

    What happened to Travis? We need more Travis and Tiffany!! and Daniel was adding some informative stuff for those of us who sit in the back of the plane.

  62. W Diamond

    Good luck to everyone!

  63. Santastico Diamond

    @TommyTrash: You probably missed this: "What we’re not looking for: Someone that actively generate content about miles and points on other sites and platforms"

  64. JJJ Guest

    This sounds like a setup for 3 posts a week on shilling Chase cards.

  65. Tommy Trash Gold

    Why not recruit Richard Kerr from TPG? He is Tiffany’s only equal when it comes to the arcane rules of points/miles.

  66. Brandon Guest

    What can applicants expect the interviewing process to be like?

    1. Tiffany OMAAT

      @ Brandon -- Good question. Once we've reviewed applications we'll be setting up group chats to ask some follow-up questions. There may eventually be some video calls as well, but as we're primarily interested in how someone communicates through their writing, we're going to keep as much of this text-based as possible.

  67. Patrick Member

    I think Debit would be a great fit ;)

  68. Garrett Guest

    God I wish I had time to do this. Good luck!

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Tiffany OMAAT

@ Melissa -- I think it's going to take a few weeks, honestly. There are hundreds of (amazing and inspiring) applications to go through, and we want to make sure we're giving equal time and thought to each one. We'll be in touch as soon as we can!

Melissa New Member

Hi, I know the applications closed last week but is there a time table for when we should hear feedback if we applied. Thanks.

Kevin Guest

Darn, just read this post. I'm a former journalist from California who lives in China with my wife and three daughters. I could offer quite a different perspective on the miles and points game because it looks quite different when you need to save up 210,000 miles to nap five economy seats to fly one-way to the US for the summer than spending on business class seats. But I just missed the deadline. Do you still want/need applications?

Meet Tiffany Funk, OMAAT Managing Editor
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