Well played, United, well played…
In this post:
United Airlines’ Colorado Super Bowl commercial
United Airlines has just unveiled an ad that will be playing in some markets in Colorado this Sunday, during the Super Bowl. The ad is called “United — An Airline Built for Denver.”
The 30-second spot is pretty simple, and has images of families reuniting. Throughout various images, the following text is displayed:
- “This isn’t a flashy Big Game commercial.”
- “No celebrities. No gags.”
- “This is just the story of a family from Denver. Who got together for the holidays.”
- “United got more families in and out of Denver this holiday than any other airline. Despite the weather.”
- “Good leads the way.”
Even though the airline is never mentioned, this is obviously a not-so-subtle dig at Southwest’s unprecedented holiday meltdown, where the airline canceled tens of thousands of flights, impacting over a million travelers. Even to this day, the company’s CEO isn’t taking full accountability for the reality of what happened.
You can see the ad for yourself below.
This is well played on United’s part
Southwest has been growing significantly in Denver over the years, and obviously United is a little worried about that, because the carrier keeps going on the offense with new Denver-focused ad campaigns. If you ask me, the airline has had mixed success with this.
For example, personally I wasn’t a fan of the previous campaign, which essentially made fun of Southwest’s boarding process. It just didn’t seem to be very honest or highlight a competitive advantage, as United also claimed to not have change fees (except on basic economy) and allow free seat assignments (to a limited number of bad seats, otherwise you have to pay).

Meanwhile I think this new ad campaign is brilliant. It’s intriguing, because when you start watching, you wonder what the ad is about, and what point it’s going to make. Furthermore, it has an accurate conclusion — Southwest ruined a lot of peoples’ holidays, and United is ready to give that some extra attention.
Bottom line
United doesn’t want travelers to forget about Southwest’s holiday meltdown, so the airline is reminding those in Colorado of this during the Super Bowl. United will highlight how it helped more people get to and from Denver over the holidays than any other airline. The ad is a beautiful balance between being classy and shady. It doesn’t mention Southwest, yet everyone knows exactly what United is referring to…
What do you make of United Airlines’ Super Bowl ad?
Karma's a bitch, United
Well put, United. SWA can't cut in in CO and UT where I fly into as part of my territory. Bag check in staff are snooty. Twice my bags arrived at the wrong carousel, then when I make them aware of it, they act as if they are never wrong. Seems lately with SWA's no assigned seat 2 bags fly free policy has created a monster. Repeat: 2 bags fly free. Check them in. Instead...
Well put, United. SWA can't cut in in CO and UT where I fly into as part of my territory. Bag check in staff are snooty. Twice my bags arrived at the wrong carousel, then when I make them aware of it, they act as if they are never wrong. Seems lately with SWA's no assigned seat 2 bags fly free policy has created a monster. Repeat: 2 bags fly free. Check them in. Instead on full flights you keep insisting on bringing your luggage onboard. I'm usually fine with flights in CA and Las Vegas but what really ticked me off. No longer A-Listed after accumulating over 125k miles. Flight attendants are pretty much nice and customer service oriented but lately they seem to be recruiting Wicked Witches of The West.
Has anyone on this forum seen how much United has improved DIA in the past two years? How about the increased destinations directly from Denver. Maybe that’s what they were trying to focus on.
You mean UA didn't check with you in advance? They don't know you are the airlines social registry?
Dear UA, KARMA is a cruel mistress. Let's not forget about one of your most famous passengers, Dr. David Dao, who you literally dragged of your plane - Excellent customer service!!
Never flown Southwest. I don’t care about low fares, free checked bags, or free-for-all boarding. If it takes DAYS for your ops to recover because your crews and planes were out of place? The fault lies squarely on the airline, the CEO, and no one else.
Avoiding Southwest every time I fly means I will 100% avoid their next operational meltdown.
I like the commercial, companys should put costumers first, after all, they make their wheels turn, no customers, no money, (instead of paying big bucks to famous people, they shoul interview their customers, and lern from them) i used to fly a lot when i was working, now I'm retired i fly less, i flew value jet, air tran and now Southwest, and i luv Southwest employees, i became friends with some of them, (family)...
I like the commercial, companys should put costumers first, after all, they make their wheels turn, no customers, no money, (instead of paying big bucks to famous people, they shoul interview their customers, and lern from them) i used to fly a lot when i was working, now I'm retired i fly less, i flew value jet, air tran and now Southwest, and i luv Southwest employees, i became friends with some of them, (family) but, what i still don't like about this big corporations is, they put their ceo's and share holders first, there should give more free rewards to people who make those wheels turn, GOD bless the U.S.A. all the employees from Southwest, J.M.S. Atlanta GA.
United got me TO Denver when Southwest stranded me in Chicago and refused to even try and rebook me
United got me BACK HOME to South Carolina on the 26th after Southwest again failed me.
The best part? I was able to fly only son's family pass for free- the week before and day after Christmas. And the flight attendants even checked on me coz my son was texting with them- United saved my holiday-
Southwest Rocks. I just tried to fly on United standby passenger and they said their were seats and I was at the airport all day. I had to wait till the next day and I got on Southwest.
United needs to grow up They have never had decent customer service. They are the worst airline I have ever flown on... So go on and make fun. It will bite you soon I'm sure.
No, they oversell flights and drag you off the plane.
With Uniteds shady prices they can have several seats!
LOL at people here believing that even 1% of the traveling public would both REMEMBER and CARE about the David Dao incident, from years ago.
We’ll kick your ass and smash your guitar, but at least you won’t be stranded in the snow — fly United!
Yes, Southwest screwed up during the holidays and unfortunately it did affect my son. It was a super stressful time and situation. However, we found United to be the most expensive when trying to get my son back to his duty station. He ended up flying Delta, which was cheaper and they were so much more accommodating! I felt Southwest has tried to apologize with refunds, bonuses and credits. With United's negative advertising, makes me...
Yes, Southwest screwed up during the holidays and unfortunately it did affect my son. It was a super stressful time and situation. However, we found United to be the most expensive when trying to get my son back to his duty station. He ended up flying Delta, which was cheaper and they were so much more accommodating! I felt Southwest has tried to apologize with refunds, bonuses and credits. With United's negative advertising, makes me want to look for United flights last for future travels. We'll stick with Southwest and Delta.
61,000 domestic/international miles every year ... for a reason (frequent now for 20) Well played United - and thank you (flying another international leg tomorrow)
This is why airline service in the US continues to get more uncomfortable, more distasteful and more disappointing. Too many travelers are willing to suffer lousy service to save a few dollars.
Ask David Dao what really happens on United
Very low class move. Attacking other carriers does not show how you bring more value to the table; it just makes United look like an immature bully. Ever since Continental management took over United, their brand has steadily declined to the point where United could easily be mistaken for Amtrak or Greyhound at this point. It's a tragedy, as United was once a highly revered global carrier, with a great hard and soft product. Now,...
Very low class move. Attacking other carriers does not show how you bring more value to the table; it just makes United look like an immature bully. Ever since Continental management took over United, their brand has steadily declined to the point where United could easily be mistaken for Amtrak or Greyhound at this point. It's a tragedy, as United was once a highly revered global carrier, with a great hard and soft product. Now, horrible service, slimline seats that are hard as a rock, terrible catering, no brand imagination, and a very devalued MileagePlus program. Sad.
It's not an attack ad. They're alleging they "bring more value to the table" by being the best at making sure you get where you're going, regardless of the weather. If this ad makes people think of WN's recent meltdown, well, then that's their own fault.
Well said. Clean your own house before you start finding fault in others’
Wonder why they're only airing this in Colorado. United and Southwest have plenty of hub markets in common (Chicago, Houston, Bay Area, DMV) so it would make sense to target them as well and frankly a company as large as UA could probably just afford to secure one of the nationwide spots.
You're wrong, Lucky. There is no 'balance' between being classy and shady. Either you're classy or a high school bitch. You can't be both at once. Just like you can't be 'a bit pregnant'. Finally, UA has never struck me as 'classy', at least not in this century..
When ever I read anything about United, I review the Dr. Dao assault and their lying to me on a flight through Chicago. There is very little that they say that I'm likely to believe.
If you actually do review the facts of the Dao incident, then you should realize that there was much more to that then was generally reported because, well, accurate reporting rarely sells the was sensationalism does...
Also, after almost 30 years of flying, many of them as a tried and true road warrior, I am here to tell you, for better or worse, every airline lies to you at some point...
I love all the people gunning for WN’s demise! They’ve been dealing with this kind of vitriol for decades now and still are doing just fine! The flying public….and for that matter….the public in general has such a short memory! I’m not agreeing with the CEO’s handling of the situation at all but puhlease ! Every (down to 3 now) legacy carrier and all their merged parts have been in bankruptcy so many times I’ve...
I love all the people gunning for WN’s demise! They’ve been dealing with this kind of vitriol for decades now and still are doing just fine! The flying public….and for that matter….the public in general has such a short memory! I’m not agreeing with the CEO’s handling of the situation at all but puhlease ! Every (down to 3 now) legacy carrier and all their merged parts have been in bankruptcy so many times I’ve lost count! WN……”0 TIMES”! Trust me, they still have a VERY long way to fall…..
I love United Airlines.The company is great and doing a lot of things right.I will fly with them first.
I agree! None of the airlines are perfect, but UA. always treats me well. UA has my business for life.
These types of ads don’t usually age well in this industry - where no carrier has a great track record of avoiding meltdowns.
In what way shady Ben??? Explain yourself please because as I see it, it’s as straightforward as it gets??!!
He meant shady as “they’re throwing shade.”
Got it! Now that makes more sense.
It would be more interesting if everyone focused on delivering a better product rather than throwing shade. Being "better than your competitor" isn't high praise in the US.
This applies to both business and politics.
Saying “we didn’t strand you for over a week and then blame snow” is quite fair.
I mean, sure, but then who can forget "involuntarily de-boarding you, and when you didn't comply, rough you up and drag you off"?
How does flinging mud do anything for anyone?
but then who can forget "involuntarily de-boarding you, and when you didn't comply, rough you up and drag you off"?
ANSWER: damn near everyone in the general public.
The pool of people (outside of journalists and AvGeeks) who are going remember the particulars of that incident, sufficiently to accurately associate it with a brand (United)...... is "shallow," at best.
Well, not stranding people for a week, then throwing up their hands and saying "you folks figure it out" to passengers...
...is the kind of "product" that I believe most customers would appreciate above all else.
I think they are doing both. I think “we got you there and back when others failed” IS selling yourself as a better product.
WN lost north of $800Million for this last quarter.
With everyone from standup comics to other carriers constantly reminding the public about what a clusterF it all was.... it'll be interesting to see how much of the fallout carries over to any negative earnings incurred in this first quarter.
And yet, Southwest is still a substantially better airline.
"And yet, Southwest is still a substantially better airline."
So in other words, you don't understand the difference between a statement of opinion and one of fact. Got it.
How do you figure?
They lost complete operational control of the airline.
Oh, and it just happened to be over the largest holiday in North America.
It’ll never happen, but I think a case can be made to revoke their operating certificate(s). If you don’t know where your people or airplanes are, and your system crashes after 300 reroutes to the tune of *no one* being able to place a phone call? That’s...
How do you figure?
They lost complete operational control of the airline.
Oh, and it just happened to be over the largest holiday in North America.
It’ll never happen, but I think a case can be made to revoke their operating certificate(s). If you don’t know where your people or airplanes are, and your system crashes after 300 reroutes to the tune of *no one* being able to place a phone call? That’s a problem.
But, yeah, they’re a substantially better airline. Stuck in 1960’s Texas. Forever.
Going to have to disagree with you on that one! I’ll stick with United for my travel plans.
Safe travels :).
Net loss because they made good with the people affected by the meltdown, refunding them monetary costs incurred. Not bad business…WN will come back bigger, better, and stronger! Still the best customer service in the biz!
Top Drag shady, not politician shady.