It’s quite the day of coronavirus travel stories, from 125 of 160 people on a flight testing positive for coronavirus, to a man being jailed for a year for faking a negative coronavirus test result. Well, here’s another story…
In this post:
American Airlines traveler sends alarming texts during flight
A Reddit user shares some photos that were taken during a recent flight (it definitely looks like an American Airlines plane, based on the cabin finishes, between the lack of TVs, the blue seats, and the red headrests). The woman seated in front of the traveler is texting on her phone, and he takes pictures of the conversation, which have since gone viral.
The pictures are a bit blurry, but in the first picture you can see that she’s texting the following:
We have Covid… shhh. That’s why we’re coming home a day early. On the plane […]

The next text seems to contain an explanation for how that came about:
When we got to the hockey game last night you either had to have proof of a vaccine or a negative test. We had neither so the guy let me sneak in sharing nana’d but he made dad go next door and get a test. They tested him twice and […] positive

It sounds like they let the woman into the hockey event using grandma’s negative coronavirus test or vaccination card.
How would you handle this situation?
I’m curious, if you were in the position of the Reddit user, how would you handle this situation?
- Would you confront the passenger directly?
- Would you make a crew member aware of this?
- Would you post on Reddit?
- Would you do nothing?
Of course this isn’t just about “snitching,” but realistically the passengers seated near her were at risk as well due to her selfishness.
I also hope that American Airlines can figure out who this passenger is. All major airlines in the United States make you agree at check-in that you don’t knowingly have coronavirus. This family obviously violated that policy, so if that’s the case, hopefully American Airlines can ban this traveler. I guess it could be tough to identify her, though, unless the Reddit user reaches out to the airline with this info.
Bottom line
A lot of people fly every day while infected with coronavirus. The thing is, we’d certainly hope that people don’t knowingly do so. In this case a traveler was texting about having coronavirus during a flight, and another passenger saw these texts. What an uncomfortable situation to be in…
How would you have handled this situation?
(Tip of the hat to Textuality)
Without question, I would calmly and quietly make a crew member aware of this--and then let them deal with it.
people who do this sort of thing should be prosecuted and imprisoned. period. it spreads because of them and people get ill and people die. they passed laws about knowingly having unprotected sex when you have HIV and people go to prison. what is the difference? pretty sad if you ask me.
Almost certainly a scam for clicks/likes/Reddit Gold. Shocking how many of you are so credulous.
Definitely hits all the buttons for karma whoring. Wouldn't be surprised at all.
This ain't reddit
Well I worry about COVID as much as I worry about getting struck by lightening. So what I get a cold? Number one I don't make it a habit of prying into what people are tapping on their phone and number two if I saw that screenly accidentally I'd laugh my butt off.
Both the illegal immigrants and the lying passenger are wrong. What the United States is heading for, unless the voters can get this madness stopped, is, "Vee need to see your papers? Don't you have rrrrrelatives living in Berlin?" I think the world saw enough of this during WW II. On the other hand, like aids, knowingly endangering one's fellow person should be considered illegal. Personally confronting this woman would be the wrong move. Discretely...
Both the illegal immigrants and the lying passenger are wrong. What the United States is heading for, unless the voters can get this madness stopped, is, "Vee need to see your papers? Don't you have rrrrrelatives living in Berlin?" I think the world saw enough of this during WW II. On the other hand, like aids, knowingly endangering one's fellow person should be considered illegal. Personally confronting this woman would be the wrong move. Discretely notifying the lead flight attendant to notify the captain would be the correct response. The captain has the sole responsibility for the entire flight. Security would then be waiting for the passenger at the gate. Yes, she should be banned and since airlines are starting to share this banned information, it will be harder for her to travel in the future.
While the current administration flys illegals who crossed our borders, covid un-checked, all around the country. Shouldn’t we be more deeply concerned about that?
My personal perspective: the woman shouldn’t be flying but you shouldn’t read other peoples’ texts either. So I would do nothing.
If someone is knowingly & wantonly potentially affecting my health and the health of others, I'll gladly acknowledge the individual that decides to intervene....even if it includes snooping.
I would definitely let the crew know & let them handle it…. That family is incredibly selfish & should feel the consequences of putting everyone around them at risk of being infected!
It really is sad to see that Americans don’t realise the bigger issue here is photographing someone else’s phone.
I’m not the first one saying it.
It doesn’t negate the fact that someone knowingly having covid should be flying, but reading their messages from the seat behind defies any etiquette.
Here in London, if you join a conversation of the next table in a restaurant you’re an oddball, but I’ve also seen this doesn’t seem...
It really is sad to see that Americans don’t realise the bigger issue here is photographing someone else’s phone.
I’m not the first one saying it.
It doesn’t negate the fact that someone knowingly having covid should be flying, but reading their messages from the seat behind defies any etiquette.
Here in London, if you join a conversation of the next table in a restaurant you’re an oddball, but I’ve also seen this doesn’t seem to be an issue in North America.
Yes many here agree BUT u can’t think that (apparently) and hold the view that this family was irresponsible and selfish. Some people here get outraged for you even mentioning that! If your opinion doesn’t exactly coincide with theirs apparently that makes you evil and “part of the problem”. Eyeroll
This person should be banned from flying.
Yes I love that idea! Totally agree!
Jail her
Just admit it, America is no longer a leader and you can’t trust any of them. There is pride in voting in one of the biggest liars on the planet as a President. The country can’t find common ground and has become completely selfish. What a tragedy. 3rd World? No, they look up to see 3rd World. You basically gave people a pat on the back for storming the capital, no wonder most of you...
Just admit it, America is no longer a leader and you can’t trust any of them. There is pride in voting in one of the biggest liars on the planet as a President. The country can’t find common ground and has become completely selfish. What a tragedy. 3rd World? No, they look up to see 3rd World. You basically gave people a pat on the back for storming the capital, no wonder most of you see no issue and blame the person taking the photos. It really has become a sad place.
Guess you haven’t seen much of the rest of the world if you truly believe all of that! We’ve got our problems and we have some special children!
Just a grenade throwing troll huh? All that diatribe just to attack people that thought something was odd about looking and taking pictures of others tests…. Doesn’t matter if we think the irresponsible selfish one was the person texting….. I think you might be the photographer that’s the only way your strange rant makes sense!
Ray the main decline has been because of the media. Most people watch the media and it DIVIDES the country. People are identified as "trump" supporters or "liberals". Guess what - i don't care who you are as long as you don't despise what this country was founded on.
Every country has people like this. Stop your holier-than-thou attitude.
well said
Ray I don’t know what you were hoping to contribute to the discussion by that. You seem very I’ll informed about how normal people behave and treat each other in the USA (as opposed to some of the worst example which can be found here online or in an airplane) nor have you ventured very far out into the rest of the world if that is really the way you feel.
If you allow knowingly bad behavior to go unpunished bad behavior repeats. No doubt that fine family will continue to make poor life decisions but at least a prior punishment will give them pause in the future. Now while I feel omicron is "probably" not so bad for vaccinated folks who's to say we won't have a new variant next month that is deadly. If that happens people like this will continue to do stupid things.
I think the lady sending the text could be messing with the person behind her. If her text was true, she could have easily sent it more privately before boarding the plane to give a heads up to her family. I think the person who shared that photo had been annoying her, obviously looking at her screen, maybe kicking her seat or something. She came up with a good way to make him back off. If challenged, she probably has a negative test she can pull out as proof.
If it was its every bit as stupid as joking you're a terrorist at the tsa line. Either way you'll deal with actual consequences that won't be good for you even if you get definitive proof it was a joke. If her identity is revealed her boss may fire her, her neighbors may not want their kids to play together etc.
No just stupid & selfish!
How is this even a topic? If everybody else has their magic face diaper strapped to their faces, then it must be impossible to get the cooties, isn't that what we are supposed to believe. Also the airlines say that it is super safe to fly because the air is brand new air pumped in for each individual special passenger, we are supposed to believe that too.
Would you even ask this if they had said that they had ebola? How about the flu? How about poison Ivy?
What a super dumb post from @Molly !
You really need to read up on the topics you make ridiculous comments on, or just refrain from doing so.
Let me hazard a wild guess; you vote Republican if you bother at all, and you haven't got around to getting vaccinated yet!
Well said Glenn
You know whats funny? People die from hypothermia wearing jackets and warm clothes. So those must not work either? Don't spew false information that masks were guaranteed to be a magic bullet.
Many countries don’t require testing before boarding. It’s a mess. So you can fly to Mexico fur example, with covid as the country has never had any requirement to have a pre departure test. Many travellers on routes where it’s mandatory within Europe, are still exempt however could still be positive eg cross border commuters , which is why the restrictions on vaccinated travellers should ends.
On a side note Americans seem to have no...
Many countries don’t require testing before boarding. It’s a mess. So you can fly to Mexico fur example, with covid as the country has never had any requirement to have a pre departure test. Many travellers on routes where it’s mandatory within Europe, are still exempt however could still be positive eg cross border commuters , which is why the restrictions on vaccinated travellers should ends.
On a side note Americans seem to have no qualms about filming everything and posting private images of people and screen shots of private conversations, even if we can’t ID the person.
So it's ok to fly with covid and lie on your preflight form but you actually worry more about UK privacy which won't kill you ?
Nope that’s not what they said at all! You people are hair triggered to fight.
I was on a United flight and the man in front of me was texting in Spanish that he had tested positive and that he had sat in a clinic for 2 hours waiting for his test. We advised the flight attendant who noted it was going to go into her report. Him and his whole family were coughing the entire plane right.
Not nice however you realise that if it was from to to the EU /U.K. he could take legal action under GDPR for someone passing details of a private text / email to a third party without permission. If you’re that worried, don’t fly
How about "he" doesn't fly. He committed fraud on his pre flight form !
Actually, GDPR wouldn't apply here. He's doing something in public and have expectation to privacy.
lol Icarus, he'd be laughed out of court.
(In case you're serious, or others are wondering, not only does the GDPR apply only to corporations and not private citizens, but it specifically exempts data collection for law enforcement or public interest.)
U.K. lawyer speaking:
You are absolutely wrong.
Taking a photo of a personal text would lead to immediate judgement for damages in the region of millions of euros or pounds.
Why are you spreading categorically wrong misinformation, and where do you even get this from?
This simply wouldn’t fly in Europe or the U.K.
Report to FA. ASAP.
Perfect opportunity to quickly 'extract' 100-200$ from the seat neighbor ;)
Do nothing and mind your own business. Imagine looking over someone's shoulder and taking photos of private texts. What a jerk.
If one is vaccinated and, ideally, boosted, then whether or not this woman actually has COVID is of little concern to the person taking the photo. Any person on that plane could have COVID and not even know given how this virus and the omicron variant manifests. If you can't stand the thought of...
Do nothing and mind your own business. Imagine looking over someone's shoulder and taking photos of private texts. What a jerk.
If one is vaccinated and, ideally, boosted, then whether or not this woman actually has COVID is of little concern to the person taking the photo. Any person on that plane could have COVID and not even know given how this virus and the omicron variant manifests. If you can't stand the thought of ever being around someone who is infected, your only practical option at this point is to stay home.
Report to FA. ASAP.
If you want to text privately, don't text on a commercial flight. You should have zero expectation of privacy in a coach seat on a plane. If you can't stand the thought of that, your only practical option at this point is to stay home.
We are not talking about privately - you are right, on a plane, someone might see your screen. But to take the next step and TAKE A PHOTO OF THE SCREEN is a first-class jerk thing to do. That's a huge difference compared to happening to see what someone is typing. That is an overt decision and action. That's far more concerning than someone having omicron at this point.
Nobody should have any expectation of privacy these days. Wrongnor right, it's the way it is now.
We have an expectation of privacy in our own homes. In a crowded economy class cabin there is no privacy, and it's moronically comical to suggest that there is. You're in public. There were security cameras all through the airport you just departed from, which photographed you. There are CCTV cameras on every street corner in many cities. To suggest that you have some magical right to not be photographed in a public place is simply idiotic.
Try again. I never said they had an expecation a privacy. But it's funny how so many of you are defening not accidently seeing someone else's screen, but whipping out a phone and taking a photo of that screen AND POSTING IT ON THE INTERNET. That goes far beyond seeing something and makes that person far more of a jerk. This desperate need to try to shame people on the internet is the worst part...
Try again. I never said they had an expecation a privacy. But it's funny how so many of you are defening not accidently seeing someone else's screen, but whipping out a phone and taking a photo of that screen AND POSTING IT ON THE INTERNET. That goes far beyond seeing something and makes that person far more of a jerk. This desperate need to try to shame people on the internet is the worst part of this story and its part of why this nation is so dividied. All these Karens think it is their job to police whatever they want to police and they are oblivious to the fact that they are a far bigger problem.
You are right. But that does not mean someone has to take the overt step of whipping out there phone, taking a photo...AND POSTING IT ON THE INTERNET. Those are choices that go far beyond accidently seeing a screen or even trying to read a screen. I saw a similar situation posted on reddit that did not involve photos and the person stressed he accidently say another screen and was not trying to snoop.
What if she wasn't white but brown, a Muslim and talking about terrorism? You'll probably beat her over the head right there and then while chanting USA which for some reason people do now when they commit crimes or want to flex their racism.
Unless she is attempting to breach the flight deck no most likely not…… nice bringing race into this, especially since you can’t even see her face. Pretty shameful Bob!
Muslim is not a race, it's a religion.
Nice talking point but I guess you missed where Bob mentioned if they were brown.
@bob sounds like you need to go live in a country other than USA and realize how good we have it here. People in other countries (such as Venezuela) chant USA when protesting their corrupt government for more freedom. Freedom isn't free so don't disrespect it buddy.
Take your race-baiting elsewhere. I have no patience for people who can't wait to find a way to inject race into everything. We are sick of this SJW nonsense.
I hope the reddit user notifies the airline, providing the pictures, etc. S/he can easily identify which seat since it's an aisle seat and it looks like it was in the row in front of them. The airline should notify all other travelers on that flight to get tested. The airline should notify the individual responsible and determine the consequence. That action could be to suspend their program loyalty accounts (believe me, lots of people...
I hope the reddit user notifies the airline, providing the pictures, etc. S/he can easily identify which seat since it's an aisle seat and it looks like it was in the row in front of them. The airline should notify all other travelers on that flight to get tested. The airline should notify the individual responsible and determine the consequence. That action could be to suspend their program loyalty accounts (believe me, lots of people would be upset if their loyalty program points were placed on hold or suspended for future use) or other actions.
This is the main reason I did not fly over the holidays. We drove the 12 hours to Atlanta to avoid exposure and it worked for us, be it a long week of driving, at least we weren't exposed in airports and airplanes teeming with a hodge podge of randos.
You realize you have more rick going to the grocery store right? So have you not been to a restaurant the last 2 years? Give me a break basically every other person in the country has Omicron, you are getting exposed everywhere you go.
Actually I was exposed, tested positive and ISOLATED AT HOME over the holidays until I had a lab's negative PCR test which was conducted in my car. People need to take responsibility and STAY HOME. KNOWINGLY exposing others by traveling on planes and admitting the use of fake vaccination cards should be dealt with swiftly.
Grocery store doesn't require you to sign off that you're not currently infected. They're also not regulated by the FAA.
Ban, fine & jail.
I can't find this on any of the other travel sites I follow ( yet ). If the subject of her text was something other than covid this wouldn't even be a story here and if it were, it would be about a passengers' poor behavior invading the privacy of another and posting pictures. Love this site, please don't turn it into the Jerry Springer of travel.
Yes, if the text was concerning anything that doesn't affect the well-being of others near them, and illegal, then it's none of anyone else's business. But in this case, it does.
She lied to get on the plane and there should be consequences to it. Hope she's found.
Or perhaps she is lying in her texts…. Perhaps she is making up an excuse not to see her husband so she can sleep with her lover. Hope she’s found? Then what are you going to do have the airline do, subpoena her phone text records (they don’t have that power)? Are you planning on charging her with a crime? What law did she break? American Airlines policy for sure if true, but that’s it,...
Or perhaps she is lying in her texts…. Perhaps she is making up an excuse not to see her husband so she can sleep with her lover. Hope she’s found? Then what are you going to do have the airline do, subpoena her phone text records (they don’t have that power)? Are you planning on charging her with a crime? What law did she break? American Airlines policy for sure if true, but that’s it, and what if she produces a negative test for you? Will the mob just move along and go after it’s next outrage target that they only have bits and pieces of a story and immediately form an iron clad opinion about?
@Dan The Covidiots don't logic that hard. They just tend to stick their head deep into a hole do what they're told if it doesn't fit what they've been fed.
American Airlines doesn't owe anyone due process. AA is not the government.
Kind of like eating at Denny’s they can turn anyone away for any reason huh?
And if you lie about bringing a bomb on a plane, do you think you'll be let off if you said "I was just messing around"? Hope she gets taken in, and they can verify the contents of her message.
As Michael would say that’s false equivalence! And quite ridiculously hyperbolic and you know it!
Totally agree... Lifetime nofly ban.
What would happen if she declared she is covid positive? Would she get a refund of her fare? A re-schedule without paying the fare difference? If airlines want people to tell the truth, at the very least they should offer no-cost re-scheduling if you have a confirmed positive covid test.
The much-maligned cruise industry offers full refunds if your required pre-cruise covid test is positive. Real refunds, not future travel credit.
They do offer refunds if you test positive and thus cannot (and should not) fly on the unused portion of your ticket. I have a friend stuck in Dublin right now who tested positive and the airline refunded his return to the States, no questions asked. So...yep, this flyer was a complete selfish a******.
How is that anyone else's problem?
What if you break your leg and can't fly? What if you have a stroke and can't fly? Should the airline also comp you for that? No, it's called travel insurance. If anything, COVID is a much more predictable risk at this point. If you can't handle the risk or pay for insurance, then don't fly, it doesn't give you a license to lie.
"I don't like the rules, so I hereby declare my own rules, so that I get the privileges I seek."
Who cares??? Everyone has or will have Covid and it is now the new cold so nobody cares if you board a plane with cold. BTW, if masks are so effective, even having Covid would not be a threat to anyone. This is the new world we will leave in. Covid is here to stay.
Is a condom 100% effective?
I don't get what's your angle here.
Condoms are in fact 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Legally, they can't advertise as such because they have to factor in the idiots who are using or storing them wrong.
Masks are effective but not 100%. Now if the entire population wears positive pressure suits, that's another story.
@Eskimo, no, they aren't 100% effective, and neither are masks 100% effective at blocking transmission of COVID. And yet still it is prudent to use them, if one cares about trying to reduce the risk of harming others.
No point in arguing. Characteristics of each material is all high school chemistry. Effectiveness is statistics that needs to factor in user error.
Your existence is proof of how Murphy's law work on your parents.
Too bad unlike masks, humanity doesn't use enough birth control. But hey it would take the fun away from politicians who need to pick between life or choice because some messiah deemed science is blasphemy, and Jerry Springer...
No point in arguing. Characteristics of each material is all high school chemistry. Effectiveness is statistics that needs to factor in user error.
Your existence is proof of how Murphy's law work on your parents.
Too bad unlike masks, humanity doesn't use enough birth control. But hey it would take the fun away from politicians who need to pick between life or choice because some messiah deemed science is blasphemy, and Jerry Springer needs a job.
But yes I agree, please be a good member of society, wear a mask and mind your own business.
COVID is here to stay because of idiots like you not taking things seriously and/or saying "who cares?" You are part of the reason we are in this mess.
I’m vaxed, boosted and have had Covid and yes at this point, “Who Cares?”…. I still follow all the rules but I guess I don’t take it seriously enough for you, only because my passion is not pure enough I’m an idiot and I’m part of the reason for this mess? Nope, sorry…. Talk like that from you is going to loose more and more people from doing the right thing and is actually going to create more problems.
@DT No Covid is here to stay because it's an ENDEMIC. It is 1000000% impossible to stop & no amount of mask wearing and vaccination will stop the spread. Are you going to vaccinate every deer on earth in an attempt for it to go away? This is basic science 101. What part of this logic can your peanut brain not grasp?
@Basic 101 Logic
Your logic is correct.
But as an endemic that doesn't mean you would ignore preventive measures. Therefore @DT is also correct.
2nd Amendment doesn't give you license to kill. You're still responsible for you actions. But some people can't accept the reality of taking away their guns.
@DT: stay in your basement
Who cares ? I care. I want to lower the risk and that person commit fraud to jeopardize my health. Fine and nofly list.
American Airlines - red headrests? Not according to the picture of an inside of an AA plane you have at the top of the post. Also the detail on the back of the seat looks in the original post on Reddit looks slightly different than the detail on your picture of the inside of an actual AA plane. Maybe it is AA, but you probably want to be more certain before pointing the finger so definitively.
I’d be more concerned that she does not have her mobile device in airplane mode, especially with the upcoming 5G issues. If there is a rule that the FA should be called over and prompted to enforce it would be that one.
OMG not a cell phone is going to take down the plane! Lets start the next pandemic. All the pilots I know keep their phones on all flight, that should be all you need to know.
Well as an airline pilot I can tell you lots of delays and cancellations are still on the table in the coming months because the FAA might very well notam Cat 3b and RNP approaches as unusable with the implementation of 5G because a plane load of passengers in this day in age can’t be trusted to just follow the rules. I never said cellphones would bring a plane down. So you get to choose the rules you follow and which ones you don’t huh?
Nope but a whole load of passengers that can’t be bothered to follow that simple rule is going to create all kinds of cancellations, delays and diversions in a few months with the implementation of 5G which has the potential of having the FAA deem RNP and Cat 2/3 approaches unusable. I never said it can bring down an airplane. But clearly you think you can determine which rules to follow and which ones you...
Nope but a whole load of passengers that can’t be bothered to follow that simple rule is going to create all kinds of cancellations, delays and diversions in a few months with the implementation of 5G which has the potential of having the FAA deem RNP and Cat 2/3 approaches unusable. I never said it can bring down an airplane. But clearly you think you can determine which rules to follow and which ones you can break too. (Airline pilot here, and I do turn my phone off, because that is the rule).
Ridiculous invasion of her privacy for a virus that’s no more damaging than a flu at this point. If that text said I had the flu, this would be a non story.
I was in the hospital with the flu for 3 days in 2019; I have family members who died of COVID. Millions die of the flu every year, and more have died of COVID. Just admit you don't give a crap about other people and their health instead of trying to rationalize your selfishness.
People in ICU dissent about the "no more damaging than a flu"!
You don't have any right to privacy in a public place. This is not an invasion of anything. How virulent COVID is is also irrelevant. AA has a rule and she lied to get around it. If you can't follow rules don't fly.
Michael, you’re an idiot,
Snitches get stitches.
Covid can kill. Fraud is fraud.
You mean Fauci is a Fraud right?!
As much as I don't like this person, probably a very selfish person at her core, this guy needs to mind his own business. Bottomline: If you are sick or have a condition that would take Covid from a bad cold to fatal, stay home and isolate until this is over. For the rest of us, take reasonable precautions and live your life and quit the hysterics.
Do reasonable precautions including getting vaccinations?
For many people (a vast majority) yes that is a reasonable precaution and to some no. For some people with higher risk factors, double masked, boosted with a face shield is reasonable…. For many it is not. One size does not fit all, never has, never will. Loosen your grip on your narrative mate. All the best to you and stay healthy out there!
@Dan77W, if your reply is to me, thanks, but I have an appropriate amount of grip applied to my narrative. When more than 1/3 of the country says "I don't care what the scientifically appropriate steps to address a pandemic are", the country has a problem. Now we have reached a point where the rule-breakers tell the rule-followers to stay home and ride out the pandemic that the rule-breakers have made so much worse than...
@Dan77W, if your reply is to me, thanks, but I have an appropriate amount of grip applied to my narrative. When more than 1/3 of the country says "I don't care what the scientifically appropriate steps to address a pandemic are", the country has a problem. Now we have reached a point where the rule-breakers tell the rule-followers to stay home and ride out the pandemic that the rule-breakers have made so much worse than it ever had to be? Come on. That's not how adults in a shared society (yes, that is all of us) should behave.
Well the more you tighten that grip you’ll see that number grow to 2/3s and it’s gonna drive you even more insane. Just saying, because you are loosing rule-followers like me with as nasty as you all are being. The policy makers had 2 yrs to get this right and they blew it multiple times, instead of being accountable they have very effectively turned us all against each other!
The root cause is policy-makers? It's nasty to expect that mature adults will care enough about each other to do the right thing? What a fascinating look into your head.
Geeze Chuck I’m on your side, the root cause is the virus ….do you think the government handled this perfectly throughout? Am I even allowed to mention policy failures of BOTH administrations? Do you seriously think if we had 99% vaccinated that everything would be awesome right now? I don’t but there would be something else to blame at that point. Take your hate somewhere else! Again you are loosing normal rule followers like me with that vitriol!
Dan, do you understand how viruses work? Do you have any idea how little of a mess we would have right now if there were a 99% vaccination rate? Take even a few days to study epidemiology and you will start to get it. Neither administration has handled this perfectly. However, blaming policy-makers for this 2+ year debacle is like blaming the candles on the birthday cake for the house fire after the arsonist did...
Dan, do you understand how viruses work? Do you have any idea how little of a mess we would have right now if there were a 99% vaccination rate? Take even a few days to study epidemiology and you will start to get it. Neither administration has handled this perfectly. However, blaming policy-makers for this 2+ year debacle is like blaming the candles on the birthday cake for the house fire after the arsonist did his worst there. The self-proclaimed patriots' failure to care to follow rules and common sense and to care about other people is what has brought us here far, far more than anything else. Blaming those responsible for continuing to spread the virus like wildfire won't endear them to us? Gosh, noted.
Have you been in a cave the last...20 years? Did you think there is really anything in the country that you were going to 99% agreement on??? ANYTHING? There's probably not a lot we can get 75% on for more than a few weeks.
Fair enough, we agree but yet you still unleash a firehose of frustration on me (as if I was this woman) because I don’t agree seamlessly with you. As was said in a previous post there’s no way to get much more than 75% agreement on anything in this country and we are pretty much there. The more anger and frustration you show towards me, who is vaccinated, boosted, have had Covid, take mitigation...
Fair enough, we agree but yet you still unleash a firehose of frustration on me (as if I was this woman) because I don’t agree seamlessly with you. As was said in a previous post there’s no way to get much more than 75% agreement on anything in this country and we are pretty much there. The more anger and frustration you show towards me, who is vaccinated, boosted, have had Covid, take mitigation seriously only to be told I’m the problem because I’m not more upset with this lady leaves me scratching my head. Best of health to your family and friends truly.
Dan, you misread my comments if you think that I am upset with your lack of frustration with her. It's important to discuss issues and to strive for agreement, even if we think that we will never exceed 75% agreement. Failure to agree on facts and actual truth is a gigantic issue these days, and it can not be dismissed.
I'm sorry that you view my opinion as vitriol. My best friend's mother died of COVID. Another friend has been battling COVID's devastating effects for roughly 22 months. My next-door neighbor's sister and her husband died of COVID within 24 hours of each other, leaving their four little children. This is no joke, and this never should have gone on like it has. The failure to care about others and to understand the importance of...
I'm sorry that you view my opinion as vitriol. My best friend's mother died of COVID. Another friend has been battling COVID's devastating effects for roughly 22 months. My next-door neighbor's sister and her husband died of COVID within 24 hours of each other, leaving their four little children. This is no joke, and this never should have gone on like it has. The failure to care about others and to understand the importance of doing the right thing is at the heart of the matter. Thank you for getting vaccinated.
There is not and should not be any national law or edict requiring everyone to be vaccinated (and before you start, I am fully vaxxed and boosted and encourage everyone can to do the same) so no one is breaking any fule on that front. Whether the COVID hysterics like it or not, we still live in a free country. Funny how the same people that would force everyone to get the vaccine if probably...
There is not and should not be any national law or edict requiring everyone to be vaccinated (and before you start, I am fully vaxxed and boosted and encourage everyone can to do the same) so no one is breaking any fule on that front. Whether the COVID hysterics like it or not, we still live in a free country. Funny how the same people that would force everyone to get the vaccine if probably has a huge overlap with the crowd that shouts "body autonomy!!" when it suits them.
@Grumpy, read my comments and inform me where I said that a) I expect to get 99% agreement about anything, and b) that there should be a national law or edict requiring everyone to be vaccinated. Incidentally, how do you feel about schools requiring students to have MMR vaccines?
No one is forcing anyone to get vaccinated. But free country also dictates airlines get to ask you to sign off that you're not currently sick, and get to ban you if you lie about it. It also means I get to sue you for gross negligence if I can prove you knowingly flew next to me while infected.
No you have to prove harm first, then you can sue, then again with close to 1,000,000 new cases a day it would be hard to prove they were the vector. Inconvenient facts I know.
Nope. She comitted fraud on a legal form and put others at risk. Nofly ban .
You are not familiar with the legal world I see.
5th element required to be defined as fraud:
“the false statement must cause the victim some injury that leaves her or him in a worse position than she or he was in before the fraud.”
Otherwise she just lied
Just let her be.
Covid isn't going anywhere and it's time we learn to live with this virus.
I can learn to live with the virus. I can't learn to live with covidiots.
If the individual that took the photos had any genuine concern, that person would have spoken up right there and then. As it is, he/she is just creeping on someone’s conversation.
There you go...And I'm guessing a good portion of the plane is playing this same game. It's too easy in this me, me, me world.
Literally, every person has Omicrom or is going to get Omicron. Most will be asymptomatic. At this point who cares, even the liberal cities of NYC and Chicago don't care anymore. Hell, the leadership in Chicago is even saying it's basically just a cold since the teachers are being lazy and don't want to do their jobs. At this point if you are worried isolate yourself.
Anyone really scared of getting Covid at this point should just stay home. Anyone going outside is exposed. Blaming a particular person for spreading is silly.
So don't blame someone who has COVID and knows they are likely to spread a deadly (albeit less deadly with Omicron) disease from doing whatever they want? Personal responsibility should just take a hike? Interesting
Yeah if you are so worried about catching it. Stay at home! Pretty simple.
Nope. She comitted fraud on a legal form and put others at risk. Nofly ban .
Personal responsibility is staying at home. You are responsible for what you can control.
At this point, cause people like you tired all of us out over the last 2 years…yea. We are tired of the bullying, the shaming, the judging of others whether they are in the right or wrong… do what you need to do to protect yourself, get vaxed, get boosted if you like, wear a mask and a face shield (in reality that won’t help you, we will all get omicron in the next few week). Like you said personal responsibility!
"Tired of the bullying" lol
You are putting others' lives at risk - YES, you should be judged for that. In fact, you should be jailed for that. Freedom of personal choice does not give you the right to endanger the lives of others. Stop trying to rationalize your ignorance and selfishness.
I am vaxed and boosted and follow the rules, Forgive me if I have a different opinion…. Responses like yours are the bullying and shaming I speak of and you are loosing normal people like me into the “I don’t care” category.
How about if you have COVID YOU stay home? Airline rules are clear, and she knowingly lied to circumvent them.
Again Michael, I agree… Like I said I’m vaxxed, boosted, wear a mask, mitigate ….why are you venting at me that I’m just not surprised yet I’m not that outraged either. I do my part, why are you sooo upset that I’m not more upset over this?
If you're saying the poster should mind their own business, you're missing one important point: the airlines require EVERYONE to agree to their terms and conditions, INCLUDING that they aren't knowingly COVID positive. What would you say if someone found out a passenger had skipped the TSA line or was lying about their ability to open an emergency exit? "Mind your own business?" Lol. GTFO.
You don't get to be an entitled POS who runs...
If you're saying the poster should mind their own business, you're missing one important point: the airlines require EVERYONE to agree to their terms and conditions, INCLUDING that they aren't knowingly COVID positive. What would you say if someone found out a passenger had skipped the TSA line or was lying about their ability to open an emergency exit? "Mind your own business?" Lol. GTFO.
You don't get to be an entitled POS who runs around breaking the rules when everyone else is following them. This woman was caught and she deserves whatever repercussions are coming her way. Good riddance to dangerous, evil people.
It's hilarious that you think TSA actually does anything to keep you safe on an airline. LMFAO!
lol at that, just flew from Hawaii yesterday and forgot about 2 full size bottles of wine that were in my carryon, and was NOT caught by TSA security check!!
@Your daddy (haha, weird handle)
So, everybody should just skip TSA? Or should we ban TSA entirely? Interesting! I wonder what would happen next?!
If you look at the studies and random test they do at TSA checkpoints; unfortunately, the agents overwhelming fail and let a large percent of the weapons through security. If they are failing the tests, then the same is happening with the general public. If a group of people really wanted to take over a plane, they could easily do it. So yes TSA is worthless.
And do you put your device in airplane mode? If not your an entitled POS. Guess what, no repercussion will come to this woman…. Because in the eyes of the law there is no proof she did anything wrong, and if the airline moved on her to ban her on this basis alone the resultant lawsuit would make this woman rich. Good riddance to dangerous, evil people you say? Some might say your opinions are...
And do you put your device in airplane mode? If not your an entitled POS. Guess what, no repercussion will come to this woman…. Because in the eyes of the law there is no proof she did anything wrong, and if the airline moved on her to ban her on this basis alone the resultant lawsuit would make this woman rich. Good riddance to dangerous, evil people you say? Some might say your opinions are evil and dangerous but yet I wish you no harm and hope you stay healthy…. But yet you are the one hoping bad things happen to people. I guess that says everything!
Wow, those are some real mental gymnastics you've used to try to turn this around on me rather than the woman who is exposing everyone around her involuntarily to COVID. I mean, if that's what gets you through life, best of luck.
No gymnastics at all I wish you all the best…. Yes wishing people I disagree with to be healthy, safe and happy gets me through life, you should try it rather than being bitter and outraged towards the woman in this photo who you don’t know nor will ever meet! She merely a symbol who the policy makers told you to focus your anger, frustration on as opposed to them. Once again best wishes, health and success to all those around you!
Mind your own business. I doubt spying on a text carry enough burden of proof.
She wasn't caught. She didn't break any laws (depending on where it happen).
If she knows what "false light" is, it is better to mind your own business.
Like it or not, we live in a broken society under the excuse of freedom and constitution.
Unless you see an actual crime happening, you mind your own damn business.
Lying to get on the plane violated federal law. Crime happening.
What federal law you are referring to?
There is no such federal law. Karen can lie about having Covid and still legally board the flight, as far as federal goes.
Um that’s not breaking Federal Law, FAA regulation and emergency order…. Civil penalties for sure, but not Criminal ones!
Mind your own business. You will ALL get this strain. Doesn't matter if you've had one shot, two shots, fifty three shots. One mask, two masks, ten masks. Haven't you vaccine cultists accepted this fact yet?
Weird how all the commentators today seem to be taking the position that knowingly flying with COVID or attending a mass event / hockey game with COVID is somehow ok. The pandemic may be (let's hope!) in its last throes but folks like this woman have certainly been no help in ending it sooner or stopping its spread.
I certainty don't think it's okay to do those things... only a selfish scumbag with no concern for anyone but themselves would do them. But for every woman doing this there are probably 100 other people who are infected without knowing it and are equally contagious and contributing to the issue. The issue at this stage isn't the clickbait headlines about someone who was caught being an a**hole.... it's the fact that COVID is all...
I certainty don't think it's okay to do those things... only a selfish scumbag with no concern for anyone but themselves would do them. But for every woman doing this there are probably 100 other people who are infected without knowing it and are equally contagious and contributing to the issue. The issue at this stage isn't the clickbait headlines about someone who was caught being an a**hole.... it's the fact that COVID is all around us and is here to stay and we need to learn to live with it.
@Ryan So what you're saying is why catch murderers, or arsonists, or really any criminal because for every one you catch there are tons of others still on the loose out there?
Nope that’s not what these comments are saying….you are reading into the comments your own narrative. It’s just that it’s inconsequential and everyone here is rolling their eyes at the thought that we are supposed to be outraged or surprised.
@Dan77W, you sound like the type of person who says "she had it coming because her skirt was too short".
@Ryan, all pax need to sign off that they don't have COVID or symptoms. She lied not only once, but twice when she used a fake test to go into a hockey game. She also said "shhh". Explain to me why do the rest of us have to stay home so that she gets to fly?
Solution is simple. Flag a FA, ask to be reseated and ban the passenger for life.
Michael, you shouldn't have to stay home ... you should go live life and use the tools that are available to protect yourself (vaccinations, masking, sanitizing, etc.). My point is that you are likely exposed to COVID-19 all the time in your day to day routine whether someone nearby lied about it or not. This will be the case for a long time and is unfortunately the new reality. You will be regularly exposed. That's...
Michael, you shouldn't have to stay home ... you should go live life and use the tools that are available to protect yourself (vaccinations, masking, sanitizing, etc.). My point is that you are likely exposed to COVID-19 all the time in your day to day routine whether someone nearby lied about it or not. This will be the case for a long time and is unfortunately the new reality. You will be regularly exposed. That's a fact. The question is how you react to it - with acceptance and comfort that you've done everything you can to minimize your own impacts, or, in constant fear and paranoia of those around you and what they are doing?
My 3 year old can't get vaccinated and she's at risk because of people like her.
I respond to it by notifying a FA and showing them the evidence, and let the passenger deal with the repercussions. "People are just assholes, whatcha gonna do?" is not a get out of jail free card. If I catch you knowingly exposing me or my family onboard, I'm not keeping quiet. She should deal with the consequences of her actions, not everyone else.
Don’t see how dare rape has anything to do with this. But by all means wrap yourself up in emotion and howl at the moon. Why do you have to stay at home might I ask? Are you in lockdown in Australia or something? Can an FA demand this passenger take a rapid Covid test on the spot? Perhaps this person was on their phone screwing with the nosy person over their shoulder…. Have...
Don’t see how dare rape has anything to do with this. But by all means wrap yourself up in emotion and howl at the moon. Why do you have to stay at home might I ask? Are you in lockdown in Australia or something? Can an FA demand this passenger take a rapid Covid test on the spot? Perhaps this person was on their phone screwing with the nosy person over their shoulder…. Have you ever thought of that? Both people are exhibiting unacceptable behavior. Some would say the person posting just as deplorable, but that’s opinion,
Why I travel or don't travel is irrelevant to the story. But since you asked, I stay at home because my unvaccinated 3 year-old could end up sitting next to an unvaccinated, de-wormed bitch like this. If you're more offended by someone reading someone else's screen in a public place than by someone not only lying to the airline and violating airline policy, but also being you know, just a general asshole of a human...
Why I travel or don't travel is irrelevant to the story. But since you asked, I stay at home because my unvaccinated 3 year-old could end up sitting next to an unvaccinated, de-wormed bitch like this. If you're more offended by someone reading someone else's screen in a public place than by someone not only lying to the airline and violating airline policy, but also being you know, just a general asshole of a human being by knowingly traveling while infected, then I'm not the one who's howling at the moon.
Take a look at the rest of the comments on here so far and take a step back and reassess. Both of these individuals are in their own self bubble of self importance and it’s abhorrent. Could you be willing to step out of your own point of view and at least try to see it from us people that have been following the rules got the jab, got boosted, still got Covid are...
Take a look at the rest of the comments on here so far and take a step back and reassess. Both of these individuals are in their own self bubble of self importance and it’s abhorrent. Could you be willing to step out of your own point of view and at least try to see it from us people that have been following the rules got the jab, got boosted, still got Covid are done with all of it, then see a case like this and just can’t be bothered to get outraged and shame…. Because we are too tired of it and have just as much animosity at this point towards this crazy person taking the photos as the people spreading the Covid.
Reading someone else's screen in a public place is not highly contagious. It's also not illegal or against airline policy. The comparison is a false equivalence. They're not on the same ballpark. They're not even in the same planet.
False equivalence? No I think both parties are a little nuts …. Nuts like having a difference of opinion with someone then coming to a conclusion that I would victim shame a date rape victim? Geeeze!
If you think they are equally egregious you're entitled to your own wrong opinion. Most reasonable human beings would agree lying and flying with COVID is acting like a sociopath, and it impacts others. But you do you. TIA.
I agree lying and flying with COVID IS sociopathic, never said I didn’t….I also think it’s nuts that some creep spying and documenting their selfishness, can’t I think that’s a little weird? When I had Covid I isolated and wouldn’t even think of getting on a plane. You seem to think I’m saying what that woman did was ok, like I’m defending her or something. You seem to be taking ur frustration towards this woman on me…..that a little nuts too!
At a certain point reality must reimpose itself. What on earth led to this crazy person to read other peoples’ texts then take photos of someone’s texts then upload it to get likes and clicks and outrage online. This is before you get to the subject of Covid. At this point it’s hard to say which party of this story is more mentally deranged and in need of therapy, actually the more you think about it it’s the person taking the pictures!
Actually, you're wrong
Naw actually you are wrong Ben, to most normal people there is something seriously wrong with both parties here.
Yeah, sorry Ben but you're wrong. Might I suggest cutting back on the COVID porn that the mainstream media is churning out 24/7?
I think we’re getting at the point I. This pandemic where you can really just focus on keeping yourself safe and taking that personal responsibility. In my case that’s being fully vaccinated, following the protocols onboard and in the airport, and traveling with the knowledge that I will likely come into contact with positive people. Those that find it an unacceptable risk or want to lecture or otherwise tell others what to do probably shouldn’t...
I think we’re getting at the point I. This pandemic where you can really just focus on keeping yourself safe and taking that personal responsibility. In my case that’s being fully vaccinated, following the protocols onboard and in the airport, and traveling with the knowledge that I will likely come into contact with positive people. Those that find it an unacceptable risk or want to lecture or otherwise tell others what to do probably shouldn’t be traveling right now. There were probably several asymptomatic people on the plane who didn’t even know they had it.
Not to say that I approve off the disgusting behavior of the passengers in the photos… more just acknowledging that we can’t live in a bubble forever and are likely exposed to COVID regularly anyway.
While there will always be some selfish idiots, many people are also worried about being stuck in isolation away from home. Even worse if they are in another country. And while mentally exhausting, it can also be financially crippling. Without a solution for such cases, people will continue to lie about their status if it makes the difference between stuck elsewhere and being able to get home. I am not condoning anyone's lies but I...
While there will always be some selfish idiots, many people are also worried about being stuck in isolation away from home. Even worse if they are in another country. And while mentally exhausting, it can also be financially crippling. Without a solution for such cases, people will continue to lie about their status if it makes the difference between stuck elsewhere and being able to get home. I am not condoning anyone's lies but I am just trying to present another perspective.