If you’re going to fake a vaccine card (please don’t), at least learn how to spell the name of the vaccine…
In this post:
Woman violates Hawaii quarantine with fake vaccine card
Hawaii is the US state with the strictest entry requirements. With the Hawaii Safe Travels program, all visitors to Hawaii either need to be fully vaccinated or get tested prior to travel. Those who aren’t vaccinated or tested need to undergo a 10-day quarantine upon arrival in Hawaii.
There have been quite a few stories of people trying to violate Hawaii’s travel policies, and the state does a pretty job of tracking down these people and charging them (though who knows how many people get away with it).
24-year-old Chloe Mrozak from Illinois entered Hawaii on Monday, August 23, 2021. In her pre-travel forms, Mrozak indicated that she was vaccinated, and uploaded a copy of her vaccine card, allowing her to skip the quarantine.
Upon arrival at Honolulu’s Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL), the Safe Travels administrator flagged the vaccine card as possibly being fraudulent. The reason? Among other things, the handwritten vaccine card listed her vaccine as being “Maderna,” rather than “Moderna.”

She was still allowed to enter the state, since typically any verification of legitimacy of documents is done after the fact and on the back-end. Unfortunately the screener also failed to confirm that the hotel reservation that Mrozak listed in her Safe Travels profile was legitimate.
Mrozakn stated in her paperwork that she would be staying at the Holiday Inn Express Waikiki, but when officials called the hotel, they learned that she didn’t have a reservation there.
So, how was the traveler caught?
This is perhaps where it gets even more interesting. Investigators knew that the traveler was using a fake vaccine card, but had no easy way to get ahold of her, given that she didn’t list where she was actually staying.
Mrozakn stated in her paperwork she was returning on American Airlines, but investigators believed she was actually flying Southwest Airlines. The reason? She flew to Hawaii on Southwest, and a majority of flights to Hawaii are purchased as roundtrips.
Investigators looked at her Facebook profile, and noticed she had a distinctive tattoo on her left leg. So airport officials were made aware of this. Sure enough, on Saturday, August 28 the woman was spotted at a Southwest Airlines check-in counter, getting ready to return to the mainland.
Mrozakn was taken into custody, and first screened for coronavirus, and then transferred to the Honolulu Police Department. She’s accused of falsifying vaccination documents, which is a misdemeanor offense. Her bail has been set at $2,000.
Bottom line
A traveler to Hawaii was caught using a fake vaccine card — talk about being both reckless and dumb. Hawaii isn’t asking a lot by requesting visitors get tested or vaccinated. The fact that someone would go through the effort to get a fake vaccine card sure is deplorable. I’m curious to see what kind of punishment she’s subjected to.
This traveler is far from the first to try to sneak their way into Hawaii. We’ve seen travelers arrested for trying to bribe their way into the state, and we’ve also seen people try to fly to Hawaii after testing positive for coronavirus.
Given the huge increase in cases in Hawaii which has a high percentage of vaccinated, why would they let anyone in without a negative test? The vaccine does not prevent transmission.
Handwritten vaccination cards?! What's wrong with the US?
Listen, the EU developed its digital Covid pass earlier this year. It's an open specification, royalty-free. Just take it and use it. It's convenient and it can't be faked. Reader apps are available in every app store.
I can't believe that flimsy paper card is all the official proof that's required - isn't there a more secure digital system about? (see what other countries have done)
She must have been a rednecked Trumpster
CDC card looks like it was done by a 5 year old. This is more than a 'misdemeanor ' . Surely she has contravened a public health Act, or even forgery of an official document.
The list of possible crimes could be lengthy for any motivated prosecutor. Letting her get away with it only encourages others, thereby increasing the Covid risk to all Hawaii.
Make an example of her. Huge fine or a bit of jail time at least.
We already know that group of folks are not the biggest bulbs in the store. Who wants to bet that the rest of her life is also a colossal hot mess.
She is probably like the young dummy I was listening to berating his friend for getting a vaccine making grandiose statements about why would anyone do that when they don't know whats in the vaccine blah blah.... All the while dummy was holding a...
We already know that group of folks are not the biggest bulbs in the store. Who wants to bet that the rest of her life is also a colossal hot mess.
She is probably like the young dummy I was listening to berating his friend for getting a vaccine making grandiose statements about why would anyone do that when they don't know whats in the vaccine blah blah.... All the while dummy was holding a vape in one hand. People like them probably thinks irony is something you use to flatten your sheets.
May be it’s because I am European, but why on earth do we need to expose ones misbehavior to this degree ? Link off to their Facebook profile ?
Because logic and reason doesn't work with this group. Public shaming is far more effective.
Maderna did great songs back in the day, I especially liked “Vague”
Lol. That made my day.
Maderna did great songs back in the day, I especially liked “Vague”.
Ben L.
To say nothing of run on sentences.
Looked at her Facebook page and boy oh boy people left interesting messages.
Oy is back!! :-)
What's the status on Nowawacks though?
My first dose lists 'Phizer' and the second dose looks like it's written as 'Pfieer' even though the card is legitimate and the electronic records with the provider that administered the doses are correct. I had no issues with using the card for Safe Travels.
Canada fines people about US$16,000 for forgeries.
In Europe /U.K. we have all this online with apps and QR codes etc that are updated frequent. Since the US doesn’t have universal healthcare and tens of 1000s of providers, what do they expect with a flimsy card which, with wear and tear , won’t last long. It’s surprising other countries even allow Americans to travel with these cards , let alone other states. They can be easily produced and faked, unlike the more sophisticated systems we have here.
That is not true. In Germany our official vaccination card is made of paper.
It’s possible to have a digital version via the Covpass. The US has no such possibility.
True that there is no federal digital vaccination "vaccination passport", but some states have them. I spent the summer traveling around the world (where I could; everywhere but Asia/SoPacific basically), including Hawaii, and lost my dang paper vaccination card, but thank goodness that California has a digital "passport" record of vaccinations which I was able to download. I would have been screwed otherwise.
She is a big dammy! I mean...
I'm not sure where this sense of entitlement and lack of care is coming from, but it's pathetic. Anti-maskers who can't be bothered to where a mask in public during a pandemic that has killed millions. Not wanting to take a vaccine but still wanting to travel and circumvent the requirements.
Just plain selfish.
I still don’t get why someone would think the possibility of multiple charges including a felony (i think its 2 charges that most ive read are hit with) and a hefty fine and jail time is worth the risk of simply trying to avoid a FREE shot.
Think these situations are the reason we need a federal or private company database of real vaccinations
She is probably an antivaxxer with certain political leanings thinking that falsifying the vaccination card is an act of heroically resisting the current administration.
Odd no one caught my vaccine card stating I have the Jackson & Jackson vaccine
Screw that, give me the Fizer.
Here’s an idea… maybe don’t have your vaccine record be a crappy piece of paper
Damn, I can't believe nobody thought of this while trying to distribute millions of vaccine doses ASAP during a deadly pandemic, while mainly handling vaccination through state governments and private healthcare providers because there's so much fear, distrust, and hatred of the federal government that a centralized digital database for federally administered vaccines is a practical and political impossibility
Well, to be honest, other countries (European) have been able to do just that! I' be got my green pass as a piece of paper and on my cel phone as a QR code.
Fear, distrust and hatred sown by a certain political party so they can manipulate the misinformed. E.g. Gut FEMA then point to FEMA’s failures to help people during a crisis. Heck of a job, Brownie!
Wow. That’s some sleuthing.
Must have had Five-O on the case!
Ben, are you certain it’s a falsified card based solely on the fact Moderna is misspelled?
Do you think there is a chance that a line worker that completed the card during the timeframe listed on the card during the vaccination rush could have phonetically spelled it albeit incorrectly?
If not, perhaps you should recheck your blog where you misspelled her last name multiple times.
Ben isn't the one accusing her of falsifying her record. The state of Hawaii is. It's possible that the front line worker misspelled it, but they did it twice, and over a month apart? The fact that it's clearly the same handwriting for both doses is highly suspicious, especially since the healthcare provider lists a different name. Or did Ms. Mrozak conveniently lose her card between doses so all information on this card was filled...
Ben isn't the one accusing her of falsifying her record. The state of Hawaii is. It's possible that the front line worker misspelled it, but they did it twice, and over a month apart? The fact that it's clearly the same handwriting for both doses is highly suspicious, especially since the healthcare provider lists a different name. Or did Ms. Mrozak conveniently lose her card between doses so all information on this card was filled out after the second dose? The provider names seem to suggest a military connection as well because they appear to say 'Cpl Wolf' and 'Ssg Montey', so it should be easy to verify. Regardless, the state let her in while they flagged her card for review. If it's real, the state, county, city, or healthcare administrator will have record of her vaccine to verify the card.
Once you grasp reading comprehension Stevie, life will be much smoother. But you can read so be proud of this first step.
Ben is just repeating what the gov't of Hawaii is stating.
Also isn't it odd the handwriting is all similar?
Maybe the lady lost the card and had to get it reissued.
Or not?
It's really odd that you want to give tons of benefit of doubt when there are red flags everywhere.
Good job tracking her down. Now, throw the book at her!