Actions speak louder than words, but I wanted to go ahead and put this out there, both because it’s my genuine intent to follow through on this, and so y’all can hold me to this.
In this post:
Why the past couple of years have had fewer trip reports
Everyone on the internet is looking for different things, and I know that a lot of people first enjoyed OMAAT because of the travel reviews and trip reports. I also recognize that the past couple of years haven’t exactly been my best for those reviews.
I think on the surface that shouldn’t be too surprising, since the pandemic hasn’t exactly been a great time to be a travel blogger. While I’ve published quite a few hotel reviews the past couple of years, there haven’t been as many airline reviews and lounge reviews. That will be changing, though let me provide some background on why things have been the way they are.
As long time readers know, my mom has been battling cancer for nearly three years now, and during that time my number one priority has been spending time with her. It has been an absolute joy and privilege to be able to spend so much time with her, and most of my travels the past couple of years have been with her. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Despite it being her most challenging year health-wise, she also said that 2021 was her best year ever, as we went on so many amazing adventures, from New Orleans, to Big Sur, to Hawaii, to Greece, to the Netherlands, and more. We’ll both cherish the memories forever.

To be honest, I’ve struggled to be in a place mentally where (on the surface) frivolous trips are appealing. When one of the most important people in your life is terminally ill, you just want to spend as much time with them as possible, and frankly it’s hard to maintain perspective on other things in life.
Furthermore, with each trip I’ve tried to consider her health and wellbeing. While we’re all boosted and take all the precautions we can, I also recognize the importance of keeping her healthy, and take that seriously. For the record, my mom has encouraged me to travel as much as possible, but I just haven’t wanted to — this has been entirely on me.
Even beyond my mom’s situation, the whole concept of reviewing travel during the pandemic has been challenging:
- While I think it’s starting to get better (as the world learns to live with coronavirus), there has been a lot of shame around non-essential travel during the pandemic
- Airline product offerings have been constantly changing during the pandemic, so reviewing an experience when it’s likely to change soon doesn’t seem like a great use of resources (in terms of points, money, and time)
- Trip reports are an absolutely massive time commitment, and it’s hard to justify them if they’re not relevant in the long run; that’s why I’ve largely been focused on writing guides that will have more long term value, though I realize they aren’t always going to be that interesting to long time readers

Why am I changing my approach now?
My changing approach reflects my overall evolving view on life. Personally I think the current stage in the pandemic is likely to be the new normal, and I’m going to live my life. I’ll continue to take precautions as before (and I still haven’t gotten coronavirus), but at this point there’s nothing to wait on anymore.
The world has been dealing with coronavirus for around two years now, and I’m not counting on anything changing. I’ll do my part by getting vaccinated and boosted, wearing masks when needed, taking precautions around vulnerable people, getting tested, not going to social events (okay, I’m just an introvert and that’s a convenient excuse I hope to be able to use for years to come, shhh), etc.
Furthermore, the reality is that travel and the airline and hotel industries are my passion. I feel like a big part of me has been missing with significantly scaled back travel (and I realize I’m incredibly lucky, as the pandemic has been much more challenging for so many people).
One of my main priorities in life will continue to be spending time with my mom, and I’ll take the steps necessary to protect her as much as possible, by getting tested when traveling, isolating if I even feel slightly unwell, etc. In the meantime, get ready for some new airline product reviews, plus some new points hotel reviews.

Bottom line
I’m making a commitment right now that you can expect a lot more trip reports going forward. The past couple of years have been challenging, not just due to the impact of the pandemic on travel, but also due to personal circumstances.
I appreciate those who have continued reading OMAAT during the pandemic, and I mean it when I say that trip reports will be a priority going forward. I have a couple of very interesting trips coming up that I think readers will enjoy, so stay tuned for details on those (I’ll do more “live” posting of these trips).
While I’m sure life still has some curveballs for me over the coming months and years, I’m ready to try to return to normal as much as possible.
I am sorry to hear such great suffering in these years on your side. Your blog is one of the best traveling blogs in the world, which delighted me a lot when I am currently in China mainland with travel restrictions. Hope everything will come back to the original track soon and I can travel freely with other frequent flyers globally in the near future.
Ben, I have been reading your blog for over 12 years now and I did so during the pandemic, and have no intentions of changing that in any which way. Focus on your priorities, mom is the most important, she comes first - we will be fine with your decisions. Keep writing as per your conveniences. Thanks!
Safe travels!
If what I do is an essential service, writing trip reports certainly is. If I can make a suggestion, if you can include COVID-testing related information, such as what it was like to get tested at BRU, or where to get tested in Paris the day before a return flight, I think people would find that tremendously helpful if the restrictions continue this summer.
Yes! Thank you excited to read them!
Your blog (with travel reports is better of course) is a great comfort to people still trapped in the stupid zero case policy.
Best to your mom. It's so hard...
Ben we luv you and love your site, you have a respected opinion in the industry. The clickbait stuff kinda sucks but it's across the board on all platforms due to the troubling times. Cherish the moments with your family, you'll never be able to get that back. Planes will be flying and there will be business classes to review in the future. We will be here ready to consume. One love.
You are an amazing, talented and kind person. I think your priorities are perfect and I fully support you and your families journey.
There is not a single review that I havent enjoyed nor a trip report that I have not imagined myself taking the trip too. Thank you and very best to you and your family.
Awesome to here your personal thoughts and best to you and your family! Consider recruiting people to help contribute to the trip reports as well since it is a valuable aspect given the pandemic changes. Its a community and you shouldn’t feel burdened to do it all
Great news Ben. Of course understanding why you've been doing less trip reports, and we all wish the best to your mother, the last 2 years hasn't been particularly interesting content, particularly for non US based readers like myself. I'd echo the request for more premium economy reviews. Whilst not a great use of points often times the cash fare is compelling compared to economy and business, and there seems to be relatively little out...
Great news Ben. Of course understanding why you've been doing less trip reports, and we all wish the best to your mother, the last 2 years hasn't been particularly interesting content, particularly for non US based readers like myself. I'd echo the request for more premium economy reviews. Whilst not a great use of points often times the cash fare is compelling compared to economy and business, and there seems to be relatively little out there on it. Looking forward to the next little while. Stay safe.
Lucky, I think I speak for all your loyal followers, that we have not minded at all there’s been less reviews. We all I hope understand that spending time with your family is more important, especially as your mom is going thru her treatments, and as your dad ages. It was important for you to be safe, not travel if not necessary, to protect your family as much as you could. We have been following...
Lucky, I think I speak for all your loyal followers, that we have not minded at all there’s been less reviews. We all I hope understand that spending time with your family is more important, especially as your mom is going thru her treatments, and as your dad ages. It was important for you to be safe, not travel if not necessary, to protect your family as much as you could. We have been following the blog, and will keep following your blog!
Best wishes to you and your family.
You’re the best in the business, Ben. Thank you for sharing this. I’m a similar age to you and have lost both parents in the last 7 years, and you never get that time again. But you also only have one life and you cannot put it ‘on hold’ indefinitely - because you never do know what is around the corner. You will probably find a reason to beat yourself up either way.
So, I...
You’re the best in the business, Ben. Thank you for sharing this. I’m a similar age to you and have lost both parents in the last 7 years, and you never get that time again. But you also only have one life and you cannot put it ‘on hold’ indefinitely - because you never do know what is around the corner. You will probably find a reason to beat yourself up either way.
So, I look forward to reading your reviews, when you’re ready. It’s also ok though if you end up not doing all the reviews you want - this is not failure. It’s called being human. And you owe nobody an explanation.
Should also say I respect you for following covid restrictions and minimising non-essential travel, when we were in that stage of the pandemic. Again, kudos as you called it right.
All the best.
Great approach, Ben! I too am trying to move forward with life and travel as I used to, but with new restrictions in place.
You have no reason to explain why you’ve made the choices you have made. But I appreciate your sharing the background. I think every reasonable person understands and looks forward to your trip reports again.
Glad Ben is back in the game. We need your reviews for selecting trips.....felt naked last year when I went to Croatia and couldn't find much useful content from you for the trip!
I want you to take at least one overseas trip in Coach class economy it will not be the end of the world and I will give you a new perspective on life and things like that thank you for your time this is a good reading material
Doing a voice chat it should say it will give you
I'm happy you are going to start traveling more! I've been reading you for many, many years and have always enjoyed your reviews the best. I would like to see more premium economy reviews. Most of the business class seats haven't changed so it would be nice to have some really good reviews of other classes of service (even some regular old economy-not extra leg room/exit row seats). More mid-range hotel reviews would be nice too.
@ Deborah -- Great feedback, thanks!
"there has been a lot of shame around non-essential travel during the pandemic"
The people who are against travel will never be readers or customers of this blog. Dont change to cater to a group of people who never have and never will support you at the expense of your loyal readers.
This is the problem today. THERE IS NO ONE who actually reads and is a regular to this site that wants to shame...
"there has been a lot of shame around non-essential travel during the pandemic"
The people who are against travel will never be readers or customers of this blog. Dont change to cater to a group of people who never have and never will support you at the expense of your loyal readers.
This is the problem today. THERE IS NO ONE who actually reads and is a regular to this site that wants to shame you for traveling. People and companies need to stop pandering to people who are never going to support because whether you see it or not you drive away current readers.
Ben, It's been a long two years hasn't it. I remember the live streams with you and Tiffany at the beginning of the pandemic bringing a rare source of joy in those early dark days.
I lost my father last June and wasn't able to see him for months because he was in a memory care facility (closed to visitors). It's hard to lose him by I know my dad would want me traveling and...
Ben, It's been a long two years hasn't it. I remember the live streams with you and Tiffany at the beginning of the pandemic bringing a rare source of joy in those early dark days.
I lost my father last June and wasn't able to see him for months because he was in a memory care facility (closed to visitors). It's hard to lose him by I know my dad would want me traveling and following my dreams which is also something I plan to do again in 2022.
Your blog remains my first choice for reviews and news.
I know this is a bit off brand for you but I'd love to see reviews of some of the new US Airlines (Breeze, Aha!, Avelo). For international perhaps ITA, the new Virgin Australia (when you can). A lot has changed in two years. I'd love the OMAAT take on all these new things.
Thanks for letting us follow along!
@ mdande7 -- I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how hard that must have been. And thank you for the feedback, those airlines are all on my radar.
As US airlines emerge from the pandemic, and introduce their post pandemic service, it would be great to get your take. I have read that United is testing their post-pandemic Polaris offering now, and will roll it out in the near future. It would be cool to see you do a premium transcon review as it appears the ice cream sundae cart and some other elements sadly will not be returning.
Ben, OMAAT has always been one of my very favorite blogs , both because of the great information, but also because of the honesty about your circumstances epitomized by this post. Your insights over the years have been a game changer for me in travel. In light of the pandemic, I totally understood the difference in content, and, in fact, viewed that as a positive that you were being careful. Of course, I knew your...
Ben, OMAAT has always been one of my very favorite blogs , both because of the great information, but also because of the honesty about your circumstances epitomized by this post. Your insights over the years have been a game changer for me in travel. In light of the pandemic, I totally understood the difference in content, and, in fact, viewed that as a positive that you were being careful. Of course, I knew your mother was quite ill, and from reading your posts over the years, understand how you treasure both of your parents. I’m the mother of a young adult son, and I believe your mother is truly deeply blessed to have you as a son. I’m so sorry about the situation for her, for you, and all others affected, but your time and caring for her is in my opinion not in the same galaxy as a few more trip reports. Your faithful readers will still be here. And to echo another commenter, I’ve been at conferences with you, even sat next to you at a lunch, you’re very personable and everyone really enjoyed your being there.
Excited to see more!! Best wishes to your Mom and family.
As an aside, whatever happened to Tiffany? Will we see content from her? It's been awhile and I always enjoyed her view on things.
Commitments are very "airline" speak - how many times has AA or UA made a 'commitment' to customer service
I kid
First of all, my thoughts are with you and your family. Second, and a distant second at that, I very much look forward to new reviews!! I started following your blog around 6 years ago when I began working as a consultant (and the travel it entails) and cannot thank you enough for all the points/miles insight you have provided over the past years!
From booking alternative routes, to transferring points from Credit Cards...
First of all, my thoughts are with you and your family. Second, and a distant second at that, I very much look forward to new reviews!! I started following your blog around 6 years ago when I began working as a consultant (and the travel it entails) and cannot thank you enough for all the points/miles insight you have provided over the past years!
From booking alternative routes, to transferring points from Credit Cards to your second (or third) loyalty program, I have had the pleasure to fly some of the most premium cabins in the world (JAL First, SG F, BA F, and some top-notch biz) on points. Also, some great offers to visit my parents in Europe when prices were crazy of AA had terrible availability (both biz and economy on Iberia, AF, Avianca via Bogota!, etc.).
Take care!
"there has been a lot of shame around non-essential travel during the pandemic"
Only from self-appointed whiny scolds. They should be ignored.
That said, you will never regret time spent with your mother now over time traveling.
First, my heart goes out to you and your Mother during this difficult period. She should remain your highest priority.
I’d like to see some reports on the way forward for the US international carriers. As someone who has traveled internationally, mostly on AA, throughout the pandemic not much remotely resembles old routes, connections and even aircraft that were there in 2019 and years prior. Even in this ramping up period, things are very...
First, my heart goes out to you and your Mother during this difficult period. She should remain your highest priority.
I’d like to see some reports on the way forward for the US international carriers. As someone who has traveled internationally, mostly on AA, throughout the pandemic not much remotely resembles old routes, connections and even aircraft that were there in 2019 and years prior. Even in this ramping up period, things are very turbulent (excuse the bad pun) with scheduling. This week, a May flight to CDG was removed from the schedule and I rescheduled on DL. Any industry insights from leadership would be very useful content.
Ben just want to share with you my day, Sitting in my office and onemileatatime is being refreshed every few minutes to see if there is anything new. as an ultra-orthodox Jew, I love relaxing after a long holiday on your website sometimes it will take a long time to catch up. Keep it up and you should be proud of what you are doing with your mom
keep going Ben! We love you and support you!
Be who you are, and do what makes your life fulfilling (within reasonable bounds, of course). Thank you for choosing to spend your time on something that I enjoy reading.
When your trip reports declined, I assumed you were traveling less, and was wondering/worried about your mom. I love your blog because of your voice and personality, and still think your blog is the best. Best wishes to you and your mom.
Good health to you and your family, looking forward to more trip reports.
Best wishes to your Mother and your whole family. I wish you many more new memories together.
I can still name a number of things - topped off with the Miraval BOGO promotion recently, that I have heard from you first. Despite so much devastation and the turmoil in travel, I still look forward to a good read of your blog along with a cup of coffee daily. Thanks!
I totally understand where you're coming from and I am looking forward to more trip reports soon! That is the entire reason I started reading your page after all. It's a great way to pass the time on those slower work days :-)
Heading to Munich, Rome/Amalfi coast, Barcelona in April. Flying United Polaris on the way out and Swiss business home thanks to chase and United churning! Would love to see some hotel reviews from there as we lock in the rest of our travel!
Looking forward to more and more trip reports from you, so that those of us who cannot travel or afford it can continue to live vicariously. The more we see of Winston, the better. He is as good as a child for you and Ford. Also, please continue to post the little details like the star rating and Ben Says for each trip report, as I see that those are missing from many TRs even a couple of years ago!
You should be more honest, your readers will appreciate it. Because of the pandemic, you've stopped traveling and reviews, but you need to publish something in order to keep people active on your site. You and the other bloggers have been publishing these constant, "behaving badly" click bait stories in the absence of your normal travel stories to keep traffic flowing to your site. You got slammed this week by publishing that ridiculous and sensationalist...
You should be more honest, your readers will appreciate it. Because of the pandemic, you've stopped traveling and reviews, but you need to publish something in order to keep people active on your site. You and the other bloggers have been publishing these constant, "behaving badly" click bait stories in the absence of your normal travel stories to keep traffic flowing to your site. You got slammed this week by publishing that ridiculous and sensationalist story about an alleged rape on a UA flight, and the reaction in the comments was pretty universal in their condemnation of even publishing that story. Maybe that was your wake up, or maybe your timing for this post is a coincidence? Anyway, if you were more honest saying that you needed to publish these garbage stories to keep traffic going, and it's going to stop, we'd all understand.
@ wpr8e -- I appreciate your feedback, but I don't think your assessment is totally fair.
First of all, this blog has always (for 14+ years) been a combination of many types of stories -- travel reviews, guides for maximizing points, travel, and credit cards, and general interest stories. I've always published general interest stories that I find interesting, so that's nothing new.
Some stories go over well, others don't. This post has nothing to...
@ wpr8e -- I appreciate your feedback, but I don't think your assessment is totally fair.
First of all, this blog has always (for 14+ years) been a combination of many types of stories -- travel reviews, guides for maximizing points, travel, and credit cards, and general interest stories. I've always published general interest stories that I find interesting, so that's nothing new.
Some stories go over well, others don't. This post has nothing to do with your perceived response to that post. Rather I just recently planned one of my first "big" trips that has been on my bucket list for a while, reflecting my overall evolving thought on traveling.
I'm going to address your point about "clickbait" stories in the blogosphere in a separate post a bit later on.
Ben i am very much looking forward to this post. I always have appreciated your honesty and that is what separates you from the other points sites. Obviously in todays media/journalism landscape websites cant survive without the clickbait that draws traffic from other sites and first time readers. So why its sad that this is the reality its hard to see some of the "stories" on your site. I think in general you do a...
Ben i am very much looking forward to this post. I always have appreciated your honesty and that is what separates you from the other points sites. Obviously in todays media/journalism landscape websites cant survive without the clickbait that draws traffic from other sites and first time readers. So why its sad that this is the reality its hard to see some of the "stories" on your site. I think in general you do a great job of posting and writing about interesting stories like the missing United Exec or crazy airline stories like BALTIA. I hope you keep writing about stuff like this that is interesting and the non review posts go back to stuff that is actually interesting.
Thanks for sharing what you're going through Ben - praying for your mom's health. I have been wondering what happened to OMAAT the past year or so. Thanks for acknowledging and sharing your thoughts. While I still read every post out of loyalty (you changed my life for the better), your fans are looking for real trip reports and other content from the Ben of old. However, just like you, I would choose family first.
This is great news. It's a delight to watch a kindred spirit in his youth, from my lofty perch at 62. I've been following OMAAT for more than a decade now, since before I ever sat in the front. I attended Chicago Seminars 10 or 11 years ago and Ben was a speaker in a session, but Ben's session was the earliest to be sold sold out! I couldn't get in the room. "This kid's...
This is great news. It's a delight to watch a kindred spirit in his youth, from my lofty perch at 62. I've been following OMAAT for more than a decade now, since before I ever sat in the front. I attended Chicago Seminars 10 or 11 years ago and Ben was a speaker in a session, but Ben's session was the earliest to be sold sold out! I couldn't get in the room. "This kid's got legs" was the consensus. Shy? He was the most popular public speaker in a larage convention. Only years later, with OMAAT's moving coverage of The Event In Newfoundland did I realize how kindred. It's a pleasure to "follow" OMAAT and I welcome today's announcement. The card reviews, while vital and valuable, are the "medicine". A spoonful of sugar please.
@ DenB -- That comment brings me more joy than you'll know. Thank you!!
love it! and looking forward to more trip reports. and my two cents: please stop using WOW or WHOA in your headlines so much. it gets old. fast.
So happy to hear this ! Can’t wait to read your reports, have been missing them! But please no Qatar, Emirates or Singapore. They have been beaten to death with reviews from everyone who can fly now. Would love to read reports on airlines which you haven’t flown in a while and those who have good award availability - LOT Polish, Ethiopian, Aeromexico, Aeroflot, WestJet and even Hawaiian. just to name a few
@ SR -- All of those are on my list! As far as comment about Qatar, Emirates, and Singapore go, can I get an exception for the Qatar Airways 787-9, given that it's an all new business class seat that we'll also see on other airlines?
Alright, exception granted on the condition you include a review on their vegan menu they have been touting about for an year now. Will help me push my wife to only fly QR :)
Ben- what differentiates you from places like TPG is that you didn't start this blog to make money. Obviously, it's your livelihood now, but your blog is at its best when your enthusiasm for aviation and travel shines through. I first started reading OMAAT before I ever flew up front, and your trip reports inspired me to pursue a career that would enable me to turn left often. I'm glad you are thinking of your...
Ben- what differentiates you from places like TPG is that you didn't start this blog to make money. Obviously, it's your livelihood now, but your blog is at its best when your enthusiasm for aviation and travel shines through. I first started reading OMAAT before I ever flew up front, and your trip reports inspired me to pursue a career that would enable me to turn left often. I'm glad you are thinking of your mom's health- but please, when possible, would love to see more trip reports.
@ Alan -- Thanks so much for reading, comments like these truly mean more than you know!
outsource the writing, no one will ever know!
This is good to hear. I've been getting far more value out of TPG and View From the Wing than I have this page's overly-recycled "articles" (advertisements) lately. Hoping OMAAT can come up again. My best to your mom as well, of course.
@ Ryan -- I appreciate the feedback. If you have other kinds of content you'd specifically enjoy, please let me know, and I'll make an effort to include them.
I appreciate how open you are, Ben! I kinda feel like a lot of the articles on here have become either recycled or very tabloid magazine-esque (though View is guilty of that, too). I'd prefer to see more articles about great deals that have popped up, opportunities to maximize points, or (and you're obviously taking care of this) trip reports and hotel reviews. On the last point, and specifically for purposes of a blog like...
I appreciate how open you are, Ben! I kinda feel like a lot of the articles on here have become either recycled or very tabloid magazine-esque (though View is guilty of that, too). I'd prefer to see more articles about great deals that have popped up, opportunities to maximize points, or (and you're obviously taking care of this) trip reports and hotel reviews. On the last point, and specifically for purposes of a blog like this, I'd prefer to see more reviews of hotels at which we can use points as opposed to super expensive ones that don't belong to any loyalty programs.
Best to your mom.
God Bless you and your mother. As a physician, I can feel the pain and uncertainty that both you and your mother go through each day. Life is a blessing, and your mother is fortunate to have you as a son. You are giving her a beautiful quality of life no matter what her quantity of life is. We have loved your site from day one, and will continue to enjoy your insight and experiences. Thank you for offering us a break from the world around us.
@ Mark -- That makes my day, thank you!
Thanks for sharing yourself with us Ben. One of my favorite things about OMAAT is that it's not just you giving us travel news and trip reports, but you also give us a bit of a glimpse of your own life. I went through a similar time about six years ago when my dad had cancer. Many prayers for your mom and for you and Ford as you walk through this together.
@ tebriggs -- Thanks so much for the kind words and for reading, I appreciate it!
Great news - your TRs have always been the best thing about OMAAT. How about putting together a list of possible flights, hotels and lounges and getting readers to vote?
It would be great for you to do what the most people want to read!
@ John T -- That's a great idea for some future trips, will definitely do that. Thanks!
Great news, well reasoned.
I totally want more Starlux Airlines reports. It would kind of give closure to the pandemic too (hopefully). Plus I assume you still have that sweet status?
@ Bort -- Hah, I do indeed! Just waiting for Starlux Airlines to take delivery of A350s and A330neos, and for Taiwan to open up.