Okay, I guess unfortunately I can believe it, I just wish that I couldn’t. How do we sensitively broach this topic?
In this post:
The shirts of Charlotte Airport
I dress casually when I fly (and just about everywhere, for that matter). Athleisure makes up 90% of my wardrobe, and I feel pretty comfortable wearing it most places, including on airplanes and at airports. Some readers comment occasionally on stories about how people dress when they fly, noting that they “remember back in the day when you’d dress up to fly.” Well, I guess I’m having my own version of that, because I’m in disbelief at what others wear when flying.
I had an extended delay at Charlotte Airport yesterday, and since it was a rolling delay, nearly 200 people were huddled around the gate. I couldn’t believe some of the ways that people were dressed. Let me give you a small sampling of what I saw just at my departure gate, for a single flight to Tampa.
I’m not even talking about the four people wearing either 2020 or 2024 Trump gear (ironically the only one of them who was following the federal mask mandate was the one who had a Trump face mask, rather than hat). For the record, there was zero Biden 2020 or 2024 gear in the gate area, because, you know, the election is over.

Rather I’m talking about the other stuff I saw…
There was the lady wearing a shirt that said “not a pepper spray kind of girl,” with a picture of a rifle on it. How exactly does that mental dialogue go when you’re getting dressed to go to the airport? “Hmmm, I’m flying today, I’m going to be stuck in a confined space with strangers who may have different beliefs than me. Yeah, let me wear my shirt that jokes about shooting people.” And we wonder why there’s an uptick of inflight disturbances…

Or there was the guy (I couldn’t get a good pic that still protects his privacy, but I found the shirt on Amazon) wearing an “It’s Not Gay If It’s TSA” shirt. Which, like, might have almost been funny, if it weren’t for the person he was traveling with wearing a confederate flag t-shirt.

And then there was a guy wearing a “don’t tread on me” shirt, which seems to have different meanings to different people.

Does this violate American Airlines’ dress code?
American Airlines has an overly simple dress code, in my opinion:
Dress appropriately; bare feet or offensive clothing aren’t allowed.
Interestingly when we hear stories of this being enforced, it’s almost always curvy women being told they need to cover up, because they’re “showing too much,” even though all of their private parts are covered.
The defense from people who agree with this is typically “I don’t want my children to be exposed to this.” I don’t really get it, because if you ever take your kid to the beach, they’ll see much more revealing clothing.
Maybe it’s just me, but personally I’d consider wearing a shirt that jokes about using guns on people, or a blatantly homophobic shirt, more “offensive” than seeing a woman’s natural curves, while still covering what “needs” to be covered. But again, that’s just me.
Bottom line
Not a lot surprises me nowadays, but I’m disappointed by the shirts people wear at airports nowadays. I’d expect one or two of these, but the sheer quantity that I saw was disheartening, and I feel like there has been an uptick of these lately (at some airports more than others).
Has anyone else noticed an increase in these kinds of “statement” t-shirts? And what do you think, do at least some of these cross the line into “offensive” clothing, and violate American Airlines’ dress code?
Don't tread on me was on a flag. Its okay IMHO.
The TSA shirt is vulgar.
The gun shirt is inappropriate at an airport.
The big butt women is just bad taste, but acceptable.
Used to read you daily for 7+ years, but this post is literally awful. Just because someone’s views doesn’t align with yours doesn’t mean they can’t wear what they want.
It's quite simple actually. American's in general are a classless, clueless bunch strutting their ignorance around for all to see. Proudly.
This won't be changing anytime soon.
The last administration promoted and encouraged these misfits to come out of their caves in force so here we are.
Mostly in the South.
Just look at the current Covid map.
The majority of these folk have never traveled out of this Country which...
It's quite simple actually. American's in general are a classless, clueless bunch strutting their ignorance around for all to see. Proudly.
This won't be changing anytime soon.
The last administration promoted and encouraged these misfits to come out of their caves in force so here we are.
Mostly in the South.
Just look at the current Covid map.
The majority of these folk have never traveled out of this Country which perpetuates the "exceptional" mentality that has permitted this sickness to grow. Hence the "ugly American" banner these mental-midgets have bestowed upon us.
Don't bother with a reply.
I won't read it.
Let it be known that I was born in this Country and have traveled the globe for over 40 years.
My opinions have been formed from my experiences and observations.
These videos back them up.
Nuff said.
Do I agree with the statements on any of these shirts? No. Do I respect an individual's choice to wear them? Yes. Do I respect Ben's right to critique any shirt's messages or anyone's choice of attire on his blog? Also yes.
Frankly, air travel is stressful enough as it is these days. Can we not just leave the political messages and potentially offensive shirts - regardless of where they fall in the spectrum of...
Do I agree with the statements on any of these shirts? No. Do I respect an individual's choice to wear them? Yes. Do I respect Ben's right to critique any shirt's messages or anyone's choice of attire on his blog? Also yes.
Frankly, air travel is stressful enough as it is these days. Can we not just leave the political messages and potentially offensive shirts - regardless of where they fall in the spectrum of views out there - in our suitcases until we get to our destinations as a courtesy to others? Unfortunately, broadcasting a controversial message feels like an unnecessary attempt to invite a conflict in these heated times. Of course, the advantage of these shirts is it could be a good indication of topics to avoid if it turns out to be your seatmate. Stick to the weather...oh wait, climate change (ugh). Masks make it hard to chat anyway, so put on your headphones and enjoy your flight!
Oh no, someone has a Trump hat on, they must have been one of the people trying to overthrow the US government on Jan 6th...
What is far more outrageous is the fact that you singled out mostly persons wearing something that might indicate conservative ideology.
Give us all a break, go back to reviewing 1st class seating.
I’m gay, and I find the TSA shirt funny. Humour is important, but like everything else not everyone finds it funny. I don’t find Modern Family or The Big Bang Theory funny, but I’m not offended by people who do. It’s time for people to grow a skin.
There are lots of things that I find ugly or inappropriate when it comes to clothing, but does that give me a right to tell others what...
I’m gay, and I find the TSA shirt funny. Humour is important, but like everything else not everyone finds it funny. I don’t find Modern Family or The Big Bang Theory funny, but I’m not offended by people who do. It’s time for people to grow a skin.
There are lots of things that I find ugly or inappropriate when it comes to clothing, but does that give me a right to tell others what to wear? Crocs, speedos and midriffs are amongst the things I find hideous. Add baggy jeans, clothes that simply don’t fit and Birkenstocks. Not to mention nose rings. I wouldn’t be found dead wearing any of that, but if others want to then go ahead. Just don’t expect me to like it.
Maybe that’s the only T-shirts they had
One Karen at A Time. Hi, I’m Benjamin Schappig aka Lucky (aka entitled). I’m a full time Karen who complains 400,000+ times a year.
I dress well and I completely judge people who show up as if they have just gotten out of bed - I admit it. You wouldn't put pictures or yourself in pyajamas on a dating profile, would you?
I moved out of the US more than a decade now. Before my decision to leave the US, I was never really aware of how poorly dressed the majority of us are. I always focus on being well-dressed and well-groomed but the badly dressed American wasn't conspicuous to me. More than a decade after, every time I return to the US, I am aghast by the clothing that a vast majority adoring. Whereas once we...
I moved out of the US more than a decade now. Before my decision to leave the US, I was never really aware of how poorly dressed the majority of us are. I always focus on being well-dressed and well-groomed but the badly dressed American wasn't conspicuous to me. More than a decade after, every time I return to the US, I am aghast by the clothing that a vast majority adoring. Whereas once we were just poorly dressed, now a days, I feel that people go out of their ways to be provocative and badly dressed. Or worse yet, we have just stopped caring.
As long as the shirt doesn't have profanity or anything lewd, then I don't see a problem with wearing it. I honestly don't see the point of this post. I bought a shirt back in 2014 in Moscow that depicted Putin doing a roundhouse kick to Obama's face with the caption "Наш ответ на санкции США" ("Our response to American sanctions") and wore it when I flew back to the USA. It offended some people, and I laughed my rear off.
I get people dress inappropriately and agree there is a line but come on Lucky. Sorry some of these people may not conform to your beliefs but that isn't enough to declare theie attire as outright ridiculous. A shirt saying "I'm not a pepper spray...."? Whats wrong with that? Are people not allowed to support the 2nd amendment? Its not threatening in any way. Again yes people should dress appropriately but this is far from inappropriate.
I get that wearing Trump apparel is really not much different that wearing Knicks, Cubs, or other apparel supporting some "team" you align yourself but in honesty, I struggle with they align themselves with Trump but he hates losers. If you do follow his lead, why wear a shirt of a loser?
He is the all-time historic loser in politics, but MAGA mouth breathers gonna breathe from that mouth and all
Well, you can’t expect people to have class, respect for themselves, or others. The lowest common denominator unfortunately makes the majority of humans. And, we will forever pay the price…think MAGA fans, then, blame public education, Southern Welfare States, and inbreeding…
Very distasteful clothing but unfortunately unsurprising. The behavior of people in this country during the past election season and the pandemic completely put me off local air travel. I can't imagine flying into/out of Florida - yikes. I'm only taking international flights until this pandemic is a thing of the past. Luckily ignorant people hardly get on international flights so it's worked out fantastic for me.
People are stupid. When you get a cross section of humanity together on a plane, you're going to see some of the stupid. These shirts are stupid, because people are stupid, and stupid people are going to wear stupid shirts.
This is not anything new. People have been liking stupid things and presenting themselves in stupid ways for as long as I've been flying and I'm sure long before that. I've probably worn some stupid...
People are stupid. When you get a cross section of humanity together on a plane, you're going to see some of the stupid. These shirts are stupid, because people are stupid, and stupid people are going to wear stupid shirts.
This is not anything new. People have been liking stupid things and presenting themselves in stupid ways for as long as I've been flying and I'm sure long before that. I've probably worn some stupid shirts, too, when I was younger and more stupid than I am now. But I'm probably still more stupid now than I think I am.
I might not *agree* with these shirts, or the people who wear them -- in fact, I don't, at all -- but I can hardly be bothered to get worked up about them. They're just stupid shirts, worn by stupid people. It will always be thus. There's even an aspect of vive le difference that I like about it.
By the way, athleisure is stupid, too. It's just different, more subtle, stupid.
“I don’t agree with your opinion so you are stupid.” I’m thinking that could be a highly ironic comment.
It could be. But my comment was probably just stupid in the first place.
"Flight to Tampa" was the main indicator of what to expect.
I used to have a sticker on the back window of my car that had a picture of Rollieflex camera that says "Shoot film, not megapixels".
Yes, someone at work took offense because of the word "shoot"
I just rather be inconspicuous these days everywhere. I don't want to waste my precious time debating/arguing/getting delayed with people.
Yeah... don't see any issue with these shirts whatsoever. Is a "tax the rich" t-shirt off limits? I don't think political speech on t-shirts is something that anyone should view as problematic. Are you saying that conservatives wearing political t-shirts should be banned, but liberals wearing them shouldn't me? I'm a little confused by the whole point of this post.
I see mostly BLM stuff tee-shirts/hats/stickers
I went to Key West over New Year's and the flight down there was a nonstop from DCA, no problems at all. The return was via CLT and it was horrifying -- half the people weren't wearing masks, and I saw the same kinds of shocking t-shirts you mention in this article. Lots of pictures of rifles, threats of violence, etc. I will think long and hard about ever connecting in Charlotte again.
It's Florida, don't you know.....
You can fix STUPID.... Whether its wearing clothes like you highlighted or NOT getting vaccinated.
Ben - hate to tell you, but now you know how we conservatives feel when we get lectured on liberal wokeness at the Olympics, NFL football, All Star games, award shows etc.
We have to tolerate liberals opinions at all of the above, so don't complain when someone wears a Trump hat or shirt. Lighten up and don't be so sensitive.
Before I begin, mental health problems are real and often goes undiagnosed. I fully support people who have to deal with mental health. However, if you are mentally weak doesn't mean you have mental health problems.
The world, or at least Americans (or migrant residents), are going too far.
If you are top athlete and you cannot handle the pressure, but hide behind mental health excuse you don't deserve to be in any...
Before I begin, mental health problems are real and often goes undiagnosed. I fully support people who have to deal with mental health. However, if you are mentally weak doesn't mean you have mental health problems.
The world, or at least Americans (or migrant residents), are going too far.
If you are top athlete and you cannot handle the pressure, but hide behind mental health excuse you don't deserve to be in any top tier competition. You should go compete in "Special Olympics" (yes that is a thing).
Look at how mentally strong Paralympic Games athlete are. Dealing with the pressure is part of the job.
You ever seen Tiger Woods withdraw due to mental health? Look at what he has been through.
Michael Phelps, also had mental health struggles, yet he didn't quit and is most decorated Olympian of all time.
Just like ADHD, there are people who can almost live a normal life but abuse ADHD to get special treatments and those who really struggle with ADHD.
Should I go on about Emotional Support Animals which outside of USA are known as pets?
Today we are abusing the race card.
Mental health card is the new race card.
The "It's not gay if it's TSA" shirt _is_ funny!!!
AA should deny boarding to those passengers. If they don't want to wear something else, fire them as customers.
On what specific grounds is a hat or shirt that says noting more than Trump 2024 cause for denying boarding to a paying customer?
On the grounds that the primary platform of that loathsome loser is a) the Big Lie and now b) defense of the terrorists who invaded the US Capitol and attempted to stop our democracy. No more coddling Trrumptards and their terrorists. Stay unvaccinated in your own states and kill each other through disease and destruction as you like. The rest of America has had enough of your stupidity.
Wow, get a grip. Please check yourself in for a psych med review review. They either aren't working or you need more.
To be honest, I would dress as if I had to escape an airplane. Non restricting clothing, lace up boots. I escaped a car rolling to a stop and lost my running shoes just as I exited the car for safety. It makes no sense to wear clothing that upsets or offends others. For those who wear provocative items, well, you got your 15 minutes of fame and earned delay. No, I do not need...
To be honest, I would dress as if I had to escape an airplane. Non restricting clothing, lace up boots. I escaped a car rolling to a stop and lost my running shoes just as I exited the car for safety. It makes no sense to wear clothing that upsets or offends others. For those who wear provocative items, well, you got your 15 minutes of fame and earned delay. No, I do not need to see your hoo hoo camel toe or your wanna be fake banana rama or your butt cheeks. And Please! Wear underwear!!!!!!
I chuckled with the "It's not gay..." one, it is funny. (Having been really patted down in Australia one time, including my "junk"). But I generally wear solid color T-shirts with no writing.
Seriously. I thought it was funny. @Ben and others, why do you think it’s homophobic? Heterosexual men as a rule don’t like other men touching their genitals. The shirt is just making a joke off of that reality.
Long time reader, new unsubscriber, and I won't be spending anymore money with your points company.
I agree with what Liam said ... this post was disappointing.
What is the point of this post?
I could see the TSA shirt as homophobic. Recently I saw a man in the SFO Centurion lounge wearing a categorically racist shirt that read “Black Women are a Vibe”. While well intended I’m sure, it supports the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another. Being a minority isn’t an excuse to be racist, well except in the US…
At SFO I was forced to cover my recall gavin newsom tshirt by a gate agent. Blm gear was allowed onboard.
I would happily go back to times when people were ostracized and people would just stare and make you and your family very uncomfortable by the way the dressed in public.
I regularly travel with a friend that likes "message" shirts. I intentionally reserve the right to veto any shirts that I believe are too liberal when traveling through more conservative states.
In my world, safety is number one. Avoiding arguments with people is a good thing when you're driving through the middle of most states and also if you're trying to avoid the chance of special attention by any authorities whether in America or a...
I regularly travel with a friend that likes "message" shirts. I intentionally reserve the right to veto any shirts that I believe are too liberal when traveling through more conservative states.
In my world, safety is number one. Avoiding arguments with people is a good thing when you're driving through the middle of most states and also if you're trying to avoid the chance of special attention by any authorities whether in America or a foreign country.
The tsa shirt is the kind of thing I could see a tsa agent deciding to give special attention to. Bad sense of humor? offensive? who cares. Just really a dumb idea to piss off anyone who can decide whether you fly today or in the future.
The land of the free...dom to do whatever you want. And if you are white, face pretty much zero consequences to stupidities like these and much more.
Me, boy this comment section is going to be fun.
Comment section: A bunch of dumb white coward complaining that mocking people wearing shirts joking about shooting people on planes is "not inclusive".
Good to see these folks finally caring about inclusivity!!
This is hate speech and should be removed.
You may not intend too, but this article comes across as "political opinions not mine make me uncomfortable". If you are rendered so uncomfortable by a Trump hat that you need to ask if the person wearing it should be allowed to board, you have serious issues.
i saw something in public i dont like. why would someone think different then me. why doesnt that girl understand it is a honor to be attacked and mugged. why would that guy wear a shirt that supports the 2nd amendment right to own a firearm. what is wrong with people why do they have to think differently. everyone should have to think the same way that our glorious leader tells us to think. WE NEED GROUPTHINK
I see Trump hats, I agree. However, Biden bumper stickers are way more common.
Inclusivity doesn't mean tolerating the intolerant.
Those who are “intolerant” defined as such by those who are “tolerant” (self-professed of course).
What if I say I am very inclusive of people except those who are intolerant of people they label as intolerant?
I would not feel comfortable flying with someone who advertised their violent tendencies.
Where do you draw the line at 'offence' then?...
Just curious, but if there had been a guy in the gate area wearing a black lives matter shirt would you have posted that as inappropriate? The same comment you made about the Gadsden flag shirt - "Don't Tread on Me" which I happen to love from a libertarian perspective - could be made about BLM since there is BLM the sentiment - most agree - and the BLM the organization which is not nearly...
Just curious, but if there had been a guy in the gate area wearing a black lives matter shirt would you have posted that as inappropriate? The same comment you made about the Gadsden flag shirt - "Don't Tread on Me" which I happen to love from a libertarian perspective - could be made about BLM since there is BLM the sentiment - most agree - and the BLM the organization which is not nearly as unanimously received. How about any anti-police shirts were they there? How about pro-gay t-shirts which are also not universally supported, especially in the South? I generally avoid political stuff at the airport, primarily because I do not want any grief from an "offended" TSA agent. However, given how many snowflakes we have in society who can't handle any view they disagree with, you can't always worry if someone dislikes what you wear since there will always be somewhere wherever you are that will take offense. As a result you would be allowing your free speech to be repressed because others do not really embrace your right to express views they do not like. This is especially true if you would not call out any of the examples I offered above.
I connected in Charlotte for the first time ever this year and I felt like I was in a parody. It was a tight connection so I was in a hurry and even then I got to overhear someone loudly talking about the "high tax commie states" another about how he always brings his gun everywhere (but presumably not in the terminal?) and at Starbucks someone begging a police officer to please let him pay...
I connected in Charlotte for the first time ever this year and I felt like I was in a parody. It was a tight connection so I was in a hurry and even then I got to overhear someone loudly talking about the "high tax commie states" another about how he always brings his gun everywhere (but presumably not in the terminal?) and at Starbucks someone begging a police officer to please let him pay for the drink.
I've connected endless times in Phoenix and Dallas and never come across this type of thing
“ someone begging a police officer to please let him pay for the drink.”
Yea that’s crazy. A nice person offering to buy a guy/gal in what has been become (so unfairly) the most hated job in America. I mean right? What a parody! Oh that crazy Charlotte town!
You mean a guy begging an officer to break a law? Public employees are not allowed to take money/items. I am a consultant and when we work with government we cannot even buy coffee for the meetings that they attend.
I was forced to put a sweatshirt over my Recall Gavin Newsom tshirt by a libby Gate Agent at SFO just last week.
See that is absolutely crazy. There is nothing inappropriate about supporting the recall. That is you right. I can 100% guarantee that if you were wearing an "Impeach Trump" shirt or something similar, they wouldn't have said anything. What's even more crazy is that there are people who actually think Newsom is a good leader!
I don’t believe you.
Those people have the same right to wear anything that they want as you have the right to disagree with their choices. Just as airline have their own right to decide how they implement their policy. If you don’t like terminals, stay in the lounge and have half a dozen cappuccinos and complain about the sparkling water being offered. If you don’t like being stuck in confined spaces with such people, fly in a private...
Those people have the same right to wear anything that they want as you have the right to disagree with their choices. Just as airline have their own right to decide how they implement their policy. If you don’t like terminals, stay in the lounge and have half a dozen cappuccinos and complain about the sparkling water being offered. If you don’t like being stuck in confined spaces with such people, fly in a private jet. Also if I ever caught someone like you snapping pictures of me without my permission regardless of whether it’s lawful, whether you plan to show my full face in your blog. or what I was wearing, I would not take to it kindly. And that’s putting it mildly. Bottom line: Yeah, the election is over. YOU need to move on and talk about points and miles just as much as those people you’re whining about.
So you want a ban on apparel with messages with which you disagree or don’t understand?
This is sadly elitist from a very much non-elite.
Also, do you seriously think the gun tshirt girl was actually carrying a gun?
Beyond idiotic...
Is Ben the new Karen? Because this is what you are coming off as. Stop spreading hate. Just because someone voted for Trump or likes guns, because you don't you should be an a-hole online? Granted I hope TSA spent a little extra time with the guy with the TSA-Shirt too.. But, I still expect better from OMAAT and options like this don't need to be blogged about.
First, to one of the basic premises of this article, I will never dress up for a flight. Flying is a far cry from the days of yore and even in first class it can be uncomfortable to be in formal clothes. T-Shirt and Jeans for me every time.
As to the main premise of this article, I honestly don't care what people are wearing, so long as it is clean and sanitary. I don't...
First, to one of the basic premises of this article, I will never dress up for a flight. Flying is a far cry from the days of yore and even in first class it can be uncomfortable to be in formal clothes. T-Shirt and Jeans for me every time.
As to the main premise of this article, I honestly don't care what people are wearing, so long as it is clean and sanitary. I don't want my neighbor's bare skin touching me. However, to address the examples you've provided, I think it is a question of degrees
I have no problem with campaign gear, provided that the message itself isn't offensive. I don't like Trump but a shirt simply saying Trump 2020 isn't going to ruffle my feathers. I appreciate that most folks aren't frothing at the mouth to sport their Biden shirts (because politicians are public servants and not idols) but imagine the flipside of the coin, if you weren't allowed to were a shirt that simply said "Biden" on it?
The Pepper Spray shirt is inappropriate because it creates a hostile environment. Imagine if someone wore a shirt that said "I am not a fist fight guy, I blow stuff up"?
The TSA shirt is inappropriate because its offensive and degrading to LGBTQ passengers.
At the end of the day content moderation is probably more trouble than it is worth for airlines.
I voted for Biden, I hate guns, All those shirts are lame.
That being said, this is by far the worst article I've ever read on this site. It's unnecessary and doesn't add anything to our shared interests of points, miles, and travel. Just delete it.
What even is this post, what if they thought your shirt was offensive too?
Geez Ben, a little over sensitive you are. Who cares what people wear?! A Trump hat offended you? LOL! "Don't Tread On Me" is not offensive. Have you ever actually read about the origin of that? Yeah the guy who created it owned slaves but the flag had absolutely nothing to do with being pro-slave ownership. The "I'm Not a Pepper Spray Kind of Girl" offends you? First of all, it seems you need to...
Geez Ben, a little over sensitive you are. Who cares what people wear?! A Trump hat offended you? LOL! "Don't Tread On Me" is not offensive. Have you ever actually read about the origin of that? Yeah the guy who created it owned slaves but the flag had absolutely nothing to do with being pro-slave ownership. The "I'm Not a Pepper Spray Kind of Girl" offends you? First of all, it seems you need to look up what a machine gun is. Second, it's a joke. I really don't see what is so heinous about that. And then the TSA shirt. Poor taste? Yeah. Funny? Yep!
That gun looks like an M16 or M4, both of which are classified as machine guns. Geez you're dumb.
It is as if Trump's habit of saying outrageous things has caused everyone to lose their filters and respect for others. This becomes especially evident when stuck in a metal tube for hours with others!
"And what do you think, do at least some of these cross the line into “offensive” clothing, and violate American Airlines’ dress code?"
“statement” t-shirts will NEVER EVER violate American Airlines’ dress code or any US based airlines. Because we have the greatest thing on earth called the first amendment.
By the way “not a pepper spray kind of girl" is NOT A machine gun. It is a RIFLE.
The outline of that gun is either an M16 or M4, both of which are machine guns (and semi-automatic guns, and burst fire guns, just need to flip a switch. Very versatile guns.)
A rifle can be a machine gun, just like a rectangle can be a square.
GTFOH. And it has a magazine not a clip. Guessing you can cite the 2nd amendment verbatim excluding the well regulated of course.
The first amendment has literally nothing to do with what American Airlines allows—because it is not a government actor, the first amendment doesn't require American to allow free speech.
In legality, yes the first amendment has nothing to stop private business, but not indirectly.
In reality, this is a sensitive area for Americans, no business wants to get put on spot for dealing with these issues (and be accused of picking sides). Since most statements these days are very political. It's at the airlines' best interest to leave these people alone. It's not like they are
harassing other people or making...
In legality, yes the first amendment has nothing to stop private business, but not indirectly.
In reality, this is a sensitive area for Americans, no business wants to get put on spot for dealing with these issues (and be accused of picking sides). Since most statements these days are very political. It's at the airlines' best interest to leave these people alone. It's not like they are
harassing other people or making trouble.
Now if it was outright profanity "F-word" or "N-word" I'm sure any airline would react to that.
Or if you are yelling MAGA all the time.
Ding! We have a winner! Didn’t take long for the smug elite to come out. Wow did you miss the boat. I think Cardi B and Megan whatever the hell her name is disgusting as all get out. I simply don’t choose to watch them. I don’t get that right on a plane
I'll probably get trouble for this, but at this point I don't get why people can't just mind their own business and keep their eyes focused on where they need to go instead of looking at what someone is wearing. If you want to be technical here, any outfit can offend anyone. I mean I could walk around in all black with a few chains and black nail polish and black eyeshadow and eyeliner and...
I'll probably get trouble for this, but at this point I don't get why people can't just mind their own business and keep their eyes focused on where they need to go instead of looking at what someone is wearing. If you want to be technical here, any outfit can offend anyone. I mean I could walk around in all black with a few chains and black nail polish and black eyeshadow and eyeliner and all black shoes and instantly there's going to be people offended about it. You could even wear the color pink or red and people take offense. Learn to pick your battles. Lifes to short to nitpick on stuff you have no control over and be that miserable to a point of blogging about it. I don't like some outfits I see either but its none of my business. It isn't like I'll be with them on the plane and If i am chances are very slim that they'll sit next to me. Even then Im focused with my entertainment, window,or sleep. Problem solved.
DM so much better than “Big Dick, Small Heart”
I've seen people wear beach attire in airports recently. It's as if they're seeking out the attention and outrage just so they can post about it.
You were in NC.
I love wearing a tee from Johnny Marr’s last tour when flying. It reads “JohnnyF*ckinMarr” over and over. Never once has AA ever said anything; twice I’ve had TSA agents complement me on it and start talking about The Smiths.
That should be “compliment” obviously…
Dumbest article I've ever read on OMAAT. Sorry Ben, but not only does this post come off as whining but it smacks of incredible partisanship. I've seen plenty of scummy/inappropriate clothing worn at the airport too, but you didn't mention any of that stuff.
For a blog that is trying to make the world more inclusive this seems like it goes against that notion and belief.
Inclusive of certain people and topics. And exclusive of others (corollary).
Don't worry, once the vaccines are mandatory to fly, you won't see many of them anymore. :)
Never going to happen.
I think it's a little too early to predict that.
If the person doesn't smell bad, isn't so large that they will impinge on my seat, and does not appear to be crazy or violent, then I frankly don't care what they are wearing. In fact there is some entertainment value in tacky or weird clothing which is not a bad thing in a waiting area.
That right there, and I'll add keep their mask on most of the time.
Sweetheart Ben - you're flying to Florida. Why are you so shocked by this??
Well, dear Ben, are you equally offended by the language used in the movies? Or at the office? Or by the lyrics of the songs you hear these days? Or about Cardi B's and Megan Thee Stallion's performance at the Grammy awards ceremony? Or perhaps about the fact that Cardi B interviewed a presidential candidate last year, while her WAP song was still fresh in the minds of the listeners? 'Cause these things really do go together, you know?
No - they really don't go together at all. Your examples are all cases of entertainment that it is your personal choice to watch. This is about basic public behavior.
It looks like you missed the part about the office culture and the one about the politicians. The one about obscenities being broadcast on *public* airwaves was more subtle so I'll give you a pass for it.
While I love the U.S., unfortunately I have to say that this is a bit of an American problem. People just seem to have a strong need for expressing themselves through t-shirts (and bumper stickers) in the U.S.
Generally, I would welcome stricter dress codes on planes. I just don't know why people have to board a plane half naked or in any other way that could be a disturbance for other passengers. I don't...
While I love the U.S., unfortunately I have to say that this is a bit of an American problem. People just seem to have a strong need for expressing themselves through t-shirts (and bumper stickers) in the U.S.
Generally, I would welcome stricter dress codes on planes. I just don't know why people have to board a plane half naked or in any other way that could be a disturbance for other passengers. I don't even see the need for wearing shorts or flip-flops to be honest, regardless of how good someone looks. I don't really share your opinion on the beach comparison either - a plane is simply not a beach. I just expect some level of decency of from people.
While it may be incredibly snobbish, this is one of the reasons why I avoid low cost carriers (literally) at all cost, and why I prefer premium class. I know you can't buy style but it does mitigate the impact on me.
Just boarded a flight at CLT. A lady just boarded my flight wearing some sort of jumpsuit unitard thing that says FCK OFF
The TSA shirt cracked me up.
Ah the "greatness" that America is. What a gross place it has become.
Last time I checked doors were wide open in case you are here. It's not like the country I had to escape to come here. Many of us who endured the socialist hell of Cuba and Venezuela love America with our guts.
Unfortunately, people just don't care any more or have any sense of propriety. "No one is going to tell me what to do. I can do what I want"
And that's happening on both sides of the aisle.
I'm beyond people having respect for others at this point. And I get that flying isn't glamorous and most folks don't give a F what wear/look like anymore. But what happened to respect and morals for yourself? Checking yourself has hit an all time low.
Better shelter in the basement if you're going to be offended by every little thing that passes you by during the day. A Trump hat is strange to you? I see dopes walking around with old Star Wars shirts... those movies are 30-40 years old but I don't whine about it. So they like it, who cares?
That is a moronic analogy. Really?
You have to be a moron to defend all things Trump.
And there you have it. Why should someone not express their views with extreme opinions offered by people like Brodie? "You don't agree with me so you are a 'moron.'" And that is why they wear the shirt because many, as Kenny pointed out, are sick of people who are so myopic to think their OPINION is the only right one.
Be nice many people think that of demented joe voters!!!
Sure people wear old music/movie T shirts but that is more the norm. To me its not politics one side vs the other - it just odd. Who is wearing a Clinton '92 shirt or a Bush '88 shirt? Or better yet - who is wearing the losing side's shirt all these years later? Do you see Dukakis '88 shirts and Dole '96 hats at the airport?
I am not offended if someone want's to...
Sure people wear old music/movie T shirts but that is more the norm. To me its not politics one side vs the other - it just odd. Who is wearing a Clinton '92 shirt or a Bush '88 shirt? Or better yet - who is wearing the losing side's shirt all these years later? Do you see Dukakis '88 shirts and Dole '96 hats at the airport?
I am not offended if someone want's to wear a Trump shirt/hat or any other political t-shirt/hat, just keep profane language out of it and it's fine by me. Freedom of speech.
But it is still odd.
I'm wearing the old stuff. I have a few Buffalo Bills Super Bowl Champs t-shirts form the 90's (they print the t-shirts before the games so they can sell them immediately), and occasionally people will crack up.
I saw a Reagan/Bush shirt literally in the last week. I have a hat that simply says Reagan. (No I don’t have a Trump hat and, frankly, the way he has behaved and lied about the election, I would have stopped wearing it if I did. But I don’t offended by the mere fact that I see someone with a Biden shirt or bumper sticker.
‘Merica the beautiful, Ben.
Personally I wouldn’t wear any of those shirts. But I think it’s come to the point where people are just tired. Tired of the elite telling everyone what to do….tired of the moving goalposts…tired of government shutting down businesses…..tired of crime absolutely out of control.
And it’s their way of just saying don’t F with me…..
Agree with you that these are all inappropriate.
Where we probably disagree is why that sort of outfit is OK on a bus or on the subway or in a shopping mall and not on planes.
There is zero glamour in air travel these days, and pretending like it’s special doesn’t make it special.
Why is simply wearing Trump apparel inappropriate? I can see the argument about the gun shirt - I think it is less about "shooting people" than it is about supporting self defense - or the TSA shirt - I do not see any phobias at play (that term is so wrongly used but that is a different topic) as much as crass humor which is not my taste. But a mere political shirt is not...
Why is simply wearing Trump apparel inappropriate? I can see the argument about the gun shirt - I think it is less about "shooting people" than it is about supporting self defense - or the TSA shirt - I do not see any phobias at play (that term is so wrongly used but that is a different topic) as much as crass humor which is not my taste. But a mere political shirt is not what I would think could reasonably called offensive even if you dislike the candidate the apparel promotes.
Where does he say anything about political apparel being inappropriate? He said, "I’m not even talking about the four people wearing either 2020 or 2024 Trump gear [...] Rather I’m talking about the other stuff I saw…" If you infer this is a negative comment about wearing political attire, that's on you. This is exactly why schooling is worthless today. No basic reading comprehension skills, but we print high school diplomas like a Wonder Bread factory.
Actually, Grumpy is correct. The mere callout of Trump apparel grouped them in the conversation with everything else. Why didn't he say "’I'm not even talking about the four people wearing either blue brown cotton t-shirts [...] Rather I’m talking about the other stuff I saw…
See how that small change renders the sentence completely useless? There is no need to call anything out unless you're including it in the "I can't beleive" bucket.
right on
He cited a hat that simply cited Trump’s name. That’s just run of the mill apparel that supports a political candidate. He didn’t indicate anything other than it being a Trump hat so what’s offensive about that?
Good morning
If it wasn't a negitive comment, why mention it at all.
I despise their message, but I will fight until death for their right to free speech! That's my general reaction whenever I see "Trump" propaganda.
I agreee with you..tho i still see some obama shirts out there
Regarding the TSA shirt, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been “felt up” (and down). I just smile and take it as a compliment
You were in Charlotte, right? Flying AA? There's no way any of this should surprise you.
You were in Charlotte waiting for a flight to Tampa so….. just saying
My exact thoughts.
I was on a Frontier flight on Monday (I know, I know…but they are the only carrier that flies ATL-ISP nonstop) and I was shocked to see a gentleman wearing a “Small Dick, Big Heart” t-shirt in the gate area at ISP. I fully expected some sort of confrontation with an airline employee because I couldn’t see him being allowed to board while wearing that, but sure enough, he walked past me when boarding the...
I was on a Frontier flight on Monday (I know, I know…but they are the only carrier that flies ATL-ISP nonstop) and I was shocked to see a gentleman wearing a “Small Dick, Big Heart” t-shirt in the gate area at ISP. I fully expected some sort of confrontation with an airline employee because I couldn’t see him being allowed to board while wearing that, but sure enough, he walked past me when boarding the plane. Some people truly have no shame, common sense, or courtesy anymore.
@ DM -- ROFL!
The word "gentleman" is probably not the best choice here....