The Most Obnoxious Self-Upgrader I’ve Ever Seen

The Most Obnoxious Self-Upgrader I’ve Ever Seen


Over the years I’ve seen a countless number of people try to self-upgrade (essentially just taking a business class seat that they didn’t pay for). However, I’ve never witnessed anything quite like what I saw yesterday, which even caused the police to get involved.

The pre-departure self-upgrade attempt (not so bad)

Yesterday I flew Qatar Airways business class from Doha to Dallas, which was a 16+ hour flight departing around 2AM. I was seated in the second to last row of business class initially. As boarding finished up, a guy came forward from economy and took the seat right behind me, in the last row of business class.

The crew noticed this, and quickly approached him. He first claimed that he needed to move because someone was in his economy seat and there was nowhere for him to sit. When the crew investigated and found his seat was open, he changed his story.

He went back and forth with the crew for a few minutes, and eventually he returned to his seat in economy. I’ve seen situations like this a countless number of times before, so this didn’t really faze me.

The pre-arrival self-upgrade attempt (BAD!)

About 45 minutes before landing, the same guy from earlier came up to business class, took the seat across from Ford, and just left his two suitcases in the aisle. Like, he didn’t try to put them in a suite or in the overhead bin, but literally just left them blocking the aisle. If you’re going to try to sneak into business class without anyone noticing, that’s probably not the ideal way to do it.

I don’t think this is an approved storage location

The crew quickly caught on to it being the same person as before, and then the cabin manager, Her, was called. Her was incredibly professional, and he handled the situation in a calm but firm way.

The self-upgrader didn’t take rejection well, though, and started cussing out the crew — “I don’t give a f*ck what you say, I’m not leaving my seat.” Her repeatedly told the man he had to return to his seat, and that this wasn’t negotiable.

“What are you going to do, arrest me? I don’t give a f*ck.”

At this point Her started moving his bags toward the back of the cabin (in the direction of economy), and then the discussion continued right by my seat. The passenger then once again claimed that his seat in economy was occupied by someone else.

The cabin manager asked where he was seated, and the guy pointed to an occupied seat. Another flight attendant informed the cabin manager he was seated on the other side of the cabin, and the seat was empty. The guy then changed his story — he then claimed he had a connection, and needed to sit in the front of the cabin. That didn’t fly.

He then changed his story yet again. “I’m having a f*cking panic attack and need to sit in business class.”

The cabin manager continued to stay calm but stood his ground. That didn’t stop the passenger from continuing to cuss him out, and he once again told him to f*ck off.

At this point the cabin manager said “if you don’t go back to your seat right now we will have the police meet the flight.” He responded with “I don’t give a f*ck.”

After a couple more minutes of the cabin manager making it clear this wasn’t optional, the guy returned to economy. Upon arrival, there were four airport police officers waiting on the jet bridge. I unfortunately didn’t see what exactly happened from there, since I got off the plane before he did.

Drama in the Qsuites aisle…

Bottom line

Airline crews put up with a lot, and unfortunately self-upgraders are pretty common. Usually self-upgraders are embarrassed when caught, or at most try to put up a mild fight before giving up.

On yesterday’s flight from Doha to Dallas, I saw the most shameless self-upgrader I’ve ever seen. He was verbally abusive toward the crew, and made up baseless lies about his seat being occupied, as if passengers got onboard somewhere over the Atlantic.

Huge kudos to the crew for the professionalism with which they handled the situation. I’m happy they stood their ground in a calm but firm way, and called the police.

What’s the worst self-upgrader situation you’ve witnessed?

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  1. iamhere Guest

    You don't think that some have been more abusive or argumentative to the crew about it? That's only because you did not experience it.

  2. Quinn Guest

    It sure seems to me that far and away the easiest way airlines could stop self upgraders is to just do a better job filling first/business seats by doing more official upgrading of rule abiding economy ticket holders based on loyalty status. Sure this would prevent the handful of airlines that want to sell inflight upgrades but its hard for me to imagine that's actually all that common.

    This way there are no empty...

    It sure seems to me that far and away the easiest way airlines could stop self upgraders is to just do a better job filling first/business seats by doing more official upgrading of rule abiding economy ticket holders based on loyalty status. Sure this would prevent the handful of airlines that want to sell inflight upgrades but its hard for me to imagine that's actually all that common.

    This way there are no empty seats for self upgraders to try to steal, they reward people to play by the rules, and on the rare occasions where there are no high status tier members in economy to upgrade they can get some good PR by surprise upgrading someone with a lower level status with an unexpected upgrade.

  3. Ehhhh Guest

    Do people really think the crew won't notice lol

  4. stogieguy7 Diamond

    His name is Her! Sorry, but that's just amusing. And, he would have automatic intersectionality credits with the leftist wokesters, whether he's a conservative guy or not.

  5. RJ Guest

    Conservatives: "Wow, liberals are so easily triggered nowadays. They get trump derangement syndrome simply because hes outwardly trying to ruin the country and I guess they don't like that? So fragile"


  6. VVN Sydney Guest

    Her is not that surprising. Undoubtedly many ‘western’ names are odd / rude / difficult for other languages / cultures / people. My mother-in-law hosted Japanese language students for years, mainly young women. Rather than ‘traditional’ to us feminine Japanese names which usually end in ‘ko’ eg. Michiko or similar… she drove us to distraction with Ai (I) and Yu (You). Which I’m sure are lovely names and completely normal in Japan. But when Ai...

    Her is not that surprising. Undoubtedly many ‘western’ names are odd / rude / difficult for other languages / cultures / people. My mother-in-law hosted Japanese language students for years, mainly young women. Rather than ‘traditional’ to us feminine Japanese names which usually end in ‘ko’ eg. Michiko or similar… she drove us to distraction with Ai (I) and Yu (You). Which I’m sure are lovely names and completely normal in Japan. But when Ai went to the shops earlier today and Yu went later on and Ai really wanted to … blah blah blah fill in the gap - we eventually just referred to them interchangeably in phone conversations as ‘Pronoun’ and hoped They and We weren’t coming to stay with Her next.

  7. Tom Guest

    I don't think you mentioned the nationality of the miscreant but, from the language quoted, can we safely assume the self-upgrader was American?

    1. Jake212 Guest

      Tom you’re embarrassing yourself. The only thing that can be safely said is that you’re an antisemitic prick. GFY!

  8. Super VC10 Guest

    In the late 1980s, onboard a TWA L-1011 departing Cairo for Paris, I was seated near the back of Ambassador Business Class. As the boarding door was being closed, I noticed a number of passengers who had initially taken their seats in Economy, self-upgrade into empty seats forward of mine.
    Initially I didn't say anything to the crew, figuring it wasn't my place play policeman. But I did voice my displeasure when the purser...

    In the late 1980s, onboard a TWA L-1011 departing Cairo for Paris, I was seated near the back of Ambassador Business Class. As the boarding door was being closed, I noticed a number of passengers who had initially taken their seats in Economy, self-upgrade into empty seats forward of mine.
    Initially I didn't say anything to the crew, figuring it wasn't my place play policeman. But I did voice my displeasure when the purser came to take my meal choice, and I learned my first choice was no longer available, due to those meals having been chosen by the 'upgrades' seated in front of me...
    I said to the purser that "'s bad enough people can pay for Economy and move themselves into Business, but it really irks me when they are also given priority in selecting meals!"
    The purser merely shrugged, and the self-upgrades remained in their Ambassador seats all the way to Charles De Gaulle.

  9. Peter Boland Guest

    Thanks for calling this out Ben. Great post.

  10. Andy Diamond

    Based on my experience, most self-upgraders are "friends (& family)" of the crew and therefore actually successful. While there is usually a policy permitting captains to upgrade their spouses, most airlines do not have such a policy for "friends". However, in particular in LH/LX/OS upgrading "friends" is very frequent.

    1. Dick Bupkiss Guest

      I have family members who were flight attendants for years (last one retired a couple years ago). They always managed to get "upgrades" for family and friends, as long as there were empty seats in business class. Several times, when business class was full, two family members (father and teenage son) even got to ride in the crew rest quarters (up behind/above the cockpit) -- that definitely surprised me. It was all at the discretion...

      I have family members who were flight attendants for years (last one retired a couple years ago). They always managed to get "upgrades" for family and friends, as long as there were empty seats in business class. Several times, when business class was full, two family members (father and teenage son) even got to ride in the crew rest quarters (up behind/above the cockpit) -- that definitely surprised me. It was all at the discretion of the captain. This was a "family benefit" they enjoyed for years. That benefit did not extend all the way to me (but that's OK, I have points...).

      I have seen people "self-upgrade" (sneak) into business class a few times, with the crew never bothering them. I've also seen flight attendants quietly/discreetly bring passengers forward from coach and seat them in Business class, always after the plane has reached 10,000 feet on climbout, right after the seat-belt sign goes off. I always assumed these were family/friends of the FAs.

  11. Ray Gold

    Nothing helps in pleading your case than dropping a series of F bombs on those with the ability to make the decision.

    Out of curiosity, is there a crime in the self upgrade or just the refusal to do as the FA instructed?

    1. sacrxy Guest

      I am not a lawyer or in law enforcement but I would say it is both a refusal to follow instruction from the crew and property theft of a couple thousand dollars if you calculate with full fares.

  12. Ella Guest

    So the person's name was a pronoun in another language? Good thing that never happens here!

    1. Ray Gold

      And that is your takeaway from the story. You must have been a prize student. Not even going to comment on the remark about the name of the FA.

    2. grichard Guest

      It was sarcastic. "Ella" is a Spanish pronoun.

  13. Steve Guest

    You want business class ticket then buy it
    Not that hard to do

  14. Razzak Memon Guest

    You should be ashamed to fake your name and identity to post such comments!
    Oh wait, we'll identify you by your fake name, email address and IP address!
    No worries!
    @Ben did you get that?

  15. warisara Guest

    I would like to disclaim this by saying that I do not mean any disrespect to any ethnicity and am not biased at all. After working 10 years in a ME airline I have enough facts to make an objective and unbiased statement. Everything written here is based on the numerous experiences we have in flight (especially flights like US/Canada or flights to UK).

    Let me guess, he was south asian / indian with...

    I would like to disclaim this by saying that I do not mean any disrespect to any ethnicity and am not biased at all. After working 10 years in a ME airline I have enough facts to make an objective and unbiased statement. Everything written here is based on the numerous experiences we have in flight (especially flights like US/Canada or flights to UK).

    Let me guess, he was south asian / indian with a US passport? I really don’t mean to sound or be construed as racist, but working in a middle east airline for over a decade exposes you to a LOT of situations like this. Sadly, it has only ever happened with certain nationalities… I can’t even lie…80% of the time these cases are brought about by first-second generation immigrants….Don’t even get me started on them waving their “british passports” with fake british accents asking for a separate toilet for UK passport holders and demanding a gin and tonic during boarding… in economy.

    Third generation onward immigrants are incredibly polite (Millenials?) regardless of their ethnicity. I love having them in flight. They are patient, considerate and most importantly kind to the cabin crew. However first / second generation always act like they have something to prove…

    I am always happy to see people succeeding in life. Immigrating for the betterment of your family’s future is an amazing thing and you should be proud! But getting a new passport does not entitle you to treat us (your cabin crew who are there for YOUR SAFETY not as YOUR SLAVES) like trash. We are all human. Act human.

    1. Joe Harmon Guest

      Just love how you're using guess-work to assume the ethnicity of someone and then going on a tangential rant based on your own hypothetical just to post your generalized opinion about various ethnic groups.

  16. Azamaraal Guest

    I missed the boat - er airplane.

    Having had my valid Q-suite ticket cancelled (DOH-SEA) I meekly sat in 42A on a new paid ticket. My wife, whose ticket on the same PNR was not cancelled, sat in Business with a stranger next to her.

    Never though to self - up/down grade with Qatar email showing valid seat and ticket.

  17. Steven E Guest

    I’m assuming this was an “American”

    1. Nat pisupati Guest

      Well he’s stupid because he is going to be dealing with US Police , TSA etc upon arrival in Dallas and they could put him on a no fly list etc take him to a county detention center ( not very nice ) if he thought economy was bad …….

    2. rrapynot Guest

      And probably believes the election was stolen too.

    3. Steve Guest

      What does that have to do with boarding a plane

    4. Icarus Guest

      Given the abusive language, possibly, however nationality is not important. Unless he was a visitor to the US, refused entry and sent back ( and assigned a seat at the very back of the aircraft) which would be karma.

  18. Marco Guest

    Firstly from his state of mind and apparent fear of missing a connection, he wanted to be the first to get of the plane. To do that at the start of the flight makes him guilty of self upgrading lol. Had he spoken to the crew you never know they could have accommodated his request to move up front "just" for the landing, of course once Ben, Ford and the folk that ride up front had left the aircraft first (wink)

  19. Colin Harris Guest

    On a London-Tokyo flight, 4-5 hours after departure, when the cabin lights were turned off, a man appeared and sat down in a seat across the aisle. He then pretended to be asleep when the attendant attempted to ask him to go back to Economy. He refused to "wake up" which then turned into a farce when 4 to 5 attendants tried to wake him up. He was successful in sleeping in Club for several...

    On a London-Tokyo flight, 4-5 hours after departure, when the cabin lights were turned off, a man appeared and sat down in a seat across the aisle. He then pretended to be asleep when the attendant attempted to ask him to go back to Economy. He refused to "wake up" which then turned into a farce when 4 to 5 attendants tried to wake him up. He was successful in sleeping in Club for several hours until they began to light up the cabin to serve breakfast. He then claimed to have been upgraded by an attendant and demanded that he could remain in Club. Again, he was successful. I got the impression the only reason they didn't cause more fuzz than they did was to avoid disturbing the passengers in Club.

  20. Sandy Needham Guest

    This was a Doha to Dallas flight. This might have been more of a lesson for the self-upgrader if it had been the reverse. I should think that 3 or 4 days in a Qatari jail would calm down most unruly passengers.

  21. Widerightv Member

    Wait a second...
    You're a travel writer, and travel all the time?
    You give us this great story about the potty mouth jerk that wants to move into Business Class?
    Where was your video of this incident?
    You didn't have a smart phone with a video accessory?
    Lucky; you would have a Pulitzer waiting for you if you could produce pictures and audio. (This is the point where I need to slap you on the forehead and say "What were you thinking")

    1. Timtamtrak Diamond

      When has Ben ever gone to the level of filming an altercation? Perhaps he has the common sense of being a quiet observer would not escalate the situation? People that are already on edge tend to not take kindly to cameras in their face, even discreetly.

    2. bob Guest

      I don't mind having the story without the video. We're just too damn much of a *thrust your phone out to film everything* society. And then we have the nerve to complain about the govt spying on us when we do a pretty good job of that to each other. Let's not contribute to that behavior. I think seeing more and more videos of bad behavior emboldens other idiots to one up the idiot to get notoriety and social media points.

    3. Trey Guest

      Filming altercations are for Spirit Rows 20+. I don't think you do this in QR business whilst crossing the Atlantic - if no other reason than to get involved in something you've almost nothing to gain, but more to lose.

  22. Stuart Guest

    I'm so confused in today's woke pronoun world, who is her and why is her a he and how am I supposed to address they/her/him.

    1. Anna Guest

      Maybe learn to read. Her is the name of the cabin manager.

    2. Stuart Guest

      Maybe learn to laugh. It was satire, woke one.

    3. Stuart Guest

      I have a doppelgänger now, fun. One who clearly needs to watch Bill Maher a bit more and get a grip on the irony of life. Right? Lest we all go mad.

    4. Scott Turner Guest

      Making fun of someone’s name and calling it “satire” … racism and bigotry revealed in subtle ways once again..

    5. Timtamtrak Diamond

      Not even a vaguely funny joke.

    6. EBWaa Guest

      You’re about as funny as a toothache, you worthless mental defective.

  23. Crosscourt Guest

    Was the jerk American?

    1. Emma Guest

      Most probably not. People flying with QR to US are from India.

    2. Dave Guest

      Hi, I'm quite sure this is a hasty generalization. There seem to be a few comments here against Indians, and @lucky I really hope that you do something to address this.

  24. Pete Guest

    I work as a flight attendant. The panic attack and anxiety esxcuse is something you gear every day. Nobody wants to buy business class ticket, but once they're onboard everyone wants to upgrade, "even if they have to pay"

  25. Skedguy Guest

    Too woke PC on the pronouns methinks.

    1. Anna Guest

      The flight attendant’s name was Her, genius.

    2. Stuart Guest

      You are all so easily baited on the pronoun joke. My god, talk about "dunce" lol. Y'all are so serious now and woke you can't even laugh at irony. My god, in the immortal words of Sgt Hulka, "Lighten up, Francis."

    3. bob Guest

      Except for people who actually did think it was a pronoun reference and not an actual non christian name but like to pretend that they knew it all along.

    4. KT Guest

      You're what we used to call a "Dunce', LOL

  26. RazzakMemon New Member

    This poster is obviously a troll and fake. Watch out guys!
    That's all I have say!

  27. vbscript2 Guest

    Just make sure you wear your hat embroidered with "almost made AA Gold a few years ago" on one side and "DYKWIA" on the other and you'll be good.

  28. Billy S. - oneworld FF Guest

    This is the only equitable approach to overcoming the culture of white supremacy that is pervasive within the airline industry.

    People from marginalized backgrounds must assert their rights, self-upgrade, and threaten violent discourse to any flight attendent who dares stand in their way (insert preferred pronoun here).

  29. Donna Diamond

    My only experience was on US Airways in Business Class about eight years ago. I had a tight connection in PHL for my flight to CDG. I boarded near the end of the boarding process and a man was sitting in my assigned seat in J. My first thought was that the Gate Agent upgraded this guy at the last minute because my flight from San Diego was late. But there was no problem when...

    My only experience was on US Airways in Business Class about eight years ago. I had a tight connection in PHL for my flight to CDG. I boarded near the end of the boarding process and a man was sitting in my assigned seat in J. My first thought was that the Gate Agent upgraded this guy at the last minute because my flight from San Diego was late. But there was no problem when I boarded and they scanned my boarding pass. I told the guy that he was in the wrong seat and he said that I was wrong. I then got the FA and she asked for his boarding pass and he wouldn’t produce it. At that point, she called for the Gate Agent and the guy was not upgraded and they asked again for his BP and finally told him that if he didn’t produce it, they would call the police and have him removed. He reluctantly got up and moved to his seat in economy but not before taking the amenity kit with him. The FA asked for the kit and he reluctantly returned it.

    1. Mh Diamond

      Amazing how entitled/selfish some people are, and have no shame.

  30. Chuck Guest

    I agree. There's no harm in taking something that you didn't pay for. Especially if you are a famous person, as you clearly are.

    1. PeoplesPEEP Guest

      You must be a high school student, or homeless ‍♂️

  31. Gerard Member

    I must admit that I have moved to better, empty seats in a theatre or sporting venue (i.e. seats that have a better view but are otherwise the same) after it was clear that they would remain empty for the performance and not felt bad about it. I have moved within a plane cabin too (e.g. within economy). But I have never moved up to another class of seating in an airplane. Is there a...

    I must admit that I have moved to better, empty seats in a theatre or sporting venue (i.e. seats that have a better view but are otherwise the same) after it was clear that they would remain empty for the performance and not felt bad about it. I have moved within a plane cabin too (e.g. within economy). But I have never moved up to another class of seating in an airplane. Is there a justification for this difference in my head? It seems OK to me to move in the theatre and in the same class of seating on a plane, but not OK to move up to business class.

    1. Anna Guest

      First the cost difference is significantly different. Second, you don’t receive additional services by moving to an empty seat at a baseball game unless you move to a special section or a box.

  32. sam Guest

    I'm confused how delusional do you have to be to think this would make sense?

  33. AlanD Guest

    If there was going to be an open business seat on the return sector from DFW-DOH, they should have tied him up like often happens with disruptive passengers and told him, “Here is your business class seat. We would like you to experience the hospitality of the Qatari police instead of American police. We assure you it will be almost as pleasant as flying business class.”

  34. Brian G. Gold

    @Lucky next time for the sake of a blog please stay onboard and discreetly watch the conclusion of the drama. :-)

    1. Brian G. Gold

      So we can all find out the conclusion. :-)

  35. Trey Guest

    @Lucky you should do an article on legitimate on board upgrades, which airlines allow, their policies, costs, experiences.

    1. ACK Guest

      I can’t think of a more appropriate location to pepper reminders of the unexpected outcome of inappropriate entitlement. In amongst the routine OMAAT articles.

  36. CHRIS Guest

    Calling the police? racist/transphobic of them.

    1. Icarus Guest

      What ?? What’s the moron’s ethnicity or sexuality got to do with it ? Comments like this confirm we live in the age of stupidity.

    2. His Majesty Guest

      Clearly this man identifies as a business class passenger, and who are you to argue with zim?!

  37. DenB Diamond

    I'm glad it's rare enough that we aren't forced to endure lectures about it in PA announcements or videos on IFE. We already have enough lectures about smoke detectors, "crewmember instructions", carryon bags, seatbelts etc. If they start reminding us to stay in the right cabin where does it end?

    I witnessed this self-upgrading once on EVA YYZ-TPE and it was like Ben's story: the guy reattempted it 3 times before giving up.

    I do...

    I'm glad it's rare enough that we aren't forced to endure lectures about it in PA announcements or videos on IFE. We already have enough lectures about smoke detectors, "crewmember instructions", carryon bags, seatbelts etc. If they start reminding us to stay in the right cabin where does it end?

    I witnessed this self-upgrading once on EVA YYZ-TPE and it was like Ben's story: the guy reattempted it 3 times before giving up.

    I do understand economy frustration though, as airlines make economy more and more uncomfortable and as they keep seatbelt light on longer and longer, when there's no turb. "Stay in your seat" becomes more challening for restless claustrophobic people and blaming them only gets us so far.

    1. David Diamond

      Consumers made the choice for low price tickets, so something’s gotta give. He could’ve paid a very modest premium for EVA’s rather good PE product, but he chose to pay for the cheapest possible ticket and shamelessly make his way to the biz cabin.

      Sorry, no sympathies here.

  38. Mike O. Guest

    I'm sure jail in the United States is luxurious compared to jail in Qatar. (Or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter)

  39. Jance Guest

    OK, so now to make this interesting - and useful...

    What are your thoughts on "turning in" someone who self-upgrades?

    Lets say the FAs are all busy relaxing in the galley. Mister Entitled sneaks in to business class and plops himself down on the empty seat near. He gives you a wink, reclines, covers up with a blanket, and pretends to go to sleep. What do you do?

    1. uldguy Diamond

      I would immediately eat him out to the crew.

      Damn interlopers….

    2. uldguy Diamond

      Sorry. I would immediately RAT him out to the crew. (Not eat him out!)

    3. LarryInNYC Diamond

      Certainly not! That would be like a double upgrade.

    4. hp12c Member

      Best comment of the year!

    5. DenB Diamond

      I don't think it's important whether we do or don't. Crew will notice within a half hour at most.

    6. Jeffrey Guest

      Some don't, you just have role play security to find out and report it in. Remember, they are tired from all this mayhem and don't want to deal with it anymore.

    7. Donna Diamond

      The crew is on top of this, trust me! They know everyone’s name in J and I’m sure they’re aware of any empty seats. The thing I’ve noticed is people switching seats in J with friends or family in economy hoping to score free food and drinks. Again, the crew always catches this IME.

    8. Dick Bupkiss Guest

      This has not been my experience. Maybe it is nowadays on domestic (US) airlines, but not always true in Rest Of The World.

  40. Cedric Guest

    I've actually seen the oposite. This old man in First gets up goes to the lavatory, then comes out and goes to sit in economy (past business...). The crew found him and brough him back to First class :). This was 8-10 years ago on LX.

    1. Jeffrey Guest

      He probably got lost and forgot about where he actually sat. It is typical of someone like that is in their old age. They tend to be forgetful at times.

    2. Jeffrey Guest


    3. BuildTheWall Guest

      Biden travelled on commercial flights 8-10 years ago? Risky!

  41. Alonzo Diamond

    They could have at least told him what the cash fare would be since the biz class seat was empty. Lol, we can charge that 20k to the credit card of your choice.

  42. Icarus Guest

    I can’t imagine what possesses people to think this is normal. Sadly more and more are like this. Hopefully Qatar blacklisted him. I would have billed him even if he sat there for just 5 mins. If you can upgrade in flight, as is possible in many carriers, the crew could have asked its fine and the charge will be $4000. How would you like to pay Mr Moron?

    1. Jeffrey Guest

      Just put him in the ejector seat and launch his ass out the door. Easy enough right?

  43. bc Guest

    Talk about confusing pronouns!?! So there was a cabin manager and his name was Her?

    1. SB Guest

      Likely not from the US and Her is not a pronoun in his country.

    2. Desperado Guest

      Am I supposed to understand this comment? Sad..

    3. Travelssss Guest

      Possibly the name “Her” is pronounced “hair”? I dunno though.

  44. JakePB Guest

    1992, Elaine Benes...shameless.

    1. Bort Guest

      Do you realize that the people up here are getting cookies!

  45. 305 Guest

    How he got two large carry-ons on board is a whole other story...

    1. Donna Diamond

      And one of those carryons looks rather broken.

    2. JorgeGeorge Paez Guest

      That's what I was wondering.....

  46. Jump Guest

    Was the "Her" usage intentional?

  47. Mon Guest

    Dallas. That explains like 80% of this. MIA also horrible. Flights to/from Middle East probably the most times I’ve seen this. Something about entitlement.

    1. Burritomiles Guest

      Bingo! TX and FL people are known for this type of behavior.

    2. JetAway Guest

      No evidence this was a "TX" or "FL" person.

    3. Razzak Memon Guest

      Oh Please. I am Pakistani from Tucson, AZ. I do this and am not ashamed to admit. Don't steal my thunder.

    4. Razzak Memon Guest

      Do you realize that it is very easy to identify a troll with a fake name, email address to post a comment like this?

      You have no idea what you are exposing yourself to.

      You should be ashamed!


      The real Razzak Memon

    5. XPL Diamond

      Now that you mention it, the only self-upgrader I've ever seen was on a flight to... Texas, IAH. Thankfully there wasn't the drama described here.

    6. JetAway Guest

      So the person was going to Texas from where? A lot of people travel to and through Texas since two of the country's largest airports are there.

    7. mon New Member

      100% this. TX and FL always get the "fun" flights haha.

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Anna Guest

The flight attendant’s name was Her, genius.

uldguy Diamond

Sorry. I would immediately RAT him out to the crew. (Not eat him out!)

Anna Guest

Maybe learn to read. Her is the name of the cabin manager.

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