A couple of weeks ago, Delta reported its financial results for 2024, and forecasted that 2025 would be the company’s best year in history. Well, now United has revealed its results for 2024, and has issued a similar forecast. It’s interesting to look at some of the details of the carrier’s performance.
In this post:
2024 was a record year for United Airlines
United has revealed the details of its 2024 financials, and it was a blockbuster year for the carrier, as the company had both record revenue revenue and income. In terms of full year 2024 financial results:
- United had operating revenue of $57.1 billion, a 6% increase compared to the $53.7 billion operating revenue in 2023
- United had operating income of $5.1 billion, a 21% increase compared to the $4.2 billion operating income in 2023
- United had an operating margin of 8.9%, a 14% increase compared to the 7.8% operating margin in 2023
- United had pre-tax income of $4.2 billion, a 23% increase compared to the $3.4 billion pre-tax income in 2023
- United had earnings per share of $9.45, a 20% increase compared to the $7.89 earnings per share in 2023
United notes some impressive year-over-year improvements for the fourth quarter of 2024. Premium revenue was up 10%, corporate revenue was up 7%, basic economy revenue was up 20%, loyalty revenue was up 12%, and cargo revenue was up 30%.
Since United is increasingly in Delta’s league, it’s worth noting that in 2024, Delta had operating revenue of $57 billion, operating income of $6 billion, and pre-tax income of $5.2 billion.
So while Delta was still more profitable than United in 2024, there’s no denying that United is trending in a better direction than Delta. For example, while Delta had record revenue in 2024, the carrier made a slightly lower profit than in 2023. That’s a different story than United, which saw a 20%+ increase in profit compared to the previous year. Of course past performance is no guarantee of what will happen in the future.
Here’s what United CEO Scott Kirby had to say about the company’s performance:
“United had a unique strategy coming out of COVID and our people have delivered for customers leading to a structurally and permanently changed industry. 2024 was a strong year across the board for United as we’ve become the leading global airline and we enter 2025 with demand trends continuing to accelerate which puts us on the path to double-digit pre-tax margins.”
Speaking of Kirby, during today’s earnings call, he once again made the point that United is “the best airline in the history of aviation.” That’s… quite a claim.

United Airlines expects double digit margins in 2025
Even more impressive than United’s 2024 results are the carrier’s predictions for 2025. The airline expects the first quarter will see a year-over-year increase in revenue per air seat mile. Bigger picture, United is expecting a double digit pre-tax margin for the year.
When you consider that United had revenue of over $57 billion in 2024, and that should be even higher in 2025, that suggests that United is hoping for a pre-tax profit of north of $6 billion. Interestingly Delta is also hoping for a pre-tax profit of $6 billion this year (meanwhile American is in a totally different league, for the worse).
So Delta and United have very similar financial projections. Could this be the year where United finally becomes more profitable than Delta? I guess we’ll see.
While I realize airline executives have to give projections of performance, the airline industry is incredibly fragile, so there are all kinds of things that could change. The one major challenge that United faces with profitability is that flight attendants still don’t have a new contract.
That’s long overdue, and it’s embarrassing that the airline is achieving record profits, all while dragging its feet on a new contract. So assuming that gets ratified in 2025, that could impact United’s profitability.
I’d also note that United is a bit more exposed when it comes to ultra long haul flying than Delta, and that’s both a blessing and curse, especially with a Trump presidency. United has historically been the strongest US carrier to Israel, India, and across the North Pacific.
So I could see this going either way. If the situation in Israel stabilizes, or if Russian airspace were to reopen, United would likely benefit from that more than other US airlines. Meanwhile if we see less international trade (like if we see widespread tariffs), that could be bad for international demand. Only time will tell how this plays out.
One thing is for sure — United’s stock has had an absolutely wild year, and is up over 180% in the past 12 months. No, it’s not 180% of what it was 12 months ago, but it’s literally up 180%. On the one hand, United has done an impressive job catching up with Delta. On the other hand, one needs to have amnesia to think that airlines are a good long term investment.

That’s not because anything airlines do wrong, but rather because it’s just such an impossible, cyclical industry. Even with United’s impressive performance in 2024, it’s worth noting that the carrier’s cost per air seat mile (16.7 cents) exceeded the carrier’s passenger revenue per air seat mile (16.66 cents).
So the airline made money on its loyalty program, and some other revenue opportunities, but hardly from actually flying passengers. Personally, I’d very much consider these to be the “best of times,” but I guess we’ll see…
Bottom line
2024 was a record year for United, with the company reporting revenue and profit. United has been trending upwards, and the airline expects even more revenue and profits in 2025. Admittedly there’s a lot that can change, especially with the current political climate, so only time will tell how this plays out.
How do you see 2025 going for United, especially in comparison to Delta?
Longer delays, missed connections, no more food in 1st class, no more magazine, dirty cabins, indifferent flight attendants, but hey…bigger profits! Woo Hoo!
Given we are about to enter another maga economy I agree United will see massive profits.
The “MAGA economy” was basically the same as the Obama and Biden economies. Don’t delude yourself into thinking Trump is some kind of wizard, unless you are talking about a “grand” wizard.
I think it’s interesting that United and Delta don’t seem concerned about events outside of their control. There are many unknowns about the effects of Trump’s domestic and international policies and how they might affect demand for international travel. Both airlines have a large footprint in Los Angeles and it’s unclear how much domestic and international travel will be affected but it will be years before LA returns to “normal “.
In an...
I think it’s interesting that United and Delta don’t seem concerned about events outside of their control. There are many unknowns about the effects of Trump’s domestic and international policies and how they might affect demand for international travel. Both airlines have a large footprint in Los Angeles and it’s unclear how much domestic and international travel will be affected but it will be years before LA returns to “normal “.
In an ironic way it gives me hope about the future when I hear United and Delta talk about their projected record profits, I hope they are right.
LAX is a fairly small amount of either DL or UA's total profits even though it is an important market
I do think many downplay the impact of the fires but there is and will be a strong and wealthy market at LAX.
DL and UA are the strongest and they will be able to withstand challenges better than other airlines.
now if UA could only get some more planes.
Well they are certainly not spending money on Polaris food.
Uncle Sam should claw-back a portion of the record profits. Over three years after the U.S. government (taxpayers) rescued the country’s airlines, the bill is this: $62 billion spent, $19 billion repaid or expected to be, a few billion in savings elsewhere, and $1.4 billion in airline stock that remains underwater, according to a Semafor analysis of federal data.
The country would also basically collapse without the airline industry. So much of the country's economy depends on it.
new presidency allowing more drilling may lower/stabilize gas prices which can lead to better performance of airlines.
What do you mean "especially in a Trump presidency"?
What he means by that is if the situation in Israel stabilizes, or if Russian airspace were to reopen, United would likely benefit from that more than other US airlines. Meanwhile if we see less international trade (like if we see widespread tariffs), that could be bad for international demand. Only time will tell how this plays out.
Hope that helps.
it depends on who has the airplanes to grow. If United is fully utilizing their international fleet and cannot add new routes other than what they get in Boeing deliveries, other carriers that are receiving more airplanes might benefit more. United might cut some existing routes and add new routes, but it is far from clear that United would be the biggest winner if airspace restrictions change
Thanks for the fair and balanced reply, very helpful.
first, AA and UA should be making as much as DL; AA and UA both fly more ASMs than DL.
Scott Kirby gets a huge amount of credit for addressing the revenue shortfalls that caused UA to underperform DL.
UA is doing very well on passenger revenue; AA has yet to fix its problems.
that said, costs are very different. UA is not playing in the same league as DL or AA in...
first, AA and UA should be making as much as DL; AA and UA both fly more ASMs than DL.
Scott Kirby gets a huge amount of credit for addressing the revenue shortfalls that caused UA to underperform DL.
UA is doing very well on passenger revenue; AA has yet to fix its problems.
that said, costs are very different. UA is not playing in the same league as DL or AA in terms of costs. It is important to note that UA has the most open labor contracts among the big 4 which means its labor costs are most likely to increase. Even in profit sharing, DL will pay out twice as much profit sharing as UA will. The difference in labor costs between DL and UA is very likely $1 billion/year plus one-time settlement costs for UA that will exceed $500 million. $1 billion difference in labor costs is not insignificant.
In terms of irregular items that impacted the bottom line, DL’s CrowdStrike event was the most costly in the industry far more than what the MAX 9 grounding cost UAL or ALK.
In terms of fleet and revenue growth, UA is not getting aircraft at anywhere near the rate they expected and also need to retire aircraft which they are doing - as I said they would; according to UA’s latest fleet plan, they are retiring at least 25 A320CEO aircraft according to their latest fleet plan. They expect to receive less than 10 787s and are not planning to retire any widebodies. AA will possibly receive more new 787s in 2025 than UA but less narrowbodies. UA’s total fleet will grow by about 60 aircraft in 2025 with AA and DL adding 15-20. DL is receiving more widebodies than either AA or UA but is using a fairly significant percentage of its new deliveries to retire 767s and is using its Airbus narrowbodies to retire 757s and A320s.
AA and DL simply have younger and more efficient aircraft and that advantage will grow relative to UA.
UA's stock price puts it in line with its earnings with DL; their net profits pretty closely are aligned to their market cap relative to DL.
Consequently, UA stock is not expected to grow as fast as DL's in 2025 which is also expecting a record 2025.
DL and UA are clearly leading the industry but there is no realistic models that show that UA will overtake DL in terms of overall net profitability and a good reason is because of the DL/Amex relationship which AA is now going to replicate to a degree with Citi. UA is years from getting a lucrative credit card contract.
btw, DL has loaded schedules to TLV again. UA?
Absolutely 0 helpful hearts. Maybe you’ll get it one done. Bless you.
whether you or anyone likes the truth doesn't make them any less real
UA is generating much stronger revenue because it has far less underperforming capacity but it is not spending the money esp. on labor or to bring its fleet up to similar standards as AA and DL
when their execs said that they will have labor headwinds when they settle w/ labor, I am right as well as Ben and those below that...
whether you or anyone likes the truth doesn't make them any less real
UA is generating much stronger revenue because it has far less underperforming capacity but it is not spending the money esp. on labor or to bring its fleet up to similar standards as AA and DL
when their execs said that they will have labor headwinds when they settle w/ labor, I am right as well as Ben and those below that asked how UA's profits would be if they paid their people including FAs new industry standard
I think most people here like the truth; they just don't view you as the holder of it and your bias permeates everything you say so you're just ignored and read with amusement
There's a good reason your claim to fame is in the comments section and that's it.
in other words, you too, don't like some one telling you the truth.
If it is true, it doesn't matter who says it.
Kirby has fixed UA's revenue problem but is doing it with costs that are well below the industry standard
Obviously, United is more premium than Delta.
I would like to see United’s earnings adjusted (hypothetically) for the additional labor costs it will incur when they finally settle with the AFA. Therein continues to be the ‘apples to oranges’ when people compare Delta’s earnings to United’s with Delta F/As already getting paid on the ground and in the air with superior pay schedules. Time will tell. Any prognosticators out there who’d like to take a stab at what the ‘adjusted income’ post-settlement...
I would like to see United’s earnings adjusted (hypothetically) for the additional labor costs it will incur when they finally settle with the AFA. Therein continues to be the ‘apples to oranges’ when people compare Delta’s earnings to United’s with Delta F/As already getting paid on the ground and in the air with superior pay schedules. Time will tell. Any prognosticators out there who’d like to take a stab at what the ‘adjusted income’ post-settlement might look like? Where is Tim Dunn?
United execs said in their earnings call today that they expect significant headwinds on their costs when they settle with all of their labor groups. Delta paid those costs quite some time ago. American is catching up. Southwest also is now paying those costs even without the revenue bump that they need
How on earth do they expect to achieve record profits for this year with significant cost headwinds?? It just doesn't mathematically add up.
And based on their abysmal catering I'm not sure what else they have room to cut in their operational spend...
It's a bit frustrating to see results like this knowing they continue to drag their feet on the FA contract and can't possibly be bothered to provide food fit for human consumption...
How on earth do they expect to achieve record profits for this year with significant cost headwinds?? It just doesn't mathematically add up.
And based on their abysmal catering I'm not sure what else they have room to cut in their operational spend...
It's a bit frustrating to see results like this knowing they continue to drag their feet on the FA contract and can't possibly be bothered to provide food fit for human consumption...
I'd still fly UA over American any day but unless they're able to maintain material continued growth in revenue I don't see how they achieve the profit results they're advertising.
A comparison could also be made for the time UA renegotiates its credit card revenue agreement with Chase. As the last of the US3 to renew this contract with the credit card partner, US is making billions of dollars less revenue than DL.
This will be a major tailwind for UA when the new contract comes up in a couple of years.
when UA negotiates a new CC contract and gives the revenue estimates, then we can figure out the impact.
not before
Will it be the most profitable year ever once they pay their staff?
Stating these are the best of times, that they don't make money on flying passengers, and that you would need amnesia to invest long term, while also saying United should invest long term in their FAs is wild.
@ Sel, D. -- American flight attendants got pay raises, despite American's margins being much worse. Delta's flight attendants are paid much better. Do you think United shouldn't be willing to negotiate a new contract for flight attendants, despite pilots getting massively lucrative new contracts? Do you think that will help make United the best airline in the history of aviation?
How do you write so many articles a day? The mind boggles lol
It'll be exciting to see how generous the profit-sharing will surely be for their frontline staff, like agents, flight attendants, etc.!!!!!! United Rising!!!!!
Nope apparently the flight attendants received 5% profit sharing while the company is it getting record profits. How embarrassing
it's almost like AFA negotiated what they currently have... how embarrassing for AFA...
It’s almost like United can come to an agreement any time they want and give their flight attendants a contract.
How shtty of United
Fire your union if they can’t get an agreement and left the last contract with well below industry standard profit sharing.
How embarrassing for AFA that they spent all their time and money getting APFA a contract at AA but forgetting about their own paying membership
Call a spade a spade, AFA screwed their own members, not United.
...Somehow getting a different union membership a new contract to AFA than their own AFA contract.
Fire your union if they can’t get an agreement and left the last contract with well below industry standard profit sharing.
How embarrassing for AFA that they spent all their time and money getting APFA a contract at AA but forgetting about their own paying membership
Call a spade a spade, AFA screwed their own members, not United.
Somehow getting a different union membership a new contract to AFA than their own AFA contract.
In case you missed it, during the last year, AFA leadership was at the table and negotiating for AA employees, not AFA. Their entire AFA leadership team let United FAs sit and do nothing and now AFA has realized they screwed up with the NMB and yet some have the gall to say it’s United’s fault lol
Tough for United to negotiate with AFA decision makers when they’re all off working for non AFA members for a year
It’s clear you’re likely a Thumper and anti-union so I’ll keep this short and sweet
In case you missed it’s been United demanding the non stop concessions meanwhile making record profits. United had no intentions of reaching a deal with the AFA in 2024 or earlier and that’s clear. If United had wanted to they would have made the effort…it’s really that simple.
Unions can only do so much with the Railway Labor Act...
It’s clear you’re likely a Thumper and anti-union so I’ll keep this short and sweet
In case you missed it’s been United demanding the non stop concessions meanwhile making record profits. United had no intentions of reaching a deal with the AFA in 2024 or earlier and that’s clear. If United had wanted to they would have made the effort…it’s really that simple.
Unions can only do so much with the Railway Labor Act in case you’re clueless. It took American and Southwest over five years to come to an agreement. It’s looking like things might be moving at an accelerated pace when the plans go into motion for Summer 2025 if no TA is reached soon.Stay tuned :)
I like unions, but I think AFA is a joke and if their members were smart, they'd fire them.
AFA was not prepared to negotiate with United in 2024. Their entire strategy was getting a different union a deal first then trying to leverage that to AFA's benefit. It's well known within AFA that they had zero intent to get a United deal before the APFA AA deal was done. If they lied to...
I like unions, but I think AFA is a joke and if their members were smart, they'd fire them.
AFA was not prepared to negotiate with United in 2024. Their entire strategy was getting a different union a deal first then trying to leverage that to AFA's benefit. It's well known within AFA that they had zero intent to get a United deal before the APFA AA deal was done. If they lied to you as a member to get you riled up, that's on you for not bothering to look into AFA's own strategy. Sure, you probably got a few angry emails from Sarah telling you that United wasn't giving them what they wanted but what she failed to mention was that she wasn't even meeting with United to get a deal. She was meeting with AA. lol
Needless to say, the AFA strategy failed MISERABLY. There's no reason to try to blame United when AFA wasn't even negotiating with them at the NMB or much otherwise (despite being in mediation).
I'm well aware of the RLA. You seem ignorant of the actual FACT that AFA utilized the RLA and the NMB to American's benefit as part of a purposeful strategy rather than to the benefit of their own members.
Well seems AFA Alaska secured higher profit sharing than Delta because Alaska doesn’t treat their flight attendants like trash and it’s due to different management systems. I blame United because they are at fault for not coming to the table in good faith. If they had done that and made realistic requests then the fault would fall on The AFA.
Once again negotiations are transparent simply go online and view what United offered and...
Well seems AFA Alaska secured higher profit sharing than Delta because Alaska doesn’t treat their flight attendants like trash and it’s due to different management systems. I blame United because they are at fault for not coming to the table in good faith. If they had done that and made realistic requests then the fault would fall on The AFA.
Once again negotiations are transparent simply go online and view what United offered and asked for it’s not reasonable and that is why there has been slow progress.It has been intentional on United’s end to stall.United has just now agreed to start meeting The AFA without a mediator and that’s after nearly 4 years of the contract being amendable . You can make up lies and tell stories all you want but I read every single update and don’t spread lies like you do.
"In case you missed it’s been United demanding the non stop concessions meanwhile making record profits. United had no intentions of reaching a deal with the AFA in 2024 or earlier and that’s clear. If United had wanted to they would have made the effort…it’s really that simple."
and just wow... the ignorance of low-level United Flight Attendants repeating the nonsense they're emailed from the Union... wow
In case you don't know, Unions ask...
"In case you missed it’s been United demanding the non stop concessions meanwhile making record profits. United had no intentions of reaching a deal with the AFA in 2024 or earlier and that’s clear. If United had wanted to they would have made the effort…it’s really that simple."
and just wow... the ignorance of low-level United Flight Attendants repeating the nonsense they're emailed from the Union... wow
In case you don't know, Unions ask the world and tell their members they'll get it while blaming the Company... and only let go of the ridiculous contract demands once they're ready to get a deal and negotiate. It's a VERY normal tactic by any union to ask for everything, then use it to say the Company isn't being reasonable. Their own members tend to have very short memories and then forget about everything their union said they "deserve" because the Union always knew they'd never get it but it made for a great email to make their members mad and rile them up while... AFA negotiates for a different union lol
Pay attention and READ nothing that the AFA asked for is unreasonable nor are they asking for the world lmao. If anything, they should have asked for more given how much revenue United is now bringing in. United has asked for many unreasonable concessions during a time of record profits and AFA has said no to it because they know the requests are unreasonable and being used to stall.
You are anti-union and that’s...
Pay attention and READ nothing that the AFA asked for is unreasonable nor are they asking for the world lmao. If anything, they should have asked for more given how much revenue United is now bringing in. United has asked for many unreasonable concessions during a time of record profits and AFA has said no to it because they know the requests are unreasonable and being used to stall.
You are anti-union and that’s your business but don’t come on here and tell bold lies. You live in delusion and you’re beneath me, Thumper. Take care :)
The contact was discussed on one of the calls today. There is optimism that the new AFA negotiating team, replacing the fired one, will actually be willing to negotiate.
That bodes well for the flight attendants who have been waiting so long for a new contract.
The union has been open to negotiate this entire time it’s been United that has refused and demanded insane concessions in an effort to stall as long as possible. All of this is available to the public online F.Y.I. so let’s not make up stories because you’re anti union.
The flight attendants aren’t just waiting on a contract they are not wanting major concessions while the company is making record profits. United pays...
The union has been open to negotiate this entire time it’s been United that has refused and demanded insane concessions in an effort to stall as long as possible. All of this is available to the public online F.Y.I. so let’s not make up stories because you’re anti union.
The flight attendants aren’t just waiting on a contract they are not wanting major concessions while the company is making record profits. United pays the lowest. Delta, American, Southwest and soon Alaska pay more. If you’re paying attention they are just trailing Delta in terms of revenue so the concession shop is closed!!!
So if UA offered a contract that matched DL exactly, that would be ok? Seems like it would be if UA is just barely trailing DL.