Lol: Russia Propaganda Video About Moving To USA

Lol: Russia Propaganda Video About Moving To USA


There’s a new Russian propaganda video about moving to the United States, which is too entertaining to not share…

Family flees Russia for the USA, regrets it

There’s a video going viral, intended to show how much worse life is in the United States than in Russia. The video is filmed in an airplane cabin, and is in Russian, but has English subtitles. You can see the video for yourself below (pardon the language in the Tweet, but that’s the original source, so…).

Essentially the video depicts a family moving to the United States, with the father commenting on how long he has been wanting to do this. A woman seated near the family confirms his excitement, saying how America is the freest country in the world, and the land of opportunity.

But then the family learns the alleged reality of living in the United States, which isn’t what they were expecting:

  • The woman seated in front of them introduces her “husband,” who seemingly farts and sneezes while sitting down, and probably isn’t what they were expecting from a husband
  • The man is eating meat, but a flight attendant forces him to stop, because it makes vegetarians seated near him uncomfortable; she takes the food from him, and mentions how this is how the principle of democracy works
  • There’s a line for the bathroom on the plane, but then a Black man shows up and jumps the line; the man is forced to let him go first, because “his people endured the oppression of white people for many years,” and “we owe all African Americans a debt,” so everyone then gets on their knees and bows down to the Black man, begging for forgiveness
  • The family is asked to change seats to another part of the cabin, because there’s a childfree couple near them, and a child being in their field of vision makes them uncomfortable

Then there’s the video about moving to Russia

Not only is there propaganda about leaving Russia for another country, but there’s also propaganda about immigrating to Russia. In late July, the Russian Embassy in Spain published a video with the caption “Time to move to Russia.”

The 53-second video shares various reasons you should move to Russia, including delicious cuisine, beautiful women (while showing an image of children — classy!), cheap gas, rich history, world famous literature, unique architecture, fertile soil, cheap electricity and water, ballet, cheap taxi and delivery, traditional values, Christianity, no cancel culture, hospitality, vodka, and an economy that can withstand thousands of sanctions.

The video finishes with the phrase “don’t delay, winter is coming.” No matter how you slice it, that seems to be a threat of Russia further cutting off natural resources to other parts of the world, especially Europe.

Bottom line

Well, that settles it. It seems like there are lots of reasons to move to Russia, but no reasons to leave the country.

What do you make of these Russian videos?

Conversations (84)
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  1. Andrew Rourke Guest

    Americans should never ignore the truth regardless of the pain-ratio. Can´t change anything by ignoring the truth.

  2. Andrew Rourke Guest

    For those of us who have either resided or are still in Russia. Go there ... that freshair you breathe in is very real. It´s sad they didn´t show anything about homeless junkies and gang crime looting Walmart.

  3. tu madre Guest

    I don't see what people are saying its spot on man I go outside I breath air
    and I never seen anything like that in my life you guys need to go outside and breath in the air

  4. Northcliffe4lyfe Guest

    The second video reminds me of Frank Reynold's American Creampie video

  5. Chet Guest

    We spend so much time discussing Mother Russia. Who cares!?
    When they are such a small economy and simply have a despot ruler with a sad outlook for happiness.
    Most Ukraines I know have moved to other parts of Europe just to get away from that Putin thing.
    Most Russians with any money have moved to Monoco, Paris, London, NYC, Miami.
    This is a funny feed, though.

  6. Rob in Miami Guest

    SNL skit (done wrong, as it is way too long and silly).
    Humor has a lot of truth in it, but it's only humor.
    In Miami we have hundreds and thousands of Russians living here. Good.
    Don't move here!
    I like this video the more I think of it!

  7. Eskimo Guest

    If people can't tell the difference between propaganda and parody, we're all f***ed.

    Wait, people really can't tell.

  8. Emily Guest

    Haha! Some truth, wrapped up in fantastic satire! Love it :)

  9. Toby Guest

    Exaggerated and dramatised but not very far off the mark. Brilliant and hilarious video.

  10. HY Guest

    Eisenhower did warn you guys, but you failed to be an "alert and informed citizenry". From here on in it's all down hill for the Anglo-US Empire :)

  11. Watson Diamond

    This comment thread is a weird combination of Russian trolls, GOP parrots, and Poe's Law. The only winning move is not to play.

  12. Gor Guest

    As they say, you don’t like it here, move to Russia. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. America has way too many right-wing commie-lovers. Good riddance.

    1. Jerry Guest

      You do realize that “commie” and “right wing” are complete opposites? Commie would be more synonomous to AOC or Elizabeth Warren.

  13. Brandon Guest

    Hmm. Sure seems the “Love it or leave it” crowd forgot where the door is.

  14. Icarus Guest

    Putin ironically just called on Ukraine as being terrorists for blowing up the crimea bridge. Yet Russia invaded an independent country killing 1000s and destroying communities.
    Hoping someone can try again and blow the up bridge into smithereens

    1. Greg Guest

      H-m-m-m, how about the U.S. invading the harmless for the States countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Grenada, Vietnam, etc., etc., etc.?

      >Hoping someone can try again and blow the up bridge into smithereens
      Are you a terrorist? If you are bent on blowing up the bridges, could you do it in New York City? It wold easier and safer for you, with a greater publicity.

  15. Brian Gasser Guest

    The US is having a crisis of migrants coming and millions more would love the opportunity to live in the US. I dont see the opposite happening with migrants and educated flooding into Russia. It shows where people want to live.

    1. Icarus Guest

      The Russian government conveniently overlooks over 800000 who have left since the invasion, including many highly skilled ones.

    2. JD Guest

      That is until they realize the mess we are in here, with all the woke nonsense going on now

    3. Tom Guest

      I agree... there are countries where USA is still highly regarded. But seeing what is going on I can not imagine wanting to live there. I am European and lived in Russia for few years. I can say that it was one of the safest places I have been with friendly and geniune people. Afterwards I lived in UK and it was completely opposite. Seeing news from USA with all the shooting, poverty, homeless people...

      I agree... there are countries where USA is still highly regarded. But seeing what is going on I can not imagine wanting to live there. I am European and lived in Russia for few years. I can say that it was one of the safest places I have been with friendly and geniune people. Afterwards I lived in UK and it was completely opposite. Seeing news from USA with all the shooting, poverty, homeless people I belive it is even worse than UK. What is happening in Ukiraine now is complately wrong on Russian side, and it makes me sad cause I know that majority of Russians are actually good people.

  16. Mark B n Sydney Guest

    This a comedy sketch. Suggesting it’s actual government propaganda is like saying the hilarious Air Afrikaans sketch you’ll find on YouTube is South African government produced. Ben you’re smarter than this cheap shot.

    1. Julia Guest

      Comedy sketch or not, it does seem like something Tucker Carlson would pleasure himself over.

  17. Aveous Guest

    Damn!! So many Russian bots on this thread, I guess time to move to Russia to avoid the bots!

  18. Justin Guest

    Sounds more like CIA mis-information about Russian-misinformation targeted specifically at Americans.

  19. Big AL Guest

    Sketch of course but hilarious to share how close it home it is.

    America and its shitbird version of society is going down the drain quickly and we deserve every minute of it.

    1. Brian Gasser Guest

      I disagree. The US is wealtheir than it has ever been and dominates the world in technology and services. Is there room for improvement, of course.

    2. Jerry Guest

      Pretty sure the continual stiving for wealth and abundance is what got the US into the problems we are in now. In our pursuit for wealth, we forgot about any sense of identity, culture, or morals. We’ve emphasized personal rights and desires to the detriment of society as a whole, and there is no going back.

  20. Azamaraal Diamond

    These are both so close to the truth!

    Hoover they do miss out on some of the more important reasons why you might not want to live in Russia.

  21. Sam Guest

    LOL....where did they find a black guy in Moscow????

    1. Mark in Sydney Guest
      There’s plenty of them including the descendants of black Americans who escaped poverty in the US in the 1930s and today have children and grandchildren who are integrated into Russian society

  22. echino Diamond

    Ха-ха-ха! This is humor, not propaganda.

  23. Pj Guest

    While this video isn’t what actually happens it is not far off the mark. I’m a proud liberal who watched my party slice and dice us into tribes. Then ranked the tribes. Erased history (as if one can). Marginalized the non compliant by calling them facist trumpers. Ripped apart the Justice system (instead of reforming it) and tossed due process out the door. We have left the Enlightened Age and are in the Dark Ages


    While this video isn’t what actually happens it is not far off the mark. I’m a proud liberal who watched my party slice and dice us into tribes. Then ranked the tribes. Erased history (as if one can). Marginalized the non compliant by calling them facist trumpers. Ripped apart the Justice system (instead of reforming it) and tossed due process out the door. We have left the Enlightened Age and are in the Dark Ages

    We are in a sad state as a result. We need to agree to disagree. Remember our country was deliberately set up to force compromise (hence 2 Senators per state regardless of population).

    Until then we will have what was shown as a reality since we are only a few steps behind what’s in that video

    May Ukraine win and democracy reign. May everyone’s rights be respected and all treated equally

    1. digital_notmad Diamond

      Do you ever get anyone who believes you were a liberal?

    2. Aveaus Guest

      No, they will never do. When someone start capitalizing things like "Enligtened Age", it's a clear sign of MAGA

    3. Pj Guest

      I guess the all treated equally outed me as a far right intolerant. Ya got me!

    4. O123 Guest

      Ukraine is not democracy but US puppet state counting its last days

  24. LadyOlives Guest

    The world would probably be safer, saner, and in better shape if America hadn't spent so many years and billions of dollars trying to force democracy through the barrel of tanks and meddling in other nation's affairs and adhering to the belief that it is the torchbearer and the perfector of Democracy. It is neither of those things, but it is a mess of a country, where so much opportunity has and continues to be...

    The world would probably be safer, saner, and in better shape if America hadn't spent so many years and billions of dollars trying to force democracy through the barrel of tanks and meddling in other nation's affairs and adhering to the belief that it is the torchbearer and the perfector of Democracy. It is neither of those things, but it is a mess of a country, where so much opportunity has and continues to be squandered in the name of a warped sense of what Freedom is and means. As to Russia, it has always envied the West and never could quite find its place in world, and has perfected the ability to sow misery on its own people and those in its close orbit. If Russia and the United States focused on their internal problems and remediating them, while leaving the rest of the world alone, things would be much better. Two wrongs don't make one right.

  25. Dick Bupkiss Guest

    This isn't from the Russians.

    Looks like it was produced by Fox News for the Trump campaign (both parts of it).

    1. David Guest

      Hi Dick: Hate to tell you but at least when Trump was president Putin didn't invade anyone.

    2. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      @David... why would he NEED to?

      Instead he had a creep (who was too much of an utter puss to stand up to him in Helsinki) using the power/position of the US to blatantly undermine NATO.

      What's the point of an invasion when you have THAT at your disposal?

    3. Pj Guest

      Again disclaimer not a trump person. BUT Trump said nato countries were not contributing their agreed amount of money and if they did not he’d pull out

      Fast forward Russia invades Ukraine. Curtains pulled back. CNN and others report Nato members not contributing their agreed amount and now will increase Nato funding and their own militaries

    4. Big AL Guest

      Great point Boy.. Better to have what we have now than any sort of trump version right.

      2016-2020 = no invasion
      Your story = Invasion but its cool cos its not Trump

    5. D3kingg Guest


      Putin couldn’t do anything when the world had a leader because he knew there would be consequences. Trump literally made peace in the Middle East. Sat down with Zallenskyy when he visited the White House like a puppy dog with his hand out asking for money. Trump told him to reach out to Putin and make peace.

      There is currently no world leader and the US president craps his pants , eats pudding...


      Putin couldn’t do anything when the world had a leader because he knew there would be consequences. Trump literally made peace in the Middle East. Sat down with Zallenskyy when he visited the White House like a puppy dog with his hand out asking for money. Trump told him to reach out to Putin and make peace.

      There is currently no world leader and the US president craps his pants , eats pudding , and ends his days at 9:30am. You think the rest of the world doesn’t see this ? Why wouldn’t Putin attempt to invade Ukraine ?

    6. Julia Guest

      "Trump literally made peace in the Middle East"

      Except he literally didn't.

    7. Cmorgan Guest

      Of course the one ignorant comment we get is from Mr. Butkiss. Some things never change

    8. D3kingg Guest


      Fascist comment. Agree with me or you’re an idiot.

    9. Shutterbug1952 Guest

      Exactly my take on it. If you would roll the credits after the sketch I am sure Steve Bannon and Tucker Carlson would pop up.

  26. Brotherkin Guest

    Surely this is a Russian language comedy sketch, anyone who's seen Russian propaganda would see this isn't real

  27. Sel, D. Guest

    This is what an SNL video would look like if they weren’t so far left. It would have been refreshing to see this video as a comedic jab if from any another source.

  28. Icarus Guest

    It’s pathetic if they have to resort to something so immature. Russia currently has an extremely dangerous government in power. It’s also a great country with wonderful culture. Equally the US has a huge number of right wing nut jobs and certainly isn’t the freest country, but it also has many wonderful things.

    The US also a has a large russian diaspora, including many well known people.

    The Russian government also fails to...

    It’s pathetic if they have to resort to something so immature. Russia currently has an extremely dangerous government in power. It’s also a great country with wonderful culture. Equally the US has a huge number of right wing nut jobs and certainly isn’t the freest country, but it also has many wonderful things.

    The US also a has a large russian diaspora, including many well known people.

    The Russian government also fails to admit that over 800,000 have left the country since the start of their invasion of Ukraine. I assume putin considers them as traitors.

    1. Cmorgan Guest

      Icarus says “ Equally the US has a huge number of right wing nut jobs ”

      And even more radical nut left wing “woke” types. Open your eyes a bit !

  29. Max Guest

    I don’t see anything in the video that is factually wrong. This is a quite accurate depiction of reality, I’d even go further and say it’s quite tame and reality can hit even harder.
    They could probably have added some Karens as well.

    1. Veggie_NoKids Guest so? Im vegetarian and never get offended if people eat meat in front of that even a thing? Also I dont have children and why would I be offended seeing other peoples children? Thats just ridiculous

      Not to say things arent getting a bit ridiculous on both sides of the aisle but this video really exaggerates this fact to the extreme...

      So Im assuming you'll be filing for your Russian citizenship soon a la Steven Seagal, right?

    2. danceswithwords1 Member

      Hyperbole. Humor. Surely you must be familiar with it?

    3. CMorgan Guest

      You got that right! Just to show you how far left we have gone you would never see this mentioned or posted on mainstream media. Forget SNL they are merely a propaganda arm for the progressive wing of the Democratic Party.

  30. Never In Doubt Guest

    Bring on the Putin apologists!

    And the US right wing nutjobs!

    Try to tell them apart!

    1. CMorgan Guest

      It’s much easier to tell them apart then the mainstream US media and progressive woke left taking over our country with they’re pronouns. Oops was I Politically incorrect?

    2. glenn t Diamond

      Grammatically incorrect~ it's "their", not "they're" (which means "they are.....".

  31. Roman Guest

    I’m sure they got the kneeling part from when the democratic congressional party put on their african attire and knelt. Video seems pretty spot on with the message it’s sending, nothing in it that you haven’t seen on the news or someone post on social media as it’s occurring.

  32. derek Guest

    Missing in the video... Russia did NOT invade Ukraine. It is just a special military operation to de-nazify the place.

    Also, Snowden loves the place.

    They also have Novochok poison, unlike the US, who is too poor to have lots of it.

  33. John Dogas Guest

    It’s not even propaganda. It’s essentially depicting reality of life in modern America.

    1. Hosea Guest

      This comment is a great example of how the conservative mindset is one of perpetual whining victimhood

    2. Trent Guest

      John isn’t wrong. Reparations, they thems (I’m gay myself and lgbt lobby has gotten out of control)…our country has some f***** priorities right now.

    3. Ben L. Diamond

      I can tell you're an extremely real gay person by the way you referred to the "lgbt lobby" and how it's "out of control"

    4. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      Reparations? Who got those.... when?

    5. AnitaCK3 New Member

      Did we watch the same video? LOL

  34. Tortuga Diamond

    But... But... I see nothing wrong with the 4th bullet point.

  35. Him Guest

    Meanwhile Medvedev and many Russian Billionaires families live in US

    1. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      And the UK, France, etc.... but almost inerrantly: not Russia.

      Hmm, can't imagine why.

  36. LEo Diamond

    @lucky, comment removal please?

  37. digital_notmad Diamond

    Yet another example of how Putin's Russia is what happens when you let whiney conservative trolls run a country

    1. Mantis Guest

      Funny how you still cling to the falsified and ridiculous on it's face narrative of Russia collusion. Leftists are the totalitarian communists, you are the ones aligned with Russia, not the GOP. It's also funny how you all fretted about Trump pushing us towards war, but he actually did the opposite, while this Russia aggression only happened under and due to the leadership of your feckless prez and with Congress under your complete control. Own it.

    2. digital_notmad Diamond

      lol these propaganda vids getting a little too close for comfort with your own inbred racist boomerism?

    3. Boomer Guest

      lol do you hear yourself? you sound crazy tbh

    4. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      "Leftists are the totalitarian communists, you are the ones aligned with Russia, not the GOP"

      You must be one of those types who thinks that if you just string buzzwords together, they'll suddenly have (1) coherent meaning or (2) truth, behind them?

    5. CMorgan Guest

      I guess the truth hurts “ConcordeBoy” so you might as well attack the words being used. “If the shoe fits wear it”

    6. Santos Guest

      Let's play MAGA scum bingo:

      Abject Denial:
      "Funny how you still cling to the falsified and ridiculous on it's face narrative of Russia collusion."

      Baseless Delusion:
      "Leftists are the totalitarian communists, you are the ones aligned with Russia, not the GOP."

      DJT Daddy Worship:
      "It's also funny how you all fretted about Trump pushing us towards war, but he actually did the opposite, while this Russia aggression only happened under and...

      Let's play MAGA scum bingo:

      Abject Denial:
      "Funny how you still cling to the falsified and ridiculous on it's face narrative of Russia collusion."

      Baseless Delusion:
      "Leftists are the totalitarian communists, you are the ones aligned with Russia, not the GOP."

      DJT Daddy Worship:
      "It's also funny how you all fretted about Trump pushing us towards war, but he actually did the opposite, while this Russia aggression only happened under and due to the leadership of your feckless prez and with Congress under your complete control."

      Shriveled-Balls Macho Mic Drop Attempt:
      "Own it."


    7. Chris Guest

      Is there even one left wing policy in today’s Russia? Please educate us!

  38. Ghostrider5408 Guest

    Sad commentary on life in the US face nothing depicted is incorrect. There is a whole world of entitlement here in America.

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Pj Guest

While this video isn’t what actually happens it is not far off the mark. I’m a proud liberal who watched my party slice and dice us into tribes. Then ranked the tribes. Erased history (as if one can). Marginalized the non compliant by calling them facist trumpers. Ripped apart the Justice system (instead of reforming it) and tossed due process out the door. We have left the Enlightened Age and are in the Dark Ages We are in a sad state as a result. We need to agree to disagree. Remember our country was deliberately set up to force compromise (hence 2 Senators per state regardless of population). Until then we will have what was shown as a reality since we are only a few steps behind what’s in that video May Ukraine win and democracy reign. May everyone’s rights be respected and all treated equally

Ghostrider5408 Guest

Sad commentary on life in the US face nothing depicted is incorrect. There is a whole world of entitlement here in America.

Trent Guest

John isn’t wrong. Reparations, they thems (I’m gay myself and lgbt lobby has gotten out of control)…our country has some f***** priorities right now.

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