I’ve written before about Global Airlines, the “airline startup” that has acquired four Airbus A380s, and plans to launch long haul flights in 2024. Well, there’s an interesting update about a partnership…
In this post:
Global Airlines & Amex announce partnership
Global Airlines and American Express (seemingly specifically Amex in the UK) have signed an agreement to partner on payments processing and exclusive cardmember offers. The announcement is light on details, though here’s how the press release describes the partnership:
Ahead of the first flight in 2024, American Express and Global will collaborate on bespoke offers for Amex Cardmembers on the inaugural services between London Gatwick and New York’s JFK. The agreement will also see a range of exclusive fly-drive offers, hotel stays, and restaurant bookings made available to Cardmembers.
Through the new partnership, American Express Cardmembers will be among the first to be able to purchase tickets across all three cabins onboard the Global Airlines A380 aircraft; First, Business and Economy.
I mean, I guess I’m happy that Global Airlines thinks there will be so much demand for its flights that Amex cardmembers will get first access to seats, as if the public won’t move fast enough to book seats.
Here’s how Global Airlines CEO James Asquith describes this partnership:
“I’m delighted to announce our latest major partnership with one of the world’s leading brands. Teaming up with American Express to provide its Cardmembers with exclusive offers and promotions and the chance to join us on some of our very first flights, alongside delivering a best-in-class payments experience, is a really important step for the airline.
“Both Global Airlines and Amex are united by a desire to offer the best possible customer service and experience, and I can’t wait to encourage as many of its Cardmembers as possible to go Global when flying transatlantic.”
When I first saw this announcement I wondered if Amex was actually officially onboard with this, or if this was another case of Global Airlines making a demonstrably false claim. But indeed, Amex’s General Manager of UK Merchant Services issued the following statement:
“We’re committed to ensuring that Amex is accepted wherever our Cardmembers want to spend, so are delighted to bring them the opportunity to be among the first passengers on Global Airlines. With our long history in travel, this new partnership is hugely exciting for us.”

Global Airlines’ strange press event
Global Airlines is promoting how this Amex partnership was announced last night at a press event held at Kettner’s Soho House in London, described as a “Welcome Onboard” event. The airline reports that over 200 guests were in attendance, including media, investors, and aviation and brand partners.
Interestingly the biggest takeaway from the event among some guests is that the “airline” was openly hostile toward media, and didn’t answer any questions.
It’s lovely that Global Airlines has figured out what its elite cards will look like. How about now going the regulatory process of filing for an air operator certificate, figuring out how you’re going to secure JFK slots, and announcing details of how the airline plans to reconfigure these jets, and where that money will come from?
For those curious about the skepticism about the airline, little that this airline has announced has been in good faith. Seth Miller had a fascinating look at the company’s pitch deck from 2021, which contains lie after lie after lie. And that’s on top of being incredibly sloppy.
Bottom line
Global Airlines and American Express now have a partnership, though I’m not sure American Express fully realizes what it got itself into.
I’d like to think I have a pretty good record with predicting which airline startups will be successful, and which won’t. In this case, I think the most likely way this airline will be monetized (by someone) is in the form of a Netflix documentary. Who needs “FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened,” when you can have “Global Airlines: The Greatest Airline That Never Happened?”
Honestly, though, if there are any filmmakers out there, get onboard with Global Airlines right now, and follow the company’s “launch.” I’m sure it’ll be quite something…
Oh, come on, do you really think they'd design elite cards without a solid plan for all the other crucial aspects of the business? Companies have stages of development, and not everything is revealed to the public at once.
I respect your predictions about airline startups, but I feel that every venture, especially in the airline industry, comes with its fair share of skepticism. Remember how many doubted the longevity and success of some of today's major players when they first started? The partnership with American Express only adds to their credibility in my eyes.
It only makes me wonder.. The level of smooth talker this con man is? or the level of DUMB the Amex team involved in this? (being such a prestigious brand). In my town we say 'todos los días sale un pendejo a la calle, y el que se lo encuentra es de el'.
FFS...Labeling James Asquith and Global Airlines as con artists is as BASELESS as your sweeping assumptions. It's easy to sling accusations, but harder to comprehend visionary ventures. Particularly for small minded humans, like you. As for Amex, questioning their intelligence only reveals your own shortsightedness. Looking forward to how horribly your comment will age.
Mob mentality is still strong in the older generation huh?. Why is everyone so bitter about this?? Nothing but good news coming out and still people are so bitter. I wish Global nothing but success and we should all be happy there is someone new trying to disrupt this terrible industry. Let me be the positive comment for against all the bitterness!
Amex UK. That is a subdivision of Amex I assume. It's not the same as Amex but is a good start.
This reeks of the Theranos and Walgreens joint venture, where Walgreens had no idea what it'd truly gotten itself into.
Amex also heavily promote, or rather partner with Boom the supersonic dreamers. They seem to prefer fantasy airlines and airplanes now to getting customers good deals with real ones.
Aaaaand Amex hammers one more nail into its coffin.
This Global Airlines guy looks like a slob. Scruffy and patchy facial hair, uncombed hair, disheveled and unpressed clothes. Presents just like that slob from FTX Crypto. Oh, and also that other slob from Fyre Festival...
It's unfortunate that appearance-based comments divert from the real conversation here. James Asquith's commitment to travel innovation with Global Airlines isn't defined by looks. Constructive discussions around business endeavors are more valuable. Let's focus on addressing facts and contributions, not personal appearances.
Lol, what a fail by Amex UK.
AMEX, surely/hopefully did their due diligence on this.
Isn't Global the airline from all the Airport disaster movies of the 70's and early 80's I won't fly them!
I think Trans Global off the top of my head. “TWG”
Hahaha...seems about right!
I just still hate that logo more than anything else. Based on that alone I think they are a goner.
Just what the world needs: more airline seats between New York and London. IMHO, this airline is a pipe dream.
I can't help but think that this will end with Mr. Asquith wearing prison orange, though admittedly I don't know what color prison outfits are in the UK.
Perhaps Dolce & Gabbana or Zandra Rhodes can design a special one for him for free in public-private prisonwear partnership.
He always wears stupid outfits when travelling and is an attention seeker. Have you seen his social media? . So would not be surprised.
You don't know the UK, he's white and middle age...people like that don't go to prison.
Every heard of Norton Motorbikes?
Seems the only difference between this clown show and Avatar Airways is that the Global CEO hasn't spent time in prison (yet). If anyone actually invests in this all I can say is "a fool and his money are soon parted."
Noticed that they are selling hoodies...better get one for when it becomes an antique.
Not premium thought as theyre made out of polyester.
That means that it'll never degrade!
Just like the airline it seems, everything looks cheap
This entire operation is a page straight out of the Fyre Festival playbook... get a bunch of influencers (in this case characters like "pilotmaria", "justin ross lee", etc) to hype up a product online and the next step would be to presell miles and/or tickets via these influencer channels.
Watch the launch flight ends up being a wet leased Norse Atlantic aircraft with "First Class" passengers receiving expired cans of caviar in styrofoam containers.
Hey Ben, just for fun. If you created an airline, obviously one not like Baltia Airlines, what would the company's mission be? Where would it fly? What would it's name be? First class?! Could be a fun a post.
Are LGW humoring any of this nonsense? They only have one A380 contact gate, which I believe is occupied for most of the day by the existing Emirates A380 flights?
Emirates won't be in business for long once Global Airlines starts flying
Don't think that just because it's Amex, they can't be conned like the rest. I have sat in on meetings with Amex execs where the proceedings were quite something.
This long con keeps getting more interesting.
Baltia & Global Ghana wish they had this sizzle!
“The Greatest Airline That Never Happened?”
I thought this title is already won by US Global Airways =P
This whole thing is weird. Seems like a good way to flush money.
Why does their CEO look like he slept under a bridge before that launch event.
Touché. That's a good double entendre.
Funny... my first thought as well was how unprofessional...
He’s an immature twat and proof money doesn’t buy class.
He needs to get some practice, as he’ll probably be sleeping under a bridge quite frequently after this operation plummets
Quite funny as James previously has massively been criticizing the relationships of US Airlines to credit card companies and their negative effects.
lol RIP Gamer Class (per Seth's piece)
So I guess a chargeback with Amex would go smoothly.
Alright Amex, I'm confident enough to book them knowing that at worst their inaugural flight will be on you.
That's what I thought...
That's what I thought...
If something does go wrong by chance - and they sell tickets but will not be able to start flying, would Amex be on the hook for reimbursing those who bought tickets with the preferred card?
Something super weird going on there. Actually, I’m really interested to find out what happens to the money, and who and how benefits from this venture.
Agree with Ben - these A380s never taking off.
Credit cards and influencers. And, oh, by the way, airline seats. The future Golden Age of Travel is now.