British Airways Fires Cabin Crew For Racist TikTok

British Airways Fires Cabin Crew For Racist TikTok


I’m not sure what’s worse — that people did this in the first place, or that they thought it was a good idea to upload this online for the world to see.

British Airways crew mocks Chinese passengers during layover

Two London Gatwick (LGW) based British Airways cabin crew have been fired, following their behavior on a recent layover on the Caribbean island of Antigua. During an evening out drinking between flights, one of the British Airways cabin crew mocked some Chinese passengers who had reportedly been on the flight, but spoke little English.

She made a “slant-eyed” gesture, and then in a Chinese accent said “give me wine.” Her colleague can be heard laughing in the background. The video was uploaded to TikTok, with the caption “two weeks in a row with this d*ckhead.” My gosh, these are some classy ladies, because I think that was meant as a term of endearment? Is that a common use in the UK that I’m just not familiar with, or…?

The video got more than a million views on TikTok, and as you’d expect, it eventually made its way to British Airways management. British Airways management called both of the cabin crew involved to headquarters. One flight attendant was even on a layover in Cancun (CUN) at the time, and was immediately removed from duty, and flew back to London as a passenger.

Both flight attendants were sacked after the meeting. A British Airways spokesperson said the following:

“All forms of racism are completely unacceptable, and we take allegations of this nature very seriously. These two individuals are no longer employed by us.”

British Airways has fired two cabin crew

This shows spectacularly bad judgment

It goes without saying that there are two major issues here.

The first issue is that these flight attendants think this way, when it’s their job to serve passengers from all kinds of backgrounds. This level of racism is disgusting, but I suppose you can’t force some people to change the way they think. Unfortunately alcohol often brings out the truth in how people feel about things.

Arguably what’s equally bad is that the cabin crew behaved this way, and thought it showed good judgment to upload it to social media. I mean, even if this was done while drunk, how little common sense are you showing by sharing this with the world? It’s infuriating.

Last year, we saw Cathay Pacific fire some flight attendants for making fun of passengers from mainland China. That was bad enough, but at least this happened because they were caught, rather than because they were boasting about their racism for the world to see.

Airlines around the globe have different policies when it comes to allowing employees to post on social media. Specifically, many airlines will restrict employees from stating what airline they work for, from posting pictures in uniform, etc.

In 2023, British Airways introduced a strict new social media policy. With this policy, employees are no longer allowed to post photos of them being “professionally engaged” in their jobs. In other words, pilots and flight attendants may no longer post photos from onboard aircraft while in uniform.

Presumably British Airways felt that some employees were either getting distracted during work in the name of creating social media content, or there were some other problematic incidents. However, arguably what’s much worse is how employees are acting out of uniform while drunk on layovers, when stuff like this happens.

Then again, we’ve seen seen such racist behavior in uniform while (presumably) not drunk. In 2017, a British Airways cabin crew member was sacked after she posted a video complaining about working a flight to Nigeria. She explained that all the passengers would be asking for upgrades because they don’t have enough legroom, as “their BBCs are in their way.” Oy.

British Airways has a strict social media policy

Bottom line

British Airways has fired two cabin crew over a racist TikTok that they shared online during a layover in the Caribbean. They were making fun of some Chinese passengers, including a slant-eyed gesture, plus mimicking their accents.

Their first mistake was being so racist. Their second mistake was thinking that it was smart to upload that online.

What do you make of this British Airways incident?

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  1. Joe Guest

    First, it is right to lay these or to shame them publicly. There is no excuse in saying or doing such things publicly. With that said human beings are by nature racist! You just keep such conversations or remarks within your family. You know the moment you let such comments out in public, you are in trouble.

  2. RF Diamond

    I'm glad they were fired. Call out racists and make them face consequences.

  3. Sarah Jones Guest

    You should not make fun of other people ever, this is sickening just thinking that they enjoyed themselves, taking pleasure in the mockery of other humans, even if the Chinese were drunk on wine. I could not see the TikTok video, but I'm sure it would disgust or entertain me

  4. James Williamson Guest

    Racism is horrible, and all the white British people are very bad racists! This makes me sick seeing just another one of them posting entitled videos on Tik Tok. A long time ago, before COVID, people would make jokes or comedy and be funny, but not now as this is the worst. Our society should have no acceptance for people like this, or who think wrongly about society. I hope Britain publicly apologizes for the...

    Racism is horrible, and all the white British people are very bad racists! This makes me sick seeing just another one of them posting entitled videos on Tik Tok. A long time ago, before COVID, people would make jokes or comedy and be funny, but not now as this is the worst. Our society should have no acceptance for people like this, or who think wrongly about society. I hope Britain publicly apologizes for the bad actions of their people & make real changes about themselves, I'm considering not getting another BA card until they do.

  5. Mikey Guest

    I'm not a bit surprised, the English people are racists and I have experienced it first hand numerous times. That said, on my recent BA flights in J, the crew could not have been more lovely. M

    1. British and unashamed Guest

      Well that’s a racist comment you made mate! The ‘English people are racist’. A sweeping statement if ever there was one. If I was to say anything about say a non white country and there people being ‘stupid’ or lacking in morals or whatever insult I wanted to throw at them I would be hung, drawn and quartered! Double standards here! The girls shouldn’t have put it on line. But you’re telling me that no other race/country/ethnicity doesn’t mock another??!!

    2. vlcnc Guest

      You really have 0 understanding of what racism means

    3. Dan Guest

      The British are the most unashamed racists I’ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

  6. Kevin Guest

    They are just sad knowing the time of the Brits have come to an end and need to have one last hoorah. Like their ancestors, they never had class and needed to make themselves better by taking and mocking lands of others.

  7. John Guest

    Social media is this generation's form of suicide (metaphorically speaking). Let them hang themselves.

  8. iamhere Guest

    I think this goes back to early education. Parents are not teaching their kids about appropriate social media use. It is also not enforced in schools. These days people have a very poor idea about what they can and can't talk about or do on social media. Consider parents used to deal with their kids for becoming independent, who they were meeting, and dealing with strangers, etc. This adds another element to it. People would...

    I think this goes back to early education. Parents are not teaching their kids about appropriate social media use. It is also not enforced in schools. These days people have a very poor idea about what they can and can't talk about or do on social media. Consider parents used to deal with their kids for becoming independent, who they were meeting, and dealing with strangers, etc. This adds another element to it. People would may be make better decisions. Being a parent today is very different than 20 years or so ago.

  9. Scudder Diamond

    Sometimes I feel slightly ashamed of being an aperican aboard. Then I remember that the shame of that stereotype has long been overshadowed my that which EasyJet brought upon the world… the British.

    1. Dan Guest

      I thought you meant African. Whoa…

    2. red_robbo Guest

      Now who's being the racist?

  10. Nick Guest

    Speaking of videos for the world to see…Have you seen videos from Hamas of Oct 7? And people are siding with them…

    1. Mason Guest

      Does the history start from Oct 7 for you people?


      You forgot to mention the 2500 plus kids that lost their LIMBS By Israeli Bombings in the last 3 months. Don't forget 35000 Plus Dead women & children by Israeli Bombings.
      Oh don't let me forget to mention the 120 Starving Palestinians that were shot to Death by Israeli Military, when they went to get Food!

  11. George Romey Guest

    Why do young people have this need to upload their entire life onto Tik Tok, particularly anything that might be "problematic?"

  12. NathanJ Diamond

    D***head is most definitely a term of endearment amongst close friends, family or colleagues in Australia, although it is more a working class thing. I have used it myself in the last few days. Not unusual down under in the slightest. We will even use the C word endearingly; particularly when we say, “You’re such a funny c***”.

    Of course, the entitled rich snobs wouldn’t dream of doing so, but they prove time and time...

    D***head is most definitely a term of endearment amongst close friends, family or colleagues in Australia, although it is more a working class thing. I have used it myself in the last few days. Not unusual down under in the slightest. We will even use the C word endearingly; particularly when we say, “You’re such a funny c***”.

    Of course, the entitled rich snobs wouldn’t dream of doing so, but they prove time and time again that having more money does mean that you’re having more fun.

    1. UncleRonnie Diamond

      You reckon the Upper Classes in England don't swear or use those terms in exactly the same way you Ockers do? Ha ha ha Nathan :).

  13. AGrumpyOldMan_GA Diamond

    Not racism, bigotry. There is a difference. If you can't accurately define and describe a problem, you have no hope of solving it. And before someone chimes in with the kneejerk, "You're just racist too," my wife is half Korean and has experienced similar comments in her lifetime, so I do not take it lightly. But I do use proper terminology.

    1. vlcnc Guest

      Classic grubby white man using his partner as a figleaf for his own racism.... and FYI just because your partner is of a different ethinicity does not absolve you of racism or racist thinking.

    2. Ziggy Guest

      Calling someone a racist while, at the same time, referencing their skin colour alongside a derogatory word doesn't exactly help to show you as a pillar of social purity. If anything, it makes you look just at bigoted and abhorrent as you, apparently, think they are.

    3. vlcnc Guest

      If you think white people can experience racism or 'reverse racism' is a even thing, then you are beyond help lol.

    4. Ziggy Guest

      Ahhhh... so it's ok for you to reference someone's skin color in a derogatory way but not ok for anyone else to do that? What makes you so special?

    5. Ralph4878 Guest

      Making this about @vicnc personally is part of the issue here, @Ziggy - it ain't about individuals, it's about patterns of behaviors of white people, collectively, that continue to harm others because of their non-whiteness. To comment on someone's whiteness isn't racist so long as whiteness continues to benefit from the systemic disenfranchisement and discrimination of non-white folks - pretending this isn't real is complete bulls*&^.

    6. vlcnc Guest

      Thank you Ralph! Least someone here gets it...

    7. Ziggy Guest

      Where did I call @vlnc racist? I point out that they were sounding like a bigot and sounded abhorrent, but I stayed well clear of using the term racist. Deliberately so.

      Also, where did I pretend that anything being discussed "isn't real"?

      If you're going to argue against something I wrote at least check to see if that's what I wrote. Strawman arguments never look good or clever. Just desperate.

      The fact is that in...

      Where did I call @vlnc racist? I point out that they were sounding like a bigot and sounded abhorrent, but I stayed well clear of using the term racist. Deliberately so.

      Also, where did I pretend that anything being discussed "isn't real"?

      If you're going to argue against something I wrote at least check to see if that's what I wrote. Strawman arguments never look good or clever. Just desperate.

      The fact is that in a civilised society (which, I assume, is what we're striving for), it's never ok to reference someone's color in association with a derogatory term. Period.

      Making exceptions for what some people can say and do is what started this mess a long, long time ago so either we learn from that and don't make the same mistakes again, or we simply compound the issue and nothing ever gets better.

    8. vlcnc Guest

      Ziggy you genuinely think you are so smart with your reasoning, but all you do is show up how little you understand matters the more you write. Your understanding of racism is pitiful and childlike. Pls go read a book, hell I'll give you a recommendation even - "Why I'm no longer talking to white people about race" by Reni Eddo-Lodge is a good start and an easy read, that even you will be able to understand.

    9. Ziggy Guest

      As I'm not discussing racism, I'm not sure what gives you the right to decide what my "understanding of racism" is. My first comment to you simply pointed out that you sounded like an abohrent bigot by bringing up someone's skin color. I didn't call you racist.

      As I would have written the same to someone who did this to a non-white person, I'm comfortable with what I wrote.

      Basically what this comes down to...

      As I'm not discussing racism, I'm not sure what gives you the right to decide what my "understanding of racism" is. My first comment to you simply pointed out that you sounded like an abohrent bigot by bringing up someone's skin color. I didn't call you racist.

      As I would have written the same to someone who did this to a non-white person, I'm comfortable with what I wrote.

      Basically what this comes down to is that I think I'm being reasonable by saying that someone's skin color should never be brought up in an argument or used alongside a derogatory word. You, however, seem to feel differently so we're clearly not going to agree.

    10. vlcnc Guest

      Someone's skin colour when it comes to whiteness does matter when we live in a white sumpremacist societies with white privilege. If you can't understand that then yes you have no understanding of racism or race in western societies. So get off your high-horse and go do some reading instead of carping on in the comments here with this ridiculous misdirectec outrage because I called someone racist. Racism has a meaning, it isn't a just an expletive or slur you dolt.

    11. JacquesIV Guest

      Not reverse racism, just racism. You are a racist.

    12. Stanley C Diamond

      Are you referring to white privilege which is so common across the globe?

    13. Ken Guest

      I agree with you, not everything is racism, some people are just plain stupid, arseholes

    14. digital_notmad Diamond

      Hiding behind a partner is gross stuff, don't do that

  14. Daniel from Finland Guest

    Mocking and mimicking stupid pax is excellent debriefing, nothing wrong with that. But it should be done among colleagues, behind closed doors. Raid the minibar and sit in your room, not in a public hotel bar.

    Posting all that online is stupid and getting sacked for it is understandable.

    1. vlcnc Guest

      Racism is never acceptable whether public or behind close doors. Shameful to say it is.

    2. Stanley C Diamond

      You are what’s wrong with society. You wrote ‘stupid pax’. So, you think passengers who cannot speak English fluently or have enough knowledge of the English vocabulary is stupid? You wrote a stupid comment yourself.

      You know that English is not the most common language spoken in the world. As Ben pointed out, cabin crew are or supposedly are trained to know how to assist with passengers of various backgrounds. You wrote a lot...

      You are what’s wrong with society. You wrote ‘stupid pax’. So, you think passengers who cannot speak English fluently or have enough knowledge of the English vocabulary is stupid? You wrote a stupid comment yourself.

      You know that English is not the most common language spoken in the world. As Ben pointed out, cabin crew are or supposedly are trained to know how to assist with passengers of various backgrounds. You wrote a lot of prejudice comments in the past so we know the kind of person you are.

  15. Pokari Hawk Guest

    I used to think trash people were an American phenomenon but the UK really wins at this phenomenon. Yikes.

  16. Max Guest

    I think a warning or something like that would be more appropriate than outright firing them.

    1. Eddie Guest

      Oh trust me, the flight attendant will just get another job from another business will turn a blind eye or even in support of this

  17. Justin Guest

    Ben I want to compliment you for going into detail on what exactly the now former flight attendants did. So often in media I will see, for example so and so said a homophobic remark. As someone who is gay I think some homophobic remarks are more egregious than others so I prefer to judge for myself. The person reporting is just reporting what happened the ire should be directed at those that actually make these bigoted remarks.

    1. Julia Guest

      What might not be homophobic to you might be homophobic to others.

  18. A220HubandSpoke Diamond

    Actions have consequences.

  19. Nick Guest

    I know a few BA crew members and I have never seen worse behaved crew in my life during layovers. It's as if their only aim on layovers is to get drunk to the point of writing themselves off. And it seems to be a company wide thing from the stories I have heard. It's as if they come from a country where alchocol or going out is banned. Despicable behaviour. Like grow up.

    1. vlcnc Guest

      I think a part of this is BA's own making. They have been pushing out experienced crew who pardon the pun were in it for the long-haul as a long-term career for decades. With covid they got their chance to get rid of legacy contracts, and now cabin crew earn so little it's only something you can really do for a couple of years while young - there isn't really any way most would be...

      I think a part of this is BA's own making. They have been pushing out experienced crew who pardon the pun were in it for the long-haul as a long-term career for decades. With covid they got their chance to get rid of legacy contracts, and now cabin crew earn so little it's only something you can really do for a couple of years while young - there isn't really any way most would be able to do it long-term especially as the get older and may want certain things in life. So now like with most things with a race to the bottom you get very young and inexperienced people, who don't care that much about the job nor are the type of people that are responsible - those people won't take the job now, so you get the also-rans and scrapings of the barrel, that are throw away, and will easily be replaced by the next lot of people who are also like that.

  20. UncleRonnie Diamond

    Dickhead is NOT a term of endearment in the UK. Or anywhere else I know of.

    1. mgrappy New Member

      Nah, at least in some parts of the UK, you can most definitely use it as a term of endearment for a close friend, in particular when laughing about something they're doing.

    2. Max Guest

      I agree,
      I mean I am not from the UK. But even I would understand the real meaning in this situation, and this usage makes sense to me.

      It all depends on intonation, and with an ironic intonation, you could certainly use that with friends.
      In Germany, and I guess its similiar in Britain, you can in all practical terms use any bad word and mean the opposite. Although in the US I guess, this type of humour doesn‘t seem particularly widespread :)

    3. Ben Guest

      Dickhead is used as a term of endearment in the UK, as are most swear words.

      Depends mostly on where you were brought up and how rich your parents were.

      Swearing is a normal part of working class UK vernacular and has been since I went to primary school. Not sure if UncleRonnie is from the UK or if he is maybe he went to public school and has been sheltered from the poor....

    4. UncleRonnie Diamond

      Not a Brit, I'm an immigrant who's been here for many years. I've met all types. :)

    5. Icarus Guest

      Nowadays we prefer the word “ c..t” which has been around for well over 500 years. If it’s good enough for Chaucer …

    6. vlcnc Guest

      Actually I live here and between friends it can be a term of endearment. Don't be expert on things you have no idea about.

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Mason Guest

Does the history start from Oct 7 for you people?

vlcnc Guest

Classic grubby white man using his partner as a figleaf for his own racism.... and FYI just because your partner is of a different ethinicity does not absolve you of racism or racist thinking.

vlcnc Guest

Racism is never acceptable whether public or behind close doors. Shameful to say it is.

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