Australia is going from more or less having its borders fully closed, to (by some metrics) having fewer restrictions on international travel than the United States.
In this post:
Australia drops COVID-19 testing for travel as of April 17
For the first 18+ months of the pandemic, Australia’s borders remained closed. Not only could visitors not enter the country, but Australians couldn’t even leave the country under most circumstances. This was part of the country’s zero-tolerance approach toward coronavirus.
In October 2021, Australia finally partially reopened its borders, whereby citizens could leave the country. The policies for returning to Australia still differed by state, with some requiring just a coronavirus test, and others requiring a full quarantine.
Then in February 2022, Australia finally opened to vaccinated visitors on a widespread basis, with the simple requirement to get tested before travel. Travelers could either get a PCR test within 72 hours of departure, or a rapid antigen test within 24 hours of departure.
Now Australia is taking its reopening a step further — as of April 17, 2022, Australia will no longer require pre-travel testing. That means Australia will welcome vaccinated travelers from around the globe without testing or quarantine.

The logic for Australia’s rule change
Australia is dropping the pre-travel testing requirement as Australia’s biosecurity emergency pandemic measures are ending as of April 17, 2022. This change was announced on Friday by Greg Hunt, Australia’s Minister for Health. As it’s described, this is part of Australia shifting from a zero-tolerance approach toward coronavirus, to living with the virus:
The emergency period was a crucial early decision in Australia’s pandemic response. It has saved tens of thousands of lives as Australia avoided some of the worst outcomes from the early spread of the virus and now has one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

Bottom line
As of April 17, 2022, Australia will be dropping its travel testing requirement. We’re really at a turning point in the pandemic when it comes to travel restrictions, whereby we’re very much starting to see a return to normal, even among initially conservative countries. I think that within the next few months, the world will largely look the same as pre-pandemic in terms of travel restrictions.
Singapore will also be opening on a more widespread basis shortly, and even New Zealand plans to reopen to tourists as of May.
What do you make of Australia dropping the travel testing requirement?
what are the plans to be able to travel to Australia without the vax? sounds like discrimination to me when I am already immune naturally through contraction.
Exactly. I am an Australian and U.S. citizen and currently living in the U.S. My daughter and other family members live in Australia. As much as I would like to go back for my usual visits I am not getting the vaccination for many reasons, especially with all the negative reporting that's coming out now.
Does fully vaccinated in Australia mean for one dose? I've heard that "fully vaccinated" there means having a booster as well. Does anybody know about the rules for Western Australia? Thank you!
Great! Now if airlines can do something about easing the $2100 economy fares from US!
Is it possible that some of the states may keep pre-travel testing?
Is the requirement for the test within 24 hours of arrival in Australia remaining in place?
Am I vax if I have both Pfizer but no booster?
At this stage in Australia two doses is vaxxed. It may change some time, but not yet.
Thanks @Mike C
@ Nick
The Australian Federal Gov't (through the Federal Dept of Health) defines 'up to date' or 'fully vaccinated' Australians and foreigners living in Australia as having received two (2) primary shots plus one (1) booster shot, for anyone over 16 years. (Information was updated Feb 22nd on Not sure what the situation is regarding non-Australians intending to come to Australia who have received two primary shots but no booster shot.
Yes being vaccinated does not fully stop people from getting the virus or spreading it. It has been demonstrated time and time again to reduce the likelihood that someone will get the virus and if they do they are less likely to transmit it than an unvaccinated person and they are more likely to recover quicker than an unvaccinated person. In addition, it has been very effective at keeping vaccinated people from becoming severely ill...
Yes being vaccinated does not fully stop people from getting the virus or spreading it. It has been demonstrated time and time again to reduce the likelihood that someone will get the virus and if they do they are less likely to transmit it than an unvaccinated person and they are more likely to recover quicker than an unvaccinated person. In addition, it has been very effective at keeping vaccinated people from becoming severely ill and having to be hospitalized. Hence a vaccinated traveler is much less likely going to need to take up Australian hospital resources if they do become infected. It is really a shame that some people still refuse to acknowledge this and whine about how vaccines don't 100% stop infection and therefore are somehow useless in their minds.
What??? "It has been demonstrated time and time again to reduce the likelihood that someone will get the virus and if they do they are less likely to transmit it than an unvaccinated person...". Please oh please provide me all the reference information for the MULTIPLE studies which prove this is true!!!
I agree that they provide protection by building your immune system and preventing more serious illness (I've gotten sick from each shot...
What??? "It has been demonstrated time and time again to reduce the likelihood that someone will get the virus and if they do they are less likely to transmit it than an unvaccinated person...". Please oh please provide me all the reference information for the MULTIPLE studies which prove this is true!!!
I agree that they provide protection by building your immune system and preventing more serious illness (I've gotten sick from each shot - so it MUST be doing something). But the rest of what you are saying is ridiculous...
Data has shown infection rates are far lower among vaccinated people than unvaccinated even with Omicron though.
Hmm... Don't tell the UK that.
@ Mr Obvious
In a probably fruitless attempt to direct your deluded opinions towards actual science and the data, read this about UK:
@ Mr. Obvious
I recommend that you take the time to self educate before trashing somebody who is making an evidence-based statement such as @ NYGuy24. A few minutes with a search engine of your choice would let you access the data.
In Australia, death from COVID has been disproportionately occurring in those unvaccinated / unboosted over those up to date with the vaccine program.
The data are sometimes twisted by dumb right wing media...
@ Mr. Obvious
I recommend that you take the time to self educate before trashing somebody who is making an evidence-based statement such as @ NYGuy24. A few minutes with a search engine of your choice would let you access the data.
In Australia, death from COVID has been disproportionately occurring in those unvaccinated / unboosted over those up to date with the vaccine program.
The data are sometimes twisted by dumb right wing media commentators, who confuse absolute figures with relative figures. Hopefully, you're not that dumb.
I can teach you how to access the medical and scientific literature, if you like.
FWIW I have my research scientist rather than my frequent flyer hat in commenting on this issue.
That is the biggest load of bull I've heard this month. March is turning into a spectacular month. This is how lies and BS spread like wildfire.
@ Alonzo
Lies and BS spread because people, like your good self, mindlessly repeat hollow and unsubstantiated statements from a position of abject ignorance - see my response to your other comment below.
Now, go and look up The Doherty Report (it's easy to find with a search engine of your choice) for starters and come back to us when you've read it all.
Then we can start to have an informed and rational conversation...
@ Alonzo
Lies and BS spread because people, like your good self, mindlessly repeat hollow and unsubstantiated statements from a position of abject ignorance - see my response to your other comment below.
Now, go and look up The Doherty Report (it's easy to find with a search engine of your choice) for starters and come back to us when you've read it all.
Then we can start to have an informed and rational conversation about management of COVID and the relative roles of vaccines and other control measures and their effectiveness, the sensitivities of the various models, etc., within Australia.
Hey Platy, you got any other "studies" to throw at us? When I performed my Google search of said Doherty Report, I came up with more criticism articles about this report vs the report itself.
Meanwhile - I pulled this tidbit from our very own CDC website: "The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus. Early data suggest...
Hey Platy, you got any other "studies" to throw at us? When I performed my Google search of said Doherty Report, I came up with more criticism articles about this report vs the report itself.
Meanwhile - I pulled this tidbit from our very own CDC website: "The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus. Early data suggest infections in fully vaccinated persons are more commonly observed with the Delta variant than with other SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, data show fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2, and infections with the Delta variant in fully vaccinated persons are associated with less severe clinical outcomes. Infections with the Delta variant in vaccinated persons potentially have reduced transmissibility than infections in unvaccinated persons, although additional studies are needed."
Love seeing words like "potentially" to describe reduced transmissibility, but you will surely call this ABSOLUTE to further your narrative and continue to spread misinformation because you are a "scientist".
@ Mr Obvious
Strangely enough the first 7 listings on my search engine lead me straight to the Doherty Report.
Go on. Try again. It’s very simple to do. Then read the actual report. And then read the critiques, yes, they are important too.
Firstly, it might teach you something about how real-world science works in practice and how it interfaces with health policy determination and how you are apparently expecting certainty and absolutes...
@ Mr Obvious
Strangely enough the first 7 listings on my search engine lead me straight to the Doherty Report.
Go on. Try again. It’s very simple to do. Then read the actual report. And then read the critiques, yes, they are important too.
Firstly, it might teach you something about how real-world science works in practice and how it interfaces with health policy determination and how you are apparently expecting certainty and absolutes in a world where they don’t exist. Science is about debate and difference of opinion. But is also offers a method to progress beyond to the next question.
Secondly, you might be able to come back to this blog and muster something resembling elementary logic and evidenced based argument rather than stomping around like a toddler having a tantrum because somebody is trying to take your favorite toy away from you.
The scary thing is just how unaware you are of your own ignorance and stupidity.
I’ve responded below to your CDC quote. Basically, you have failed to grasp the simplest of concepts offered in my various comments herein. Not sure whether that is because you have issues with reading comprehension, or lack basic critical faculty, or are too stuffed full of right-wing memes and nonsense.
In any case, your response is plain dumb. You just don’t get it.
Your comments about “potential” and “absolute” show me that you have no idea about science and how scientists do their studies and research in the real world.
You are entitled to your opinions, but you become even more ridiculous when you have to resort to trash science and scientists in order to protect the fakery of your perceptions. You might want to reflect on that the next time you need to visit a doctor for some antibiotics or other life-saving treatments.
Hopefully, one day you’ll be mature enough to enter a grown-up debate rather than making baseless chants of “misinformation”.
It is sad that you are not here to learn from those with more knowledge and experience than you, rather seek to trash them.
Please be well and travel safe.
Platy - just settle down. Like a snake cornered in it's pit, lashing out with personal attacks makes you look foolish and just plain not trustworthy. You will continue to post your misinformation and follow it up with personal attacks because that is the tactic that was working for the liberals during the fear campaign. Times are changing - thank God!
@ Mr Obvious
I have provided you with links and references to introduce you to the real world of the science and data - you have evidently decided not to self educate, preferring to bleat on about misinformation (once again).
Ironically, the one quote you presented from the CDC demolished your position and validated exactly what I have been saying on this blog.
I'm immune to your insults. In any case, it is...
@ Mr Obvious
I have provided you with links and references to introduce you to the real world of the science and data - you have evidently decided not to self educate, preferring to bleat on about misinformation (once again).
Ironically, the one quote you presented from the CDC demolished your position and validated exactly what I have been saying on this blog.
I'm immune to your insults. In any case, it is irrelevant whether you "trust" me or not - I'm pointing you in the direction of the science, the data and models. I'm summarising some of the content - but you don't have to take my word for it - you can go and do the reading for yourself, explore the science and data at its source before it has been recast into a political narrative. But evidently you don't want to. Too lazy, too stupid, whatever, who cares.
There was a similar person to you on this blog a couple of weeks ago - that person refused to accept the existence of "long COVID" - insisted there was no evidence, it was all another COVID hoax, perhaps those pesky liberals were up to no good again - those of us pointing out that wasn't right were howled down.
That person was also directed to the science and data yet still wouldn't do the reading, make the effort, preferring to keep posting dumb stuff (sound familiar - just like you).
Even when another person who posts here, a leading researcher in the field of the long term impacts of viral diseases on the brain, tried to explain it, they were met with ignorant resistance.
Eventually that person had to be spoon fed the data, links to the hundreds of relevant research papers. They finally went silent. Maybe they finally realised they were demonstrably wrong.
Once again I just don't care about your opinions of me, so it is irrelevant to me if you try to insult me by calling the fool - it is relevant that I have secured scholarships to study science at several of the world's most academically respected universities. I have also worked in the field the development of vaccines to tackle viral disease (albeit some years ago).
You refer to liberal fear campaigns, which suggests your perceptions are tainted through a political lens. It appears to be the case that you have been fed a narrative with political bias.
If you opened the door to the science and data at its source, the original science / medical literature, you could bypass that political narrative and make your own mind up without been brainwashed. But you won't. It's too safe to cling on to your deluded perceptions. It's quicker and easier to post dumb stuff on blogs in an attempt to validate your stupidity.
I have offered to show you how to find any available information sourced from the original literature. It's your choice to seize that opportunity or remain in ignorance.
*sigh* ... Platy, you are proving my point my friend. I do not continue to come back to this thread in an effort to change your perspective, rather to point out your intolerance to the fact that counterpoints do exist. You have come in here making "fact" statements and pointing to links and articles which have counterpoints themselves or in themselves make the same "statements of fact" without tying to data! You have labeled me...
*sigh* ... Platy, you are proving my point my friend. I do not continue to come back to this thread in an effort to change your perspective, rather to point out your intolerance to the fact that counterpoints do exist. You have come in here making "fact" statements and pointing to links and articles which have counterpoints themselves or in themselves make the same "statements of fact" without tying to data! You have labeled me as someone of a particular politic without knowing my background or stance on these matters. Good for you if you "shut down" someone else. That is not an admirable goal of a true scientist. Simply throwing out studies which support your narrative to people who have had Covid multiple times (despite vax and boosting) and have adhered to face diapers for multiple years is not going to bring people to your side of the table. As an Engineer myself who lives and breathes process and product data to inform my decisions, I just don't feel I have been confronted with the appropriate range of data to come into these sites and make or support claims such that vaccines reduce spread. Nor IMO do I feel that what you have provided is definitive enough to do so either. Until we meet again... ;)
Here you are Platy - you send me article, I'll send you articles... and obviously there are more. So one takeaway is that the rate of transmission and protection is also dependent on variant. Again - I submit these as testament that differing opinions exist, not for you to "come to my side". So blanket statements as were made far above regarding vaccines impact to transmission are just not made with proper context and...
Here you are Platy - you send me article, I'll send you articles... and obviously there are more. So one takeaway is that the rate of transmission and protection is also dependent on variant. Again - I submit these as testament that differing opinions exist, not for you to "come to my side". So blanket statements as were made far above regarding vaccines impact to transmission are just not made with proper context and therefore should be labeled as misinformation.
@ Mr Obvious
You are once again mounting an attack on your miscomprehension of the very words in my posts. Again you read what you expected to find with a need to rail against it. Again you demonstrate that you fundamentally misunderstand science (most people do IME).
For example, to quote my earlier post:
"....Then read the actual report. And then read the critiques, yes, they are important too..."
Hmmm..what does that mean, if not...
@ Mr Obvious
You are once again mounting an attack on your miscomprehension of the very words in my posts. Again you read what you expected to find with a need to rail against it. Again you demonstrate that you fundamentally misunderstand science (most people do IME).
For example, to quote my earlier post:
"....Then read the actual report. And then read the critiques, yes, they are important too..."
Hmmm..what does that mean, if not that I am fully aware of contrasting positions?
"...Science is about debate and difference of opinion. But is also offers a method to progress beyond to the next question..."
Hmmm...and what does that mean, if not that I recognise such diversity of opinion is part of the gig and resolvable with judicious application of scientific method?
I referred you to those references because they were the very ones used by the Australian federal government to inform policy (this is a commentary about an blog article on the Australian Government after all).
FWIW I approached both the original main author of the Doherty Report with feedback as well as my local federal politician - the latter was selectively publicly quoting the report, ironically, by such, spreading "misinformation". That politician was spreading misinformation which was very easy to challenge - in one case he was quoting vaccination rates for people over 16 years old as if for the whole national population, thereby inflating the data to make the government look good.
That is what I call "misinformation".
Those articles weren't selectively chosen to validate a "biased" position.
Certain methodologies are commonly adopted by the pharmaceutical industry in developing new treatments, drug approval agencies, epidemiologists, research scientist seeking to get their work published in a peer-review journal and so forth.
These established approaches and protocols don't have the purpose of seeking to satisfy the wiring of a particular brain buried in engineering and process and product.
The folks who work in scientific and medical research are very well aware of the strengths and limitations of how they do their work.
You clearly do not understand how that system functions.
My suspicion is that you are confusing concepts of viral transmission applied to individuals compared with how estimates of viral transmission rates (say vaccinated and vaccinated) are applied in models focused on populations - that is why I directed you to self-educate on the concepts of the R number, etc., which was also based on UK data (I seem to remember you thinking in an earlier post that the data were trending the other way).
You're not dealing with linear relationships, but complexity and an ever evolving dataset to inform the models, test them and apply them.
You seem to think that if you perceive some difference of opinion or dataset that somebody is speciously trying to pull a fast one over you and go screaming "misinformation". In terms of science, that is dumb.
Now I have worked on some multi-billion dollar engineering projects over some years and with dozens of engineers from varying disciplines, but not in the role as an engineer myself.
I don't presume to have enough knowledge in their fields of expertise to go screaming "misinformation" or denigrate their field of expertise, or expect their application of method or process needs to comply with that which I would personally expect from the perspective of scientific or medical research.
I picked up some pretty bad errors in their work with a potential price tag of $100 millions and quietly brought them to their attention - but that doesn't lead me to denigrate and deny the value of the output of their profession.
Now if you were posting commentary proposing stuff was "unproven", or "only proven to a certain level of statistical certainty" or that the guiding models had worrying sensitivities to variations in inputted datasets, I would then have some sympathy for your position.
But screaming misinformation is problematic.
Be well - catch up next time...;)
Never would have thought after your articles from last year that OZ might be years away from letting anyone in anyone with wacky plans (which is now limited to China/HK), and now has come ahead of the US! Way to go Brandon!
@ Luke
Damage was done when one tRump was blundering around. You know that guy who recently called Putin a genius.
MAGBA - Make America Great Britain Again!
Platy has the most serious disease we refer to as TDS2020... Or Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unlike Covid, TDS is highly transmissible and affect rational thought and speech. We believe a new variant TDS.2024 may be on the horizon, but even right wing leaning folks hope it does not!
@ Mr Obvious
I can assure you that "rational thought" is not an attribute you have exhibited in any of your responses herein.
It is very sad that COVID became very politicised in the US under your former leader and his simpering excuse for a political party: helps to explain the unthinkable outcome of one million dead.
...and Covid did not become politicized in many other countries, nor has it remained politicized in the current US political scene??? Please Platy - less attacks and more rational thought please...
@ Mr Obvious
In Australia state governments from both sides of policies adopted substantially similar health policies to manage COVID. The vast majority of the people supported such policies regardless of their usual political preferences.
There was some politicisation, but nothing like the insanity of the USA.
Once you have created that distemper and circulated misinformation and denigrated the scientists and their work, it will always be hard to recover. The damage has been...
@ Mr Obvious
In Australia state governments from both sides of policies adopted substantially similar health policies to manage COVID. The vast majority of the people supported such policies regardless of their usual political preferences.
There was some politicisation, but nothing like the insanity of the USA.
Once you have created that distemper and circulated misinformation and denigrated the scientists and their work, it will always be hard to recover. The damage has been done, reputations ruined, reason trashed.
You are yourself an excellent example of the consequences. It is extraordinary that over two years into the pandemic people like you remain profoundly ignorant and also refuse to learn.
@ platy
Please get over Trump. I assure you it's March 2022, not November 2016. You can come out now. The coast is clear. Now you have a geriatric president. Is that an improvement on a mean-tweet president?
@ John
Apparently the folk at the GOP didn't get the message about the DTs...;)
Enough of the Brandon references @Luke! It's sooo last year, and goes right over the head of 100% of we Australian readers.
(I had to look it up on Wikipedia to find out WTF it was about. I imagine 6 year-olds might still be saying it.)
Since the vax does not stop transmission I have no idea of why it would be required.
Seriously, if you have no idea why the vaccine is helpful despite not eliminating transmission, you're not paying attention.
That is not what he said. Its also ok to have gotten the shots like myself and still feel like it is a useless requirement in preventing transmission because it simply does not stop the spread.
It's about reducing serious illness, not the spread. Thus reducing the burden on hospitals and the potential for serious disruption to jobs and schools.
Jesus, people, it's been 2 years now. How hard is it to understand?
@ Steve
Vaccines help to stop the spread. They are not 100% effective in stopping transmission of virus. But they still limit the spread in a proportion of cases, estimated through trials and real world data. They thereby help to reduce the "R number".
Estimates of such efficacy (in this case in preventing transmission) are taken into account in the models, which are used to inform government health policy - what control measures to implement...
@ Steve
Vaccines help to stop the spread. They are not 100% effective in stopping transmission of virus. But they still limit the spread in a proportion of cases, estimated through trials and real world data. They thereby help to reduce the "R number".
Estimates of such efficacy (in this case in preventing transmission) are taken into account in the models, which are used to inform government health policy - what control measures to implement and when.
Vaccines have their role to play. Expecting them to be 100% effective I stopping transmission is an unreasonable.
Luckily, wiser minds than yours are across this stuff and running the models and using them to inform the policy makers.
I hope that your vaccinations will keep you well and safe.
Platy, seriously... Did you write this or were you troll'd: "Luckily wiser minds than yours are across this stuff and running the models and using them to inform the policy makers". Oh yeah, politics plays no part in the policy makers. Thought you were a little smarter than this.
All the knuckle-dragging Q-anon morons are out today. Russian trolls.
Masks do nothing
Vaccines do nothing
I don't give a shit about anyone but myself
Jewish space lasers!
Critical Race Theory!
The same "useful idiots" that call what's happening in Ukraine a "special military operation." Yeah, very special.
@Bobo Bolinski
Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention who the village idiot is. You sound like a real loser.
@ Jake212
And by responding to @ Bobo Balinski you just exposed yourself as one of those knuckle dragging Q-anon morons. Priceless.
MAGBA - Make America Great Britain again!
Lumping everyone on this planet into democrat or republican is not only ridiculous but dangerous. This isn't a football match. It's not us versus them based on your home team. The political landscape at the moment is one of fear. It is like being on the school playground with lots of bullies. Pick your side and don't stand out. Don't disagree with anything anyone on your side says because if you do you'll be singled...
Lumping everyone on this planet into democrat or republican is not only ridiculous but dangerous. This isn't a football match. It's not us versus them based on your home team. The political landscape at the moment is one of fear. It is like being on the school playground with lots of bullies. Pick your side and don't stand out. Don't disagree with anything anyone on your side says because if you do you'll be singled out and attacked. One's beliefs should not be based upon which side you are rooting for. It makes the population easily controllable and easily deceived. I hope for better for 21st century humanity. Look at how you have labeled anyone who dares disagree with any of your teams' edicts: Q-anon morons, Russian trolls, selfish, anti-Semitic, racist. Sorry, but you're giving no space for individual thought and independent thinking, both of which may be more critical today than they ever have been in history. If you want to know what's going on google the documentary "Monopoly, Who Owns The World". After you watch that then come back to the table and we can discuss things as adults.
@ George Romney
Are you really that dumb or are you trying to stir people up? Seriously?
Vaccines reduce transmission rates which helps to curb the reproductive rate of the spread.
Vaccines reduce the likelihood of severe symptoms.
They therefore reduce the load of the health system - fewer hospitalisations, fewer people in ICU and fewer deaths.
Flagged for misinformation.
Spread is spread, slow or fast. Coronaviruses will spread for the remainder of time. The next time I get Covid (for 3rd time despite vax and boosted) I don't think I will worry whether I got it "slowly"...
@ Mr Obvious
Flagged for errant stupidity, ignorance, and a wilful refusal to self educate.
One key focus of the models if the "R" number (to which I have previously referred). Its' a measure of the spread. Vaccines help to lower it. Read this and learn the basics:
Cucker Tarlson, is that you posting? Mouth breather.
Vaxed or exposure antibodies means very little chance of extreme health issues requiring Critical Care. Thus no burden on the health care system other than an extreme flu.
Meanwhile here in the US you can go all day without wearing a mask but get on public transportation to go to/from work or get on a plane, gotta put that mask on. At this point most people are wearing it loosely or halfway pulled down. What’s the point? Same with testing to return to the US. What a bunch of losers we have leading this country. I hope they pay for it big time this fall.
if it makes you feel any better, the mask mandate is still happening here in Australia on public transport as well. I'm not sure which losers you refer to.
I could care less about the mask mandate if it meant no pre arrival testing to get back in the US.
David, that's true 110%. It's already been shown our administration is the worst, and the fact you have to test to come back to your own home country when they have been letting thousands of unvetted people into the country at the border with no tests is asinine. Unfortunately, there are enough ignorant liberals who see no issue with this policy. Hoping they do pay for this big time in the fall.
@ Nick
MAGBA - Make America Great Britain Again.
It used to be a handy little colony of convicts in its day.
Excellent news! Even better Qantas announced double status credits (or points today).
Qantas also posted their new “ I still call Australia home” ad.
Arrived on the 2nd flight into SYD after borders opened in Feb 2022; felt totally safe all over Australia during my trip. That we only had such high vaccination rates here in the US.
I'm curious, what do vaccination rates have to do with you feeling safe? 65% of the US is vaccinated btw, not that it matters.
@ Alonzo
The higher the vaccination rate:
- the lesser the transmissions of virus
- the lesser impact on hospitals as fewer people get serious symptoms
- the fewer people in ICU
- the fewer people die
The concepts are really, really simple to comprehend, surely, even to those fed garbage by the right wing US media and with very limited capacity to think for themselves.
Based on Australian federal government data...
@ Alonzo
The higher the vaccination rate:
- the lesser the transmissions of virus
- the lesser impact on hospitals as fewer people get serious symptoms
- the fewer people in ICU
- the fewer people die
The concepts are really, really simple to comprehend, surely, even to those fed garbage by the right wing US media and with very limited capacity to think for themselves.
Based on Australian federal government data published on 25 March:
- In Australia more than 95% of people over the age of 16 are fully vaccinated.
- More than 67% of eligible people have had more than two doses.
- More than 93% of those vulnerable people in Aged Care have had more than two doses.
In Australia we can afford to let the high vaccination rates do the heavy lifting. Which is why Australia is now leading the USA and many other countries in its border policy.
Australia is 93% double vaccinaated
I think you'll find that places like New York look pretty similar to Australia. And almost the same population, too.
How do people still believe their own safety is affected by other peoples vaccination rates. The vaccines dont stop the spread that has be proven all across the world. So i dont care if 99% of the people around me have their shots or not. My health is only impacted by my shots. I have mine and i could care less if you take yours or not as it does not impact me.
Thank you. Finally, someone who makes sense.
I don't think my safety is impacted by others people vaccination status. I do think someone unvaccinated is more likely to end up in hospital and can understand a country making its own decisions to minimise having to deal with that by ensuring visitors are vaccinated.
I get that 100%. But if you got your shots over a year ago and have not been boosted, what protection does that even provide?
@ Alonzo
If you haven't had a booster then your original vaccinations will offer you a a level of protection that will decrease over time. The answer is simple. Go get your booster. It will raise you level of protection. Sooner or later you may need to do this, if you want to travel overseas, as governments revise their definition of fully vaccinated to include boosters. Be well. travel safe.
@ Steve
My wife's client would disagree with you - she is a vulnerable and disabled person who cannot have the vaccination for medical reasons.
That's not a a question of belief, as you attempt to frame it, in your self- centered COVIDIOCY. It's called respecting others.
You have just exhibited the sort of selfish self-entitlement that helps to explain why the USA has one million COVID dead.
Yes they do! What is wrong with people like you! It’s been proven over and over again in every country in the world THAT VACCINEs do slow down transmission of the virus. Vaccinated people are less likely to shed the virus. Stop listening to half baked reports that say the opposite
Misinformation... Please stop spreading it.
Per CDC: "The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus. Early data suggest infections in fully vaccinated persons are more commonly observed with the Delta variant than with other SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, data show fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2, and infections with the Delta variant in...
Misinformation... Please stop spreading it.
Per CDC: "The risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection in fully vaccinated people cannot be completely eliminated as long as there is continued community transmission of the virus. Early data suggest infections in fully vaccinated persons are more commonly observed with the Delta variant than with other SARS-CoV-2 variants. However, data show fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2, and infections with the Delta variant in fully vaccinated persons are associated with less severe clinical outcomes. Infections with the Delta variant in vaccinated persons potentially have reduced transmissibility than infections in unvaccinated persons, although additional studies are needed."
Again, "potentially" is not a proven scientific term. Would you want to hear that you "potentially" have cancer?
Until the vaccines 100% STOP transmission (which will never happen with coronaviruses), we shall proceed with life knowing it will transmit to others irregardless of vaccine status. Get the vaccine to build immunity, remove this transmissibility bs from the narrative.
@ Mr Obvious
Your quote from the CDC summarises exactly what I have said in several comments herein, namely that vaccines lower the rate of transmission:
"fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2"; and
"Infections with the Delta variant in vaccinated persons potentially have reduced transmissibility than infections in unvaccinated persons"
You appear incapable of basic comprehension of the written word, either because so are too dumb to process...
@ Mr Obvious
Your quote from the CDC summarises exactly what I have said in several comments herein, namely that vaccines lower the rate of transmission:
"fully vaccinated persons are less likely than unvaccinated persons to acquire SARS-CoV-2"; and
"Infections with the Delta variant in vaccinated persons potentially have reduced transmissibility than infections in unvaccinated persons"
You appear incapable of basic comprehension of the written word, either because so are too dumb to process basic logic or your mind is too filled with up deluded stuff.
Now to another example of your utter lack of understanding of the most basic aspects of an epidemic.
"Until the vaccines 100% STOP transmission (which will never happen with coronaviruses), we shall proceed with life knowing it will transmit to others irregardless of vaccine status. Get the vaccine to build immunity, remove this transmissibility bs from the narrative."
This is where you need to understand the concept off the "R" number and where rate of spread most certainly is an issue (which you blithely deny in your ignorant stupor). Vaccines and other effective control measures lower the R number. Vaccine status is absolutely relevant.The proportion of the population who are fully vaccinated is also absolutely relevant. When you lower the R number sufficiently the rate of spread will slow. It really isn't a very hard concept to grasp.
You are never going to remove rate of transmission from any responsible narrative in managing the disease - at least you have no choice if you want to manage hospitalisations, ICU admissions, etc., within available resources. It's an inescapable part of the scenario. Reducing the severity of the disease is another key role of the vaccines enabling management of the disease.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Be well - travel safe.