It brings me no joy to say this, but it’s only a matter of time until Aeroflot has a major accident…
In this post:
Aeroflot deactivates brakes on nine aircraft
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to all kinds of sanctions against the country, and that includes in aviation. These sanctions have impacted the ability of airlines like Aeroflot to get maintenance and new parts for their aircraft. For example, Aeroflot has been sending its jets to Iran for maintenance, given that the country has dealt with similar sanctions for years.
Here’s the latest update in this saga, as reported by The Moscow Times. Aeroflot has now deactivated brakes on nine of its aircraft. Specifically, some of the carrier’s Airbus and Boeing jets have worn-out brakes, but the airline isn’t able to replace them, due to sanctions that are in place.
As a result, the airline has made the decision to keep flying these planes, but just without brakes. There are currently nine planes with these issues, including five Boeing 777s, one Airbus A330, two Airbus A321s, and one Airbus A320.
In situations where there’s a malfunction, it’s possible for airlines to defer this kind of maintenance for up to 10 days. However, in this case it appears to be a long term solution for the airline, and the airline tells pilots to just use reverse thrusters to slow down planes.
Aeroflot’s flight operations department has warned pilots of the risk of veering off the runway. As it explains in the memo, “the aircraft will tend to turn to the side, so pay attention to this fact, especially when landing on a wet runway with a crosswind.” The memo goes on to warn of “the risk of overrunning the runway!!!” (yes, with all those exclamation points). Reassuring, eh?

This is terrible, but also not surprising
One of the reasons that aviation is so safe is because the industry as a whole uses best practices, and errs on the side of caution. While airlines cut costs in all kinds of ways, safety isn’t one of them. It goes without saying that what’s happening in Russia right now doesn’t represent best practices, and sooner or later this will have consequences.
In fairness, Russian airlines are kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. There’s travel demand, and these airlines primarily have foreign-built aircraft. Not only can Russian airlines no longer acquire these planes, but they can’t even maintain them anymore. While Russia is trying to expand its domestic aircraft production, that isn’t going to happen overnight.
So we’re seeing Aeroflot cut corner after corner, ranging from outsourcing maintenance to Iran, to telling employees to not report safety issues. By comparison, Aeroflot’s astronomical mileage devaluation seems downright minor. 😉

Bottom line
Aeroflot is having major issues maintaining its fleet, due to sanctions for Airbus and Boeing aircraft and parts. At this point, the carrier’s fleet is no longer in working order. Rather than just shutting down, though, Aeroflot is ignoring obvious safety concerns. In the latest example, Aeroflot has deactivated the brakes on some of its planes, and just warns pilots of the risk of veering off of or overrunning the runway.
What do you make of Aeroflot flying planes without brakes?
They have brakes. There are certain parts of the brake system that can be MEL’d assuming certain conditions exist.
This is dumb. these sanctions only hurt working class Russians. Send em the brakes
It is a safety issue for everyone, not just for the Russians.Dont let them land in western airports.
Understand that "The Moscow Times" is based in Amsterdam.
I am all for it! Dead Russians, just what the world needs!!!
I'll believe it when I see some runway overshoot accidents in Russia. All doom and gloom about Russia, but no mention that it's jumped up to the world's 5th largest economy from 11th since the start of the SMO.
5th largest, huh? Why #5 Mr. Russian Bot? Why not go all the way and say it’s overtaken both the US and China?
5th largest economy? Ruble at historic lows, as at this particular moment: "One ruble = 0.010461732 US Dollars"
Weey crash a Boeing watch them blame the company.
Time will tell how bad the decision is to keep airliners in service with no brakes, but I certainly wouldn't be expecting the best.
Sanctions are a mistake. At least wide ranging sanctions. It'll eventually just splinter the world economy, forcing or at least making it essential to build a critical mass of products within ones own nation. The current sanctions within Russia and China are making that apparent.
Interconnected economies were one of the post WWII outcomes that made more world wars unlikely. Attacking another world power meant your own country would suffer. With China, the US,...
Sanctions are a mistake. At least wide ranging sanctions. It'll eventually just splinter the world economy, forcing or at least making it essential to build a critical mass of products within ones own nation. The current sanctions within Russia and China are making that apparent.
Interconnected economies were one of the post WWII outcomes that made more world wars unlikely. Attacking another world power meant your own country would suffer. With China, the US, and Russia splintering away from that sure to sanctions against each other, eventually they'll build enough critical components at home making a war between them more likely. Not a good outcome.
How's Moscow this evening
If Russia wants to participate in a global economy, they know exactly what to do.
So you think Russia should just continue as is?
And your solution to stopping Russia from its self-initiated, unjustified war on another country?
Oh, thanks for the Russian talking point.
We have had interconnected economies as long as we’ve had trade. It’s not a post WW2 phenomena, the collapse of the continental system in 1800’s Napoleonic war was due to it.
Sadly it has never and will never stop dictators from arbitrarily invading. Go back & redo the history
They were a far superior country during the Soviet days. I mean back then they manufactured aircraft!
Deactivating brakes is a normal practice in commercial aviation. Even an A320 can land safely with one brake deactivated.
The problem will be in the cumulative effect of the brake shortage. Deactivating two brake is much different than one.
Time will tell how they ultimately deal with the brake shortage.
So, wait, their aircraft are dangerous? More dangerous than the ethnic cleansing going on in Ukraine? It's only going to get worse and they deserve it all.
I build Airbus's for a living. Aeroflots planes are now worthless and dangerous due to their service records being incomplete. I agree it's a matter of time before they start having catastrophic accidents. Don't blame the manufacturer.....
Soon, every flight on Aeroflot will be the flight of a lifetime, or at least one to remember.
How will they stop the aircraft at the gate?
I guess they will try to stop before and then be tugged to the gate.
China makes the parts.
I'd be willing to bet there are aftermarket breaks they can use.
I can't believe that Aeroflot engineers could let the planes fly without brakes. Flight safety has always been a top priority for the airline.
it is possible that the order came from the Kremlin. Human life and dignity have never been valued in a country of dictatorship of power.
It is not a surprise that those airliners which were stolen from the leasing companies by Putin are now badly in need of parts and maintenance.
Although Iran Air managed to operate the 747s l flew for them in the 70s, for the next 40 years, against the sanctions!
They bought the parts to russia in that time.
Reverse thrusters are very powerful, even more so when backed by the Ruzzian prezident. So don’t be such a girly man, relaxxx.
The more important question for those still flying SU in biz: have the soft and hard product suffered?
Is there anything more pathetic than (supposed) US posters revomiting russian propaganda here?
I am noticing a trend throughout the world where 20-33% of the populations are simply lost causes, unintelligent morons that simply follow whatever conspiracy theorists tell them and aligns with their "I always have to be against the mainstream / Everyone is always against me, but it is never my own fault!" attitudes...
politics aside - a purely technical comment:
is it even possible to disable brakes? How would one stop the aircraft at the gate?
Maybe more accurate would be the pilots are highly encouraged to not use them - and rely on reverse instead?
Just meet them wherever they stop rolling.
Stupid .. so stupid.. just to think Russia is one to blame, and Ukraine is innocent.. just wait till
ukrain goes against the feeding hand
No country in the world would sit still and welcome the invaders. NONE.
Russian pilots are some of the best in the world. No brakes, no problem. They'll learn new techniques.
100% agree, just a temporary slowdown until Sukhoi supersets get into full production within this year. Also IL96, same plane as the president flies is getting its own plant for manufacturing within 2 years
The US3 needs to hire Russian pilots.
I'm going to push back on who gets credit for Safety around the World. All too often this is attributed to "the industry" or the Regulators. Yes they are stakeholders and they definitely believe they are the reasons for Safety. They also do take steps to make things safer. However, you'll find one common factor in parts of the World without great safety records: No Unions. The single biggest factor for safety around the World...
I'm going to push back on who gets credit for Safety around the World. All too often this is attributed to "the industry" or the Regulators. Yes they are stakeholders and they definitely believe they are the reasons for Safety. They also do take steps to make things safer. However, you'll find one common factor in parts of the World without great safety records: No Unions. The single biggest factor for safety around the World are well-trained employees (from Pilots, to Flight Attendants, Dispatchers, Mechanics and beyond) who are empowered AND feel comfortable saying "No" when something isn't safe. Neither happens in a system with weak Unions.
So... planes aren't safe in Russia. Yet pilots there aren't "pushing back and empowered and feel comfortable saying "No".
Yet your deep insight and point is that you believe that is only due to their "system having weak unions".
It was my understanding that Aeroflot never operated their aircraft with breaks. Or landing gear. Or wings. Or semi-amicable flight attendants. Or competent pilots.
Technically the aircraft would eventually come to a stop…
Sure! But maybe not where it should be.
Still better than United.
The proper thing to do would have been to shut the airline down to normal traffic and run an emergency only airline with the working planes and parts.
Russia is a TOTAL. joke, people need to revolt
Ukraine is.
Slava Ukraini!
Couple of weeks back, I was appalled to see an Aeroflot widebody at Bangkok. I checked the Wiki list of Aeroflot destinations and was amazed to see Japan and South Korea on the list:
Aeroflot or Air Azur, a subsidiary, come to
Phuket, Thailand every day. Putin is obviously wanting to give the impression that everything is normal for Russians. Hopefully it won't last much longer.
Wait a minute...unless this was a wholly-owned plane, Aeroflot runs the risk of the immediate seizure of any aircraft, Boeing or Airbus, that was leased from a non-russian affiliated entity. Because they are STOLEN. So Aeroflot can only fly these aircraft to countries where they won't be seized. As for the Wikipedia list, it is out of date and wrong. Look again - the USA is listed, along with Poland and many other western European...
Wait a minute...unless this was a wholly-owned plane, Aeroflot runs the risk of the immediate seizure of any aircraft, Boeing or Airbus, that was leased from a non-russian affiliated entity. Because they are STOLEN. So Aeroflot can only fly these aircraft to countries where they won't be seized. As for the Wikipedia list, it is out of date and wrong. Look again - the USA is listed, along with Poland and many other western European countries, where Aeroflot is banned.
Aren't the planes on lease from Boeing, airbus etc so infact they have stolen these planes.
Well... Not convinced, sorry.
First, we don't know whether the information in this article is accurate. I doubt that Aeroflot would take chances risking lives of the passengers and the crew. They are quite a reputable company. I used to travel with them many times before this drama with Ukraine, and the service was not bad. Definitely better than pretty much all American carriers, that for sure. Most likely the brakes are maintained unofficially,...
Well... Not convinced, sorry.
First, we don't know whether the information in this article is accurate. I doubt that Aeroflot would take chances risking lives of the passengers and the crew. They are quite a reputable company. I used to travel with them many times before this drama with Ukraine, and the service was not bad. Definitely better than pretty much all American carriers, that for sure. Most likely the brakes are maintained unofficially, without informing the plane manufacturer.
Second, Russia has a long history of building planes by themselves. Depriving them of the Western civil planes will create temporary problems but definitely will not force Russians to stop the war. Most likely it will stimulate Russians to accelerate production of their Tupolevs , Sukhoy and Ilushin. This means the Russian market for Boeing and Airbus shall be lost. In addition, Russians can sell their planes to other sanctioned nations.
100% agree, just a temporary slowdown until Sukhoi supersets get into full production within this year. Also IL96, same plane as the president flies is getting its own plant for manufacturing within 2 years
Owned by leasing companies not the manufacturers.
You mean stolen from leasing companies as they all stopped paying their leases when the war started and they were sanctioned.
Rather incendiary headline, more akin to tabloid press! You are suggesting all the brakes on the aircraft are locked out. Quite likely not. It may be a case of how many brakes are locked (probably more than manufacturers allow).
However, I do agree it is the fault of Putin that sanctions are in place.
It can't be long before there is an accident or 3 due to lack of parts.
business as usual Russians are either supportive, complacent or negligent with regards to the invasion of Ukraine. don't give a shit then if they start crashing. as far as I'm concerned this invasion hitting home is long overdue.
Would you have given a shit had US aurlines starting crashing after the US invaded country X? For X insert Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Panama, or just pick another from the multitude of sovereign nations the US has invaded? The west should never have sanctioned Russian civilian aircraft and believe you would be crying if the opposite had happened and US airlines could not obtain spare parts. This is simply a criminal act.
You can’t compare apples and oranges; name a russian product that sells all over the world; I’m not talking about military hardware.
Vodka? Lol
It is not a criminal act. Publicly-announced sanctions, triggered by russia's genocidal destructive unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country. Russia knows they should not fly unsafe aircraft. If they do, they are to blame.
An example of a criminal act would be something like supplying counterfeit spare parts and not alerting anyone to the danger. You need to learn the difference between sanctions and criminal acts. If one of these aircraft crashes, and people die,...
It is not a criminal act. Publicly-announced sanctions, triggered by russia's genocidal destructive unprovoked invasion of a sovereign country. Russia knows they should not fly unsafe aircraft. If they do, they are to blame.
An example of a criminal act would be something like supplying counterfeit spare parts and not alerting anyone to the danger. You need to learn the difference between sanctions and criminal acts. If one of these aircraft crashes, and people die, the criminality will be on the dictatorial regime and management of the company.
„ It brings me no joy to say this, but it’s only a matter of time until Aeroflot has a major accident…”
Well, it brings me immense joy. Those fascists can all go down, hopefully soon and in huge numbers. If they were “innocent”, as so many Westerners will say clutching their pearls, they would have left ruSSia a long time ago.
And before you say I’m terrible - ask yourself if you would...
„ It brings me no joy to say this, but it’s only a matter of time until Aeroflot has a major accident…”
Well, it brings me immense joy. Those fascists can all go down, hopefully soon and in huge numbers. If they were “innocent”, as so many Westerners will say clutching their pearls, they would have left ruSSia a long time ago.
And before you say I’m terrible - ask yourself if you would feel for a country which murdered and enslaved you for centuries. You have no say in that. We have been warning you since 30 years that you cannot do business with those “people”. You didn’t listen. And look what’s happening now.
Yet if the families of about 500,000 Iraqis wished the same upon Americans and Britons, using your own "logic," you'd probably be up in arms.
So what, every Russian civilian should immediately move overseas, otherwise they're automatically at fault? How should that work? And where should they go?
No - they should not vote in and support a government that is unjustifiably and ruthlessly attacking another country. That is on them.
And yes, innocent suffer too... but more innocent are suffering much worse in Ukraine, so that's the bigger issue.
Polls from Russia have showed at least 75% of its citizens are in support of the invasion, so will say I agree with you fully.
Always will be, always has been Aeroflop
American citizens can't rent one bedroom apartments anymore in the United States without high credit scores!
And no one is talking about that?
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Not true.
There is a big difference with Russia and Iran. Many other countries do not have sanctions against Iran and operate flights to/from Iran and do business with them. Most countries are not maintaining relations with the Russians.
Russian safety culture has a horrible history. They tend to cut corners in many industries. Nuclear, civil aviation, naval. It's embarrassing how bad they are. Most of the flight demand is leaving Russia.
They don't call it Aeroflop for nothing
Aeroflot was a crap airline even before Russia invaded Ukraine. Flew them once and vowed never again. Whole plan shook and the overhead instrument panel fell into my lap on take off.
As a survivor of the pandemic of the unvaccinated, I condemn the ongoing invasion of Aeroflot passengers. Want to survive the landing? Your choice: don't invade - and get vacccinated. Give me a brake.
Tip: post your comment before taking drugs, not after.
Tip: before you complain about reduced braking action on landing, choose another means of transport or don’t invade other countries. Nobody forces you to fly from Petropavlovsk to Moscow. Get vaccinated.
Well, Fred Flintstone didn't need brakes, so why does Aeroflot need them?
Where has Iran source their A300 and 747 brakes for 30 years?
LOL. I've heard of disc brakes, but I guess this would be circular brakes.
Using brakes is so woke. I heard Russians are very non woke people. They have our blessing in flying without brakes.
From China, definitely genuine parts for good price.
Landing safety aside, these aircraft are just not airworthy. These aircraft are a hazard to all surrounding traffic.
They cannot stop fast enough in the event of a possible taxiway incursion, and most importantly they cannot abort a takeoff in case of an emergency.
What happens to the journalist that exposed this?
You make jokes but China continues its march of technological advancement. Their children growing up to be engineers while ours are stuck making TikTok videos and living at home until 40. China is currently ahead of the US and the west in the vast majority of technological categories. We can't just sit back and think of them as still just in the business of cheap knock offs.
An Aeroflot crash is just around the corner. Call me a weak Westerner if you wish, but it must be terrifying to work at Aeroflot right now and knowing that the aircraft you're helping to get in the air (be it as a pilot, ramp worker, maintenance, etc) might not be completely airworthy. And on top of that not being able to report it.
Crazy timing as I just read the facts behind Chernobyl in Niall Ferguson’s book politics of doom. The woke crowd won’t enjoy…when we hear enough lies, we no longer recognize the truth. The truth doesn’t care about our governments, ideologies…
As Ben said an accident waiting to happen
Call it a hunch, but fairly certain that even "woke" people (whatever that even means) don't want to go careening off of a runway....
Nah, the woke crowd will def enjoy speeding off the runway. They'll call it an "inclusive experience". Because every type of experience is equally important and must be objectified and worshiped. Safe landings have been "privileged'' for too long, Crashing and overshoots must be given prominence and valued too. Everything is equal now, remember? It's all about equality and inclusiveness.
“Just be extra careful” seems unlikely to be a good long term solution.
It’s almost like Russia could solve all of this by stopping the war it started, huh? But the Russian leaders only see their citizens as cannon fodder. Aeroflot brakes? Nyet.
Lol you think ending the war will end Aeroflot's problems? The lessors will for sure not sell them any more planes after what they pulled basically stealing these planes, reregistering them in Russia, not returning them etc. Aeroflot will still get these planes repossed if they fly them into a country that they're currently banned from. They won't be able to replace them with new ones. Sure they wil be able to get parts again...
Lol you think ending the war will end Aeroflot's problems? The lessors will for sure not sell them any more planes after what they pulled basically stealing these planes, reregistering them in Russia, not returning them etc. Aeroflot will still get these planes repossed if they fly them into a country that they're currently banned from. They won't be able to replace them with new ones. Sure they wil be able to get parts again and actually get the maintence they need if the sanctions are lifted but it will be shortlived, the damage was already done to the business relationship.
Maybe they shouldn't have decided to invade their neighbor and proceed to torture, rape and kidnap their people. Frankly, whatever horrible happens to Russians is karma.
I believe it is Schadenfreude and not Karma
While this is tragic possibility--a major accident might help bring down the Putin regime
Yes USA, target the citizens of Russia and foreigners of other countries that have to ride on those planes.
That will teach 'em!
After all - it was the citizens that caused the war! It was the families and the babushkas! Damn them all!
If we're lucky, maybe it will cause an accident and they will all die! (sarc)
We have the stupidest, most corrupt, "administration" (I use this term loosely)...
Yes USA, target the citizens of Russia and foreigners of other countries that have to ride on those planes.
That will teach 'em!
After all - it was the citizens that caused the war! It was the families and the babushkas! Damn them all!
If we're lucky, maybe it will cause an accident and they will all die! (sarc)
We have the stupidest, most corrupt, "administration" (I use this term loosely) in history at the moment. Soon BRICS will happen and then see how far your money goes.
Hopefully the Russians revolt from within. They are already using drones.
What do you expect in these circumstances? Carry in regardless ? The Russian government invaded a sovereign state, destroying communitie, killing thousands of innocent people and causing millions to flee.
I'm not suggesting it was right to do that.
If you take the time to research the history going back to 2014, you may come to the conclusion that they had no other choice. STOP listening to the propeganda spewed forth by fake news.
Do the research.
I'm suggesting that it's stupid to sanction citizens and there should be NO sanction of aircraft parts.
Let Russia fight their own regional wars....
I'm not suggesting it was right to do that.
If you take the time to research the history going back to 2014, you may come to the conclusion that they had no other choice. STOP listening to the propeganda spewed forth by fake news.
Do the research.
I'm suggesting that it's stupid to sanction citizens and there should be NO sanction of aircraft parts.
Let Russia fight their own regional wars. USA stay out of it!
No more money for Ukraine! Do the research. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries on the face of the earth. There are Ukrainian young men dying every single day! This must stop. If THEIR president cared at all, the war would end. But then that would cut off the $$$ faucet. So the war continues. Russia has proposed peace agreements twice now (don't hear about that much, either)!
Good day.
"Hopefully the Russians revolt from within."
Oh - by the way, not going to happen. If you protest in Russia you wind up in a black hole somewhere and are never heard from again. Bad plan there, Joey.
Kill the babushkas! Be mean to Russia! Good plan! (sarc)
And one more thing -
I'm not a troll, and you don't know me from a hole in the wall. I'm a US citizen.
Anyone with 3/4 of a brain can research what I'm saying here and whether I'm a "troll" or whether I'm not doesn't matter - you will see that I'm correct.
Makes me wonder who is actually the troll. Maybe we have some "deep state" trolls here.
I don't...
And one more thing -
I'm not a troll, and you don't know me from a hole in the wall. I'm a US citizen.
Anyone with 3/4 of a brain can research what I'm saying here and whether I'm a "troll" or whether I'm not doesn't matter - you will see that I'm correct.
Makes me wonder who is actually the troll. Maybe we have some "deep state" trolls here.
I don't care what you think - I for one have a mind of my own. People with a brain will do their own research and make up their own minds about what is happening.
Have a good day.
Lol. I love the part OP says “I’m not a troll”. He who protests too much…
Mr Mudd-
You sir are a misguided soul.
"People with a brain will do their own research and make up their own minds about what is happening."
Your statement is incomplete and inaccurate.
Doing slipshod/incompetent research leads to misguided minds.
Tell you a story: I have an elderly aunt who came to visit us a in the south a few years ago to escape the northeast winter. Due to...
Mr Mudd-
You sir are a misguided soul.
"People with a brain will do their own research and make up their own minds about what is happening."
Your statement is incomplete and inaccurate.
Doing slipshod/incompetent research leads to misguided minds.
Tell you a story: I have an elderly aunt who came to visit us a in the south a few years ago to escape the northeast winter. Due to one medical issue after another, she is still with us. While this isn't ideal, we are glad to be able to help a family member recuperate.
She is a smartphone imbecile. She's been using one for years, but she simply can't use a search engine to get a practical and useful answer. In spite of being of sound mind, she can't understand what search results are valid, and which are the opinions of your fellow idiots. Last night she noticed she'd stained her colored blouse with blueberries from earlier in the day. So she read online that she should soak the stained area with white vinegar. Except that she ended up removing color from the blouse and ruining it.
She trusts the nonsense she reads online regarding health issues more than she values the face-to-face meeting she has with her physician. Its as if she thinks she finds the "truth" from anonymous fools while discarding the competent advice she gets from true professionals.
So, no sir, doing your own research, if done the way I presume you do it, will not help you "make up your own mind."
Oh, and Russia/Ukraine....yea, brilliant idea, the West should stay out of that fight. If we'd done that in WW2, Nazi Germany would have been victorious.
The Russian people unfortunately will have to suffer because of their leaders. When the people have been hurt enough, they will overthrow their leaders.
The onslaught against what I'm saying was expected.
But I never said that I support the war.
Americans are not stupid. Most of them are starting to realize that the $$$ faucet (slush fund) MUST continue, so one party can receive kickbacks in order to try to stay in power.
Search "minsk agreement," "minsk accord," "nato expansion," etc., there have also been articles and commentaries on this subject, if one takes the...
The onslaught against what I'm saying was expected.
But I never said that I support the war.
Americans are not stupid. Most of them are starting to realize that the $$$ faucet (slush fund) MUST continue, so one party can receive kickbacks in order to try to stay in power.
Search "minsk agreement," "minsk accord," "nato expansion," etc., there have also been articles and commentaries on this subject, if one takes the time.
This is common knowledge but it's just not the propeganda that is spread here in the fake (United States) news.
Research from several different browsers and not simply goon boggle. Goon boggle shows what it wants you to see.
I would be remiss if I didn't point out the fact that some of the factions in Ukraine are NAZIS. Look for the swastika on some of the armored equipment and helmets, etc.
Do you know what happens if a young, Ukrainian man attempts to leave Ukraine? His passport is cut up, sliced in two, and he is made to go to serve in the war. Just sayin'. The $$$ faucet (slush fund) MUST continue, so one party can receive kickbacks in order to try to stay in power. The only problem with this is that Ukrainians are dying. And besides, we've sent them enough billions and so has too many other countries. Stop the madness or enter WWIII.
PS - Say hi to mom for me.
Ok Comrade
Oh, now it"s "Minsk accord" time.
Yes, the accord that France and Germany required Ukraine to agree to after Russia invaded the first time, as Ukraine wasn't going to get any other support. So what other option did Ukraine have after Russia's first invasion?
And then the second part that it was signed by both Russia and Ukraine and required both to cease attacks on the other... yet Russia also did not comply. Obviously!...
Oh, now it"s "Minsk accord" time.
Yes, the accord that France and Germany required Ukraine to agree to after Russia invaded the first time, as Ukraine wasn't going to get any other support. So what other option did Ukraine have after Russia's first invasion?
And then the second part that it was signed by both Russia and Ukraine and required both to cease attacks on the other... yet Russia also did not comply. Obviously! As here we are!
More clueless misinformation from yourself.
Sorry you’re American. My sympathies
Here's your peace agreement: Russia leaves Ukraine, including Crimea, and doesn't come back.
So Russia gets control of Ukraine and then Putin decides in his apparent desire to restore the Russian Empire that the Baltic states are next,what then ?
If you're not a troll, you're an idiot.
I've researched back to 2014. So what _happened_ in 2014? Why 2014? Oh, that's when Russia first invaded Ukraine! There was no issue before 2014! Which there would have been if there was actually a long standing issue.
AND to your "they had no other choice" nobody invaded Russia! Nobody attacked Russia.
You're fooled by just another lie Russians spew, that they tried to use to justify their attack and invasion on Ukraine.
The west stole more from Russia over $300b so the leased aircrafts don't come close that money lost by Russia
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s bring out our first foreign troll of the day! Welcome, welcome! Glad that you could join the conversation.
No one is forcing Russia to fly airplanes without brakes. They’re doing it on their own accord.
When you say foreign what do you mean by that ? Twat
Dumb Russian troll account is dumb.
Shouldn´t you also be mad at the Europeans since they have sanctions on Russia?
You all act like you've never seen a 777 with a tailhook before!
There's nothing "in fairness" about anything that caused the sanctions in the first place and are keeping them there.
The sanctions are a GOOD thing.
It’s unfortunate about Pootieflot, but here we are.
Maybe they should have not stolen all those leased planes
There happy to pay for them, but you are right, better to rely on home manufacturing rather than rely on anything from the west.
India, china, middle east is all looking at this fact. How long until China opens a loss leading brake factory?
Aeroflot has officially purchased all their 777s and 330s. So, it’s their business now. Authority of the airline doesn’t like the situation, the government is the reason of all these difficulties. Aeroflot is a government airline, so they are able to purchase planes for billions of rubles. It may lead to possible bankruptcy’s of other, smaller companies such as Nordwind or Utair for example..