TSA Agents And Their Incessant Yelling & Comedy Routines

TSA Agents And Their Incessant Yelling & Comedy Routines


I feel like this practice has just been normalized to the point that no one bats an eyelid anymore, but can we talk about it for a second?

TSA agents and their aggression & comedy routines

Let me start by saying that I don’t envy the jobs of TSA agents. They do the same thing day in and day out, and spend a lot of time repeating themselves. While airport security is of course an important function, in reality TSA agents spend most of their time acting as our last line of defense against bottled water and toothpaste (through no fault of their own). They also have to remind people of the same thing over and over and over.

TSA agents rotate positions during shifts, sometimes working the x-ray machine, sometimes working the body scanners, sometimes checking IDs, and sometimes managing the queue, trying to minimize the number of bags that have to be pulled aside for a secondary inspection.

Arguably the most personality-filled position (let’s put it that way) is the person who is managing the line, and is supposed to make sure people remove the correct items from their bags and bodies, push their bags onto the belt, etc.

It’s pretty common that these people will just yell the same thing over and over. Some people do this politely enough. In the TSA PreCheck line, this might include:

“Folks, you don’t need to remove anything from your bags. Make sure you have no liquids larger than 3.4 ounces in your bags. Don’t go through the metal detector until your bag is on the belt.”

That’s how some agents do it. Other agents (and we’re not talking a small percentage of them) seem to take a very different approach:

  • Some are downright aggressive, yelling things like “if you don’t push your bag onto the belt, you’ll be considered abandoning your property at an international airport, and that’s a crime” (I just heard that — goodness gracious, that escalated quickly)
  • Some seem to think that they’re stand-up comics, and they’re practicing their routine with a non-consensual audience; I don’t think I even need to give an example, because if you haven’t heard a TSA agent try to make a joke, you haven’t ever flown out of a US airport

What’s amazing is how often they repeat the same lines, and it makes me feel bad for the colleagues working in other positions. I heard the announcement about abandoning property being a crime twice within a minute. Oy. Can you imagine how many times he probably makes that comment during a shift?

Am I the only one who finds this unprofessional and annoying?

Admittedly TSA agents aren’t exactly trained operatives working for the CIA, but they do work for the government. Does anyone have any insights as to whether the TSA has any guidelines for this kind of stuff?

  • Does initial training at the TSA include encouraging employees to just rattle off whatever the heck they’d like in order to get attention?
  • Do TSA agents ever get additional training for their unprofessional routines, or does the organization simply not care what employees say?

While I don’t think anyone likes the aggressive announcements, I should acknowledge that a lot of people do seem to enjoy the comedy routines. And on some level, perhaps the unconventional announcements do make people listen more than they would if there were scripted, automated announcements (which would be infinitely more professional).

It sure seems to me like the less frequently someone flies, the more likely they are to laugh at the jokes (probably because they’ve never heard them before). Meanwhile if you fly with any frequency, you’ve probably heard all the jokes over and over.

Still, I can’t help but find the whole thing incredibly unprofessional. I mean, most people don’t exactly consider the Post Office or DMV to offer premium guest experiences, but somehow they manage to perform their jobs without yelling in the same way. Then again, they’re not waging war against deodorant.

In my opinion these routines are especially poorly thought out in terminals that get a lot of foreigners who speak limited English. For example, I find that JFK T1 has among the rudest TSA agents. They yell like crazy, rattle off phrases that many foreigners wouldn’t understand, and then act surprised when people don’t follow their instructions.

On a totally separate note, I just saw a TSA agent wearing a tie for the first time ever. No, it wasn’t part of the uniform (as far as I know), but he just decided to put on a tie. Good for him. I think.

Bottom line

I don’t know how we got to this point, but nowadays a hallmark of the TSA experience seems to be comedy routines and aggressive yelling. Personally I find this to be incredibly unprofessional, and I don’t understand how the TSA accepts this standard of communication.

I can appreciate that the comedy routines are at least well intentioned, but the same can’t be said for some of the other spiels.

What’s your take on the TSA’s combination of comedy and aggression? I’m curious if I’m in the minority on this, or…

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  1. Mike Guest

    Yesterday at the LAX JET BLUE security check an agent screamed at me at the top of her lungs “CMON SIR PUSH YOUR BINS FORWARD” as i was Loading my jackets and carryons. I am A senior citizen and with the current state of our world i totally Support any and all forms of security to keep us all safe. Older people are slower and young or old going through security can be stressful enough...

    Yesterday at the LAX JET BLUE security check an agent screamed at me at the top of her lungs “CMON SIR PUSH YOUR BINS FORWARD” as i was Loading my jackets and carryons. I am A senior citizen and with the current state of our world i totally Support any and all forms of security to keep us all safe. Older people are slower and young or old going through security can be stressful enough without someone yelling.
    I yelled Back at her that I’m older and it takes more time. I got Nothing but a dirty look from her. I called over a supervisor and there excuse was they are aware and that’s just the way she is and on the gruff side. Travel safe move as quickly as you can and be cognizant of the fact that there are hundreds of people behind you. If you see someone struggling to get their things in a bin ask them if they could use a hand. Otherwise stand up for yourself and complain to a manager if you feel a TSA attendant is unnecessarily rude.
    What did come out of this was an apology from the attendant and i have The freedom to voice my complaint right here.

  2. Anna Gurney Guest

    My recent experience Dec 15th 2023 at Calgary International transferring to US flight - the TSA agent first made me take my wedding dress out of the luggage it was travelling in after the gate agents couldn't check it on time. She then yelled at me for having "such a large dress" (basic ball gown) and when I stated that my choice of wedding dress should be exactly that..mine, she lost her mind. She yelled...

    My recent experience Dec 15th 2023 at Calgary International transferring to US flight - the TSA agent first made me take my wedding dress out of the luggage it was travelling in after the gate agents couldn't check it on time. She then yelled at me for having "such a large dress" (basic ball gown) and when I stated that my choice of wedding dress should be exactly that..mine, she lost her mind. She yelled at me twice "are you giving me attitude Miss?" Now I'm 54 and she was around 30 (ish) so firstly - if you're gonna yell at me it's "Ma'am" not Miss and secondly - the only "attitude" on display that day was hers and it was threatening, intimidating and harassment. My complaint to the TSA through official channels has been completely brushed off. This is NOT Acceeptable!

  3. N/A Guest

    Tsa agent was checking my wallet which he had no business. He was just been nosy and profiing. He messed up my bag and threw everything back inside. I asked him where are my boarding passes I place them on the tray like the other agent told me. The idiot TSA Agent got these look did not bother to help and says you shouldn't put in the tray or you will loose it and you...

    Tsa agent was checking my wallet which he had no business. He was just been nosy and profiing. He messed up my bag and threw everything back inside. I asked him where are my boarding passes I place them on the tray like the other agent told me. The idiot TSA Agent got these look did not bother to help and says you shouldn't put in the tray or you will loose it and you will have to get other boarding passes and WALKED away. I stayed there did not move until I found my boarding passes and fixed my messed up bag. The tsa idiot had put it inside my bag.
    TsA are the worse ever employees. They think they can get away with humiliating the travels when they are their to help make gets go smoothly. I have no respect for TSA employees.

  4. N/A Guest

    I mean if it's that bad then my opinion is find other ways to travel!! It's simple... You don't like the rules nor the yelling officers then catch the damn bus(Greyhound)... The train(Amtrak)... Or drive.... These are people who are simply trying to make sure your safe arrival to your destination alive and not dead and all y'all want to do is complain...

    1. another frustrated traveler. Guest

      Oh bull. They are people who couldn't manage to get a law enforcement job and want to pretend to have one. They have stopped 0 real threats to air travel.

      Disbanding them tomorrow would be best for everyone. Heck, let them keep being paid at least they wouldn't be a hindrance.

    2. Dave Guest

      The CIA doesn't stop threats, the FBI doesn't either the military spends millions of tax payer dollars training for something by there own admission will probably never happen. 98% of police officers never draw there weapon in the line of duty. What do these and TSA have in common they all do jobs that are thankless and are treated like shit until they are needed, then when they are not there people like you scream...

      The CIA doesn't stop threats, the FBI doesn't either the military spends millions of tax payer dollars training for something by there own admission will probably never happen. 98% of police officers never draw there weapon in the line of duty. What do these and TSA have in common they all do jobs that are thankless and are treated like shit until they are needed, then when they are not there people like you scream how could this happen. Why wasn't there screening? News flash the vast majority of terrorist attacks against the U.S happen to occur outside of the states ever wonder why?

    3. Kim Guest

      That is no excuse for moronic behavior. I suggest suspending or firing of these poorly behaved moron TSA officers!!

    4. Man with actual sense Guest

      Your comment is stupid because you excuse unprofessional behavior.
      Its like someone saying if you don't like hair in your food just go to another restaurant.

      Youre the type of manager who would allow rude employees. OBVIOUSLY greyhound from NY to Cali isn't efficient. We know it's for safety but there's a way WE all should talk to each other with respect.

      Just because you're using someone's business doesn't mean you have to...

      Your comment is stupid because you excuse unprofessional behavior.
      Its like someone saying if you don't like hair in your food just go to another restaurant.

      Youre the type of manager who would allow rude employees. OBVIOUSLY greyhound from NY to Cali isn't efficient. We know it's for safety but there's a way WE all should talk to each other with respect.

      Just because you're using someone's business doesn't mean you have to tolerate disrespect from another human. If a mechanic fixes your car doesn't mean he can tell you to "STFU and let me work on your car you dumb mfkr".
      Can he?

      Next time you eat a place don't complain about the chef not washing his hands by your stupid reasoning.

      There's a reason for CUSTOMER SERVICE.

    5. Susan1955 Guest

      I don’t like the TSA agents yelling, and being bullies. I don’t have to put up with it. I bought an airline ticket I don’t want to take a damn Greyhound bus and how would I possibly take one If I’m going to Europe? please rethink your comments before you make them

    6. Cindy Guest

      Thank you

      What are all the complaints going to be if 4 more planes are used for missles??? You will appreciate the TSA then won’t you?

  5. AJay Guest

    I say let them joke around, it makes the process a little less abrasive and unpleasant. But the unnecessary aggression? I really do hate that! I find the agents dramatically nicer in the precheck line, because everyone going though it knows what to do

  6. MJ Guest

    What about the Officers that are proffesional? No one speaks or acknowledges the good Officers at TSA. Society is obssesed with Drama and complains. No one cares to highlight or encourage the respectful and kind Officers. Here's a title. The Good Officers at TSA or the light at the end of the Security line.

  7. flyerco Guest

    @Lisa - the flip side are agents expect you to know how it is done there. Why, because that's how TSA does it. Doesn't matter that only this airport does it, or only 1/4 do. Ie asking for BP. majority now you don't need to show it, just ID. Goto one w/o the technology and agent yells wondering why don't have BP ready. Next airport has technology, they yell cause you're wasting their time with a BP.

  8. TiredofCryingAdults Guest

    For everyone whining, people do need to pay attention to instructions. That is why they are printed, videos and someone to repeateldy tell you what to do when you don't pay attention. First passengers have to realize tso's are there for your plesure or to fix your feelings. Bow many times do i have to see someone upset over a pat down make others wait to complain to an already busy supervisor? To easy. I've...

    For everyone whining, people do need to pay attention to instructions. That is why they are printed, videos and someone to repeateldy tell you what to do when you don't pay attention. First passengers have to realize tso's are there for your plesure or to fix your feelings. Bow many times do i have to see someone upset over a pat down make others wait to complain to an already busy supervisor? To easy. I've never have a hard time. I just do as i am told.

    As for a comment based on your ignorance about tsa being wanna be's...who do you know this? Do you know what any of these people do. People suck and i believe americans are at the top of this list.
    If you want to be catered to, bring your mom to the airport to hold your hand and guard your feelings and get out of my way so i can catch my plane.

    1. What Guest

      You're not smart. If we all knew every instruction there'd be 0 purpose for them working there because we could do it ourselves. OBVIOUSLY there are humans there for a reason, it's called to do an actual job.

      I think people like you and them have gotten so lazy they don't want to do a job.

      The machine does most of the jobs by scanning, they are just standing there. Doesnt give them the permission to be rude.
      This is TSA...

  9. RailWorker Guest

    The TSA officers whining about this article need to get a grip. I work in transportation in a public-facing role and have to interact with clueless/ignorant members of the public all the time. Is it frustrating? Yes! Are there times that I interact with people who are absolutely clueless? All the time!
    But YOU LITERALLY SIGNED UP FOR IT! It’s part of the job! The basic requirements for TSO conduct includes professional and courteous...

    The TSA officers whining about this article need to get a grip. I work in transportation in a public-facing role and have to interact with clueless/ignorant members of the public all the time. Is it frustrating? Yes! Are there times that I interact with people who are absolutely clueless? All the time!
    But YOU LITERALLY SIGNED UP FOR IT! It’s part of the job! The basic requirements for TSO conduct includes professional and courteous interactions with passengers.

    So in my job, as annoying as these passengers may be, I’m still polite and try to be as helpful as possible without negatively impacting their experience. When they go low, you go high. It’s not unreasonable for the public to expect you to be professional. You’re literally being paid to do so.

    And if you don’t like it, quit! There’s plenty of people who would gladly take your position and do the job better. You can’t expect all the benefits of a public sector position without being expected to put in the work, full stop.

    You guys look pathetic ganging up on the author of this article. You’re the butt of tons of jokes made by the rest of the transpiration industry workers in rail, marine, buses, etc. and it’s all because of this insane entitled mindset that permeates the TSA. People make fun of you guys for a reason! Get over it and hold yourselves accountable!

  10. YinDaoYan Diamond

    To reiterate, there are a number of commenters below who are clearly not regular OMAAT readers or even travelers. This post obviously hit a nerve among TSOs; it's obvious as many of them cannot form a grammatically proper English sentence.

    That's okay, though. We are not asking them to be Hemingway. We are asking them to be respectful and professional.

    1. TiredofCryingAdults Guest

      "We are asking them to be respectful and professional"

      Lol, who wrote that line for you?

  11. Ty Guest

    Some people have heavy voices so, that's not really being an aggressive person who is trying to get the line moving. Most passengers are regular passengers and they sometimes agree with getting the point across because they're late for their flights.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      This post is not about getting the point across. It is about hostility and unprofessionalism.

    2. Railworker Guest

      It doesn’t matter what your voice sounds like - what matters is the *tone* and the way they communicate.

  12. JoeT Guest

    Hey Ben get yourself off the no fly list and try to write another article on this ! TSA keeps people flying safely everyday now and forever !!!

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Ben has flown over 4 million miles.

    2. Railworker Guest

      Bruh lol maybe instead of harassing the article writer, look inward and consider the reasons why the TSA is so commonly disliked by the public. There’s a reason there’s a whole South Park episode dedicated to you guys. Take some responsibility and hold yourselves accountable. It’s not always someone else’s fault lol

  13. deb h Guest

    First, you can wear a tie if you so choose, it is part of the uniform.
    Second, take a look at the pennsylvania idiot that had bomb components in his bag.
    Third, the officers( not agents) have a job to do, it matters not the feelings of a pax. Yes some can be more courteous and please don’t talk about something you have no clue about until you work that job!

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      officers( not agents)

      Would you like to explain the difference? It's a semantic game. "Officer" in a normal American conversation is a sworn law enforcement officer who has graduated from a police academy. A TSO is not that.

      please don’t talk about something you have no clue about until you work that job!

      I'll bet $10M that Ben, the owner/author of this blog, knows everything there is to know about TSA procedures. Yes,...

      officers( not agents)

      Would you like to explain the difference? It's a semantic game. "Officer" in a normal American conversation is a sworn law enforcement officer who has graduated from a police academy. A TSO is not that.

      please don’t talk about something you have no clue about until you work that job!

      I'll bet $10M that Ben, the owner/author of this blog, knows everything there is to know about TSA procedures. Yes, I do have $10M in liquid assets, as does Ben and much of the audience of this blog. Do you?

    2. Railworker Guest

      I don’t think any passenger should be required to work as a TSO for them to express an opinion of how TSO’s treat them.

      There’s a reason why the rest of the transportation industry workers laugh at you guys. Maybe just… do better at your jobs and be more professional?
      Somehow I manage to deal with stupid members of the public every day. Do I snap at them like TSOs do? No, because that’s unprofessional.

      Hold yourselves accountable and do better!

  14. Joe T Guest

    The reason you can fly safely is because TSA does the job right !!! Why don’t you just talk about the weather it’ll make more sense for you !!

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      The reason you can fly safely is because TSA does the job right

      Wrong. It's because aerospace engineering is rigorous, flight crew are well trained, and the vast majority of passengers do not have malicious intent. An internal government test of TSA's ability to screen threats resulted in a 95% failure rate.

    2. jim Guest

      Is that why I made it through 3 airports and to europe with a forgotten liter of water in my carryon?
      The TSA fails neverly every inspection. They are a joke.

  15. Ed Guest

    Apply for the job, do it for awhile and see if you can handle it. Easy to criticize/critique if your standing off watching and not getting your hands dirty.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Apply for the job, do it for awhile and see if you can handle it.

      Ben could do the TSO job courteously because he was raised in an upper class environment and his social circle is all upper class people who have manners.

      Easy to criticize/critique if your standing off watching and not getting your hands dirty.

      Ben's hands are literally dirty from the filthy TSA equipment that his carry-on baggage is forced to...

      Apply for the job, do it for awhile and see if you can handle it.

      Ben could do the TSO job courteously because he was raised in an upper class environment and his social circle is all upper class people who have manners.

      Easy to criticize/critique if your standing off watching and not getting your hands dirty.

      Ben's hands are literally dirty from the filthy TSA equipment that his carry-on baggage is forced to pass through. Why can't we learn from other countries, like Japan where airport workers are actively sanitizing public surfaces?

  16. Lance Guest

    These messages could be automated. I hear it all the time at my local airport re: Cars at the curb must be attended to at all times. Unattended cars may be ticketed or towed.

    Let's get some "celebrities" to record these message at TSA check points- make it fun

    I'm sure the TSA agents don't enjoy repeating this over and over

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I'm sure the TSA agents don't enjoy repeating this over and over

      That is completely irrelevant because there is no excuse for unprofessionalism.

  17. JasonB Gold

    Shout out to the crew at OMA, my home airport. I've never experienced them being unprofessional, and they work quickly and efficiently. Almost never a line at PreCheck. The one time I've flown out of JFK, security was a mess and I recall the TSA officers shouting at passengers who didn't speak English. Once, flying out of PHX, I remember on of the officers shouting about throwing out your bottle of water, but he claimed he'd let it through if it was frozen.

  18. YinDaoYan Diamond

    Wow, which TSO Facebook group or forum was this post shared onto?

    1. Joe T Guest

      What country do you come from ? Some people shouldn’t write about anything they have no clue about ! TSA keeps the world of flying people safe now and forever!! Get it Right !!!

  19. frrp Diamond

    Better than the air of self importance that some of the border control staff seem to have.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Border officials are repeatedly briefed by their superiors on how frontline job duties are critical to national security. Ignorant Republican voters support this because they don't know any better, and they don't travel out of the country so they have no personal experience with border control in their own country.

      Cultured and educated Americans support open borders on the basis of human rights and economic development. Clearing the air of self importance would be a...

      Border officials are repeatedly briefed by their superiors on how frontline job duties are critical to national security. Ignorant Republican voters support this because they don't know any better, and they don't travel out of the country so they have no personal experience with border control in their own country.

      Cultured and educated Americans support open borders on the basis of human rights and economic development. Clearing the air of self importance would be a positive externality.

  20. Alexa Guest


    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Fox News is a trash source whose owner has recently admitted in a legal deposition that they knowingly spread election integrity lies, thereby eroding the democratic process in our country.

  21. Kevin Guest

    The professionalism of the TSA Officers is mentioned. How about professionalism of passengers? Passengers threaten, spit on and have assaulted TSA Officers. That is not tolerated in airports overseas. You will be arrested immediately. Thats why you don’t see it. People in the US act entitled. They feel a red carpet should be rolled out and everyone bow for them. How many times do you hear “but I’m TSA!!” They are PreCheck. The reason TSA...

    The professionalism of the TSA Officers is mentioned. How about professionalism of passengers? Passengers threaten, spit on and have assaulted TSA Officers. That is not tolerated in airports overseas. You will be arrested immediately. Thats why you don’t see it. People in the US act entitled. They feel a red carpet should be rolled out and everyone bow for them. How many times do you hear “but I’m TSA!!” They are PreCheck. The reason TSA Officers have to yell is the belief that more people will hear them as obviously passengers don’t read the abundance of signs around. Some Officers come up with different ways to make the announcements whether comedic or not because as you inferred do it a thousand times in an eight hour shift, five days a week gets tiring quickly. Taking things out of your pocket and jewelry off at the roller is too late. Have that all in your carryon and you will breeze right through. If you are not sure what you are supposed to do there are many websites including TSA.gov that explains it all.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      The professionalism of the TSA Officers is mentioned. How about professionalism of passengers?

      Passengers are not professionals.

      That is not tolerated in airports overseas. You will be arrested immediately.

      US Law Enforcement will arrest any passenger who assaults a TSO. There is no "overseas" difference to gripe about.

      an eight hour shift, five days a week

      This is not, in general, how TSA positions are staffed.

      Taking things out of your pocket...

      The professionalism of the TSA Officers is mentioned. How about professionalism of passengers?

      Passengers are not professionals.

      That is not tolerated in airports overseas. You will be arrested immediately.

      US Law Enforcement will arrest any passenger who assaults a TSO. There is no "overseas" difference to gripe about.

      an eight hour shift, five days a week

      This is not, in general, how TSA positions are staffed.

      Taking things out of your pocket and jewelry off at the roller is too late. Have that all in your carryon

      Except TSA insists on seeing my ID and sometimes my boarding pass, so they cannot be in my carry-on prior to me entering the screening area. I would love to enter the screening area and breeze through never opening my bag, but TSA insists on checking ID even though that has nothing to do with whether the items in my bag are permissible to carry onboard.

  22. Kay Guest

    I have learned over the years that we as travelers get in a set routine and don't listen or read. I now go into the airport que actively listening for instruction because someone is always there giving instructions. I have been in line and watched as people ask questions while the officer is repeating the instructions just to stop and address what 'NOTHING' means. Walking up I heard, 'In this line, nothing comes out of...

    I have learned over the years that we as travelers get in a set routine and don't listen or read. I now go into the airport que actively listening for instruction because someone is always there giving instructions. I have been in line and watched as people ask questions while the officer is repeating the instructions just to stop and address what 'NOTHING' means. Walking up I heard, 'In this line, nothing comes out of your bags and everything goes in a bin.", to be followed up by a passenger saying "Do I take my laptop out?" At that moment I was frustrated myself because it had to be almost everyone joining the line asking the same question of the Officer. I even turned and said "she said everything stays in the bag." The line for the scanner backs up because people don't understand what "EVERYTHING" means. They asked do you have everything out of your pockets. Never fails that I end up behind some man with his wallet, handkerchief, comb, or pills. I really think if you go in and listen instead of thinking you know what to do already things would go smoothly and they wouldn't have to yell repeatedly. STOP, LOOK, AND LISTEN WORKS FOR THE AIRPORT TOO.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Stop gaslighting. Nobody ever "has" to yell repeatedly unless there is an imminent risk of fire or something like that. Every rule has an exception which is why some travelers clarify what "nothing" or "everything" means.

  23. Mary Guest

    I fly constantly and it is so annoying yet every one in a while I do hear a new one that makes me laugh.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      The US really needs an elevated level of PreCheck for frequent flyers to bypass security screening entirely, similar to how KNOWN allows flight crew to enter terminals through the exit doors.

  24. Guest Guest

    Honestly, Officers when they first start training are very nice and polite. Those who become 'aggressive' have dealt with too many passengers who feel entitled, who don't pay attention and also downright rude. A good handful of Passengers think they should get away with anything and everything.
    The president during the time of 911 created TSA but they aren't actually under the government like customs are if that makes sense. They are underpaid and...

    Honestly, Officers when they first start training are very nice and polite. Those who become 'aggressive' have dealt with too many passengers who feel entitled, who don't pay attention and also downright rude. A good handful of Passengers think they should get away with anything and everything.
    The president during the time of 911 created TSA but they aren't actually under the government like customs are if that makes sense. They are underpaid and have to deal with constant harassment from the public.
    Everyone pay taxes so using that as an excuse for your disgusting behavior is pathetic. The rules change because of safety reasons. I get understanding how the signs say one thing and a officer says something else. Unfortunately, that is a management issue and within the job itself has bad organization.
    The airlines control a lot even with TSA. The airlines want your money and passengers pushed through as quickly as possible. Not caring to rush Officers which could cause a devastating result.
    Both sides have good and bad reasons. It's up to you to be able to understand that or not.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Honestly, Officers when they first start training are very nice and polite. Those who become 'aggressive'

      Okay, then easy solution. A person can only hold the TSO role for a maximum of however long it takes someone to transition from nice to aggressive.

  25. Lou Bator Guest

    TSA agents?
    They're Federal officers.
    The author clearly does not know what he's talking about, and has no credibility. Must be someone who does not fly very often.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      They're Federal officers.

      True in a technical sense. But when people think of a federal officer they usually mean federal law enforcement which TSOs are not.

      The author clearly does not know what he's talking about, and has no credibility. Must be someone who does not fly very often.

      The author has flown over 4 million butt-in-seat miles.

      You're clearly someone whose real first name is Master, not Lou.

  26. Bonvoyed Guest

    TSA agents literally has the WORST manners/behavior/language. Compared to all other countries airports agents, USA TSA agents with their constant yelling, rudeness, unfriendliness, bad/no personality make travel much more stressful than it has to be (TSA agents behave exactly like Sienfield's SOUP NAZI!).

    1. Joe T Guest

      We’re so glad that you are probably on the no fly list makes our flying experience safer!

  27. Booth Guest

    I work at the airport, so I see TSA on a multiple time a day basis. There are some nice people but the percentage of wannabes on a power trip drown them out. The bad apple ruining the bunch scenario. My peers know when the afternoon shift starts I won't even go through TSA checkpoint because the rules change. Literally, go through in morning and all goes through smooth, go through after shift change and...

    I work at the airport, so I see TSA on a multiple time a day basis. There are some nice people but the percentage of wannabes on a power trip drown them out. The bad apple ruining the bunch scenario. My peers know when the afternoon shift starts I won't even go through TSA checkpoint because the rules change. Literally, go through in morning and all goes through smooth, go through after shift change and whole new attitude and modis operandi. Plus one agent who said she's been there for over a decade makes a point of telling people to rearrange there stuff in the bin..... not uniformly, just to have power over people. Example: have wallet and keys next to each other and she'll tell you to put them on top of each other, someone in line sees this and does it in advance and she tells them they need to be separated. She just yells orders for the sake of having power over others. TSA is the airport equivalent of receipt checkers at the exit of walmart.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      She just yells orders for the sake of having power over others.

      That's why government enforcement agencies need a lot of accountability. If this was captured on audiovisual surveillance, it could be sent to an Inspector General, who would summarily confirm your findings and terminate the person.

  28. Teresa Guest

    Let me start off with this, I work for TSA, I work at a checkpoint that in all actuality should only have well seasoned travellers at it. Almost half have never had "Pre Check, but here they are! You are correct in assuming we do not like working with our 'stand up comedians' or the 'yellers' either, but when passengers DO NOT research what they can and cannot bring in their carry on bags, there...

    Let me start off with this, I work for TSA, I work at a checkpoint that in all actuality should only have well seasoned travellers at it. Almost half have never had "Pre Check, but here they are! You are correct in assuming we do not like working with our 'stand up comedians' or the 'yellers' either, but when passengers DO NOT research what they can and cannot bring in their carry on bags, there will be those kinds of TSA. As passengers, take the responsibility onto yourselves, or don't pass judgement on how we do our job!!!

    1. Jake K Guest

      Hello Teresa, I imagine that it is a very tiring and thankless work, especially when repeatedly confronted with ill-informed travelers. But I would venture American travelers are no-less clueless than those in other countries. However, I've never encountered over-the-top rude and unpleasant airport security personnel in other countries' airports. Is it unreasonable for the public to expect basic professionalism, and for those who are not to be held accountable?

    2. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I work for TSA, I work at a checkpoint that in all actuality should only have well seasoned travellers at it.

      There are a few such checkpoints, but they're self-enforced "expert traveler" lanes designated by the local airport.

      PreCheck is often given to companions of travelers who have enrolled in PreCheck, so you will get people unfamiliar with the rules.

      but when passengers DO NOT research what they can and cannot bring in their carry...

      I work for TSA, I work at a checkpoint that in all actuality should only have well seasoned travellers at it.

      There are a few such checkpoints, but they're self-enforced "expert traveler" lanes designated by the local airport.

      PreCheck is often given to companions of travelers who have enrolled in PreCheck, so you will get people unfamiliar with the rules.

      but when passengers DO NOT research what they can and cannot bring in their carry on bags, there will be those kinds of TSA.

      Education of passengers can be done in a nice or a rude way. I'll never defend anyone who chooses the rude option.

  29. Cancel TSA Guest

    I am frustrated to the extent that now I avoid flying commercial as much as possible. Just drive or take trains

    1. RailMaster69 Guest

      Take trains, much more scenic. Driving is cool, but your focus should be on the road.

    2. Chasid Guest

      I probably wouldn't say, Cancel TSA as they just saved a flight full of passengers with a live explosive before heading to their plane. I'm glad you do catch a train or drive because as someone who travels a lot, I'm glad TSA exists.

  30. Lenny S. Guest

    Please refer to TSA employees as OFFICERS, not agents. They are employed as Transportation Security Officers. They would be more respectful if the travelers that they deal with would do the same.
    Unfortunately they deal with a bunch of rude entitled A--holes daily.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Unfortunately they deal with a bunch of rude entitled A--holes daily.

      Does that give them an excuse to be rude?

      Please refer to TSA employees as OFFICERS, not agents. They are employed as Transportation Security Officers.

      True in a technical sense. TSOs have not completed police academy training (unless they were police in a former role) and they are not law enforcement officers. I'm quite surprised the rest of Homeland Security didn't push back on the nomenclature.

  31. Ross Guest

    I think that author of this article didn’t travel to Germany (Frankfurt). Agents there are just horrible.
    I fly mostly from Orlando and Tampa and I never experienced anything I could complain about.
    But, I will do everything possible to avoid flying from or to JFK.

    1. Friendly Flying Jay Guest

      A lot of people in these comments have never been to a third world airport. When visiting family in Guatemala the airport guards are armed with shotguns and pistols. Those guards actually bully you into doing what they say.

    2. Anna Gurney Guest

      Same for Calgary, Canada - what's your point?

  32. Fed UP Guest

    Absolutely correct ! Doesnt any big shots from TSA at least fly to Canada or the UK and see how ridiculous our untrained and unprofessional TSA agents are. The constant screaming and shouting is awful. I had an incident where a TSA kid (and I mean kid) was Yelling some instruction at me... I could not understand what he was saying as his English language skills (he was NOT an immigrant) were incomprehensibl, and I...

    Absolutely correct ! Doesnt any big shots from TSA at least fly to Canada or the UK and see how ridiculous our untrained and unprofessional TSA agents are. The constant screaming and shouting is awful. I had an incident where a TSA kid (and I mean kid) was Yelling some instruction at me... I could not understand what he was saying as his English language skills (he was NOT an immigrant) were incomprehensibl, and I had no idea what he was commanding of me. I wish I was hearing impaired so I could file a lawsuit for harassment. Do they not even realize that some people may be hearing impaired. It is another embarrassment of power gone corrupt, similar to many (but not all) of our Border Patrol and Customs agents on some sort of power trip. Embarrassing, another low point for the USA USA USA

  33. Freq Flyer Guest

    At DCA I was pleasantly surprised a few years ago when they installed monitors and recording in a low, calm voice explaining what needed to be done. Then it went back to Testosterone Mary screaming “liquids, gels, aerosols” again. This is ridiculous. They surely have funding for monitors, why turn it into a Cairo bazaar?

    1. Mike Oxlong Guest

      They had that at many airports and they included pictures that even cavemen could understand. But alas, some people couldn’t even take the slightest hint as to what they meant, or didn’t care. Pay attention to the officers and it’ll be a breeze.

  34. Andrew Fluck Guest

    Try PHL terminals A-F, I fly to there for an occasional work trip and every time even with Pre Check, a gaggle of angry TSA women always manage to harass, remove all of my work equipment and make me reassemble it after. I even was faulted for telling them a service dog owner was piling stuff on my bag as I was retrieving my items!

    1. Mike Oxlong Guest

      If your stuff is too dense/dark to see through the X-ray it’s gonna get pulled and taken apart. Just because your pre check doesn’t mean you won’t get searched. Entitled Fluck

    2. Andrew Fluck Guest

      Mike, at every airport I offer to take my equipment out to avoid the hassle. I offer to help, but they always rudely decline and are angry when they have to take everything out like I offered to do for them. It's not entitlement, it's the fact that when it takes 5 minutes for them to even attempt a scan, it's also holding EVERYONE ELSE up, not just me. When I try to be accommodating,...

      Mike, at every airport I offer to take my equipment out to avoid the hassle. I offer to help, but they always rudely decline and are angry when they have to take everything out like I offered to do for them. It's not entitlement, it's the fact that when it takes 5 minutes for them to even attempt a scan, it's also holding EVERYONE ELSE up, not just me. When I try to be accommodating, they decline and are angry about their actions, not mine, it blows up in everyone's face.

  35. Squidward2 Guest

    TSA agents forget that they work for the public and that they are not actual officers. They hardly have any authority.

    1. Lisa Poole Guest

      They actually are
      Officers they grow through intense training.

    2. Chasid Guest

      I think you're forgetting that they're federal officers not retail security

    3. YinDaoYan Diamond

      They are not federal law enforcement officers.

      Many retail security staff are in fact. off-duty law enforcement.

  36. Joe United Guest

    I have traveled to 32 different countries and the only rude and disrespectful people working at security checkpoints in airports have been TSA in my own country.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      The only rude people I have ever encountered anywhere in the world were my fellow Americans at home, or fellow Americans abroad.

  37. Carl S. Guest

    I fly every month, and I've never heard any TSA agent make a joke. . . Are you joking? Or just dumb?

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I fly every month, and I've never heard any TSA agent make a joke

      Maybe you don't fly out of the right airports at the right times. Flying once a month barely gets you Silver status.

      Are you joking? Or just dumb?

      You think the author of this blog is dumb? Aside from having made an 8-figure fortune in his early 30s from travel miles and points blogging...he is obviously very well spoken and highly...

      I fly every month, and I've never heard any TSA agent make a joke

      Maybe you don't fly out of the right airports at the right times. Flying once a month barely gets you Silver status.

      Are you joking? Or just dumb?

      You think the author of this blog is dumb? Aside from having made an 8-figure fortune in his early 30s from travel miles and points blogging...he is obviously very well spoken and highly intelligent in quantitative matters. This is evident from the totality of the posts on here which I have been reading for more than a decade. You are the stupid one because you can't even realize you are stupid.

  38. Rogee Guest

    If you are so concerned about the situation, WHY don't you ask one of those people to trade jobs with you for a day or two!

  39. Yossi Shargal Guest

    I used to travel a lot for work, over 25 years, to dozens of countries, including the US.
    Most or all Western Europe, South-East and East Asia airports handle security much better than the US. In particular Tel Aviv that outperforms all others.
    1. No yelling, no shouting
    2. Polite
    4. Much faster

    1. Freq Flyer Guest

      Tel Aviv is not very polite. I mean, most of the time, but not always.

    2. Chasid Guest

      If you want TSA to point a gun at you for complying then ofcourse you don't have to hear them yell at you. Be realistic, we're current travelers

  40. Daniel Martinez Guest

    Yeah I was checking out
    Employment at TSA And You wouldn't believe all of the hoops you have to jump to get the job they probably pay good but I don't want to enlist into the National Guard But it's like a requirement to be in the army services Unless you already are from the military and you are done with your service I think I think you still have to be into the...

    Yeah I was checking out
    Employment at TSA And You wouldn't believe all of the hoops you have to jump to get the job they probably pay good but I don't want to enlist into the National Guard But it's like a requirement to be in the army services Unless you already are from the military and you are done with your service I think I think you still have to be into the In the National Guard too but but it's ridiculous I read the comment before writing and the comment was from a police officer that was complaining about the ignorance Please do the same thing that TSA does the yell at you they make sure that you know that you are nothing they also have fun harassing you and making stuff up planning evidence And generally it feels like that they are just a game with color of blue and that means that they have immunity over their actions I live in That is completely in violence at every time of the year And generally I feel like the person that is writing this story I'm trying to explain to the police and TSA how I feel But they don't care about my feelings they only care about their feelings the only time my feelings matter is whenever it's Impering on their civil liberties And there Is color of blue No I'm not knocking them all down there are some people that actually are completely fit for those positions And what you also probably have to understand these TSA officers are doing the same thing that the police do whenever they are trying their best to put you in handcuffs and that is make up silly things to wear they get closer to you so they can see any little detail to put you in handcuffs because then it changes up the monopoly of the same thing again and again It's just a game I know you seem super troopers But Does people might be acting that way so Be that kindly friendly That you will open up to so they can change up the same old by bringing you in and filing paperwork or maybe even calling the different organizations to come and steal your money Don't get caught With a large amount of cash because they will steal your cash and send it to the whatever government agency aid they decided it is the DEA are whatever and they will Forfeiture your money And put it in the newspaper and let you not see that because no one reads the newspaper and then by law They could legally own the money by forfeisure they do this all the time The That calls the right government agent will get money thrown to them by that agent It does not If you have a legitimate reason for Money It's just like this it's you against them don't never take it as a joke you better Play Attention to what is going on in front of you before you never leave those handcuffs again Everybody has to deal with their own demons so everybody A little bit of narcissism in them That person telling the joke has power to ruin your life And it would be just fine to them to change up the routine that they've been doing for the last 30 minutes And the rest of your life will be impacted I come from the dirty South where the police will take your drugs beat your a** throw you out the The car you wouldn't go to jail you wouldn't have nothing on your record but You would have long Money and probably your rib broken Literally the state troopers in my We're on the 60 minutes for pulling people over on the stretch of I 10 And they got pulled over too when they had their car on a cruise control and the video tape in the whole thing I'm in one of the only towns that Snoop Dogg will never go in Because When he came over here we We arrested him for marijuana So just remember the only person you can rely on is yourself Because if someone says they will help you as soon as they leave Their site You do not longer matter to them because they are more worried about what they're Eating for dinner Be careful out there people Watch anybody that is protected by the color blue If you got a family member that Is an officer of anything TSA cops sheriff Ask him if they are Putting people in handcuffs to change up the same old routine every now and then they'll either tell you the truth or they won't but the truth of it is is they got to change up the same old routine although go crazy Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting something different

    1. henare Diamond


      Nobody is reading any of that without punctuation and paragraphs.

  41. Kerry Gold

    As a London-based traveller to the US very frequently, I’m genuinely confused by the “comedy routines” description you use… admittedly I fly mainly in and out of JFK or MIA, perhaps it’s less in those airports but I have never seen this? What I see all the time is shouting, threatening behaviour that only increases the stress of lining up for security.

    Comparing it to the UK, while I’ve had some poor experiences at...

    As a London-based traveller to the US very frequently, I’m genuinely confused by the “comedy routines” description you use… admittedly I fly mainly in and out of JFK or MIA, perhaps it’s less in those airports but I have never seen this? What I see all the time is shouting, threatening behaviour that only increases the stress of lining up for security.

    Comparing it to the UK, while I’ve had some poor experiences at British airports, it’s a different planet from America, they manage to keep security personnel who mainly speak in polite and reasoned tones, and do their job effectively without harassing customers or creating drama. The US is the only country in the developed world that has such poorly trained and rude staff managing security at airports. It’s unprofessional, and any objective comparison would show its abnormally bad…

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I've seen comedy, or at least attempts at comedy, more in midsize cities like Nashville or Raleigh (and it's been years since I passed through either so I wouldn't be surprised if the staff have completely turned over).

      Massive airports like ORD, JFK? Yeah, best you can hope for is quiet smooth sailing.

      The US is the only country in the developed world that has such poorly trained and rude staff managing security at airports.


      I've seen comedy, or at least attempts at comedy, more in midsize cities like Nashville or Raleigh (and it's been years since I passed through either so I wouldn't be surprised if the staff have completely turned over).

      Massive airports like ORD, JFK? Yeah, best you can hope for is quiet smooth sailing.

      The US is the only country in the developed world that has such poorly trained and rude staff managing security at airports.

      I am afraid to tell you airports are far from the only place. I have entered hospital emergency rooms in a wheelchair doubled over in pain, had a nurse ask me if I actually needed it (because I'm a young athletic male I suppose), and when I said yes she rolled her eyes and sighed loudly.

      Yeah that's the kind of great healthcare our ignorant Republicans talk about when they make excuses for why the US is the only developed country without single-payer healthcare.

  42. 2 cents Guest

    I think it depends on the airport. I fly to/from Columbus Ohio pretty regularly and TSA staff are pretty friendly and courteous in my experience. Granted its a small airport/small market. TSA at JFK is absolutely atrocious and unnecessarily rude.

  43. CommonSense Guest

    There is nothing funny about the TSA, being they are the most worthless group of barely trained morons, simpletons, and power tripping perverts that we are forced to pay with our own hard earned money via taxes and fees to harass people and touch children inappropriately for absolutely no reason. They do NOTHING to make flying safer as proved by the fact that for years you could fly from a small regional airport with no...

    There is nothing funny about the TSA, being they are the most worthless group of barely trained morons, simpletons, and power tripping perverts that we are forced to pay with our own hard earned money via taxes and fees to harass people and touch children inappropriately for absolutely no reason. They do NOTHING to make flying safer as proved by the fact that for years you could fly from a small regional airport with no TSA into the secure area of any major international terminal and the fact that they do things differently at every airport in the nation yet there is no realistic or quantifiable threat at all. Airport security was fine before the TSA....and it is only the mass stupidity of the people that they molest that allow them to exist.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Airport security was fine before the TSA

      Except for allowing boxcutter knives through, yeah.

    2. digital_notmad Diamond

      ... Which hasn't changed since the unfortunate inception of TSA.

    3. SenseNotCommon Guest

      Yeah airport security was pretty fine when planes were being hijacked every other month in the U.S LMFAOOOOO

    4. Chasid Guest

      Interesting.. you'd be grateful if you were flying out couple days ago in Philadelphia when they caught an explosive in a passengers bag. You sure say a lot for being a couch potato

  44. Jeff Guest

    6542 firearms were discovered at TSA checkpoints in 2022.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      TSA's own internal tests show 95% of firearms slip through. Combined with your stat, that means over 120k firearms that made it through and not one incident occurred.

      The bottom line? Guns are not inherently dangerous. We should still repeal the 2nd Amendment, but there is no inherent danger in the mere presence of a gun.

    2. Ah10 Guest

      Here we go again with this outdated and misinformation about the 95 percent failure of test. 1: it was NOT firearm tests and 2: those test were designed to failed to showcase common issues with the software used. Research before you spread fake news.

  45. Brian Guest

    I really dislike the way TSA treats passengers in general. I think they forget they are working for the Government and a public servant and most of the passengers are paying taxes that pay them. The TSA agents should treat the people who pay them better but good luck with that….

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I think they forget they are working for the Government and a public servant and most of the passengers are paying taxes that pay them.

      This is irrelevant. Common courtesy should be practiced no matter who's paying who.

    2. Y’all weird Guest

      We pay taxes too.. and we also pay YOU too.

  46. Pat downs Guest

    For every one complaining and cajoling about TSA here are some helpful tips
    1) listen, they are literally giving you the traveling chest code
    1) listen, the instructions are so simple and specific. It should be easy to follow
    1) empty pockets how hard is that ? What’s an empty pocket? AN EMPTY POCKET JFC!!!
    1) listen, stop moving, remove what you are told to remove
    1) you are not...

    For every one complaining and cajoling about TSA here are some helpful tips
    1) listen, they are literally giving you the traveling chest code
    1) listen, the instructions are so simple and specific. It should be easy to follow
    1) empty pockets how hard is that ? What’s an empty pocket? AN EMPTY POCKET JFC!!!
    1) listen, stop moving, remove what you are told to remove
    1) you are not special you are not unique you are not a fragile snowflake
    1) listen, if told to do something so that thing do not argue
    1) yes instructions are repeated over and over and over and guess what even if there were signs passengers would t read them example trays big signs and yellow arrows and still no one replaces trays
    1) calm your pantaloons down Karen and ken and slow your roll!

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you shouldn't be giving any advice if you can't count numbers higher than "1"

    2. Trusted traveler Guest

      Y'all don't complain about CBP when coming to their checkpoints. They can be rude and not let you enter the U.S. but you guys don't complain about them. Quite frankly you guys listen to whatever they tell you but you guys complain when you go to a TSA checkpoint and love to argue with an officer. You guys listen to Yankee Stadium security when they tell you the item you brought can't go but you...

      Y'all don't complain about CBP when coming to their checkpoints. They can be rude and not let you enter the U.S. but you guys don't complain about them. Quite frankly you guys listen to whatever they tell you but you guys complain when you go to a TSA checkpoint and love to argue with an officer. You guys listen to Yankee Stadium security when they tell you the item you brought can't go but you will argue with a TSA officer because you can't bring your water. Before you fly, do your research and listen to the officer's instructions. Slow down and do not rush the process. Late for your flight? Arrive 2 hrs before your boarding time. Have oversized liquids? Check in your bag or read your ticket agreement before paying for your airline ticket. All these information TSA officers yell out are in your ticket agreement, airline, and TSA website. Take your time to do your own research. There's alternate modes of transporation like Amtrak and Greyhound where TSA officers are not present to yell at you.

    3. RailWorker Guest

      If you don’t like the job and can’t be polite when dealing with the public, just go and quit lol

      There’s tons of people on the exam list behind you who I’m sure would do a better job.

      You literally signed up for dealing with the public when you accepted the position. Now you’re whining when you actually have to do the job? Kinda pathetic, honestly.
      Welcome to public service bruh - if you want the pay, benefits, and pension, you’ll have to work a bit sometimes!

  47. LetsBeBetter Guest

    Just here to add a similar experience. Line agent EWR absolutely screaming incessantly walking the line like a prison guard. Incomprehensible what she was saying to anyone with English not a first language. Children were crying. Parents mortified. I was so humiliated for our country.

  48. TSA Officer Guest

    As a tsa officer myself, I understand how we can be frustrating, but we have to remind all of one simple thing, PLEASE LISTEN… When we give our advisements and get interrupted by a passenger asking, “Do I need to take out my laptop?”,or any other item when it was just said. That gets annoying.. we are people too, we also get frustrated. But this can all be avoided by just doing a simple thing,...

    As a tsa officer myself, I understand how we can be frustrating, but we have to remind all of one simple thing, PLEASE LISTEN… When we give our advisements and get interrupted by a passenger asking, “Do I need to take out my laptop?”,or any other item when it was just said. That gets annoying.. we are people too, we also get frustrated. But this can all be avoided by just doing a simple thing, paying attention and listening.

    And please, if you’re PreCheck, please don’t say “But I’m Precheck” or how some say, PreTSA. We know this, if asked to do remove something as a Large jacket, please do so. Security procedures change every day at any moment for any reason unknown to the public. Just go along so we can all get on with our day.

    1. T_ Member

      Respectfully (I do not envy your job, and I imagine that you are one of the many courteous and professional officers), I do think that you do not appreciate how confusing the rules and instructions often are.

      At JFK T7, there (at least used to be - not been through for a few months) two scanners feet apart, with queues to them completely adjacent. I realized after a while that the rule was, if you're...

      Respectfully (I do not envy your job, and I imagine that you are one of the many courteous and professional officers), I do think that you do not appreciate how confusing the rules and instructions often are.

      At JFK T7, there (at least used to be - not been through for a few months) two scanners feet apart, with queues to them completely adjacent. I realized after a while that the rule was, if you're in the left queue, you need to remove your electronics from your bag, and if you're in the right hand queue, you do not. At the front of each queue there was an agent, and they would each periodically shout to the entire assembled set of people waiting 'You (do/do not) need to remove your laptops and large electronics from your bag' with absolutely no apparent appreciation that their colleague feet away was telling the same people the opposite. They'd then come across frustrated / angry / aggressive when people got to the front of the queue and did the opposite of what they wanted.

      Just yesterday, I was passing through LGA. In the line, there were multiple signs 'keep your 3.4oz liquids in your bag, throw away large liquids', but then at the front of the queue the agent would say 'take your liquids out of your bag'. I just did as I was told and got through fine. But how hard would it have been to make sure that the signs were correct?

    2. LetsBeBetter Guest

      You just expressed annoyance for us asking questions about compliance rules when your admit rules change daily.

    3. JO-Jo Guest

      6542 guns were found by TSA in 2022. The no-guns rules/policies pre-date TSA. The American public in unable to learn anything...

    4. CommonSense Guest

      As a TSA officer, you are nothing more than scum of the highest order in a blue shirt, plain and simple.

    5. Yvette Guest

      I agree, how often people forget why TSA was created in the first place. When planes fall out of the sky or crash into buildings , maybe people will appreciate the TSA OFFICERS..NOT AGENTS who actually are: EDUCATED, RESPECTFUL AND ON THEIR JOB DUTIES! Most of these comments are irritating. Rules are different at every airport due to the constant threat unbeknownst to the public. Our S.O.P is SSI. The public isn't on a need...

      I agree, how often people forget why TSA was created in the first place. When planes fall out of the sky or crash into buildings , maybe people will appreciate the TSA OFFICERS..NOT AGENTS who actually are: EDUCATED, RESPECTFUL AND ON THEIR JOB DUTIES! Most of these comments are irritating. Rules are different at every airport due to the constant threat unbeknownst to the public. Our S.O.P is SSI. The public isn't on a need to know basis. I'm always professional and polite and I personally have a degree in Administration of Justice. Many of us have high IQ's and real reasons why we joined TSA. The problem is most people are entitled , disrespectful and rude. I'm 42 years old, I treat others as I'd like to be treated however, I will not be disrespected nor abused by anyone. People are truly interesting ; when something happens everyone wants a solution but want to continue to be a part of the problem.

      Furthermore, many people are frequent fliers and they've flown pre-911 and post-911. I encourage everyone to research why water gets taken and shoes have to come off, it's common knowledge. This entire discussion is sad. I'm no wanna be, I had relatives who could have been killed as they were on duty at the Pentagon when the plane crashed into it. I come from a military family and law enforcement family. The last time that I checked, I too contribute to taxes on all sorts of things whether I agree with them or not, that's called : BEING A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES, WE ALL PAY TAXES..GEESH. .

    6. Andrew Fluck Guest

      Sorry, but when I offer to take out my multiple laptops and work equipment, phones, etc for work as a software developer THAT I KNOW WILL TRIGGER THE SCANNER IN SOME AIRPORTS, I AM LITERALLY TRYING TO MAKE *YOUR JOB* EASIER. Because when you then feel the need to sit at the scanner for 5 minutes, tear open my bag and scan everything, after my courteous offer, you are not only inconveniencing me, but also EVERYONE ELSE.

  49. Steve Guest

    Well as a former TSA officer, I can say that my experiences were pretty basic. Yes, we do say the same things every single time. Yes, we understand that many people have problems understanding the language or instructions. Most of us make an effort to make it easy as possible to get through the check points. With that said, we are human, we make mistakes, we lose our tempers and smile at the passengers when...

    Well as a former TSA officer, I can say that my experiences were pretty basic. Yes, we do say the same things every single time. Yes, we understand that many people have problems understanding the language or instructions. Most of us make an effort to make it easy as possible to get through the check points. With that said, we are human, we make mistakes, we lose our tempers and smile at the passengers when they have competed the screening process.

    You would have to experience "doing the job" before you can have an opinion for the experiences to write about. There are a ton of ways ( both from the TSO side and the passengers side ) to make it easier to get from point A to point B. Just last week, the news reported a suspected explosive device found in a checked bag. In 2022 alone, over 6000 plus guns were discovered in carry on bags. So just know, TSO's are doing their jobs, it is a thankless job, by they do a good job nonetheless.

    Much could be said about TSA, But the agency bares the burden. Keep this mind when you fly the next time and wonder why the officer "seems" to be yelling or trying to "lighten the mood" of what sometimes can stressful for all involved with people that sometimes overworked and underpaid in the job that seems to be manned hard working men and women from all walks of life, think about it!

    1. Martin Guest

      Right. Maybe it was them then. I'm also not 100% sure whether this was SFO, NY, or Washington.. this was more than 10 years ago.

  50. George N Romey Guest

    Pretty much a useless government agency that will never go away and employes otherwise what would be mall cops. Generally, the TSA people are pretty decent and remember they are doing a very crappy job. MIA is the worst. The TSA Precheck lines (only 2 of them for Concourses D and E) are regularly backed up with machines going unused.

    1. Chasid Guest

      TSA isnt useless when they arrested a guy and found explosives in his bag couple days ago in Philadelphia. I travel a lot and found many reasons why they act the way they do. If traveling is foreign to you, you'll just see mean TSA but when you know what to do and see them thrice a week... they're not bad at all. Witty sense of humor and a lot of military background

  51. Clifford Brittain Guest

    Typical job making Government half ass Organization. Inefficiency dominant .

  52. NE Flyer Guest

    I fly fairly frequently now, and probably my worst experience with a TSA agent was in MSP. One of my bags had been pushed out when the operator had to recheck a bag I guess, something I didn't see because to my knowledge it went through. I was instructed to go through the metal detector, did so and looked over to see my laptop not on the belt. As a preface, I have PreCheck and...

    I fly fairly frequently now, and probably my worst experience with a TSA agent was in MSP. One of my bags had been pushed out when the operator had to recheck a bag I guess, something I didn't see because to my knowledge it went through. I was instructed to go through the metal detector, did so and looked over to see my laptop not on the belt. As a preface, I have PreCheck and there was no one immediately behind me, with someone only just starting to weave through the line. I tell the attendant my bag wasn't there and he straight up punches the metal housing of the scanner and yells at me that I should've pushed it through. Not wanting to be "randomly selected" and miss my flight, and partially in shock, I just said nothing, collected my things and left. Dude looked like an 80s cop to top it off.

    1. CG Guest

      Nothing was let through on 9/11 that was not legal.

      I'll not defend Argenbright in general, but in 9/11 they did nothing wrong and were scapegoated.

  53. Jim Guest

    No one should mock the TSA until they visit any airport in Egypt. There you will see a real comedy act

    1. Richard Guest


      The screens on the x-ray machines weren't even connected

    2. Bjöka Guest

      I love that the comparison is with Egypt and India...

      To be honest, having had very rude treatment at security checkpoints at LHR, DRS and FRA, I think US checkpoints are just generally bad, not completely out of ordinary.

  54. Al Guest

    I pass through airports at minimum of twice per week; I travel over 100+ domestic flight annually (not proud to admit it). This is my first article to ever post on but, with all due respect, many of my experiences are acceptable. I must concur that the number of rude and condescending, "I am the law" personalities are on the rise; increasingly leading to my voicing their rudeness of travelers.

    At one instance earlier this...

    I pass through airports at minimum of twice per week; I travel over 100+ domestic flight annually (not proud to admit it). This is my first article to ever post on but, with all due respect, many of my experiences are acceptable. I must concur that the number of rude and condescending, "I am the law" personalities are on the rise; increasingly leading to my voicing their rudeness of travelers.

    At one instance earlier this year, I commented to one abusive agent that, kindness goes a long way for weary travelers. She we abusively rude to a woman in front of me with two kids and stroller, traveling by herself. Sadly, this is typical government, customer facing employees, similar to driver's license facilities and social security offices. In my international travels, agents are always polite and helpful; too bad the government doesn't invest in professional respect and kindness training and oversight.

    Great article, hits home, thank you.

  55. @chicago_sunrise Guest

    I just finished a trip where I went through security in Paris, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi and Tell Aviv. Every single agent we encountered was exceptionally nice and helpful, especially when I didn't exactly know what I was doing. The United States as a whole is so uncivilized right now and this is especially true for anything in our airports, all of which are incredibly dumpy compared to those abroad. The TSA is a joke, much...

    I just finished a trip where I went through security in Paris, Istanbul, Abu Dhabi and Tell Aviv. Every single agent we encountered was exceptionally nice and helpful, especially when I didn't exactly know what I was doing. The United States as a whole is so uncivilized right now and this is especially true for anything in our airports, all of which are incredibly dumpy compared to those abroad. The TSA is a joke, much like Most of America right now. This country is a sad shell of the majestic nation it once was.

    1. LetsBeBetter Guest

      Couldn't agree more.

    2. Icarus Guest

      I also think it’s subjective, as I’ve never personally encountered or seen any problems at TSA checkpoints in the US over 30 years ( including the time before it was TSA). Likewise with immigration.

  56. Shamira Guest

    It's ironic how passengers wanna complain about the procedures, and yet they don't follow them, which makes it hard on them, not all TSA agents are aggressive and unprofessional, it's the customers that make it more difficult for the officers to do their job the right way! They act like they have hearing problems, they do the opposite of what the officer tells them to do, and not only that, they get attitudes when their...

    It's ironic how passengers wanna complain about the procedures, and yet they don't follow them, which makes it hard on them, not all TSA agents are aggressive and unprofessional, it's the customers that make it more difficult for the officers to do their job the right way! They act like they have hearing problems, they do the opposite of what the officer tells them to do, and not only that, they get attitudes when their bags get pulled because they didn't follow directions.

  57. Beth Guest

    I paid to use TSH for the first time thinking that it would be a rewarding and pleasant experience. Wrong! Instead, there I was, the new kid on the block being treated like if I was a robot and not allowed to make a mistake. Let me remind you that I very well paid to be in that lane, and instead of being treated like a human I was treated like a cow being directed to soon convert myself into rib eye steak to be sold by supermarkets. TSH shame on you!

    1. Joe boo Guest

      I for one understand your frustration. You did acknowledge that most people don’t travel a lot. That’s where most of the problems start, a good majority of people don’t like to be bothered when traveling and are very nervous for obvious reasons. The agents become very repetitive and from a listening point people tend to drown it out which creates the slow down from not knowing or caring what to do.

  58. Doug Guest

    I like to think of myself as well travelled, flying multiple international flights each year and a dozen or so domestic flights (I know, nothing compared to some of your road warriors). A lot of my travel is done with my grandkids these days. In spite of supposedly knowing what to do, I have on two occasions in the last year forgotten to empty out the grandkids water bottles before going to security. And have...

    I like to think of myself as well travelled, flying multiple international flights each year and a dozen or so domestic flights (I know, nothing compared to some of your road warriors). A lot of my travel is done with my grandkids these days. In spite of supposedly knowing what to do, I have on two occasions in the last year forgotten to empty out the grandkids water bottles before going to security. And have gotten to do the walk of shame. In both instances, the TSA agents were friendly, helpful and forgiving, when it would have been very easy to be angry with me.

  59. Mike Guest

    Sorry, no. TSA is absolute nonsense fear mongering feeding the government beuracracy machine. Show me, with statistically significant data, exactly how many terrorist attacks TSA has ever thrawted since inception... The answer is zero.
    This is security theatre that continues from 9/11 (2001), and much similar to the health safety theatre we'll see continue to persist years from know due to COVID.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Show me, with statistically significant data, exactly how many terrorist attacks TSA has ever thrawted since inception... The answer is zero.

      That's not how statistical significance works. Statistical significance means the difference between groups in a sample of data is likely to hold in the entire population from which the sample derives.

      But there is indeed no evidence the TSA has ever thwarted a terrorist attack.

    2. Joe Goldberg Guest

      How many Terrorist attacks (by aircraft in US) have happened since 9/11? Absolutely zero! So TSA definitely is doing a great job! Also, a bomb was just stopped in Pennsylvania last week… many many other things happen that the general public doesn’t even know about!

  60. Joe Guest

    Lisa, I'm sorry but no. You don't. Have. Signs.

    What you have is a bunch of frustrated people who have never worked at any other airport, clearly. People we have no way to know what the order of the day is:

    Do you have a sign telling me how many bins you want me to take to separate my stuff?

    Whether you want me shoes on the belt or in a bin?


    Lisa, I'm sorry but no. You don't. Have. Signs.

    What you have is a bunch of frustrated people who have never worked at any other airport, clearly. People we have no way to know what the order of the day is:

    Do you have a sign telling me how many bins you want me to take to separate my stuff?

    Whether you want me shoes on the belt or in a bin?

    Whether you want my bag in a bin or on the belt?

    If I can have both my laptops in one bin if they aren't touching?

    Or can my shoes go in the bin with the laptop if they fit?

    Do you have a sign telling people which line they are in, old scanner or new scanner (sometimes there are both) ? When do they find out whether they should OBVIOUSLY keep their laptop in or OBVIOUSLY keep it out? Nope.

    There are no less than 6 standard permutations that I can think of, not counting PreCheck, combining rules on bags/bins, belts, etc. That doesn't count the myraid rules (preferences?) that are always different.

    Lisa, people DO read signs. All over people are navigating this society of our by reading signs.

    TSA advertises the fact that the rules on unpredictable.


    Get a dry erase board.

    1. Sherman Guest

      Just do what the person in front of you is doing. Every traveler with a language barrier knows that; surely you can too.

  61. DMNYC Member

    @Lisa and all of the other people defending rude TSA agents should go to LHR or NRT or HKG where their security is also processing thousands of passengers hourly. Their work is just as repetitive, just as many confused people, just as many people who make mistakes, just as many people who aren't clear even after reading the signs.

    You know what they manage to do? Answer questions, and give directions and clarity calmly and...

    @Lisa and all of the other people defending rude TSA agents should go to LHR or NRT or HKG where their security is also processing thousands of passengers hourly. Their work is just as repetitive, just as many confused people, just as many people who make mistakes, just as many people who aren't clear even after reading the signs.

    You know what they manage to do? Answer questions, and give directions and clarity calmly and professionally, even while doing it firmly. They don't yell, they don't passively aggressively repeat the same phrase right after someone asks them a question or to clarify what they said. They treat people courteously and professionally.

    @Lisa mentioned that we live in a world where everyone is entitled. True, but the attitude in your post is entitled, as well. TSA agents aren't ENTITLED to not have to deal with monotony and repetition and passengers who don't know what they're doing. That's literally what you are there for, to help those people and get them through security. It's the job. Other places in the world don't treat passengers going through security like they're pests, or inconveniences to be spoken to with contempt. And yet that's what so many TSA officers do. And you say the passengers are the ones who are entitled. PLEASE.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      I will never defend rudeness but there's a big factor you missed:

      It's easier to be poor in London, Tokyo, or Hong Kong due to stronger social safety nets. Key amenities like healthcare are free in those places but so costly--approaching, if not becoming outright, unaffordable for people who make a security screener's wage.

      I suspect it is universal that when you feel taken care of (by society) you're more likely to return the favor in your own demeanor.

  62. Nasim Guest

    Actually, they were trained for foreigners now most of the majorities are white and American are facing problems or protocols, of humiliation, because of isolated Behavior for minorities who were USA, green card holder including citizens, this is pitfall of those policies,were made at time against terrorists, as they called. I was screend with yelling, shouting, by running their hands on my chest with slow motion, don't move, don't, don't breath. trying to diggout layers...

    Actually, they were trained for foreigners now most of the majorities are white and American are facing problems or protocols, of humiliation, because of isolated Behavior for minorities who were USA, green card holder including citizens, this is pitfall of those policies,were made at time against terrorists, as they called. I was screend with yelling, shouting, by running their hands on my chest with slow motion, don't move, don't, don't breath. trying to diggout layers of plastic under the shirt. Now we are use to, for the torture. yes they controlled the situations, Now most of the majorities are facing that adopted behaviors , now I feel equel rights regardless of race or color. Please don't complain let them do their job. don't like it, don't fly.

  63. Vito Guest

    Have flown from JFK a few weeks ago and had exactly the experience you’ve described. Plus, on the arrival, we had to wait about 15 extra minutes because there was absolutely no one on the immigration stands. At 7:30 AM. TSA agents tend to be rude, but given their working conditions it’s even understandable. The problem, IMO, is that American airports are way over capacity and grossly understaffed. It’s obvious that TSA staffing lacks protocol,...

    Have flown from JFK a few weeks ago and had exactly the experience you’ve described. Plus, on the arrival, we had to wait about 15 extra minutes because there was absolutely no one on the immigration stands. At 7:30 AM. TSA agents tend to be rude, but given their working conditions it’s even understandable. The problem, IMO, is that American airports are way over capacity and grossly understaffed. It’s obvious that TSA staffing lacks protocol, training, guidance and leadership. But, I do think the problem goes way beyond personal attitudes from the agents. America needs and deserves better airports overall.

  64. iamhere Guest

    Agree with your comment about the foreigners. They think that yelling something or saying it over again will make them understand. I think you did not address people who need to be screened privately. That is also different as per agent or airport. The problem with complaining is it will basically get you nowhere because it is an arm of the government. I think you should compare it to other countries especially in Asia in...

    Agree with your comment about the foreigners. They think that yelling something or saying it over again will make them understand. I think you did not address people who need to be screened privately. That is also different as per agent or airport. The problem with complaining is it will basically get you nowhere because it is an arm of the government. I think you should compare it to other countries especially in Asia in how much more politely and professionally the customer is treated.

    1. DMNYC Member

      What's more is that TSA officers commonly use phrases and idioms that are just not necessarily familiar even to English speakers whose first language is not English.

      A common one is "Step down" to mean walk all the way to the end. So they'll say "Step down" loudly, and then when someone doesn't understand, they'll just say it louder and more aggressively.

  65. H8TSA Guest

    I agree 100%. The yelling and unprofessional behavior by TSA agents is abhorrent. They are horrible group of people and I don’t want yelling or comedy routines. This would be a great program to take private and have companies run the security screening with employees that aren’t protected by their government roles. Accountability for the TSA employees acting improperly is absolutely zero.

  66. Terminator Guest

    The sooner these morons get replaced by robots, the better

  67. Tim Guest

    I will never forget the quiet kindness a TSA supervisor showed me at ORD when I was going through the security line with my mother's cremains.

  68. Kiphos Guest

    I've heard some very rude yelled statements from TSA and actually did see one particular gentlemen saying some really rude stuff about our intellectual ability to read signs, get reprimanded in front of us for his insensitive remarks. Granted, at least someone is controlling the dialogue in one instance I witnessed. But rather, I find that this unprofessionalism is rooted in who is hired. TSA has got to be one of the most thankless jobs...

    I've heard some very rude yelled statements from TSA and actually did see one particular gentlemen saying some really rude stuff about our intellectual ability to read signs, get reprimanded in front of us for his insensitive remarks. Granted, at least someone is controlling the dialogue in one instance I witnessed. But rather, I find that this unprofessionalism is rooted in who is hired. TSA has got to be one of the most thankless jobs available in the workforce so I'm not surprised by the needful who have to take such a job and perhaps not be the most qualified to do it.

  69. Samo Guest

    If almost every country manages do it politely, surely the US could. It's just a matter of how are TSA agent chosen and evaluted. Their attitude would get them fired from an equivalent job basically anywhere in Europe, let alone Asia.

    I suppose it goes down to the overal culture in the US, where being loud is the way to go and authorities are supposed to be your enemy, not your friend. TSA is just an extreme example of that overal mindset.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      If almost every country manages do it politely, surely the US could.

      Capitalism, as practiced in the United States, makes polite service very difficult to come by in lesser-desired jobs.

      US Presidential Candidates (of either party) will state proudly in their speeches that the one word defining America is opportunity. That is in fact true. If you're a skillful person -- and politeness is indeed a skill -- there are many lucrative opportunities for you...

      If almost every country manages do it politely, surely the US could.

      Capitalism, as practiced in the United States, makes polite service very difficult to come by in lesser-desired jobs.

      US Presidential Candidates (of either party) will state proudly in their speeches that the one word defining America is opportunity. That is in fact true. If you're a skillful person -- and politeness is indeed a skill -- there are many lucrative opportunities for you in all sorts of jobs that are more desirable than working for the government in a low-status public facing role. I say "low status" not to denigrate but to provide elaboration. To say you work as a TSA officer does not impress anyone even within the fields of public safety/security or law enforcement.

      Other countries don't offer as many opportunities for polite/skilled people to attain more desirable jobs so you'll see them working TSA-equivalent positions, but being more polite at it.

      Social safety nets in other countries are such that impolite people can survive without working. So they get terminated from one position and don't bother finding another.

    2. Vox Populi Guest

      That is warrant nonsense. Anyone who ever traveled to a socialist country will tell you that is where you find the rudest service and the "officials" are the worst. This was true in the Soviet Union, Albania, China, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, East Germany, and many others.

      It remains true on Venezuela, China, and many others.

      Please take your anti-capitalist idiocy and go back to school and learn something, or better yet, move to China.

    3. Samo Guest

      Sorry but this doesn't make any sense. Being an airport security personell isn't a dream job anywhere in the world. The differencie lies in the management. Even your average TSA office would be polite if they knew their superiors won't tolerate inappropriate behaviour. Most of customer service jobs in the US require an insane level of politeness/friendliness, to the point where it's uncomfortable to many non-Americans. The issue is that the TSA doesn't perceive travellers...

      Sorry but this doesn't make any sense. Being an airport security personell isn't a dream job anywhere in the world. The differencie lies in the management. Even your average TSA office would be polite if they knew their superiors won't tolerate inappropriate behaviour. Most of customer service jobs in the US require an insane level of politeness/friendliness, to the point where it's uncomfortable to many non-Americans. The issue is that the TSA doesn't perceive travellers as their customers, even though they are the ones who pick up the bill.

      TSA has an effective monopoly and therefore seems to lack the motivation of getting better. This is very different from Europe for example, where vast majority of airports uses private companies and will replace them if they don't perform as expected.

  70. Lindsay Thompson Guest

    I just baa like a sheep. Cracks everyone up.

  71. Miramar Guest

    Sure seems like AI image pattern recognition could be used to make bag and person screening vastly faster and vastly more accurate, the technology is here, the government should apply it.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      They're already doing this with new CT scanners instead of X-rays.

  72. Yj Guest

    Some just downright arrogant cause they feel they are working for the government and have power. The contractor usually behave the worse than the straight gov employee. Small airport are worse than large airport.

  73. Santastico Diamond

    TSA is simply the worst. A clear example of entitled workers that think they can make people’s lives miserable. Now, the US Government has a lot to blame for poor infrastructure and stupid rules. The rule on liquids and gels is the most stupid one. In Europe you can bring your bottle of water through security but here someone is making money in selling bottles of water for over $4 inside the airport so they...

    TSA is simply the worst. A clear example of entitled workers that think they can make people’s lives miserable. Now, the US Government has a lot to blame for poor infrastructure and stupid rules. The rule on liquids and gels is the most stupid one. In Europe you can bring your bottle of water through security but here someone is making money in selling bottles of water for over $4 inside the airport so they will keep this stupidity. I am a frequent traveler so I know how to not trigger any interaction with a TSA agent.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      TSA is simply the worst.

      I prefer TSA to CBP because I can normally get through TSA without saying one word. (I do, however, nod and smile to the ID checker and the officer waving me through the metal detector.)

      CBP will, at a minimum, ask me if I have anything to declare, and I have to respond verbally. I also tend to depart the US on apparently high risk flights where CBP Officers ask...

      TSA is simply the worst.

      I prefer TSA to CBP because I can normally get through TSA without saying one word. (I do, however, nod and smile to the ID checker and the officer waving me through the metal detector.)

      CBP will, at a minimum, ask me if I have anything to declare, and I have to respond verbally. I also tend to depart the US on apparently high risk flights where CBP Officers ask me on the jetbridge for my passport, my purpose of travel, and how much cash I'm carrying.

      CBP has (or, at least, asserts) much more power than TSA by way of the border exemption to Constitutional rights that preclude unwarranted searches. CBP secondary inspections, in my experience, take a lot more time than TSA -- even if most of that time is idle and enqueued for a CBP officer to become available. Oh and CBP prohibits cell phone use in their facilities.

      Now, the US Government has a lot to blame for poor infrastructure and stupid rules.

      The USG is not some arbitrary power above us all. It's literally us, or at least the representatives we elect to a government "of the people." We Americans have ourselves to blame for our sh***y culture of ignorance and hostility.

      The rule on liquids and gels is the most stupid one.

      Yeah it's dumb, but at this point, we've adapted, so it's a very low priority issue to fix. Airports have water bottle refilling stations, all of them I've seen have been free.

      In Europe you can bring your bottle of water through security

      I have not experienced this. EU and Asia security rules even for their domestic flights match the US on liquids (max 100ml per container in a max 1L clear bag).

    2. Robert Guest

      TSA originally did not have civil service rights snd basically were limited federal employees. Then American Federal Government Employees lobby through Congress (AFGE) to get full civil service rights. Now with the union dues AFGE gets a hefty amount of money, TSA employees now have the same civil service protection as a FBI employee. This is probably one of reasons for their unprofessionalism as it takes several steps to even reprimand a TSA employee. The...

      TSA originally did not have civil service rights snd basically were limited federal employees. Then American Federal Government Employees lobby through Congress (AFGE) to get full civil service rights. Now with the union dues AFGE gets a hefty amount of money, TSA employees now have the same civil service protection as a FBI employee. This is probably one of reasons for their unprofessionalism as it takes several steps to even reprimand a TSA employee. The US government should have went back to contractors as TSA equipment alone eats a big chunk of the DHS budget. With secure cockpit doors and passengers who can be security guards, why do you need TSA?

    3. Grey Diamond

      There are some airports that have machines that let you bring large liquids. Schiphol is one of them. The annoying thing is that I usually have those metal spray sun-creams and they have to put those in a machine to test them.
      Many UK airports are also getting those machines, and are planning to allow large liquids sometime soon.

    4. skimegheath Diamond

      I have just travelled through Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia and Panama. Not one did I have to throw out water from 750ml water bottle. As for LHR back in November I was yelled at for taking anything out of my bags - must have been the trial, cause last week I was asked to remove laptop, drink water (I forgot) etc.

    5. Santastico Diamond

      If you have Global Entry you can probably skip CBP conversation

  74. Joseph Prokop Guest

    Their just doing their job. People who never flew should do some homework. Anything you want to know is available right at your fingertips. So chill, n find something more interesting to write about. Maybe 25 tips on what you should know about terminal procedures for beginners.

    1. TravelinWilly Diamond

      And yet you read the piece, and commented on it.

      Why do you read that which disinterests you?

      You should calm down, and think before you read.

    2. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Anything you want to know is available right at your fingertips.

      Technically true, but in this case why do people still pay for university or professional courses, and the like? All knowledge is freely available somewhere, the trick is where to find it.

      So chill, n find something more interesting to write about.

      No, part of the appeal of this blog is the author's commentary on mundane everyday interactions. I was particularly amused about...

      Anything you want to know is available right at your fingertips.

      Technically true, but in this case why do people still pay for university or professional courses, and the like? All knowledge is freely available somewhere, the trick is where to find it.

      So chill, n find something more interesting to write about.

      No, part of the appeal of this blog is the author's commentary on mundane everyday interactions. I was particularly amused about the encounter on the Cairo airport bus where some guy thought the author was staring at the guy's wife.

      (The author is gay.)

  75. Martin Guest

    After having been aggressively yelled at for trying to switch lines before the x-ray at SFO (one line had less people in it), something like "GET BACK IN YOUR LINE!!), I mumbled "nice staff you've got here.." another TSA agent picked that up and asked me "if I spoke to authorities like that in my country"(I'm Swedish), followed by "you know you risk getting beat up, or arrested".

    I spoke to another airport employee...

    After having been aggressively yelled at for trying to switch lines before the x-ray at SFO (one line had less people in it), something like "GET BACK IN YOUR LINE!!), I mumbled "nice staff you've got here.." another TSA agent picked that up and asked me "if I spoke to authorities like that in my country"(I'm Swedish), followed by "you know you risk getting beat up, or arrested".

    I spoke to another airport employee about it, but she said I shouldn't bother, and that they're always like that.

    1. YinDaoYan Diamond

      Not to discount or dispute your experience, but as a factual matter, TSA does not staff SFO. A private security contractor handles the screening process at SFO.

    2. Ocean Guest

      True! SFO has a private security company handling TSA screening.

    3. Martin Guest

      Right. Maybe it was them then. I'm also not 100% sure whether this was SFO, NY, or Washington.. this was more than 10 years ago.

    4. Sherman Guest

      So you tried to duck underneath a stanchion is what you're saying which was probably going to TSA Precheck in which you aren't entitled to so yeah stay in your line.

    5. Martin Guest

      I wasn't trying to duck under anything, there was no barrier keeping me from switching lines, but this is besides the point, which is: Are they supposed to be threatening passengers with getting "beat up or arrested" for simply commenting on the staff's rude behavior??

  76. DJSJr Guest

    TSA rules are actually the same at all airports but it's what is currently occurring at the time you are there at the airport that differs:
    1. Pre ✔️ lane passengers can keep all electronics in their carry-ons and then they walk through a metal detector unless they have certain metal implants or medical devices, e.g., pacemakers and knee and hip replacements; also you may be randomly selected to have to go into the...

    TSA rules are actually the same at all airports but it's what is currently occurring at the time you are there at the airport that differs:
    1. Pre ✔️ lane passengers can keep all electronics in their carry-ons and then they walk through a metal detector unless they have certain metal implants or medical devices, e.g., pacemakers and knee and hip replacements; also you may be randomly selected to have to go into the body scanner instead because of a preset algorithm built into the walkthrough metal detector; bags stay packed up there and shoes stay on unless they alarm by having too much metal on/in them which then requires the pair to be X-rayed
    2. Standard screening lanes ( i.e., not Pre ✔️ ), your electronics bigger than a 4x6 inch cell phone must be divested into a bin for X-ray screening with nothing placed above or below those, then shoes come off and you will go into the body scanner unless the person's age is 75 and over or 12 years old and under.
    3. When at an airport security checkpoint line that is running TSA explosive detection canines, you then basically follow the Pre ✔️ rules ( see #1 ) so shoes stay on unless they alarm the walk through and your bags stay all packed up, re: electronics stay in.
    4. There are more advanced X-ray machines at some airports that negate having to remove any size electronics out of your bag, but shoes still come off ( w/ same age exceptions ). These are the ones where all bags, even suitcases, must go into those larger and darker bins that are different from the light grey 'busboy' version used on standard screening lanes. You'll still need to go into a body scanner except for previously noted age exemptions.

    In summary, these rules are basically the same everywhere you fly within the U.S., so it's actually what's occurring / available at the time you're there at the airport and what type of screening lane you're on that can explain the differences you may encounter when traveling. I always tell my friends and relatives who are very occasional or first time flyers to visit the TSA.gov website for the basic do's and don'ts, and to find most answers for what you can and cannot bring in your carry-ons and checked baggage. Hope this helps to answer why your last TSA security experience may have been different from previous ones.

    P.S. the best TSA Officer one liner I've encountered, which concerns entering the body scanner and the need to have completely empty pockets for same: "Trust me, even tissue will be an issue!"

    1. GroeneMichel Gold

      The number 4 is the issue, it is at more airports than you think causing confusion...

    2. Dan Guest

      Frequent fliers will be able to recognize the ultra sound scanners. Can see them from a mile off, they have a big white round band around the main scanner.

    3. Sherman Guest

      Just do what the people in front of you are doing.

  77. Ted Guest

    I met a nice TSA agent once at SMF - I was so floored he was polite that it actually freaked me outa bit - must have been new. Of course, that was pre-COVID.

    Now days, I just expect they will be rude and on a power trip - like the DMV, but worse. Fortunately with PreCheck you don't have to deal with them for too long. I just play dumb - "Oh of course,...

    I met a nice TSA agent once at SMF - I was so floored he was polite that it actually freaked me outa bit - must have been new. Of course, that was pre-COVID.

    Now days, I just expect they will be rude and on a power trip - like the DMV, but worse. Fortunately with PreCheck you don't have to deal with them for too long. I just play dumb - "Oh of course, I didn't know" for whatever thing they decide to make a big deal out of that particular day. Having very low expectations makes the experience more tolerable IMHO.

  78. Rememberthemission Guest

    Come on! Give TSA a break! They are the first line of defense for passengers getting on a plane. Someone stated that “it’s different at every airport” and that is correct. Yet, not every TSA agent is unprofessional or wants to be comical. It’s a very stressful job but I know many TSA agents who love what they do and approach passengers in a respectful, professional and caring manner even after being verbally bashed and...

    Come on! Give TSA a break! They are the first line of defense for passengers getting on a plane. Someone stated that “it’s different at every airport” and that is correct. Yet, not every TSA agent is unprofessional or wants to be comical. It’s a very stressful job but I know many TSA agents who love what they do and approach passengers in a respectful, professional and caring manner even after being verbally bashed and sometimes even physically attacked. They come back each day ready to protect and stay true to the mission.

  79. yepnope Guest

    Very little is said in my experience. The last time I've been spoken to was when I was "randomly" selected for additional screening. It's like any other job, most people just want to put in their 8 hours with as little drama as possible and leave.

  80. Hobbs Guest

    MCO has an agent that speaks to kids in a Donald Duck voice. TSA is a job I respect in the sense that it’s one I could never do myself, day in, day out, no thank you. The nonsense becomes glaring considering the rigidity of the screening process that travelers must endure.

  81. AG Guest

    If you think this is unprofessional, you should have seen local employees at American consulate in India decades ago. We had to stand in long lines to get in and once in, they would behave like they were the ones screening is for visa approval. And their security job included just checking bags and making sure we don't break the line.

  82. Hank Tarn Guest

    Maybe if so many of the foreign visitors spoke and at least understood English, then the agents would not need to keep repeating themselves.

    1. Speedbird Guest

      Maybe Hank should never travel outside the English speaking world if he feels this way

    2. Mark Guest

      Don't know about others, but when I go to a foreign country, I generally don't speak the language. WIth the exception of Canada. I speak Canadian. Eh.

    3. Grey Diamond

      Maybe you didn't realise this, but if a person doesn't understand English, saying the same thing over and over again won't make them suddenly understand it...
      Also, if you limit yourself to countries where you speak the language, you must either speak an impressive number of languages or not be particularly well travelled...

    4. LetsBeBetter Guest

      Hank obviously has never traveled outside the US.

  83. Sel, D. Guest

    On average, FA’s are more aggressive and have more comedy routines from my experience, and it’s not close. Things might be different on the east coast.

  84. Travis Peacock Guest

    TSA has been doing this for 22 years now and still have never caught a terrorist. They have a 70% failure rate at catching guns. I can only imagine the increased anxiety that they give people who are flying only increases overall air rage issues.

    1. Mark Guest

      Strongly disagree. How many terrorists haven't tried because of TSA? You will never know the answer to that question. Seems like they are doing their jobs pretty well.

    2. SBS Guest

      They did a couple of days ago, at the ABE airport (Lehigh Valley). Google it.

  85. hat2pinz Guest

    As a retired federal law enforcement officer, it has long been my conclusion that many people who join TSA are "wanna bees". When working, my credentials were always in my hand luggage and I was often asked about how to qualify for such a position.
    When I explained that the minimum educational requirement for US Probation and Pre-'Trial Services was a masters or law degree, I would get shocked silence. '( Consider that only...

    As a retired federal law enforcement officer, it has long been my conclusion that many people who join TSA are "wanna bees". When working, my credentials were always in my hand luggage and I was often asked about how to qualify for such a position.
    When I explained that the minimum educational requirement for US Probation and Pre-'Trial Services was a masters or law degree, I would get shocked silence. '( Consider that only 33% of our population has an undergraduate degree. )
    So, they are not getting the cream of the crop. The unfortunate thing is that those whose aggressive demeanor is triggered by their authority overshadow those who strive for professionalism.

    I travel out of the country at least twice a year. TSA counterparts in other countries seem to me NOT to indulge in antics or aggression. I find this especially true in the UK. Cultural differences??

    However, much of the fault is due to frequent inconsistencies in policy, lack of an identified agent in charge, and flat lousy job of screening potential employees. After more than 20 years "on the job", it is crystalline to me that not everyone is suited to be a law officer and greater care should be given when we choose to the hands we select to hold authority over us.

    Just hope and pray they are never given arrest powers, which allows for carrying of weapons!

    1. Richard Iazzetta Guest

      Yes TSA Officers can be rude but passengers can be very rude for no reason. The passenger is not innocent. Most passengers don't like to be told what to do. Wouldn't that make you mad when you are trying to keep people safe.TSA gets no respect and that us wrong. Most Officwrs are college educated.

    2. Tracy Guest

      Most TSA officers are college educated??? I guess most police officers and most military personnel are college educated too??? Geez, why do you think they work in those jobs that only require a GED? Because they want to be the over educated person manning a security line?

    3. YinDaoYan Diamond

      What if we attached a decibel meter to the lapel of every TSA uniform? Officers who exceed a threshold would be told to tone it down.

    4. Aj Guest

      Please do, I have lost hearing in my job at TSA

    5. Hafenflutz Guest

      LOL, US Probation and Pre-Trial Services is hardly elite and quite a step down from an 1811 position. You can get into the FBI, USSS, DEA, etc. with a bachelor's and a few years of work experience.

  86. echino Diamond

    Why are there still security checkpoints at airports at all, but not at train stations, buses, subways, etc? Is it because public is afraid of bombs? Then it looks like terrorists have won!

  87. D3kingg Guest

    It’s TSA. Who cares ? I expect a loud attitude in New York. I was racially profiled a few times at IAH for being white but for the most part they have jobs to do and I have planes to catch so why not be courteous.

    1. TravelinWilly Diamond


      There’s so much wrong with you that I often wonder why you’re not on a permanent psychiatric hold, but occasionally you’re good for a spit-out-my food belly laugh. This is one of those times. Thank you for that.

  88. Joe Guest

    I wonder what are the (overt) passenger screeners like in TLV? Polite, rude or something in between? Can someone who has been there (preferably more than once) elaborate?

    1. Moses Guest

      TLV Security, been there.
      There is a first level which is at check in, there was a wait for being questioned regarding reason for travel and who packed what.
      The real security check was very thorough. I was once pulled out of line for a super security check. There was no animosity, little conversation. These are people charged with ensuring that no banned materials get past them and they were thorough and fast. Elapsed time was between two and three minutes.

    2. Carrie Guest

      I was just in Tel Aviv last week and didn't find the questioning intrusive at all. The only question they asked was who packed our bags. My partner has traveled to Israel many times and even lived there for a time in rabbinical school. Maybe that's why the questioning was so unintrusive and quick. Otherwise, I really have no idea. I was expecting it to be a lot more invasive.

  89. vlcnc Guest

    Most of the world thinks the TSA are knuckle-dragging dumb morons and they generally prove their point especially given number of foreigners that fly through New York. It's definitely unprofessional and for non-Americans in particular can feel rather unnecessarily threatening, like they're drunk on what little power they have and are more than ready to abuse it against you. Other countries have terrible border forces too but least there is a semblance of order and...

    Most of the world thinks the TSA are knuckle-dragging dumb morons and they generally prove their point especially given number of foreigners that fly through New York. It's definitely unprofessional and for non-Americans in particular can feel rather unnecessarily threatening, like they're drunk on what little power they have and are more than ready to abuse it against you. Other countries have terrible border forces too but least there is a semblance of order and rules, not this unnerving mess.

    1. T_ Member

      I think this is the important point. For most foreigners visiting the US, TSA is one of very few places where they will interact with an authority figure (representative of the government, if you will).

      I've stood in line at JFK dozens of times, and watched agents act unnecessarily aggressively towards people who misunderstood some detail (should your ipad come out of your bag? turns out that the answer is yes if you're in...

      I think this is the important point. For most foreigners visiting the US, TSA is one of very few places where they will interact with an authority figure (representative of the government, if you will).

      I've stood in line at JFK dozens of times, and watched agents act unnecessarily aggressively towards people who misunderstood some detail (should your ipad come out of your bag? turns out that the answer is yes if you're in this line, but no if you're in the line 10 feet to the right). No wonder people come away thinking the US government is nasty, and it's made worse by the fact that there are often prominent US flags / symbols a the TSA station to remind you that these are not just airport employees or whatever, but an official government function.

  90. Rusty Shackelford Guest

    Prolly overkill of an article. I’m someone who literally puts headphones on to avoid talking on a plane—but how much of misers have we become when the small percentage of people who actually enjoy their extremely repetitive jobs is worth writing an article, on what I consider a fairly reputable travel blog? I don’t disagree on disciplining unnecessarily aggressive agents or employees anywhere, but it’s super Ebenezer Scrooge to sht on people who have the...

    Prolly overkill of an article. I’m someone who literally puts headphones on to avoid talking on a plane—but how much of misers have we become when the small percentage of people who actually enjoy their extremely repetitive jobs is worth writing an article, on what I consider a fairly reputable travel blog? I don’t disagree on disciplining unnecessarily aggressive agents or employees anywhere, but it’s super Ebenezer Scrooge to sht on people who have the courage to share their personality. Put on headphones.

  91. tom Guest

    I think we should arm them, that would solve a lot of issues.
    At least give them tasers, would surely up the excitement levels

  92. derek Guest

    These warnings and instructions should be pre-recorded. Too bad people cannot be cross trained so they do line control, x-ray machine, walk through metal detector, clean toilets, assist lost travelers, sweep floors, etc. That would vary their day.

    Don't laugh. I've heard of doctors that occasionally do a cleaning or nursing task for a patient or answer a staff's insurance bililng question.

    1. Donato Guest

      Cross training costs money and requires a skilled workforce. I can not see the TSA going this way.
      I spent a lot of time in Germany and the reception and other desk workers handled incoming phone calls when not occupied. I suggested this in the USA but I was told the staff was not capable.

  93. Never In Doubt Guest

    It is security *theater* after all.

    1. Susan Weir Guest

      I've been in a lot of different airports since TSA was set up. My beef is that the agents act like everyone should know what the procedures are, but THEY'RE DIFFERENT AT EACH AIRPORT. You take your shoes off and get yelled at to put them back on. You take out your laptop or your liquids, but NO, PUT THEM BACK. I wouldn't want their job, but do they have to act like we're the idiots?

    2. OCTinPHL Diamond

      A lot of people *are* idiots. Yes, you are correct - different policies in different places. But most of the policies are the same - shoes on for Pre; shoes off in standard. That's the same at 99%+ of the airports out there.

    3. Goldie Guest

      Most passengers do lose brain cells when entering a airport. We were taught early in our years to pay attention to your surroundings so if you see everybody taking off their shoes follow suite why does anyone need to he told that if that's what the ppl infront of you are doing. Also if everything was the same at every airport it would be easy to plan an attack. I would suggest watching what's going...

      Most passengers do lose brain cells when entering a airport. We were taught early in our years to pay attention to your surroundings so if you see everybody taking off their shoes follow suite why does anyone need to he told that if that's what the ppl infront of you are doing. Also if everything was the same at every airport it would be easy to plan an attack. I would suggest watching what's going on and listen to the agent then you wouldn't get yelled at or why not simply as what do I need to remove, etc. Since every airport is different.

    4. David Diamond

      That's the thing: TSA agents are often the idiots who are suffering from Dunning-Kruger. They've been to their own airport only, or maybe fly-once-to-see-grandma every year, then assume every single airport has a consistent policy and you're the idiot for not knowing the policy for every single airport in the world.

  94. OCTinPHL Diamond

    I don't like being barked at by TSA agents, but I feel for them. I can't believe how many idiots - yes idiots - have TSA Pre and still don't know what that entails (yes, I know some people without Pre are sent through the Pre lines). If I was a TSA agent working Precheck and people think that wearing a huge belt buckle won't set of the detector, I'd be yelling too. The number...

    I don't like being barked at by TSA agents, but I feel for them. I can't believe how many idiots - yes idiots - have TSA Pre and still don't know what that entails (yes, I know some people without Pre are sent through the Pre lines). If I was a TSA agent working Precheck and people think that wearing a huge belt buckle won't set of the detector, I'd be yelling too. The number of people who slow Precheck down is amazing - get to the front, then start taking jackets off at the last minute, etc.
    No wonder agents yell.

    1. 305 Guest

      There should be an exam required for Pre-Check, or a 3 strike policy.

  95. bruh Guest

    Never really heard jokes from TSA Staff. But I ensure I am prepared and organized before entering the TSA lines, and that makes it easier for both me and them. Have never been yelled at by them. In fact, I even got thanked twice and "appreciated" for my quick response haha.

  96. Greg Guest

    It's like the Southwest airlines culture...freedom to express

    Seems to work at Southwest at least minimizing the number of surly ones, but comes across more awkward in the govt role

  97. SY Guest

    Agreed with everything you said. I always prefer going through international airports because I don't get yelled at and the staff is actually nice. One time we were about hand the custom the Global Entry slip, my partner got yelled at for no reason and he demanded to see the physical GE card ( like what?!), we were so afraid we wouldn't make it home because he was giving us such a hard time. He must have had a bad day

  98. theebigjuan Guest

    We have TSAprecheck which is generally good. Not as much instruction is needed. Clearing international security to a domestic connection is a bigger problem where there is no precheck option, like IAH.

    1. Michael Guest

      Nobody out there is worse than TSA at BZN. They are on full "respect mah authority" mode.

  99. Jerry Diamond

    I think it's a US society thing. This doesn't happen outside of the United States. People who perceive themselves to hold authority like to attempt to exert it any way they can. Their behavior isn't really that different than the arrogance exhibited by most police officers. If you're asking the federal government to hold them accountable, or train them properly, I think you can assume how likely that is.

  100. GroeneMichel Gold

    The TSA should put clear signs on 2 locations: at the ID check to indicate if only an ID or ID + boarding pass needs to be shown. And at the line to indicate if your electronics need to be taken out of the bag or not (is the machine Level4-sec or not). There is too much inconsistency at the moment so pax get confused and don't know what to do leading to more frustration from both sides.

  101. SBS Guest

    @Ben -- what are your thoughts on funny announcements by flight crew? I think there was an element of comedy in cabin crew announcements every time I flew Spirit. But then again, some people think that "every time I flew Spirit" is already a good start for a comedy routine...

    1. Richard Iazzetta Guest

      Yes TSA Officers can be rude but passengers can be very rude for no reason. The passenger is not innocent. Most passengers don't like to be told what to do. Wouldn't that make you mad when you are trying to keep people safe.TSA gets no respect and that us wrong. Most Officwrs are college educated.

  102. Zach Guest

    Some agents are really nice, calm, and professional. Others are yelling instructions like a drill sergeant. I think it's like a giant Stanford prison experiment. However, passengers can also be difficult, rude, not following directions, oblivious, etc., so I cannot fault them too much.

    Having said that and flown through NRT, GMP, ICN, and HND, their security screening is calm, well-staffed, efficient, clean, no one is yelling, and things seem to be explained in...

    Some agents are really nice, calm, and professional. Others are yelling instructions like a drill sergeant. I think it's like a giant Stanford prison experiment. However, passengers can also be difficult, rude, not following directions, oblivious, etc., so I cannot fault them too much.

    Having said that and flown through NRT, GMP, ICN, and HND, their security screening is calm, well-staffed, efficient, clean, no one is yelling, and things seem to be explained in professional manner. It's just our society.

  103. BNA Flyer Guest

    I’ve never once heard a TSA agent telling jokes and I fly multiple times per month.

    Now the aggressive ones, those are definitely commonplace.

  104. nycilley02 New Member

    Why don't they take that information and put it on a sign clearly posted so that the agent doesn't need to say it out loud. I fly frequently, and even I find that the rules are extremely inconsistent - sometimes if you have a laptop and an ipad, you have to take one of them out of your bag, and sometimes you can leave them both in. Would be helpful if they had a sign saying what their policy was that day.

    1. Mick Guest

      Only in America, monkeys rule. Don't envy the TSA jobs, but there's a reason they are where they are. Great first impression for foreigners visiting the great US of A.

    2. Mark Guest

      I think TSA would be the LAST impression foreign visitors have. Why would you see TSA on an inbound flight? Just sayin'.

    3. JoeT Guest

      Coming from another member of the no fly list probably or flying monkeys list

    4. Patrick Guest

      Exactly this. Getting through security is stressful enough even under the best circumstances, and made worse by short-tempered guards barking commands at you. Either adopt consistent procedures at each airport and checkpoint, or just print out the procedure onto a big poster, and everything will flow much more smoothly.

    5. Lisa Guest

      Nobody reads the signs. We have signs on almost every stanchion walking up to the TDC officer, NOBODY reads them. Then when you ask for a "boarding pass and picture ID" they act surprised because guess what? I didn't need to show that at my last airport. Just a side note, not all airports have the same equipment. That means the security procedures aren't the same everywhere. And just like every other organization, not everyone...

      Nobody reads the signs. We have signs on almost every stanchion walking up to the TDC officer, NOBODY reads them. Then when you ask for a "boarding pass and picture ID" they act surprised because guess what? I didn't need to show that at my last airport. Just a side note, not all airports have the same equipment. That means the security procedures aren't the same everywhere. And just like every other organization, not everyone yells and are unprofessional so don't assume none of us are educated. Many are prior military and many have college degrees. As far as repeating over and over, if there are 10 people in line, and the first person is told to remove electronics and shoes, what makes the next 9 people think they have different standards? If the person in front of you removes those things, you should too? Its pretty simple. Unfortunately, we live in a society of entitlement. The rules are for everybody else but me. Guess what? Those officers have to follow tbe same rules when they travel. So its just frustrating reading the complaints about people from people that do the most complaining going through security.

    6. Hector Melendez Guest

      Sounds to me that you are a TSA officer.

    7. Chris Guest

      It's because your signs aren't correct. The sign says liquids must be in a bin. The agent barks not to take them out. The sign says that laptops can remain in a bag (for pre). The agent barks that all electronics must come out. The agent barks if I have any electronics in my backpack (only a phone) to which she barks that ALL electronics must come out. The agent barks at me that I...

      It's because your signs aren't correct. The sign says liquids must be in a bin. The agent barks not to take them out. The sign says that laptops can remain in a bag (for pre). The agent barks that all electronics must come out. The agent barks if I have any electronics in my backpack (only a phone) to which she barks that ALL electronics must come out. The agent barks at me that I have a water bottle; I reply that I just drank all the water and it's empty. The agent barks that there are still droplets in it. Ad nauseum.

    8. Sherman Guest

      It is extremely rare for the signs to be wrong and just do what the people in front of you are doing.
      Chris:The 6 people in front of me is removing electronics....nah that can't apply to me I'll just wait to ask the question after he finishes yelling whatever he's announcing to the rest of the people in line.

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Susan Weir Guest

I've been in a lot of different airports since TSA was set up. My beef is that the agents act like everyone should know what the procedures are, but THEY'RE DIFFERENT AT EACH AIRPORT. You take your shoes off and get yelled at to put them back on. You take out your laptop or your liquids, but NO, PUT THEM BACK. I wouldn't want their job, but do they have to act like we're the idiots?

GroeneMichel Gold

The TSA should put clear signs on 2 locations: at the ID check to indicate if only an ID or ID + boarding pass needs to be shown. And at the line to indicate if your electronics need to be taken out of the bag or not (is the machine Level4-sec or not). There is too much inconsistency at the moment so pax get confused and don't know what to do leading to more frustration from both sides.

nycilley02 New Member

Why don't they take that information and put it on a sign clearly posted so that the agent doesn't need to say it out loud. I fly frequently, and even I find that the rules are extremely inconsistent - sometimes if you have a laptop and an ipad, you have to take one of them out of your bag, and sometimes you can leave them both in. Would be helpful if they had a sign saying what their policy was that day.

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