I always enjoy sharing life updates on this blog, whether they’re happy or sad. I’m eternally grateful to those who have been reading OMAAT for a long time, because I’ve been writing this blog for a large chunk of my life, at this point. Well, today I probably have the biggest life update yet, which will also no doubt shape the content of this blog.
In this post:
My new favorite kind of Miles
Just around 24 hours ago, Ford and I welcomed our son, Miles, to the world. While we’re only a day into this whole being dads thing, I’m not sure words can adequately describe the overwhelming emotions, joy, and gratitude we’re feeling. Getting to this point was a very long journey, and we can’t believe the time is finally here.
There’s so much I’m feeling right now, but frankly I’m having a hard time putting it into words, probably due to a combination of exhaustion and indescribable emotions. I will say that for me, one of the most special things is that my mom is still around to meet Miles. As longtime OMAAT readers know, she has been battling cancer for years, and it was her dream to meet him. I have endless gratitude that this happened.

I’m excited to learn travel in a whole new way
Aside from being generally excited to be a dad, I’m also looking forward to learning a completely different way to travel. I’d like to think that I’m a travel expert, but I suddenly feel like a total newbie, and find myself Googling just about everything about traveling with an infant. You can bet that I’ll have a lot of posts asking for tips from readers, and sharing my experiences of traveling with an infant.
Traveling with a newborn certainly changes travel dynamics, and I’d imagine that’s even more the case when you’re two gays with a baby. I’ll be sure to report back on my experiences with that.
I’m also officially starting the countdown — only 17 years and 364 days until Miles’ first credit card application! 😉

What this means for blog content going forward
I doubt we’ll be taking Miles on any long weekend trips to Asia for the first few years, even if there’s amazing first class award space. So what does that mean for content on the blog?
- Odds are that our family trips will mostly be closer to home at first, to keep things simple
- When we decide to travel long haul, we’ll probably prioritize staying at a destination for longer, though that’s something that we’ve been doing lately anyway
- I’ll of course continue reviewing lots of airline products, though that’ll probably come in the form of very quick trips lasting just a few days, like I did in the good old days, so I can maximize time at home
I’ll certainly be looking for tips from other parents here. I’ve heard some say that traveling with infants is easy until they can actually walk. We’ll probably start things slow and go from there.

Bottom line
What an eventful, exciting, surreal, and graphic 24 hours it has been. Ford and I are both excited about an all new life adventure, and I’m also particularly excited about being a travel newbie all over again, as I learn the fascinating world of traveling with an infant.
Thanks for reading, and if parents want to share their single best tip for traveling with a newborn/infant (or something they wish they knew earlier), I’d certainly welcome it!
Long time reader (since 2012!!) here. Commenting for the first time - massive congratulations from another gay avgeek to you and Ford; all my very best wishes :)
Congratulations! I’m expecting my first baby any day now and will be sure to read your blog regularly for baby travel tips!
Very late, but congratulations!!
Ben and Ford - Congratulations!!! I can't believe I just heard your wonderful news. I was hoping that in my next life, I'd come back as your child, but I'll have to settle for your #2 or #3... xoxo
Congratulations Ben and Ford.
Wow. Congrats Ben & Ford!!!
The name selection for baby miles is epic.
Congratulations on your new child! Over the years, I have enjoyed following your travels from the highs and lows such as the Residence and TAAG as well as your magical experiences on Fogo Island; while this is a personal question how did you and Ford first meet?
Mazel Tov!
I've been reading the blog since 2016 or so and this is the first time posting- and for good reason. Mazel Tov!!!!
So happy for you, congrats!!
Congrats! Kids are a great investment.
That said, until they are 6 or so, having a kid on a plane is:
50% of the time --- surprisingly easy
50% of the time --- hell
You just never know which it will be that day.
You can also leave them home, but then your partner will resent it --- you're traveling while he/she sits with a toddler, etc.
Oh man! Congrats! I'm thinking the page here should be called "One Mile(s) at a time" just temporarily! Looking forward to seeing the little guy grow up through your travels.
Congrats from a long time reader since you were doing mileage runs on weekends in high school
Congratulations! This is awesome!
Congratulations to both of you! I have found myself traveling to many interesting places with a kid that I wouldn't have seen otherwise. Crazy European indoor water parks, big roller coasters, children's museums, shows, etc. Also learning to take it a little slower and soak things in more. You have so much to look forward to!
Congratulations on opening a new chapter on life; good name 'Miles' too
Best Wishes over the coming few years:)
Wow. As a long time reader. A big congratulations
Been traveling long haul with both my kids since they were 3 months old.
It's doable, requires a bit of planning and preparation. Longest flight was last year. 10hrs, nonstop, 3 month old and 3 year old.
Get good bags for baby stuff to be easily accessible and you'll be fine.
The baby doesn't care, it will suck out your soul in the air and on the ground anyway. :p
Huge congrats to you and Ford!!! You’re going to be amazing parents!
Turkish Airline's FFP comes to mind "Miles and Smiles" . Congrats to both of you and the families. So wonderful for your mum to see her grandson.
He could have also been named "Mile" and then the next one "Miles" as in One Mile at a time .
Can't recall the pooch's name. How is he taking up to this little new addition.
Meant to say Turkish Airlines' FFP..
Congratulations! Don’t forget to take some time off to enjoy being Dads.
Congratulations, Ben and Ford! SO happy for you three! What a great name, too!
Congratulations Lucky,
I would suggest shorter flights early on. We took our daughter on several 2 hour flights at a couple months old for her to get used to it.
Long haul travel is easier before they can crawl because they get less restless however you have to prepare and manage sleep. We took her from DFW to SYD at 5 months old. She started to crawl 3 weeks later right after we got back....
Congratulations Lucky,
I would suggest shorter flights early on. We took our daughter on several 2 hour flights at a couple months old for her to get used to it.
Long haul travel is easier before they can crawl because they get less restless however you have to prepare and manage sleep. We took her from DFW to SYD at 5 months old. She started to crawl 3 weeks later right after we got back. So many friends I know avoid all international flying because of the challenges. That's ridiculous and creates a self fulfilling prophecy.
My daughter is 7 years old, she has been to 29 countries and over 100 cities. Next big trip to Tokyo next year, direct from YVR. Key tips:
1) Direct is key with a kid. Avoid connections as much as humanly possible. Stopovers for multiple days if you have to,
2) Simplify travel. We used to do 5 cities in 15 days. Now it's more than 2 in 8 or 10 days.
3) Pilot makes the rules. If they understand it's like a teacher in the classroom they will listen and follow directions better for the pilot than you
4) Traveling can be more work as a parent but my kid hasn't cried or got upset on a plane since was 4 years old. She handles flying better than I do frankly.
5) Enjoy the first year and travel a lot. Taking her every where in the carrier and seeing her reaction to so many new things is something I will treasure for the rest of my life.
So happy for you Ben and Ford. Congratulations!
Congratulations Ben & Ford! Ben I’ve followed your blog for years and it’s a delight to see you move into the next stage of your (travel blogging) life. Wishing you both all the best, and please keep the posts coming. Were already a long way from Diet Coke & lime.
Congratulations mate, and to Ford. He looks adorable x
What amazing news! Congratulations!!!!
Congrats Ben and Ford!!! Look forward to upcoming baby/kid travel posts!!
So when’s Miles first flight?
Congrats Ben and Ford! What great news, look forward to reading some new posts too! Also best name ever!!!
Congrats. In terms of credit cards and points/miles. I think that you should have two considerations:
1. When your son starts earning miles, then you will want to think about using his account first. As you and Ford would presumably have a credit card associated with your account then even if you did not use it, it would be okay. In addition you do not want to have the miles too think - have...
Congrats. In terms of credit cards and points/miles. I think that you should have two considerations:
1. When your son starts earning miles, then you will want to think about using his account first. As you and Ford would presumably have a credit card associated with your account then even if you did not use it, it would be okay. In addition you do not want to have the miles too think - have enough to redeem but not enough in any single account.
2. Consider opening a credit card in his name on credit cards that do not charge for an additional user or that charge for a set number of additional users (e.g. Freedom does not charge but Amex Platinum charges for 3 so if you already have one or two). This way he can begin to build his credit cheaply. Usually additional cardmembers do not have to be 18.
Congrats! Your next big adventure awaits! Love every step along the way!
Congratulations!!!!! Miles:))) Priceless!!
I’m so excited for you and Ford. I think I’ve been following you since almost the beginning. So tell us everything.
Congratulations y’all!!! So exciting!! Never to early to add them as an authorized user on the cards! ;)
Congratulations, welcome you to life, Miles!
Your commitment to the game is legendary if you are really naming your 1st born, Miles. Congats!
Congratulations! But why are you wearing a mask? Your precious baby need so see your face and recognize your smiles and expressions. That is essential for his development.
OMG!!! Congratulations Ben and Ford!!! This so amazing! I have a 3 year old. Travel is not tough at all when they are infants. All the best! It gets better once they start sleeping through the night.
Congratulations! My grandson 18 months old has his own Mileage Plus number. It is fun traveling with kids. My kids grew up and traveling and they are passing on to their own kids!
Congratulations! Please tell me you're developing a sitcom about two dads travelling the world with their son and it's called "One Miles at a Time."
So happy for you Ben and Ford! Can't wait to see a trip report with Miles in it soon!
Congrats Ben and Ford!!
Ben, congratulations! My kids are 17 and 14 now, but my #1 tip from when they were babies is one that's been mentioned already: buy Max a seat and strap his carseat into it. For our kids, that was a familiar experience, one they knew came with staying in the seat for a while and likely taking a nap. The 1-2 times we just had them sitting in a regular airplane seat as infants/toddlers were...
Ben, congratulations! My kids are 17 and 14 now, but my #1 tip from when they were babies is one that's been mentioned already: buy Max a seat and strap his carseat into it. For our kids, that was a familiar experience, one they knew came with staying in the seat for a while and likely taking a nap. The 1-2 times we just had them sitting in a regular airplane seat as infants/toddlers were the times they were trying to stand up, climb over seats, etc. Much less relaxing.
Congratulations! As everyone else has said start early, our son was on his first flight at 3 months old, he gets back in a few days from a study abroad in Morocco, and starts college in the fall. We made sure to take him to as many different countries and places as we could afford, and he now wants to study international relations and Arabic language. Without the travel experiences we gave him I'm not...
Congratulations! As everyone else has said start early, our son was on his first flight at 3 months old, he gets back in a few days from a study abroad in Morocco, and starts college in the fall. We made sure to take him to as many different countries and places as we could afford, and he now wants to study international relations and Arabic language. Without the travel experiences we gave him I'm not sure this would have been his path and passion.
Parenting is exhilaratingly exhausting, frustratingly joyful, and a journey of love. You two will be wonderful parents.
Congrats! This is especially exciting because I am a new mom as well so I am excited to see where you go with the travel advice as we want to make sure the kiddo is included!
So happy your mom got to meet him as well.
Also, sleep, sleep, sleep. Split your time with Ford and make sure you each get a block on uninterrupted sleep.
My heartiest congratulations to you and Ford, what an exceptional journey you're embarking on!! Take the baby on as many trips as you can between 3 months and 12 months, as they're the easiest to deal with. Many airlines have a bassinet, reserve it. It took me a moment to recognize that checking a bag is the only way to really do this. Buy two strollers, one should be the Pockit stroller and backpack, it...
My heartiest congratulations to you and Ford, what an exceptional journey you're embarking on!! Take the baby on as many trips as you can between 3 months and 12 months, as they're the easiest to deal with. Many airlines have a bassinet, reserve it. It took me a moment to recognize that checking a bag is the only way to really do this. Buy two strollers, one should be the Pockit stroller and backpack, it fits under an airplane seat and you don't have to wait for gate-check to bring you the stroller, which in europe is maybe never.
Truly thrilled for you two, this is the most exciting moment which will be fast overshadowed by tremendous, meaningful times. All our best to you,
The Kumar Family
Congratulations to you and Ford! I'm really glad to see you so happy with little Miles (nomen eat omen) in your arms. I'm sure you will be a wonderful family.
Perhaps in one point we might disagree a little bit. I was 9 years old, when I did my first trip on a plane (7 years when I was taken onto a scenic flight with a small plane). And actually, I don't think I have...
Congratulations to you and Ford! I'm really glad to see you so happy with little Miles (nomen eat omen) in your arms. I'm sure you will be a wonderful family.
Perhaps in one point we might disagree a little bit. I was 9 years old, when I did my first trip on a plane (7 years when I was taken onto a scenic flight with a small plane). And actually, I don't think I have missed anything. I have fond memories of my family trip to nearby areas, often by car, sometimes by train or ship. So, and that's where we perhaps disagree, I do not think that small kids (let alone babies) need to to fly around the globe. Of course, you might want to visit your family, that's completely fine with me. But I don't think parents need to take their toddlers around the globe.
Super congratulations Ben and Ford!!!
Congratulations Ben and Ford!! That is wonderful news!! I look forward to reading about your new adventures as you learn to navigate this amazing new world. How is Winston taking this all in?
Congrats and all the best!
Congratulations!! You three are heading to a beautiful journey together.
Besides bottle feed while taking off and landing, one recommendation : Bring an extra ( or 2) baby outfits ( outfit which covers baby’s feet) in case of incidents.
Was it a surrogate mother? Please let us know!!!!!!!!
Congrats Ben and Ford! Time to start adding as an authorized user!
AMEX has a 13 year minimum age requirement, but I believe Chase, Citi, and Cap One all don’t.
Can’t wait to hear the lounge agents reactions when Miles shows up with his own Priority Pass Card from his Cap One Venture X or his own AA lounge membership from his Citi AA Executive card!!
Congratulations, and your hole life will change 180 degree.
In addition to @lune recomendations, I will tell you
1) ALWAYS give him a baby bottle at the plane in the exact moment when it close the doors and ignitiate the cabin pesurization. Please save a portion of the baby bottle to give him at the time that the plane start to descend. This will prevent ear pain.
2) Buy a stroller that you...
Congratulations, and your hole life will change 180 degree.
In addition to @lune recomendations, I will tell you
1) ALWAYS give him a baby bottle at the plane in the exact moment when it close the doors and ignitiate the cabin pesurization. Please save a portion of the baby bottle to give him at the time that the plane start to descend. This will prevent ear pain.
2) Buy a stroller that you can fold and bring with you onboard the cabin that you can place in the overhead bin. This is very important because If you have a nice and fancy stroller you will be forced to deliver at the plane gate, but when you deplane MOST of the time the airlines directed the strollers to de baggage convey, so you're going to have to carry the kid all over the airport!!
3) In most hotels you can request a crib for no additional cost, but on the arrival date I suggest to call direct to the hotel on the arrival date and re-confirme the inquiry. Some times are limited and you have the risk to not have one.
4) No matter where you travel, always bring with you your baby formula. Change the formula brand can produce him stomach illnes.
5) Is not the most ecologic, but If you can and the baby tolerates try to use disposable baby bottle, even with that you will have at leas to buy a microwave sterilizer bag.
6) Always bring with you dish soap in order that you can clean baby bottles at any lavatory. (remember you always have to sterlize)
Please and do not get angry If some hotels will limit you the room category in order to avoid enfants/toddlers/kids, this is very common practice at luxury hotels.
A child needs a father and a mother.
What a shi&$y thing to say. Just stay quiet.
Love the name Miles! Your next baby’s name should be Sky
And the third should be Delta?
What wonderful and heartwarming news! Congratulations and thank you for sharing this event with those of us, who appreciate and respect you. Looking forward to updates on the baby and the impact s/he has on Ford's and your day-to-day lives.
Sure he will slow you down but don’t write things off yet. My kid has inspired many families to realize it is doable. By age 3 will have >50 flights and spoiled by business class seats on points. Finding more than two seats has been a challenge but it’s a fun one. And with companion pass it’s like buy one get two free with lap infant.
Congratulations! We bought tons of travel stuff for our kid and then used it like once because we may have been a little crazy trying to have the perfect trips with all the perfect gear. As a new parent, it's natural to maybe over-plan, but keep things simple and you'll be a lot happier, have to carry a lot less, and save some money too!
Got to add another congratulations to the mix -- you're my favorite blogger, particularly for bringing your whole self to the work you do, and now you're tackling your biggest challenge yet! Kudos to you and Ford and wishing you all the best for the future!
Congratulations, guys! Long time OMAAT follower...feeling compelled to comment for the first time to let you know you've got gay readers with kids (probably more than a few). My husband and I have always made a point of taking at least a couple international trips a year. We lucked out and had twins with a surrogate 11 years ago and it's been an awesome - and challenging - journey. You'll find you definitely don't "blend"...
Congratulations, guys! Long time OMAAT follower...feeling compelled to comment for the first time to let you know you've got gay readers with kids (probably more than a few). My husband and I have always made a point of taking at least a couple international trips a year. We lucked out and had twins with a surrogate 11 years ago and it's been an awesome - and challenging - journey. You'll find you definitely don't "blend" as easily when crossing borders...and just about everyone wants to share their opinion on your every parenting move. But we've had almost no issues travelling with them. We did Disney as a warmup when they were 4 and began Europe twice a year at 5. Japan at 7. Just got back from a Greece history tour (they're 10 now and super into Greek mythology - it's awesome). I'd say rest assured - the world is still your oyster. We've just learned to think harder about where it's okay to visit/layover (where there are laws on the books in our favor) and where we should no longer go. Anyway, enjoy parenthood. It's an amazing journey. If you're ever in San Juan, PR, drop us a line. Us gay dads have to support each other! ( :
Beautiful! Congratulations and welcome to the next chapter of your life.
congrats! I will not be a baby and ask how :-) enjoy! and no worries you will find out travelling with a baby
This is such a warm and wonderful news!
My heartiest congratulations for being new parents, Ben and Ford! Miles is a lucky guy.
Congrats. I hope Winston doesn't get too envious of the attention.
I would love to see more content with tips on how readers can travel their own versions of Miles and/or Winston.
Congratulations! Traveling with child is a whole different world, especially when searching for award travel :)
So, it may be 364 days until his first credit card app, but you can get him his Cap One Venture X right now, right? :D
Congrats Ben and Ford! Being a parent is the greatest job in the world. Miles is a lucky little dude!!!
Absolutely thrilled for you and your family. I've been a long-time reader (10 years) and it's been so incredible to watch you find someone who shares your passion, and bring a little one into the world together. Wishing you all of the happiness in the world, and can't wait to see what life with a little one brings for you all!
Congratulations Ben & Ford
Great Name
If you need travel advice for new borns and young children
Ask Matthew Klint, Gary Leff, or Mommy Points Summer Hull
Congrats, Ben! Happy for you and your family. Your Miles will only grow larger!
Congratulations Ben and Ford!!
Wow ! So happy for you. One differentiating perk of your blog is your sharing things like this. As a long time reader, I feel you are treating us as a closer circle than just a click-generating crowd. Looking forward to a new chapter of your blog!
Wow! Congrats to you and Ford! Thank you for the update, I am looking forward to see the direction you take the blog in.
Congratulations Ben and Ford. So happy your mother got to meet her grandchild.
Oh, Ben, I couldn't possibly be happier for you and Ford!!!! You have all my best wishes and I hope to see you three if you ever make it back to Scottsdale!
Congratulations! Fantastic news to wake up while in Rapa Nui. Wishing you the very best!
Before my son's first flight at age four months, my pediatrician said, "I'll give you a prescription to use on the plane for that little cough." Me: "What cough? He doesn't have a ... Oh."
Congrats Ben and Ford!
Welcome Miles! Can’t wait for your thoughts and reviews in a few years :)
Congratulations Ben and Ford!!! So much joy for you and this next phase! Welcome Miles! Can't wait to give all the advice we can :). I remember being in Switzerland with a 4mo frantically DMing family travel bloggers in the middle of the night about how to deal with baby jetlag.
1. Time to make friends with Summer Hull. That's where we got our best info.
2. Can't wait for gear reviews. Get the...
Congratulations Ben and Ford!!! So much joy for you and this next phase! Welcome Miles! Can't wait to give all the advice we can :). I remember being in Switzerland with a 4mo frantically DMing family travel bloggers in the middle of the night about how to deal with baby jetlag.
1. Time to make friends with Summer Hull. That's where we got our best info.
2. Can't wait for gear reviews. Get the Doona now! Finding the stroller that fits in the overhead when he's a toddler is also gold.
3. They're easy to fly with until they can crawl, not walk. The crawling phase is annoying on planes because they want to move their bodies but you don't really want them crawling on an airplane floor. Summer said and I agree that every flight will be harder until they reach 18-24mo, then they will start getting easier.
4. Still, Fly! Second what others said. You don't know if it's a good flight or good age to do X. You just have to go.
5. Make a packing list for Miles' stuff or you will over pack due to worry. Happy to share my spreadsheet! Then make a packing list for yourself. Packing for a baby scrambled my ability to pack for myself and I started forgetting important things.
I can't believe you named him Miles, so sweet! Congrats Ben!
Congrats! Really happy for you guys!
Congratulations Ben - all the best for the three of you.
Wow, congratulations! And what a great choice of name. Of course it goes without saying that you need a second child, and he or she should be named Points.
All kidding aside, thanks for sharing the wonderful news, and best of luck!
Much Congratulations Ben to you and your family. Exciting new adventures ahead for sure!
“ I doubt we’ll be taking Miles on any long weekend trips to Asia for the first few years” I bet you will. Lap infants are free.
Congratulations!! The travel doesn't stop with children, it just becomes different. Check out our instagram account 2dads3kidstravel We have had some of our best adventures with our children. For now, get some sleep and enjoy your precious gift.
Congratulations. We adopted our son at birth and flew home with him from Texas to Connecticut when he was 10 days old. It was way easier than expected, notwithstanding all the luggage we had with us!
Congratulations! Family first, travel second! We’ll stick around until you travel regularly again, enjoy every moment with the whole family - and experience with managing jet lag will no doubt come in very handy - baby’s are in a time zone of their own.
Mazel Tov to you both! Enjoy Miles while he’s so young! It goes by quickly!
Congratulations Ben! I know you and Ford will be great parents. Best of luck and look forward to all future travel content.
Congratulations to both of you!
Traveling business with a baby and visit relaxed places like Bali, Mauritius, Seychelles is easy and comfortable.
Best wishes from the Netherlands!
Congratulations!!!! You are now about to embark on THE adventure of a lifetime. IMO, no other experience comes close. I'm so happy for you guys (and your mom!). - Greg
Congratulations! So exciting for you and Ford! Best wishes for your little family! : )
Congratulations! Best and warmest wishes!
Many congratulations. Two major tips: 1 - avoid kiwi fruit before traveling; 2 - you can never take too many diapers on a flight if your baby ate kiwi fruit (we went through 20 in 9 hours!!!).
Congratulations Lucky and Ford!!
Congratulations! This made me tear up as I sit in my Parisian hotel room booked with points, thanks in part to your advice. ❤️
...I feel as though I am a part of your family, Lucky! I have been a longtime subscriber and I have been around for all of your more personal news!
I am beyond elated for everyone in your immediate family!! Miles is such a "Lucky" baby!!! I am especially grateful that your mom is able to celebrate with you all!!
You and Ford are wonderful people. You have a loving circle of friends and support!!...
...I feel as though I am a part of your family, Lucky! I have been a longtime subscriber and I have been around for all of your more personal news!
I am beyond elated for everyone in your immediate family!! Miles is such a "Lucky" baby!!! I am especially grateful that your mom is able to celebrate with you all!!
You and Ford are wonderful people. You have a loving circle of friends and support!!
I am looking forward to your future travel with Miles!!
I wish you blessings in abundance!!!
:-) Congratulations to you both :-)
Congratulations. Wow. I never expected reading this amazing news this morning. I have been reading your blog w8nce your very years. Hoping to be around for the issuance of the credit card. Ford and Ben, congratulations and Mazal tov.
A huge congratulations to you both! What a momentous occasion. Cherish those moments of sleep you get over the next months!
Special congratulations to you and Ford, and given the love that you’ve shown each other all these years, I’m sure you will leave no stone unturned in raising little Miles to be a responsible, caring and wonderful (points-aware!) human. It can be quite challenging and costly for gay couples to have kids, so that’s another star!
I discovered you some 7 or so years ago --you went by the name of Lucky and you didn't have a permanent residence -- you traveled all the time living in hotels when not on a plane.
I watched you evolve over the years, settle down, meet the love of your life, and get married. And now accepting the awesome responsibility of raising a child. I am so in awe of how you have matured and in such a short period of time.
You are an inspiration to many of us.
Congrats Ben and Ford! Amazing news!!
Congrats Ben & Ford & Miles :-)
Congratulations and thanks for sharing this moment in your life with your readers.
I am just thrilled for you guys. Lucky baby too!
Congratulations Ben, Ford, and Grannie! Seeing that photo of your mom is so precious. What a beautiful blessing to be able to share it, and thank you for sharing with us! Onwards and upwards!
Congrats guys!!!
I confirm that traveling with a newborn is just soooo much easier that with a 2 yo. Our son was barely 3 weeks when we travelled BOI-SEA-FRA-BRU… and just slept through the whole journey. I remedy the horrified looks when we settled down in the 1st row of Business class for the transatlantic flight, but this soon vanished. And as 2 dads with a baby, well….. you do g we a lot...
Congrats guys!!!
I confirm that traveling with a newborn is just soooo much easier that with a 2 yo. Our son was barely 3 weeks when we travelled BOI-SEA-FRA-BRU… and just slept through the whole journey. I remedy the horrified looks when we settled down in the 1st row of Business class for the transatlantic flight, but this soon vanished. And as 2 dads with a baby, well….. you do g we a lot of attention, sometimes too much, just like on that very flight on the LH 747: each and every member of the crew came by, spent time with us, the senior purser made an announcement just for us….. very, very sweet but a bit too much :)
I wish you lots of fun, and countless sleepless nights (those can be fun, I swear!).
Sorry for the autocorrect :-/
Now, when a baby cries on the plane, you will feel all that we (parents) all do. Rather than being frustrated by the disturbance, you will want to do what you can to help. You will offer to hold or entertain a child because so that poor mom/dad can go to the bathroom and have a moment. And you will be amazed by how awesome flight crews are at keeping kids entertained. Parent tips: fly...
Now, when a baby cries on the plane, you will feel all that we (parents) all do. Rather than being frustrated by the disturbance, you will want to do what you can to help. You will offer to hold or entertain a child because so that poor mom/dad can go to the bathroom and have a moment. And you will be amazed by how awesome flight crews are at keeping kids entertained. Parent tips: fly fly fly. When they are little, they just adapt and get used to it. Always have a bottle for take off and landing to help their ears regulate. When they are a toddler, lollies work great to keep them from melting down as you wait in line at customs. A new sticker book, lego, or playmobil will get you through 2-3 hours of a flight. And the quickest way to a flight attendants heart, portraits drawn by your child. Can't tell you how much have appreciated Delta and Lufthansa crews when I was flying alone with child.
Congratulations and may he experience and the good health and love you have to offer him. :-)
Congratulations! I've come to enjoy your blog / column over these past few years and happy for you to have added a new passenger to some lucky airline!
Congratulations, so much love, joy and sleepless nights await you. So lovely that your mum could meet your wonderful new arrival.
Mazel tov Lucky!!
First of all, congratulations.
My best advice as a parent is once you make the decision to start taking your kid places, start slowly and build from there. There's really no way of knowing what kind of traveler your child will be ahead of time, so start with shorter trips and work your way up if they're successful (or back off if they aren't). Oh, and once your kid outgrows the infant bath, start checking...
First of all, congratulations.
My best advice as a parent is once you make the decision to start taking your kid places, start slowly and build from there. There's really no way of knowing what kind of traveler your child will be ahead of time, so start with shorter trips and work your way up if they're successful (or back off if they aren't). Oh, and once your kid outgrows the infant bath, start checking very closely to make sure the hotel room you're booking has a bathtub. They're getting harder and harder to find, and there's nothing worse than getting to your room only to find it's shower only and your kid doesn't want to cooperate for his bath in one. I've been burned by this more than once...
Whenever I hear Miles as a first name, I think the middle name should be Messervy.
Congratulations for you and your family!
Wow, congratulations Ben! Love the name, so appropriate.
Congratulations to the new fathers. Welcome Miles. Having traveled extensively with two toddlers in tow I can tell you your life will revolve around their nap schedules be for the first few years at least. My wife and I are both physicians (wife is a Pediatrician) and at one point I was Delta platinum she was gold and both my children were silver medallions. We could du out a trunk full of advice. Feel free...
Congratulations to the new fathers. Welcome Miles. Having traveled extensively with two toddlers in tow I can tell you your life will revolve around their nap schedules be for the first few years at least. My wife and I are both physicians (wife is a Pediatrician) and at one point I was Delta platinum she was gold and both my children were silver medallions. We could du out a trunk full of advice. Feel free to message me. Trust me it would be sage advice and yes you can travel with your infant/toddler/child but there are subtle nuances to this family air travel that can make your journey the most amazing most memorable rather than a horrible nightmare that you won’t repeat.
Many congratulations!
My best experience of traveling with infants and/or young children has been long-haul with Emirates. Business class, or economy, both have been amazing.
From the hyper-attentive flight attendants to being able to take the baby to the bar area at the back of the plane if they're feeling cranky.
Congratulations to you and your family.
I look forward to seeing how this addition to the family and your travels together and separately make things work for you.
Some US bank cards allow for AU cards to be issued to 13 year olds, so you may be hopping onto the game with him too even before he turns 18 years old.
Sincere congratulations to you both and I wish the three of you every happiness. Glad to see that you posted the photo of your Mom too.
Wow! Congratulations to the whole family, and thanks for sharing your joyous news.
Great news, looking forward to reading from your different perspective. Good luck and best wishes
Mazal Tov! Congrats Lucky!
Just wanted to say congratulations!!!!! What an adorable child (and so appropriately named). As I am sure many have told you, there is nothing greater or scarier than becoming a parent. Enjoy and mazel tov!
Congratulations Ben. Long time reader and rare commenter, but this is wonderful news and I hope you and Ford enjoy every moment. Cheers to the evolution of this wonderful community!!
I am so happy for you and your family. Thanks for sharing this wonderful news!
Just amazing. Thank you for sharing yourself with us. We wish you, Ford and Miles a lifetime of happiness together. So much love for you all ...
The greatest news! So happy for you, Ford, and your families.
Congrats! Here's wishing Ford, Miles and you many happy journeys together! (in 1st class of course)
I'm flying MNL-NRT-IAH-CRP in a couple weeks with my 14 month old son. I'm using PlusPoints for the United flight to go Polaris, and when we get home he will have flown 15 flights in his first 14 months. It's a learning process, but we're starting to get the hang of traveling with a baby. All kids are different but traveling to MNL a couple months ago was not too bad if you have a...
I'm flying MNL-NRT-IAH-CRP in a couple weeks with my 14 month old son. I'm using PlusPoints for the United flight to go Polaris, and when we get home he will have flown 15 flights in his first 14 months. It's a learning process, but we're starting to get the hang of traveling with a baby. All kids are different but traveling to MNL a couple months ago was not too bad if you have a good partner. I'm sure you'll be great!
Advice: if you fly international with a lap child, triple check that they ticket the child. Even though his name was on the itinerary, when we were checking in they told us he wasn't ticketed. Fixing it was complicated because the itinerary used multiple airlines. We finally got it resolved just as they were starting to close down check-in, it was a very close call.
Biggest of congrats, Ben. As another gay dad, I can attest that fatherhood is one of life’s greatest privileges. Savor every one my because life with your child moves incredibly quickly. Buckle up. If your travels bring you back to Miami, I’d still love to meet you.
Congratulations, Ben and Ford! Very exciting news.
Congrats! Such exciting news!
I’m so very happy for the 3 of you. Such joy. And how special that your mother has been able to hold her new grandson.
This makes me so happy to hear, Ben! Congrats and many happy returns, in all meanings :)
Congratulations to both you!! Miles just got even more important :)
Congratulations to you and Ford, and wishing both of you and Miles much happiness as you embark on this wonderful new journey together. And so happy that your Mom was able to share in your joy, too. Such great news.
Wow! Congrats Ben, Ford and Grandparents on this amazingly news. So happy for you and a big welcome to the world (of) Miles!
I didn't know where to send a baby gift so I used a link on your website to sign up for a credit card. I hope the commission will be enough to buy one disposable diaper. Congratulations!
Congrats! Quick tip: bottle feed on climb and descent to help with earaches.
This is genius.
Breast-feeding — which works at least as well or better — won’t fly always, and so this it will be.
It doesn't matter if it's breast or bottle. It's the sucking that helps. A pacifier will work too.
Most heartfelt congratulations to you and Ford. May Miles have a healthy, happy, prosperous, and blessed life ahead of him.
Oh my god guys. I just realized we have a baby now in the OMAAT fam.
Congratulations to you and Ford! That's so exciting! :)
OMG, Congratulations!!!
Congratulations Ben, Ford and family! Long time reader here and my 1st comment on this blog.I couldn't help but let you know how much I am rooting for you and your family. ❤
Congratulations Ben and Ford!
OMG I cannot wait for the pictures of a paying toddler in a lie-flat business class/first class apartment by himself! Utterly hilarious!
This is fantastic news! Congratulations with your little miracle.
Congrats Ben and Ford! I have a newborn (3weeks) myself and look forward to hearing some posts all about sweet spots in infant award fares!!!
Congratulations Ben & Ford! My partner and I are celebrating our (adopted) daughter’s 18th birthday in a month. Don’t know how all these years have flown by already, but we have enjoyed plenty of wonderful vacations and flights together, and managed to do it in style. Enjoy your amazing adventure!
Congratulations to you both. Our daughter is almost two and has done almost 40 flights since she was born. It is easy-ish until the walking and wriggling and waddling begins. And yes to staying longer in one place (and going for apartments with kitchens / laundry machines etc over hotels). Airline staff in our experience have been overwhelmingly helpful on board when they see your infant. We have some long haul travel ahead of us...
Congratulations to you both. Our daughter is almost two and has done almost 40 flights since she was born. It is easy-ish until the walking and wriggling and waddling begins. And yes to staying longer in one place (and going for apartments with kitchens / laundry machines etc over hotels). Airline staff in our experience have been overwhelmingly helpful on board when they see your infant. We have some long haul travel ahead of us when she will be 2 1/2, and we then have to buy a seat for her as well. Welcome to the greatest (most challenging but most rewarding) journey of your lives!
You really named your kid Miles. I love it, and as a gay who's not big on kids, this is really enjoyable and uplifting to read. Congrats mates.
Most excellent and seriously cool!
Congratulations, Lucky and Ford! And welcome to the world, little Miles.
Great news! I wish you and your family good health and great happiness!
Congratulations Ben and Ford! Traveling around the world is nothing compared to the adventure of having a family and raising a child. Enjoy every minute of your time with Miles building a great life.
Congratulations Ben & Ford!!! Isn’t watching your parents spend time with your kid the best thing ever?
A few things my daughter changed about my travel habits:
* Never checking a bag to always checking a bag (and a car seat, and a stroller…)
* Aiming to get to the airport just before boarding to getting to the airport early (rushing with a kid is the worst)
* Once my daughter was...
Congratulations Ben & Ford!!! Isn’t watching your parents spend time with your kid the best thing ever?
A few things my daughter changed about my travel habits:
* Never checking a bag to always checking a bag (and a car seat, and a stroller…)
* Aiming to get to the airport just before boarding to getting to the airport early (rushing with a kid is the worst)
* Once my daughter was standing up, bulkhead seats became our best friends so she could waddle around.
Enjoy it! We just got back from two weeks in Denmark & Sweden. Denmark’s playgrounds are amazing. (As are Lufthansa’s kids meals!)
A heartfelt congratulations and please take time to enjoy the first few precious weeks with Miles, Ford and the grandparents.
Travel with even the youngest child is such a delight until you hit the security queue. Parents quickly need to develop a mental checklist of everything that goes through the scanner including the favourite soft toy/blanket and all the paraphernalia you never thought you would ever need or even knew existed. Cannot wait to hear...
A heartfelt congratulations and please take time to enjoy the first few precious weeks with Miles, Ford and the grandparents.
Travel with even the youngest child is such a delight until you hit the security queue. Parents quickly need to develop a mental checklist of everything that goes through the scanner including the favourite soft toy/blanket and all the paraphernalia you never thought you would ever need or even knew existed. Cannot wait to hear all your adventures.
What AMAZING news! Congratulations to you both!
Lucky's baby is going to be one lucky baby!
I love the photos and the captions underneath each one, which made me smile (the one with your mom!) and laugh (the 5/24 limit and the AA turkey sandwiches!)
Will a photo of Miles and Winston be forthcoming? :)
I agree with a poster below who noted that your hotel preferences may shift now that you have a...
What AMAZING news! Congratulations to you both!
Lucky's baby is going to be one lucky baby!
I love the photos and the captions underneath each one, which made me smile (the one with your mom!) and laugh (the 5/24 limit and the AA turkey sandwiches!)
Will a photo of Miles and Winston be forthcoming? :)
I agree with a poster below who noted that your hotel preferences may shift now that you have a little person in your life. I love having at least a microfridge in the room. And once your child becomes a teen, having an AirBnB or hotel suite with two bathrooms--or adjoining rooms--is a thing of great beauty.
Awe congratulations!
Way to go Ben! I always thought Miles would be such a cool name for a boy. It does seem to be getting more popular in recent years so that's an added bonus!
Congratulations!!! Such a cute name. :)
Congratulations! All the best to the 3 of you!
Congrats, Ben and Ford! Welcome to the family, Miles!!! That’s such exciting news and Miles is the perfect name!!!
My husband and I are expecting a baby boy via surrogate shortly. Hoping to find a name as perfect as Miles.
Oh my gosh congratulations to both of you! How awesome. And what a terrific name!
Congratulations Ben and Ford! So happy for you guys.
Whoa!!!! I haven't checked in for awhile and this big news. I have 3 children and the earliest I flew with a baby in arms was about 6 weeks. She's almost 16 now. It's doable since you have 2 caretakers. Babies adapt well to the time changes, but I really hope you slow down. That is no way to raise a child. Very exciting news! You are in a club now that not everyone is. You will be humbled beyond belief by the challenges and life will be sweeter.
I'm a long-time reader, never posted a comment before, but really wanted to share how happy am for the three of you! Welcome Miles!
How many credit cards does he have already?? I'm guessing his airline status is already higher than mine.
Also, lol nice.
wow wow congratulations!!! :) I'm super happy for you and looking forward to your new journey with Miles!
Congratulations! I have no travel tips as my daughter is 30 and I discovered the points and miles game about 5 years ago. But I wanted to post my congratulations to you and Ford!
Congratulations! Very happy for you and Ford!
OMG....so, so thrilled for you all❤️❤️❤️ congratulations
Looking forward to continuing your journey in life and updates
wow, what a beautiful day. congratulations and look forward to following along as you journey through this new chapter. not much I know for sure except - take lots of pics and, sleep deprivation and all, know that it goes by in the blink of an eye. xo
Congrats to you both on becoming dads and best wishes to baby Miles for a wonderful life full of discovery! Dad's hobby will sure come in handy! My pro travelling dad advice is to 1) invest in a wrap/sling baby carrier and learn how to firmly tie its knot, especially for the first couple of months of his life it makes air travel more welcoming as he can be cocooned against your chest and protected...
Congrats to you both on becoming dads and best wishes to baby Miles for a wonderful life full of discovery! Dad's hobby will sure come in handy! My pro travelling dad advice is to 1) invest in a wrap/sling baby carrier and learn how to firmly tie its knot, especially for the first couple of months of his life it makes air travel more welcoming as he can be cocooned against your chest and protected from the noise and hubbub a flight can represent, not to mention the colic relieving effect that position provides. 2) Also from experience there is one particular brand of strollers that airlines will allow you to take onboard and stow in the overhead bin. I won’t advertise their brand but a simple search should lead you there, it makes a whole world of difference than having to wait for your stroller to be delivered when deplaning. Enjoy the ride of fatherhood! It’s a magic rollercoaster:)
Some of the Baby Beco carriers have been my staple gift or suggestion for people traveling a lot with an infant/toddler. Has saved the day (and nights) on arrivals in transit more than once, even if having a stroller in tow.
Congratulations! As a new dad as well, looking forward to seeing how you handle the travel game with a family and pass along tips & tricks for us!
Congratulations! As a new dad as well, looking forward to seeing how you handle the travel game with a family and pass along tips & tricks for us!
Congratulations on becoming parents Ben and Ford!! Enjoy every moment (I am sure you will), and this is going to be soooooooo fun, I can't wait to hear your "family trip reports" :)
Family holidays are truly magical (....may be after they are at least 3 or 4 years old, it is a bit hard when they are very young), and the good news is that from my experience, traveling with kids in business or...
Congratulations on becoming parents Ben and Ford!! Enjoy every moment (I am sure you will), and this is going to be soooooooo fun, I can't wait to hear your "family trip reports" :)
Family holidays are truly magical (....may be after they are at least 3 or 4 years old, it is a bit hard when they are very young), and the good news is that from my experience, traveling with kids in business or first (which you do so well) actually makes travel a lot easier. I now prefer long night flights where we get on, lie down to sleep and wake up at our destination and hit the ground running. When they are bored or can't sleep sitting up in a seat then everyone is cranky and exhausted.
Challenge for you Ben (this is obviously not until Miles gets to school age) - finding premium award seats during school holidays........
Congrats again!
Congratulations! So happy for you and Ford!
Congrats! Best and scariest feeling in the world. No doubt your life will change and that's not a bad thing. We didn't travel for the first 8 months when my son was born. After that he flew a lot (too much) but thanks to Covid we've really slowed down. Feel free to call me anytime if you need some tips with traveling with an infant. First thing you should get is a Doona. It's a game changer for traveling.
Congratulations, Ben and Ford! Miles is adorable. I love the picture of Miles looking up at you. There's something special about a newborn baby looking up at you with loving eyes that is indescribably beautiful. It's hard to give advice regarding traveling with kids because each child is different. My child was not a good eater or sleeper, so it made things a bit challenging. I would try to time flights to coincide with nap...
Congratulations, Ben and Ford! Miles is adorable. I love the picture of Miles looking up at you. There's something special about a newborn baby looking up at you with loving eyes that is indescribably beautiful. It's hard to give advice regarding traveling with kids because each child is different. My child was not a good eater or sleeper, so it made things a bit challenging. I would try to time flights to coincide with nap times and feed the baby during take off and landings to minimize any crying from ear popping.
Big Congratulations! Enjoy the 2 years of free airline travel Miles!
Congratulations and welcome to the club! Our 9 month old has already flown 12 times (a mixture of classes), cruised twice, and visited 8 countries. We started traveling with her at just shy of 2 months domestically and a little over 4 months for our first international trip.
Be prepared for all the gear you’ll need!
Talk about a surprise post. Wow, and congratulations to both of you! Boy, is your life going to change. :)
After raising two wonderful girls with my wife, I can say you and Ford are in for one heck of a journey. Soak up all the precious moments.
You're right, Ben - travelling with infants isn't so bad. I live in England, and we took our first daughter to New York on a plane before we took her to London on a train. She was three months old and didn't make a sound on either transatlantic flight - toys, food, and the white noise of the engines kept her happy. She has loved watching and flying planes ever since - we even...
You're right, Ben - travelling with infants isn't so bad. I live in England, and we took our first daughter to New York on a plane before we took her to London on a train. She was three months old and didn't make a sound on either transatlantic flight - toys, food, and the white noise of the engines kept her happy. She has loved watching and flying planes ever since - we even took her to Australia when she was two and a half (SQ business outbound, JAL/BA business return, all on miles thanks to websites like yours!).
It was harder with our second daughter. She was born a few months before the pandemic started and didn't board a plane until she was almost two years old. She still loves planes (her latest word: "Concorde") but finds it hard to sit in one place for any length of time.
Moral of the story: get Miles on a plane soon. And enjoy the ride!!
SO SO happy for you and Ford to be blessed to bring Miles into your life, and the life of your mother!!! I'm sure Winston will be an adoring big brother as well:)
I can only offer limited comments...I'm gay and don't have kids, but I was the first person after my brother and sister-in-law to hold my niece and nephew within an hour of them being born, and since have been able to take...
SO SO happy for you and Ford to be blessed to bring Miles into your life, and the life of your mother!!! I'm sure Winston will be an adoring big brother as well:)
I can only offer limited comments...I'm gay and don't have kids, but I was the first person after my brother and sister-in-law to hold my niece and nephew within an hour of them being born, and since have been able to take them on journeys around the world. It's amazing how gaining a world perspective from the youngest years helped them blossom into caring and wonderful kids.
Congrats. I know you will love him so very much
Congrats ! Travel between ages 7-10 is key.
Welcome to Miles, and congrats to you and Ford on the happy addition to your family !!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aww, bless. What a cutie pie kid. Congrats to you and Ford.
Congrats Ben and Ford,
Parenting is the most fun journey you can have. I am so happy for you mother specially.
Thanks to your blog and many others I am able to travel more often with my son. I am a reader since 2011/12 (before I had my son) and I am eternally grateful this community helped me to create wonderful memories with him. I even won a raffle from OMMAT many years...
Congrats Ben and Ford,
Parenting is the most fun journey you can have. I am so happy for you mother specially.
Thanks to your blog and many others I am able to travel more often with my son. I am a reader since 2011/12 (before I had my son) and I am eternally grateful this community helped me to create wonderful memories with him. I even won a raffle from OMMAT many years ago and I took my son to Cancun in a wonderful resort with the Starwood points I won.
My son is a great traveler and we started early since I vouched to visit my family in Brazil once a year so he could spend time with them.
Start early and Miles is going to be a great traveler.
Congrats again!!!!
Congratulations Ben, Ford, & Winston!
Mazel Tov ... now the true journey begins. You guys will be great dads.
Incredible! Congratulations to you and Ford.
Congrats! I have always enjoyed your blog and as a fellow gay travel enthusiast it has been so refreshing to read about your adventures with Ford. I am so excited to read about Miles adventures!!
Glückwunsch! The best time of your life just started.
Thrilled for you all! Welcome to the world Miles and congrats to your Dads!
Mazel Tov! It is certainly more challenging to do the points game with children, but it is also way more rewarding. Traveling with your family will truly show you the value of hotel suites, the shower in a lounge, and the space in business class. But look forward to the feeling you’ll get when you hit up Walt Disney World when Miles is a toddler and you realize what all the fuss is about when...
Mazel Tov! It is certainly more challenging to do the points game with children, but it is also way more rewarding. Traveling with your family will truly show you the value of hotel suites, the shower in a lounge, and the space in business class. But look forward to the feeling you’ll get when you hit up Walt Disney World when Miles is a toddler and you realize what all the fuss is about when you see his eyes as he meets Mickey for the first time. And look forward to the joy as you splash with him at a beach in Maui or carry him as you walk around the Eiffel Tower.
I’m really proud of a (super long, and super detailed) trip report I wrote in 2014 on traveling with an infant. If you’re interested Google: “IAD-FRA-TLV-FRA-IAD in LH F/C. Lessons on traveling with an infant”
We are welcoming a baby to our family soon too. I've been reading your site for years now and now it looks like your content is going to be even more relevant to me! Looking forward to it. Congrats again!
Congrats Ben and Ford! What terrific news! Looking forward to to following this new journey! Here’s hoping Miles likes caviar!
Congratulations I couldn’t be happier for you and Ford. It is fun to have the tables turn and have you ask us, you’re loyal readers for advice.
I began following OMAAT as a young father working on Saudi Arabia where we grew an adopted family of three kids within five years. Our family flew back and forth from KSA to the US 3+ times per year and traveled extensively through the region. It was a...
Congratulations I couldn’t be happier for you and Ford. It is fun to have the tables turn and have you ask us, you’re loyal readers for advice.
I began following OMAAT as a young father working on Saudi Arabia where we grew an adopted family of three kids within five years. Our family flew back and forth from KSA to the US 3+ times per year and traveled extensively through the region. It was a point of great pride when my three year old son was called to the gate agent to receive an upgrade. He was a Delta Platinum Medallion member. I told him to walk up there as they continued to call his name looking right over the top of his head. They simply couldn’t believe it!
I traveled a lot before having kids. And I will admit your blog was a place for me to take reprieve from the doldrums of raising young kids - occasionally wishing for your life of weekend mileage runs to Shanghai ha ha!
There has already been a ton of good advice. But you are correct that they are easiest as infants. All I would add is to use the bassinet row for all they are worth. It’s the only way you can semi-fully rest. We primarily flew KLM and Air France and as the kids grew I threatened to use Crisco to squeeze them in the bassinet one more time. One reader pointed out that up to now, the game has been to avoid checking luggage. Now it is the opposite. Check as much as you can including a car seat bag filled with all the extra weight that you can’t fit in your other luggage. Be patient with TSA pilfering through all your baby formula and gear.
I hope you will give us updates how it forces you to travel in completely different ways. We stay in hotels with small kitchens any-day over full-service 5 star everything (blasphemy, I know - and don’t care). It’s all about simplicity and practicality to efficiently move from A to B.
Can’t wait to hear more and enjoy this time with Baby Miles.
Gay dad to 3 kids here :)
Travel will certainly get tricky but it's manageable!
Congratulations, Ben & Ford!
Congratulations and what an amazing adventure you & Ford have ahead! Nothing like parenthood. I'm so happy for you, Ford and Miles.
Hearty congratulations. Your 2nd child will naturally be Points ;)
Hilarious:)! Your comment said with affection, I know:)
Maybe (Waitlist)Clear
Another option is More so that the two children are called Miles and More.
Congratulations! How wonderful. Miles is lucky to have such awesome dads!
Congratulations to you both. Children are a blessing no matter what age. I wish you all well in the years ahead and pray that he will be a healthy lad and from surrounded by much love. All the best.
Congratulations to you and Ford!
Wow! Congratulations, guys!
Congratulations on the family addition! Best wishes to you and Ford as you start the parent journey.
Congrats!! I’ve been a long time reader since 2015 and I’ve loved watching your progress! Thank you for giving Avigeeks a home and good luck on this new chapter!
Congratulations! The real fun has just started. Please take him on trips and you will all be so happy you did. Ours started flying at six weeks and still love to travel. Best is yet to come. Thrilled for you all and especially for Grandma.
Congratulations! Miles is beautiful. I still remember holding my daughter for the first time. It is overwhelming, intense, and the beginning of the most fierce love I've ever experienced. I look forward to your content being more family focused :D
Best of luck on the most rewarding journey anyone can take.
Congratulations Ben and Ford to your little family!!!!
I wish you all the very best - and of course I am looking forward to reading some „traveling with kids“ articles on your blog ;-)
So many happy congratulations!!! Just thrilled for your entire family! Enjoy the ride!! ❤️
Love the name…..how appropriate!!! Congrats!!
Congratulations to the whole family. Time flights with naps early on! Our baby's first flight was TPA-SJC (followed by SJC-HNL). We times both flights with naps and once she woke up, most of the flight was over. Bottle/pacifier helps with takeoff and landing!
There is definitely a lot more to life than traveling or travel blogging, and baby Miles' wondrous arrival proves it beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Congrats, Ben and Ford, ad welcome, Baby Miles!
Congrats! Wish you had taken this step five years earlier so i could have used all the child travel advice you're about to post for years to come. Alas, i had to battle through parenthood travel on my own without your wisdom
Congratulations. Very exciting news.
So, so, so, so, so happy for you both! A long and happy life to Miles! So looking forward to the content to come :)
Congratulations to both of you. I am not a parent, so I have no advice or anything, but I will look forward to somewhat of different blog content mixed in.
I look forward to your family adventure in the future!
You will love your pack n play and baby bopp.
Congratulations! Wishing you and the whole family a lifetime of happiness.
Congrats! Our new granddaughter had her first flight at 3 weeks on JSX private jet and today on her 6 th flight. It does change your life and travel plans and of course there is the exhaustion!!Have fun with the little one.
Congratulations! I'm very happy for both of you, and what a great name Miles is!
L'Chaim! May Miles have a life filled with love-filled adventures, in the air and everywhere.
Congratulations, Ben!! Longtime reader since I started collecting my own miles after graduating college in 2011 as well - and I also just welcomed my own son named Miles a few months ago (named in honor of all the amazing trips we’ve taken because of miles, of course)! We just took him cross-country at 3 months and he was great both ways. I have no doubt your Miles will be a great traveler too with...
Congratulations, Ben!! Longtime reader since I started collecting my own miles after graduating college in 2011 as well - and I also just welcomed my own son named Miles a few months ago (named in honor of all the amazing trips we’ve taken because of miles, of course)! We just took him cross-country at 3 months and he was great both ways. I have no doubt your Miles will be a great traveler too with you two as parents. Congrats to you, Ford, your mom, and the rest of your families!!
Congrats!! Love the name. Going forward, you will be staying at a lot of air bnb with washing machine/dryer as those will be essential to keep you and baby relatively clean (if you have not noticed, babies do throw up/ drool a lot) and a kitchen which allows you to clean/disinfect water bottles. You won't be able to just run out and catch a plane last minute. You will have to give yourselves several hours...
Congrats!! Love the name. Going forward, you will be staying at a lot of air bnb with washing machine/dryer as those will be essential to keep you and baby relatively clean (if you have not noticed, babies do throw up/ drool a lot) and a kitchen which allows you to clean/disinfect water bottles. You won't be able to just run out and catch a plane last minute. You will have to give yourselves several hours in advance to herd the cat so to speak. Patience is the key and enjoy fatherhood!
Congrats to you both! What a blessing!
OMG Congratulations! And OMG of course you named him Miles! And OMG this blog post is hysterical --your counting down til he can get his own card and discussing the chase 5/24. Haaaaa!!
Congratulations again. He's a lucky baby!
Congratulations Ben and Ford! One Miles at a time! Children are the greatest gift and blessing in our lives. As a father of six I can tell from the experience that even small babies are built pretty sturdy. There is no reason not to travel even to different continents with them, we have flown everywhere as long as they were 3 months old. Actually, when they are that small it is pretty easy, the most...
Congratulations Ben and Ford! One Miles at a time! Children are the greatest gift and blessing in our lives. As a father of six I can tell from the experience that even small babies are built pretty sturdy. There is no reason not to travel even to different continents with them, we have flown everywhere as long as they were 3 months old. Actually, when they are that small it is pretty easy, the most challenging time is just before the age of two. Plenty of power, not so much restraint. ps Watch out for the security at Frankfurt airport. I was escorted out from a plane by four soldiers with automatic guns to open my checked luggage, which was filled with baby formula.
Congratulations to you both. I am so happy that your mom is able to be with Miles, hopefully for many years to come!
Yeah so happy for you
I love your baby's name, Miles. Is the middle name Atatime?
Good for you! Great name too.
Congrats Ben and Ford!
Wow - a heartwarming post. Best wishes for your brand new life as a family. As far as travel goes, your new best friends are going to become Embassy Suites (as previously mentioned) and possibly Benadryl. Like others have said, take Miles (brilliant name) everywhere, and traveling will become second nature to him.
Hyatt Place is also a great option as they always have two queen beds and a sofa bed if you book that standard room category.
Congratulations Ben, I'm very happy for you! One thing that is really unique about this blog is getting to follow you and your families lives. I'm sure many readers feel the same, but it's been incredible viewing the blog from the early days, to reading about your wedding, and now your son. Congratulations again.
Congratulations to the three of you! I’m really curious about the story that led to this major event. After all, you’re not just a travel blogger, but a celebrity and a role model as well :-)
Welcome to the world, Miles! You ended up with an amazing pair of parents, I’m sure!
Hi Ben! First of all, I'm so stoked that you have a baby now aptly named Miles. You and Ford are going to be such great Dads, and this is clearly something you both have really wanted!!!
I am looking forward to how this will reshape blog content. I hope you'll be able to take a step back and focus on your family. Maybe this will be a cool opportunity to bring in some...
Hi Ben! First of all, I'm so stoked that you have a baby now aptly named Miles. You and Ford are going to be such great Dads, and this is clearly something you both have really wanted!!!
I am looking forward to how this will reshape blog content. I hope you'll be able to take a step back and focus on your family. Maybe this will be a cool opportunity to bring in some other writers to take some pressure off of you? Plus that way they may be able to take those weekend trips to Asia which may be off the table for you for awhile ;)
Either way, I'm so excited to follow your new travel journey, and many congratulations to you both.
Congrats! I found a list that says you can add him as an authorized user at 13 for American Express, and that Bank of America and Chase do not have a minimum age for an authorized user. You and Ford will have a blast! We spent the past year babysitting our new granddaughter and it was amazing! Kept her 24/7 for a week when her (single) Mom was on vacation- that is exhausting on a whole new level.
Mazel Tov Ben! Many, many congrats to you and Ford!
Fantastic! Congratulations.
Congratulations to you and your family. What wonderful news. I look forward to reading about the 3 intrepid travelers for years to come. I think that Miles picked some pretty cool dads ! Blessings to you all
Ben, congrats on a wonderful time of life. Traveling with a baby/small child works fine (just plan more), we did it for many years - they are now in their 20's and of course want to come on trips.....but us pay. LOL. Read your email every day, thanks for the bright light it brings. John, long time subscriber.
Congratulations and Best Wishes. Love his name!
Hope the new house is ready?
Enjoy every minute of parenthood and remember....they are angels with wings and will fly away at age 18. Many congratulations!! Parenthood adds another wonderful amazing part of yours and Ford's life
Congratulations to both you and Ford!
Congratulations! The greatest pleasure in my life is my family. You are about to experience a wonderful and fulfilling new venture.
My best to all.
So excited for you and as a future new parent (my husband and I are expecting our son in the next couple of weeks), I will be looking for all the tips you have for long haul travel (I am living in LA while my family is in France).
Get a Yoyo Plus. Air France edition.
Congrats on your new family member!
My question is will you Ben speak to him in German and Ford in English?
Congratulations! Haha, now the tables have turned and we all (parents) get to give *you* travel advice! Here are my tips from having an 11-month old:
1) Hotels with a kitchen (like Residence Inn) are lifesavers. Makes it easy to wash and boil bottles, warm up milk, or (When they start eating solid food) cook and prepare their food for them.
2) If you're in economy (I know, blasphemy!) pay for a seat for...
Congratulations! Haha, now the tables have turned and we all (parents) get to give *you* travel advice! Here are my tips from having an 11-month old:
1) Hotels with a kitchen (like Residence Inn) are lifesavers. Makes it easy to wash and boil bottles, warm up milk, or (When they start eating solid food) cook and prepare their food for them.
2) If you're in economy (I know, blasphemy!) pay for a seat for the baby. Don't plan on holding him in your lap as a lap infant. Having 3 seats means you can have a whole row, and the extra space is well worth the money as babies don't like sitting still. Also, that means you can put the car seat on the airline seat, which gives a comfy place for your baby to nap rather than you having to hold him the whole time.
3) Normally, you try to keep everything in your carryon and avoid checking luggage. With a baby, my advice is the opposite: anything you don't need for the flight itself, check it in. You'll have plenty to juggle on the flight itself, the least you need is to play sherpa with extra bags / weight that you don't need for the flight. Trust me, with the stroller, diapers, bottles, changes of clothes, toys, etc. etc. etc. (not to mention the baby himself!) your hands will be full even without the extra stuff!
4) Lounges are super-helpful mainly because everything is in one place. Bathrooms, food, drinks, everything is easy to get to. Once you've planted yourself, the last thing you'll want to do is strap the baby back in the stroller and lug everything around because the food court is on the other end of the terminal. Lounges are the answer to that problem.
And finally, relax and enjoy it. As one of my friends said about traveling with babies, even though they're not yet fully sentient, they're easily portable :-) And the memories you make, you will cherish for years to come (even the memories of changing a poop diaper in a cramped airline lavatory :-)
4) Respect lounge atmosphere. Lounge probably a great oasis like @Lune says. But lounge is also not a daycare center. Babies are welcome, irresponsible parents are not.
Congrats! So happy for you both, amazing news :)
Congratulations to you and your family! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
Congratulations! My wife and i took our 5 year-old daughter to Europe for the first time a few months ago. If not for COVID we would have done it several years prior. Every destination feels brand new again, because we get to watch her experience them for the first time. You'll love being a parent. Enjoy every minute.
Congratulations to both of you! This is wonderful news. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Congrats guys!!! So happy for you both!
Grats to your family. You need another countdown, when Miles will no longer be able to fly for free as a lap baby :(
Get the bugaboo butterfly! Goes right down the aisle of the airplane and even works on cobblestone!
Congrats!! I'm very happy for you & Ford on becoming dads and excited for any changes this will bring to your content. Miles is such a cutie already :)
Congratulations Ben and Ford! I love the baby’s name :)
Congrats Lucky!
Congratulations! When you travel with kids so often then have a solo trip thru the airport and plane you realize how much different and rewarding each of those experiences are
Congratulations to you and your family! May Ford and you enjoy every minute of your parenthood. Nong Miles, welcome to this world!
Congratulations you He looks like a First Class Flyer to me.
Seeing the picture of your baby with your mom nearly brought tears in my eyes. Congratulations!
Congrats! Business class seat will be a waste when the kid turns 2.
Congratulations to your growing family, Ben! My warmest wishes!
Congrats Ben!!!! What an amazing name! All the best! You are by FAR the best Points and Miles blog in the world
Congrats to you both! The name is absolutely perfect!
Congratulations Ben and Ford, I am very happy for you!
Alex (gay dad as well)
This warms my heart, congratulations to you both! You have a wonderful future in store as a family and I'm we will get to see some of it on here.
Congrats, Ben, Ford, and family!!
Congrats Ben and Ford! It’s been wonderful to see the well wishes from other readers (including other bloggers). I look forward to the evolution of your blog as Miles grows up. :)
Huge congrats Ben & Ford!
Single best tip is to start them early. We flew transatlantic with our son when he was 3 months old. Now he’s 3 years old and we recently flew from Europe to Singapore and Thailand. He just watched Paw Patrol, had dinner and slept almost the entire flight. Passengers behind us congratulated us after the flight, they thought they were in for 13 hours of mayhem.
You and Ford...
Huge congrats Ben & Ford!
Single best tip is to start them early. We flew transatlantic with our son when he was 3 months old. Now he’s 3 years old and we recently flew from Europe to Singapore and Thailand. He just watched Paw Patrol, had dinner and slept almost the entire flight. Passengers behind us congratulated us after the flight, they thought they were in for 13 hours of mayhem.
You and Ford are gonna be great dads and I’m excited to be able to follow your new adventures with your son!
Congrats again and keep up this wonderful blog!
Ben. You are now officially a lucky guy. Congratulations to you, Ford, and your mother.
Congratulations! Traveling with a child or infant isn't much more challenging than staying home with kids. Travel lightly and be flexible. I always said that I'd rather change diapers in France than at home!
Warmest congratulations, wishing you all the very best for the future.
MAZAL TOV!!! My husband and I are raising 3 year old twins. It’s an incredible awesome chapter!
Oh wow !! Congratulations
Huge congrats! We're about to have our first in October and are already considering a 1 month stint overseas during parental leave, so excited to learn from your success/mistakes!
Congrats!! That's exciting!! The bigger question is how is Winston taking to all of this? Don't forget about your 4-legged baby!
Congratulations, what a name!
Congratulations Ben!
Don't forget to add them as an authorized user once you get their social security card. Start building that credit now!
Congratulations to my favorite blogger!!
Congratulations, and welcome to the ridiculous world of international lap infant fares.
Surely one of the best blog posts you've written (and you've written some doozies).
Congratulations to you both.
Congrats Ben! Wishing your family only the best.
My son is now 18 months and he has already taken 17 flights (4 of them long hauls in business), and in two months we are heading to Asia and then to Africa in December. You can definitely keep travelling as much as you like until your soon has to go to school! And during the first two years he barely pays nothing!
Brilliant news, it’s chaotic while they are little but he’ll bring you so much joy. Congratulations to both of you.
Muchas felicidades! que gran bendicion
Congratulations, Ben. My three pieces of advice:
1.Avoid the F cabin as it’s not worth the dirty looks and aggravation from other passengers. J only until they are 7 or 8.
2. Yes, the worst years flying are from 2 until 4 or 5. Plane travel is hell then.
3. When carrying them on the train at T5 do not let them look over your shoulder at the emergency handle. I learned the hard way and this caused a temporary shut down of the trains there. Not fun!
I am sure that J will do fine, especially if they have their own seat, even as a baby. But there is no reason to shy away from F for the fear of "getting looks". Kids who fly frequently learn pretty quickly. I always remember the look on a Delta FA in international F when she had presented different apetizer options to 2 and 5 yeats old sisters sitting in the center row seats, and...
I am sure that J will do fine, especially if they have their own seat, even as a baby. But there is no reason to shy away from F for the fear of "getting looks". Kids who fly frequently learn pretty quickly. I always remember the look on a Delta FA in international F when she had presented different apetizer options to 2 and 5 yeats old sisters sitting in the center row seats, and they replied that they do not like to have anything except caviar and condiments. If three year olds can be taught to swim, speak several languages, eat with fork and knife and ride a bike, why would they not learn to sit down and enjoy the in-flight entertainment, when there is time for that?
Love to your family-children are a blessing. Things will change for sure and we will look forward to your slower travel.
Congratulations. Wonderful news. Love the smile on your mom’s face!
Felicidades! Our best wishes for all the new family.
Congratulations Ben! Wishing you both the very best and health and happiness for Miles!
Congratulations Ben and Ford! and to your Mom as well! Posts like these reminds me of why you're my favorite travel blogger. Posts like this reminds me of why you're my favorite travel blogger. We can get all these redemption information anywhere else but what sets you apart are these personal stories: your wedding with Ford, your mom's journey, and now this...it makes it feel like we're part of your family.
Thank you for sharing...
Congratulations Ben and Ford! and to your Mom as well! Posts like these reminds me of why you're my favorite travel blogger. Posts like this reminds me of why you're my favorite travel blogger. We can get all these redemption information anywhere else but what sets you apart are these personal stories: your wedding with Ford, your mom's journey, and now this...it makes it feel like we're part of your family.
Thank you for sharing and I am so excited about the new type of content you'll bring.
All of the congrats in the world to this sweet family of three. So many miles coming your way, Miles.
Very excited for y’all
Mazel tov
Such wonderful news! Great name for a handsome baby boy! And congratulations to both of you!
My husband and I have a 20 month old son. We only traveled with him as a lap infant once, and vowed never to do it again. He's just too fidgety. Car seat it is, and honestly it makes things so much easier as you can snag a whole economy row (3-3) to yourself and not have to worry about other people. Good luck (and hopefully you'll be able to get some sleep soon)!
I’m so happy for you and Ford! Congratulations. I have been away too long. Glad to be back and see this timely
Post !
Congrats guys!!!
Amazing & congratulations! Looking forward to you keeping an eye on how your approach changes.
Congratulations, time goes quick. Enjoy. Your traveling will be different, but rewarding in a different way.
Congratulations! Very exciting to read that Ford and you are both dads now, super happy for you :)
Ah!! I am so happy for your two! He is adorable!! You’re going to have to become bff’s with Mommy Points :D
Travelling with infants is easy. It gets harder on the plane when they’re mobile, but, train them young. My COVID baby didn’t travel much and is a terrible traveller (the kind that ruins even a 60 min flight) whereas my oldest did 75k miles in her first year alone and is a...
Ah!! I am so happy for your two! He is adorable!! You’re going to have to become bff’s with Mommy Points :D
Travelling with infants is easy. It gets harder on the plane when they’re mobile, but, train them young. My COVID baby didn’t travel much and is a terrible traveller (the kind that ruins even a 60 min flight) whereas my oldest did 75k miles in her first year alone and is a fantastic traveller. Also, babies don’t need to pack as much as social media tells us they do. They’re simple creatures.
Anyways, that’s my advice for you that you didn’t ask for :)
Yea, so happy for both of you and grandma
Congratulations to you and Ford! Funny enough I have always wondered what your travel reviews would be like if you had kids, so excited to read about your future luxury travel with a child. Up until COVID my four year old was flying every couple of months from the time she was six months old, and became a pro. Best advice is bring extra clothes for baby, and you. Never know when you will need them.
Congratulations to all of you
I am so happy for you and Ford! Very exciting news and cannot wait for the minor pivot your blog will take towards traveling with a child. Love that his name is Miles too!!!
Congratulations to you both!
So beautiful to see/read
Travel won’t ever be the same, but in many ways it’ll be better!
The oldest Doubt child is 20 and has been to 51 countries!
Ben, congrats to you and your family! I am so happy and excited for you all. This post brought tears to my eyes and the smile on your Mom's face is heartwarming.
Mazal Tov (Congrats), guys!
Traveling with an infant is actually way easier than with a toddler or child. The reason: They can go anywhere and do anything while they just sleep and drink (a bottle). I went to South Africa on Safari with a 4 month old in Emirates First, Qatar Business, Etihad First and American First and it was a piece of cake. With a toddler (ie, when they start wanting to walk), it's...
Mazal Tov (Congrats), guys!
Traveling with an infant is actually way easier than with a toddler or child. The reason: They can go anywhere and do anything while they just sleep and drink (a bottle). I went to South Africa on Safari with a 4 month old in Emirates First, Qatar Business, Etihad First and American First and it was a piece of cake. With a toddler (ie, when they start wanting to walk), it's a completely different story. I'd go wherever you want for the next few months then settle down until they're older
Just nonchalantly slotted after an AAdmirals Club post… congratulations you two!
Congrats! And what a great name! Been traveling with the kids since 2 months old, just nice and short trips initially. First longhaul at 8 months (C-class longhaul LX+SQ via BMI Diamond Club, boy do I miss that), that was more challenging due to sleep patterns but it gets better and better as long as we have planned it well, with food, drinks and entertainment. It really comes down to the parents in my opinion. Enjoy!
Congratulations to you!
May Miles earn lots of them and you witness many of his accomplishments!
Wow... congratulations, Ben! I didn't realize how much I still subconsciously thought of you as "lucky9876coins the teenage travel blogger" until now. Not anymore! Wish you, Ford and Miles all the best in the world!
Can you share more about the adoption process?
Couldn’t have chosen a better name for the son of a travel blogger!
Many Congratulations. Remember, the days may feel long, especially in the early days, but the years will be short. Savor every moment with him!
Congratulations! Miles is in good hands.
Congratulations Ben! I hope your mother gets to spend many, many more happy times with young Miles. Family is everything.
Maybe a new direction for the blog now?
While 18 years from now the "Miles" might have his own card, I'm more interested in 2 things. How many days old will he be an authorized user and start building is credit profile. And after 13, will he inherit his grandfather's Amex 'member since'. That's like -30 years?
Amex doesn't do that anymore and Member Since doesn't matter since they no longer backdate new accounts on credit reports.
Member Since will become even less relevant in the coming decades, probably only an internal metric for Amex. It's no longer displayed prominently when logging in. Mobile wallets also don't show your Member Since.
Do you plan on raising him in Florida? Or will you pass onto him your German citizenship and move there instead?
In any case, congraturitos!
Congratulations, guys! So happy for you all and for the new perspectives parenthood will bring on life's journeys that we know you'll share with us!
Congratulations! What a wonderful addition to your family.
Looking forward to hearing everyone else’s tips about traveling with babies/toddlers as I’m currently in the same situation.
Congrats from another gay dad (of young twins) here! Parenthood will be full of unexpected surprises in the best way possible - you will learn more about yourself (and your partner) than you could imagine. Mazel tov!
Travel advice: travel as much as you can before school starts - it's so much worse being constrained to set vacation schedules than to deal with extra luggage. :)
Congratulations! I look forward to Miles' first time redeeming miles to fly an A380~~~~~~
Congratulations, Ben!
Congratulations, Ben! What an amazing life update and a special one at that. Parenthood is a treasure! Best wishes to you, Ford and Miles!
Hi Ben. Congrats and all the best. We became gay dads to a pair of twins 4 yrs ago and traveling (when we travel, how we travel, how often we travel, also where we travel, and where we stay) has changed for us from many perspectives including gay parenting. And your story struck another similar chord - my mother too had cancer but she fought hard long enough to be able to hold with the twins! Its the best story of my life. Sending you all love.
What a beautiful surprise! Congratulations! I bet those little perles of black caviar will be savored in his little mouth!
Congratulations! Just had our second baby via surrogacy- just me and her did Lufthansa with a Frankfurt transit back to Daddy 2 and her brother - quite an experience I can tell you!! My main tips are 1) really try to question everything you are carrying- much easier with less. 2) don't worry, take your time, especially at security etc. everyone is very helpful to anyone travelling with an infant in my experience so far....
Congratulations! Just had our second baby via surrogacy- just me and her did Lufthansa with a Frankfurt transit back to Daddy 2 and her brother - quite an experience I can tell you!! My main tips are 1) really try to question everything you are carrying- much easier with less. 2) don't worry, take your time, especially at security etc. everyone is very helpful to anyone travelling with an infant in my experience so far. 3) get a babyzen yoyo2 for travelling. Folds up and goes in the overhead locker. God send !
Enjoy it, they grow up fast
Congrats Ben & Ford. FWIW, we started intercontinental travel with our little one when he was 7 months old and never looked back. Two tips:
* Aeroplan will quickly become your favorite redemption partner.
* Get a good travel insurance plan with a dedicated helpline that will organize medical care for you.
FYI, I’ve used the Chase Sapphire Reserve’s travel insurance to be reimbursed many times for various injuries and ailments for my kids and it’s always been a relative breeze (especially compared to trying to get reimbursed for regular ol’ medical care from crappy Aetna).
Congrats sir. Saturday will be my two-year old daughter's 91st flight. I promise it's a lot easier than you think, especially in the beginning.
Congratulations! I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for over 7 years now, and it’s been incredible to read about how your life has changed over time.
Plus if Miles ever wants to write some guest posts when he gets older, he could call them “Miles with Miles” ;)
We have a 19 month old. Letting her watch Cocomelon on the iPad on flights has been a lifesaver. Also, if you board early, don’t strap them into the car seat until the last second.
Cocomelon is a stronger drug than Ambien
Congrats Ben and Ford! You definitely picked a great name for your son!
Wow, congratulations! Quite the life update :) . All the best to all of you and good luck in your new parenthood adventure!
Congratulations on becoming a Dad, that's going to be the trip of a lifetime!
Congrats Ben and Ford! Very happy for you.
First of all, congrats!
Second of all, don't be scared to travel with kids. It's not nearly as hard as lots of people say. We have three (youngest is less than a year) and went to Europe twice this year, as nonrevs no less. You just have to plan carefully, be flexible, and pack appropriately. Also, you don't need half the baby stuff you think you do (which is true in nontravel as well as in travel life). Good luck!
So happy your mom got to meet Miles! What exciting news. If you need a first class/biz class correspondent holla!
congratulations from the entire BoardingArea family of blogs/bloggers—mine included. amazing news and no doubt as you mention, it will shape your view and experiences of travel for many years to come. please let miles know that we'll leave the light on for him to start penning his own blog here on BoardingArea when he's ready. we'll reserve the blog name, "Growing Up Miles" just for him. #allgreat
Congratulations, Ben and Ford! And welcome to the world, Miles. Travelling with an infant will make you fall in love with the bar / social space on Emirates A380 all over again - having somewhere they can walk around is a game changer :-)
Mazel tov! I insist on a picture of Winston greeting the new family member.
Congratulations! My wife and I recently welcomed our first child into the world back in April and are currently on a multi week trip across France. Don’t let others tell you that you can’t do it with a child. Yes you need to modify but totally doable.
Congrats! I would say that was true for us, until they could walk traveling was still pretty easy. And then once they were old enough to be distracted by something (book/toy/iPad) on a plane, when they were in the 2-3 range, it was easier again.
Congrats Ben! Such an exciting development!
Congratulations! Miles is the perfect name for your son.
congrats ben!!
Congratulations! Welcome to the other side of the hobby, where you look for the best Homewood Suites and Residence Inn properties you can find.
Huge congrats Ben and Ford!
Congratulations Ben, I am so happy for your family. I am a relatively new father as well and while traveling is not quite the same, it's a new kind of adventure!
Congrats, Ben
Congrats to the Dads and a happy future for the little family. Friends of mine travelled from Germany to and within Thailand with their 2-year old (in Thai Biz class). So longer flights will be no problem having checked the little one on a shorter flight.
Congratulations Ben and Ford to your little family!!!!
I wish you all the very best - and of course I am looking forward to reading some „traveling with kids“ articles on your blog ;-)
Tip: Aeroplan has one of, if not, the best infant lap policies
Wow this is amazing news, congrats to you, Ford and your family!
Great name too! My nephew is named Miles as well!
Wow, congratulations Ben, I wish you and your family (including the newest member) all the best.
Thank you very much for sharing this with us.
Looking forward to hear about the next chapter in your life.
Congrats to you all, and look at your mum's face! That says it all.
Congratulations this is amazing. Wishing the new family all the best. Miles how cute is this fella, there must be a a new tier for cuteness.
Ben, Ford, and Grandma!! Major congrats to all 3 of you. And to see the joy emanating from Grandma's face is truly your 2nd blessing!!! And naming him "Miles" is so cute, maybe he'll thank you by being a world traveller too. Thanks for sharing this with your points and miles family.
Congratulations! So happy for you guys.