While this video is from back in January, it’s only being picked up by the media now, and it’s too cute (and creative) not to share. ABC Action News has the story of a woman who was flying from Tampa to Chicago with her husband in January. The day before the trip she found out she was pregnant, but wasn’t completely sure. Then early on the morning of her trip she took another pregnancy test, which had positive results twice.
That’s when she came up with this creative way to tell her husband that she was pregnant. When she got to the airport she scribbled a note while her husband was getting coffee, and then she boarded right behind him and handed the below note to the crew:

They were good sports about it, and a bit later the captain made the announcement, while she filmed her husband’s reaction. Here’s that video:
What a cute way to reveal a pregnancy!
I'm surprised nobody has commented that the guy clearly doesn't want the child. I don't think that is the reaction the wife was looking for.
I think a bday announcement is a very radically different level of personal information to be sharing. Much like an engagement, a birthday is is a typically public event, and I wouldn’t feel it’s too personal to be sharing the information with strangers.
Telling your partner that you are pregnant is a completely different level, I have literally never heard anyone announce this in public (remember she was informing her partner for the...
I think a bday announcement is a very radically different level of personal information to be sharing. Much like an engagement, a birthday is is a typically public event, and I wouldn’t feel it’s too personal to be sharing the information with strangers.
Telling your partner that you are pregnant is a completely different level, I have literally never heard anyone announce this in public (remember she was informing her partner for the first time, this is very different even from a couple together informing their friends or family about the news). This is an intensely personal event. I do think it crosses a huge line to impose this event “live” on strangers in a captive environment like a plane. It’s not about feeling happy for them or not, it’s about where we draw the line in basic public etiquette. I am genuinely surprised more people can’t see this.
The ladies get clever. Tell him on an airborne aircraft. No way he can get out of it by "picking up a pack of smokes"
What a great time to share the news - just when they have several hours of alone time to talk about it and plan ahead. I think the timing was perfect. As for everyone else - I think this is a lovely way to start a flight and, if it were me, I'd feel good about hearing it before takeoff as it would ease my typical pre-flight jitters.
Joey there is such a thing as TMI.
Thats all fine and good. But do you feel the same way when a birthday announcement is made in the office of a colleague you don't really work with. A b'day announcement at the table next to you in the restaurant. Does something like this really need a rule or policy rather than leave it up to the discretion of capable adults?
At what point in life do you reach where something so...
Thats all fine and good. But do you feel the same way when a birthday announcement is made in the office of a colleague you don't really work with. A b'day announcement at the table next to you in the restaurant. Does something like this really need a rule or policy rather than leave it up to the discretion of capable adults?
At what point in life do you reach where something so innocuous as this causes you to feel inconvenienced, disturbed or bothered?
Is that really how one wants to go through life where they can no longer feel happy for a random human being they don't know unless there is something in it for them? Just be happy for them. You don't have to congratulate them or clap or even smile. You can just let it be. It won't cost you much.
HAHA he had the same reaction Ross did in FRIENDS...
"what?'..... *blank stares*
so awesome.
The guy expressed an opinion that differs from most. Maybe his language was a bit rough. That is hardly trolling and certainly not grounds for expelling him.
Sorry but this seems like quite a big overshare to all the other passengers. And it puts the husband in a pretty awkward position right?
On the surface it might seem cute but a line does need to be drawn somewhere about sharing with random people (or forcing them to listen/react to your news in a highly contained crowded space) and I don’t think you have be negative, or mean, to think that.
@Lucky - Just wondering, can you (or have you) banned people before? If so, how does it work?
Lucky quickly bans all those that don't agree with him lol
This verbal diarrhea is the reason why America needs a cull. You people have become just a laughing stock throughout the world. I remember I met a normal American person once but sadly it was just a freak occurrence.
I am expressing my opinion. There is nothing trolling in that. You clearly are bunch of assholes that think everyone should kiss your ass and agree with you.
There is vpn.
2nd on removing debit
@Quest Bohman Fanning - thanks!!
Who cares? Mind your own business
@Anil mute is the default but it can be unmuted.
I am in favor of keeping Debit here. S/He clearly gets off on making people annoyed but if her/his reactions are so predictable that you can just laugh it off.
Yes, change your name back to Credit. (C'mon Lucky, how long do we have to wait till you throw him off?)
@Debit - Only if your hamster is Pebbles, the one Spirit Airlines caused to be flushed down a toilet
its so beautiful - I wish it had sound so i could hear the announcement!
It's pretty obvious that he doesn't want the child.
Hope the wife is happy being a single mom.
@debit I think the reason you are so unhappy in life because of your name Debit. Change your name to Credit and things will be much more brighter. Life has so much sorrow. It is nice to see / experience happyness of others once a while.
Typical American show smh.
Plot twist: The husband is sterilized.
You said you were on pill! What the...
It could only happen in America
Well someone woke up on the wrong side of their bed today.
* and they didn't.
Would it be discrimination if I asked them to talk about my pet hamsters diarrehea ?
Either do it for all do it for none. It's a slippery slope. Why are theother passengers subjected to this personal BS?