Change In Plans: I’m Flying Back To The US After 15 Hours In Fiji

Change In Plans: I’m Flying Back To The US After 15 Hours In Fiji


I’m used to taking crazy quick trips, though usually that’s by design. Well, this trip ranks up there on the list of crazy trips, though unfortunately quite unintentionally.

I just wrapped up my first day in Fiji, and was supposed to spend two more days here before continuing to Auckland on Fiji Airways, and then returning to Los Angeles on Air Tahiti Nui via Tahiti.

In the back of my mind I always think about how long it would take me to get back to the US if there were an emergency. Well, that has finally happened, and I think I realized I’m in one of the tougher places for getting back to the US on a moment’s notice.

Unfortunately something horrible happened, so I’m headed back to the US right away. Usually I can use miles & points to figure out a creative routing home, even when time is of the essence.

In Fiji there’s exactly one daily flight to the US mainland, and that’s the flight to Los Angeles on Fiji Airways. There was no award space on the flight, so I booked a last minute ticket just three hours before departure. An economy ticket would have been ~$1,300, while a business class ticket was ~$2,000, so I sprung for business class.

I enjoyed my 15 hours in Fiji immensely, and look forward to returning. In the meantime, I’m likely one of the few people to have traveled from Los Angeles to Fiji and then back to Los Angeles the same day.


I apologize in advance if posts are more limited than usual over the next few days.

Conversations (163)
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  1. yreal Guest

    good luck with whatever is up.

  2. Randy Diamond

    Condolences to you and Ford's family on the passing of his step-father, Tom Cullen.

  3. Sheryl Guest

    Unexpected life changing painful emergencies ground us to a halt. Take this time for you. I am really happy you were able to get a flight so quickly...and we will all be waiting for you, when you are ready to reamerge.x

  4. Douglas Brown Guest

    We are all thinking about how much you mean to us, and wing our positive thoughts to you!

  5. Bill New Member

    Hi Ben, I hope everything is alright, stay strong!!

  6. Rose W Guest

    You got us curious now about what happened but it doesn't seem good. I'm sorry!
    hang n' there! one breath at' time!
    wishing the best outcome possible.

  7. OK216 Guest

    So sorry to hear this. All the best to you.

  8. Davin New Member

    I hope everything is ok. Focus on your friends and family. Sending best wishes.

  9. Jill Guest

    Oh no :( I hope all works out in the end. I'm so sorry to hear that there was an emgerency.

  10. Mariah Guest

    Ben, I have been reading your blog since you were in college. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Take the time you need away from the blog until things get more normal.

  11. Justin Guest

    Hope everything turns out well for you

  12. Christy Guest

    Gracious so sorry for your troubles! Thoughts and prayers are with you!

  13. Christine Hall New Member

    Thinking of you, Ben, and praying for you and those you love.

  14. Scott Gold

    I know how you must feel. Years ago I got terrible news while in Bonnaire. If it is family related, one could move mountains to get home quickly. Positive thoughts for you :)

  15. Savannah Guest

    Oh, I forgot to mention...


  16. Savannah Guest

    My thoughts are with you Lucky. I hope that you get through this and everything is ok. I have been reading this blog for about a year and your writing has helped me through some of the most challenging situations I have experienced. I am a total aviation nut (not really miles and points, but lots of other things) and I enjoy reading your posts. It's like my therapy. When I'm down, I'll read a...

    My thoughts are with you Lucky. I hope that you get through this and everything is ok. I have been reading this blog for about a year and your writing has helped me through some of the most challenging situations I have experienced. I am a total aviation nut (not really miles and points, but lots of other things) and I enjoy reading your posts. It's like my therapy. When I'm down, I'll read a good ol' EY or EK review, and it will immediately soothe my feelings. So I just wanted to say thank you for how you've helped me become a happier human being. Once again, I do hope you get through this issue, and I give you hugs!!

  17. Rajwinder Singh Guest

    My wishes with u Ben,
    I Pray everything works out fine for you.

    Take Care

  18. Dee New Member

    Hope that whatever emergency it is, that you will get through it and that everything is okay. Your readers are rooting for you and keeping you and your family in our prayers.

  19. Mindy Guest

    I'm so sorry that you're going through a difficult time. I hope everything turns out well for you.

  20. Thomas_888 Member

    Alles Gute. Hoffe, du kommst noch rechtzeitig nach Hause!

  21. Michael Guest

    Sorry to hear this Ben. Wishing you and yours all the best.

  22. Dani Member

    Hope everything is well Lucky. Travel safe.

  23. Phil Guest

    Best wishes, hope things turn out ok.

  24. Alex v E Guest

    Good vibes coming your way Ben

  25. avi Member

    Wishing you good thoughts for you and your family!

  26. Susan Guest

    Ben - I hope that the emergency resolves itself shortly.

    I'm so happy that you were able to get on that flight, and didn't have to wait another 24 hours.

  27. Fester New Member

    Ben, my thoughts are with you. Hope everything is or turns out okay.

    Glad you were able to get a flight out. Two grand in Biz is not bad last minute.

    What a bummer on your AA flight out of LAX. The Lucky side is that now you don't have that 3 hour drive.

  28. AndyNYC Guest

    I hope that everything will be all right.

  29. Claus Guest

    All the best for you, Ben! Very sorry to hear that and hope it will turn out well.

  30. Ada Guest

    Hope all's fine. Stay positive! Best of luck!

  31. Greg Guest

    Sorry to hear about your emergency. Hope everything is ok.

  32. Huberal Guest

    Positive thoughts your way Ben!

  33. Nick New Member

    I am praying for Ford and his family. You are a good BF

  34. Quest Fanning Member

    I wish you peace, strength and safe travels as you deal with the crisis.

  35. Constantine Dmitriev New Member

    Sorry to hear that, Lucky. The best of luck.

  36. Kathy New Member

    Lucky, I think I've posted exactly once but read your blog every day. I had to post when I read this to let you know our thoughts and prayers are with you. Hope everything turns out okay.

  37. Ulf New Member

    Best wishes and take. As we Germans say : ich drücke die Daumen

  38. mkm4 Guest

    Hope everything is ok Ben. Travel safe.

  39. Chris Guest

    Good luck and hoping that everything turns out okay...

  40. Sally Guest

    Best wishes! Hope everything's fine!

  41. ExLA Guest

    safe travels and I hope everything works out OK

  42. Pepe New Member

    Have a safe trip back and I hope your emergency ends well. All the best.

  43. u600213 Member

    Sorry for your horrible thing. Best wishes.

  44. b Guest

    Sorry to hear about this and I hope everything works out. Please don't forget that this situation takes priority over cranking out posts on your blog.

  45. François Member

    Wishing you the best, Ben!

  46. JMT Guest

    So very sorry! Take good care and thanks for all your great work.

  47. Ian New Member

    Hope all is well and not too serious. I enjoy your posts and they have helped me.

  48. Tom Guest

    Sorry to learn of an emergency that forced a sudden trip home. Best of luck and you are in my prayers.

  49. Brizone Diamond

    Be well, we all hope you and your family are ok!

  50. Lucas New Member

    Sorry to hear Ben. Hope all is well/gets better. Hugs, prayers, whatever you need.

  51. Aaron Guest

    Hope everything resolves for the best.

  52. Jana Miller Guest

    family/friends matter most. Thanks for all you do.

  53. puckjeff Member

    I hope things turn out to be better than you expect. Leave the blog alone for now. Family and friends come first. Your loyal readers will all still be here when you return. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way.

  54. Fredd Member

    So sorry to read your message. We send our thoughts and, as others have already written, we'll be waiting for you when you return.

  55. alastairdeacon Guest

    Prayers and good thoughts sent your way. I hope your troubles quickly resolve. All the best, Mary

  56. Leigh Guest

    Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way.

  57. Twist Guest

    Best wishes to you and yours.

  58. Daniel Guest

    Prayers from me and mine going out to you and yours. Travel safe.

  59. LaFamily2011 Guest

    Ben/Lucky... We are your loyal readers, discovering your blog a few years back. You passion has inspired me so much to plan travelling with miles & points and we are currently on our first family mini-RTW trip from North America to Australia. Yes, it finally happens!

    Thank you & best wishes to you Ben. You will be on our daily thoughts!

  60. Huff Daland Guest

    Best wishes for a safe return, Ben.

  61. Bruce Stewart Guest

    Praying everything will be ok.

  62. Martina Guest

    I hope that what ever happened, can be remedied. All the best to you.

  63. Zack Member

    Sorry to hear ben hope all turns out well.
    Thanks for the update in the post.
    Well wishes.

  64. david koskoff Guest

    You should be known as Un-lucky!

  65. R B Guest

    Safe travels, and hope your personal issues get resolved.

  66. Todd Guest

    Hope all is well Lucky with you, your family and your loved ones. Best wishes.

  67. lucky OMAAT

    Thanks so much, guys. The kind words really mean a lot. There are a lot of good people out there on the internet!

  68. Anne Member

    Thoughts and prayers travel with you!

  69. Mds New Member

    My one big concern when I travel is that an emergency arises and I need to get home ASAP. You have a great blog, but the blog can take a rest. I hope that every thing is OK.

  70. Russ New Member

    Best wishes to all involved.

  71. Walter Guest

    All the best, Ben. Know many of us will be willing to help if we can. Hope it all turns out fine.

  72. Bev Guest

    Only one asshole comment so far, not a bad hit rate I guess.

    Hope all goes well for you Ben.

  73. Hilde Guest

    Best wishes to you and your family during these difficult times!
    Safe travels, hope everything goes well!

  74. Carl Gold

    Really nice reading all of the comments here. You've got some great readers, Ben. Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  75. John P New Member

    Take care of yourself and your personal affairs, Best of Luck!

  76. Ed Diamond

    Focus on the important stuff. Hope everything works out for the best.

  77. Niraj Kulshreshtha Guest

    Hi Ben,

    Sorry to hear this. Hope everything works out OK. Best of luck!!!

  78. Ken Y. Guest

    Oh no! What will the readers do if you stop hawking credit cards for "a few days?" We are devoted to helping your amass your fortune from credit card app referral income.

  79. 2paxfly Member

    My best thoughts are with you, and I wish you all the strength and compassion required to deal with the challenges ahead. Don't worry about us. We'll still be here when you choose to return.

  80. El Plauzo Guest

    All the best to you and your loved ones.

  81. Supro New Member

    Good wishes for everything to turn out well, Ben.

  82. MEOW Guest

    Thinking positive thoughts for you Lucky! Love you!

  83. habanero Guest

    Wishing you and yours all the best, and safe travels.

  84. GayleT Guest

    Prayers and best wishes for you and yours, Lucky.

  85. Job Guest

    Hope everything is okay! Take good care of yourself and take some time off if need be. My thoughts and prayers go out to you!

  86. Greg Guest

    Sending positive for you, the situation, and all those involved

  87. AM Guest

    Hope everything is okay Lucky. Best wishes.

  88. Carlos R New Member

    Good luck and best wishes Ben!

  89. Micah B. Guest

    Hoping for the best for you and your loved ones! Take as much time as you need!

  90. marian Guest

    best wishes to everyone concerned.
    peace and calm to you and your family.

  91. HKGBOS Guest

    Wishing you the best Ben!

  92. Nate New Member

    Sorry for your troubles, Lucky.

  93. Peter Gadd Guest

    Hoping all will be well with you and those you love.

  94. William Member

    Hope everything turns out okay Ben! Thoughts and prayers to you and your family!

  95. Marie Guest

    Oh no! Prayers going out that everything works out for you. Let us readers know if there is anything we can to to help. You have a lot of loyal fans rooting for you.

  96. Craig Guest

    So sorry to hear of this. Hope it works out well.

  97. mangoceviche Member

    I hope whatever happened turns out okay.

  98. Daniel B Gold

    I am very sorry to hear this. I wish whatever the emergency was, it turns out OK.

  99. Apu Member

    Feel so sorry about it Ben, hope it all ends alright.
    Sending prayers your way!

  100. @mrsoaroundworld Guest

    I hope you make it in time. My father passed away recently and luckily I had landed in london that morning from NYC, so I was able to go on the first flight to Lisbon in the morning. Everything happens 'for us' in 18-36 hours and for the past 6 months, every time I got on a plane, I always did the math. I was grateful I was home and be there for everyone. Hope nothing as bad happened to you.

  101. Craig U New Member

    Wishing you and family/friends well!

  102. takke Guest

    Thoughts with you, Ben. Take as much time as you need.
    Hope things turn out well.

  103. Dan Palangio Guest

    Your family and you are in our prayers and thoughts.

  104. Andrew Guest

    No need to apologize. Hope you get home quickly and safely. Our thoughts are with you.

  105. Frederick Nawrot Guest

    Don't Worry about us Ben. We understand. I can write posts if you want. Anything to help!

  106. Billy Member

    Sorry about the horrible news but you are doing the right thing being with your loved ones!!

  107. David B Guest

    So sorry to hear about whatever it is that happened. This type of thing always concerns me some when we leave for an extended trip. Hope things turn out as best they can.

  108. Yiukigo Guest

    Hope everything is OK.

  109. H.T Guest

    Hope all turns out for the better and soon.

  110. TravelinWilly Diamond

    Oh, no! I really hope the horrible news isn't *that* horrible, but thoughts are with you.

    Don't worry about the blog - you have some great guest authors who many of us enjoy reading (sorry, haters), and "real life" simply has to come first.

    Good luck and as you take care of things, don't forget to take care of YOU.

  111. MW Guest

    Sorry to hear the bad news Ben, I hope everything works out.

  112. Melissa Guest

    Hey Ben! You're in my families thoughts and prayers!

  113. Greg Guest

    Ben, very sorry to hear. Thoughts, prayers, and best wishes to you and yours. Your fans are thinking of you.

  114. Keith Guest

    I'm glad you were able to get a quick return. Safe travels to my favorite blogger.

  115. Eli Guest

    Sorry to hear. Best of luck

  116. Santastico Diamond

    Hope everything is OK. Family/friends come first.

  117. Chris Guest

    Good luck Ben. As the nickname implies, I hope you and those impacted come out lucky on this one.

  118. Janos Guest

    Focus on yourself and your family / friends now.

  119. Ali Guest

    Wish you all the best :)

  120. Joe Member

    Best wishes for you Ben. Hope you are able to manage through whatever the situation is.

  121. Tommy L New Member

    Hope all is alright, Ben. I know nothing is more stressful than hearing bad news when away from family.

  122. JoshR Member

    Wishing you clarity, peace and calm in your current situation. I hope you and everyone else is dealing with the situation as best as can be expected given the circumstances.

  123. tisha Guest

    Hope everything is okay Ben... have a safe flight back!

  124. David H Guest

    Oh no! I hope everything turns out okay. Love and prayers and good energy with hopes that whatever it is, is resolved quickly!

  125. Andrew Guest

    My prayers and thoughts are with you, your family, and friends. I hope everything is OK in the end.

  126. Mike Guest

    Hope all is well Lucky.

  127. Donna Diamond

    I hope you can find some comfort from your friends and family at this time. Don't worry about us. -we'll be here when you come back. Take care.

  128. Jeff Guest

    Always one of my worst fears that something horrible happens back home when I'm on the road working or traveling for fun. Had that happen two months ago. The flight home was awful. My best to you and your family.

  129. Kath Guest

    Ben, our prayers are with you. Guessing sucks! Hope Tiffany, your family, everyone is or will be ok.

  130. Sharon Guest

    I hope everything is ok. Safe travels Ben

  131. Willem Member

    I'm sorry to hear that Lucky! Hope everything goes all right for you over the next few days

  132. Carey Guest

    Take care and godspeed

  133. Kevin Guest

    Prayers are with you. Take time off; your readership understands and wants you to be there for family and friends.

  134. Greg Guest

    Take care if your personal business. Love the blog but it can wait.

  135. pavel Guest

    hope everything is ok. be safe

  136. jorge Guest

    Best of luck

    family & friends go first

  137. Al Member

    I hope everything is OK, in the meantime forget about us. No one doubts your dedication to this blog and no one will if you take a few days off. Please take as much time as you need and I hope everything turns out to be OK.

  138. Steve Guest

    Sorry to hear something bad came up. Best wishes from my wife and I to you and your family (assuming it's a family emergency)


  139. Justin New Member

    Safe travels, hope everything is ok.

  140. Nathalie Guest

    Take care Ben! Hope everything will be fine, fingers crossed!

  141. Nancy Guest

    Good wishes being sent your way. Hope everything is okay.

  142. TDL Guest

    Godspeed Lucky. Don't worry about us readers!

  143. entrada Guest

    I appreciate your blog so much. Hope the situation resolves favorably while you are in the air.

  144. Mo Guest

    Hope everything is OK. Just curious if you had any form of trip insurance for this?

  145. JT New Member

    Best wishes with your emergency. Glad that you were able to get back home as quickly as you were.

  146. Steve B Guest

    Prayers and good thoughts with you and your family/loved ones.

  147. Chico Guest

    best of luck with whatever has happened, Ben.

  148. Ram New Member

    Hope everything is fine with you Ben

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yreal Guest

good luck with whatever is up.

Randy Diamond

Condolences to you and Ford's family on the passing of his step-father, Tom Cullen.

Sheryl Guest

Unexpected life changing painful emergencies ground us to a halt. Take this time for you. I am really happy you were able to get a flight so quickly...and we will all be waiting for you, when you are ready to reamerge.x

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