Plot Twist: Non-Binary Virgin Atlantic Crew Puts Airline On Blast

Plot Twist: Non-Binary Virgin Atlantic Crew Puts Airline On Blast


This is quite a plot twist. A few days ago Virgin Atlantic was in the news for updating its gender identity policy, giving employees the option to choose the uniform that best represents them. However, now the person who claims to be the main force behind this policy change is “exposing” the airline.

Virgin Atlantic “exposed” for “erasing” non-binary employee

A non-binary (now former) Virgin Atlantic cabin crew named Jaianni took to Facebook to share their disgust with Virgin Atlantic. Essentially Jaianni claims to be the person who pushed for this policy change at the airline, only to find that they were “erased” from the marketing campaign highlighting this policy change.

Let me try to sum up the Facebook post as concisely as possible, because it’s… a lot. Here we go:

  • Jaianni joined Virgin Atlantic as cabin crew in 2020, and started a conversation with the company about allowing more flexibility with uniforms; at the time, executives at the airline didn’t seem open to the idea
  • Jaianni was made redundant due to the pandemic within weeks of joining the company and that “absolutely destroyed” them, but then returned to the company in 2021, which they were “over the moon about”
  • Once back at the company, Jaianni restarted conversations about a more flexible dress code, and this time the company seemed more receptive; Jaianni was consulted during the process for months, and even gave talks on how the company can be more inclusive
  • Jaianni claims they were “the person to start this huge change,” and then after months it was confirmed there would be an ad campaign, and they were told that they “would be a major part of this campaign, as [they] had started the whole process off”
  • The commercial was filmed over a 12+ hour day, and those that worked for the airline got “offered a stupid payment of 150 pound when the Influencers get paid over 1k minimum”
  • Jaianni’s problem is that they “started this whole process for a company to take [their] idea and CAPITALISE on it when they don’t actually authentically care about there (sic) staff and [their] background of what non binary means”
  • Long story short, they spent all day filming, and Jaianni was featured as “a massive part” of the campaign during that time; however, when the ad campaign came out, Jaianni wasn’t featured in any way
  • Jaianni feels they were used “as a show pony for the company” and that the company was “not even recognising [them] or even worse [their] trauma and hurt from [their] Entire life which led to [them] fighting for this change”
  • Jaianni feels they were “ERASED from the commercial”

Jaianni finishes the Facebook post with the following:

“YOU ERASED ALL MY HARD WORK THAT I PUT IN FOR YOU TO GAIN ON YOUR CAPITALISM. YOU DO NOT GET TO DISREGARD WHO I AM, I AM A HUMAN BEING, I FOUGHT FOR THIS CHANGE, I DEVOTED MY TIME AT THE COMPANY FOR THIS CHANGE, I FOUGHT FOR AN EASIER LIFE FOR MY YOUNGER BROTHERS AND SISTERS. YOU HAVE BROKEN ME AND DAMAGED ME MORE THAN YOU EVEN KNOW AND NOBODY GETS TO DO THAT. This is my life and my communities life’s, let’s not forget though you’ll never take away the fact I was the one to start this change and there will always be evidence and proof of that won’t there? Yes is the answer to that if you was wondering. THIS IS BECAUSE OF ME, THIS WAS MY FIGHT, THIS IS MY SUCCESS.”

While the exact details surrounding Jaianni’s resignation aren’t known, it would appear that they no longer work for Virgin Atlantic.

For context, here’s the 30-second ad from Virgin Atlantic:

My take on this Virgin Atlantic situation

First of all, it’s important to acknowledge that Jaianni obviously feels very hurt, and that’s clear in the writing. That’s something most of us probably won’t be able to fully relate to. Nobody wants to feel erased or forgotten, and that’s especially true of someone belonging to a marginalized community.

That being said, I can’t help but feel like the German phrase “Das Gegenteil von gut ist nicht böse, sondern gut gemeint” applies here (it roughly translates “the opposite of good isn’t bad, but rather well intentioned”). Why?

  • While it’s entirely possible that Jaianni was the one who championed non-binary issues at the airline (we don’t know how many others may have expressed similar concerns), Virgin Atlantic has been progressive with LGBTQ+ issues since long before 2020
  • I can understand that Jaianni feels frustrated about not being featured in the ad, though unfortunately this is all too often the reality of these kinds of projects; they film for 12 hours, and then have to condense it down to 30 seconds
  • Shouldn’t a non-binary person be happy that Virgin Atlantic is trying to “capitalize” on championing progressive policies for non-binary employees? Because the alternative would be not doing that…
  • Even if Jaianni wasn’t featured in the ad, surely they can appreciate that Virgin Atlantic did highlight many non-binary employees, which is something that very few airlines are doing; that kind of visibility should be good for the community

I get Jaianni’s frustration. Maybe Virgin Atlantic should have communicated more proactively about Jaianni not being featured in the ad, so that it didn’t come as such a surprise when it was released. That’s especially true if it was promised that they’d be a major part of it. But I still find the concept of “exposing” Virgin Atlantic here to be a bit much, for what should ultimately amount to great progress for the non-binary community.

Bottom line

A (now former) Virgin Atlantic cabin crew member who allegedly pushed the airline to introduce more progressive policies for non-binary employees is now “exposing” the airline, claiming that they were “erased,” and have never been so hurt in their life.

It sucks that this is how this situation unfolded, given that Virgin Atlantic is basically in a league of its own when it comes to how progressive it is.

What do you make of this former Virgin Atlantic cabin crew’s take?

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  1. Cathy Guest

    Another example of the utter self absorption of this generation. Now we’re letting go of basic grammar - “their” is plural. This guy is singular. God help us. And no, I’m not anti LGBT. I voted yes for gay marriage, yes for basic rights like health care, shared property, etc. This is total nonsense.

  2. Brian P Guest

    I just wish virgin would get back to being a commercial airline again, and not just a massive PR box ticking company.

  3. Craig K Guest

    I am Virgin crew and knew this individual who (re)started training in February.

    I will start by saying that these are my personal opinions only and none of this has been confirmed by VS or BA management.

    This individual used to fly for BA prior to VS and would make a big deal of telling the story of how he was pulled into an office at BA and told he didn't 'fit in there'....

    I am Virgin crew and knew this individual who (re)started training in February.

    I will start by saying that these are my personal opinions only and none of this has been confirmed by VS or BA management.

    This individual used to fly for BA prior to VS and would make a big deal of telling the story of how he was pulled into an office at BA and told he didn't 'fit in there'. As big and competitive as the airline industry is, crew bonds and quite close. Everyone at VS knows someone that flies for BA and vice versa. When I asked a quite senior friend that flies for BA about this story they confirmed it was absolute rubbish. That BA would be destroyed at an employee tribunal for sacking someone with gender identification issues and instead this individual went sick long term....until he obviously got the job with Virgin.

    At Virgin the individual immediately got the reputation of being cocky and difficult. And...being on sick leave constantly. VS obviously manage sickness and within a six month probationary period it just isn't a good idea to be off sick all the time.

    I don't know what the deal is now - whether they are still off sick or have left the company or haven't had their probation renewed.

    What I will say, is that some of the individuals you see in the ad are amongst the most professional crew you will ever meet - particularly 'Jamie'. Probably the most amazing crew member I have every flown with.

  4. Louise Guest

    The advert put me off flying with Virgin, too woke now.

  5. Noah Bowie Guest

    It does feel a little bit like they were expecting to be part of this ad campaign and were rightfully devastated to find themselves not featuring as part of it despite giving up their hard earned time to film this ad campaign. It's a sad thing for them and I do feel bad for them because it is very unfortunate when you work on something only to not be credited as part of it.


    It does feel a little bit like they were expecting to be part of this ad campaign and were rightfully devastated to find themselves not featuring as part of it despite giving up their hard earned time to film this ad campaign. It's a sad thing for them and I do feel bad for them because it is very unfortunate when you work on something only to not be credited as part of it.

    That being said. They achieved their goal of making Virgin Atlantic far more inclusive of non binary people than any other airline and many other companies. So instead of calling out the airline for not including them in the ad campaign. They should have taken a step back to realise that what they've done is worth far more than any 1 second cameo in a 30 second ad that Michelle Visage barely featured in. What they have done in the company is truly brilliant for the rights of all non binary people but this response just leaves a sour taste in the mouth for what is a truly good thing

  6. Brian KR Guest

    I'm surprised that OMAAT has chosen to run this story given the glaringly obvious omission that there is no mention of what happened next on Jaianni Oliver Russo's Facebook rant. Nowhere in the 32 screenshot emails is there any correspondence with Virgin that follows Jaianni's declaration of unhappiness with Virgin once he discovered he wasn't features in their ad campaign. Why has nobody questioned this? Are we only getting half the story? Does Jaianni still...

    I'm surprised that OMAAT has chosen to run this story given the glaringly obvious omission that there is no mention of what happened next on Jaianni Oliver Russo's Facebook rant. Nowhere in the 32 screenshot emails is there any correspondence with Virgin that follows Jaianni's declaration of unhappiness with Virgin once he discovered he wasn't features in their ad campaign. Why has nobody questioned this? Are we only getting half the story? Does Jaianni still work for Virgin? Did Jainni resign because of Virgins reactions once he confronted them? Or did something happen that meant Jainni left Virgin so quickly that there was no correspondance? I would suggest if you're going to go public against a large company with a Facebook rant that you acquaint us with 100% of the facts when you do so? I just hope that if Virgin does choose to make a statement on this that Jaianni doesn't end up regretting going public.

    I would agree with one thing though: all of this campaign from Virgin smacks of trying to get publicity and nothing else. You can guarantee that if Jaianni was a BA crew member Virgin would have been the first to court good publicity by offering him a job...

  7. Eskimo Guest

    And after 100 comments, do we realize yet how confusing it is to use a preferred pronoun for everyone.

    Using assigned gender at birth pronouns is not the same as using derogatory words.

  8. SteveO Guest

    Another glaring example of a company caving to the whims of a tiny minority of its employees. How am I supposed to take this issue seriously with the use of the “preferred pronouns” reads like the writings of a confused, deranged nutcase. Virgin has beclowned itself in their attempt to pacify the radical LGBT+++ agenda. As is the case here it is never enough. If given a choice I will not fly Virgin again. Go woke, Go broke.

    1. Tom Masters Guest

      What a joke. Temper tantrum. Delusional.

  9. Joe Blough Guest

    This is Ridiculous. It worked for company for 1-2 years and demanding things the high majority of people don’t care about. Why should 1 human change what 1000’s don’t .

  10. Carlo Guest

    Why is it that, as soon as it's a gender issue, nobody wants to point out a Karen when it's a clear Karen? When it's some straight white lady, she's called a Karen for behaving like this spoilt brat, but now that it's a gender issue, she isn't called out. Ridiculous.

  11. JH Guest

    This whole "movement" is based around narcissism.

  12. MA Guest

    When HE said ‘My Brothers and Sisters’ isnt that negating the whole non-binary thing he is making all this drama about? So HE wants people to refer to HIM as ‘they’ but he will use Brother and Sister (as in Male and Female). I think HE needs to get his story right

  13. Mary Guest

    I’m sorry but this strikes me as someone feeling entitled and throwing a paddy like a toddler.

    I clearly remember a pilot from the company transitioning in 2019-20 and posting pictures of her being proud to be getting her new uniform. Was quite popular on social media, I’ll try to find her name but it was something like Alice or Allison or something, maybe someone will know.
    Surly she would have been in speaking...

    I’m sorry but this strikes me as someone feeling entitled and throwing a paddy like a toddler.

    I clearly remember a pilot from the company transitioning in 2019-20 and posting pictures of her being proud to be getting her new uniform. Was quite popular on social media, I’ll try to find her name but it was something like Alice or Allison or something, maybe someone will know.
    Surly she would have been in speaking to them about uniforms back then? But not seeing her getting upset and demanding to be headlining any promo work.

    This person in the article if they really had the best intentions for the trans and non binary community would be happy that a company like Virgin would make such a public stance on inclusion. Instead they are trying to undermine a for personal gain.

    1. CorkGirl New Member

      Kelly Lepley comes to mind as a pilot who transitioned too

    2. CorkGirl New Member

      And Cat Burton!

  14. frrp Diamond

    This can be summed up by 'attention whore demands attention'. FullOnWhinary would be a more accurate summary.

    1. Nick Stenson Guest

      Virgin, ever so predictably, sinking to its lowest by grovellingly embracing woke. Such people demanding their own pronoun should work in entertainment and not in the airline business. Will never fly Virgin again as I refuse to use any other pronoun than he/she.

  15. Just saying Guest

    Too entitled. The company did what they wanted at the end of the day. Did they want a change in policy or a TV career??

  16. Beachfrontsyd Guest

    Just sour grapes, after watching the advertisement I would be glad not to be in it, very uninspiring . To much emphasis on non binary persons, get on with your life

  17. JC222 Guest

    Mmm.. when the "me" culture overshadows everything, is it right.
    All gender should be respected. Agree. Accepted? Subjective dun you think so. Everyone's tolerance level is different. Agree.
    What if the opened acceptance to permit serving crew to wear what they like resulted in a fall in passenger load due to "lower" tolerance by money paying customers?
    What then? Fire these staff? That will amount to discrimination no?
    To those in...

    Mmm.. when the "me" culture overshadows everything, is it right.
    All gender should be respected. Agree. Accepted? Subjective dun you think so. Everyone's tolerance level is different. Agree.
    What if the opened acceptance to permit serving crew to wear what they like resulted in a fall in passenger load due to "lower" tolerance by money paying customers?
    What then? Fire these staff? That will amount to discrimination no?
    To those in the community please learn to strike that balance yourself. The awareness and crusade does not have to be in the face, top of the page all the time.
    Isn't it already a milestone that the company recognizer it for a start and evolve slowly, ensuring fairness is balanced by what the market need and could accept?
    Just saying...

  18. Nick Guest

    It's rather sad but very common when one person thinks that they are the most important part of a business and suddenly realised that they were just a bit part player after all. The key words in this endless complaint appear to be those about the difference in pay - although Im sure that's people would agree that if someone is already getting paid for working for virgin why would you get any extra payment for doing some filming?

  19. Fin Guest

    It really does come off as if she cared more about being in a freaking advert than the actual cause she supposedly was the pioneer of for the company. She achieved her goal of change in the uniform policy, but she apparently needed that media spotlight too. Ultimately she hadn't even worked for the airline very long at all, so in my opinion, they owe her nothing.

  20. Timo Diamond

    All roads lead to narcissism and this case is no different.

  21. CMorgan Guest

    So tired of these “woke” entitled employees. You don’t own the company and aren’t in charge of the companies philosophy and direction. Don’t like it. LEAVE!

  22. EK_engineer Guest

    This is so pathetic of Virgin. At least boring old BA tries to be 'just' an airline, and concentrates on the important stuff: getting pax from A to B, and making profits for shareholders. And I'm no fan of BA, which is saying something about how truly insubstantial Virgin really is.

    1. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      This reeks more of you understanding nothing about VS's history, than anything to do with this. It's rather par for the course: they're a boutique competitor with less than 40 planes, against a full-service behemoth at world's most competitive airfield.... they HAVE to do quirky things to stand out, and that's been their M.O. from day one.

      People like you whined about their pinup girls' leggings in the '80s, their obsession with supermodels in the...

      This reeks more of you understanding nothing about VS's history, than anything to do with this. It's rather par for the course: they're a boutique competitor with less than 40 planes, against a full-service behemoth at world's most competitive airfield.... they HAVE to do quirky things to stand out, and that's been their M.O. from day one.

      People like you whined about their pinup girls' leggings in the '80s, their obsession with supermodels in the '90s, their 4engines4longhaul and Concorde teasing in the '00s, etc.

      It's just who they are, and what they feel they must do. Worked pretty well thus far.....

    2. Maryland Guest

      Quirky ads yes but for PR to cause so much anger and divisiveness (just read some of these comments) at a time the emotional temperature needs to be lowered, it was a poor choice for a campaign. Should have just changed internal policy. Passengers would be accepting, no hurt feelings. Now I fear the air ranters may find new targets.

    3. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      "Quirky ads"

      The heck do you think THIS is?

      That, and realize that none of this is going to directly transfer into ticket sales lost or gained (in any significant/appreciable degree), but what it will do is keep their name circulated in media and talk..... which is exactly what they wanted it to do.

  23. Roastbeef Guest

    Every person with a mental disorder now has a very large megaphone.

  24. Sarah Guest

    Oh FFS.

    This guy got exactly what he claimed to want, and is outraged only because he didn’t also get the public credit and attention he expected … based on his outrage and his comment about influencer income, I’d bet that his entire motivation here was to leverage his “social justice activism” into some sort of influencer status and career.

    I enjoy when people who pursue fane and fortune under the guise of...

    Oh FFS.

    This guy got exactly what he claimed to want, and is outraged only because he didn’t also get the public credit and attention he expected … based on his outrage and his comment about influencer income, I’d bet that his entire motivation here was to leverage his “social justice activism” into some sort of influencer status and career.

    I enjoy when people who pursue fane and fortune under the guise of caring about social justice are disappointed. Win all around for Virgin, here.

  25. Robert Harrop Guest

    And folks.... nobody cares. Really bottom line. Nobody cares so stop with your self richious crap. Start an airline then you can pick the uniforms. J

  26. RonTraveller Guest

    Full feminine face makeup and full-stop red lipstick on a male is still a bit much for a professional career person in uniform. Someday we will get there, but not now. We are not in the Star Wars bar scene quite yet.

    1. Syd Guest

      Easily the least cared about drama in the world. Grow tf up.

  27. Daniel from Finland Guest

    I would love to see someone try to explain this whole thing and the concept of "non-binary" in Africa. Or in most parts of the world, for that matter.

    1. Sarah Guest

      That’s a good point - the US (and to a somewhat lesser degree, I think, UK) is very progressive relative to most countries on this subject, arguably to the point of being an outlier.

      In most of the world, the typical airline customer is more likely to view men dressed in skirts with full makeup negatively rather than positively. Virgin probably really doesn’t benefit from this in a commercial sense, arguably could even take...

      That’s a good point - the US (and to a somewhat lesser degree, I think, UK) is very progressive relative to most countries on this subject, arguably to the point of being an outlier.

      In most of the world, the typical airline customer is more likely to view men dressed in skirts with full makeup negatively rather than positively. Virgin probably really doesn’t benefit from this in a commercial sense, arguably could even take a hit … whereas this guy clearly expected to profit through the fame and influence he expected to get.

    2. Steven Guest

      Non-binary and trans* are actually not uncommon concepts in numerous cultures in the world: Fa'afafine in Samoa, Hijras in India, two-spirited people in Native American cultures. What you’re saying is racist and colonialist. Do your research before saying something off the cuff like this.

    3. Timo Diamond

      You forgot transphobic, homophobic, white supremacist, Islamophobic & cis-gendered centric in your list of slurs against our dear reader.

    4. Nick Guest

      Well said. They haven't got time for this sort of self important narcissism

  28. Roger rabbit Guest

    As I have the right to fly with whom I wish, I will never fly virgin again, have flown with them in all 3 classes, in my opinion crap airline using marketing to bolster their bottom line.
    I personally find it offensive and disgusting that the minority are now dictating to the majority.
    Have a great day.

    1. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      How is the perceived sense of self-importance you're displaying here, any different than that of the article's subject?

      In both cases, no one gives a crap. They really don't.

  29. Tom_of_few_miles Member

    The only issue here where Virgin Atlantic could possibly look not so good is the (allegedly) paltry pay.

    If the account is correct, and airline employees starring in the videos were indeed paid a mere ₤150 for 12+ hours of filming, this would be barely more than what movie extras can expect to make in a day in Britain, but significantly less than what actors starring in commercials can make.

    Surely it wouldn’t have impacted...

    The only issue here where Virgin Atlantic could possibly look not so good is the (allegedly) paltry pay.

    If the account is correct, and airline employees starring in the videos were indeed paid a mere ₤150 for 12+ hours of filming, this would be barely more than what movie extras can expect to make in a day in Britain, but significantly less than what actors starring in commercials can make.

    Surely it wouldn’t have impacted Virgin’s bottom line to pay each employee invited to the shoot ₤1000 or so, if for nothing else, than to preempt such grumbling.

    Jaianni certainly did not have a right to appear in the videos. Every single last movie star has had scenes cut.

    1. BenjaminGuttery Diamond

      Like I said below: I'm POSITIVE that they were also paid for a full shift that day, in addition to food/transportation/lodging/hair/makeup and all the uniforms/footwear etc. The $150 was in ADDITION to all of that.

    2. GM Guest

      Far from a movie star, but was interviewed for Panorama before and didn't make it. Was relieved more than anything! Not surprised either, because they choose who suits the piece best, and of course knew they filmed way more than they would use. To be so upset at not making it into an advert as, let's face it - a nobody, is just wild to me. To be invited at all seems like a gift.

  30. JOJO Guest

    People with Severe mental disorders should not be put in charge of the safety of hundreds of people

    1. Ronster Guest

      That's why we didn't reelect him in 2020.

  31. Azamaraal Diamond

    The highest priority in the western world seems to be how woke they can become. Not real world problems like racism, poverty, human trafficking or invasion of other countries. Just how woke can "it" be?

    The ad definitely makes me happy that I cannot fly Virgin.

  32. Big AL Guest

    You hire trash - you get trash. Simple as that.

  33. elliephant Guest

    So idk who actually ended up in the commercial, but as a LGBTQ+ person, it can be frustrating when companies virtue signal with ads and policy changes while at the same time doing their absolute best to make sure the majority of people in their outward facing material is straight, cisgender, or passing. If you have a straight/cisgender model/actor who is "playing non-binary", so to speak, it can be incredibly hurtful. So for all the...

    So idk who actually ended up in the commercial, but as a LGBTQ+ person, it can be frustrating when companies virtue signal with ads and policy changes while at the same time doing their absolute best to make sure the majority of people in their outward facing material is straight, cisgender, or passing. If you have a straight/cisgender model/actor who is "playing non-binary", so to speak, it can be incredibly hurtful. So for all the people saying "well, they got the policy change, so shouldn't they just be happy?" my answer is: if the company makes these policies for optics while actively pushing their employees to just sit down, shut up, and be happy they won't be fired for being who they are, no, I don't think that's good enough. Virgin Atlantic could do better, that was literally the whole point of this policy change.

    1. Ronster Guest

      I'm not an "LGBTQ+" person (how exhausting). I'm just a gay man. While I don't care how you identify or what your pronouns are, I do expect that the professionals I encounter, including FAs, present themselves as such. Your job is NOT an extension of your private life.

      This is not community theatre. It's not RuPaul's Drag Race. It's a serious business.

    2. DCAWABN Guest

      Thank you for saying this. As another gay man who does not identify with the alphabet soup, I hate that we're lumped in with idiots. Being gay doesn't not make me unable to determine my gender. I know exactly what I am and to whom I'm attracted. I don't need those with gender dysphoria joining our ranks. We are NOT the club of "Feel different? Come join us, freak!" Can I support them? Sure? Do...

      Thank you for saying this. As another gay man who does not identify with the alphabet soup, I hate that we're lumped in with idiots. Being gay doesn't not make me unable to determine my gender. I know exactly what I am and to whom I'm attracted. I don't need those with gender dysphoria joining our ranks. We are NOT the club of "Feel different? Come join us, freak!" Can I support them? Sure? Do I? To a degree. Do I want trans/non-binary people representing me? Not at all.

    3. Sarah Guest

      To be fair, based on this guy’s behavior in public, it is entirely plausible (arguably likely) that after talking with this guy a bit, the airline decided that he was not someone they want publicly associated with the company … purely because he is an unprofessional person.

      I expect people to be professional in the context of their employment. Someone who has a public hissy fit like this - not over not getting the...

      To be fair, based on this guy’s behavior in public, it is entirely plausible (arguably likely) that after talking with this guy a bit, the airline decided that he was not someone they want publicly associated with the company … purely because he is an unprofessional person.

      I expect people to be professional in the context of their employment. Someone who has a public hissy fit like this - not over not getting the policy he wants, but over not getting public credit and fame - is likely intensely unprofessional.

    4. kenindfw Guest

      @Sarah, I agree with you on the professionalism needed when it comes to a brand like VA. While they're viewed as the "cool kids" on the airline block, they still do have a sense of professionalism which is important. The goal was reached, new uniform policy, rollout of a catchy and forward looking sales advert. I don't know if the individual was guaranteed a starring role in it all, but it appears management felt they...

      @Sarah, I agree with you on the professionalism needed when it comes to a brand like VA. While they're viewed as the "cool kids" on the airline block, they still do have a sense of professionalism which is important. The goal was reached, new uniform policy, rollout of a catchy and forward looking sales advert. I don't know if the individual was guaranteed a starring role in it all, but it appears management felt they had things properly covered. But also since these ads are clips that all run together very quickly, surely there's a brief blip with the individual in the ad that could have been included. While it doesn't mean a lot to the producers and likely even some of the other participants in the advert, it sure is a big deal to one person. Given them their due.

  34. Kieran Guest

    She’s a petulant child.

    And the new dress code is stupid, too!

  35. Joey Guest

    I feel badly for people who are so confused about who they are, until they try to be the center of attention and insist that we all believe in their cause.

  36. D3kingg Guest

    Wait what ?? Is this that whole my pronouns are type of issue ?
    Ladies and Gentleman. It’s FOLKS you idiot. FOLKS. We will now be coming through the cabin with Barclays Aviator Mastercards applications today only we are offering 50,000 Aadvantage miles. That’s enough miles for a free round trip to Hawaii.

    1. Tom_of_few_miles Member

      And how exactly does this work when a crew member needs to address a single pax, hmm?

      “Excuse me, folk, did you push the call button?”

    2. Sarah Guest

      No need for a salutation at all, but sir or ma’am work just fine. Those terms are clearly used as a show of respect; if you get offended because someone makes an innocent mistake while addressing you respectfully, that’s on you. If your identity is so vulnerable as to require constant, affirmative validation from strangers in settings in which your identity is literally irrelevant, that’s also on you.

      If someone intentionally offends you, then...

      No need for a salutation at all, but sir or ma’am work just fine. Those terms are clearly used as a show of respect; if you get offended because someone makes an innocent mistake while addressing you respectfully, that’s on you. If your identity is so vulnerable as to require constant, affirmative validation from strangers in settings in which your identity is literally irrelevant, that’s also on you.

      If someone intentionally offends you, then by all means take offense. Otherwise, learn the importance of good manners and grace to a peaceful society - you can’t go around seeking offense everywhere.

  37. Bertram Guest

    This is what happens when you try to cater to drama queens. I really don’t want to know the gender identity of the flight crew on my plane. They should leave it at home and just do their jobs without trying to make themselves the centre of attention.

  38. BenjaminGuttery Diamond

    I read this person's actual FB post, all the emails they shared, plus all the comments on the post. THIS PERSON HAS DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR. The fact that they believe that TNEY singularly made this happen is ludicrous. They worked for a few weeks in 2020 and a few months in 2022. BIG DEAL. They were not the first Trans/Non-Binary worker there, period. And they weren't the only model/employee/influencer that wasn't used in the campaign,...

    I read this person's actual FB post, all the emails they shared, plus all the comments on the post. THIS PERSON HAS DELUSIONS OF GRANDEUR. The fact that they believe that TNEY singularly made this happen is ludicrous. They worked for a few weeks in 2020 and a few months in 2022. BIG DEAL. They were not the first Trans/Non-Binary worker there, period. And they weren't the only model/employee/influencer that wasn't used in the campaign, also period. This person needs to get a life and stop begging and acting out for attention everywhere they go and in everything in life. PERIOD.

  39. JK Guest

    Weird. Most non-binary people shy away from attention.

  40. Maryland Guest

    Why did Virgin need an ad campaign to do the right thing? Many corporations and small businesses have made similar personnel policy changes without wanting attention or praise. This is between employee/employer. Acceptance rarely requires attention and we all move on.

    1. Kieran Guest

      I don’t consider this a step in the right direction. Boys can dress as girls on their personal time. But I want a guy sashaying down the aisle to bring my drink!

    2. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      "But I want a guy sashaying down the aisle to bring my drink!"

      Why are you so fragile that you'd care?

      I wouldn't if it was a dude, a chick, a mule, or a robot; so long as I got my drink.... why should you? Honestly asking.

    3. elliephant Guest

      Yeah, it reeks of virtue signaling to me. Especially since it could've been a great opportunity to showcase how in-tune they are with their employees, but it seems like they kinda blew it.

  41. María Alejandra Ottaviano Guest

    Hay qué destacar el espacio y respeto de la Compañía Virgin Atlantic en cuanto al personal y el desarrollo como seres humanos libres en vivir su identidad de género en el ámbito laboral. Algo innovador y que ninguna compañía lo ha hecho. Por otro lado Jianni, tiene otros mecanismos para reclamar justicia, si eses fuera el caso.

  42. Jon Guest

    All of this has nothing to do with the fact Westjet launched their gender inclusive uniform 3 weeks prior… ?

  43. Ash Guest

    My eyes starting rolling a quarter of the way through this article. First time I've not finished an article on this site and just read the "bottom line."

    Sounds like Jaianni is just throwing a tantrum and Ben deemed it worthy of a post for some odd reason.

  44. DenB Diamond

    It's a corporation. It's not going to love you back.

    1. Pussycat Guest

      He's done it for his own personal Gain. It seems he doesn't care about this movement more about the 15 min fame. Shame on him. Meoww claws are out.

    2. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      "It's a corporation. It's not going to love you back."

      The wisest words I've ever seen written on a forum like this. People really need to learn this.

  45. Jimbo baggins Guest

    A definite temper tantrum about not being shown in the commercial! Pretty sad really!

  46. John Doe Guest

    If they really cared about this movement they wouldn’t be crying over their “credit” or monetary gain. They just want attention and praise for something that’s not even their movement. It’s a whole movement that goes beyond countries and companies and it affects real people and they’re acting like they’re the gatekeepers

  47. TravelinWilly Diamond


    And for all that hard work Jaianni gets…a paycheck. Jaianni’s work product belongs to their employer, and their employer put Jaianni’s suggestion to good, productive use.

    Sounds like a win, Jaianni.

    1. Kxm Guest

      My goodness. This sounds like a temper tantrum. I wonder if Jaianni's outrage betrays the nature of their change in employment status with VAA. Perhaps VAA terminated Jaianni's employment prior to this ad being edited and decided that they should not include footage of an ex employee - especially if they did not part on good terms. As the article's author points out, we don't know how many other employees had expressed similar views at...

      My goodness. This sounds like a temper tantrum. I wonder if Jaianni's outrage betrays the nature of their change in employment status with VAA. Perhaps VAA terminated Jaianni's employment prior to this ad being edited and decided that they should not include footage of an ex employee - especially if they did not part on good terms. As the article's author points out, we don't know how many other employees had expressed similar views at Virgin. Any ideas that an employee comes up with while at work are normally owned by the employer - I suspect VAA's contract is solid in this respect. Jaianni comes across as a person most interested in self promotion and kudos. Their narcissistic response (based on this report) does not inspire sympathy in me for Jaianni, rather a feeling of relief for VAA and their customers being spared the ego a seemingly self-centred individual unable to be content in the better conditions for their community unless they reap personal glory. Many an actor has found their scene on the cutting room floor by the final edit. That it happened to an unknown is unsurprising.

  48. bob clark Guest

    Ummm... Yeah right ... Innie or outtie. By the way, during this inclusion drama fiasco, over 4,000 more people were wounded, killed or forcibly moved between nations. Let's have some priority of scale here for them and they... Nuclear war vs what clothes to wear with your innie outtie in a confused state. Sheeesh.

  49. Bill Car Guest

    Unfortunately they have lined themselves up as preferred destination for narcissistic behaviour such as this, and this is just the first example. If there was a genuine sincerity behind the move to allow people to feel more comfortable coming to work dressed as they please and choosing pronouns, it could have been achieved with a simple internal memo and policy change, and that would have been admirable, albeit not universally well received, I'm sure. Instead...

    Unfortunately they have lined themselves up as preferred destination for narcissistic behaviour such as this, and this is just the first example. If there was a genuine sincerity behind the move to allow people to feel more comfortable coming to work dressed as they please and choosing pronouns, it could have been achieved with a simple internal memo and policy change, and that would have been admirable, albeit not universally well received, I'm sure. Instead this high profile PR drive has plunged an airline only just back on its feet and still with huge debts to pay, right back into one of the most divisive and polarising social conundrums of our times. This airline needs to urgently address its own identity frankly - is it in the business of providing choice, quality and fun to the marketplace of global air travel, or is it conducting a Radical Left Wing experiment where long term career employee's livelihoods are at the mercy of whatever scheme is dreamt up next by Managers, mostly who joined in the last couple of years? Whilst they decide I'll continue to fly BA for my holidays.

  50. Julia Guest

    Sounds like person was in it for their own glory and not for the greater good of the people they claim to represent. Selfish motivations it seems more than anything else.

  51. Joe Guest

    Impossible to understand author's prose. Is this 1 person or multiple people? Terrible grammar and editing as "they" is plural, but I think this is a story about 1 person's contribution. Honestly did you graduate middle school?

    1. D3kingg Guest

      I’m rooting for Jaalailai. I hope they find their true calling in life.

    2. Sam Guest

      Obviously this is a bad faith comment, but just a reminder that singular they has been grammatical in English for ages. Each poster who gets their knickers in a twist about it should record themselves speaking. Singular they will absolutely show up in their speech naturally.

    3. Tom_of_few_miles Member

      If you weren’t such an uneducated ignoramus, surely you’d know that Shakespeare used singular they.

    4. Kingofqueenanne Guest

      They/them singular has been in use in the English language for centuries.

      “Please see the gate agent, they will give you a seating assignment.”

      You use they/them singular in language all the time, you’re just not consciously aware of it.

  52. Bruce Guest

    I’d say Jaianni’s post is more about exposing Virgin’s alleged focus on good publicity instead of actually lifting up non binary employees. Especially regarding the pay for the ad campaign shoot.

    1. BenjaminGuttery Diamond

      I'm POSITIVE that they were also paid for a full shift that day, in addition to food/transportation/lodging/hair/makeup and all the uniforms/footwear etc. The $150 was in ADDITION to all of that.

    2. DCAWABN Guest

      Why do we need to "lift up" non-binary persons any more than binary people? This is out of hand and this twat got what it deserved.

  53. Mark Guest

    The world has gone woke, and it's pretty pathetic at this point.

    1. Mark Guest

      Woke is people that can't deal with reality, and want people canceled because their feelings are hurt. Another name is snowflake..

    2. Ock Guest

      Precisely. Even when they get their way they want more, because it's all about putting others below them.

      Thats why you have trolls like the other comment trying to find a crack to attack you.

  54. Jan Guest

    I'd be careful of calling this person a drama "queen." You assume genders and that is -500 social credit score.

  55. Ang Guest

    It doesn't matter who started this campaign it matters that people now have a choice, you may have begun this but if the company wasn't willing to listen this wouldn't have happened. It's not about you, teamwork makes the DreamWorks. Unfortunately you were erased from the video and probably through editing they weren't aware that you were supposed to be left in the video. Be happy that something did happen from your efforts, in the...

    It doesn't matter who started this campaign it matters that people now have a choice, you may have begun this but if the company wasn't willing to listen this wouldn't have happened. It's not about you, teamwork makes the DreamWorks. Unfortunately you were erased from the video and probably through editing they weren't aware that you were supposed to be left in the video. Be happy that something did happen from your efforts, in the future Noone going to care they just know that all voices have been heard.

  56. Chris@Oak Guest

    I wonder if Air New Zealand will be next?

    MIDDLE EARTH - Sméagol, a once Hobbit of the River-Folk, is causing a stir across Middle Earth after announcing theirses plan to start using non-binary "Ourses/Theirses" pronouns.

    Following this statement, Sméagol has made clear that once theirses Ring has been returned then theyses will be the master. "The Precious will be ourses, once the Hobbits are dead!" exclaimed the poor, wretched creature.

    HT- Babylonbee

  57. John T Guest

    If they left the company after the video was filmed but before it was published it could be as simple as Virgin not wanting former staff members featured.
    'Former Virgin cabin crew' doesn't have quite the same ring to it in a campaign like this.

    If they were fired it would be logical to remove them from the campaign.

    1. BenjaminGuttery Diamond


  58. Matt Guest

    So they pushed for a change, were actually consulted instead of ignored, were actually involved in the final product, but didn't get paid $1000 or end up in the commercial b/c they're not a model so this means Virgin erased them? If money and "fame" are your true end goals then it feels more like *you* are using the community for your own agenda worse than you're accusing Virgin of doing, then falling back to the victim card when things don't go your way.

  59. Creditcrunch Diamond

    This person is just smarting because VS removed them from the advert. May have helped develop the policy during employment with Virgin and wants some recognition, didn’t get it through mainstream means so is using other blogs and platforms to do so.

  60. George Romey Guest

    This employee needs to be terminated immediately. She is everything that is wrong with the world today.

  61. Bret Guest

    To those posters that can’t take the nanosecond to use the correct pronoun or worse add insulting pronouns such as “it” to your message - you expose yourself by doing this. You don’t have to agree with the person in question but you can take half a second to show some respect.

    1. Bertram Guest

      “It” is a legitimate pronoun for something with no gender.

    2. BenjaminGuttery Diamond

      I commented above and used their non-binary pronouns throughout. But this person has none of my respect for the way they are now acting.

  62. Airfarer Diamond

    So an employee has an idea, sells it to the company and said idea is accepted. This happens thousands of times a year over the world. But this time it's special because someone doesn't know if they're a boy or a girl?

  63. Icarus Guest

    Comes across as a complete drama Queen. Not been with the company 2 years, and it’s all about him/ she or whatever his/ her pronoun is.

  64. ptahcha Guest

    Someone is upset because they got cut from the final commercial. It happens. Get over it. Decisions like this is never made in vacuum or committee of one. Celebrate what they have accomplished and move on.

    1. Speedbird Guest

      Unstable egotistical maniac who I wouldn’t feel safe flying with. The chances that they were the only person at this company pushing for gender neutral uniforms is nill.

  65. Mark Guest

    Virgin made the mistake of letting Jaianni back in their company. Now they are the clown of the industry.

  66. Pete Diamond

    The achievement of more inclusivity is overshadowed by he/she/it/them not getting the 15min of fame. Sad temper tantrum.

    1. John T Guest

      If they left the company after the video was filmed but before it was published it could be as simple as Virgin not wanting former staff members featured.
      'Former Virgin cabin crew' doesn't have quite the same ring to it in a campaign like this.

  67. Joe Chivas Guest

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

  68. iv Guest

    Jaianni needs to ask them-self, what is more important ego or the cause.

    1. Joe Biden Guest

      They isn't ready for that kind of thinking.

  69. Keita Guest

    It sounds from this article that they is an attention seeking drama queen/king and the airline may be a lot better off with them.

    1. MaroonOtter Member

      I believe the phrase you're searching for is "drama monarch"
      We should all begin using this gender-neutral expression :)

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Pete Diamond

The achievement of more inclusivity is overshadowed by he/she/it/them not getting the 15min of fame. Sad temper tantrum.

CMorgan Guest

So tired of these “woke” entitled employees. You don’t own the company and aren’t in charge of the companies philosophy and direction. Don’t like it. LEAVE!

TravelinWilly Diamond

“I FOUGHT FOR THIS CHANGE, I DEVOTED MY TIME AT THE COMPANY FOR THIS CHANGE, I FOUGHT FOR AN EASIER LIFE FOR MY YOUNGER BROTHERS AND SISTERS.” And for all that hard work Jaianni gets…a paycheck. Jaianni’s work product belongs to their employer, and their employer put Jaianni’s suggestion to good, productive use. Sounds like a win, Jaianni.

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