Pilot’s Disturbing Christian Testimony On American Airlines Flight

Pilot’s Disturbing Christian Testimony On American Airlines Flight


I hope that this guy gets the help he needs, but he most definitely shouldn’t be flying planes.

Pilot overshares during post-flight PA

Video footage has emerged on Reddit of a pilot sharing his Christian testimony over the PA on an American Airlines flight. A few things to note upfront:

  • This happened on an American Airlines flight in June 2021 (I’m not sure why the video has only surfaced now)
  • It’s reported that this wasn’t actually one of the pilots flying the plane, but rather it was a pilot who was commuting or deadheading (meaning they were flying as a passenger); he may work for an American Airlines regional subsidiary
  • This seemed to happen upon landing, so it’s not entirely clear how he managed to grab the PA and prevent people from getting off the plane, and how the crew working the flight allowed this to go on for so long (I’m guessing they were just in shock)

In the nearly 3min30sec video, the guy can be heard talking about how (and I’m largely using his words here):

  • He was raped and molested as a young boy, and that he prayed to God to take away his sins and thoughts that resulted in homosexual tendencies
  • His life spiraled out of control, and he became a sexual addict and turned to pornography
  • He thought sexual thoughts about both men and women and started messing around with others who had similar tendencies
  • He started thinking of ways to end his life so that he wouldn’t hurt anyone else
  • He married a woman but couldn’t tell her about his pain and struggle with homosexuality
  • Over a year into the marriage be gave into the pressure of being gay, and he asked other gay crew members questions about their lifestyle and what led them to become gay
  • He then started taking part in that lifestyle, and would have sex with men and come home from work trips as if nothing happened
  • He wants to share the love of Christ with passengers, and if people feel uncomfortable that’s fine, but he said he’d be in the gate area for people who want to talk

I’m certainly no expert in Christianity, though I must have missed the “love of Christ” part of this?

You can watch the video here for yourself:

I hope this guy gets the help he needs

Obviously this guy has been through a lot, and is really struggling. It’s extremely sad to hear both his story, and how he’s thinking about things. I really hope he gets the help he needs. And perhaps part of that is accepting that it’s okay to be gay, and that being gay isn’t a “lifestyle” you can pray yourself out of, and his fellow colleagues weren’t “led” to being gay, they were just born that way.

Sad as the situation is, this guy also clearly isn’t fit to be in charge of so many peoples’ lives. Thinking that a plane is the correct venue for sharing this kind of stuff shows such a horrible lack of decent judgment, and decent judgment is supposed to be something that pilots have, given the responsibility they have.

Furthermore, beyond the mental concerns here, this was beyond unprofessional. No one should be subjected to having to hear this, how homosexuality is a choice, etc.

Bottom line

Video footage has emerged of a pilot sharing his Christian testimony shortly after an American Airlines plane landed at its destination. While he allegedly wasn’t one of the pilots flying the plane, it’s still disturbing that someone who does fly airliners would be in this kind of a mental state.

I hope that this guy gets the help he needs, because clearly he’s struggling…

(Tip of the hat to Live and Let’s Fly)

Conversations (73)
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  1. Maggie Guest

    This man is still struggling with his sexuality, to the point of being completely inappropriate and unprofessional. Desperation does this to us if we don't understand how our spirituality can lead us to acceptance of our humanity, self-love and service to others. I hope he gets the help he needs , possibly with the 12 Steps program, and that he will not be judged too harshly by his employer, but permitted the "time off" to do so.

  2. Rick Guest

    Completely unprofessional. He should have his license revoked.

  3. Anthony Guest

    Pray for him, universal collective. Yes he needs help. Lets assist.

  4. William Guest

    I don't like the tone or characterisation of this pilots suffering. He was homosexually raped as a mere child and has suffered life changing post traumatic stress that continues to come up for him. That kind of rape can lead a confused sexual identity which is why child rape is such a serious crime. The fact that he turned to Christianity has been used to mock him or rather mock Christianity. This is a sad...

    I don't like the tone or characterisation of this pilots suffering. He was homosexually raped as a mere child and has suffered life changing post traumatic stress that continues to come up for him. That kind of rape can lead a confused sexual identity which is why child rape is such a serious crime. The fact that he turned to Christianity has been used to mock him or rather mock Christianity. This is a sad story and he is a victim of someone in a protected minority doesn't mean he should be mocked. I myself an an atheist but I can see this man needs help. An hypnotherapist that practices some psychotherapy might be able to help him break the thought patterns causing the PTSD and replace them with others that are healthy. I wish him well.

  5. Dan V Guest

    Let me be clear that I think the pilot was absolutely out of line for saying this into the PA. He likely made everybody extremely uncomfortable, sharing way too much detail for that context, not to mention ignoring the fact that he was representing a non-religious company. While Christians believe they are called to share their faith, this was not the way to do it.

    With that said, I would like to point out a...

    Let me be clear that I think the pilot was absolutely out of line for saying this into the PA. He likely made everybody extremely uncomfortable, sharing way too much detail for that context, not to mention ignoring the fact that he was representing a non-religious company. While Christians believe they are called to share their faith, this was not the way to do it.

    With that said, I would like to point out a bit of hypocrisy in the logic that he had no right to have the views he has. You said, Ben, that no one has the right to share his/her view that homosexuality is a choice. First of all, that is too broad of a brush. Most thoughtful, loving Christians I know would not claim that somebody just "chose" to be gay. They might, however, ask whether there were influences in her/her life (including genetic) that led him/her either to engage in homosexual behavior and/or embrace a homosexual identity. Whether or not that was the "right" thing to do is another matter for discussion, one which hinges on one's existential beliefs about God, humankind, and the supernatural, all of which cannot be proven nor disproven.

    But secondly, we must be careful not to fight perceived intolerance with more intolerance. What is the reasonable argument that the person who believes homosexuality is normal and acceptable is more (or less) entitled to share that opinion with others than the person who believes it is unacceptable? Note, I am certainly giving no permission whatsoever for either person to despise, disadvantage, embarrass, or otherwise harm anyone with whom he/she disagrees. I'm just pointing out that small-mindedness is a risk both sides need to be aware of.

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      Replace "homosexuality" with "interracial relationships" and let us know if you still stand by your third paragraph argument.

    2. Dan V Guest

      Ben, great point actually--you've exposed the crux of the debate, which one might call the "intrinsic-ness" of homosexuality. Is the quality of being homosexual any more or less intrinsic than being of a certain race? If you answer 'no', then you would be appalled by my third paragraph. If you answered 'yes', than you wouldn't. And, the underlying logic behind whether you answered 'no' or 'yes' is intimately connected to your cosmology and theology.


      Ben, great point actually--you've exposed the crux of the debate, which one might call the "intrinsic-ness" of homosexuality. Is the quality of being homosexual any more or less intrinsic than being of a certain race? If you answer 'no', then you would be appalled by my third paragraph. If you answered 'yes', than you wouldn't. And, the underlying logic behind whether you answered 'no' or 'yes' is intimately connected to your cosmology and theology.

      But even beyond the differences that may or may not exist between race and sexual orientation, I stand behind my argument that someone has the right to stand up and say (not in every context of course) that he/she does not believe interracial relationships are a good idea, with one glaring exception. Any argument that depends on an inferior judgement of worth or value of any particular segment of society should be dismissed, because (in my system of beliefs) every human is endowed by his/her creator with inestimable worth. Anyway, arguments can be heard for and against, and onlookers can make their choices. I happen to think there is very flimsy evidence for that argument, and much greater evidence for the opposite, but I do not deny someone their right to argue for it. Shutting down reasonable debate which focuses on the rightness or wrongness of actions (without attacking the worth of the individuals, which I concede is a difficult needle to thread) is a dangerous road to be on.

      Listen, Ben, I'm not trying to get you to agree to Christians' assessment of homosexuality; I'm just trying to get you to see that at the center of the outrage about this pilot's actions is actually a fair bit of hypocrisy. If someone has the right (which he certainly does) to stand up and say that his homosexuality is intrinsic to his identity and theology be damned, than the next guy has the right to stand up and say that his homosexuality is not the basis of his identity, and instead submit it to the larger story according to his theology.

    3. Ben L. Diamond

      "Intrinsic-ness" is not "the crux of the debate," except for those who wish to undermine non-normative sexualities and relationships using a cloak of respectability rather than the sword of forthright bigotry.

      Who cares how much of sexuality or romantic attraction is genetic vs. choice? The distinction only matters if you think one origin is bad and the other is defensible or excusable.

      Our LGBTQ friends and family do not owe anyone an explanation of why...

      "Intrinsic-ness" is not "the crux of the debate," except for those who wish to undermine non-normative sexualities and relationships using a cloak of respectability rather than the sword of forthright bigotry.

      Who cares how much of sexuality or romantic attraction is genetic vs. choice? The distinction only matters if you think one origin is bad and the other is defensible or excusable.

      Our LGBTQ friends and family do not owe anyone an explanation of why they are the why they are, just as our straight cis friends and family have *never* owed anyone an explanation of why *they* are the why they are.

    4. Miguel Guest

      Dan V,

      C’mon man stop all the B.S, Size Does not matter, it is how you use it. Just do the best with what you have,


  6. Susan Guest

    This event seems to be unrelated but strikingly similar to the event several years back where an AA pilot advised people over the p.a. to get to know their seat mates and if they haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior to do so. I’m Christian but I am shocked at the lack of judgement both of these pilots displayed. One other thing I’d like to add though is if a Muslim...

    This event seems to be unrelated but strikingly similar to the event several years back where an AA pilot advised people over the p.a. to get to know their seat mates and if they haven’t accepted Jesus Christ as their personal lord and savior to do so. I’m Christian but I am shocked at the lack of judgement both of these pilots displayed. One other thing I’d like to add though is if a Muslim pilot were to pick up the p.a. and go on a rant about how Muslims are discriminated against and invite everyone to get to know Allah I believe he would be treated totally different by the airline. It’s a double standard. It’s politically incorrect to be Christian right now. Again I totally disagree with what these pilots did but I also think had it been the latter scenario I described this pilot would have been treated with a kid glove and that is very, very unfair.

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      lol this is totally loony

  7. Zain Nensey Guest

    Ben, I think it would have been appreciated if you yourself mentioned that you are gay. This was published in a news article in Rolling Stone several years ago, so it's not as if it's a private matter for you.

    That said, the love of Christ is evidenced that none should perish and go to hell, but rather that all should have eternal life. The love of Christ is not about saying a certain...

    Ben, I think it would have been appreciated if you yourself mentioned that you are gay. This was published in a news article in Rolling Stone several years ago, so it's not as if it's a private matter for you.

    That said, the love of Christ is evidenced that none should perish and go to hell, but rather that all should have eternal life. The love of Christ is not about saying a certain lifestyle is okay when it is not. God's standard is perfection, and when He made man in His image, his intent is that man should be fruitful and multiply (with married men and women)-which is not possible with a gay lifestyle as men having sexual relations with each other cannot produce children. God clearly states in his Word, the Bible that he does not permit homosexual relations-it is sin.

    That man is not disturbed, but rather joyful. He faced extraordinary difficulties in life, yet he overcame by repenting of his sin of homosexuality and giving his life to Jesus Christ. You also seem to miss that he became a pilot, one of the hardest jobs anyone can have, despite the rape he faced early in his life. That is not a man that is unfit to fly. Even if he was not a pilot, I would applaud him for having utter faith and trust in Jesus. Anyone who flies on his plane should feel completely safe, as he places your lives as the utmost importance for him while they are on that plane. He knows that if that plane crashes with unbelievers on board, they lose their chance at heaven as a dead man or woman cannot repent and give their life to Jesus Christ.

    I will finish by offering you the same thing he offered each of those passengers-feel free to come and talk to me if you want to know more about Jesus, as you yourself have stated you are no expert on Christ. I read your article in Rolling Stone. I knew you in high school, although you may not remember.

  8. Don Guest

    Pretty significant Christianophobia on these comments. Guy is obviously not in the right mind and is dealing with a lot, but if your tendency is to bash religion while demanding acceptance for your beliefs, seems you may be the problem. Can’t fight bigotry with bigotry.

  9. Miguel Guest

    All you need is love.”
    So said the Beatles. If they had been singing about God’s love, the statement would have a grain of truth in it. Love is love, judge not those who hear the call to pack the fudge’ or push the stool in. But what usually goes by the name love in popular culture is not authentic love at all; it is actually a deadly fraud. It matters not if you...

    All you need is love.”
    So said the Beatles. If they had been singing about God’s love, the statement would have a grain of truth in it. Love is love, judge not those who hear the call to pack the fudge’ or push the stool in. But what usually goes by the name love in popular culture is not authentic love at all; it is actually a deadly fraud. It matters not if you are top or bottom, catcher or pitcher, weather you like to put it in the pink or the stink. Have pity on Captain frisbee, and pray to god almighty the crazy bastard is not at the helm of your aircraft when he is off his Zoloft.

  10. Kris Guest

    Extremely socially inappropriate religious guy tortured by guilt. Needs to be under the care of a Psychiatrist and maybe inpatient for a while. Could rename this "How to make a plane load of people super uncomfortable and grossed out!"

  11. Chase Guest

    At first I thought he was going to tell them about the exciting new offer from Barclay’s of 2 FREE round trips for just the cost of a cup of coffee! Such a missed opportunity there…

  12. Saxman Guest

    Not to be that guy, but the video clearly shows that’s Chicago outside the window.

  13. Alan Diamond

    Clearly this was the wrong place for him to be preaching but beyond that I would have to disagree with your comments.
    You state "And perhaps part of that is accepting that it’s okay to be gay, and that being gay isn’t a “lifestyle” you can pray yourself out of, and his fellow colleagues weren’t “led” to being gay, they were just born that way." which he obviously disagrees with. One should have the...

    Clearly this was the wrong place for him to be preaching but beyond that I would have to disagree with your comments.
    You state "And perhaps part of that is accepting that it’s okay to be gay, and that being gay isn’t a “lifestyle” you can pray yourself out of, and his fellow colleagues weren’t “led” to being gay, they were just born that way." which he obviously disagrees with. One should have the right to express their views rather you agree or disagree with them.
    Many people pray and believe they are cured of numerous diseases yet I when I ask a pastor why are there no reports of any anyone who has lost an arm or a leg, having it regrow after prayer, I never get a good answer. Yet I have never met a pastor who upon contemplating the answer would later stop believing. The same would undoubtedly apply to this pilot. You could tell him your views, and he would undoubtedly tell you that you have yet to fully accept Christ. How would you argue with his response? You could try but you would never change his opinion.

    1. High Flyer Guest

      I will not have someone tell me that my mere existence is sinful or wrong. That is the difference and that - in 2021 in the United States of America - is why we still need pride.

      I genuinely feel sorry for this guy and would have responded to his homophobic and frankly unhinged speech with kindness. I hear someone in pain, rather than someone trying to cause pain.

      But I also won’t...

      I will not have someone tell me that my mere existence is sinful or wrong. That is the difference and that - in 2021 in the United States of America - is why we still need pride.

      I genuinely feel sorry for this guy and would have responded to his homophobic and frankly unhinged speech with kindness. I hear someone in pain, rather than someone trying to cause pain.

      But I also won’t public denigration of my decency as an LGBTQ person or moral equivalence like the (well intentioned, I’m sure) response from Alan.

      “We can disagree and still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist.”

  14. Doug G Guest

    So if he was still a porn addicted promiscuous bisexual he would be normal, become a Christian and testify that Jesus has saved him and he’s crazy ? What a time we live in

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      Testifying is something you do in court. What evangelicals call testifying is simply the arrogant haranguing of strangers. It's a faith practice utterly lacking in humility.

  15. corpkid Member

    I feel badly for this guy. I know people who have similar stories, and it almost sounds like he was trying to help others who were suffering through the same things (it's more common than you think!)

    But um, not there, not that way.

  16. ernestnywang Member

    The American Way magazine is still available, or was this video taken a while ago?

  17. UA Guest

    Ah, delusion dressed up by the socially protected thing that is extant theistic religion.

    This person needs help, and theistic religion needs to be called out for what it is - accepting something as absolutely true with zero evidence (and often in contradiction of evidence) is delusion and needs to be treated as such.

    1. Jay Guest

      Loads of concrete evidence, at least for Christ and the New Testament. It's call apologetics. Do some research on it and your position will certainly change.

    2. UA Guest

      You assume I'm not familiar with apologetics - your assumption is incorrect.

      You've fallen into the trap of "Evidence of Christ being a historical figure" = "Christianity has a basis in reality". This is false.

      There is zero evidence for any event being a miracle caused by any deity, no evidence of any historical figure having magical powers and the massive contradictions within religious texts and between religious texts of different faiths only detracts from...

      You assume I'm not familiar with apologetics - your assumption is incorrect.

      You've fallen into the trap of "Evidence of Christ being a historical figure" = "Christianity has a basis in reality". This is false.

      There is zero evidence for any event being a miracle caused by any deity, no evidence of any historical figure having magical powers and the massive contradictions within religious texts and between religious texts of different faiths only detracts from arguments made.

      There is zero evidence for any theistic religion's basis - Christianity isn't unique in falling into that category.

  18. D3kingg Guest

    Lord , sweet Jesus , and Dale Earnhardt jr. Amen.

  19. Fatty Bao Guest

    I don’t want to hear any of this Christian stuff anymore than I wanna hear or see things related to BLM or Pride. Just get me where I need to go and stop telling me to celebrate things I don’t want to.

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      I agree with this person that airlines should stop mentioning July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas

    2. Eskimo Guest

      @Ben L.

      But those are the days we get free booze on Southwest.

  20. Dee Guest

    This only surfaced now because June was Pride Month -- and likely part of the reason why the announcement was made then!

    1. Aaron Harkins Guest

      I suspect he saw an attractive man on the plane and this was how he best knew to deal with his feelings.

  21. Eskimo Guest

    Religious Christian pick up line.

    Has Christianity fallen this far?
    Or the did he actually misread the bible and thinks he can come out of the closet (not a cave) after 3 days like Jesus.

  22. Donna Diamond

    Beyond the offensive homophobic stuff, anyone who states he has had thoughts of killing himself should not be flying anything, much less a commercial airliner.

  23. RCB Gold

    A person in control of hundreds of lives using his position to entrap, endanger, and bully a captive audience should NEVER be allowed in the cockpit ever again.

  24. FNT Delta Diamond Guest

    Yes, this is inappropriate. But so are the airline staff who make BLM or LGBT comments over PA systems. How would American handle this if it had been a black employee or woke white employee making a BLM statement?

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      Great point, man. What if a thing that didn't happen had happened instead of the thing that did happen? Really makes you think.

    2. burritomiles Guest

      don't try to change the subject

    3. Fatty Bao Guest

      Why? Because it completely refutes your logic?

    4. ORDPilot Guest

      I must have missed the videos of 3 minute crew member rants about BLM and LGBT. Could you share the links?

      Or is this just whattaboutism to deflect?

    5. Eskimo Guest

      Totally agree with @FNT we are taking this too far.

      Race card is being abused.
      Sexual Identity card is starting to get abused.

      Get ready for Mental Health card to be abused next.

    6. Fatty Bao Guest

      Already being abused

    7. Ralph4878 Guest

      Why is it when a group in the minority starts demanding real equity and inclusion from the majority, it is accused of “playing” a card? This is so offensive - if you don’t like being reminded of the racism or homophobia BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people face, try helping to actively dismantle that racism and homophobia instead of using racist or homophobic idiomatic turns of phrase to express your discomfort. Denying the lived experiences of people...

      Why is it when a group in the minority starts demanding real equity and inclusion from the majority, it is accused of “playing” a card? This is so offensive - if you don’t like being reminded of the racism or homophobia BIPOC and LGBTQ+ people face, try helping to actively dismantle that racism and homophobia instead of using racist or homophobic idiomatic turns of phrase to express your discomfort. Denying the lived experiences of people doesn’t make you better - it just makes you racist or homophobic, Eskimo.

    8. Aaron Harkins Guest

      We could have a discussion about paper vs plastic bags at the supermarket, and you would connect it to BLM. I feel good that BLM lives rent free in your head.

    9. Eskimo Guest


      Sorry to break it too you, but sometimes only the B that lives rent free. The rest, don't matter.
      But let's get to paper vs plastic bags, so what about it?

    10. Aaron Harkins Guest

      You should have remained silent.

    11. Ralph4878 Guest

      Right, because Black and Gay folks demanding equity and inclusion is just SO OFFENSIVE, FNT DIAMOND. It is amazing how most white and straight folks completely lose it over any pro-BIPOC or pro-LGBTQ+ messaging - as if BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks aren’t CONSTANTLY bombarded with pro-white, pro-straight, pro-Christian dogma and messaging from Day 1 of their lives.

  25. shoeguy Guest

    Tax religious organizations.

  26. RH Guest

    Sorry he was molested as a child.

    But what he was doing was spouting homophobic nonsense in his workplace, and holding passengers hostage to subject them to homophobia. He should be disciplined for workplace misconduct. If I had been a passenger on that flight, I’d be seeking compensation for homophobic abuse.

    1. Jeffrey I Chang Guest

      What did he say that was homophobic? The man has issues accepting his gay part of himself and did not like it. He never made it about others.

    2. RH Guest

      One staple homophobic belief is that people are gay because we were molested (or corrupted). This has been used to persecute us. Propagating that claim is homophobic.

    3. Jeffrey I Chang Guest

      I am very confused. If he was actually abused as a child, is that not his lived experience? He is not speaking for others only for himself. Even if their is a correlation or his claims are true. if being gay is amoral* why does it matter. Nobody would assume a child abused that turned out straight would blame that orientation on the abuse.

      *Look up the definition.

    4. Shawn Guest

      You’re just plain stupid. I honestly wonder how people like you get through life? Ever heard of inference? If I said I had speed and got a ticket. Am I saying I got a ticket because of speeding? I could’ve sped two months and got a ticket for something completely unrelated. But it’s assumed.

      And yes homophobes like yourself like to insinuate that people are gay because of being molested. This has been proven...

      You’re just plain stupid. I honestly wonder how people like you get through life? Ever heard of inference? If I said I had speed and got a ticket. Am I saying I got a ticket because of speeding? I could’ve sped two months and got a ticket for something completely unrelated. But it’s assumed.

      And yes homophobes like yourself like to insinuate that people are gay because of being molested. This has been proven 100% indisputable this has no relevance on it at all. But yet people use it time and time again.

      This is somewhat struggling with who they are because of religion. There are numerous instances where milestation happena for this very reason (suppression and easy targets). You’re a disgusting person and I hope you and you’re judgemental religion rot in you’re so called hell.

    5. Aaron Harkins Guest

      Wrong. This was a homophobic rant at its very core. He even invited others to come talk to him later. Who do you think he was proselytizing to; straight people who are already "saved" from sin?

    6. speedbird Guest

      He referred to being gay as a lifestyle, he described himself as struggling with homosexuality, rather than struggling with accepting is sexuality, and he insinuated that he believed that gay people are not born, but rather become gay as a response to an event in life

    7. Snowe Guest

      I guess the truth is homophobic

  27. Chris Guest

    Effing lunatic needs to be dragged off the plane just like someone shouting Allahu Akbar and condemning nonbelievers.

  28. Mike Guest

    I'm going to guess alcohol was involved.

  29. Tim Dunn Guest

    There are a number of current events that are happening right now that should remind us all that abusive sexual encounters are far too common and there are people whose lives need deep healing to overcome what they have experienced. They need deep sympathy and time and space but they also need to do it with trusted people and in private. A captive planeload of passengers is not the place for a confessional.

    There are a number of current events that are happening right now that should remind us all that abusive sexual encounters are far too common and there are people whose lives need deep healing to overcome what they have experienced. They need deep sympathy and time and space but they also need to do it with trusted people and in private. A captive planeload of passengers is not the place for a confessional.
    Those of faith should be praying for him and others that are walking a deeply painful road.

  30. John G Guest

    Scary on so many levels

  31. Dwight Guest

    Pretty much everyone who engages in destructive or abnormal behavior these days would like to believe it is intrinsic to them from birth and they can’t be held accountable, so I applaud anyone who tries to take control of their life, with or without the help of religion.

    1. Shawn Guest

      Destructive and abnormal? Is that per your opinions as to what constitutes those?

  32. Creditcrunch Diamond

    At the end a passenger is clearly not happy and asking if there is a lawyer on board as ‘Iam going to sue your a**, I don’t give a **** about your life… I too hope this guy gets support as clearly he is struggling.

  33. Mike R Guest

    I thought we learned that it was a really bad idea to let religious fanatics get access to the flight deck?

    1. RCB Gold

      I love you so much for this, because you are 100% correct, this group will scream about Muslims all day long but not realize that they themselves are actually the religious zealots.

    2. David Guest

      Lets not use a false equivalence here. This guy said some pretty stupid things grant you, but he didn't hijack a plane and fly it into a building. Let's not extrapolate what he said onto all Christians, anymore than we should extrapolate the 9/11 events on all Muslims.

      I hope he gets the help he needs.

    3. Snowe Guest

      Christians dont fly planes into buildings.

    4. Ray Guest

      @Snowe: you are right, they just molest kids. Or do we discount the Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, and on and on.

  34. Endre Guest

    Receive the body of Christ!
    All (bad) jokes aside, he got the attention he was seeking, now let’s hope he gets the help he needs, too.

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Mike R Guest

I thought we learned that it was a really bad idea to let religious fanatics get access to the flight deck?

RCB Gold

I love you so much for this, because you are 100% correct, this group will scream about Muslims all day long but not realize that they themselves are actually the religious zealots.

Ben L. Diamond

Great point, man. What if a thing that didn't happen had happened instead of the thing that did happen? Really makes you think.

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