Ugh, This Viral Marriott Security Guard Video…

Ugh, This Viral Marriott Security Guard Video…


There’s video footage of a Marriott hotel security guard chewing out two people at a hotel, and it’s hard to know exactly what to make of this incident…

Marriott security guard chews out couple

There are two videos that were uploaded to TikTok yesterday, with one having received close to six million views as of the time of this post.

The video was recorded by a young woman who is heard crying in the video, and her boyfriend is depicted in the video talking to the security guard of a Marriott by the front desk. The conversation goes something like this:

Security guard: “You want sympathy?”
Guy: “I don’t want anything.”
Security guard: “You want the cops to come?”
Guy: “I’m going to take care of her first, okay?”
Security guard: “You’re disturbing my receptionist.”
Girl: “She was giving us attitude first.”
Security guard: “Young lady, at this moment right now, what you’re saying is irrelevant to me.”
Girl: “I’m aware of that, you’re making it very clear, I know that.”
Security guard: “You have nothing, so shhhh.”
Girl: “Don’t shush me, don’t shush me.”
Security guard: “Okay, please be quiet. Cause I don’t want to hear from your mouth anymore, period. I don’t need to hear you at all. Don’t cuss at me, young man.”

You can watch that video here:

At this point the guy storms out of the lobby, and I guess the security guard doesn’t like how aggressively he opens the door, which is when things are taken to the next level. At this point the security guard follows the guy out of the hotel, gets literally inches from his face, and starts intimidating him:

“Don’t push on my door, I don’t know the f*ck you think I is, but don’t push my door brother. I’m not the one you think I am, brother. I will take 20 years of military and beat your a$$, you understand me? Now don’t you ever disrespect nobody up in this hotel. You understand me? Because I’m not the one you f*cking think I am. You understand me? Ain’t no cameras outside this motherf*cker, we ain’t in the hotel no more.”

You can watch the video here for yourself (the video has some bad language, so be aware):

What’s the backstory of this incident?

The internet seems divided on this video:

  • Many people think the security guard is a hero who is putting punk kids in their place, and that anyone who has worked a customer-facing job would want to do this
  • Others think that the security guard was being incredibly unprofessional
  • I’d note that many places are incorrectly labeling the guy involved in this incident as the manager, rather than the security guard (I’m guessing this might be because of how he phrases things, like saying “my door,” etc.)
  • I think a lot of peoples’ opinions are informed by the name of the Reddit thread on this — “Old school manager puts cocky boy and his girlfriend in their place after he berated & cussed at a receptionist”

What many people seem to be missing is the alleged backstory of the incident. According to the same people who shared the video, here’s what unfolded that caused all of this:

We went to that hotel to stay the night there with my bf dad. My bf dad was really messed up on drugs and was falling all over the place and even knocked over a lamp. He could barely even speak sentences. We was far away from home so we decided we should call the cops to get help. We didn’t want cops to randomly show up without the hotel people knowing so we told the receptionist what happened. She was “blaming” us saying stuff like “you really want to call the cops on your dad” so we said yeah. After a while of her saying that she called her security. We explained to him why and he gave us attitude. I never cussed out the receptionist I said things like “his dad is f*cked up on drugs” but I never cussed at her. The receptionist commented herself saying she has the videos with the audio and could post the whole thing. I told her to post it and she hasn’t.

This is by all accounts an unfortunate story. A few thoughts:

  • We don’t know the truth of how the couple acted towards the front desk associate, because that’s not on video
  • The drug situation makes this a much darker story, and while the couple may have initially come across as punks, I feel they deserve some compassion; I can’t imagine how difficult it is to have parents with drug issues
  • No matter how you slice it, the security guard took things way too far; of course the security guard should stand up for employees if they’re being harassed or mistreated, but he could also use a lesson in deescalating a difficult situation, and there’s simply no justification for literally threatening to beat someone up
  • I think many people working in customer-facing jobs may fantasize about being able to act this way towards difficult guests, but this simply isn’t justifiable… period

Bottom line

Video footage is going viral of a security guard at a Marriott property chewing out two young adults in a way that I’ve never seen before. Ultimately we just have one side of the story, and we don’t know what happened prior to the video starting.

That being said, I can’t imagine any situation where this kind of behavior is appropriate. And while many may have at first said “the punk kids deserved it,” the parental drug angle here makes me more compassionate towards them.

What’s your take on this incident, based on what we know?

Conversations (43)
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  1. akow Guest

    The security guard was fired, I guess he has a history of talking to people like that

  2. Katerina Sosheva Guest

    I stand 100% with the security guard / manager. Those little punks got chewed. They went home crying. The Brave man defending his employees saved the day. End of story. move on.

  3. Dking Guest

    Stop it!!
    They both have phones .... they could have called the police themselves. So they both walk into a hotel; with cell phones, and ask the receptionist to call the police... too funny

  4. Grey Diamond

    If they did something so bad that would justify threatening them with physical violence, the police should have been called to deal with it instead. That behaviour was unacceptable regardless of what the guests had done. And if that is how you fantasise about treating your guests, you really should not be in a customer facing position...

    1. Post mortem Guest

      They weren't guest they didn't have a room if you listened
      These kids were trying to get a rise out of someone so they could video tape and post it its pathetic to push someone to that limit just to go viral
      I imagine the security guard deals with a lot of Karen's I don't blame him for a second

  5. Sam Guest

    Wow really unprofessional. Went to the United Airlines school of customer service. We could run such a great hotel if not for those pesky customers!

  6. Jon Guest

    We shouldn't judge either side until we can be clear of the context. I understand how anger can make you do things you may regret. Both the couple (esp. the guy) and the security guard should have de-escalated no matter how tense the situation became. It's not worth getting into a ruckus over a verbal disagreement.

  7. dander Guest

    for those thinking the security guard is the jerk, we didn't see everything on video. People are outright jerks to customer service and maybe he's had enough of it and lost it. As for dad was messed up on drugs he need medical care not a room to sleep it off. A trip to the emergency room and a stint in rehab is what dad needed.

    1. John Guest

      I'll be the one to tell the truth. It was a black lowlife yelling at 2 white people in an attempt to "Beat his chest" He feels empowered by all the BLM bullshit going on in this crazy country, so he just showed us all why they are what they are. The poor girl was in tears, but the lowlife just kept adding fuel to the fire. If the roles were reversed, I'd bet my...

      I'll be the one to tell the truth. It was a black lowlife yelling at 2 white people in an attempt to "Beat his chest" He feels empowered by all the BLM bullshit going on in this crazy country, so he just showed us all why they are what they are. The poor girl was in tears, but the lowlife just kept adding fuel to the fire. If the roles were reversed, I'd bet my last dollar BLM would be up in arms crying RACISM as they always do. The fake news ( CNN & MSNBC ) would be screaming and fire the white people. Al LOWLIFE Sharpton would be grandstanding as he usually does. Did he ever pay the over 2 Million in taxes he owes? That piece of scum should get the beating he deserves, and put in a cell where he belongs. I'm sick and tired of hearing how white people are the racist, yet it is scum like this Dolt who are the racist. I'm sure all you DEM-LIB-TARDS & BLM & ANTIFA simpleton's will attack me, which will just prove my point.

    2. Ray Guest

      Wow @John. You sure read a lot out of that clip without truly knowing what took place. I am super impressed how you jumped into racism and the Sharpton’s tax bill. You are quite a guy. I am sure The Proud Boys are taking on new recruits.

    3. John Guest

      Facts are facts. What took place doesn't matter. The big bad black man ( ASSWIPE ) was attacking the 2 white people who did nothing. The girls was in tears, yet BLM didn't care, just kept attacking. You know if the colors were switched, all hell would have broke loose. Grew up you little DEM-LIB-TARD. You are no doubt a basement Biden lover who cries about Jan 6th, yet have nothing to say about all...

      Facts are facts. What took place doesn't matter. The big bad black man ( ASSWIPE ) was attacking the 2 white people who did nothing. The girls was in tears, yet BLM didn't care, just kept attacking. You know if the colors were switched, all hell would have broke loose. Grew up you little DEM-LIB-TARD. You are no doubt a basement Biden lover who cries about Jan 6th, yet have nothing to say about all last year as BLM & their minion's were taking over Seattle and other cities while burning 1/2 the country. Since they are black that is allowed. TRUMP was the best thing for this once great country, now we have a sippy cup retard in office, which of course was stolen from king trump. So go cry to your momma and enjoy your freebies. That stupid BLACK security guard should be fired and put in a cage where he belongs. You can bring him his 3 free meals a day. You are nothing but a lowlife Dolt.

    4. Brian Nigel Hairston Guest

      Who did 20 years in the military and owns the security company that has several regional contracts with 5 - fortune 500 companies. To provide armed and not armed security for 185 locations. He employs 398 people...and still puts his name on the board to work late night shifts as a fill in. Hands on gentleman. Oh and WEALTHY AS F.....!

      But, hey...your right. He is a DOLT for protecting his white receptionist from...

      Who did 20 years in the military and owns the security company that has several regional contracts with 5 - fortune 500 companies. To provide armed and not armed security for 185 locations. He employs 398 people...and still puts his name on the board to work late night shifts as a fill in. Hands on gentleman. Oh and WEALTHY AS F.....!

      But, hey...your right. He is a DOLT for protecting his white receptionist from white hudlum kids...with a dope head for a sorry arse....daddy! A baby maker...who can't provide a decent pair of shoes for his hippie long haired holes all in his shoes...with a cheap t-shirt on...

      Made they should form a group bring light to their plightful lives... DOPE HEADS!

  8. Azamaraal Guest

    Sad that this goes viral without both sides even being explored.

    Very easy to put forward a "we did no wrong" statement by the "young couple" (sounds nice) after the fact without the other side being presented.

    This does not deserve to be aired. Woke.

  9. Erica T Guest

    Wow, so much classism in these comments. I think the kids did the right things: they recognized their father was a disturbance, came up with a plan to address it, ran the plan by the hotel, and stayed calm while the security guard was completely unprofessional and emotional. I'm not sure how they could have handled this unfortunate situation any better.

  10. Icarus Guest

    Totally unprofessional, not wearing his mask properly and being abusive and threatening, using profanities.

  11. Hank Tarn Guest

    The kid has a funny haircut, liberal clothing and looks like a brat who probably doesn’t respect veterans or traditional American values. I trust the security guy on this one.

    1. Norita Guest

      Looks can be deceiving?
      Judging a book by its cover?
      Glad not to know you!

    2. Ray Guest

      @Hank Tarn: please clue me in how we should recognize a veteran at first site for the future. Traditional American values? Really? That is what the security guy was exhibiting? Based on the last five years, what exactly are “Traditional American values”? Maybe you and @John should meet up and correct the rest of the world.

  12. Vincent Vega Guest

    Marsellus Wallace really must have hit some hard times having to take that security officer job

  13. William Guest

    Well he certainly wasn’t the grammar police…

  14. Bandmeeting Guest

    No mention of where this was or did I not see that?

  15. Craig Guest

    Team security guard. Those people are trash.

    1. S Diamond

      He went too far but I doubt he reacts like that if they didn't give him a pretty good reason to do something.

  16. iv Guest

    The security guard clearly lost control of the situation and upped the temperature. He should have never threatened ANYONE.

    Hotels never want the cops called because of the optics, plus it reflects poorly on hotel security that it wasn't able to resolve the issue.

    1. D3kingg Guest


      The primary job of a security guard is loss prevention. An owner or corporation wants protection of assets.

    2. David Diamond

      And what loss is the hotel facing from the 2 teenagers in the video?

  17. D3kingg Guest

    I feel bad for the security guard and hotel staff . Marriott corporation has a lawsuit here against the trespassing drug induced non hotel guests. Glad the security guard kept the employees and other guests out of harms way.

    1. Ray Guest

      @D3kingg: where did you come up with “drug induced non hotel guests”? The boys father was supposedly in a room on drugs. Not these kids. Once again your lack of comprehension is at play.

  18. Endre Guest

    They got the attention they were looking for. Now let’s hope this messed up family gets the help they obviously need

  19. Never In Doubt Guest

    I’m just glad to be able to partake in such quality travel information and advice on this website.

    1. David Guest

      Yes, this is super high quality stuff! Heh.

    2. Hank Guest

      Thanks for a much needed laugh.

  20. Steve Guest

    But yeah, legalize drugs, no repercussions. SMH

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Steve -- I'm guessing marijuana wasn't the drug involved here. Apologies if that doesn't fit your narrative.

    2. Jorge Paez Guest

      Mr. Steve, if drugs were legal then the Dad would have safe, quality controlled dosing and wouldn't be "messed up."

      I'm just wondering why the kids didn't call for an ambulance as this seemed to be a medical situation.....

    3. Bandmeeting Guest

      It isn’t possible to take too much of a drug if it is legal to possess?

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Erica T Guest

Wow, so much classism in these comments. I think the kids did the right things: they recognized their father was a disturbance, came up with a plan to address it, ran the plan by the hotel, and stayed calm while the security guard was completely unprofessional and emotional. I'm not sure how they could have handled this unfortunate situation any better.

Icarus Guest

Totally unprofessional, not wearing his mask properly and being abusive and threatening, using profanities.

Norita Guest

Looks can be deceiving? Judging a book by its cover? Glad not to know you!

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