Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) is already regarded as one of the world’s best airports. The airport will eventually get even better, with the opening of a new mega-terminal, though we’ll have to be patient. While the concept was first revealed in 2013, the first renderings of the new terminal were released yesterday during Singapore’s National Day Rally, and it’s a unique and impressive design.
In this post:
The basics of Changi Airport Terminal 5
Singapore Changi Terminal 5 is expected to open in the mid-2030s, and will be a new mega-terminal at the airport. Terminal 5 will have the capacity to serve 50 million passengers per year, more than the capacity of Terminal 1 and Terminal 3 combined.
The Terminal 5 project was first announced back in 2013, but as you’d expect, it takes some time for projects of this scale to get underway. Furthermore, the pandemic caused the project to be delayed by two years, and it’s now expected that construction will start in around two years (in 2024). The terminal will be designed with the flexibility to be built in two phases, in line with traffic growth.
The new terminal will be located within the 1080 hectare (~2,670 acre) Changi East development, which is almost as big as the land area of the current Changi Airport.

Since we’re talking about Singapore here, the new terminal won’t just be a destination for people who are flying. The development will also include the construction of the new Changi East Urban District (CEUD), which will be a business and lifestyle destination. I guess we should expect something along the lines of The Jewel.

The first rendering of Changi Airport Terminal 5
Yesterday the first renderings were released of Changi Airport Terminal 5. At the bottom left you can see the Changi East Urban District, and then next to that is the terminal. The person that made this rendering was clearly an Airbus A380 enthusiast, and knows something about Singapore Airlines’ future that we don’t. 😉 What a unique terminal design!

There are some renderings of the interior of the terminal in the below presentation from yesterday.
It’s interesting to see the lessons that were learned from the pandemic when it comes to designing the terminal. Terminal 5 will be designed with the flexibility to operate as smaller sub-terminals when needed, with spaces that could be converted for use during contingencies, such as for testing operations or the segregation of high-risk passengers.
The terminal will also feature enhanced ventilation systems that could be activated during a pandemic to increase the use of fresh air. The terminal will also feature solar panels and smart building management systems to reduce the carbon footprint of the operation.
Bottom line
Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 5 will be a new mega-terminal at the airport, and is expected to open in the mid-2030s. Along with the terminal, we should also see a new business and lifestyle district, much like what we already have with The Jewel.
Singapore simply operates airports on a completely different level than the rest of the world, and it’s exciting to think that Changi Airport could get even better. Then again, this will take some patience…
What do you make of the plans for Changi Terminal 5?
The design of the Changi T5 building is very ugly.
How awesome would it be if POTUS USE PPT for SOTU showing progress of the country instead of speaking what people wanted to hear and bunch of other useless antics like the ripping of the speech or stuff like that.
One thing is sure SG and Changi Apt are no dropping the ball but keep on innovating. HK was once my fav Asian city but the recent events make me consider SG as the better option as a destination or as a transit point. This sadly goes as well with CX..
SQ, QR, BR, NH have simply out grown CX in many aspects.
Recent changes? Recent changes will made CX and HKG more like SQ and SIN.
Ran by capitalist authoritarian who’s strong on crime and vandalism. I assure you, changi will not be blocked by thugs like HKIA was in 2019
Well authoritarian or not, western tourists like Americans Australians etc. are the first to scream " anti democratic, paraiah etc." but still travel to SG and enjoys the orderly fashion, cleanliness and discipline. I for one discovers HKers are getting reluctant to speak English. My last cab driver 2 and 1/2 years was struggling to understand me and I of course his " chinglish". Luckily I know my way to my hotel from previous trip....
Well authoritarian or not, western tourists like Americans Australians etc. are the first to scream " anti democratic, paraiah etc." but still travel to SG and enjoys the orderly fashion, cleanliness and discipline. I for one discovers HKers are getting reluctant to speak English. My last cab driver 2 and 1/2 years was struggling to understand me and I of course his " chinglish". Luckily I know my way to my hotel from previous trip. Who knows where he had let me out. In the end of the day it is all china anyway so I just chilled out.
People like Eve who say there is "literally a metro ... that directly links to the city. The city centre that every tourist think about is MBS, Clarke Quay and Raffles, all of which are directly in the metro line from airport" think that readers are idiots who can't read maps. I am looking at the metro map on the Singapore government's own website right now and the direct line from the airport has THREE...
People like Eve who say there is "literally a metro ... that directly links to the city. The city centre that every tourist think about is MBS, Clarke Quay and Raffles, all of which are directly in the metro line from airport" think that readers are idiots who can't read maps. I am looking at the metro map on the Singapore government's own website right now and the direct line from the airport has THREE stations (INCLUDING the airport) and THAT'S IT. A change to the blue or green line is then necessary. Clarke Quay is on neither and MBS is TWENTY stations from the airport and only fewer with yet another change of line.
Security at the gate is, however, a fantastic idea. Look at all those people in Europe missing flights because of long lines at security. With security at the gate, the airline knows exactly where passengers are and can adjust the boarding timetable to take into account the number of people at security.
Singapore's Changi is the best airport, hands down. Detractors here are just being contrary for the sake of it. And as you might tell from my name, that's no small claim. Considering who pays my wages...
Changi is a great airport and I look forward to seeing the new T5. I once had to spend half a day there and was not bored.
Changi airport, oop airports would ALWAYS remain top in soft facilities and services but in hard facilities some others have and may still overtake Changi regularly. When it comes to security Changi MUST remain tight, no relaxation is advisable on this score ! Hope terminal 5 when it materializes keeps to these traditions.
With Hong Kong's falling no surprise see this raising
HK will rise to singapore level. Don’t worry.
No more thugs storming the airport
All these "I don't know why Changi is rated the best..etc etc".
Xenophobia, Jealousy or sheer Ignorance much, you guys? Changi is a fantastic airport! And I've been to 120+ airports everywhere in every continent since 2001 (except for Antarctica and the Arctic).
I will never understand why Changi is considered a good airport. Maybe it's post-Covid but the lounges are grungy (I've been to 3 of them), the restaurants are sub-par, etc. The pool opens at 12 and they have bouncers to make sure you're a hotel guest now. Nothing worthwhile in the two international terminals I've been at.
Outside security, fair deal. The mall is solid. But inside? That's the actual airport.
Long time Sing resident and PPS solitaire member. Ive been thru Changi hundreds of times. It’s a great airport, very efficient and user friendly. The biggest weakness by far is the lack of good food/dining facilities.
While I think Changi has wonderful amenities and is very nice to spend time in I agree with those who dislike having to go through security at the gate. I generally find it slow and disorganised and out of keeping with the rest of the experience. If one could combine the facilities at Changi with the convenience of airport like ICN where I’ve always had good experiences I think that would be the best of both worlds.
MEANWHILE, Hong-Kong is still reporting case number and requiring quarantine on arrival... let's not talk about JAPAN with their North Korean style Tour on a short leash
The airport design is damn ugly. Like post it paper.
Airport like Singapore should always have an home coming effect. For foreigners & tourists it is like coming to a place that they "dream" about; also heavenly to come to.
I don’t know why on earth would people say Changi is the world’s best airport. It’s not bad but definitely nowhere near the best. Just the fact that you have to go through security at the gate and they throw away water bottles that you buy at the airport is a major downside. Not to mention the terminal is massive so you have to get going to your gate like an hour before departure for...
I don’t know why on earth would people say Changi is the world’s best airport. It’s not bad but definitely nowhere near the best. Just the fact that you have to go through security at the gate and they throw away water bottles that you buy at the airport is a major downside. Not to mention the terminal is massive so you have to get going to your gate like an hour before departure for security. Lounge offerings are minimal to none, the SQ lounges are a complete joke. HKG is lightyears ahead.
Changi Airport is not the best airport by word of mouth, but rather judged independently by global critics from the industry. The awards speak for itself.
Changi may not win the top awards each year but will always be amongst the top.
Actually there are no long security lines at Changi unlike most other airports. Mobile security teams meet every departing plane at the gate, which is why you go through security at the gate and not stand in line with the masses. I find this very customer friendly and the process vastly superior and far less stressful compared to the majority of airports.
HKG is lightyears ahead that its almost shut. That's a nice way to describe a dumpster of an airport.
Really? HKG is sterile and boring. Not sure what's so great about HKG. There are way more facilities in SIN than HKG.
I walked 5 minutes from the QF first lounge to my JAL flight last week. Being a bit dramatic?
Not entirely sure why the great excitement here. Changi is an ok airport, but for frequent travellers it is not the most convenient. It doesn’t have a great rail connection from the cbd (try to catch a cab in Singapore when it rains), security is annoying (having to queue again at the gate is a pain. Most people want to know that they can just walk from yeh lounge to the plane) and the two...
Not entirely sure why the great excitement here. Changi is an ok airport, but for frequent travellers it is not the most convenient. It doesn’t have a great rail connection from the cbd (try to catch a cab in Singapore when it rains), security is annoying (having to queue again at the gate is a pain. Most people want to know that they can just walk from yeh lounge to the plane) and the two older terminals are just older terminals.
Yes. The Jewel is a great shopping centre, but does it really belong in an airport?
Personally I find that calling Changi the best airport in the world has become a fad with little substance. I find HKG to be my favourite, although who knows if and when I will get back there. Until then I’m happy with the new generation of Spanish airports, as well as DXB and DOH
Was in HKG last week , it’s a ghost town and I found it quite disturbing, CX aircraft sitting idle at all the gates and nothing open - Singapore is ok but I think it’s glory days are now over. - was there 2 weeks ago , I’ve never liked security at the gates
@Alexander I find it slightly odd that Singapore of all places doesn’t have an Airport express train to city center, but ultimately that’s a minor knock.
Comparisons to HKG is moot since Hong Kong as we know it, is dead
Them cabbies which consist of mostly disadvantaged/senior populations would be in trouble once the train is connected... keep in mind the airport is on the eastern "edge" of the island
Dude, why are you pretending to be 2 different personas (Mike & Justin) to comment? Do you have DID or something? We get it, you love HKG (or probably is a Hong Konger yourself, judging from your nickname of Mike and Justin), but bringing another down just to put yourself up there is nothing less than what a buffoon will do. Saying Singapore doesn't have great rail? It is one of the easiest places to...
Dude, why are you pretending to be 2 different personas (Mike & Justin) to comment? Do you have DID or something? We get it, you love HKG (or probably is a Hong Konger yourself, judging from your nickname of Mike and Justin), but bringing another down just to put yourself up there is nothing less than what a buffoon will do. Saying Singapore doesn't have great rail? It is one of the easiest places to get around with it's great public transport system, not just its rails, which are excellent actually. Hong Kong's horrible when it rains since shelters are almost extinct there, you even get water dripping on you even when it doesn't rain in HK when you're walking along the sidewalks. Security is annoying? Security is annoying everywhere even in HKG, at the very least the security officers at Changi aren't rude. Most people want to know that they can just walk to the lounge to the gates? Dude, you can walk, it's whether you want to or not, or are you just self entitled and lazy? The 2 older Terminals are just older Terminals? HKG has that too, just older Terminals. Changi Jewel cannot be considered part of the Airport? Then why is HKG doing the same and copying Changi? I can continue to list a doesn't more to debunk the comments from both your personas, but dude, just stop being sour and get on with life. There's a reason why HKG and HK itself has fallen off the radars of "The Best" in the world, and no one else is to blame for that.
@Alex, Ikr i am literally astonished the amount of nonsense Mike/Justin is writing. The fact that the guy mentioned catching taxi in middle of rain really was enough to say he was speaking things out of air
I am sorry, what do you mean it needs an express train??? There is literally a metro every 5 mins that directly links to the city. The city centre that every tourist think about is MBS, Clarke Quay and Raffles, all of which are directly in the metro line from airport.
Also where are you catching taxis???? There are literal taxi pickup points at departures and all of them are below another flow so...
I am sorry, what do you mean it needs an express train??? There is literally a metro every 5 mins that directly links to the city. The city centre that every tourist think about is MBS, Clarke Quay and Raffles, all of which are directly in the metro line from airport.
Also where are you catching taxis???? There are literal taxi pickup points at departures and all of them are below another flow so you have shade. In fact there is a brilliant queue system for taxi, and you can choose which class of taxi you want.
Also security is very fast, compared to any major European or American hubs at least. There is also e gates everywhere so it makes a lot easy since you don’t have to go to immigration desk
I think you are speaking about Changi 15 years ago, not Changi in 2022
@Eve yes, you can ride the green line, but it's still a slow 11-13 stops to get to the city center. Takes like 45 min? Would be nice if they had one that will take you there in 10 minutes.
What a selfish nonsense.It's like to say why there are so many crossroad with traffic lights on the driveway to the airport?You want a highway from the airport directly to your hostel?There are 11-13 stops because some if not many people need to use metro form the 11-13 stops.
@tuotuo Exactly, yes. Hong Kong, Narita, Seoul, Taipei all have special airport express trains that takes 1-3 ish stops to the city center instead of 11-13. You don’t have to be offended or bent out of shape with this fact.
True, but the distance from SIN to the city centre is about 19 km. All the other cities above (and other South-East Asian cities like KUL and BKK) are at least twice the distance from the airport, so the express train makes sense. SIN is more like Haneda, Itami and Seattle in terms of distance from the city centre. These airports also do not have express trains exclusively for the airport.