Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani Shaves At Delta SkyClub Dining Table

Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani Shaves At Delta SkyClub Dining Table


This must be pretty close to a new low when it comes to airport lounge etiquette…

Rudy Giuliani’s SkyClub shaving adventures

Video is going viral of former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani’s behavior in the Delta SkyClub at New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport. The video, which was allegedly shot around 5:30PM on Sunday, shows Giuliani shaving at a dining table.

There seem to be two parts to this. According to the person who filmed the video, Giuliani was making quite the splash while enjoying lobster bisque:

“It took him 15 minutes to have one bowl of soup because every time he’d bring the spoon up to his mouth, half would fall back into the soup. It was disgusting.”

That’s not that unusual, but what is unusual is what happened next. After enjoying a hearty bowl of bisque, Giuliani headed for the dessert selection, and grabbed some brownies. While enjoying the brownies, he then started shaving.

He used the selfie function on his iPad as a camera while shaving, to make sure he didn’t miss any spots. It’s anyone’s guess how much of his facial hair ended up in his brownies, given that you don’t often eat and shave at the same time (or I guess I shouldn’t speak on behalf of others — at least that’s not my strategy).

You can find the original Instagram videos of the incident here, and then you can find a consolidated version of the videos here (I’d recommend muting that version, because the commentary is inappropriate and completely unnecessary).

This is confusing, not okay…

The bizarre thing is that it’s totally fine to shave in Delta SkyClubs… in the dedicated, complimentary shower rooms. I know I’ve done it a few times before.

C’mon Rudy, this is where you shave in SkyClubs!

But what would possess someone to shave in public while in an area where people are eating? Whether it’s shaving, clipping toenails, flossing, or whatever else, this is something that simply isn’t appropriate in public spaces of an airport lounge or a plane. Period.

The only logical explanation (and I’m sure this is exactly what’s going on), is that Giuliani was taking one for the team, and putting Delta’s lounge cleaning standards to the test, to see how well they cleaned up after him.

Bottom line

Rudy Giuliani was seen at the Delta SkyClub JFK on Sunday shaving at a dining table. I can’t even begin to say the extent to which this crosses the line of reasonable lounge hygiene etiquette. I’d ask what he was thinking, but this isn’t the first time he has found himself in a situation like this.

I’m curious, does anyone — anyone — think it’s appropriate to shave a dining table in an airport lounge?

(Tip of the hat to Live and Let’s Fly)

Conversations (67)
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  1. Adrian Marshall Guest

    Good things are coming

  2. glenn t Diamond

    Oh Ben! You've taken the air out out Gary Leff's tires with this one! hahaha.

  3. Paul K. Ogden Guest

    Let me concur with Greg's comment about dementia. I have suspected that about Giuliani for some time. I have brothers who have/had frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTD), a type of dementia which affects judgment and decision-making and hits one earlier in life than Alzheimer's. FTD changes people's personality, causing them to do things they would never have done pre-FTD. The person with FTD eventually has memory lapses too, but, unlike Alzheimer's, that comes during the late...

    Let me concur with Greg's comment about dementia. I have suspected that about Giuliani for some time. I have brothers who have/had frontotemporal lobe dementia (FTD), a type of dementia which affects judgment and decision-making and hits one earlier in life than Alzheimer's. FTD changes people's personality, causing them to do things they would never have done pre-FTD. The person with FTD eventually has memory lapses too, but, unlike Alzheimer's, that comes during the late stages of the disease.

    Giuliani shaving in the restaurant reminds me of one of my FTD-afflicted brothers who came down from our hotel room into the dining area with shaving cream on his face and razor in hand ready to do some grooming at the dining table. Those in the restaurant were lucky that Giuliani was using an electric razor.

  4. Vinod Guest

    So, what - just clickbait.

  5. TP Guest

    Stick to the day job, providing reviews as opposed to offering partisan attacks. Agee what he did was wrong but should not be posted on this blog.

    1. dmg9 Guest

      It happened in an AIRPORT lounge. The incident deserves reporting in this blog.

      We must "connect the dots" so to speak.

  6. Toad Guest

    The videographer's mouth is also disgusting.

  7. Fred Guest

    I agree. This site has gotten way off track. Most people want to see nothing but Miles-accumulation articles.


  8. Anthony Guest

    Very, very political Ben. You are showing your colours, obviously.
    This is Not news for a frequent traveller account.

  9. Leann Guest

    No one made this political but you! Rudy Giuliani is a private citizen and former attorney. No political party or branch of government was mentioned here. The writer simply wrote an article about a post that went viral and stated his opinion being that what done was disgusting by anyone doing it and actually I think it was the guy who recorded the video said it was disgusting. Geez, it sure seems snowflakes land SOFT!

  10. EBWaa Guest

    LOL Oh, Rudy!

    I’m not a Piers Morgan fan by any means but his interview with Giuliani was as iconic to me as Theresa Giudice’s prostitution wh*re tirade.

  11. John Guest

    Ben. Please. Just because something mildly disturbing/amusing/unusual happens in an airport/airline lounge/aircraft doesn't mean you have to print it. I can't believe we've gone from a thoroughly enjoyable discourse on airline and hotel coffee to......an ex politician's grooming. And no, I'm not a Republican and I've never voted Republican (come to think of it...I've never voted Democrat either).

  12. Blaz Guest

    We are talking about the guy that claimed massive systemic fraud with the last US election without a shred of legal proof? Why then would this surprise anyone? I am just hoping he doesn't cut his toenails while eating stilton cheese.

  13. Joe Guest

    This is why I read this blog

    1. Pierre Diamond

      It speaks millions about you but why are you proud of the fact?

  14. Jonck Guest

    ChrisC, you can get lost!

  15. James Webber Guest

    This is disgusting. Clearly, he is no longer in his right mind. Why he was not removed from the lounge is beyond me. Delta should revoke his lounge access.

  16. crosscourt Guest

    I'd like to know why the lounge staff didn't not ask him to use the washroom.

  17. bob Guest

    I honestly think at some point in the not too distant past, he had some kind of stroke and became a nut job. Think Sophia Putrillo of the GG but not nearly as adorable.

  18. HL Guest

    As someone who has lived and travelled across Asia I suggest you do not spend any time in those lounges. I have seen toe nail clipping, nose picking, and nose hair picking. Ear wax removal, and a girl popping spots on her (BF I assume) partners back.

    Some people do not understand public etiquette.

  19. flying100 Member

    Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength fails.
    psalm 71:9.

  20. Kelley Guest

    I've noticed as folks get older - approaching or exceeding that 80 year mark they often start ignoring societal rules. I've seen it in friends parents, they become toddlers again. Feeling free to do what they want, when they want, whether it's appropriate or not. Maybe it's time his kids realize he may be in need of more supervision... We'll all get there one day, God willing!

  21. Icarus Guest

    You wouldn’t expect Giuliani to have manners. If you look at his demeanour he, like Trump, are repellent individuals.

  22. PDS Guest

    I quite enjoyed the voiceover on the consolidated video

  23. Sel, D. Guest

    Lucky must have been foaming at the mouth when he saw this video. Somehow missed the story of Texas dems flying maskless in July - weird.

    1. Charles Guest

      Multiple of them tested positive too, I believe.

  24. Clem Diamond

    Seems pretty in character for him. So gross.

  25. Regis Guest

    He used his electric shaver for a few seconds while sitting at a table in lounge. It is poor manners but it did not contaminate anybody's food. Anyone who frequents lounges has seen worse. Pre-pandemic, when lounges had buffets, I would see passengers sticking bare hands into bread cabinets and dropping food tongs on the floor and placing them straight back into the buffet dishes. That actually poses a health risk to passengers. A brief...

    He used his electric shaver for a few seconds while sitting at a table in lounge. It is poor manners but it did not contaminate anybody's food. Anyone who frequents lounges has seen worse. Pre-pandemic, when lounges had buffets, I would see passengers sticking bare hands into bread cabinets and dropping food tongs on the floor and placing them straight back into the buffet dishes. That actually poses a health risk to passengers. A brief touch up with your electric shaver away from other people's food is harmless. This is overreaction laced with hatred for Giuliani.

    1. Blaz Guest

      Nope...I don't care how bad other people's behaviour can be, it is no justification. Rudy should know better for gawd sake, but it doesn't surprise me strangely. Did you watch Borat?

  26. Ted Guest

    Ew! Gross. Either he is actually losing it mentally and thought the sign out front said “Shave Club”, or trying to make it look like he’s mentaly impaired for his pending legal situation.

  27. Donna Diamond

    It’s beyond disgusting. What a pig.

  28. 100n Guest

    Seems like clickbait. There always seem to be attacks on this website on Republicans, but not Democrats.

    1. TM Gold

      Lucky has dozens, if not hundreds of posts from over the years of people acting shameful and disgusting in airports and airplanes. This one happens to be a very high profile politician that is aligned with a former treasonous POTUS, but I guarantee Lucky would have posted this if it was a high profile Democrat too.

    2. Pierre Guest

      Lo212... +1
      TM: "Guarantee..."? The past is not encouraging.

    3. Rui N. Guest

      Do you know what clickbait is? What crucial information is missing from the title? Learn what words mean before using them

  29. Eskimo Guest

    I take shaving over misbehaved children or any pets disguised as ESA all the time.

  30. Ghostrider5408 Guest

    I have seen far worse than shaving and eating at a table. I assume he was using an electric razor. Or is this just another "jump on Trump" post? either way it's tacky as well as far below your reputation.

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      Trump is not mentioned anywhere in the post, Mr. Sensitive

    2. Blaz Guest

      I am still concerned about the fact that he has seen far worse...EWWW.

  31. markrogo New Member

    Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani ... could've ended the headline right there

  32. James Guest

    Yeah this is pretty nasty....but the guy who posted it advocating that he be locked in a cage for this action is equally, if not more, disgusting.

    1. SpaceGhostC2C New Member

      He should be tried and locked in a cage for insurrection maybe. But disgusting is par for the course for Rudy.

  33. Charles Guest

    Haha, you do realize the "rude" Michael Rappaport twitter post that was "unnecessarily rude" was just replaced with the exact same video with Michael Rappaport's disgusting verbal commentary.

    1. Ben Schlappig OMAAT

      @ Charles -- I'm sorry, I actually didn't realize that. I didn't have headphones in and assumed a video of someone in a lounge wouldn't have unnecessary commentary. If anyone comes across a version of the video without this unnecessary and inappropriate commentary, please let me know.

    2. Fred Boccoli Guest

      Here's the original version without Rapaport commentary - https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18246920653008540/

    1. ChrisC Guest

      I agree and I'm no longer going to read this blog.

      It used to concentrate on reviews and points and miles earning and spending but it's turned in to a cheap 'news' site with silly headlings starting 'OMG' and 'WOW'.

      Articles like this and the inaccurate and incorrected 'AA made racist call' are the last straw as far as I'm concerned

    2. SpaceGhostC2C New Member

      I marked you comment as helpful, in that you will no longer be reading this blog. Bye.

    3. KK13 Guest

      Good bye, Felicia.. make sure the door doesn’t hit your face.

    4. Eskimo Guest

      Bye Bye @ChirsC

      Don't let us ever see you post here again.

    5. Pierre Guest

      Probably the most grotesque post by Ben in a blog which unfortunately contains more and more.

      I am impatiently waiting for one with the title "Woman gives birth to Dog".

  34. JohnRossa Gold

    Well, at least he wasn't leaking hair dye all over the place. Count your blessings!

  35. Greg Guest

    Not an expert on this but could be dementia or other sort of medical issue related to aging given some other 'off' incidents

    1. Santastico Guest

      Yes, dementia is affecting lots of politicians.

    2. Pete Guest

      Yes we know your posts well. _____ derangement syndrome is also a well described disorder and we know who you’d put in the blank.

    1. Surya N. Member

      How on earth is this clickbait? The title is "Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani Shaves At Delta SkyClub Dining Table," which literally describes exactly what he did.

      And before anyone goes into some tirade about how this blog is overtly political -- not once did Ben make a political statement about Giuliani or his own political beliefs. He commented on how gross it is to shave in a public shared space like an airline lounge, which,...

      How on earth is this clickbait? The title is "Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani Shaves At Delta SkyClub Dining Table," which literally describes exactly what he did.

      And before anyone goes into some tirade about how this blog is overtly political -- not once did Ben make a political statement about Giuliani or his own political beliefs. He commented on how gross it is to shave in a public shared space like an airline lounge, which, sure, is an opinion by definition, but I would guess that it's a pretty widely shared opinion. And, since it's an airline lounge, it fits the scope of what this blog is about.

    2. David Diamond


      And you would be the One Flamebait at a Time?

    3. bob Guest

      A. you need to look up what click bait means. Otherwise you're like that commercial where the old guy says he paid extra on car insurance and wonders if he was Hash tagging.

      B. It's lucky's blog if he wants to tag cat's doing a conga line that would be his prerogative. You don't have to like it but you do have to get over it.

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Surya N. Member

How on earth is this clickbait? The title is "Disgusting: Rudy Giuliani Shaves At Delta SkyClub Dining Table," which literally describes exactly what he did. And before anyone goes into some tirade about how this blog is overtly political -- not once did Ben make a political statement about Giuliani or his own political beliefs. He commented on how gross it is to shave in a public shared space like an airline lounge, which, sure, is an opinion by definition, but I would guess that it's a pretty widely shared opinion. And, since it's an airline lounge, it fits the scope of what this blog is about.

Greg Guest

Not an expert on this but could be dementia or other sort of medical issue related to aging given some other 'off' incidents

ChrisC Guest

I agree and I'm no longer going to read this blog. It used to concentrate on reviews and points and miles earning and spending but it's turned in to a cheap 'news' site with silly headlings starting 'OMG' and 'WOW'. Articles like this and the inaccurate and incorrected 'AA made racist call' are the last straw as far as I'm concerned

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