While it’s normal for airlines to have behavior and appearance standards for employees, this has to be one of the stranger notices we’ve seen. I first wrote about this a couple of days ago, but there’s now an update, as the person behind the memo has issued a “clarification.”
In this post:
PIA tells cabin crew to be more presentable
Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) seems to have some issues with how crews are dressing during layovers, when not in uniform. PIA’s General Manager of Flight Services suggests that the way that cabin crew are dressing is leaving a “poor impression” and “portrays a negative image” of the airline.
In a memo to employees, the following concerns are brought up:
“It has been observed with great concern that a few cabin crew tend to dress casually while traveling intercity, staying in hotels and visiting various suffices. Such dressing leaves a poor impression on the viewer and portrays a negative image of not only the individual but also of the organisation.”
The memo goes on to ask cabin crew to “dress properly” in formal plain clothes over “proper undergarments.” It’s also stated that “the clothing worn by males and females should be in accordance with our cultural and national morals.”
Grooming officers at the airline have been told to monitor crews, and report back if there are any deviations from these policies. Ah, grooming officers doing undergarment checks, what could possibly go wrong?!

This memo seems… oddly specific?
Admittedly airlines around the globe have different standards when it comes to how crews have to behave off the plane. In some cases this is specific to how employees must behave while in uniform and not on the plane (like at airports), while in other cases it involves how they must behave when not in uniform (like at layover hotels).
This memo from PIA (minus the undergarment reference) reminds me of that Pan Am training video about how employees should behave at hotels, as they’re still representing the airline.
Even so, I’m a bit confused by PIA’s memo. The airline is asking employees to dress in “formal plain clothes” when on layovers. Maybe that’s not meant so literally, but… why? If they’re going to the hotel gym or on a walk in a warm climate, are “formal plain clothes” really necessary?
And of course that’s the less strange point here — the much stranger thing is the request to wear undergarments. This leads me to only two possible conclusions:
- Have there honestly been repeated incidents that involve crews not wearing undergarments, and that somehow getting back to management?
- Is someone at PIA just a little bit pervy, and that’s reflected in what they’ve chosen to focus on in a memo?
I mean, we’ve seen plenty of airlines with much higher customer service standards than PIA write memos to employees about appearance, though I don’t ever recall undergarments specifically being referenced. Hmmm…
PIA clarifies memo about undergarments
Following widespread reporting of PIA’s appearance standards memo, the person behind the memo has issued a statement:
“Despite the fact that the spirit behind the advisory was to ensure proper dress code, however, the standard bulletin, inadvertently, came out with an inappropriate selection of words. I personally feel regretful and am fully convinced that the words could have been more civilised and appropriate in this context instead of words published, which, unfortunately, are being trolled and twisted towards the defamation of the company.”
Okay, that’s kind of a weird apology. He acknowledges that the words were “inappropriate” and he “feels regretful,” but also claims that the quote is being “trolled and twisted towards the defamation of the company.”
Bottom line
Pakistan International Airlines has reminded cabin crew that they need to dress appropriately even when not in uniform. They’ve been told to wear formal plain clothes over “proper undergarments,” which sure makes me wonder what exactly the backstory is that prompted this memo to be written.
In the meantime a quasi-apology has been issued. The person behind the statement acknowledges that the words were inappropriate, but also claims that people are using the statement to defame the company.
What do you make of this PIA memo to cabin crew?
(Tip of the hat to Paddle Your Own Kanoo)
When flight attendants are off duty at hotels, they have the option of having fun and relaxing. They do NOT have the option of projecting a negative image of the airline they represent, nor making a nuisance of themselves in hotels or restaurants.
The notice from PIA is thus appropriate but could have been worded more specifically.
JD Guest.....
It's also surprising that christians or others can't be found almost naked 24/7............ This also should be surprising to you, i believe. But for us it's not surprising coz no one is wearing and/or required to wear any specific costume 24 hours since it's not possible, one has to sleep, take shower etc.. etc. . So it's a very stupid remark by you that why muslims are not wearing burqa 24/7.
I'm not surprised that you're surprised!
You come across for sure like the stereo typical American; Media portrayal of the rest of the world is gospel and therefore has to be right, even though you've never witnessed or researched anything for yourself, nor have you ever ventured out of your State, but still you're gonna consider yourself to be worldly......
FYI, PIA, from its inception had female Cabin Crew that wore uniforms designed by...
I'm not surprised that you're surprised!
You come across for sure like the stereo typical American; Media portrayal of the rest of the world is gospel and therefore has to be right, even though you've never witnessed or researched anything for yourself, nor have you ever ventured out of your State, but still you're gonna consider yourself to be worldly......
FYI, PIA, from its inception had female Cabin Crew that wore uniforms designed by none other than Pierre Cardin.
Further more, if you bothered to watch any Pakistani Soap Opera or even News Channels, you will see that 95% of the women don't cover their hair.
Either way, wearing a Burkha is a woman's decision, so respect it or shut the hell up.
I mean....... if you decided to cross dress, who are we tell you what's what and you'd still demand us to respect you for it right?
To conclude:
This article was a complete waste of time.
The imbecile that wrote it doesn't know the meaning of public interest.
The Publisher has more money than sense, I wouldn't pay $2 to the half wit that wrote it, let alone put it up on my portal.
Another shoddy piece of writing that really doesn't provide anything more than a platform for imbeciles to make racist remarks.
too many mile-high club members on that airline and others as well. more than once id see used undergarments in the toilet dustbins. due to sudden unplanned ‘encounters’ between airline crews, passengers and a mix of random others, undergarments get soiled then discarded. this forces many to go about without. management noticed this trend and thus this memo…
Maybe some crew did a Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct and got caught?
This is good. Dress decent and wear decent undergarments. Dress respectfully.
Never in Pakistan anyone was ordered to wear burqa
The real issues with Pakistan is to get reunited with INDIA ( AT least be normal in relationship .... no matter what .. you are a failed STATE... you may try for another 70yrs, you WILL remain the SAME.
They should probably down size management they obviously have too much time on their hands. Is the writer peaking under peoples dresses? Wake up its time.
@JD no nothing about islam
You guys have to work on an Airline Company to know what and how discipline is installed in every employee because you have to Understand that You are not only Relresenting the Airline You are Representing Your Country,PIA is Pakistan National Carrier,I Personally Experience working in an Airline for 15 Years.
I could see trolling about Muslim Airline... Mostly US & European - they think there is no other country than their country , they are so stupid , not knowing their own English native language spellings, morally so degraded by being drunk & in drugs , use disgusting slang language , talk about Man & Women equality but do not respect woman , they get random meeting in clubs like animals and get pregnant- not...
I could see trolling about Muslim Airline... Mostly US & European - they think there is no other country than their country , they are so stupid , not knowing their own English native language spellings, morally so degraded by being drunk & in drugs , use disgusting slang language , talk about Man & Women equality but do not respect woman , they get random meeting in clubs like animals and get pregnant- not knowing the father of their kids - inhuman & disgusting culture. THERE IS ALWAYS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HUMAN & ANIMAL ..Human has to be civilized, with cultural value , curiosity, generosity, hospitality, patience - which at least Pakistan has.
Tell that to the paki sheep / goat shaggers and paedophiles.
I think you're largely correct. What may surprise you as I'm an American... and I/we are not alone in these beliefs.
Lost, misguided, hypocritical and mean spirited is what I see everyday.
I found the article entirely petty with a total disregard to legal, cultural and religious sensitivities of Pakistan.
My apologies to you from this America for the bad behavior of my neighbor.
Respect from a Pakistani
You are absolutely right about Islamophobia in the West - you get the hate language, ignorance and misinformation about Islam. I am proud to say that I have Muslim friends and colleagues that are law-abiding, loving and compassionate people - you are rightfully angry at these inflammatory comments!
My apologies for the comments of my "countrymen"!
That can go undergarment free as long as they want in my opinion. Would love to fly that airline
Is a nun a Muslim since she is covered from head to toe!
I really don't care about the PIA memo.
What I cannot tolerate is a half assed written story by a supposedly accomplished reporter who is either too lazy or totally indifferent as to researching the entire story!
"I would like to have known the backstory that prompted PIA to issue this latest memo."
Wouldn't you consider that to be a most intricate part of the story overall?!?
I want you to...
I really don't care about the PIA memo.
What I cannot tolerate is a half assed written story by a supposedly accomplished reporter who is either too lazy or totally indifferent as to researching the entire story!
"I would like to have known the backstory that prompted PIA to issue this latest memo."
Wouldn't you consider that to be a most intricate part of the story overall?!?
I want you to write 100 times on the blackboard, "I will not cheat my readers out of the whole story in any future articles that I attempt to write!"
And that's all I have to say about that!
It is a Muslim country but they are not hard-core Muslims, because sex sells everywhere
As it mentioned PIA's memo was made for its own employees, respect to PIA's prerogative shd be given & not rediculed by 3rd parties. Ok we know the wayward conservatism of islamic countries, let them be, it's their nation & culture. However one thing muslims shd adhere is "keep their religious & cultural ways for themselves in their homeland & never ever try to do the same outside their homeland, as what's happening in Europe,...
As it mentioned PIA's memo was made for its own employees, respect to PIA's prerogative shd be given & not rediculed by 3rd parties. Ok we know the wayward conservatism of islamic countries, let them be, it's their nation & culture. However one thing muslims shd adhere is "keep their religious & cultural ways for themselves in their homeland & never ever try to do the same outside their homeland, as what's happening in Europe, America & Down Under Australia that is causing so much tension & crisis. Being a refugee, PR & citizen of a non islamic country does not give u muslims the right to instill your religious & cultural ways to suit yourselves. In fact it is to adapt & adopt a foreign lifestyle like how easily europeans, japanese, chinese, korean, indian etc etc do when living in a foreign land".
So I’m confused the people in Pakistan
Don’t ware under wear?
It's not PIA, it was just one turd in the punch bowl. Then he says "I'm sorry, I goofed, but it's social media's fault for it becoming this big mess".
Everyone's a freaking victim these days. When they mess up, they say sorry, then play the blame game. Just another turd sandwich.
Once upon a time a thai minister mentioned that stewardesses must only be pretty but don't need to have a brain. This caused a lot of notice and protest and rightly so. Now the PIA asking the crew to wear proper under garment is even worse. What is proper, who is checking the underwear? Just shameful to publicly ask your service crew such question is extremly stupid. The person responsible should resign. The airlines never...
Once upon a time a thai minister mentioned that stewardesses must only be pretty but don't need to have a brain. This caused a lot of notice and protest and rightly so. Now the PIA asking the crew to wear proper under garment is even worse. What is proper, who is checking the underwear? Just shameful to publicly ask your service crew such question is extremly stupid. The person responsible should resign. The airlines never had a very good reputation and now working as service crew being instructed to wear proper underwear will bring shame to the people.
PIA is acting like parts of the anatomy which they like to hide.
You're thingy is showing cover it up
@JD no it’s not required..!
But you should put you mask lill bit up till
Your forehead while you flying in MUSLIM airline …..!
"Proper undergarments" could also mean a slip that doesn't hang longer than the skirt, or fleshtoned stockings instead of fishnets, or a V neck t-shirt instead of a crew collar that would show under a shirt. I know Pakistan has a reputation but the same way this article jumped to "they're telling them what panties to wear" as opposed to considering all the professional explanations for this is the reason he felt the media was trolling and instigating.
The purpose, in my opinion is to present a conservative representation of PIA, with a dress code of a conservative international company. In agreement with PIA culture and the country’s culture, do not attempt to look like you are from US, DE or UK. Stand for the standard of PIA or go elsewhere.
Women in Pakistan are also on their 5th pregnancy by 19 years of age......what's you point Cali?
They mean pantyhose. They just can't say it without it sounding sexist. The snowflakes and feminist trash think it's fine to look like ghetto trash all the time. I'm happy some people still don't.
Well, well, well.
Someone so worked up about the appearance of others would fit the definition of a snowflake to me.
Need a safe space? Are you triggered by seeing *gasp* uncovered legs? Projection much.
What’s “ghetto trash”?
The memo is in order.
The memo says “over proper undergarments”, not “over undergarments.” The wearing particularly revealing or sexy clothing (like revealing and skimpy longerie) in public is contrary to many in Pakistani culture. This might include but not be limited, of course, to no undergarments.) Putting aside the issue of directing what flight attendance can wear when traveling for their work, I think the author of this article misunderstood the airline’s intent in that directive.
If you work for a company that has expectations as to how you behave even when off duty then behave as expected. If you don’t like it, find another place to work or change your mind. As far as the official who wrote the memo being a “perv”, come on, are you telling me that women who go bra-less or men who allow their junk to show through their clothes aren’t aware of the attention it brings? They are as responsible for that attention as the onlookers.
Well said…totally agree
On my Frankfurt layovers, the bus that picked us up at the airport to take us to the hotel had also brought the crew from a mid-eastern airline TO the airport, and after they got off the bus and we got on, we could always rely on there being a handful of girly magazines, which of course they were not allowed to bring back home.
If someone is out of uniform and enjoying the evening on a layover, who will know who they work for besides perhaps the hotel desk clerk? It makes no sense to regulate the dress of a person out of uniform, off the job, and on their own time, and frankly it's a little (more like a lot) creepy to think someone is monitoring my behaviour out of uniform on my own time. In many cities...
If someone is out of uniform and enjoying the evening on a layover, who will know who they work for besides perhaps the hotel desk clerk? It makes no sense to regulate the dress of a person out of uniform, off the job, and on their own time, and frankly it's a little (more like a lot) creepy to think someone is monitoring my behaviour out of uniform on my own time. In many cities around Europe and North America exposed breasts on the street are not only legal but not even that unusual in summer. And you're concerned about seeing a bulge or some nipples through a shirt? Give you a hint, some people have nipples that will show through even a padded bra if they're chilly. This whole thing is ridiculous beyond measure but then again it seems like the people who hang out in these comments are from the 17th century and consider an exposed ankle to be pornographic.
The memo goes on to ask cabin crew to “dress properly” in formal plain clothes over “proper undergarments.” It’s also stated that “the clothing worn by males and females should be in accordance with our cultural and national morals.”
With the muslim culture all females are not allowed out without a husband so are they really muslims ?
What the crew wears on their own time is their personal choice and right! Sounds like the person that wrote the statement wants to control and repress people-please replace him!
Confiscated passports during layovers, and EU wide ban are the others two articles for PIA.
Pakistani people are highly intelligent and tend to be well reasoned from my professional experience working alongside dozens of them in the USA. It's beyond time they take control of their country back from religious extremists, as it is for Iran. Catholics and Christians are no better. They would have the same BS for EU and the US if...
Confiscated passports during layovers, and EU wide ban are the others two articles for PIA.
Pakistani people are highly intelligent and tend to be well reasoned from my professional experience working alongside dozens of them in the USA. It's beyond time they take control of their country back from religious extremists, as it is for Iran. Catholics and Christians are no better. They would have the same BS for EU and the US if the religious right had their way. It's time to refute this "cultural" excuse for the normalization of tyranny and the infringement of individual rights.
No way to say it tactfully.
Women: wear a bra.
Men: wear briefs or undershorts. People can tell when you aren't and it is distracting.
"Formal" probably means ordinary or acceptable attire... not the way Americans would use the word but c'mon, you know what they mean
Why would they require them to wear formal plain clothes during off hours? Do they still represent the company during their personal time? Srupid
This is arcane. It is not a matter of an intentionally twisted translation. It's simply borderline weird. I'm waiting for the "clarification" that spells out the specifics of the underwear style.
No bra ma - back in fashion and rightly so
I read the whole article and I did not get anything out of it whatsoever it did not show or say anything about the whole source of the problem all they did was say the same thing over and over again with the same complaint what is the problem here you can wear your clothing and not wear underwear under and it's no big deal who is looking only if you expose yourself dumb
Keep up the good work pia.u r doing great job.
Will male grooming officers be required to check that female crew members are wearing proper undergarment?
BOTTOMLINE, the comment is trollish and malicious, reflects a "modern" society that tends to twist and spin values, to say the least!!
Gen X or a millennial that is accustomed to negotiate everything in life to cover their own ignorance
Boomer that is accustomed to assuming they're always right and feel entitled to force their standards onto others.
I was cabin crew fir Air Malta plc and PIA were our training instructors back than.They have done a great job training cabin crew and pilots but the boses use to wear whatever they like and eat drink and entertain themselves in a most western world manner
We have to respect each country's cultural and moral beliefs.
Both if we are employee of PIA or just mere gossipers.
BOTTOMLINE- that is not our business.
Rubbish. .they should wear whatever they like on their free time at their free will. .bloody Islam nuisance
So why shouldn't you let Islam do whatever they supposed to do to protect their believer. You free to do anything you want. If you not follow your religion it is up to you.
PIA have every right to protect the PIA brand whenever PIA cabin crew are in uniform and/or are in PIA-paid or PIA-reserved accommodation.
Whether or not - or how - PIA should exert that right is a different issue.
However, it would be wrong if PIA were to apply any dress code to PIA cabin crew when they are out of uniform and in personal accommodation.
Absolutely @Nibor. The comical thing is that, Airlines such as Air Canada ACTUALLY works hard to Police Air Crew attire and behaviour when “off the clock”. This monitoring and overall policing tactic is an Airline culture, nothing more. They are protecting their brand. Poor Pawns,… I mean Air Crew!
I lived and worked amongst and alongside the Paki people while I was stationed in the Middle East a few years ago. Honestly, I’m not surprised.
Their general mindset is indeed archaic and medieval.
It’s Pakistani and not paki —- you are just an ignorant racist over clever arrogant superamist fool….
You are not doing any service to the Pakistani image by talking in this reactionary manner. Instead this kind of outburst of emotions is strengthening the point. Try to use simple common sense and do a critical analysis of the article. Politely speaking it is written in an uncomprehending way, while informally speaking it sounds very unintelligent, a kind that invites gossip. And gossip is what people are doing over here. Also gossip can be...
You are not doing any service to the Pakistani image by talking in this reactionary manner. Instead this kind of outburst of emotions is strengthening the point. Try to use simple common sense and do a critical analysis of the article. Politely speaking it is written in an uncomprehending way, while informally speaking it sounds very unintelligent, a kind that invites gossip. And gossip is what people are doing over here. Also gossip can be mean at times. Try to look at things rationally as “ why are people saying this “ and you will find an answer without being frustrated at others. All things in life don’t have to be responded to abruptly or taken so seriously. Patience and a thorough understanding of the issue comes first. Secondly if someone has a negative opinion about you or your country fellows, you cannot start scolding them. It is like being mad at someone if you find out that he doesn’t like you. Everyone is entitled to his own views or opinions about others, the only thing you can do to prevent it from happening is to make sure that you leave a good impression on others with your conduct and demeanors.
Perhaps another option other than "pervyness" is part of the issue. Don't forget jealousy. Perhaps some workers are trying to prevent "panty lines" or irritating bra pain and other issues. Perhaps more likely there are problems with one employee not liking that a coworker looks better than them and wants them to at least suffer panty line shame and bra pain.
There's also always human conflict in general. One person not liking another or...
Perhaps another option other than "pervyness" is part of the issue. Don't forget jealousy. Perhaps some workers are trying to prevent "panty lines" or irritating bra pain and other issues. Perhaps more likely there are problems with one employee not liking that a coworker looks better than them and wants them to at least suffer panty line shame and bra pain.
There's also always human conflict in general. One person not liking another or what someone else is thinks, feels and or does for whatever reason and hoping to get them fired, lose good worker points or made to stop whatever it is they don't like.
I mean their nationality has to be considered. They even stated themselves that national moral beliefs and standards have to be observed! Pakistan isn't globally well known as treating others extremely well. Rather poorly in fact.
It's seems very likely to be another case of something I've been saying for a long time now. We are way past time that we stop doing bad things to each other!
This airline being Band!! ha!
And up yours on that rule
Just for that, I will NOT wear and undies on your plane, if I choose to work for you - now he'll no- i will NEVER wear undies again!!
The company want them to wear their underwear or drawers.
Maybe it's to corral the stench from under their clothing...just saying.
That... What? I dunno about you but my genitals and bum don't stink. My armpit smells worse and it's still not bad. You'd have to put your nose right in there to catch the smell. Do you find yourself burying your nose in the under-arms or intimate areas of random stranger's bodies?
Respect your work and policy . Enough said.
I one time was in the IIU ,Islamabad for a revertee course .The pride of Islam is adherence to the tenets of Islam.we should never be apologetic in living the dictates of our religion.we ,in the rest of the world look up to Pakistan and other countries grounded in Islam to lead.The Islamic culture of Pakistan is the pride of the Muslim world.let the airline be a model.those who want anything else,they have a choice...
I one time was in the IIU ,Islamabad for a revertee course .The pride of Islam is adherence to the tenets of Islam.we should never be apologetic in living the dictates of our religion.we ,in the rest of the world look up to Pakistan and other countries grounded in Islam to lead.The Islamic culture of Pakistan is the pride of the Muslim world.let the airline be a model.those who want anything else,they have a choice in other airlines. Let's not be bullied into abandoning our spiritual heritage.
No apologies!
Nobody looks up to you, your country is an extremist cancer
Nobody looks up to you, your country is an extremist cancer
Message is simple...no "commando approach" to casual off duty dressing...wear underwear...it is an image conscious industry which happens to be a bit conservative!
Such a BS. I am from Pakistan, why would Indian media wouldn't inform rest of the world a out o e third of India go out in open for senitery useage,on the other hand shows such irresponsi le,erratic and irresolute behavior to ternished the ,once regional greatest air line, which had leased thier DC-10 to Emirate to start the journey.
As far as management goes ; lack of deep qualifications ; too managers that they have nothing to do than come up with some silly ideas. Who cares what cabin crews doing off work.; we care how they do their job and how they take care of their guests./ IN AMERICA WE SAY : TOO MANY CHIEFS BUT NOT ENOUGH INDIANS******
Good decision
Uncivilized..As the person apologising admits. But what elsr do you expect from them? God save that country of beautiful people yeah but uncivilised rulers
It sounds if though someone is out working on getting a pick up, wearing see through clothing with no under garments.
I heard of stories of those prostituting in other cities while off duty, so who knows. Let's PRAY they'll get it together.
Perhaps Pakistani morality calls for greater modesty than the West, and an undergarment would mean no showing of legs, unlike the current Western societies where the state of undress is the new normal!
The journalist is as pathetic as the current moral state of the world.
I would fly on a airline that banned underwear. I hope they go broke! I'm also from California. Ha
Personally I don't have an issue with female crew members not wearing underwear under the age of 35!
Then you have an issue with ageism :-)Nibor
I work in hospitals. Their dress code also includes the wearing of appropriate undergarments (the usual stuff and not in colors what show through your scrubs. I don't know what the big deal is.
Thank you for common sense, remark. The policy was written for a reason. The article was ill informed, as the author admits and just trying to be hateful.
Why can carry small purse with there cell phone. Or small statuim pure carry along.
So you have to understand the climate and the clothes the people who resides there wear accordingly.
Pakistan has a very hot and humid climate in South and hot and dry in the middle. We tend to wear A-shirts under our clothes to hide the perspiration showing on the clothes. Also it is important to change that under shirt often, especially after the shower. And we took showers twice a day some days to...
So you have to understand the climate and the clothes the people who resides there wear accordingly.
Pakistan has a very hot and humid climate in South and hot and dry in the middle. We tend to wear A-shirts under our clothes to hide the perspiration showing on the clothes. Also it is important to change that under shirt often, especially after the shower. And we took showers twice a day some days to wash the excess sweat off our body. If the crew is not packing their overnight luggage properly and wearing stinking undergarments or totally avoiding them than of course the management have to point it out.
That is expected from a national Carrier representing the country where the definition of morality is twisted.
I think it has less to do with the fact that crews are dressing inappropriately in western world terms. I think the memo is a very PC way of stating that the company would like their female crew members to wear Shalwar Kameez instead of western clothing.
Yes David you are right in your statement. Women have the right to kill babies all.over the world.
Fire out the PIA official who approved the release of the memo. This will serve as an example to others.
It's bad when adults working for a service company, like an airline, have to be told how to dress and act in a professional manner while at work. Sad how people behave.
Too many folks going commando I suppose. Too much fresh air seeking for the corporate agenda.
Or for the corporeal agenda :-)
Don't dress like ho's on layovers. Pretty simple, nothing inappropriate. Don't like company policy? Work somewhere else. Or, start your own airline and implement policy that says dress like ho's on layovers.
Who cares what I think? More importantly, why have you chosen to target PIA? And also, who cares what hoes on in that company, as long as it's not destroying people?
"...we’ve seen plenty of airlines with much higher customer service standards than PIA,,,", couldn't be US carriers from I've seen with dress codes and service.
Any respectful man would be wearing underwear anywhere in the world . As for any Islamic man he should be representing himself above and beyond proper and making sure his male organ is discreetly holstered whenever he is away from the privacy of his home dwelling. Women should be dressed appropriately also watching that light colored coverings could present a n issue when light shines and the garment can be see through showing a woman’s...
Any respectful man would be wearing underwear anywhere in the world . As for any Islamic man he should be representing himself above and beyond proper and making sure his male organ is discreetly holstered whenever he is away from the privacy of his home dwelling. Women should be dressed appropriately also watching that light colored coverings could present a n issue when light shines and the garment can be see through showing a woman’s unmentionables and that a slip garment should be worn to prevent shapes of a woman to be seen especially in a political environment that holds its standards.
In less strict countries men and women should still have modesty when representing their employers and when an employer like an airline company being on leave or off duty but still waiting for the airline to call the person back should still represent the airlines professionally modest.
as always, Ben running around making a mountain out of a molehill. Ben, rather than your "me", "me", " my way or the highway" attitude, you should be more tolerant and accepting. I still remember that drama you created when a hotel had a welcome sign in your room with "Mr & Mrs" written on a card placed in your room. grow up, Ben
It's a state run by religion. Look at there symbol on there flag. Allah is everything yo them
As Krishna is everything to you. Your point about underwear is? They should wear it because they believe in Allah and you should not because you believe in Krishna? Dude, you know the conversation is about UNDER GARMENTS right? Not Burkas, but underwear!!!!
Question: Is there a religion that has a monopoly on going out commando? I can see a lot of people converting!
Sorry, wrong flag. There is no saying on their flag
Many years ago my ex worked for AA at Fort Worth res center and was asked to wear a bra. The era of woman's lib,and bra burning. She suggested they mind there own business, and they did
There were no non employees in the building.
Each airline and their parent country make their own guidelines as to employee demeanor in public, but at the same time it also infringes on personal freedom and expression. If PIA is that concerned, maybe they should have a policy of hijab and burkha attire for off duty female employees and a similar code for off duty male employees.
Yeah, all the men should wear hijab too if women are required.
Off the clock...
Always appropriate in manners, for lay overs. PIA needs a lesson in proper etiquette.
Of course women should wear undies, especially if wearing a skirt/dress
Sounds to me like no undergarment are casting outline shadow of cerain anatomy I'll leave to your imagination. Franky I feek employees serving the public should wear proper under garments to not show off cerain outlines.
One more reason not to fly PIA.
What about our domestic flights
I notice time to time a female flight attendant wearing a very short skirt and w/o hose or slip when bending down unlady like wearing a small underwear
Horrible overreach by a zealot religious organization which is PIA.
World has to do something about this.
Guys it simply means female crew members were seen not wearing bras.
And your point is ? If not in uniform and off duty exactly how does bbn it reflect upon the company in any way, good or bad ? Is the company trying to suggest that members of the public have all PIA employees memorized ? Serious over reach.
I came here to say this.
This is a totally inappropriate invasion of the crew members person. To indicate in any way the need by employees to wear undergarments indicates or infers someone in management either personally observed or was informed of somone who clandestinely spotted or observed a person of the crew's non-usage of the wearing of undergarments. They intentionally spied on one or more of their employees which is at least distasteful and at most abominable. Employees on their...
This is a totally inappropriate invasion of the crew members person. To indicate in any way the need by employees to wear undergarments indicates or infers someone in management either personally observed or was informed of somone who clandestinely spotted or observed a person of the crew's non-usage of the wearing of undergarments. They intentionally spied on one or more of their employees which is at least distasteful and at most abominable. Employees on their off hours should not be subject to the scrutiny of an employer, much less this intense level of scrutiny. Totally invasive.
Funny as hell! I love the no under garments reference. Must have been some naughty perk-a-booing going on! At least now everyone knows what to gift someone who works for the airline at a celebratory event.
LMAO!!! Now that’s what you call a well-thought out gift! Bravo @KittyCarlisle
:-) :-) :-)
This will sound a bit odd to some. Certain Cultures of people have Customs that defy our own, one has to do with "airing out" for differing reasons. One reason that I have seen would be to do with excessive Heat and relieving it by not wearing underwear. I have "heard of" some Cultures that won't wear underwear for yeast infections and other things.
Regardless of the reason They are representing a Company and...
This will sound a bit odd to some. Certain Cultures of people have Customs that defy our own, one has to do with "airing out" for differing reasons. One reason that I have seen would be to do with excessive Heat and relieving it by not wearing underwear. I have "heard of" some Cultures that won't wear underwear for yeast infections and other things.
Regardless of the reason They are representing a Company and this practice reflects Negatively upon it. The Company was Totally Wrong in its First Memo and the Second Memo seems to have only exacerbated the problem some.
Regardless on the veracity of this article, if you're on company's dime, I'd say you are representing the company and need to conduct yourselves accordingly.
If you want to vacation and go wild, get a stand-up ticket and have fun.
I understand and agree with your statement, if the person is actually on companies time. This memo indicates the individuals were observed during lay overs, unless they are getting paid to for the minutes and hours they ensure while waiting the memo is inappropriate.
More fake news...the memo specified "proper" undergarments, but the author suggested that employees were wearing none at all. Don't judge their standards as they are just trying to represent their cultural norms professionally.
Civilized people wear undergarments. No one wants their uncovered bums sitting on chairs,benches, bedding etc. Also ladies dresses and skirts are not known too evade gusts of wind.
Men, those short shorts, quite obvious you have no undergarments on. sweat pants,silky shorts,khakis, also,obvious are speedos of course.
There at do many more serious things we should be focusing on. Like human trafficking, climate control,racial inequality,gun control, and abuse of children and the elderly. Those people have their own traditions
Who knows what happen. The flight attend a its may have been showing their breasts like so many young women do.
As usual, western media turning and twisting the words to make fun of or trolling to make fun of asian anything. Shame on you, western media reporters.
I just went of a plane from Pakistan
This story means nothing without pictures.
Ohhh how much I miss Hooters airlines.
People need to mind their own business. Whoever is spying on the crew when they are off duty is a fucking pervert. Person needs to be changed.
Sooo. People have been wearing revealing clothing with No underwear or bras off duty and uniforms with No under clothes? Thats disgusting. That's what this article appears to convey IMO.
To be honest reading this article has me thinking are they subtly targeting the female employees ?! Maybe the girls are wearing western wear outside of their jobs and around the hotels. Someone has seen them and is making things a little specific in this memo ?! Proper Undergarments ? Really ?! That’s what you focus on ?! Shameful. If the employees are being targeted or told they’re not dressing appropriately then maybe just speak...
To be honest reading this article has me thinking are they subtly targeting the female employees ?! Maybe the girls are wearing western wear outside of their jobs and around the hotels. Someone has seen them and is making things a little specific in this memo ?! Proper Undergarments ? Really ?! That’s what you focus on ?! Shameful. If the employees are being targeted or told they’re not dressing appropriately then maybe just speak to said employees in private ?! Why make this memo ?! And telling them to wear formal casual wear when they are out and about is ridiculous. They have to have down time and be able to dress any way they like but appropriately and decently of course. This whole thing is just a joke. Be better PIA !!!
It is so sad, when we worry about clothes! Being polite, kind and good are not mentioned! Then the remark about female staff wearing Buhrka's might have given management an idea, sadly we are giving silly things importance, why not find ways of improving things, we seem to be going back to the Dark ages, what would the people gone before us, who fought for Rights and Freedom think? I'll tell you, they would say, 'How sad, what a waste of Fighting'
Going Commando, as we use to say
And I thought they were serving fish
Really ?! Ughh… be better !!! Smh.
@California here, it's not stupid at all....
Who care when you are not working . Unless you are in military. I am sorry I love to wear anything when I am not at work . No one in this world has any say what to wear or not to when not at work . This is marshal law !!!!!
How does the management know that the employees are not wearing undergarments ? So , I suppose , the employees would be supplied the necessary or suitable undergarments together with uniforms .. Extra benefits for employees ..
Just follow the flow don't complain much.
I think that everyone in the world today should dress appropriately no matter what their culture is
Sorry for me, I haven't seen one...ha ha ha.
Fantastic ...undies can be a real trip hazzard when they have to be removed quickly in the event of a lucky break.to satisfy a willing partner. Much better to not have then on ....especially those elastic ones...brrrr.
Every body in authority these days are t trying their best since the pandemic to place a chokehold on whosever the have reporting to them or working for them.
It a crazy World we’re living in, only two things left WW 3, or The judgement.
Just like in the days on Noah. We live in a lawless world where we're debating gender for God's sake, and schools are indoctrinating children by telling them there are more?! The world is a shit show and it's an individual choice to participate in the godless madness or not; I choose not to. The bible tels us what we will witness in the last days before he brings an end to this system and...
Just like in the days on Noah. We live in a lawless world where we're debating gender for God's sake, and schools are indoctrinating children by telling them there are more?! The world is a shit show and it's an individual choice to participate in the godless madness or not; I choose not to. The bible tels us what we will witness in the last days before he brings an end to this system and restores earth to the paradise we were originally meant to live in forever, and we are seeing it; we are witnessing the fall of the Anglo-American world power, the final one.
I've noticed Internal flight attendants swapping uniform in a hurry as soon as they land, especially ones who are in the ba k and not at exit. It's OK to remind PIA folks about their culture and I aire Taking a steps towards that. Just do not delay my flights.
Do they have the right to tell you what
To wear when you are off of work?
Jay, it Depends on the Employers and what the Agreement with the Employees states. In certain instances unless you are on Vacation or Days Off the Employees are considered High Profile Representatives and must dress accordingly. Even in the US there are Companies that Require this.
Obviously, your not American. Most likely not a Navy Flyer either but just dream about it. It's unfortunate that you have to bog down on American ways. You would learn something if you kept an openmind. It's also obvious that America is more advanced than your world. I can see that the tight jean wear hasn't reached your world just yet because if it had. You wouldn't of posted what you did. That's a fact Jack.
Sadly memo is bullshit.
General Manager who issued this memo
is so stupid, Does he also checked that females in his family like daughter or sister were wearing under garments?
This is really strange in a Islamic country.
First of all, great article on the Pakistani Airlines staff protocol memo on how & what kind of clothes to wear when “off-duty “. Specifically it appeared management was addressing lay over time with flight staff. This sounds too much like “ socialism “ & invasion of privacy! The memo should have been sent to the guilty staff in question as likely most staff dress according to local customs!. Sincerely, John B
Well, as a Pediatrician I see in my practice that most of my Paquistans, Indians and Afghans children don’t wear undergarments, specially boys, and small girls, after been toilet trained and they are not wearing diapers, very obvious at the time of vaccination that we cover the genitals with paper blanket. (3 to 11-12 years of age) They come dressed with pants/shorts but no undergarments. I believed was a form of saving some money? But...
Well, as a Pediatrician I see in my practice that most of my Paquistans, Indians and Afghans children don’t wear undergarments, specially boys, and small girls, after been toilet trained and they are not wearing diapers, very obvious at the time of vaccination that we cover the genitals with paper blanket. (3 to 11-12 years of age) They come dressed with pants/shorts but no undergarments. I believed was a form of saving some money? But I do not see it other immigrants children
I’m not sure if that practice it is also for males adults?
Girls at one point have to wear undergarments after they start menstruation.
What is proper undergarments , and who has been peeking upskirts and at men in the bathroom ?
Dear Lord, not underwear. What a sexist, fascist thing to do to tell people to wear underwear.
JD, you must be referring to that same Muslim country in which a woman presided as prime minister decades before any female was elected to vice presidency (not even presidency) here.. Yes, here, as in where women still have unequal pay for equal jobs..
Perhaps if you actually step aside from your prejudices, you can champion for women here who have suffered, and continue to suffer, inequality..
Unless, of course, your whole premise of "equality"...
JD, you must be referring to that same Muslim country in which a woman presided as prime minister decades before any female was elected to vice presidency (not even presidency) here.. Yes, here, as in where women still have unequal pay for equal jobs..
Perhaps if you actually step aside from your prejudices, you can champion for women here who have suffered, and continue to suffer, inequality..
Unless, of course, your whole premise of "equality" is based solely on what someone wears.
Very well said.
It is surely about yoga pants :)
The Indian Culture! Saris .Long pants under that exotic wrap keeps those ladies in tact & protected from gropers & perverts.
" wear proper undergarments" exclusively meant " UNDERWEAR " in order to avoid wedges
Did you mean "wedgies"?????
Now days when you go out at shopping mall or any out door or indoor women’s are wearing Sensation panty with long legs, this are the signs of the day of judgment are near, look at how Mary mother of Jesus wear, that’s the true clothing not this days people don’t care about religion anymore, that’s why in hell women population will be more.
How do they know you are wearing undergarments? Are they going to ask you to prove it and show them your panties?
They sit down in the "Jump Seats" and many passengers have an opportunistic view!
It’s sad that employers are telling people to cover up. You should be proud of what God gave you. Dress the way you wish. We are all children of the most high God and would be all naked if not for sin of Adam and Eve. Further more we’re not all in the military and can do what we like and wear when off duty. And I’m sure the airlines have more to worry about than off duty dress. They don’t own their employees.
No the Airlines don't own their employees, you're right. The Airlines do offer Employees above average pay and benefits with clean working conditions as Attendants. The Employees sign agreements and other documents that require them to Abide By Many Rules that the Company has in place. It's a Choice that people make for their job.
Due to Free Will and changing Sensibilities Dress Codes would be an Awesome idea. The Airlines don't Own the Employees, however, the Employees have Agreed to Many Things to have a job with Above Average Pay and Benefits.
It may not make sense to a westerner but as traditional clothes on Pakistan are linen cloth dress and robes for both men and women and it is incredibly common not to wear undergarments.
So formal casual refers to western clothes like gym clothes, jeans, sweat pants perhaps. Casual casual could be the traditional clothing.
My two cents!!! Would love to hear if people agree as I am a well travelled westerner who has many clients and friends from Pakistan.
Pakistan's business culture has been modeled after British colonialism. It holds true even whilst Britain has moved away from said practices. I recall dress codes being exceedingly specific in formal scenarios, setting lower and higher limits pants length, banning of shorts, shoe color specificity etc. The nation's national clothing is still mostly banned from formal settings due to the historical roots. This is an example of writing a dress code that's trying to echo the...
Pakistan's business culture has been modeled after British colonialism. It holds true even whilst Britain has moved away from said practices. I recall dress codes being exceedingly specific in formal scenarios, setting lower and higher limits pants length, banning of shorts, shoe color specificity etc. The nation's national clothing is still mostly banned from formal settings due to the historical roots. This is an example of writing a dress code that's trying to echo the past, like when the officers lounge explicitly discussed "drawers" in the dress code.
Wow this i got to see, you mean ,maybe the norm is they dont usually wear under garment while on stopover,
Well, if PIA employees are taking any cues from Americans on proper dress, it's no wonder that management is trying to correct their behavior. Americans have been slouching towards the slovenly side of dress for some time, especially the women who think that it's OK to wear "Fabletics" anywhere & everywhere, or both sexes who wear the stupid jean tights. NO ONE wants to see the things I've seen!
People can wear what they want. They don’t have to dress to impress. As society we should worry about ourself and not judge others.
Women may dress as they choose. You don't have to look.ytah
All of that and you forgot to mention those that shop and run around all day in their sleepwear, no matter the condition or cleanliness. It's almost exclusively women who are wearing fuzzy Disney Printed pajamas or even more revealing lingerie. Let's not forget the bedroom Slippers of all types and conditions.
You really had to end this with "Bottom Line" - perhaps that's funnier to a Brit than an American ???
Who will be checking for skidmarks?
Maybe there's one or two been flashing.
Some one has complained.
Cudos to Pakistani airline.
Your just not smart enough to realize that when people are forced to live their life a certain way and obey their Master it isn’t a good thing. Stop being stupid little kids and grow up to what the real world is like. You’ve been handed everything your whole lives now you feel like you deserve everything and anything. If you don’t get it it’s some type of racism or rioting. Frigging fools
JD- please keep your racist ideals to yourself. Are you serious? Not funny if you were joking. Educate yourself.Peace brother.
Dress codes are in place for so many employees around the world. Americans have dress codes in place within the company they work for. Airlines are just doing their job to keep order.
Yes, however whilst off the clock (i.e a layover) they don't get to determine anything you do whilst not on paid time.
Oh Kerry relax and grow up....
I worked in a major resort hotel chain. It was written in their dress code, the requirement to wear underwear.
Well it is gray sweatpants season
Boring article looking for issues where there are none. All PIA expects is to be dressed conservatively while on trips. Business casual, no revealing clothing, underwear should not need seen through clothing and be of a conservative style. All in all a normal, rational, and doable expectation for those representing the company (a flag carrier, and full service airline) in and out of uniform. Crew on layovers are still representing the airline as they’re traveling...
Boring article looking for issues where there are none. All PIA expects is to be dressed conservatively while on trips. Business casual, no revealing clothing, underwear should not need seen through clothing and be of a conservative style. All in all a normal, rational, and doable expectation for those representing the company (a flag carrier, and full service airline) in and out of uniform. Crew on layovers are still representing the airline as they’re traveling and being accommodated on the company’s tab. What’s the big deal with that?
Stop looking at employee under garment areas! Eyes up here!
What it seems like too me is that prob one of the younger members of the crew was wearing either low ride jeans and showing some butt Crack that somebody was offended by or more likely it has to do with lack of a bra. The only way you could obviously tell there was not an undergarment is if a woman's breast were clearly "bouncy free" or pants slid down to show some butt Crack...
What it seems like too me is that prob one of the younger members of the crew was wearing either low ride jeans and showing some butt Crack that somebody was offended by or more likely it has to do with lack of a bra. The only way you could obviously tell there was not an undergarment is if a woman's breast were clearly "bouncy free" or pants slid down to show some butt Crack when sitting down. Either way...if they are not on the job let the boobies be free. Behavior is important..undergarments are not an employers business really.
It is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. That should be enough for you to understand where this is coming from.
Full respect to PIA management for tackling these types of issues. In the west women are no more than a bar of soap whereas in the east they carry dignity not nudity. Why are the westerners trying to push thier hideous ideas onto another nation. Easterners are full of culture n westerners just full of criticism.
Understand wear your coming from, but your incorrect for generalizing a culture into only one way of thinking! Everyone has their own mind & ability to make right choices; especially if they come from the heart to bless others! No! I disagree with your thinking; I’m from the “ West “ and don’t the way you mentioned! But many here on the other hand do need a brain cleaning along with a heart cleansing! Sincerely, John B
Sounds like the one full of criticism is you
PIA is one of the worst airlines in the world. It should emphasize on passengers’ comfort and proper aircraft safety than talk about trivia such as undergarments.
PIA this is 2022 not 1922!
PIA never existed in 1922. It was founded in 1947
PIA's 'peeping Tom ' behavior is unwarranted. Employees must have freedom of choice when they are off duty, even if they are representing their organization (PIA).
My grandmother use to say, "It is more tantalizing to conceal than reveal."
I think you need to study some business ethics.
PIA, do they still have an AK 47 under every seat where the Floatation Cushion belongs? Check out the back of the seat storage, there's a Koran and an extra "Magazine!"
Maybe the flight crew are prepared for a quickie
Who ever has come up with this idea/memo is watching too much television on Iranian events.
Or coming up with these suggestions to justify the high salary they are receiving.
Please leave PIA and it's affairs to the CEO of PIA. He and his dedicated team are doing fine, getting ' PIA GREAT PEOPLE TO FLY WITH"
Um. Are they getting paid for that time? I feel like if they are on the clock getting paid, then they absolutely are subject to some sort of dress code if the company decides that to be the case. If that is not paid time, then the company has no claim on what they wear or do or say.
Took it, great insight! Loved your comments! John B
Pakistan has an airline ?
You living in the stone age?
PIA is the state owned airline sharing the airspace with a multitude of several other privately owned airlines.
Hope this answers your question
Pakistan is living in the Stone Age, correct, you got that right, “Hamilton”
Indians pops outta nowhere only to humiliate themselves.lmao this is American blog ,American normal people are even much sensible people then your intelligence agencies.so stop trying to defame pakistan at least not on this page or will probably end up getting embarrassed not only yourself but your 1.3 billion toilet less nation
Well said Hamilton
WTF does clothing have to do with “morals”?
That is what I was asking. Actions are more important and behavior. Either way how did they notice the undergarments were not proper??
Nothing wrong with a company wanting to have well behaved and presentable staff. If they don't like it, they can just quit, right?
Crew has always been synonym with well dressed and pleasant people. That's changing in recent years with all these companies trying to be woke.
Sad that the crew doesn't know to do this w/ o being told. Somehow there seems to be a generation of missing parents!!!
Before inspecting underwears, check pilot licenses..
Ouch, that burn must hurt PIA!
What are the going do? Do a surprise underwear check
I want to be their underwear inspector
Most probably some male crews were wearing clothes without undergarments and thus, prominently swaying their tools of mass destruction. Same May be true for the ladies. Usually Pakistanis are very hot blooded and overtly ‘ ... starving’. And .....very active.
Actually, thr airline is right. People still represent the company. As a teacher I am restricted too as to my conduct outside work.
Also, have you been to the gym when men have failed to wear underpants??? Not a pretty sight ...
Our cultural and national morals? Sounds like a tyrannical government.
The brand of the employees determine the brand of the product.
Coorporate should always screen employes before hiring.
One contributor said PIA stands for prostitute in air.what a good logo.Their flights must be full.
But we all know Pakistan they don't wear underwear. Just their national dress and that is.
They aren't too much from staff because the proper dress is needed to leave a good impression of the airline and country you are presenting.
Air hostess wearing no bra or nickers can leave very bad impression when you are sitting with young family.
PIA is a employer so they can ask anything from employees and impose rules to be followed by the on ground staff
Every airline has their own policies and regulations. It doesn’t matter that we liked it or don’t. We should respectfully accept their actions besides being stupid comments.
New jobs will be created. Brilliant idea by Shahbaz Shareef !! PIA will be hiring people to check if the crew is wearing undergarments. Just before boarding the aircraft, each crew member will have to go through a checkup. Males will have to unzip their pants and females will have to unbutton their shirts and pull down their shalwaars.
I dont think that you are an educated or
a behaved person.
Airlines have to be well represented and crew should dress accordingly . Moral customs are part of well educated families or an organization that will impact our new generation.
Parents were there. Kids just didn't pay attention cause they are too busy playing with their online friends where appearance does not matter. What matter is if your avatar has a cool cape.
Since early eighties PIA was known as “ Prostitution In Air ( PIA)
Please do not bring your stupidity to the public level. Kindly keep it within your personal space.
This is a specific airline issue and nothing to do with a religion like you trying to portray. If your argument is correct then Emirates, Qatar Airways, Etihad all are Muslim countries and now you wonder why the are the best airlines in the world ? Yes it’s how they run the airline and no...
Please do not bring your stupidity to the public level. Kindly keep it within your personal space.
This is a specific airline issue and nothing to do with a religion like you trying to portray. If your argument is correct then Emirates, Qatar Airways, Etihad all are Muslim countries and now you wonder why the are the best airlines in the world ? Yes it’s how they run the airline and no religion has any influence over its ups and downs.
It’s all depends on how they manage (their own policies)
So please wake up and come out of your ignorance. Stop being a racist!
Peace ✌️
I appreciate when in uniform there is an ex0ectation of certain behavior as you represent the business entity.
After hours do as you like, dress as you like. I realize it is a airline of a Muslim country but this control has to stop. These countries will pay a price at the hands of their citizens. Why are these countries placing all these restrictions on their citizens? It's not a religious requirement so what exactly is the reason?
Dear reporter, Although the knee jerk reaction is accuse the Dress code author (a man) of being a little pervy, perhaps he was talking about those leggings that leave zero to the imagination and to the unknowing, that "perv", doesn't know what thongs are, certainly not an article of clothing common in that region. Naive men are not pervs and there a lot of them in the westernized world.
A zealot perhaps, but not necessarily a quick to accuse "perv".
Misleading title.
It's aimed at foreign men working at pia
Pakistani men & women are always well dressed.
So what is wrong in that?? Very Good Decision by the management of Pakistan Airlines and by the way who are U to tell Pakistanis what to do and what not to??? Get the hell out of here and focus on Ur Own Country and specially on Ur Wife,Sister,Daughter and Mother who stays always nude like Slu****and pros*** and being used by 100000 of Men like a old toilet Paper
People will comment when out in the open can you stop that. What you secretly and hush hush do they do it openly that's the difference.
Im laughing in your face..
Get a grip on life. I'm not working after hours.. and I'll wear, what I want.
This memo would give permission to the airline’s official inspector to insist on checking the undergarments of any employee at any time - a license to be a perv!
Not surprised, Pakistan is ruled according to Sharia Law...with terrible human rights record...Mullahs see it as their right to interfere how to live your life off the clock...
So what is Wrong in that?? What u want a woman like to be?? Like Ur own Mother,sister,Daughter and wife who are always nude and used since the Age of 13 like a toilet Paper by Man
So what is wrong in that to wear full clothes?? These Shariah Laws are 1000000 times better than Ur fuc***up laws and coz of that thousands of Rapes takes place..and what U want a woman like to be? Like Ur Mother,Sister,Daughter and Wife? Who are always nude like pros*** and being used by 100000's of Men like a old toilet Paper shit
Do you behave the same way in a free foreign country please answer.
I think you need to read up on the topic as you are confusing Pakistan with Iran. Pakistan still has the British legal system.
So, PIA asked it's employees to dress appropriately and be presentable, what's your problem? It's very much a normal concept, I've gone on business trips and am asked to check my behavior because I'm the face of the company... seeing the comments, bigoted much?
Why put accent on undergarments as if the boys and girls are not wearing undergarments!!!
Maybe some members of the flight crew do expose a bit of flesh or the unmentionable parts of their bodies. There is no smoke without fire, folks. The management surely knows more than we do. Thanks.
I would like to join the PIA as the coveted grooming officer
Looking at the comments and ofcourse here they go attacking and blaming eveything on religion again. SMH
Sounds like some uptight conservative person saw or heard about a crew member who was dressed properly for a 21st century gym or swimming pool rather than for a 10th century purdah.
Comparison of 2 different cultures does not apply here, Paul, is it?
Why when they are not at work cannot they have the freedom to dress casually and when abroad!!
I guess the women and men were not wearing underwear… and someone reported seeing their….. JUNK
Gives new perspective to 'camel toe'.
I think its a good start.its good that female staff get to wear propely because it shows how we are more care full.our people are more secured about the women.ur clothes show who u are
PIA is a
Bosdike Airline.
Typical indian hate mongering and limited narrow mind. Know one thing it is still better than your Indian airline when comparing the drops of mutr you guys put in your food
Did you taste the drop
And yet...
Women have the right to an abortion in Pakistan. Not so much in some US states.
Staff should b in decent dress .if they want wear short or very comfortable dress they must stay in their room.why they go outside in their free dress.
Most ridiculous article I've ever read.
What you do on your own time is your business not the PIA business I personally wouldn't work for a company, telling me how to dress nobdy knows who you are out in public unless you tell them tell the airline what they can do with their memo shove it
Yeah this is insane, lack of privacy much? What in the hell?...
The management of PIA is full of PERVERTS!!!! All ex-airforce guys who have never seen females in official life !! perverts will always have a perverted imagination!!! To put it on record here… there have been numerous complaints by the female cabin crew of SEXUAL HARRESMENT By these so called higher officials… but to no vail !!!
There are enough women in the PAF.
I love when people just speak without knowledge. This has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims or even women. It has to do with decency (which most people from our side of the world (the west) are from) are unfamiliar with these days. Men tend not to wear underpants under the traditional Pakistani pants (shalwar) and if they don’t wear the proper shirt that goes with it (kameez) then it looks unprofessional and too revealing.
Wonder it's telling male staff this is it because they are not wearing underpants so it makes them work faster when having casual sex
Wherever Religion mixes w politics/ sport/ etc ,it's total disaster. Just look at Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan etc... U get the picture
Guess Youve never looked Around Europe or the US then....
This is the same airline that had pilots flying passenger planes without licenses or using someone else's license.
Also due to poor technical service are banned from flying into Europe and USA.
Maybe if they stop perving on their flight attendants and pay more attention to the real serious issues that plaguing this once popular and successful airline.
Maybe frequent instances of male horniness/overstimulation being, err.. obvious, has led to the call to wear underpants.
Probably they want to save time
Some of those big gals over at Delta need to be given the same memo, the sloppiness and jiggly big bits would be nicely controlled with a very tight girdle.
Disgusting and sexist.
Sometimes you just gotta let the boys breathe.
I guess no one from VietJet would get hired by PIA.
Backstory? If you take even a few minutes to look at the issue you can probably have a better understanding of this problem. It is a patriarchal society where it is difficult for women to buy bras and underwear and men decide what should be manufactured and sold. What is available is of low quality that can come apart and can actually injure the woman or cost them significant discomfort. Some of their more traditional...
Backstory? If you take even a few minutes to look at the issue you can probably have a better understanding of this problem. It is a patriarchal society where it is difficult for women to buy bras and underwear and men decide what should be manufactured and sold. What is available is of low quality that can come apart and can actually injure the woman or cost them significant discomfort. Some of their more traditional clothing was designed without the need for underwear. I'm willing to bet what happened is someone threw a fit because a FA wasn't wearing a bra because her bra was too painful to wear.
"patriarchal society where it is difficult for women to buy bras"
while it is a valid problem, it has nothing to do with
"her bra was too painful to wear."
For an FA who has very little barrier to travel abroad, "her bra was too painful to wear" should be go buy one somewhere else.
Let me put it this way, I would rather look at Horses "S" then look at the Flight attendants of PIA without Bra or underwear.
Easy to dissect: lack of personal FREEDOM
Is there a trade mark of PIA or Pakistani National on the PIA crew while off duty? Absurd notion.
pathetic comment, do you know the background of this memo. Why they needed this....absurd person
It is an Airline run by a Muslim country. I’m truly surprised that they’re not required to wear burkas 24/7
Because Burqas are very much a sadist Afghani invention and not a Muslim thing. Step out from under your rock every now and then.
@JD. That is a stupid remark.
I hope your fixation on attire does not cloud your perception of the reality of where you are living..
How many Muslim countries or Muslim airlines have you visited/travelled?
Did Jon Hamm get a job at PIA? /s
On a more serious note, I wonder if this is directed at female employees, like telling them to wear full coverage bras/camisoles etc. Maybe someone saw an off-duty FA wearing a low-cut top or crop top, saw visible nipples underneath a sweater, or got an accidental upskirt peek, and complained. Given what's happening in Iran, I wonder if more Muslim countries are going to start cracking down on women's attire.
Looking forward to flying Pain In the Ass Airlines.
LMAO! They can be, but then again, all Airlines and Airports are in their own unique way a major P.I.A!
I do not interpret the memo to suggest that their crew is going commando. In the context of the memo, I could interpret this of them telling their crew to dress modestly and to wear something like granny panties rather than say a thong in combination with revealing clothing.
Could be referring to bras and tops thick enough that nipples cannot be discerned through them.
Or indeed lack of bra shown by wobbling (including in the gym).
You nailed it with regard to women’s upper undergarments. Some loose tops with wide necks or wide armholes can reveal all.
However, since the memo did not refer only to women, the implication is that neither men nor women should wear see-through, tight or very loose shirts, blouses or tee-shirts or, indeed, any other tops without appropriate upper undergarments.
I'm guessing this is something lost in translation
Shocking, absolutely shocking. Now excuse me, I must go book my first flight on PIA now, hoping for one of the no undergarments flights.
Whenever I've seen a weirdly specific memo from management, office water cooler chitchat reveals it to have been a reaction to something. Usually it's a facepalm-worthy story, so I'm hoping we have a commenter who knows someone in PIA management.
I guess there will be no more commandos flying on PIA going forward. ;-)
Bottom line … or panty line Lol. How does anyone know whether the crew are going commando or not, unless PIA has a different definition of lingerie.
In other words, don't wear a thong under those spanx.
Not wearing a thing under those spanx would also be considered inappropriate.
No doubt a codpiece would similarly be frowned upon.
I think all Airlines manage their Air Crew the same as PIA. Air Canada manages their Air Crew in a similar fashion. You are watched and HR will be involved when you do not represent the Company is a positive manner, in and out of uniform. You are a walking brand and you are expected to act accordingly. This has nothing to do with faith or country, this is a business and upholding that businesses...
I think all Airlines manage their Air Crew the same as PIA. Air Canada manages their Air Crew in a similar fashion. You are watched and HR will be involved when you do not represent the Company is a positive manner, in and out of uniform. You are a walking brand and you are expected to act accordingly. This has nothing to do with faith or country, this is a business and upholding that businesses standards. @JD your comment was incredibly narrow minded, sheeeshhh, please refrain from sharing any more of your stupidity.
clickbait, i don’t see what the big deal is
I agree. Ben knows nothing about the “culture and morals” of the country or the reason for the memo. May be it’s just the way they write, undergarments are part of dressing.
This whole post seems to be to get a reaction
Don't see what the big deal is