It’s not uncommon to see airlines get involved in a proposal when loyal customers and/or avgeeks ask — it makes customers happy, and it’s good press. Here’s the latest such case from Delta.
Delta shares how a Gold Medallion member proposed to his Diamond Medallion girlfriend at Atlanta Airport (ATL). He had reached out to the airline, and after “months of planning and coordination,” he pulled off a tarmac proposal.
When the couple landed in Atlanta, they were picked up plane side via Delta’s Porsche tarmac service. This is sometimes offered on a surprise & delight basis for Diamond Medallion members. It wasn’t just a Porsche waiting, though, but also a red carpet, on which the proposal took place.
After a successful proposal, the couple was driven to the terminal in the Porsche, and they went to the Sky Club, where their family was waiting to celebrate their engagement (hopefully they didn’t get stuck in a long queue just to get into the Sky Club!).

Cute story, and congrats to the couple!
My OCD self is wondering why there is a water bottle and phone clearly visible on the red carpet in the frame of the picture of what must be such an important moment and feeling the need to Spot Healing Brush and Clone Stamp (on Photoshop) them out.
I've been a DM for a couple years in a row now...never have I gotten the plane side car treatment...and that's with a 25 minute connection due to a delay. That's reserved for 360 members.
Nothing screams romantic like a proposal on a loud, jet fume filled tarmac, then going to a standing room only SkyClub.
Not quite sure how proposing like this is some new millennial thing? My gosh people are angry in the comments over a couple just having fun with a marriage proposal! People have been proposing in unique public settings for years now. Ever been to a sports event and had proposals come over the jumbo with the camera pointed at them? It's been going on since the 80's, lol.
Good God y’all in the comments are miserable lmao
Such a sweet, and very creative wedding
proposal!! She will never forget how wonderful you made this special moment!! Congratulations to a beautiful couple!! ❤️
Just threw up in my mouth for a 2nd time during this blog...
It's a cool story, but 3/4ths of OMAAT commenters never disappoint at how shallow and joyless their existence really are with negative comments on just about everything posted here
People who get engaged in public are lower than whale shit at the bottom of the sea.
"(hopefully they didn’t get stuck in a long queue just to get into the Sky Club!)".More likely the family (none revenue, non pax) were treated well while legitimate lounge users were denied or queued.
Can’t wait to hear the marriage consummation plan and execution
717 lav
That is epic. Happy for them and good for Delta, this is something you'd expect from Southwest not a legacy carrier. Only loser deadbeats would look down on this and be mad.
AA's chief pilot made a nice gesture for Ryan Bingham when he crossed his 10 million mile mark. ;)
Happy for them.
Hilarious of what these generations try to do to get attention. In the old days all you (allegedly) needed to do was dig up some book or hear some voices.
I don’t understand what about this has got to do with attention? They probably loved flying-travelling and Delta in general, hence both of them have such high FF status to begin with. I don’t see any issue in this
I really find it fascinating so many here are dismayed by modern technologies and lifestyles. Times change and people are more interconnected, have to accept them, not act like these are something alien.
With this pseudo...
I don’t understand what about this has got to do with attention? They probably loved flying-travelling and Delta in general, hence both of them have such high FF status to begin with. I don’t see any issue in this
I really find it fascinating so many here are dismayed by modern technologies and lifestyles. Times change and people are more interconnected, have to accept them, not act like these are something alien.
With this pseudo nostalgic logic, we might start saying “oh how brilliant we’re those days of 1850s America, when we had slaves and women could not vote or had any right to their body” (not that it has got any better as of recent due to SCOTUS).
See it just is a irrational logic and mindset
Take a Valium and wash it down with a fifth of jack.
Crazy inappropriate to say that. Why bring your negativity to a blog? You're the one being a total jerk.
I just barfed everywhere.
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Millennials and anyone born after them are idiots.
Okay, Boomer.
He comments on the blog of a millennial...
Chris, I bet you are just buckets of fun at family gatherings!
Somehow I don't think anyone considers these pointless blog comments to be an intellectual step above insta posts.
Just sayin
I am 18 and have been single all my life up to this point, really wonders why every engaged I have seen in my life are successful? and what happens to all this set up if the female rejects?
She's really marrying down. Gold medallion. Who needs that?
LOL, my first reaction.
The length you have to go these days to a Porsche pick up in ATL.
This guy had to propose so he can get a Porsche ride.
And the cherry on top, maybe his Gold Medallion was from his fiancé's choice benefit!!!