A passenger on a recent Jetstar Australia flight was forced to cover up, even though she wasn’t violating the carrier’s dress code
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Woman told to cover up on Jetstar flight
OnlyFans performer Isabelle Eleanore was flying with Jetstar on Sunday from Gold Coast to Melbourne, and ran into some issues during boarding. The woman was wearing a high-cut top that covered perhaps a bit more than your average bikini (below is a picture of what she was wearing).

During boarding, a Jetstar employee asked Eleanore if she had a jumper she could wear on top of that. When she stated she didn’t have any other clothes with her, she was informed that she couldn’t fly with what she was wearing, because “you can’t wear a bikini.”
Eleanore pointed out she wasn’t wearing a bikini, but the Jetstar employees insisted she still needed to wear something to cover up a bit more. At that point airline staff presented her with a high visibility safety vest to wear on top of her outfit if she wanted to take that flight.
She wore that, and notes that she felt humiliated, degraded, and discriminated against, as everyone was looking as she walked down the aisle with that.
What is Jetstar’s dress code?
Jetstar’s website explicitly notes that you “don’t have to dress to impress” when you fly with the airline, and states that the following are the minimum dress requirements:
- Footwear is required for the safety of all passengers during boarding and disembarking
- Offensive clothing is prohibited, which includes clothing items that display words, images, symbols, or slogans, that may reasonably be deemed offensive; the example is given of a shirt with slurs or swear words on it
For its part, Jetstar has apologized for the “misunderstanding,” and will be reminding employees of actual dress requirements:
“We’ve contacted Isabelle about her recent experience and have apologised for the way the situation was handled. There was a misunderstanding of what our policy was, and we have reminded our crew of our dress requirements. While we do have basic dress requirements on our flights (ie. shoes), we do not have any policy regarding crop tops.”
Airlines need to be more explicit with dress codes
We see stories along these lines rather often, and the root cause is almost always the same — airline employees are either overzealous, or airline policies simply aren’t clear. In this case the airline employees crossed the line with their enforcement.
Let me be clear — I think it’s totally fair if airlines have a stricter dress code. The issue is that they can’t enforce a policy that isn’t there. Jetstar requires footwear and doesn’t allow clothing with offensive words or slogans in it. She wasn’t violating either of those rules.
I couldn’t imagine dressing in such a revealing way on a flight, but I’m also a person who wears a hoodie and close-toed shoes to the beach, so I’m probably not the person to ask. Still, if a passenger dresses in a way that doesn’t violate a company’s policy, then it’s absolutely someone’s prerogative to dress that way, in my opinion.
Other airlines have policies that more generically ban “offensive” clothing, and some people would argue that clothes like this is offensive because there are kids around. I don’t follow that logic, personally. Are you uncomfortable taking kids to the beach when there are people wearing bikinis there? If it’s about what’s offensive to kids, then it shouldn’t matter whether you’re at a beach or on a plane.
Personally I’m a huge fan of athleisure, and I wear that just about everywhere. Some people think that makes me way underdressed in some settings, like when flying in international premium cabins. They’re entitled to that belief, but if it doesn’t violate a carrier’s policy, then too bad…
Bottom line
A woman was forced to cover up on a Jetstar Australia flight this past weekend, because of the top she was wearing. In this case it seems like the airline was out of line, since Jetstar’s only policy is regarding footwear and not having clothing with offensive images and words.
Just because you or I might not dress a certain way on a plane doesn’t mean another person can’t, assuming it’s within the rules.
What’s your take on this situation?
(Tip of the hat to Paddle Your Own Kanoo)
Isn't it ironic that they made her wear a High Visibility work jacket for covering up her very visible assets?
Comments are kind of a joke
Honey, I'm gay, I don't even think about women in the first place
Put some damn clothes on
Funniest comment so far though was "ackshually they provide human interaction"
Make some friends. Wow.
What she is wearing is like a bikini top anyway and I would still reject her too for the flight simply because while appropriate for SWIMMING at a beach or pool location..flying is NOT swimming..and wearing more revealing clothing isnt comfortable or acceptable for some when sitting around or next to alot of passengers traveling together..so covering up is simply being respectful to the needs of others.
LOL! I knew there would be a 'you're just jealous' third grade level comment in the thread. Yeah, the only reason anyone is upset is because they can't wear a tube around their breasts.
Not stated in the article, but guessing the airline employee was female. Also, the outfit might be a bit chilly in flight. She might have needed a blanket. Come to think of it, the airline had no blankets to offer?
I rememeber a time when people would get dressed properly to fly, go to dinner, movies, etc...
There is a time and place for everything and wearing clothing as such in public, people should try to be a little more respectful.
I'm also an entertainer, cirque arts, Burlesque, where minimal clothing for my job is required, however time and place.
Only fans girls just crying for attention per usual.
Notice how everybody on the airlines side (even though they were in the wrong) is a man?
These misogynistic comments just prove inequality.
If a man did that no one would care. Men DO wear exposing tank tops like that, too. Instead of it being cropped at the bottom, they're cropped bigger around the arms/breast area, so nipples hang out.
Not wifebeaters, but looser tank tops.
I'm saddened by these comments. Arent you boomers old enough to put your emotions aside to realize, the airline was in the wrong?
What does her having an OF account have anything to do with the incident?
She didn't violate dress codes.
To the a*hole mentioning "oh well what if there's a plane crash and her exposed skin..." lol a layer of clothing will not protect you against a plane crash.
She had jeans and a crop top. Thats it. In Australia it's SUMMER right now.
The vast majority of people who are offended by her attire are just upset that they couldn't wear that outfit because they are not in good enough shape. So instead of working on making themselves better, they get offended or attack with insults. That is what is wrong with the world, not some only fans woman and what she chooses to wear in public. Let her do her and you do you.
While I agree with the idea that freedom to dress as you would like is an ideal, we do not live in societies where that is either possible or a good idea. A little thought into where you are going and does it match with what you are wearing is a good thing. If a man wore her outfit what would be the reaction? And let's face it she was after attention or she's got the intellectual capacity of a doorknob
Bravo, Jetstar! They are too be commended. What you choose to do in your own home is your own business. Being a citizen of a free country requires self discipline and retaining those freedoms comes at the price of self sacrifice. Whether it's being a responsible gun owner or preserving your dignity in public. If you wish to reap the rewards of being a free man or woman, you must do your part to preserve...
Bravo, Jetstar! They are too be commended. What you choose to do in your own home is your own business. Being a citizen of a free country requires self discipline and retaining those freedoms comes at the price of self sacrifice. Whether it's being a responsible gun owner or preserving your dignity in public. If you wish to reap the rewards of being a free man or woman, you must do your part to preserve that freedom and not have it stolen from the socialists at the voting booth.
That said, I highly doubt this woman's personal politics are anywhere near conservative, which is funny. She'll be among the first to complain about her rights being infringed upon and also among the first to vote for the fools who will promptly take them all.
Unlike B.A. Baracus, I have no pity for the foolish.
For anyone saying that her attire is similar to what you'd see at a beach, would you be okay if a male were to wear nothing except his underwear (there are guys in speedos at the beach)?
I have to imagine there is more to the dress code than just wear shoes and nothing offensive. That would mean I could wear lingerie, go topless, or even nude.
I don't care how anyone dresses, but it totally makes me feel ill that she was ok with having her unclothed body against a gross, germy airplane seat. Also if you dress like that, you want attention, so why be upset that you got it with the vest?
Don't go to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. You might get blind by the human body. Fly to Utah, U.S.A. for full dress code.
"They’re entitled to that belief, but if it doesn’t violate a carrier’s policy, then too bad…"
I couldn't agree more. It's a shame there are still so many insufferable snobs within this sector, who believe they're still living in the 1950s...
In the event of an fire on board or crash landing and her upper body is scarred, can she sue the airline for negligence? Similarly, passengers boarding flights wearing inappropriate footwear, can they then seek remedy for injury in an accident? Can airline personnel warn such passengers that the airline will not be held responsible for any injury in such cases? Expect to hear from industry people only. Thank you.
@Philip Maurice Elliott
Didn’t you hear? Ben plans to turn this “news blog” (and I use that term very lightly) into an aviation tabloid...
@Mark Fischer...the 1960s called and would like you back with that sort of misogynistic language!
@ Patrick D
That’s incorrect. Hooters Air had real flight attendants, dressed in traditional uniforms, through its parent company Pace Airlines. There were however, hooter girls who worked as waitresses onboard. They were not part 121 FAs and sat in PAX seats for take off.
What do you expect from a whore from a prostitution page?
Personally, I dont see a problem with how she's dressed. She wasnt violating any dress code of the airline. I think the Jetstar employee handled it poorly, but the airline have at least apologized.
Having said that - feeling humiliated for having to wearing a high viz vest is just ... silly, especially if she is an OnlyFans model. People are going to look when someone is wearing one because usually, when you see someone...
Personally, I dont see a problem with how she's dressed. She wasnt violating any dress code of the airline. I think the Jetstar employee handled it poorly, but the airline have at least apologized.
Having said that - feeling humiliated for having to wearing a high viz vest is just ... silly, especially if she is an OnlyFans model. People are going to look when someone is wearing one because usually, when you see someone wearing such a vest on an airplane, you expect a service person of some sort. Its more about the vest than her. This smacks of an attention grab. Perhaps next time she could throw a T-shirt in her handbag/carry-on to avoid such circumstances. Not saying she cant dress the way she wants within the rules of the airline (which it appears she was), but she has to know people might object. If she wants to avoid such "humiliation", wear something else or pack a T-shirt just in case.
More aviation stories please. Not this sort of story. It is a distraction.
Here's the aviation news from Australia. Today Alliance Aviation share price went up about 18%. It has gone up over 80% in less than a year. It wet leases aircraft to the Australian and Pacific airlines. It has been able to secure really cheap aircraft grounded by the pandemic. The other thing it has found profitable is charter flights. There is money to be made in this market.
She felt humiliated and degraded wearing a safety vest and yet she's totally fine being nude on OnlyFans.
The flight attendants were wrong but let's not call wearing a vest humiliating
Haven't seen this in the Australian media as it's a non-story. Could also be because I don't read the trashy papers.
Not wearing beachwear when flying would be a handy rule of thumb for No-Star to consider adopting.
If only all of us were in excellent shape, then no one would need to wear any clothes at all :)
For goodness sakes, you are traveling, not some attention getting selfie. Show some pride in yourself.
@dick bupkis agree. I live in Melbourne and the story has not made "The Age". It is on some other sites but I had to google her name and the news site to find it - so not something getting a lot of air time.
I also googled what "OnlyFans" was - seriously NO IDEA. Here is my tip - don't do this from your work laptop (I work for an MNC with several...
@dick bupkis agree. I live in Melbourne and the story has not made "The Age". It is on some other sites but I had to google her name and the news site to find it - so not something getting a lot of air time.
I also googled what "OnlyFans" was - seriously NO IDEA. Here is my tip - don't do this from your work laptop (I work for an MNC with several hundred thousand employees). Needless to say I quickly cleared history etc.
To the person asking about masks - they are mandatory on planes and in airports. Not sure about other airlines but Qantas give you a wellness pack which includes a mask.
Did the safety vest cover up her personality? That would have helped other passengers.
Stop giving idiots exactly what they crave: attention.
The next time you just shake your head over how far into the gutter the world has sunk, and you're wondering how and why things have become so awful and who's to blame for the sorry state of the world, just look in the mirror.
Tell her to get a lawyer. Otherwise who cares.
@Patrick D +1
This is a tempest in a teapot where Deathstar overreacted and she got the attention she wanted.
Alex Cruz must have some JetStar employees as fans who like the hi-viz jacket style that he has pioneered.
If the attention w h * * e was smart she’d be targeting British av geeks with the new style.
OnlyFans is for nudity and porn~~~~~~
JetStar is owned by Qantas, which within Australia is well known for enforcing a strict dress code, often more stringently than what’s written in the letter of their policies. They have famously ejected much bigger celebrities than her for things like wearing flip flops or board shorts in their premium lounges for example. And the reason they do this is because their most frequent customers whole heartedly support such policies. For years they’ve run customer...
JetStar is owned by Qantas, which within Australia is well known for enforcing a strict dress code, often more stringently than what’s written in the letter of their policies. They have famously ejected much bigger celebrities than her for things like wearing flip flops or board shorts in their premium lounges for example. And the reason they do this is because their most frequent customers whole heartedly support such policies. For years they’ve run customer surveys and found that their best customers overwhelmingly want an even stricter dress code than they already have. So periodically they eject someone like this, often a b-grade celebrity who creates a fuss. But the publicity also helps placate and cater the airline’s customer base too. If the passengers had a choice, they would have not even let her check in.
What seems stupid is that this happened on an ULCC in one of the least prudish countries in the world. I imagine in the summer months, many of their passengers dress like this. I suspect this was the FAs on a power trip.
Obviously they were trying to preserve her exclusivity on OnlyFans
Crop tops? Is she following Rama X’s fashion trend?
I've seen far worse and on BOTH "women and men of size." There's no real upside here in either trying to formulate a more specific dress code or leave it up to gate and flight crew discretion.
Unfortunately, along with diminished behavior has come diminished attire. I'm certainly not advocating a return to suit and ties and dresses but some of what I see hurts the eyes.
I don't have onlyfans. People pay for the human connection. while you can look at photo and adult entertainment on the internet, the person on Onlyfans can actually message you back and fulfill personal requests for payment.
She was wearing clothing that is seen most of the year anyplace in the USA.
It is my understanding that bikini or topless is legal attire in the USA.
If there were an issue with someone refusing to sit next to her, I would switch seats to accommodate and I think my wife would not be upset.
Ugh...can't stand anyone with an OnlyFans...desperate for attention.
Also, why would you pay for it when there are literally millions of naked pictures of people out there on the internet?
Who ? Some DYKWIA. But was she wearing a face mask ?
So Ben, what’s your onlyfans? ;)
She got exactly what she wanted out of the situation.
That being said, Hooters Air managed to not lose an aircraft in the three years it operated and their flight attendants were similarly attired, so honestly, who cares.