One question I get asked all the time is how I became a full time blogger. After all, it’s not your traditional career path. So in this post I figured I’d briefly share my story — if it doesn’t interest you, by all means skip this post, as I won’t be offended. For those who are interested, here’s the story…
The short answer is that while I couldn’t be happier with how things turned out, I never intended to make this a career, as it really happened by mistake. I started this blog my freshman year of college as a hobby, and here I am, over 15 years later. Let’s step back for a second…
In this post:
My childhood & what I wanted to be growing up
Without getting into too much detail, growing up I was always independent. I had two older brothers, though my oldest brother passed away when he was in his teens, and at the time I was just a few years old. He was a great guy and was always academic and working toward the future.
My oldest brother’s death greatly impacted my whole family, and especially my mom, and caused her to have more of a “do what you enjoy” attitude with me. The same is true of my dad, and they both always reminded me that you never know how long you’ll live, and to just do what makes you happy. For me, that was airplanes. Boy did I love everything about airplanes… I still do. Growing up, my goal was always to be a pilot, and all I’d ever do was talk about planes (that’s still just about all I talk about).
Eventually I decided I didn’t want to be a pilot anymore. It was after 9/11, and I thought I’d be frustrated having a career where my sole metric of “success” was my seniority number. I thought it would be really frustrating to work for a company my whole life, only to be laid off and to have to literally start all over again at another airline. Furthermore, getting pilot training is super expensive, and I recognized that would be a significant financial burden on my family, so I wasn’t quite sure how I’d pay for it.
While my passion for planes never decreased, eventually I decided becoming a pilot wasn’t for me.

I wasn’t particularly academic
I did well enough in school, though was never really “academic.” School just bored the hell out of me, and I had a hard time putting effort into things I’m not passionate about. So when it came time to apply for college, I applied for one school. In retrospect this was probably dumb, because if I hadn’t gotten in, I would have been in a lot of trouble.
Fortunately I got accepted to the University of Florida, which was the only place I applied for since it was free (at the time they had a great scholarship for Florida residents). That’s roughly what I value a formal education at, so that amount sounded about right to me. 😉
I didn’t want to go into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to attend an out-of-state school. Again, let me emphasize that this is just my take, and I totally respect those who feel differently.
I did well in school, though didn’t really care about it much. I just wanted to do my own thing. I traveled almost every weekend, and chose my class schedule in such a way that would minimize the amount of time I’d have to be in Gainesville. So even if my Tuesdays and Thursdays were miserable, I’d rather have eight hours of class twice a week and then have four days to go travel.
But in college I still kept doing my own thing. As part of that, I started the blog in February 2008, which was my second semester of college. I started it as a hobby more than anything.
Randy Petersen (who has been in the miles & points industry since before I was born) is my biggest role model, and I wouldn’t be anywhere without him. Around that time he started Boarding Area, and he invited me to write there. Randy is a huge inspiration, so I couldn’t say no to that opportunity.
Blogging was a hobby for me, and I never thought I’d make a dime from it. I remember around two years after starting to write this blog on a daily basis, I got a paycheck of $750 for three months of writing, which I thought was big bucks at the time. That probably translated to a few dollars an hour given how much time I was spending on the blog, though I would have done it for free, so….
The main way I was making money in college was by helping people redeem points, as this was around the time that I started my award travel consulting business. It was good money, especially as a college student, and I probably spent six to eight hours per day working on it.

The point at which I turned my blog into a “career”
I didn’t do any internships during college, because I kept busy helping people redeem their points and writing, even though I wasn’t making much at all from blogging. In retrospect, if I had planned to take a traditional path, I was taking a huge risk by graduating college without any internships, formal job experience, etc. On top of that, I had no clue what I wanted to do.
I started looking around, and I saw a job opening at a certain online travel company, which shall remain nameless (though it helps advise people about their trips). 😉 The internet and travel is sort of what I do, so it seemed like a good fit. I applied there — much like in college, that’s the only place I applied. I had a phone interview, and then flew to their office for an in-person interview. Well, I didn’t get the job.
I was disappointed. Not because I thought I deserved the job, but rather because I thought I had screwed myself over by not taking the path that every school counselor seemed to tell me to take, and was scared. I think it’s a feeling that many people with more “traditional” qualifications have when they graduate college.
At the time I thought about the general expectations that society seems to have for people, or at least what I perceived those expectations to be — you need to go to college, you need to get a 9-5 job doing something you may or may not be interested in, etc.
Due to my lack of other options at that point, I thought to myself “hmmm, maybe I should just do my own thing.” I knew what the starting pay would have been at the job I applied for, and I was already making more than that helping people redeem miles. But somehow up until this point, I never seriously considered trying to do my own thing long term, because I guess I didn’t have the confidence to do so. Fortunately my lack of other options pushed me in that direction.
I gave it a try, and haven’t looked back since. I’m ridiculously fortunate that it has worked out the way that it has. I attribute it mostly to luck and timing, though also to passion and consistency, which I think are the two most important factors in being successful at anything.

I don’t say it often enough, though it’s not due to a lack of feeling this way. Thanks to you guys for all your support over the years. I couldn’t be more grateful for being able to wake up every day and do what I love. Airlines, hotels, miles & points, travel, etc., are my passion, so being able to talk about this stuff all day and getting paid for it is truly a dream come true.
I don’t for a second take this for granted, and I wake up every morning excited to “work” (I struggle to even call it that, since it’s the same stuff I’d be doing if I weren’t working). From a business standpoint, I might be better off hiring people to write and instead “managing” things more, but that’s not my passion. My passion is writing about the nitty-gritty of this industry. Seriously, I can’t stress enough how grateful I am to you guys.
I’m also extremely introverted, so I don’t think I’d do particularly well in your typical business environment. It’s one of the many reasons that I’m grateful for how things have worked out.
Admittedly the world has changed quite a bit over the years, and there are a lot more people making a living in non-traditional ways. If you’re passionate about something and are willing to put in a consistent effort, I think it’s possible to succeed in just about any industry. Admittedly there’s always some risk, but that’s also there if you take a more traditional path.
Lastly, let me just say that while I love what I do, it’s not all caviar and Dom Perignon in Emirates first class, as it may appear. I “work” seven days a week (doing what I love), I get called a f*g and all kinds of other names on a daily basis, and somehow I even get death threats. I still wouldn’t trade it for anything, though.

Bottom line
I’ve been blogging for 15+ years, and I’m so fortunate that my passion is also my career. I don’t take that for granted, and I appreciate everyone who reads and makes that possible. To those who have been curious, hopefully this brief rundown is interesting…
Hi Ben!
Occasional commenter here and been following the blog for years! I always knew from previous posts that are upringings overlapped a bit given I'm also from the Pinellas County area but never knew you were a Gator too and just a shy 5 years ahead of me! It's been wonderful following the blog and seeing the change in perspective and I just wanted to say that it's incredible seeing how you've grown...
Hi Ben!
Occasional commenter here and been following the blog for years! I always knew from previous posts that are upringings overlapped a bit given I'm also from the Pinellas County area but never knew you were a Gator too and just a shy 5 years ahead of me! It's been wonderful following the blog and seeing the change in perspective and I just wanted to say that it's incredible seeing how you've grown your business/voice having not been in some giant hub like MIA or DFW but also found a way to make it work from a small town like GNV. As a late 20s perpetual pre-med/medical student up until this year this blog helped me have some incredible experiences and allowed me to experience some things that would otherwise be far outside my scope. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and I hope to see you one day in the skies or a lounge so I can let you know how thankful I am in person! Go Gators!
Not to knock what you are doing, but I wonder if your strategy works well or not. You are mostly paid for what you promote and probably get many benefits from hotels and airlines that know you are doing a review. I wonder if the consulting on points and miles and such a strategy would yield more. Truth be told a lot of the information you provide is not very useful to common people that...
Not to knock what you are doing, but I wonder if your strategy works well or not. You are mostly paid for what you promote and probably get many benefits from hotels and airlines that know you are doing a review. I wonder if the consulting on points and miles and such a strategy would yield more. Truth be told a lot of the information you provide is not very useful to common people that are not doing it for a review. Often you do not look at it from a common points and miles traveler point. The problem with paid promotion is that there are a number of great cards and great opportunities that you almost never promote.
@Ben, as they say "haters gonna hate." You're a talented guy who has built a great business. I'm sorry that's part of the price of success and I'm glad that you are able to shake it off and keep doing what you love.
10 years ago, YOU were the reason I ended up with a suite at the Grand Hyatt in Bali after traveling there FC on Emirates/Singapore Airlines, all of it on points. It was a vacation my wife will never forget and most of it had to do with reading your blog for years prior. Thanks for the memories!
Thank you for sharing this and for all of your posts over the years. I am wiser and much more well-traveled because of your reviews and advice!
Hey Ben, I remember when you started. I've admired you from the start. You create your own luck and you're right, consistency is key. I'm sorry that you've had to endure the abuse that you have, but sadly, that is the price of success online. The trolls, the abusers and the haters are nothing but cowards, hiding behind their keyboards.
Your blog has done more good for my travel budget and the travel experience than I could have imagined. Your sharing of parts of your personal life makes it more relatable in my opinion. I traveled about 25 trips per year for over thirty years as a pentagon civilian engineer. Never anything but coach on tax money so thankful for Royal Medallion, Platinum and eventually Diamond. Often very last minute due to mission requirements which...
Your blog has done more good for my travel budget and the travel experience than I could have imagined. Your sharing of parts of your personal life makes it more relatable in my opinion. I traveled about 25 trips per year for over thirty years as a pentagon civilian engineer. Never anything but coach on tax money so thankful for Royal Medallion, Platinum and eventually Diamond. Often very last minute due to mission requirements which was very disruptive and hard to tell my little girls. As a dad the work life balance wasn’t always in balance. I wish you better wisdom than I possessed at your age in ensuring the way you and Ford and Miles spend your time is in line with your collective goals for your lives. Check out Jack Bogle’s book “enough”. Thank you.
Great article. I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring others to follow their intuition. Well done. God bless.
A wonderful piece. I'm sure I speak for many others in saying it's so great hearing such a heartfelt statement of contentment with your life and success. And in expressing my gratitude for all the hard work you put into educating us in the ways of obtaining experiences we otherwise would never even thought to consider.
Have never met you, but I'll just redefine "F#g" for you, and hopefully you think of this comment on a daily basis, to replace the daily attacking insults.
"F#g" --> F'ing Amazing Guy!
While the blog is great, and I commend you for taking a chance on a "non-standard" career choice, and making it work for you, this is a comment to you personally, blog aside.
I've think I've read this story before, or something similar. Perhaps it's a refresh article, but either way it's a very interesting story. Most importantly:
Ben's blog is a blessing to the aviation community.
And this is coming from me, someone who has been (regrettably) quite critical of your politics at way too many times. Luckily I've come to realize that we all make mistakes and we all (most of us) are just doing the...
I've think I've read this story before, or something similar. Perhaps it's a refresh article, but either way it's a very interesting story. Most importantly:
Ben's blog is a blessing to the aviation community.
And this is coming from me, someone who has been (regrettably) quite critical of your politics at way too many times. Luckily I've come to realize that we all make mistakes and we all (most of us) are just doing the best we can.
Overall, it must be said that your blog and content are truly A+. Whoever did your website design should be commended and paid double as it's visually appealing, easy on the eyes, responsive, and modern.
While most of your credit card and points articles don't really apply to me, I understand this is a business and you have plenty of other content to make up for it. Whether it's the (rather impressive) Burj Al Arab Dubai, nightmares on RJ, or softhearted articles about your mom and family, you keep us all coming back for more - and multiple times per day.
Personally I would request that you use Instagram more, but I understand as an introvert that's probably a hard no. Would also request less banning of users, but I get it.
Regardless, you are truly blessed. While I am sure that you do, I hope that you have immense gratitude daily for your life and what you've been able to accomplish at such a young age.
If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. -Meister Eckhart
Congratulations to you - and your family!
Thank you Ben for this story.
Most interesting.
What I cannot fathom is that you get death threats!! From whom and why??? It’s not like you are selling out government secrets to our enemies!! Also that you have to endure being called a F#G. Absolutely not warranted. Your private life is no one else’s business.
What I cannot fathom is that you get death threats!! From whom and why??? It’s not like you are selling out government secrets to our enemies!! Also that you have to endure being called a F#G. Absolutely not warranted. Your private life is no one else’s business.
Also that you have to endure being called a F#G. Absolutely not warranted. Your private life is no one else’s business.
There's a disconnect here.
"Absolutely not warranted." True.
"Your private life is no one else’s business." That doesn't really have anything to do with it. Lucky has made some of his private life public.
"From whom and why???"
People who are both bitter and envious.
I traveled a lot as a kid visiting family but never left the country until after college, I was instantly hooked. After using OTA's to try to find "cheap" tickets and flying on Chinese airlines to SE Asia I knew there had to be a better way. Thats what lead me to your blog. I never made very much money and I still don't but the info you put out has enabled me to travel around the world in comfort that otherwise I would NEVER be able to do. Thank you.
I’ve been a fan of you and your bog for many years. Thanks for the interesting information about how you got started! Your mom gave you great advice.
Been a daily reader for over 10 years.
I feel like you are now an old friend.
Thank you for all you do.
Thanks Lucky!✈️
I found your blog many years ago. And I still remember my first miles redemption using your tips: SQ J from DPS. Recently I took flew the same route again, and recalled just how long it's been -- over ten years. Thank you so much for all the things you've taught me over the years. They've completely changed the way I travel and allowed me to have so many incredible experiences. Keep it up!
University degree is still a good thing even if it's not needed for a career. And the cheaper the better, imo. If I could give I've piece of advice to 24 years old me (I spent 2 years living abroad, not worrying about school) it would be too but stress about the future. The immediate need for a successful job after college is a stress that should be minimal, especially if you've limited your loan...
University degree is still a good thing even if it's not needed for a career. And the cheaper the better, imo. If I could give I've piece of advice to 24 years old me (I spent 2 years living abroad, not worrying about school) it would be too but stress about the future. The immediate need for a successful job after college is a stress that should be minimal, especially if you've limited your loan exposure over that time. If you can limit that stress then you'll be able to try different things instead of squandering time getting into the rat race. My second job was at WorldSpan, I had travel benefits on Delta, TWA, and Northwest airlines yet rarely used them, I was too worried about being gone from work and making a bad impression. What a shame, we could have had nearly endless 3 day weekends in the Caribbean.
Thanks for sharing your story, I'm glad you do what you love. After my eyes dq'd me from Air Force flying I didn't even think that commercial was an option. So now I love that what I do to earn money helps me do what I love (travel)
I love this story. I just want to say that I have been reading travel blogs for many years and yours is the only one I trust the information will be accurate and unbiased. It definitely shows in your writing that you love what you do and aren't just looking to make money! I think your talent, dedication, and hard work are 100% how you got to be where you are today. Thank you for all you do!
Ben, Thank You for sharing, as you always do .
I enjoy your blog everyday.
You are a kind hearted person, it’s sad that not everyone is.
Thank you Ben for sharing your passion with all of us. As I am Europe based, I don't have access to all those sign-up offers for multiple, multiple credit cards as the market is mostly "blocked" to one credit card linked to the national carrier but nevertheless, I enjoy reading your stories and could use a few tips on Hilton Honors so I ended up staying 3 nights at the Conrad Bora Bora Nui ......
Thank you Ben for sharing your passion with all of us. As I am Europe based, I don't have access to all those sign-up offers for multiple, multiple credit cards as the market is mostly "blocked" to one credit card linked to the national carrier but nevertheless, I enjoy reading your stories and could use a few tips on Hilton Honors so I ended up staying 3 nights at the Conrad Bora Bora Nui ... which I found 10x more beautiful than Burj al Arab! lol
Keep up the good work and all the best to Ford, your son, Winston and your family
I was sad to read what you are called on a daily basis. Thanks for all that you do.
So appalled to learn that you face utterly deplorable and disgusting attacks on a daily basis. I fail to understand why anyone feels the need to denigrate, abuse, humiliate or generally be unkind to any other person .... particularly when someone is sharing such joy and knowledge. Please know that your blog brings so much to so many .... although my children often ask why I spend so much time on your blog, they love...
So appalled to learn that you face utterly deplorable and disgusting attacks on a daily basis. I fail to understand why anyone feels the need to denigrate, abuse, humiliate or generally be unkind to any other person .... particularly when someone is sharing such joy and knowledge. Please know that your blog brings so much to so many .... although my children often ask why I spend so much time on your blog, they love the benefits of luxury travel and the tips learnt from you.
Ben, I've been reading your articles ever since you started ! I can relate to everything you have said and outlined.As someone also has "aviation" in their DNA I am fascinated with your commentary and reports.You put an ENORMOUS amount of effort in your posts and understandably/regrettably work 7 days a week to keep up with all the changes worldwide.YOU are the BEST out there and testament to that is the "other" websites who quote...
Ben, I've been reading your articles ever since you started ! I can relate to everything you have said and outlined.As someone also has "aviation" in their DNA I am fascinated with your commentary and reports.You put an ENORMOUS amount of effort in your posts and understandably/regrettably work 7 days a week to keep up with all the changes worldwide.YOU are the BEST out there and testament to that is the "other" websites who quote your articles and briefs and then say THEY agree with you and publish their article ! Keep up your amazing work.Best Wishes Rob from Oz
I’ve followed you since you began, and am still a big fan. Thanks for sharing you expertise, but more so, thanks for so much of yourself with us.
Best travel-related blog site on the internet Ben Keep up the good “work”! And thank you
Hi Ben. Love your blog! I discovered you on TravelSort, no mention of this here? You were the reason I followed that blog, i stopped afterwards…
You have changed my life Ben. From mileage runs to vacations in unexpected places to luxury for pennies on the dollar and most of all meeting loved ones all over the world - your words have impacted my family deeply. Thank you!
I remember a flyertalk member named Lucky9876coins who at the age of 16 scored a transpacific mistake F fare just, he said, by constantly refreshing the search until a good fare came up.
You doing a Good Job!
Your blog got me started on the points and miles hobby. Nearly 10 years ago I had gotten off a very long flight on which I had gotten stuck in a middle bulkhead seat after accepting a seat swap for a family (the FA was pushing me really hard to do it, and hadn't told me it was a middle at first).
A family member sent a link to one of your blog posts after...
Your blog got me started on the points and miles hobby. Nearly 10 years ago I had gotten off a very long flight on which I had gotten stuck in a middle bulkhead seat after accepting a seat swap for a family (the FA was pushing me really hard to do it, and hadn't told me it was a middle at first).
A family member sent a link to one of your blog posts after I mentioned the story to them and I started voraciously reading the other articles. I set about thinking of ways to use the existing miles I had earned in college traveling between school and my hometown and planning out a credit card strategy (which took a bit of time to implement given my thin credit history back then).
So far, it's allowed me to travel to amazing places and stay in hotels that I would have otherwise never been able to afford paying cash from my day job. I still love reading the trip reviews even for places I don't personally have an interest in visiting, or on airlines I'll probably never have the points for (RIP Etihad Apartments).
Best of luck in the future and thanks for sharing your travels with us!
Ben, my path is vary similar. No clue once I got out of collage. Just fell into my career in IT. Have loved it ever since (35 years later).
Just follow what you enjoy and you'll have a rewarding life.
Jay, you sound just like me. “Programming computers” after leaving school - hmmm, that sounds interesting. 42 years later still enjoying it
Can't believe it's been 15 years.
Thanks for sharing the journey.
Ben, I followed your blog very early on. If I remember correctly you flew to Alabama for that interview, and declared to be a full time blogger in the same post. Thank you for all the writings and stories.
Amazing post Ben! Thank you to opening my eyes to the points and travel world, when I was in high school I went through a rough patch and this blog was one of the things that helped me through it and got me to where I am today!
I remember seeing you (uncomfortably) on stage speaking at the first Chicago seminars in how far you've travelled :)
Lucky, you are incredible. Every time I board a plane and turn left, which happens more than it probably should, I always wonder if I’ll bump into either you or Sam Chui. I’m not sure I need the blog from an info standpoint anymore, but it’s the only website I religiously check daily. Cheers.
Well done to you Ben. You were a trend setter in the industry, in many respects defining the structure and setting the standard for the entire travel blogging world.
Maybe there was a bit of luck, and maybe you fell into it by chance, but the simple fact is you’re very hard working, very committed and very authentic in the way you communicate with your audience. Authenticity is your key differentiator as it’s apparent...
Well done to you Ben. You were a trend setter in the industry, in many respects defining the structure and setting the standard for the entire travel blogging world.
Maybe there was a bit of luck, and maybe you fell into it by chance, but the simple fact is you’re very hard working, very committed and very authentic in the way you communicate with your audience. Authenticity is your key differentiator as it’s apparent you are sincere in what you do. Your success is well deserved.
I recall a post you wrote where you debated whether or not you should start promoting credit cards. Isn't that decision the single most important one that enabled you to stick with this career choice?
You write well, you are transparent (as much as you can be), you are real--
Be happy with that.
I have always enjoyed your blog. Been in this since--well yeah--forget that--a long time.
You were and are---refreshing.
Hey Ben I just wanted to tell you, I have been reading your blog for 6 years now and you are the best travel blogger by far. I love your style of writing, your transparency and wit! Keep going!
Probably found you around the same time I found TPG (2013ish), but gave them up a few years ago.
Thanks for the work you do. Wish I could translate my passion for award travel into something as amazing and prosperous as this.
I've been reading your blog for over 10 years and always enjoyed it. I think I even remember some of the pivotal moments and decisions you made. I don't always read all your posts but I do love these personal ones a lot. Great job and thanks to you as well!
Ben - thanks for the "back story". I found it very interesting.
As data point, my brother pointed me towards your blog, and I have read it every virtually every day since! I enjoy your comments, and never disagree with your them. This is probably because you love of travel, and because you have great presentation skills, and because you work your a** off. However, I must say that I am sometimes apalled at...
Ben - thanks for the "back story". I found it very interesting.
As data point, my brother pointed me towards your blog, and I have read it every virtually every day since! I enjoy your comments, and never disagree with your them. This is probably because you love of travel, and because you have great presentation skills, and because you work your a** off. However, I must say that I am sometimes apalled at the comments from other "more experienced" travellers though - I sometimes say to myself, "Where did that come from."
I sincerely look forward to many more years of this.
Thanks again!
Two of my daughters did the FL BRIGHT FUTIRES for U of F and UCF,,It was and still is a great program..but it has had some changes...Still economic way to get to College!!
Been here since 2013, and while I used to read a few other points/miles blogs back then, you're the only one I still read everyday. I've been fortunate to travel all over the world since my first award redemption in December 2014 while also turning left the majority of the time. And that is thanks to everything I've learned from you and the team. I raise a glass (bottle?!) of Krug to your continued success, as you really are one of the great ones.
Ben, yours is the only blog that I read on a daily basis, and the information gleaned from your insights have changed my outlook on travel. The way I "found" you was through attendance at a travel seminar outside of Chicago many years ago. You talk was so down-to-earth, and I took copious notes. At a break, I recall walking up to express appreciation, and you were very kind to me as one of the...
Ben, yours is the only blog that I read on a daily basis, and the information gleaned from your insights have changed my outlook on travel. The way I "found" you was through attendance at a travel seminar outside of Chicago many years ago. You talk was so down-to-earth, and I took copious notes. At a break, I recall walking up to express appreciation, and you were very kind to me as one of the oldest people in the room and probably one of the most ignorant in terms of points, using credit card welcome offers, etc. I am a grateful fan of yours for life. Thank you for your hard work and well-written articles, and also, please accept my best wishes as Ford and you explore the world through the eyes of the newest member of your family.
Thanks for sharing and continued success.
Since I went to college many years ago, I do not understand the business plan to be a travel blogger.
Can you share some of the typical amount of income streams for a blogger, with a range of potential income?
Ben, thank you so much for what you do. I was a young RN, when on a dare, I applied to Pan Am and was accepted as a flight attendant. After 2 years...I gave up my love of flying to continue and advance a nursing career which several times was paused to do years of corporate travel management, then back to the Operating Room. I loved both careers and I live vicariously through your trip reviews. Thank You !!!
Congratulations and continued success with your chosen career!
Congrats on 15 years of travel blogging! I always check your site daily and it has helped me book so much amazing travel over the past 10 years since I first started in the miles and points hobby in 2013. It's also cool to see another introverted gay man like myself succeed in his chosen career - congrats on your personal success too!
Ah that photo of the generic and giant 737 looking somewhat out of control and oversized through the perspective of those terminal 'windows'
That's death threats?!
I need a new spell checker.
Death treats?! Kids, it's only flying!
Ben, thank you for maintaining your positive attitude, particulary in our age of If-I'm-not-enraged-by-this, I'll-find-something. It's always a pleasure to read your posts.
Congratulations! While I do not agree with your political commentary, no one should have to put up with derogatory name calling…. Such Bulls**t!
And on behalf of the human race, I am sorry!
Thanks for sharing! OMAAT truly is in a league of its own, and I’ve been a daily reader for 10+ years. Keep up the good work!
Danke Schön Ben!
Like many here i got into the points game from reading this website and have been flying business and F for much less. My highlight was LH F recently! Thank you so very much and keep up the excellent work!
Your blog (and others) have opened up all of my most memorable travel experiences! I hadn’t heard of the Maldives before reading miles & points blogs- and spent my honeymoon there (along with amazing stopovers- all business class of course!).
Weekend mileage run to Istanbul (remember when that was a thing?!?), F class to London, FTU, and countless other experiences enabled by this crazy hobby. I even contributed to a blog for a bit....
Your blog (and others) have opened up all of my most memorable travel experiences! I hadn’t heard of the Maldives before reading miles & points blogs- and spent my honeymoon there (along with amazing stopovers- all business class of course!).
Weekend mileage run to Istanbul (remember when that was a thing?!?), F class to London, FTU, and countless other experiences enabled by this crazy hobby. I even contributed to a blog for a bit. Thanks for enabling more people to enjoy these amazing things!
P.S. February 2008 was also my second semester of college- maybe that’s why I find your blog most relatable hahaha
Appreciate all of the work you put in here Ben! I started a site just to publish my trips on as a way to keep track of all the places I've been and even that is a lot of work. Can't imagine the amount of effort that goes into putting out the amount of information you do every day. Also, very happy to see more trip reports back, that's what brought me to OMAAT in the first place!
Thank you Ben for sharing your story. I enjoy reading your posts each day. Flying really isn't my cup of tea but you make it sound almost glamorous.
thanks ben. i’m introverted too and i feel like you’ve been there for me all these years through ups and downs, everyday i can wake up and read your blog and feel happy and have something to look forward to.
I skimmed through the article. You went to U of F . Ben I don’t know you personally but I’ve always looked up to you like a sensei. I wouldn’t be the flyer I am today without OMAAT. We want some OMAAT merchandise. Set up shop.
+1 to the merch!!!
Ben, your blog is one of the permanently open tabs in my browser, and your dedication and humanity shines through what you write. Thanks for doing this, and taking us along for the ride.
Thanks for all the stories and updated Ben! I check your site 2 to 3 times a day, I used to work in the Aerospace industry and found a lot of thing you wrote about interesting. I too love flying and I read your blog to see what the best seats and planes are on One World.
Thanks for sharing! It's great to learn more about the reasons behind this, and it's always been clear the passion you have for what you do! Love reading trip reports, even when I'm 99.99% confident I will not be visiting the same place, it's incredible to see what the world has to offer.
Ben, you've truly had a great career and inspired a lot of people. Your story reminds me of a student I had when I taught quantum mechanics where this student grew his startup which got sold to a very large firm on Wall Street and ran college counseling business at the same time where he helped underprivileged high-achieving high schoolers get into Ivy League schools and everyone of his students got into at least one...
Ben, you've truly had a great career and inspired a lot of people. Your story reminds me of a student I had when I taught quantum mechanics where this student grew his startup which got sold to a very large firm on Wall Street and ran college counseling business at the same time where he helped underprivileged high-achieving high schoolers get into Ivy League schools and everyone of his students got into at least one Ivy League school. Successful people sure do have a lot of parallels.
Point is, you are where you are because of your work ethic. Not everything is everyone's cup of tea, but you made your own path and deserve the success you have today. People are bound to be envious of your success, so ignore them, and keep doing what you're doing- inspiring people through your work.
I've been reading your blog since the Summer of 2016 (almost 7 years, wow!).
I've loved airplanes since I was a little kid, and thanks to you, I've found out so much about how I can travel for so much less. I started reading your blog at the end of 6th grade when I was going through a tough time in my life. Thanks to your blog, I've been able to travel with you...
I've been reading your blog since the Summer of 2016 (almost 7 years, wow!).
I've loved airplanes since I was a little kid, and thanks to you, I've found out so much about how I can travel for so much less. I started reading your blog at the end of 6th grade when I was going through a tough time in my life. Thanks to your blog, I've been able to travel with you on all of your adventures, something that has helped me immensely as providing a distraction when things get tough in the now. I'm currently 19, I graduated from High School last summer, and I took a gap year after high school before starting college. I've taken advantage of the 70K AA award redemption on QR Qsuites, I just applied for my first credit card(s) in my own name in the past few months, and I look forward to travel more in the years to come. Thanks to you, I can now do something I thought would never be possible.
Time flies when you're having fun! It's been a great ride. Keep up the good work.
Being ready at the right time and the right place. Blogs were beginning to become a "thing" with the more interactive Internet that began around 2002-2003 with the first social media companies. Fifteen years ago would have been very good timing (Anyone remember Friendster and My Space). As much as I travel I could never have the patience to blog about it. Sure from time to time I post something on FT but for the...
Being ready at the right time and the right place. Blogs were beginning to become a "thing" with the more interactive Internet that began around 2002-2003 with the first social media companies. Fifteen years ago would have been very good timing (Anyone remember Friendster and My Space). As much as I travel I could never have the patience to blog about it. Sure from time to time I post something on FT but for the most part when I travel I disconnect from the world. And when I step off that plane I just want to get home to my own bed.
I think i saw a couple of very early post from travel sort written by Ben. I guess that’s around the time before Ben was doing his own business…
It is magical that both blogs survives to this point. And the little munchkin from travelsort has grown up, and Ben has his own baby. And it’s been 10 years. And i though MS is dead not long after i started reading these blogs…
Thanks for sharing your story, those personal bits are always a refreshing read! Here's to many more 15 years :) !
Ben, thanks for all of your articles. You have been good about providing a wide range of reviews and topic that are either useful, interesting to read, or entertaining. I travel a lot, read a number of similar blogs and over the years you have provided me with great ideas for travel, credit cards and other topics along with many aspirational goals for hotels!
Been a fan for years and have enjoyed your objective reviews balanced with your sharing of your personal life to truly create one of the few travel/points sites where there's a sense of trust and honesty (and some great sarcasm too).
I really appreciate your reviews, and stories, but selfishly most of all, your advice! Getting to go on trips that would be exorbitantly priced for a fraction of the price with points, is a...
Been a fan for years and have enjoyed your objective reviews balanced with your sharing of your personal life to truly create one of the few travel/points sites where there's a sense of trust and honesty (and some great sarcasm too).
I really appreciate your reviews, and stories, but selfishly most of all, your advice! Getting to go on trips that would be exorbitantly priced for a fraction of the price with points, is a real privilege I've been able to experience made possible by your advice.
Thank you and best of luck over the next 15 years and beyond!
Loved seeing your story. Been reading your blog for probably 6-7 years now and it was the inspiration for me to get out and start traveling myself. Before your blog, I was too scared to request time off or even think about booking something.
Also, thank you for being open about your sexuality despite the fringe wackos who harass you. Appreciate what you're doing.
Your blog is invaluable, one of the best resources on the internet that I steer people towards constantly. I started reading more than 10 years ago, in preparation for my first intercontinental trip. (I realized what int'l business/first looked like and wanted to do that quickly!). My first redemption - thanks to your tips - was United international first class, double open-jaw with a layover (flying United, Lufthansa, Thai and Air China). My friends consider...
Your blog is invaluable, one of the best resources on the internet that I steer people towards constantly. I started reading more than 10 years ago, in preparation for my first intercontinental trip. (I realized what int'l business/first looked like and wanted to do that quickly!). My first redemption - thanks to your tips - was United international first class, double open-jaw with a layover (flying United, Lufthansa, Thai and Air China). My friends consider me the travel expert within our large group, thanks to what I've learned reading your site.
Thank YOU, Lucky, for your dedication and hard work.
Brilliant! Thanks for all the info over the years. Wonderful to think now you are successfully and with a family!
I had my career planned out before starting college. But things beyond one’s control happen and I adjusted. The key was asking myself what I like to do. So I figured out how to make money and more importantly make a difference doing what I like.
Best Wishes
Thanks for sharing, Ben. I've been reading your blog from Gainesville, FL all of these years without realizing you went to UF. Go Gators!
Ben - I don't always agree with your personal (ahem, political) takes but I've got to say your blog has changed my life in terms of the way I travel and for that reason I am forever grateful. Thank you for all that you do!
Super inspiring story! we work with top 1% high school students, primarily from international backgrounds. Would love to discuss your life story with them if you're open to it! Your experiences, mentality and skills would be inspiring and eye opening to them. I'm Jason @ 1/3 of our students were admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Stanford for the past 2 years, and 1/2 get into top 10 universities.
Not your typical spam comment!
It’s amazing I have gotten comments from you on FT (diff name) as you were a frequent poster and somehow didn’t realize you only started this blog in 2008.
Off the bat it must have come across as extremely thoughtful, experienced and helpful as that’s how I remember, even though I too had been in this hobby since 2001
Good luck and cheers for many more decades of trip reports and deals
Thank you for sharing your story! I have been reading since your Seattle "live in a hotel" days!
If it is really you writing 10+ posts a day by yourself, every day, then it's more than just luck and timing that your blog has been such a success.
"minimize the amount of time I’d have to be in Gainesville"
Your decision making skills were evident early, no wonder you've made a success of OMAAT!
Back when I first started reading your blog over 10 years ago, I don't think I even knew your real name; just knew you as Lucky. It's your clear and easy-to-understand writing style that has led me to continue reading your blog. Thanks to all your tips through the years, I've been able to redeem miles/points to fly on every commercial A380 in F! Thank you!
Sorry to learn of your oldest brother's untimely passing. Kudos to your parents for not dwelling on the loss and shutting down (like the dad from "Stand By Me") but encouraging both you and your older brother to pursue your passion.
I enjoy reading your blog; while I'm not a writer, I can appreciate well-written pieces. Your articles are thoughtfully presented and there is a certain tempo to your writing style that makes it...
Sorry to learn of your oldest brother's untimely passing. Kudos to your parents for not dwelling on the loss and shutting down (like the dad from "Stand By Me") but encouraging both you and your older brother to pursue your passion.
I enjoy reading your blog; while I'm not a writer, I can appreciate well-written pieces. Your articles are thoughtfully presented and there is a certain tempo to your writing style that makes it easy to read. Keep on flying and keep on writing!
We are the ones who should be thanking you for sharing all your knowledge with us. I have been reading your blog for years. I love the content you put out there.
Terrific story, thanks for sharing this!
So nice to hear how you found your path. It’s one that helps people have better travel and get to live vicariously through you trips reports. I know I’ve benefited greatly!!! Thank you!!
I’m a freshman in college working toward becoming a commercial pilot, but have been reading your blog for as long as I can remember. Your blog has built my passion for airlines and travel and helped me figure out what I want to do for a career. Congratulations on many years of blogging and here’s to many more.
OMAAT is the biggest reason why I started my (admittedly) wannabe blog nine years ago, and I'm at about the point you were when you got your paycheck and thought it was big bucks. I'd do it for free as well – it's great fun!