Back in March I wrote about a JetBlue flight attendant who fled LAX after being caught with 70 pounds of cocaine in her suitcase, which is valued at roughly two million dollars. The TSA has the “Known Crewmember” program, where registered airline employees can bypass security. They simply have to present two forms of identification, and are sometimes randomly subjected to further screening.

Well, that’s exactly what happened to a JetBlue flight attendant at LAX where she tried to get on a flight through the Known Crewmember lane. Unfortunately for her, she was subjected to extra screening this time around, at which point she took off her Gucci heels, left behind her suitcase, and ran. Somehow she managed to escape the airport, and even got on a flight to New York, before she eventually turned herself in.
Well, there’s now a follow-up about this story. The 31 year old flight attendant, Marsha Gay Reynolds, is expected to plead guilty in court today, a conviction that would lead to a minimum of a 10 year prison sentence. Per ABC News:
A court document filed by prosecutors on Friday said for the first time that Reynolds was getting paid thousands of dollars to help smuggle drugs and money through airport security at LAX and John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.
An unindicted and unnamed co-conspirator illegally in the U.S. would give Reynolds the cocaine and money, and she would use her “known crew member badge” to get them through security, after which she would give them back to the co-conspirator, according to the document.
The co-conspirator fled to Jamaica, according to the document.
It sure sounds like this wasn’t her first time doing this. Naturally her attorney made the argument that she may not have known what was in the bag, which is hardly a defense when you’re transporting something through a checkpoint for which you had special clearance. While I sympathize with the circumstances that cause someone to do something like this, it doesn’t sound like she was struggling too much based on the shoes she was wearing.
I’m curious how much jail time she’ll end up getting.
She was in a place of trust? and she clearly abused it,plus all the heartbreak these drugs cause. therefore what every she gets , 25% should be she knew the chances of being caught were a lot less, tham passengers,
Don't do the crime, if you can't do the time.