Emirates has been innovating for a long time. Prior to them introducing an onboard shower, I don’t think anyone thought that would ever be added to a commercial aircraft.

Well, now they’re upping the game again, as they introduce their newest plane, the APR001. Per Emirates’ Facebook page:
Emirates unveils plans for the world’s largest commercial aircraft. The triple-decker APR001 includes a swimming pool, games room, gym and park.

This is going to be a game changer for people traveling from Dubai to the US. Who needs laptops when there are so many ways to stay entertained?
I just booked my ticket on the new plane, which will launch service between New York and Los Angeles as of April 1, 2018. CAN’T WAIT!!!
Did you know the Antonov an-225, could carry 6 Soviet Buran space shuttles
When I searched "Emirates Unveil" only a 2-floor airliner came up.
Why is there a pool table, There is no point in playing pool on that plane, The pool table can play with no players.
The plane has 4 engines, There is no way that plane is taking off with that amount of weight, and even a pool
This is a farce. An airplane couldn't handle the weight of a swimming pool plus the weight of the passengers and luggage, etc.
That plane isn’t real, turquoise donut
lol a pool table on a airplane
A swimming pool in a plane, really!!!!! Why?????
I agree the water would splash who knows where.
I think this is real, not lying rn
As a matter of fact the biggest airplane is the Antonyv an 227
I think The Antonov An-225 Mriya is the biggest plane.
This is fake you idiots the iq is the lowest of the low, ding dongs scamming people, get a life emirates
This is very fake the biggest airliner is a a380 with only 2 floors and no lounge and swimming pool
Its an aprilsfools prank
I would love to see pictures of what the park inside the airplane looks like.
What is an April Fool today will be reality tomorrow. Remember people used to think the world was flat.
when I read "Remember people used to think the world was flat" I thought that was funny
If you're going to have a pool, make it a glass bottom one!
uhhhh, you can't book tickets for April 2018. Sorry dude!
It's an aprils fools prank!
Do you have to wear a swimsuit to board or can you change on board?
Love that Emirates launched this ... missed all the other 1 April "jokes" in the media so this one makes up for it.
Cant wait until Emirates launches domestic service from NY to Miami later this year. I will ditch the legacy carriers forever.
@CanuckGoose: +1
love it!
Sorry, but this is just too easy.
Emirates don't build planes, but they do have a sense of humor on April 1st to celebrate all fools day.
Stay serious lucky :p
Haha cool trick. Looks like a very nice way to fly though.
Oh gosh, this had me right fooled for far too long. Ohhh the shame.
I couldn't help but notice that the banner on their FB page is celebrating their SEVENTH Million fans....yet I don't think number 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 got anything special. Georgia 1 - Emirates 0.
Haha April fools
...I'll see you on board, Lucky. I've also booked my flight! Awesome! ;)
WOW! How dumb would someone have to be to fall for this. You know how long it takes to create a brand new aircraft. Let's also mention the fact that it would be impossible to fly with a pool full of water. If I have to explain that then you're a little low on the IQ scale.
Happy April Fools to everyone :-)
Lucky, I've been an avid follower of yours and a vocal supporter for years, but your reporting has descended to appallingly low levels. You entirely missed the most game-changing addition to that plane: a single 10-pin bowling lane. I hereby renounce my citizenship to the Republic of Schlappig. Oh, and you also failed to mention that CX announced just today that they're testing 'SRE' cabins (standing room economy) from YVR to HKG for an amazing...
Lucky, I've been an avid follower of yours and a vocal supporter for years, but your reporting has descended to appallingly low levels. You entirely missed the most game-changing addition to that plane: a single 10-pin bowling lane. I hereby renounce my citizenship to the Republic of Schlappig. Oh, and you also failed to mention that CX announced just today that they're testing 'SRE' cabins (standing room economy) from YVR to HKG for an amazing USD39! No baggage fees either.
There was a solid 5 minutes where I believed this until I got called out by a family member who was like are you serious. I'm such a fool, it was on the name of the plane and everything *facepalm*
Hey Ben, in that case, I just booked an Etihad frhe residence class roundtrip between Los Angeles and Mumbai on the new 777's residence class for the first leg LAX to AUH and the A380 on the AUH-BOM leg all for just a whopping 5 Frontier Earli y return miles! Great deal only lasting through tomorrow. Take advantage before this deal goes.
I'm more excited for the new "Estates" on Ethiad which are rumored to serve produce grown on the airplane. Truly locally sourced.
Haha. Nice one.
I like the reading lights and personal vents above the pool, unless that means they're going to pack it as full as coach.
Guess where it's April 1 already?
//hint: Where is Emirates headquartered?
APR001!?!?!?! Nice try there!
lol loving the delta skymiles joke @Lucky - possibly an even better april fools.
The Delta Emirates joint venture using the seats from UA's 777-200's "community seating" is really exciting, they're gonna fit the sky bar between them.
I knew it wasn't a real airplane, but some kind of weird airplane shaped theme park didn't seem beyond the realm of possibility in Dubai. They already have the A380 "simulator" in the Dubai mall. I guess that makes me an April fool? Or just a skeptic about the appeal of Lucky's favorite city.
Isn't this a day too early?
Or are you currently at a time zone where it's already Apr 1?
Ah ah ah... No diving board from First into the pool ??
@lucky - We can use skypesos for this??? Game Changer! So April 1, 2018 is the OMAAT reader meet up on the inaugural right?
What a lame ass April Fool's joke....try harder Ben.
No hot tub? Bet Ethiad takes care of that need.......
¿April Fool's on March 31?
The real problem is that a NYC to LA flight is too short to enjoy such imaginary amenities.
@ RF -- Except I managed to book it using Delta SkyMiles thanks to their new joint venture, so I can't complain too much.
Those bottom deck economy seats below the golf course and behind the pool seem like they'd be pretty depressing. The noise from both F activities (or maybe golf is J?) will be quite audible and you get the chlorine smell from the pool. But you don't get any amenities aside from 12-across (either 5-5-2 or 10-2, hard to see) seating.
This is indeed 100% true. Just ask Trump!
Lucky=sucker for a joke
Ugggg can we not do April fools day jokes this year. They are so overplayed
Is this for real?
Also who makes this plane?
Still only March 31 here in the USA
Anyone else tired of it already? BTW, the JetBlue millennial class has you beat...
Lmao. My favorite april fools joke of yours was the AF La Première one a few years ago.
Too early.
So lucky, what's the special plan tonight, that you had to come back from Hong Kong. I thought you and ford were already married?
Happy April Fools Day, Lucky :)
Tomorrow is April 1
I believed this up until the line about the 1 year timescale to entry to service!!! How long did the 787 take!
(And no, I didn't really believe the rest of it!)
"APR001" LoL
"The triple-decker APR001..." APR = April?
It is already April Fools over there, ya know... (and yes, I'm assuming you probably do)