Regular OMAAT readers will likely remember my four hour stay at Marriott’s Aegon Mykonos last year, which was at the time a new hotel. Well, a reader with an upcoming stay emailed me to point out something odd going on with the hotel’s reservations system, which I figured others might find to be interesting.
I wanted to provide an update, because as pointed out in the comments section, it seems increasingly likely that this hotel has either suspended or terminated its relationship with Marriott.
In this post:
Aegon Mykonos stops taking reservations on
This is a summer of unprecedented travel demand, and Mykonos has arguably become one of the biggest summer hot spots in the world (I’m happy I went in the past, because it has gotten too wild at this point — it makes Saint-Tropez look like a quaint town no one has heard of, by comparison).
Yet oddly roughly a week ago the hotel stopped accepting reservations on Regardless of which date you search, the hotel simply isn’t for sale. That doesn’t seem right.

Suffice it to say that this seems like a very strange time to stop accepting reservations, given that the busy summer travel season is just gearing up, and is presumably the hotel’s primary booking channel.
My mind immediately came up with a few scenarios:
- Did the hotel suddenly have to shut down for some reason?
- Did the hotel decide to end its affiliation with Marriott, or did Marriott decide to end its affiliation with the hotel?
- Was it just a temporary tech glitch?
- Were they celebrating the one year anniversary of my stay at the hotel with a moment of silence? 😉

What the hotel claims is going on
Several days ago I decided to phone up the property and ask to speak to the reservations department, as I was curious if they were taking reservations by phone. The person who answered the phone acted oddly about the request. He asked what days I was interested in, and asked for my info so that I could be emailed a quote.
I asked if the reservations department was available, and he indicated they were in a meeting. I said I’d call back. So the next day I phoned up (at a different time), and I think I spoke to the same guy again. He once again told me that the reservations department was “in a meeting,” and offered to take down my info. I said I’d call back.
I tried again a third time the next day (at a different time), and I was informed that… the reservations department was “in a meeting.” At this point I indicated that I had called before, and had also been told that the reservations department was in a meeting. I asked if there was something more going on.
He responded that “we are having some issues with our system, they are trying to correct that.”
Keep in mind that one of the benefits of belonging to a major hotel group like Marriott is access to Marriott’s technology, and that’s why you won’t generally find individual hotel reservations systems going down for nearly a week.
Interestingly the hotel still seems to be operational. A FlyerTalk member who checked in earlier this week asked on-property about why the hotel wasn’t accepting reservations, and was allegedly told that “they had problems with a Greek bank and can not take Amex until they sign with a new bank.”
Suffice it to say that this is a strange explanation:
- Is this the only hotel in Greece that’s suddenly taking down its reservations system because it’s having problems with a Greek bank?
- Even if the hotel can’t accept Amex, couldn’t it just put up a notice saying that Amex cards temporarily aren’t being accepted, and that payment will need to be made with another product?
- Not accepting reservations while continuing to be operational is a mighty strange approach to take, and suggests there may be more to this story

A more likely explanation of what’s going on
Interestingly in the past couple of days, the property’s own (non-Marriott) website has removed all mentions of its Marriott affiliation, or of being an Autograph Collection. The logo has even been updated to remove “Autograph Collection” from it.
The hotel has also once again started accepting reservations on its own (non-Marriott) website. Therefore it seems highly likely to me that the hotel’s affiliation with Marriott has either been suspended or terminated.
Obviously this timing is very strange. This is a seasonal property, the season has started, and presumably many guests are booking this hotel specifically because of its affiliation with Marriott. This isn’t typically the time where you’d amicably cut ties, if you were to do so.
I’d have to guess that this was initiated by Marriott, rather than by the hotel. What would cause that? There are a variety of scenarios I can come up with (especially given the people behind this property), so all we can do is use our imagination for now.
If this does end up being the case, don’t expect any elite perks to be honored at this property for future stays. Oh wait, the hotel wasn’t doing that when it belonged to Marriott either. 😉

Bottom line
Marriott’s Aegon Mykonos stopped accepting reservations through around a week ago. The property is now once again accepting reservations on its own website, and has removed all mentions of an affiliation with Marriott from its own website.
The timing of all of this is very strange, given that it’s the beginning of what will no doubt be the busiest summer travel season ever in Mykonos. While the hotel claims it’s having some “issues” with its “system,” it seems much more likely that the hotel is losing its affiliation with Marriott. The real juicy detail (that we probably won’t learn) is why that’s happening…
Has this property closed entirely or reopened under a new name? Website seems to be down entirely and Instagram hasn't been updated
Hi all. Since Ben's tabloidy and obsessive (re)expose on this hotel, there has been lots of speculation here on the cause. Few facts and lots of theories and lots of slandering of Greek hotel owners.
Yeah, this hotel may have its issues and is clearly far from perfect and clearly something is wrong.
Has it occurred to Ben or others the kind of damage this speculation is causing the hotel? Nobody has reached out to...
Hi all. Since Ben's tabloidy and obsessive (re)expose on this hotel, there has been lots of speculation here on the cause. Few facts and lots of theories and lots of slandering of Greek hotel owners.
Yeah, this hotel may have its issues and is clearly far from perfect and clearly something is wrong.
Has it occurred to Ben or others the kind of damage this speculation is causing the hotel? Nobody has reached out to Marriott to actually get the facts as this is a Marriott issue. I expect this nastiness on Tripadvisor, but not here.
It looks like they are back on Bonvoy app.
19-26 June is 420K points
I would wager that after a disasterous summer season due to incompetent (being nice here...) management, this property will by next year be sold, and a totally new crew installed.
Nothing less than a complete reset can save this place.
Wow. Such a disconnect with Reality
According to everyone here , biz and future reservations are at a High and hopefully I will be here again next year
Myconos is a € 200 + a night and a
Minimum € 50 for 2 beach chairs and an Umbrella Island .
It’s Buddha bar , Solymar , Nammos , Scorpios and other Grand Beach Bar restaurant experiences
Then for the young...
Wow. Such a disconnect with Reality
According to everyone here , biz and future reservations are at a High and hopefully I will be here again next year
Myconos is a € 200 + a night and a
Minimum € 50 for 2 beach chairs and an Umbrella Island .
It’s Buddha bar , Solymar , Nammos , Scorpios and other Grand Beach Bar restaurant experiences
Then for the young it’s inexpensive rooms anywhere , and a late night party drinking .
If you don’t fall into either of these category’s , go to some other Island . I think that is the mistake many are making .
Stay away to ensure my future upgrades
It’s disappointing to read articles like this Ben, not the content but the tone. If this is the direction you are choosing then that’s your prerogative of course. However from a long time reader it seems as though the content has lost its way somewhat. Credit Card hustling and the Four Seasons recent love in don’t help. Hope you get back to being impartial. Don’t believe your own hype in the nicest possible way...
We get it. We get it. We really do!
You don't like this crummy hotel. Now let it go, man.
Let what go? It's a legitimate update. You can skip it if you don't care.
I'm sorry but I don't understand all of the comments about this hotel being bad or been having a bad time here may I ask what happened perhaps I missed it I don't know but I've seen it on the website when I was thinking about going it looks like a beautiful hotel with great service and great people
Sometimes I think Ben takes things out of proportion perhaps that is from being coddled...
I'm sorry but I don't understand all of the comments about this hotel being bad or been having a bad time here may I ask what happened perhaps I missed it I don't know but I've seen it on the website when I was thinking about going it looks like a beautiful hotel with great service and great people
Sometimes I think Ben takes things out of proportion perhaps that is from being coddled too long and always having to have the most expensive or the best of things just like I have suggested many times for him to fly coach overseas and not once as he said he will do it it's only 12 14 hours out of your life and he's Young and he still will not fly coach not one time together report to me that speaks of entitlement
Are you the GM lol?
He could fly coach overseas, which takes 12-14 hours, but it's weird coming from a guy who wouldn't take 2 seconds to run a search and inform himself of what happened, yet feels the need to type such a long-winded response.
As the first to agree that Ben can come across as entitled at times, the issues with this hotel and his posts last year were legitimate as to some pretty egregious practices of deception. Yes, the pictures look good to you, they did to Ben as well. They do to everyone. But when arriving you find that most photos are photoshopped, services are NOT as promoted. and the owners/management are more than unprofessional in their...
As the first to agree that Ben can come across as entitled at times, the issues with this hotel and his posts last year were legitimate as to some pretty egregious practices of deception. Yes, the pictures look good to you, they did to Ben as well. They do to everyone. But when arriving you find that most photos are photoshopped, services are NOT as promoted. and the owners/management are more than unprofessional in their response. I suggest you actually go read the easily found posts here. This was not a case of entitled whining.
If both a bank and Marriott are taking action simultaneously im going to assume there is some sanctions related issue here with the ownership structure. That would cause an abrupt vault to business as it would not be in an industry likely to get an exemption license from treasury
Made a booking with points through Marriott back in May for a stay in August.
I guess Marriott should have contacted us in case they will no longer partner with Aegon.
But I am now worried what would happen with our reservation if they break away.
Is this really bizarre though? Hotels leave hotel groups all the time and most of the time they aren't covered here. I don't agree with people saying that you're being petty or shouldn't cover it, but it's also certainly not bizarre, it's a pretty normal occurrence.
I can not understand why people here say to stop bothering with it. If anything now is the time to take a first class award flight to the island and meet up with GM Pavlos to walk the property in a livestream and talk about what is going on. So much potential here, don't let it go to waste!
"We did it Patrick! We saved the city!"
This hotel is run by scammers. Hope ownership can change
Fully agree. I stayed at this property for 7 nights last year and witnessed for myself how mismanaged it is (my review can be found on Flyertalk). I look forward to learning what the outcome is with respect to its Marriott Bonvoy affiliation. Keep up the good work Lucky! Shaddy properties and management deserve to be called out!
Seems as if Marriott was doing this and refusing reservations on the platform until the property cleaned up its act that they would just remove them temporarily from searches. But it still comes up for Mykonos and is indeed "Sold Out" for the rest of the available calendar. I'm also not sure if the property can do that from their end either (for whatever reason) without triggering some sort of immediate removal from the Autograph...
Seems as if Marriott was doing this and refusing reservations on the platform until the property cleaned up its act that they would just remove them temporarily from searches. But it still comes up for Mykonos and is indeed "Sold Out" for the rest of the available calendar. I'm also not sure if the property can do that from their end either (for whatever reason) without triggering some sort of immediate removal from the Autograph label.
As to those comparing this to the LH Milan lounge person, it's a completely different situation as I remember. I don't recall anyone but the GM being called out by name (which is fair given his title and the fact that it's public information). As well, the situation was so egregious and deceptive as to their property description (and the response) that it deserved a warning to other travelers. Far different than calling out a lone employee in a lounge that you had a small disagreement with, this hotel was clearly involved in deceptive trade practices that warranted exposure.
You are too funny Lucky. I can’t believe you actually spend the time to call them three times! While I feel like to burst out and sing “let it go! Let it go!”, I also feel like to get a bag of popcorn and follow this Mykonos saga.
It should be entertaining.
Stop using a blog to smear individuals (your recent take down of a poorly trained lounge agent) and now a hotel that by all accounts continues to function. This blog long ago stopped being about love travel and has become a platform for settling personal grievances. That is not what your credit card handlers paid for.
Strange concern trolling.
Ben, I think this requires an in-person investigation and live stream. We need to see the reactions of the GM & owner when you show up at the property again.
The hotel seems to be selling rooms on its own website, on (go to Retreat/Revive, then click Book now)... suggests as others have said, maybe there are some issues with Russian ownership or something along those lines (maybe they had more service issues and Marriott had had enough!?). Seems like a break with Marriott rather than an outright halting of reservations.
Interestingly there's also absolutely no mention of Marriott on their own website.
Interesting! Looking at wayback machine logos and mention of Autograph collection were present till June 6th.
Would seem issue with Marriott rather than Amex.
Enough already about this place!
Weren’t you the one recently writing about someone being vindictive and smiling with glee at your misfortune?
To be fair to Ben, the hotel did treat him badly and never made up for it, so while it may be a bit petty it's not unjustified. On the other hand the lounge agent's job was to provide good service and be helpful, but instead acted with vindictiveness and glee towards Ben the customer when he didn't do anything wrong besides having an unusual request.
I can't see this "smiling with glee" from is just curiosity. I'm curious too, but my guess is that the hotel thinks it will do better without the obligations of partnering with Marriott. Bit like Brexit but on a tiny scale. I think you are suggesting that Ben thinks they are failing and he is happy about that... but there is no indication that they are failing at all, just that their presence on the Marriott website is missing in action.
Another Marriott Design branded property nearby the Mykonos Theoxenia has also blocked out all dates, just a theory but could there be some Russian ownership connections as Marriott is pulling out of Russia and unpicking hotels that are owned in anyway by Russian entities.
Ben, your obsession with this hotel needs to end. There could be many reasons for the glitch, and your tabloid like reporting of your calls to the hotel don't do you or your website credit.
Call Marriott if you're serious about finding out. That said, would you be so obsessed if it was another hotel with the same glitch? I doubt it.
Let it go. It's embarrassing for you.
Absolutely agree with this. Would like to know if there would be any posts regarding the hotel if it was something positive happening.
I disagree completely and am glad you keep following up! It's sad they still use heavily photoshopped pictures -- I feel awful for people who booked this hotel based on the hotel's website. Thank you for keeping them honest.
That's what Tripadvisor is for.
Ben has a personal grudge. That's ok, but it cheapens the credibility of his blog when he voices that personal grudge. The page should be renamed One Grudge At A Time if these personal attacks continue.
The better approach would be to take it up with Marriott and report back - If he wants his site to have credibility. Same with the Milan LH rant.
@Ben, don’t listen to Alexf1. I’ve personally found this to be one of the most interesting/fascinating stories you’ve posted over the last few years.
Also, everyone should keep in mind that is is not TPG but rather a personal blog. The purpose of your blog is to dig into some of the topics you’d complain / geek out to a fellow traveler about at the airport lounge part, not just write bland articles like one would find on TPG.
This isn't about keeping the Aegon Mykonos honest - it's about a tabloid report on his blog speculating why the hotel isn't accepting bookings on the Marriott website.
Marriott has over 8,000 properties and Ben suddenly decides to focus on this one with 76 rooms in Mykonos (again). Coincidence?
The Aegon may have many problems, but this is a vendetta of Ben's, not credible reporting.
I am so glad you posted this. I guess it is click-bait. I clicked on it just to see what was the latest on this season's "My Big Fat Greek Holiday." I have been going to Greece for the summer for close to 25 years. I love Mykonos, but there is so much more to Greece than one scam hotel in Mykonos. YAWN. A story on some great family-run places in Mykonos or other parts...
I am so glad you posted this. I guess it is click-bait. I clicked on it just to see what was the latest on this season's "My Big Fat Greek Holiday." I have been going to Greece for the summer for close to 25 years. I love Mykonos, but there is so much more to Greece than one scam hotel in Mykonos. YAWN. A story on some great family-run places in Mykonos or other parts of Greece would be great! It really is a great county. I can think of no other place I would spend the summer. I love this blog for the latest. However, if I wanted drama, I would watch "Days of Our Lives."
It's weird that people feel like they are able to demand what Ben should write about or not. I mean no one is forcing you to click on these stories. If it cheapens his blog then so be it. Too bad for you. I find this saga very interesting and would love to know how everything went down.
Love this hotel, I hope everything is ok. All the staff have such positive energy.
Joe Chivas, long time, no see!
Feared COVID had claimed you.
Let the good times troll!
I am here now , and all the new kids are “ Turbos “ .
They Meet every request with a Smile . Zoe , George , Giannis , Nikos , Gilley .
Is it because I am Greek American, or friendly and not condescending ?
Mykonos, Santorini and a couple more...destinations for the unwashed masses.
It was reported last time that the GM took a "particular" interest in you. Might be a good time to reconnect and see what he has to say for this story!
Dude, they clearly have your URL and cell blocked/blackflagged:)
Knowing the prior history of this hotel… I bet they are behind on their fees due to MAR. The big Brands can typically turn off the res systems if the hotel is in default of the agreements (i.e. not paying the $ they owe).
Yeah, this is most likely it. They’ll be deflagged imminently.
Has it been a year already? My my, time flies.
Enjoying my best Mykonos week in my Memory.
Buddha Bar last night , and Mykonos town packed with Energy
Asking €70 per person consumption at Little Venice.
I'm surprised that a "reader" would book a stay there.
As someone who grew up in Greece and has been to a fair share of Greek islands, I've got to say that Mykonos is one of the least naturally beautiful and most inconvenient. It is fairly close to the mainland and the architecture is nice. However, it is so windy all through the summer, the land is dry and there's no greenery, it is rocky and unpleasant to walk around, and it's full of touristy...
As someone who grew up in Greece and has been to a fair share of Greek islands, I've got to say that Mykonos is one of the least naturally beautiful and most inconvenient. It is fairly close to the mainland and the architecture is nice. However, it is so windy all through the summer, the land is dry and there's no greenery, it is rocky and unpleasant to walk around, and it's full of touristy hotels that lack charm and grace. Not to mention that type of Cycladic architecture can be found on most islands in that part of the Aegean. I can't see why anyone would go to Mykonos when Naxos, Syros, Paros and Icaria are right there, or even better, Skiathos, Rhodes, Zakynthos and Corfu. And if you really want something special there's Lefkada, Kythera, Skopelos, Milos and Lesbos, albeit harder to get to.
I’m Greek too and completely agree with you. The only reason people go to Mykonos is to show and tell everyone else that they have been there. I like to think of Mykonos like a Gucci handbag. Everyone thinks both are the epitome of high class. In reality the people who go there and wear them are more often than not so ridiculously trashy.
Just curious as to why you did not reach out to Marriott for an explanation.
If a fast-food restaurant changed their sign or some items on their menu, would you contact the corporate headquarters to ask for an explanation?
I wouldn't write a click-bait article about it either. I guess Ben is getting his clicks.
But my personal respect for his judgment is waning after this post.
That's what is great about choice. You have the freedom not to read and he has the freedom to write what he wants to.
Very strange indeed.
Ten bucks says they're laundering money through Russia.