New Virgin Atlantic Ad: “See The World Differently”

New Virgin Atlantic Ad: “See The World Differently”


Virgin Atlantic has today launched a new brand and advertising campaign, which is the first from the company in more than two years, since the start of the pandemic.

Virgin Atlantic promotes individuality in new ad

Virgin Atlantic’s latest ad campaign has the tag line “see the world differently.” As it’s described, this line draws on the company’s heritage of challenging the status quo, and recognizing that the travel industry is entering an exciting new era. Here’s the gist of the campaign:

The campaign will champion the rich individuality of the airline’s people and customers, building on research showing that travellers find most airlines’ crew to be impersonal in their service. In contrast, Virgin Atlantic crew are encouraged to be their true selves on board and on the ground. They don’t follow a script and are seen to offer a more personal touch.

As part of this campaign, there’s a new 60-second TV ad which was filmed at the airport and onboard a Virgin Atlantic Airbus A350-1000. The ad has a remake of the song “I am what I am” playing in the background, which seems fitting. You can see the ad for yourself here:

And if you’re interested, here’s a behind the scenes look at how this was filmed:

In addition to the video ad, there will also be a print campaign made up of shots of Virgin Atlantic crew and customers championing their individuality. This includes a businesswoman saying “I am my own captain,” a family arriving for their holiday saying “a crew like no other,” and a female captain with the line “born to fly.”

Here’s how Virgin Atlantic CEO Shai Weiss describes the idea behind the campaign:

“At the core of our business is the understanding that every one of our people can be themselves at work and that they belong. They truly are the thing that sets us apart and the reason customers choose to fly with us. We know that the touchpoints that matter most and the experiences that differentiate Virgin Atlantic, are driven by our people and that’s why it was so important they’re at the heart of this campaign.”

This is a cute ad campaign

I really enjoyed Virgin Atlantic’s new ad:

  • The production quality is excellent, and this doesn’t feel at all low budget
  • This ad does a good job of promoting inclusivity and individuality in a fun way that I don’t think many people will find objectionable (though I’ll have to tune in tonight to Tucker Carlson to see for sure), which is a delicate balance nowadays
  • While this is a feel good ad, I’m not sure it’s going to sell a lot of airline tickets, or make people seek out Virgin Atlantic over a competitor
  • In general I’m impressed by how Virgin Atlantic’s marketing has tastefully evolved over the years; the airline continues to heavily promote its people in ads, but in a different way than decades ago (see below)

Bottom line

Virgin Atlantic has just launched its first ad campaign since the start of the pandemic, with the tag line “see the world differently.” This is intended to highlight the individuality of both staff and passengers, and I think it’s done in a tasteful way. I’m not sure this is going to sell all that many tickets, but then again, often that’s not the point of these kinds of ads…

What do you make of Virgin Atlantic’s new ad campaign?

Conversations (115)
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  1. Joe Guest

    seeing all those "Things" makes me never want to use Virgin.. if they glorify this idiotic Woken I dont know my own gender generation than I wont support them. male is male ....female is female.. women need to learn their place and stop generalizing that gay is okay.. it isnt

  2. Sandi Guest

    I love the advert..but it would be nice to know who starred in it...Virgin Airlines...great service...

  3. RichPerspective Guest

    Ad did its job, people are talking about it. Good reviews and bad reviews still gaining attention to the brand. I found it interesting that the ad was more centered around "statement" stereotypes being their customer vs their impeccable service. It glamorized riding on the downtown city bus but in their case it's an Airbus ;)

  4. Jinn Guest

    Absolutely nothing wrong to a bit of character and spice for the crew. If they deliver as good if not better service so what? Dunno why so many people are so fixated and threatened by difference. It has ZERO impact on their lives.

  5. alex elliott Guest

    this is a brilliant advert not only for the virgin airline but for diversity
    love all the character's and the music fits in nicely.

  6. esiolE Guest

    I hate the commercial and i am sick and tired of society shoving transgender down our throats.

    1. Artie Guest

      Mainstream media and an increasing number of corporations are manipulating society into their own preferred vision, whilst ensuring their revenue stream remain buoyant.
      It’s a fine line to walk as evidenced by Budlite debacle.
      The idea centres around what the trans ‘community’ call visibility. If they are more and more visible, people will believe it is ‘normal’. That is why the trans activists started their project back in the 90’s in the schools...

      Mainstream media and an increasing number of corporations are manipulating society into their own preferred vision, whilst ensuring their revenue stream remain buoyant.
      It’s a fine line to walk as evidenced by Budlite debacle.
      The idea centres around what the trans ‘community’ call visibility. If they are more and more visible, people will believe it is ‘normal’. That is why the trans activists started their project back in the 90’s in the schools and kindergartens around the developed world. Their first “harvest” of those they have exposed to these levels of ‘visibility’ are now young 20 somethings, the GenZ’s and look at the complete confusion these folk have around sex, gender, self esteem and privilege!
      With degenerates like Biden in power, this can and will inevitably get a whole lot worse before it gets better. It’s like Idiocracy arrive 500 years earlier than the film posited.

  7. Ben Arnulfssen Guest

    I flew Virgin Atlantic a number of times pre covid and I was thoroughly unimpressed with their chaotic check in system and failure to deliver paid-for extra features due to over-booking. Their elderly 747s were tired, cramped and uncomfortable. In the end I changed to BA despite the inconvenient flight times; at least I got the flight I had paid for, for not much more cost and the Premium Economy was something Virgin don't offer....

    I flew Virgin Atlantic a number of times pre covid and I was thoroughly unimpressed with their chaotic check in system and failure to deliver paid-for extra features due to over-booking. Their elderly 747s were tired, cramped and uncomfortable. In the end I changed to BA despite the inconvenient flight times; at least I got the flight I had paid for, for not much more cost and the Premium Economy was something Virgin don't offer. Politically correct posturing doesn't make up for substandard service.

  8. Sheena Walker Guest

    The more I see this TV and the more I am repelled by it. There's bits of it that work and others that just don't sit well with me.

  9. David Wright Guest

    This is a dreadful advert and makes me think this is an airline to avoid. I would feel uncomfortable on a flight similar to the one shown or any part of it. Why promote oddities ??

  10. Deedee Guest

    Who is the woman pulling a nasty face at a child

  11. Victoria Ozden Guest

    Us Shirley Bassey the lady on the plane the passenger

    1. Roz mansell Guest

      I definitely think it looks like Shirley Bassey and it’s driving me nuts because no one can tell me ‍♀️ if you find out let me know

  12. Fred Guest

    Stop singling people out on the basis of their skin colour, sexual preference, age or gender.
    I am what I am?
    What? Gay? Black? Female? Old?
    Nobody cares!
    So, so ignorant!
    I feel like it was made in the 1950s but people wernt even that ignorant then!
    A gay flight attendant? A female pilot? A woman of colour? Get over it!!!
    Things we see every day!
    Where do they live? In a box?!

  13. Lyn Kirk Guest

    I’m obsessed with this advert. It’s brilliant and I hate adverts. I have been known to rewind and watch over and over

  14. Jan Guest

    I like the advert love the red love the characters especially the guy with the eyeshadow but I never realised it was making a point about diversity. Maybe I'm dim or maybe just qccept people as they are anyway so did not categorise them as 'diverse'. Did wonder though is Shurley Bassey one of the passengers?

  15. Christine Evans Guest

    I love the song but who sings it on the ad?

  16. Max Guest

    I'm a straight, white male in my 50s. I love this ad. Inclusion is a good thing. Diversity is a good thing. Allowing people to be themselves is a good thing. I'm digging the music and photography too. Could be marketing b.s., but it does give me a good feeling from the company. Certainly better than what I'm getting from Southwest these days.

    1. Christine Evans Guest

      do you know who sings the song as I love the music and would like to download it. I just love her voice

  17. Richard Hunter Guest

    Awful and cringeworthy. It makes my face crumple every time it comes on TV. I'm sure it won't encourage ticket sales, I am confident however that it'll put off some travellers from choosing Virgin Atlantic. This 'wokeness' must stop.

  18. david mcdermott Guest

    is jo brand on the plane?

  19. Dave Benjamin Guest

    Who is the redhead that trips?

    1. Alibali5 Guest

      Love how people on here attack others whom don't like the ad for THEIR own reasons. You are all just as bigoted as each other.
      It's an ad, it's designed to manipulate you. I'm not part of a "community" I have no hang ups regarding my age, race, gender or sexuality, and I don't expect to be badgered by people who are. Let the anger begin!!!

    2. Erica Manning Guest

      You sound kinda angry for someone who claims to be too self-righteous to be angry. Virgin is clearly intended just for you. Enjoy your trip

    3. Carlyne McHugh Guest

      So pleased you’ve asked this. I’m sure it’s the actress Charlotte Jordan who play’s Daisy in Coronation Steet but I’m having difficulty finding out

  20. Kevin Boga Guest


  21. Patsy Page Guest

    Love the new advert,it's Brilliant! In fact I've saved the video on my Youtube app.

  22. Jake Duffy Guest

    Yep, the tune says it all..promoting plum duffery..loll

  23. Rie Excell Guest

    I love the new virgin advert

  24. Penny Guest

    Is it Shirley Bassey in the advert

    1. Paperlady999 Guest

      I wondered that too. She did record the song “I am what I am”, though I don’t think it is her singing on this ad.

    2. Alan Guest

      What has happened to a once great airline...TUI for me and my family from now on, good by Virgin from a once dedicated passenger

    3. Maggie Guest

      Still can’t find the answer

    4. Jenny Guest

      I too would like to know I’ve had a bet with my partner, i definitely think it’s Shirley bassey, he thinks I’m mad . Where can we find the answer?

  25. Liz Guest

    Am i right in thinkil the Lady passenger on the Virgin Atlantic is actually Shirley Bassey ?

    1. Stephanie Ridout Guest

      Great ad is that Shirley Bassey passenger on plane.

  26. Andrea Dempsey Guest

    Is that Shirley Bassey as an airline passenger in the ad?

  27. Steve ruby Guest

    Since I’m a straight, middle aged white man, it would appear I’m not part of their core business. I’ll take my business elsewhere.

    1. James Guest

      No, what you are is a tw@t. I'm sure your business won't be missed!

    2. Alibali5 Guest

      A twat that is, how dare you presume that your opinion is above anyone else's. Are you employed by virgin?

    3. Alan Guest

      I changed to TUI want no part of that horror show for 9 hours.

    4. Erica Manning Guest

      Since I'm a straight, middle age white female feminist, sick of all this pro-trans nonsense, it would appear that I'm not part of their core business either. Richard Brandson should stick to space. Mars is waiting for him

  28. Nancy temps Guest

    Is Shirley bassey in this advert

  29. Jordan Guest

    That singer is horrendous. Typical "what song can we annihilate next" advert where the only criteria for the singer is the ability to makes peoples ears bleed. As nobody else will tell can't sing!!

    1. Julie Brown Guest

      You are so wrong!!

    2. Tito Guest

      How wonderful is to be able to see things with different and respectull perspectives. Mine is opposite as yours. I love Lady Blackbird interpretation, love it!

  30. jacinta downing Guest

    I absolutely love the remake song on there " I am what I am" does anyone know who the singer is ?

    1. Terri Guest

      Lady Blackbird is the singer

  31. PJ Guest

    If this is what they're selling as a "brand" I'm not buying. This isn't cool- it's just woke.

  32. John Guest

    GROSS. That screen cap makes me not want to watch. I know those pea-brained ad men scratch their little heads all day long to come up with a point of difference.........but jeez, how desperate.

  33. foo blah Guest

    I bet the gal with the tongue studs knows how to use them!

  34. Leigh Diamond

    For some reason I had low expectation when seeing the article headline...but I LOVED the commercial. On occasion Virgin has gone over-the-top and missed the mark, but with this commercial they nailed it.

    It serves 2 purposes - it's not about conversion, it's about brand engagement in order to improve yield. The more affection people have for a brand, the more likely they will pay a bit more (could be just $10-20 dollars for a...

    For some reason I had low expectation when seeing the article headline...but I LOVED the commercial. On occasion Virgin has gone over-the-top and missed the mark, but with this commercial they nailed it.

    It serves 2 purposes - it's not about conversion, it's about brand engagement in order to improve yield. The more affection people have for a brand, the more likely they will pay a bit more (could be just $10-20 dollars for a ticket, but then multiply that by thousands of seats; or more, depending on the cabin and competitor product) to be a "associated with the brand experience".

    It's a basic philosophy and strategy that works across many industries, both B2C and B2B. Consider your own shopping habits, even down to which grocery products you buy.

    Think about if you told a friend that you flew X airline to London (I don't want to bad talk any other airline), versus you flew Virgin Atlantic to London...and you would see a different reaction because of the appeal of the Virgin brand.

    And I write this as someone who in previous career oversaw such sales, marketing and pricing matters...

    1. Leigh Diamond

      I wish I had worded that second paragraph a bit differently, but I hope you get the principle...

    2. Leigh Diamond

      Sorry for being a bit OCD about this...did you notice anything about the follow-up clip??

      Virgin had many staff committed to the project, but the final edit could not include everyone...that's just how these productions work. All of the staff not in the final edit were included/featured in the post-production highlight.

      That's super classy.

  35. Jake Guest

    Nice video, just not so much an advert. IMO, best ad they've ever done is their 2010 'Your airline's either got it or it hasn't' campaign; now that makes me want to book a VS flight.

  36. Samo Guest

    Beautiful. I always loved the brand and their product and this just emphasizes everything that's so great about Virgin. Wonderful job!

  37. Flying R Guest

    Prefer easyJets latest ad campaign.

  38. jazzbird Guest

    Decadence and the cult of the ugly.

    1. TravelinWilly Diamond

      Spoken like an aggrieved dotard/Putin fan…afraid of any and all progress and change.

    2. B G willy Guest

      What progress appeasing all the deviants. In a already mad world, well over the cuckoo's nest with this.

    3. lkmk Guest

      BREAKING NEWS: Virgin Atlantic to set next commercial in rural West Virginia. Tentative title: Decadence and the Cult of the Ugly.

  39. eileen Guest

    i dont fly with any airline..all i want to know who sings the song..i am what i am..

    1. NSL Guest

      The song, I Am What I Am is one of the hit songs from the 1983 Broadway musical, La Cage aux Folles. The show was written by the incomparable Harvey Fierstein. The music and lyrics for the show, including this song were written by Broadway composer great Jerry Herman. The voice singing this version sounds like Gloria Gaynor and immensely talented entertainer.

  40. Donna Diamond

    Love the song and the music! And everything else! Very well done!

  41. Adrian Newton Guest

    Fantastic, it's about time an airline released it's profile away from the 1940's. I have flown with Virgin many times and the crew are always friendly and service is second to none. Remember that professionalism is not skin deep or about looks or gender type!

    1. A Consumer Guest

      I don't want individuality in ground-crew, I don't want individuality in cabin-crew, and I certainly don't want individuality in cockpit-crew. When I travel, I want all of an airline's employees to adhere to high and consistent standards in all aspects of the service which they provide to me and all passengers. And if a flight attendant stuck out her studded toung at me, I would report her for solliciting.

    2. Loraine Guest

      What a sad human being you are ! Stuck up prat ! The advert is fantastic it’s message is important let people be want they want to be with no apologies!

    3. B G WILLY Guest

      i'm a shoe bomber in my man heels and false boobs, let me be who I am, before I blow you all away, this ad's not that appealing now is it. Dim wit!

    4. lkmk Guest

      Does it matter if they're dressed slightly differently if they provide great service? And do you seriously think that attendant is going to show you her piercings? Come on, man.

    5. James Guest

      Well you're a control freak, narcissist aren't you. Do you expect them to lick your shoes as well?

      You do realise that every single person is an individual, that doesn't mean that they give less of a quality service.

  42. Baliken Member

    The ad is ok but what is the message? It didn’t move me to book on Virgin as opposed to any other airline.

    1. betterbub Diamond

      You're thinking about them so the ad worked

    2. Baliken Member

      Please explain. How does an ad work if it doesn’t move me to buy or use a product?

    3. betterbub Diamond

      You're thinking of them right now so it works. There's a good chance you wouldn't have thought of VS today until you saw this article but now you're thinking about them, you're interacting with other people about them (me + potentially others), and you considered the idea of booking with them (even though you came to the conclusion that you won't). You're more likely to think of them in the near future and maybe you'll...

      You're thinking of them right now so it works. There's a good chance you wouldn't have thought of VS today until you saw this article but now you're thinking about them, you're interacting with other people about them (me + potentially others), and you considered the idea of booking with them (even though you came to the conclusion that you won't). You're more likely to think of them in the near future and maybe you'll mention the airline to other people because you're reminded by this ad that they exist.

      Is any publicity good publicity? I think so, as long as it isn't too negative.

    4. John Guest


      Driving away a customer is your idea of a working ad????? Yeah, you're right, what company needs silly stuff like customers who spend money! LOL (please don't be too mad with me, you genuinely made me laugh, so i appreciate you)

    5. betterbub Diamond

      I know nothing about you but I can guarantee you were never going to book a flight on VS anyway. Ad wasn't for you and you still watched it

    6. Eskimo Guest


      We watched it because it was promoted by a trusted blogger.
      Two things that will happen with ads that doesn't have a clear message.
      1. You stop watching ads from that company.
      2. You stop trusting the promoter.

      I don't fly an airline because of diversity. Many people couldn't care less about diversity. You promote and support them good for you. But if your service is poor, always delay, lose my...


      We watched it because it was promoted by a trusted blogger.
      Two things that will happen with ads that doesn't have a clear message.
      1. You stop watching ads from that company.
      2. You stop trusting the promoter.

      I don't fly an airline because of diversity. Many people couldn't care less about diversity. You promote and support them good for you. But if your service is poor, always delay, lose my bags, never refund. I don't care if your employee pierce anything, I just want my money back or the service I paid for.

    7. lkmk Guest

      As Ben writes:

      >As it’s described, this line draws on the company’s heritage of challenging the status quo, and recognizing that the travel industry is entering an exciting new era.

      It's not marketing a specific product, just their brand.

  43. Anthony Diamond

    Piercings look like they could inflict some pain…

  44. Jan Guest

    I can’t help but notice that more leftists probably watch Tucker Carlson than his base/Trumpies.
    Anyways, life’s too short to be offended by this ad. This is fine for VA because they’re already a good airline to begin with.

    1. UA-NYC Guest

      Wow - just when you think this Jan's comments couldn't get any dumber

  45. Will White Guest

    The “red hot” advert only dropped in 2008, not exactly decades even if was “set” in 1984

  46. Jason Guest

    Not sure why people are offended by this and calling it "nonsense". It was just a commercial showing a vast different number of people and employees at Virgin. Some cute moments. Not really sure why it would offend anybody.

    1. TravelinWilly Diamond

      When one actively searches out things to be offended and aggrieved by, even if only imagined, one is bound to find things. That’s what uneducated low-information people do.

      As the saying goes, when you’re a hammer, everything is a nail.

    2. lkmk Guest

      Lot of socially conservative right-wingers on this blog.

  47. Endre Guest

    Let's hope they fully embrace diversity at the corporate level rather than just paying lip service to it.

    1. John Guest


      'Diversity' is the latest 'it' thing for corporations. Like climate change was previously. I think it pays to be really sceptical about why they 'embrace' fads/trends/social movements; this way you won't be disappointed when you find out the truth (that it was all about $$$$). But I think you know all this already. My own 'rule' is that the more a company spends on advertising to promote its social awareness, the more shallow it's likely to be.....

  48. Airfarer Diamond

    I'm getting too old for this nonsense.

    1. lkmk Guest

      As agrees the world, which is why it's moving on from you.

    2. EM Guest

      Gosh! And you thought being nasty online would make you feel so much better. Now THATs the world most of us, including the guy you are commenting about, wish to leave behind. People like you.

  49. Hank Tarn Guest

    Would not use a Brit Airline who mostly fly Airbus now anyway. Only use American carriers.

    1. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      Really? Which one:
      American... who in 2011 placed the largest order in Airbus's history?

      Delta... who has the largest Airbus widebody fleet of any airline in the Americas?

      United... with Airbus A350s on order for their replacement widebody fleet?

      Tell us, who? Inquiring minds!

    2. Eva Guest

      You are forgetting JetBlue and Spirit with there extensive Airbus narrowbody fleet

    3. EBWaa Guest

      Do you ever talk about anything else? You sound very strange and jingoistic.

  50. Jason Guest

    I think the ad is fine, but it's not going to push me to book on Virgin Atlantic versus anybody else. I flew them a few years ago in upper class and that was really special. Showing how good that is relative to others' business classes would probably woo me more than this ad campaign.

    1. Jackson Guest

      With the possible exception of Delta, the US airlines are inferior to every full service European airline in terms of service, food, drink etc. The last Virgin flight I took was on a Dreamliner anyway.

  51. Regis Guest

    Simply awful. No other words to describe it.

  52. DaninMCI Guest

    It's so tiring to see the virtue signal marketing of companies like this.

    1. George Romey Guest

      I guess this must be a new aggrieved group corporations are now taking advantage of-the piercings everywhere group. Now I think a person can do anything they want with their body (including wearing masks) but I as an employer I should have the freedom to reject people that don't hold up an image I'm trying to present. Really, if an unkempt, unwashed individual showed up for a flight attendant interview must they be hired as...

      I guess this must be a new aggrieved group corporations are now taking advantage of-the piercings everywhere group. Now I think a person can do anything they want with their body (including wearing masks) but I as an employer I should have the freedom to reject people that don't hold up an image I'm trying to present. Really, if an unkempt, unwashed individual showed up for a flight attendant interview must they be hired as not to discriminate against soiled individuals.

    2. lkmk Guest

      Would you rather they virtue signal about being proud, red-blooded conservatives?

  53. Nick Guest

    Honestly, I'm a bit over these marketing campaigns where they go down the list of minorities and tick off boxes just for the sake of it.

    1. ed Guest

      wow,god forbid..well I'm sick of looking at crusty white guys

    2. lkmk Guest

      For the sake of it? Glad to know where you stand. Pray tell, how can we be inclusive without filling boxes? Do we have to go one at a time, or can we be a little faster?

  54. Amy Fischer Guest

    Inclusivity means less of everything good and more of everything bad.

    1. reddargon Diamond

      Did you actually watch the ad or just rush to post a narrow-minded comment as quickly as possible?

    2. Jason Guest

      Please explain what was "bad" in this commercial.

    3. UA-NYC Guest

      Spoken like Yet Another Republican White Nationalist

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reddargon Diamond

Did you actually watch the ad or just rush to post a narrow-minded comment as quickly as possible?

Endre Guest

Let's hope they fully embrace diversity at the corporate level rather than just paying lip service to it.

PJ Guest

If this is what they're selling as a "brand" I'm not buying. This isn't cool- it's just woke.

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