In mid-June 2021, United Airlines revealed that it will be adjusting employee appearance standards to be more inclusive. The airline has today revealed the full details of what’s changing, so let’s go over that.
In this post:
United revising employee appearance standards
As of September 15, 2021, United Airlines will be adjusting its appearance standards for uniformed, customer-facing employees, including customer service representatives and flight attendants. Then as of later this year these relaxed standards will apply to other work groups, including pilots, ramp service employees, etc.
These modernized and more inclusive appearance standards are intended to promote a supportive, encouraging, and positive environment for employees and customers alike, creating moments for employees to connect with customers on a more personal level.
Here’s how United Airlines describes the policy change:
At United, we believe we are all connected by the similarities we recognize and the differences we celebrate in each other. We’ve updated our appearance standards to empower our employees to represent themselves in the way they feel most confident. Our modernized appearance guidelines promote a supportive, encouraging, and positive environment for our employees and customers alike.
Here’s how Kate Gebo, United Airlines’ Human Resources and Labor Relations EVP, describes these the policy change back in June:
As the face of United, our customer-facing teammates can provide an even better experience for our customers when they look and feel their best. We’ve spent the last several years listening to the feedback we’ve received from our employees and our Business Resource Groups to develop these revised standards. We’re confident that these modernized and more gender-inclusive appearance standards will provide a more authentic representation of the people and cultures that make United the company it is today.

How will United uniform standards change?
United Airlines’ appearance standards are changing in several ways, including around tattoos, hair length, nails, and makeup.
When it comes to tattoos, all United employees will be able to display their visible tattoos, as long as they’re smaller than the size of their work badge.

When it comes to hair length, all United employees will be able to wear their hair down, as long as it’s shoulder length or shorter.

When it comes to nails, all United employees will be able to wear nail polish.

When it comes to makeup, all United employees will be able to wear natural looking makeup.

Bottom line
As of September 15, 2021, United Airlines will be updating appearance standards for employees to be more inclusive, allowing things like visible tattoos, nail polish, makeup, and longer hair. Previously there were significant limitations in each of these categories, so they’re being updated significantly.
It’s no secret that a lot of frontline airline employees in the United States don’t take much pride in their appearance. Personally I’m excited at the prospect of seeing more people being able to express themselves, because hopefully it makes them more motivated to put their best foot forward.
And for anyone who is offended by someone else’s (non-offensive) tattoo or nail polish, try to be a little bit more open-minded…
In one of my several flights on UA I got scared some males with nice nail polish and tattoos and the other one look like he was part of Rock and Roll with a hair that was shaved sideways with only a line from his forehead to the neck..... Back then Cabin Crew was elegant well groom and the best !
Maybe United Airlines should be a “little bit more opended minded” as they’re preaching to their customers. Maybe we don’t want a freak show before and during flights. Just because customers find grotesque tattoos, ugly garish nails, and cross dressing strange and offensive, because yes some of it looks really odd and unattractive, doesn’t give United Airlines the right to preach, talk down to or the right to denigrate their customer’s opinions. The physical appearance...
Maybe United Airlines should be a “little bit more opended minded” as they’re preaching to their customers. Maybe we don’t want a freak show before and during flights. Just because customers find grotesque tattoos, ugly garish nails, and cross dressing strange and offensive, because yes some of it looks really odd and unattractive, doesn’t give United Airlines the right to preach, talk down to or the right to denigrate their customer’s opinions. The physical appearance of United Airline employees does affect the confidence of its customers. And don’t start on physical appearance because that exactly what United Airlines is pushing as part of its DEI strategy. It is about physical appearance.
This is disgusting! It makes me never want to do patronize United Airlines or any Star Alliance Partners again. Men should look like men and women should look like women. Pilots especially should look professional, competent, and clean-cut. It would not give a nervous flyer much confidence if their male pilot has long hair, visible tattoos, and makeup. I would suggest to Scott Kirby, the board, and anyone else at United to repeal these standards...
This is disgusting! It makes me never want to do patronize United Airlines or any Star Alliance Partners again. Men should look like men and women should look like women. Pilots especially should look professional, competent, and clean-cut. It would not give a nervous flyer much confidence if their male pilot has long hair, visible tattoos, and makeup. I would suggest to Scott Kirby, the board, and anyone else at United to repeal these standards immediately. Their goal of becoming the largest airline in America will not work out like this if they turn away valuable customers and solid employees with nonsense like this.
I like the older more professional suits that United Airlines employees once wore. I do not care for the latest ideas about expressing your self. Come on you can do that on your own time. I just personally like a good crisp clean stylish navy blue suit. Also the older uniforms were very stylish and made you look classy. You are a representative of United Airlines. Get back to the old style classic and stop...
I like the older more professional suits that United Airlines employees once wore. I do not care for the latest ideas about expressing your self. Come on you can do that on your own time. I just personally like a good crisp clean stylish navy blue suit. Also the older uniforms were very stylish and made you look classy. You are a representative of United Airlines. Get back to the old style classic and stop making the employees of United Airlines look street people grunge. This is a bad move to go to the tune of expressing your self. Sound like someone made a big mistake
What happened to uniforms at the service desk before boarding? They look like the passengers. Fly anywhere in the world and other airlines look professional tidy and coordinated uniformed. United looks disheveled. The girls at the desk looked like they were hanging around the house.
Can’t wait for all you closed minded oldies to die off. Go United!
Great news. It's nice to see people being people, instead of corporate robots. I salute United for this move and look forward to being serviced by a diverse team. I firmly believe you can be professional without being a cliche from the 50's. Too much yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir.
But reading these comments is more like a flashback to Victorian England. Pretty funny from a country that just couldn't stand the stiff upper lip of their British founders lol.
I’m a male pilot for UAL and I can’t wait too wear a skirt to work. I have great legs and I get to air out Elvis and the twins.
"And for anyone who is offended by someone else’s (non-offensive) tattoo or nail polish, try to be a little bit more open-minded…"
Who are you to say what is offensive and what is not? If one person is offended then its offensive...which is why there should be standards...and not an "express yourself" mentality when it comes to dress and an appearance codes...this is damn silly.
United is opening a Pandora's Box here! The mind boggles at the lengths some will go to to express themselves. Will we see Dolly Parton-like plunging necklines for the gals (and the guys~ yay!) ?
Maybe the coterie of old boilers will decide on wider neck scarves to disguise those chicken necks? And so on...
This is gonna be fun!
Great, but who cares about the Wokeness of UA. As long at the Stewards and Stewardess' give me my food and drinks and then clean up after me in a timely manner, I don't care what the darlings look like LOL.
Hey Robbo~ didn't stewards and stewardesses disappear about the same time as PanAm? You really need to get out more....
I work at a site as a contractor. I try to dress professional and act professional. I not only represent myself I also represent my employer. There is nothing wrong with being different, but this express how you want is going too far.
With service as robotic as it is now, might as well switch to robots; at least the look can be consistent.
Better yet, make it shape-shifting robots. If you are a FF, you can choose the appearance of the robot that serves you. The higher the tier, the more choices you have.
Welcome to the new world.
This is AMERICA! We should have freedom to do whatever we want unless I disagree with it, then it is the downfall of society!
In the 1950s people couldn't dress this way, and you know what... There wasn't a single thing wrong with society back then.
I'm thinking the pool of of "old school" non-tattooed / non-pierced people has dwindled to such a level that they HAVE to loosen their standards.
I don't care if they're a man or a woman. Start hiring attractive flight attendants, of both sexes. Enough with grandmas and fat slobs.
Many of you lament the fact that people used to dress nicely for a flight and some now look like they crawled out of bed - or worse. Standards have certainly fallen. Well, United's supposed attempt at "inclusion" represents the exact same thing. Tattoos, and the loosening of appearance standards will lead to a less professional atmosphere. What a shame.
Given was was presented in this story, I really don't think you are going to notice a huge change in appearance. I hate to be the one to break it to some people, but the man now wearing nail polish is the same guy he was before he came to work with nail polish. The only difference is he might be a little happier, which is UA's goal and a happier employees SHOULD do their...
Given was was presented in this story, I really don't think you are going to notice a huge change in appearance. I hate to be the one to break it to some people, but the man now wearing nail polish is the same guy he was before he came to work with nail polish. The only difference is he might be a little happier, which is UA's goal and a happier employees SHOULD do their job better. The same goes for hair and makeup. As far as tattoos, they said what shows has to be smaller than the employee badge. It's not like you are suddenly going to see full sleeves and face tattoos on your next flight.
Of course this word salad is from HR. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach go into HR.
I believe in Freedom of speech, but do not cuss in public either ! I prefer not to spend my money with a company that doesn’t respect the customers feelings ! I will find another carrier !
I will never fly United again
This program is Absurd. I like skin diving so can I ware a face mask, fins and a snorkel to work wearing a Speedo ? Leave the off duty clothing kinks at home and dress in a professional manner. Leave the brass dance pole at home..
Im done Flying United Carnival Airlines.
This is a welcome change. Standards should be saved for...the actual service provided, not someone's individual choices on things like tattoos, makeup, hairstyle, etc. As a passenger, I want competent, friendly flight attendants. Not Stepford clones out of an '80's dress for success book. Other airlines would do well to follow suit.
Nose piercings on any person that serves food are unhygienic. It’s a natural tendency to play/fondle any kind of body piercing. Now it is a scientific fact that the nose harbours all kinds of pathogens and I do not want any nose pierced person handling My plate or beverage container where they could very likely transfer that pathogen.
United Airlines, you're a company, running a business...flying people where they need to be. So employer a.k.a. United Airlines, act like an employer! Issue a dress code, a uniform for all employees AND employees, wear said uniform. This is your J-O-B. Then when you get off work, go express yourself all you want! We want the service that our overpriced airline ticket entitles us to, not a show to "Express Yourself" (I think Madonna already...
United Airlines, you're a company, running a business...flying people where they need to be. So employer a.k.a. United Airlines, act like an employer! Issue a dress code, a uniform for all employees AND employees, wear said uniform. This is your J-O-B. Then when you get off work, go express yourself all you want! We want the service that our overpriced airline ticket entitles us to, not a show to "Express Yourself" (I think Madonna already laid claim to that back in 1989)!
I’m more interested in the flight crews ability to safety evacuate passengers from a plane, training for medical emergencies in flight , or quickly leap into action of crisis / issue that is unfolding mid air . Lol a tattoo or blue nail polish is not an issue for me !
Another pathetic erosion of professional standards. Look professional! Not like everday at work is a Halloween.
Terrible idea
Does updated standards = no standards?
Depending on that answer....if anything goes, why even call it a standard?
An employer has a right to impose dress requirements on their employees as a part of the employment agreement. If those airline workers do not agree to the dress code and appearance standards then they should seek employment elsewhere.
The market will allow the airline to staff these positions adequately or if they can't...
Does updated standards = no standards?
Depending on that answer....if anything goes, why even call it a standard?
An employer has a right to impose dress requirements on their employees as a part of the employment agreement. If those airline workers do not agree to the dress code and appearance standards then they should seek employment elsewhere.
The market will allow the airline to staff these positions adequately or if they can't staff them, and it's because of dress code requirements... Then they will have to change.
If this is because of staffing shortages caused by the appearance standard, then it's a legitimate change. If this is just bending to accommodate a fringe part of the population, it is certainly the airlines is a risk and I am not sure this virtue signal will be well received by large segments of the population.... so it will be interesting to see how this plays out.
I have been a 1k for the last 7 years, and after reading this article, this might be my last. Wearing a nose ring or tattoos doesn’t create better customer service, that has to come from experience and knowledge. I hope UA will rethink this, try and look at Asian carriers aka Japan Airlines, you might learn a few things about customer service.
Personally I do not like seeing tatoos and piercings so I won’t fly United if possible. What happened to being clean cut
Airlines should look to the armed forces for uniform standards.
I agree with MICHAEL 1000%. It appears United Airlines is enhancing their service by whatever means. Keep the focus United Airlines we the customers appreciate your efforts. - Frisco, Texas
I know the definition of the word "uniform" and this isn't it.
It shouldn't be them adjusting their appearance but the passengers. It's disgusting of some of the attire the flying public wears nowadays. There should be a standard..just saying.
I will not fly united, I used to fly on Pan American Airlines where people used to be professional Is dress professional and act professional. We are not street kids on an airline trying to show what type of person you are to serve the Is the professional manner and look professional. You're clueless
More stupidity people expect more professionalism
Add the attitude, showy pride and drama and it's not "expression", it's narcissism for the classless few.
What you’re saying is they’re going to look less professional and somewhat un appealing. Facial piercings are Unsightly in overdoing the tattoos is also unsightly
I'm a 55yr old flier, and I think it's fabulous that the workers don't have to cover up a piercing or a tattoo. My daughter is a 25year old professional with blue and purple hair and the color certainly doesn't take away from her intelligence or her great work ethic. I'm glad to see the updating of your policy. You can be the leader to show other companies that you can have super employees who...
I'm a 55yr old flier, and I think it's fabulous that the workers don't have to cover up a piercing or a tattoo. My daughter is a 25year old professional with blue and purple hair and the color certainly doesn't take away from her intelligence or her great work ethic. I'm glad to see the updating of your policy. You can be the leader to show other companies that you can have super employees who just happen to have a nose piercing,ear Guage, tattoos, and whatever other artistic individual expression that they may have. If you're a good, reliable, dependable employee, then who cares that your tongue is pierced. Baby steps is how it starts. Good for you
They should work on employee attitudes. Last time I was on a United flight, a nasty female flight attendant threatened to have me removed (mid flight...yes a real threat) because she skipped over me for drink service and I asked for a diet Coke. Threat if being removed from a flight in mid air because I asked for a can of soda. A true witch and I've refused to fly United since. That was 3 years ago. Forget United!!
Inclusive. But, do not go too far.
You rolled this out like this was major news. When your airline is the most racially charge & stays in the spotlight for such issues. These are the kinds of things you'll reach toward in an attempt to appease the masses. This is real pathetic
Thats good out with old corporate appearance in with new modern corporate appearance update
I am a retired F/Anand come from the Old School. Sorry, but it’s called a “uniform” for a reason. I’ve been dismayed with the younger folks preferring to do whatever they please. They also for the most part have very little work ethic, which is a sad commentary on our society and the state of the world in general. They seem to lack a sense of decorum, pride, and self-esteem.
Really? What a stupid question. We have generations of past history to show what men and women look like. It's only these past years, since this generation (who can't even figure our what bathroom to use) came alone and ruined everything in America. Screw your woke crap. I'll stick with traditional American values!
More woke we are going to watch an industry that used to look sharp and professional look like woke hipsters......Sheesh what the hell next! Good by America.
It is refreshing to see that United is embracing diversity. I myself am very fortunate to work in a Corel’s that allows complete personal expression. While I agree that you still need a uniform as you need to differentiate employees from passengers I find the age old requirement of no tattoos, no visible piercings and no self expression tired and boring. I long to see someone working for an airline that looks like me. Go United.
This is an excuse to let more people give the middle finger to society by letting them look trashy and dumpy. Pure antisocial behavior. We are letting mental illness run society and pretending it is normal under this stupid banner of inclusivity and diversity. We are witnessing the unraveling of the fabric of a functional society one piece at a time so we will eventually have anarchy. RULES?? Eventually it will be ANTHING GOES!! Do...
This is an excuse to let more people give the middle finger to society by letting them look trashy and dumpy. Pure antisocial behavior. We are letting mental illness run society and pretending it is normal under this stupid banner of inclusivity and diversity. We are witnessing the unraveling of the fabric of a functional society one piece at a time so we will eventually have anarchy. RULES?? Eventually it will be ANTHING GOES!! Do as you please!! Covid has been an excuse by corporate america to obliterate quality customer service. On and on the destruction of America. Soon we will be the country of trash.
...and what was wrong with the old standards?! One can always express their individuality while 'off-duty' right? I expect professionalism for service that I am paying...AND that includes looking professional!
The airlines have always had a high standard of dress..To reduce that to ' express themselves' is to lower that standard just like other companies have done.. Class will be going out the window!!!
Shame! Shame! RESPECT! Nobody wants to know what you really think of yourself!!!
I prefer the Old Standards no piercing leave that for personal time. Be Professional. No tattoos showing. Be professional. United please do not Change. Anna
Express yourself on your own time. The company I worked for put a stop to that for a while in the 80's. Fur coats in Texas were a self-expression when the temperature dropped to sixty, and big diamonds were too. People always push uniform standards and conflict ensues. Some have enormous diamond earrings and others craft show paper ones. Now, who will decide which tattoos are 'non-offensive'?
Frankly I Think It A Shame A Major Carrier Like United Is Willing To Tolerate This Type Of Manersm From Its Employees United Isn't Losing Any Revenue Make Employees Toe The Line Or Dismiss Them No Exposed Tattoos Body Piercing . Personally I Would Not Use United.
The way someone presents themselves reflects in their attitude. I hope people can take some pride, and we don't end up with sloppy dress and dirty hair.
I have wanted to be a flight attendant for a long time. Now that the kids are grown I really was serious until I read about the tattoos. Couldnt cover with makeup, jewelry, bandaid etc. Mine is very small on my wrist. This gives me some hope. Hopefully the other airlines will do the same.
I agree on uplatin 9 d relaxing outdated rules of individuality. As an ex- flight attendent * a fashion person, I did enjoy switching it up back in the 80's. Like wearing a cardigan. Or type if earrings. Or boots. Hey, I remember flying into Houston Hobby seeing for the 1st time, SWA F/A in their white gogo boots and hotpants!! Now that was cool!!
Being rigid is not a good vibe. And yah flying is not a fun now..
You want to express yourself, start your own business. You work for someone else, you represent them. Relaxed dress, relaxed service.
Standards are not a bad thing. People are at work therefore dress nicely and respectful. Uniforms for your jobs show that the companies care about there patrons. Even fast food places have uniforms because they care what the public thinks. These new rules is going to be a disaster.
Really fraudulent behaviour towards customers. Did you get a grant from the govt. If yes it needs to be te-visited. Fix your employees hehaviour towards customers before their uniforms
It's sad to see another (supposedly) customer service oriented company give in to the few employees who feel they should get to do what they want. These people were not hired to express themselves. They were hired to perform a service. If they don't like their jobs they should do something else. They've already gotten rid of actually serving customers. The little they do nowadays is pathetic to what the industry used to do. I've...
It's sad to see another (supposedly) customer service oriented company give in to the few employees who feel they should get to do what they want. These people were not hired to express themselves. They were hired to perform a service. If they don't like their jobs they should do something else. They've already gotten rid of actually serving customers. The little they do nowadays is pathetic to what the industry used to do. I've flown my entire adult life(I'm 55), much of it in first class. I've found the new Era of flight attendants to be rude and lazy. How will we be able to tell the difference between passengers and employees? Although I have the option to dress any way I like, I choose to look nice every time. It would be nice to see more professionalism, again, in the airline industry. These people can express themselves when they're not working. Unfortunately, companies seem to be too afraid and weak to stand on their own two feet and draw a line. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression.
I do favor dress codes, dress for success, dress makes a man etc.. After high
school I want to be/join Air a AF nurse. Like the uniform. Graduated and earned my respect to the community I served. Time change, Pandemic changed the home bound people dressed some accidentally exposed themselves. The thing is if U are going to work
depends what U do ,out in the what the norms do or go into your black ⚫ .
I'm happy to see the change. Employees are happier if they can bring their whole selves to their work, and happier employees make for happier customers. These folks are under enough pressure already; let them wear their hair as they like, or put on a little nail polish. Jeez!
I want to wear pajamas to work my employer should allow that!
Dress like you care about your appearance, on your own time, and especially at work, because you're getting paid for it. And if that's the best you can do, dressing and looking tacky , then it says Who You Are. And to those who say , I'm not embarrassed by what other people think, then I say to them, of course you're not embarrassed , because you can't embarrass anyone that has no pride in themselves, no self- respect!
Everyone wearing the same uniform makes it inclusive. I don't want see anyone's nose ring.
Nothing about passengers wanting to feel safe. I personally don't want someone who looks like a pirate or a convict helping me.
Flew with United for 34 years. Enjoyed the uniforms. Appearance requirements weren’t difficult. Not crazy about stewards wearing lipstick or colorful nail polish ditto nose rings or colorful facial tattoos. Times are changing will have to see first. Good Luck to everyone!
I travel too much of my time between 1980 and 2011. I boycotted United Airlines in about 1990 because of poor service, horrible personnel and terrible on time statistics. And I would fly A Thousand Miles off Route rather than have a stop in Denver. A couple of years ago I thought maybe I should check back in, retirement don't you know you don't have an expense account so you have to pay for it...
I travel too much of my time between 1980 and 2011. I boycotted United Airlines in about 1990 because of poor service, horrible personnel and terrible on time statistics. And I would fly A Thousand Miles off Route rather than have a stop in Denver. A couple of years ago I thought maybe I should check back in, retirement don't you know you don't have an expense account so you have to pay for it yourself, to determine whether or not I was getting my best bang for my bucks. THE ANSWER IS NOTHING HAS CHANGED AT UNITED indeed... Worse. Stop worrying about the snowflakes, employees and customers, and start worrying about the vast majority of your customers who is just like to have a decent flight reasonably on time and be treated the way they should be which is you paid for the ticket, and you just want to go where you want to go with no complications
I had a much enjoyed and respected career as a Flight Attendant (Stewardess back then) for 30 years, commencing in the late 70's. We had extremely, regulated appearance Standards consisting of attractive and dignified uniforms, height and weight checks (Girdle Checks) before our scheduled flights. ( I cannot fathom how some of today's Flight Attendants could fit through a window exit during an emergency evac.) Personal Grooming checks were also conducted regularly to include Hair...
I had a much enjoyed and respected career as a Flight Attendant (Stewardess back then) for 30 years, commencing in the late 70's. We had extremely, regulated appearance Standards consisting of attractive and dignified uniforms, height and weight checks (Girdle Checks) before our scheduled flights. ( I cannot fathom how some of today's Flight Attendants could fit through a window exit during an emergency evac.) Personal Grooming checks were also conducted regularly to include Hair style (not a hair out of place, worn up, or approved short length cut, and no rainbow colors.) Nail checks (perfectly manicured nails - color matching lip color- no neon greens with diamond appliques).
We were respected by our passengers and we respected our passengers alike. Of course airline travel entertained passengers wearing suits and ties. No one was allowed in First Class without a suit jacket.
And thinking back, I do not recall an irate pax or any negative incidents involving an F/A. I still travel regularly and still observe these standards on Foreign Carriers. Come to think of it, I do not recall any publicity of the atrocious incidents reported almost daily, on our Domestic Carriers today, involving Foreign Carriers. I used to be proud to say I was a "Stewardess", not so sure I could say that today.
I think this is great news for United! Mutual respect is a 2 way street. We should not be forced to be cookie cutter looking people. Congratulations for leading corporate diversity in real,
Meaningful and authentic ways!! You just became my favorite airlines!!
Attitude starts with discipline. A sharply dressed polite but effective and efficient employee serves the public at large best. Leave personal expression to your off time
I think this is a great thing. It allows the employee to be more comfortable. Everyone should be more comfortable when doing their jobs. What's wrong with showing your tattoos, guys wearing makeup, wearing piercings, etc..? It's not hurting anyone. Not you nor I!
I for one am glad to see some of these outdated "standards" go the way of the Dodo bird. Tons of younger people have tats and piercings now and it doesn't make them unprofessional. Not to mention the array of ethnic hairstyles that were formerly considered unacceptable because racism.
They call it a uniform for a reason. If everyone looks the same to a standard, you know they are a crew member. Now they are just someone on a plane that dresses like an individual.
I hoped the article said "upgrading" rather than "updating". We've all gotten sloppy in this Covid battle. It's time to raise the bar. That being said, re: nose piercings. Please don't touch me because I know where your finger has been! Very poor judgment.
United is being divisive. They’ll have the 20-30-something employees “expressing” themselves with nail
polish and lipstick on a man, over-the-top (literally) hairdos on men and women, bangles and jewelry that probably won’t look professional, tattoos (some of which are political messages or obscene images) and then you’ll have the over-50 group who will still be conservative – all working in the same spaces (ticket counters, gates, airplanes) but looking like two entirely different set...
United is being divisive. They’ll have the 20-30-something employees “expressing” themselves with nail
polish and lipstick on a man, over-the-top (literally) hairdos on men and women, bangles and jewelry that probably won’t look professional, tattoos (some of which are political messages or obscene images) and then you’ll have the over-50 group who will still be conservative – all working in the same spaces (ticket counters, gates, airplanes) but looking like two entirely different set of employees. No continuity, just confusion. And I don’t care how tattoos and wild/ odd hair styles or lipstick on a man some still say makes them “able to do their job and is irrelevant”, — it’s a total distraction, mentally confusing and actually stressful to my eyes. No customers on earth need to be aware, constantly have discussions or conversations about this – for who ??? – the percentage of people who need constant affirmation that they are “okay” and need a safe place 24/7 ? What next United… you’re running out of safe places.
A few years ago while walking through an international airport, towards me were walking a China Airlines crew of about 16 completely suited, dressed and pressed, belted skirts, scarves, hats. Head turning actually. I’m sure anyone looking at them couldn’t help but notice how professional, uniform, and classy they looked. Contrast that with airlines of the United States – the laughing stock of the industry and now this – tattoos, bangles, wild hairdos, nail polish and lipstick on men. Add the attitude, showy “pride” and drama = CLASSLESS.
I totally agree with you Arrow. They are at work and should dress professionally. Nose rings, tattoos and nail polish? Whats next, ear and lip plates, bathing suits, flip flops and speedos. Back in the day, people dressed in style to board an aircraft. Everyone looked and acted professionally. Now anything goes. Just keep it professional and classy. It says a lot and means a lot.
Striving for mediocrity! Good move! Tells me where your focus is. If you don’t set standards, the least common denominator will prevail.
Not a fan of relaxed standards. Next they'll be showing up in pajamas. United could better use their resources improving customer service and general operations.
It's so interesting. I always thought of myself as fairly liberal . However if your need for more freedoms interfere with my freedoms then who is really free?
I am A loyal united customer for many years. I always appreciated the appearance and professionalism of employees. If they will be allowed to wear whatever and look unprofessional I will need to find another airline
Can they update some of the flight attendants?
I swear some of them flew With Charles Lindbergh!
Having been a stewardess back in the dark ages, I was required to have a hair cut and was taught professional makeup application. Wow! I had never looked so good. We also had to be slim enough to get through the aisles and nimble enough to climb over seats to reach emergency exits if necessary. We were also taught CUSTOMER SERVICE. While free expression is okay, do it on your own nickel. If you don't like the company's rules, chose another line of work.
JC Miller
I’m sorry but who would want to see male pilots wearing lipstick or dresses and both male & female pilots sporting a nose ring. That goes for the cabin attendants as well. What confidence does that exude? We should go back to the days when airline personnel made a statement of confidence and pride representing the “team” they were being paid to be a part of.
You don’t get paid to express yourself it’s your job to give good quality service the expression of your personal belief is not what I am paying for this is disgraceful
Business appearance exudes a sense of trust and focus on the job giving all customers confidence in the confined area inside a plane. Not all mix and match with all social circles. Dress speaks volumes. Ate pants down to thighs going to be next?
Wrong direction, UAL. Attitudes, service and performance outweigh hairstyles, tattoos, and piercings. No Thanks. Professional appearance along with quality work would better serve your customers.
Great changes coming!!
I think this is a wonderful thing people should be able to express themselves freely while still looking professional people need to keep in mind that we’re not robots and have the brain capacity to be different than one another piercings, tattoos, nails, makeup, especially hair is a big form of personal expression and even culture for most people I’m glad and looking forward to seeing people feel great and work even greater! Some of...
I think this is a wonderful thing people should be able to express themselves freely while still looking professional people need to keep in mind that we’re not robots and have the brain capacity to be different than one another piercings, tattoos, nails, makeup, especially hair is a big form of personal expression and even culture for most people I’m glad and looking forward to seeing people feel great and work even greater! Some of your people commenting are so negative and bitter btw usually people Who work at the airlines don’t get paid that much please do research before feeling entitled to nothing I see who the shitty flyers of America are please do stay home with that attitude!!
Then go to the circus or Las Vegas; you can see all the oddities you want without paying for an airline ticket.
The concern should be what kind of job someone does not whether or not someone has a tattoo. I don't understand people's apparent outrage in these comments about people's appearance. I don't care if every hair is in place if you are rude or bad at your job.
Well it's about time. Im 57 years old but recently my daughter changed my mind about some things. She's a beautiful 29 year old but she has her nose pierced and tatoos. My ex spouse met her and sat down for a conversation recently. He told me he was surprised and very impressed. In other words, he judged her based on her looks, as most of us would, and then got to know her... Maybe...
Well it's about time. Im 57 years old but recently my daughter changed my mind about some things. She's a beautiful 29 year old but she has her nose pierced and tatoos. My ex spouse met her and sat down for a conversation recently. He told me he was surprised and very impressed. In other words, he judged her based on her looks, as most of us would, and then got to know her... Maybe change is needed for us older people to help us look past physical appearances. I think this change is a change in the right direction.
The general opinion is against this unseemly nonsense and I am too.
What a shame!!!
You can choose what to wear and how to express yourself on your time at home NOT at work‼️
I find this offensive ! It’s now that we should be teaching our children that in this life we have standards and respect for others
If no standards are set employees will push the limits of how they will look. I recently took a flight on Alaska air and was checked in by an employee who looked like she just climbed out of bed and put on wrinkled clothes, didn't comb hair or anything. I could not believe this was the type of person who alaska wanted to represent there brand. One would then wonder if this is the face...
If no standards are set employees will push the limits of how they will look. I recently took a flight on Alaska air and was checked in by an employee who looked like she just climbed out of bed and put on wrinkled clothes, didn't comb hair or anything. I could not believe this was the type of person who alaska wanted to represent there brand. One would then wonder if this is the face of the company, does the rest of their service show the same level of lack of care. How clean the planes are, the mechanical aspect as well as the pilots etc. Companies need to set standards and if employees don't want to meet them then you do not want them working for you.
I've become increasingly more disillusioned by the genuflection of our major corporations who are bending their long established brands and practices in fear of being perceived as not being inclusive. I want to see a disciplined, professional crew. I'm not interested in your personal style while working..please be liberated outside of work or work elsewhere. Stop lowering the bar! I don't want to see "pirates of the Caribbean' as the crew of my flight!
The business I'm in have me wearing a uniform. It's a perception thing. Hight stands and respect for yourself and your place of employment. I remember some police precincts not employing a person if they have visible tattoos. Now, in some cases, you would think differently of that officer. Tattoos are used to identify drug users and gangs per their perception and now they have tats?All the visual negativity placed out front. Bet you will...
The business I'm in have me wearing a uniform. It's a perception thing. Hight stands and respect for yourself and your place of employment. I remember some police precincts not employing a person if they have visible tattoos. Now, in some cases, you would think differently of that officer. Tattoos are used to identify drug users and gangs per their perception and now they have tats?All the visual negativity placed out front. Bet you will be seeing sagging pants and visible underwear too in the name of this down grade. You know how this works, you make amends for one thing, and it get worse because a group want to wear or look way off from its intended implementation. Wish them the best being that they are caving to demands to lower their standards.
I respect people's rights to freely express themselves within the guidelines provided by their employers.
If I do not like (or approve of) these standards - nose piercings and in your face tattoos - I'll go elsewhere.
I usually choose to fly United BECAUSE of the high standards of customer service. So sad to see yet another company pandering...ugh!
These old fashioned and conservative minds will hopefully be gone soon. The looks has absolutely NOTHING to do with the service given or the job done. They could be naked for all I care as long as they are efficient and good at what they do.
I hope you don’t go overboard with these changes. You also need to think of the passengers who think tattoos, long fingernails that are also not easily cleaned properly and hair that can easily fall into food and drinks. United has always looked extremely professional. Let’s take
Will Quality and personalism be at its highest or this Just will be another way to be inclusive, because all lives matter in a crash you will be inclusive inclusively bonded together by blood
This is NOT a good thing. The airline industry has always been one whose employees presented a professional appearance in a society that borders on anything goes . So sad. Reminds me of something I once read that says " If you don't like our standards, then please lower your standards"
The last thing I want to think about when I’m flying over the ocean is people not showing professionalism. I worked in the service industry for ten years and looking the part reflects acting the part. It also makes people feel more comfortable as flying can be nerve racking.
Ua should bring out the new Uniforms, and give the Employees in Europa a fitting, so that we still can order the right Size , when ever you order something, the size is still not correct, and so you use and give a way our Points, to send those Items back makes no sense it takes almost up to 2 Months until you can Order again some Uniform stuff - never in my Career, I had such an Awful Management by Cintas and such a awful Uniform
United Airlines interest is in grand-standing broad moral proclamations, since 2008 they have settled nearly $100 million dollars in EEOC driven discrimination lawsuits.
Precisely why they will probably NOT have any employees tell passengers that those wearing their obscene, profane tee shirts or stripper clothes cannot travel unless they cover up. Pretty soon getting on an airplane will be like stepping into a nightclub or a protest march, the raunchier the better. Those wearing conservative clothing will probably be offloaded lest the masses get testy about it. What? you don't want your young children exposed to this -...
Precisely why they will probably NOT have any employees tell passengers that those wearing their obscene, profane tee shirts or stripper clothes cannot travel unless they cover up. Pretty soon getting on an airplane will be like stepping into a nightclub or a protest march, the raunchier the better. Those wearing conservative clothing will probably be offloaded lest the masses get testy about it. What? you don't want your young children exposed to this - go take a bus. You don't like it ?... get off. Letting employees "express" themselves is actually segregating them from everyone else and opens a door to get through the day with a chip on the shoulder or a real bad attitude "because I have the right to express myself per my employer, United". More inclusive my foot. Soon United will run out of 24/7 safe places for their whining weirdos.
I think all this catering to the individual preference and flexibility to allow people to do exactly what they want, is resulting in a lot more selfishess, less respect for others, for authorities and in people feeling like they DO NOT need to watch themselves or their behavior. Hence all the negative incidents that are occurring everywhere, including on planes.
It's like all the retrogrades on VFTW came over here en masse to get all their conservative outrage out
Guess I will not be traveling on United who is off the top liberal. Men need to look like men and women need to look like women.
I am not looking forward to a man
wearing a female flight attendants uniform. United already had this occur and at the time was able to ask the employee to dress appropriately to the employee handbook standard. Without that standard, this airline is going to look weird.
Unfortunately, now anyone objecting (out loud) will probably be arrested on the jet bridge when they arrive. This is what it has come to - United feels that only those who are sooooo sensitive or "under-represented" should be pandered to instead of leading the way in a corporate, businesslike manner - let's just change all the rules to what has been civilized decorum for decades and cater to men who want to wear lipstick and...
Unfortunately, now anyone objecting (out loud) will probably be arrested on the jet bridge when they arrive. This is what it has come to - United feels that only those who are sooooo sensitive or "under-represented" should be pandered to instead of leading the way in a corporate, businesslike manner - let's just change all the rules to what has been civilized decorum for decades and cater to men who want to wear lipstick and nail polish or to those who have full-body (or obscene) tattoos visible everywhere and in your face. Are they flight attendants for my safety and maybe a little bit of service or are they actors and artists expressing themselves like a canvas in a museum? I won't stop flying but I will be sure to bury my head in a book that will lift my spirits. If I want to see all this and am supposed to celebrate and embrace it, United can count me out (x 100,000) - or I can just go walk down the streets or ride the subway in any big city in America. Disgusting, United, I hope it bites you big time.
Yay!!! I’m so happy it’s changing!!! I work for the airlines… I’ll be happy that I don’t have to wear Long polyester shirts anymore because I have sleeve tattoos
Because it's all about YOU. What do you think those middle-aged and older folks are going to do, run out and get one when they see how "cool" you are ? Tattoos are a form of self-mutilation, especially from the ones I've seen (like on every other person) and frankly, the women look worse than the men. Does anyone realize how hideous they are going to look when they're 75-80 years old and their blurred, sagging tattoos look like xxxx.
Wow. United already has about the poorest customer service in the industry, and the company treats its employees so poorly. What's wrong with maintaining professional standards, or are they trying to get voted worst in industry?
I guess they think being the coolest kid on the block is what will keep customers.
Why do some of you believe people with blue nails can’t be nice or professional. Someone who does not conform to gender norms is not unprofessionally. Children need to see mirrors in adults and that starts with people they look up to. Flight Attendants and Pilots are a good start.
This is a double edge sword. In a job where appearance is the first impact the customers receive, looking professional should be a top priority. Trust, some will take this to the extreme, and when called out for it by management, they will cry out prejudice. I rather hear their company treats and pays then fairly and equitably, than just let the wear a nose ring while working.
Passengers have to look at attendants for hours, so please for heaven's sake have some standards and say no to nose rings and tattoos.
Sometimes more is not better. There will always be employees that don't take pride in their appearance. Traveling through IAD, an international carrier with 16 employees looked so pristine as they walked through the concourse, you could almost hear what people where thinking...boy they really look good. It is the pride that many of us have, that effects what we do onboard!
Not supporting this. Not what I want my kids to see.
Wow! I mean, how do you navigate the world hiding your kids eyes from piercings and tattoos?! I would recommend avoiding gyms, grocery stores, movie theaters, malls, Disney World, or basically anywhere! And absolutely no tv! It’s all over all the latest movies and tv shows! Inside it is! Curtains drawn, no internet. Safe from the evil tattoo and body piercings. It’s just so satanic, ink and holes in skin. Yikes.
I hope this is not true. The uniform look gives passengers a sense of security, like these
people are trained well and meet certain standards just as a doctor, nurse or any other professional.
I just may choose not to use them
Drop the ties that can be used against them in an emergency. Ex. To tie up hands or strangulation. Sad, but these things happen now. If you insist on ties, have clip one! Safety is paramount.
As long as United hires the best and most qualified people to maintain safety, I don’t care what they wear. Safety should be the ONLY priority.
LOL at all of these comments! Obviously companies don't care about employees' happiness and self expression, they just don't want to be sued or canceled. Finding any deeper meaning in this change is a fallacy
Sadly, you are right. Better to cave in to "anything goes" rather than get bad press.
It’s just too hard to be completely prepared for one’s work anymore, isn’t it? Becoming and remaining fit, well-groomed - that’s all for those older folk, apparently (you know, the ones who built that airline decades ago when it was a privilege to take a jet ride).
Thanks for the heads-up on your sloppy standards, United! I'll take other airlines that maintain some sense of professionalism. It's bad enough what the flying public sees dragging themselves into airports in their pajamas and inappropriate clothing. Now, we'll see it from the staff! Shows just how desperate companies are to find reliable help.
I was a flt attendant for 33 year with United...I wore my uniform and wings with pride!!! Just because the world has changed to casual doesnt mean United has know people who give an inch take a has shown that over the years on the plane..
If you don't want to go by rules or standards don"t work for United or any company that requires too ...simple as that !
I think they should be comfortable but still have a dress code. Some uniforms are not comfortable . Especially when you sweat and are in such close quarters. There should be a length on finger nails and hair not to the floor.
Inclusive ? In other words .. anything goes .
This world is going down the toilet
Cops wear easily identifiable uniforms to a set standard. This makes their authority visible and obedience generally compliant. Now that
Movie starlet, customer focused stews have been eradicated and replaced by the customer safety oriented FA with the disposition of a petty tyrant and the looks of an old battle axe, passengers are learning to be docile in their presence lest they be accused of disobeying the orders of a flight crew. However as...
Cops wear easily identifiable uniforms to a set standard. This makes their authority visible and obedience generally compliant. Now that
Movie starlet, customer focused stews have been eradicated and replaced by the customer safety oriented FA with the disposition of a petty tyrant and the looks of an old battle axe, passengers are learning to be docile in their presence lest they be accused of disobeying the orders of a flight crew. However as uniform standards continue to trend from sharp and elegant through 1970’s, to utilitarian up to 9-11, and now wife beaters, prison Tatts and flip flops will be enshrined in FA Union Contracts. Consequently the visible authority of an FA will nose dive I expect causing FAs to suffer blows to ego as passengers don’t acknowledge their authority. Metaphor: a homeless bum cautions you not to cross in the middle of the street. Ignored. A cop tells you the same thing. Obeyed.
Bloody nonsense. This is a work environment not a picnic. Standards have diminished enough. Thank goodness for Australian, Asian, European and Middle East carriers with this in mind. USA carriers flight attendants have often looked unkempt. Where is the pride in appearance?
I think this is a BIG mistake. Appearance standards are in place to protect and maintain the BRAND of the COMPANY. It is important to maintain a HIGH appearance standard in order to deliver our customers consistency when they travel. If United is considering becoming a “Discount” airline such as SWA, Spirit, Ryan Air or similar, then go for it. I would think we would be considering delivering HIGHER appearance standards in order to FURTHER...
I think this is a BIG mistake. Appearance standards are in place to protect and maintain the BRAND of the COMPANY. It is important to maintain a HIGH appearance standard in order to deliver our customers consistency when they travel. If United is considering becoming a “Discount” airline such as SWA, Spirit, Ryan Air or similar, then go for it. I would think we would be considering delivering HIGHER appearance standards in order to FURTHER ENHANCE our customers experience rather than diminish it.
Uniforms really? First priority should be that they really need to review and focus on the onboarding processes and understand that a red flag on a consumer credit should be evaluated in a case by case scenario especially with this post pandemic world we live in not everyone was able to live their normal lives for months on end and bills, essentials, rent, mortgages and credit cards all had to be prioritized. Just food for thought...!
Sooo…employees are already having issues with unruly passengers. When teachers began “a more relaxed look” and started to blend in with their pupils then the students began to disrespect them more frequently. Why do they think this will be different?
Air fares are too expensive for flight attendants to be dressed unprofessionally. Maintain high standards. I don’t need a hobby, I need for flight attendants to behave and look professional.
When these airline employees sought employment with the airline, were they made aware of the standards for dressing? And did they gladly accept these paid positions, fully aware of the requirements? At the point of dissatifaction, they should be looking for employment elsewhere, making room for people who don't mind being paid to adhere to the standards. Service oriented jobs require service-minded people, with the focus on the customers, not on themselves.
Given United's liberal stand for the last five+ years on every social issue except running their airline, this comes as no surprise. I'd say I would avoid United but it will only be a matter of time before all the airlines (like so many other companies have done) will jump right on this (full bore) lest they be labeled as racist, homophobic, intolerant, politically incorrect, not woke or whatever new generation-Z buzzword is in vogue.
Given United's liberal stand for the last five+ years on every social issue except running their airline, this comes as no surprise. I'd say I would avoid United but it will only be a matter of time before all the airlines (like so many other companies have done) will jump right on this (full bore) lest they be labeled as racist, homophobic, intolerant, politically incorrect, not woke or whatever new generation-Z buzzword is in vogue.
Save your "expression" for your club nights and days off. I don't need to see or experience your expression with 12 inch piled-high rope hairdos, nose and eyebrow piercings while you are plating my food. Spare me the blue nail polish or red lipstick on men or those tattoos, some of which may be very offensive with political or obscene illustrations. Seriously, is everyone in the world supposed to think this is good or that it in some way improves service on an aircraft or checking in at an airport ????
UA crew look like hell at the beginning of a shift, LH crew look salon fresh at the end of theirs.
Employees can "express" themselves on their own time. On the job, they should dress and behave professionally. This builds respect and trust, something in short supply in these uncivilized times.
As a loyal and consummate traveler with United, I prefer the formal look of all customer facing employees of United and for that matter all airlines. With the increase in bad behaving travelers these days we need to be able to easily identify who is real and who FAKE. Most travelers will agree that employees can feel comfortable with what they ware on their own time - not when my safety depends on their professional actions.
I agree with Mark’s statement.
I think it's great that they're updating the policy to be more inclusive. Having a piercing or being tattooed does not mean that you're not professional. It also doesnt dictate an individual's job performance.
This is just wrong and utterly too distracting. Why bother with uniforms at all if anything goes? Talk about a selfish viewpoint on the part of United - how about the perception this leaves with customers or even other employees who don't agree with this? Save your "expression" for your days off and in the club. The 12 inch piled high hairdo or blue nail polish and red lipstick on guys (as in the photo)...
This is just wrong and utterly too distracting. Why bother with uniforms at all if anything goes? Talk about a selfish viewpoint on the part of United - how about the perception this leaves with customers or even other employees who don't agree with this? Save your "expression" for your days off and in the club. The 12 inch piled high hairdo or blue nail polish and red lipstick on guys (as in the photo) has nothing to do with doing your job as a flight attendant or ground staff. That obscene tattoo or political statement or nose and face piercings are not necessary to be in anyones eyesight to do your job, in fact it would be so distracting and believe it or not, everyone in this world is not impressed with it. Unfortunately now all the other airlines (as are many other businesses) will follow suit until we will all be non-generic, no-name ("they, them") blobs of human skin and bones - but don't dare look askance at anyone or show your dislike, you then will be labeled as something negative. Disgusting, I protest and you're going to get that look when you serve that food tray with your piercings, tattoos and nail polish on a man !!!
We’ll said and I agree wholeheartedly! Since when did standards of behavior, appearance, education, etc become bad things. Why does everyone all of a sudden feel they need to have freedom of expression 24/7, regardless of how their bad behavior or appearance, which would have been considered indecent exposure a few short years ago, affect the rest of us? And heaven forbid we have the nerve to take issue with these liberated self-centered, self-indulgent ninkompoops!...
We’ll said and I agree wholeheartedly! Since when did standards of behavior, appearance, education, etc become bad things. Why does everyone all of a sudden feel they need to have freedom of expression 24/7, regardless of how their bad behavior or appearance, which would have been considered indecent exposure a few short years ago, affect the rest of us? And heaven forbid we have the nerve to take issue with these liberated self-centered, self-indulgent ninkompoops! Everywhere I look in this suddenly Mad Max world, I relate less and less and dispair more and more. Hope the pendulum swings back to normal, where things like integrity, accountability, honor and self-sacrifice we’re characteristics people aspired to and common sense and common courtesy WERE still common and people didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time finding things that offend them. Lighten up everyone and learn to count your countless blessings instead of always focusing on the negatives in this all-too-short life we have! :)
I agree with some of these people. Nobody wants to look professional anymore. Hopefully the airline industry does not change their uniform policies so much. I feel like many other professions are getting bad. Some people look like they just rolled out of bed.
When you are on the job you should dress respectfully. Dress down on your own time. I really don’t want to see all your tattoos or rings hanging out of your snotty nose!
Bad Idea there are work etiquettes. No one has to display ear piercing or tattoos in a professional job. That goes for any job...dress neatly and be
professional. It only makes customers feel safe and not distracted by the strudest . So many things are changing is this change really necessary?
Well, I will not be flying on United anymore. They can express themselves on their own time.
If people want to express themselves, they are more than welcome to do it on their own time, no problem. But, in the workplace, certain standards should be adhered to. United is taking the position that lipstick on men is acceptable? Nailpolish on men is acceptable? It's obvious that all these moves are United's attempt to be more inclusive. I get that and applaud it. However, when you are making the paying customer uncomfortable and...
If people want to express themselves, they are more than welcome to do it on their own time, no problem. But, in the workplace, certain standards should be adhered to. United is taking the position that lipstick on men is acceptable? Nailpolish on men is acceptable? It's obvious that all these moves are United's attempt to be more inclusive. I get that and applaud it. However, when you are making the paying customer uncomfortable and shaking their head when walking away from the airplane, I think United better think again. It's obvious, I am not the only one to feel this way.
Oh boy, here we go much as I and anyone else likes tattoos and piercings, there's a time and place for that. But not on a commercial aircraft flight.
This BS never-ending inclusiveness and diversity constantly being shoved in the faces of the public by corporate apologists at the whims of the minority of minorities is enough.
Foreign airlines will continue to tank well above any American flag carrier airlines because of...
Oh boy, here we go much as I and anyone else likes tattoos and piercings, there's a time and place for that. But not on a commercial aircraft flight.
This BS never-ending inclusiveness and diversity constantly being shoved in the faces of the public by corporate apologists at the whims of the minority of minorities is enough.
Foreign airlines will continue to tank well above any American flag carrier airlines because of nonsense like this.
And while we're at it, let's do something about those flight attendants who could stand to lose some weight. They're the first impression the public sees when boarding an aircraft, and American flag carriers are at th bottom of the list. Anyone who has flown airlines from other countries around the world will understand that.
I personally would want to see employees dress professionally. They are dealing with paying customers. Look Professional. I’ll be using another Airline now
You get what you allow. Workplace responsibilities are just that….and not a social experiment!
I am disappointed. I prefer employees who dress neatly and no visible tattoos or nose rings.
Finally! Thanos United for pointing out some of our own implicit biases. Having relaxed uniform standards doesn't mean being dirty, or throwing appearances to the wind. From the comments I've seen it shows that we still have much work to do. Please Google teachers or flight attendants inform standards of yesteryear. Today we look at those edith disgust, but this was a norm, got attendants had to be less than 120lbs, with skirts so short...
Finally! Thanos United for pointing out some of our own implicit biases. Having relaxed uniform standards doesn't mean being dirty, or throwing appearances to the wind. From the comments I've seen it shows that we still have much work to do. Please Google teachers or flight attendants inform standards of yesteryear. Today we look at those edith disgust, but this was a norm, got attendants had to be less than 120lbs, with skirts so short they couldn't bend over in some. Teachers skirts had to be 2 inches above their ankles. We already know, just like skin color or hair type has nothing to do with what's inside your heart, so is the same for tattoos and piercings. Having body art does not prevent one from being a good flight attendant, pilot, gate agent... being a biased person who isn't open to confronting their bias head on does. Hoping other companies follow suit!
It will be a disgusting train wreck.
I disagree with United Airlines! You are at work. You need to dress professionally if you want to be treated like a professional. When you are off the clock then look however you prefer, but please not on my flight.
Hair is a tricky one because it's related to hygiene/food service etc. So I can understand requiring hair that does not intrude or flow.
I'm all for inclusiveness, and believe that inclusiveness and self-expression don't have to be at odds with professionalism. However- when you're more focused on this than the quality of service (which, as others point out, is very hit or miss, with a bent toward the latter) then there are some misguided priorities there.
How is showing tattoos and piercings considering not professional? Do you think your barber or hairstylist is not professional because they have tattoos? Or your Starbucks barista? This outdated boomer mentality about “I never had a choice, so they shouldn’t have a choice” is antiquated and behind the times. Believe it or not. When an employee feels comfortable and expressive in their own skin, their productivity is increased. As well as customer service positivity. It’s...
How is showing tattoos and piercings considering not professional? Do you think your barber or hairstylist is not professional because they have tattoos? Or your Starbucks barista? This outdated boomer mentality about “I never had a choice, so they shouldn’t have a choice” is antiquated and behind the times. Believe it or not. When an employee feels comfortable and expressive in their own skin, their productivity is increased. As well as customer service positivity. It’s 2021. If police and nurses can have visible tattoos, flight attendants should as well.
Well, there goes the era of professionalism.
Some of you in the comments section make me so sad that you are so miserable with your own lives that you think a person showing a piercing or a tattoo will in any way affect their ability to do their job. Companies do not own us! They hire us to do a job, not to change who we are, and as long as people aren’t showing inappropriate tattoos and they are wearing their uniforms...
Some of you in the comments section make me so sad that you are so miserable with your own lives that you think a person showing a piercing or a tattoo will in any way affect their ability to do their job. Companies do not own us! They hire us to do a job, not to change who we are, and as long as people aren’t showing inappropriate tattoos and they are wearing their uniforms and doing their job, there should be absolutely nothing to complain about. If you take issue with a person showing a tattoo or piercing then I can assure you that it’s time for you to retire since you are too old fashioned to function in a modern society. Get with the times grandma!
I’ve been involved in customer service for decades, on both sides of the equation, and know that the focus HAS to be the customer and not the service provider. Self-expression is for personal time. I am spending my money and they work for me and for the other customers. People rise to expectations. Remember the support animal disaster. Setting a low bar with loose boundaries begs poor performance.
What a joke. United has zero standards. How do we expect to attract high end business travelers when our employees looked like they just got done doing the night shit at Popeyes chicken.
When will this end? United already stated they will be hiring pilots based on race and gender. Giving preference to people of color and women and not merit!
Wake up people!
Welcome to United airlines the ghetto of the sky’s, poor Appearance poor hygiene equals poor service
As as retired health care professional. I wore a uniform that was shapeless and unattractive . My name badge and color of my uniform indentified my title and the department I worked in. My patients did not
care about my personal life, lifestyle, or my self expression. They were far more concerned about my ability to ease their pain, advocate for them ,and save their life.
Excessive jewelry, including face piercing, tattoos, long...
As as retired health care professional. I wore a uniform that was shapeless and unattractive . My name badge and color of my uniform indentified my title and the department I worked in. My patients did not
care about my personal life, lifestyle, or my self expression. They were far more concerned about my ability to ease their pain, advocate for them ,and save their life.
Excessive jewelry, including face piercing, tattoos, long hair, and those extra long painted talons are a health and safety issue.
FLIGHT ATTENDANTS primary role is to keep passengers safe. I am not interested in their individual style.
I am so glad I retired before all this nonsense started! I hope this is a joke!!!!
I don't care to know how others in a service industry want to show their personality. I do not pay for that. I pay for professionalism. Tattoos and nose piercings are not professional and to a great number of people it is offensive. United has joined the WOKE World. Disgusting. May never fly with them again.
Epic failure! What an embarrassment to the profession. You want your employees to walk a straight line, question nothing then allow them to show up looking like the way they want. You think Google and Facebook allow executives to show up to meetings looking like this. I can’t in good conscious give my money to United. The person who thinks is a good idea should be fired!!!
I’m fairly certain Google has no formal dress code. They also have slides in their offices last I heard. It sounds like a really fun place to work actually, heard the pay is stellar too. I don’t think it’s this stuffy suit clad place you’re making up in your head.
I am offended that you are offended that I am offended
At what point will you allow pajamas and bedroom slippers. Isn’t that inclusive. Where do you draw the line. I want my flight attendants to appear professional
I’m a fan of standards, but despite my feelings, things change.
“Shakespeare wrote “apparel oft proclaims the man”, and Mark Twain said, “Clothes make a man. “ But that was then… ♀️
How about the good old days when the Sturtesses were very attractive and not old hags like you see now. Who wants men with a high pitched voice and a nose piercing? I Do not.
Let me guess - you also miss the days of separate water fountains too?
Wait can you clarify Bush? Are you saying women exist in the world to be objectified by you? Or that you’re homophobic? I’m also seeing a sprinkling of ageism in there? Is that correct? Do you want to throw in any comments about being a racist to round out your argument and really paint a clear picture of your character? Did revealing to others how sad and closed minded you are give you a sense...
Wait can you clarify Bush? Are you saying women exist in the world to be objectified by you? Or that you’re homophobic? I’m also seeing a sprinkling of ageism in there? Is that correct? Do you want to throw in any comments about being a racist to round out your argument and really paint a clear picture of your character? Did revealing to others how sad and closed minded you are give you a sense of peace? Or is this all going to go over your head because you’re too narcissistic to learn how to be a decent human being?
United is the nation's worst legacy carrier and the call for customers to get a new hobby will come back to bite 'em all in the ass at Willis Tower!
Everything is going downhill
From passengers wearing pajamas, slides and even rollers in hair to now this - employees showing tattoos, piercings, Long hair. What next? What is left?
Welcome, Binary Ladies and Binary Gentlemen, to the comments section of One Boomer At A Time! We here at OBAAT are proud to uphold the traditional community-based values of fagbashing, uterine policing, and witch-burning. Our cover charge is a donation to the OBAAT superPAC, in addition to a McCarthy-era loyalty oath. And don't forget the two-tirade minimum, so get those fingers tapping!
Express your personality and tastes on your own time .
Who is to say what is "non-offensive"? That is what this will lead's like flying different flags under the American flag...if one gets flown then you have to fly ALL of them...or make it where ONLY the American flag can fly. Something that is not offensive to me may be offensive to others and vice versa. Can...of...worms. Also, the workplace is not the place to "express yourself"...because expressing yourself could hurt the business as a whole.
Company should have employees look professional, well dress, hair put back and presentable! Casual look can be misinterpreted as too casual and not give credibility. For our kknd of business/ profession, I personally do not agree with this “new standart “
Thank you!
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with United Airlines. As the employer, you are perfectly within your right to require employees to wear what you feel is appropriate attire. If the employees don't want to do that, they are certainly free to find employment elsewhere. Why are big companies caving in to this crap?
Company should have employees look professional, well dress, hair put back and presentable!
Professioanl apperancnce show credibility and respect.
Even now, some UA flight attendants and pilots looks sloppy. I can”t wait to see this “casual standart look” You can always be yourself however Our industry, one must look and act professional!! I personally do not agree with this “new standart “ This is not a coffee shop but an airline!
Thank you!
Oh my god almost this whole thread is wretched old people forgetting that they get on a flight to simply travel somewhere else. Just old geezers who feel entitled to dictate how people around them look for their own personal (tiny) comfort bubbles. Y'all don't think that PEOPLE should be treated like actual PEOPLE. No one's job should dictate their personal expression, even on the job. Appearance does not hinder service IN ANY WAY in this case.
You need some serious mental intervention!
To hell with how they look. Just jet some knowledgeable agents to answer the phone. I have been trying for a week to resolve a simple hotel booking issue using points. I have been on hold for hours, transferred to wrong departments, listened to ESL agents with chickens crowing in the background, babies, crying, and dogs barking. STILL NO RESOLUTION
So more self expression will equal more professionalism? And the airlines will back that up how exactly? Less leg room, more charges, etc. This is totally ridiculous.. Professionalism in a customer service environment of a Flight attendant is initially visual. Yes it is. Sorry but that's the way it is. They're representing the image of their company and respect toward client (the passengers) Dressing correctly and professional is what it is. Every encounter with a...
So more self expression will equal more professionalism? And the airlines will back that up how exactly? Less leg room, more charges, etc. This is totally ridiculous.. Professionalism in a customer service environment of a Flight attendant is initially visual. Yes it is. Sorry but that's the way it is. They're representing the image of their company and respect toward client (the passengers) Dressing correctly and professional is what it is. Every encounter with a passenger is a business meeting with your client. It is a purposeful intent to win and maintain that cuatomer rationship. Period. You show at a businesses meeting inappropriately, the first impression is one of you don't regard me as a client with the respect needed. End of story
All these old people "bACk iN MY dAY we had STANDARDS" " LMAO you miserable wretches. Your standards were sexist, racist, and arbitrary. That's why we're modernizing.
Nobody actually cares about you or your multi-racial same sex partner!
Sadly, service-related companies have joined the woke crowd. I am NOT in the least interested in your being gay, lesbian or any other of the multitude of personal serial identities. I am particularly disgusted with both body piercings and tattoos. Next, will nudist service people be encouraged to turn up for work stark naked? This madness will never end!
As a retired flight attendant I saw this happening over the years that I was flying. When I started a supervisor was at the aircraft door to make sure we were in full uniform head to toe. If you weren’t you would be sent home. That being said, even passengers dressed appropriately. I just think that whatever your changes you are going to implement passengers still want to see professional airline employees. After all that’s what they signed on for
Give an inch and people will take a mile. It’s important for a business that serves the public to be neutral and professional at all times. That means setting a standard for all employees so that nothing becomes political or some new fad, cultural or fashion statement. I work at a hospital but I don’t wear my gay flag pin at work. UA Is stepping on a banana peel.
I your comments
WOW! TERRIBLE IDEA! This improves customer experience how?
What are "gender-inclusive appearance standards"? Sounds very mushy as a standard. Nose piercings will be ok--what about eyebrow rings?
I think face piercing is not a look we should be putting in front of customers, well done tattoo’s is ok. Remember we are wanting to keep it clean and professional. Too lax for me personally
This is a further disintegration of generations . What’s next T-shirts and flip-flops United Needs to stick to good schedules clean airplanes and professional looking people that’s what instills confidence in our flight experience.. Not someone’s nose ring.
Great, as long as everyone is neat and clean.
I’ve seen some f/a’s that look like they just rolled out of bed!
United needs to tighten the dress code in first class. People in coach are more properly dressed.
(BTW, I hope that gaudy fingernail polish is not allowed. It’s distasteful, and is not profession looking at all)!♂️
I believe in dress for success. Not a fan of piercings, tattoos, and crazy hair in a professional setting. United should keep their standards ... dropping standard professional look is a big mistake
United is full of crap. This is all marketing to impress customers. They do this while they harass employees daily. They took the Payroll Protection money while they fired employees en masse for random crap, like catching COVID & not being able to work right away, Not wearing masks while eating. Meanwhile a certain subset gets fired & intimidated while pilots do & did what the want. The list goes on. Until United stops with...
United is full of crap. This is all marketing to impress customers. They do this while they harass employees daily. They took the Payroll Protection money while they fired employees en masse for random crap, like catching COVID & not being able to work right away, Not wearing masks while eating. Meanwhile a certain subset gets fired & intimidated while pilots do & did what the want. The list goes on. Until United stops with their systematic firing & harassment, I’m sure customer experience would be automatic. They encourage certain age group to turn others in, so your constantly watching your back. So Mr & Mrs customer please know employees want to do a good & pleasant job. Apparently United doesn’t know that when you treat your employees with dignity & respect, they go on to treat customers phenomenally. Moral has been in the sewer for years & they don’t care. Oh I can go on. So don’t judge there’s a lot of underhanded abuse going on at “United”.
United is downgrading their Global standards. You don't see Emrites, Air France, Lufthansa, American, British Airways, Delta or any of UA's competitors doing this. This is not something they should be proud of leading the pack for.
What's next uniforms where the pants fall below and show their underwear?
Not a good idea.
I fully agree with the previous comments. I will make my choice when it comes to fly...
What a dumb idea.
Neon nails,Nose Rings, Unmanaged looking hair should be reserved for off days.. I don't fly certain airlines because of the lack of appropriate clothing worn by passengers. I would hope that Uniforms would always maintain a professional look it matters to me..
Yikes! Which airlines? Is there a good airline that does a good job of policing what passengers wear? I personally try not to pay attention to things like that but can see how other people would get disgusted.
As a senior woman and former flight attendant I miss the former “standards.” While some personalized
neat dressing is not an objection, the
unkemptness of hair appearance is
particularly noticeable in diminished standards.
More than a few times a flight attendant’s long hair floated over my food as it’s being put before me.
Professionalism, neatness, cleanliness, and attentiveness should never be compromised.
Poor customer service and poor standards. How is United still in business
Nobody has complained about Southwest's relaxed standards. Why should people in the comment section gripe about another airline doing something similar? People just look for a reason to complain. Who cares if someone paints their nails wears their hair down? It's 2021. Get over it.
I think it’s fine for a discount airline to have lower standards.
What a joke. This is just the start. This is right up there with everyone getting a participant award. I mean come on.
What is a participant award? I don't follow what this means and how it relates to United and or you.
He's trying to say that everyone "these days" is such a sensitive snowflake that they need to be given an award or a pat on the back just for participating.
Yet...isn't he being the snowflake by being so offended by how someone looks? I really don't understand this. How other people look has ZERO impact on how my day goes. Now that's what I call sensitive.
Then choose an airline/company that makes you feel comfortable...
Define "Non-Offensive"? How about a pro-Trump tattoo or maybe anti-gay, bible verse, pro-Christian, anti/pro-muslim, pro-life anyone, swastika, star of David.... When someone comes up with rules like this it is bound to be an issue. Nice way to virtue signal though.
CHANGE IS GOOD!! Hope that this will be great for every employee to feeling they can express them selves…. I don’t no how this will be or mean, but then a again this world was put on pause for a minute, there was lives lost and many was sick and hasn’t recovered (as my husband) MOVING TOWARDS ANY POSITIVE, is going to be amazing!!
A professional working environment is no place for someone to “express themselves”. I have my own cultural background but I do it outside of my profession.
I firmly stand by each employee looking "uniform" as when hired we are asked if we can work on holidays, weekends , long and sometimes over night hours. We simply had to agree to come to work in the company provided " uniform" and have All tattoos hidden and piercings hidden. These are clear, concise and straight to the point directives. If we are unable to work holidays, weekends and long hours which can be...
I firmly stand by each employee looking "uniform" as when hired we are asked if we can work on holidays, weekends , long and sometimes over night hours. We simply had to agree to come to work in the company provided " uniform" and have All tattoos hidden and piercings hidden. These are clear, concise and straight to the point directives. If we are unable to work holidays, weekends and long hours which can be overnight hours then the company would simply move on to another candidate for the job. The same was asked about" uniform" standards including to keep All tattoos and piercings ( nose rings, gages, etc..) hidden. To take pride in any reputable company one should abide by their rules and standards. Besides this coming update on appearance and uniform standards being extremely difficult to manage , it will clearly allow the uniform and appearance standards drop to the lowest level and the majority of these front line workers will undoubtedly begin to look like a plethora of looks with low esteem and disfunctional workers ; Not representing a top notch professional company. I predict this poor management decision will soon be out of control. Bad and sad that management cannot keep these workers looking " uniform' and professional.
Such a shame. I guess we have to cease saying Thank you mam and sir next. No more United for me; you are making your customers unite against your liberal polo Irs.
United should focus on their service. They have the worst flight attendants in the industry. Like 50% of the time they are rude to the customers and push their authority way too far. I could care less what they wear as long as they speak professionally and politely to their customers. Give more training on that now that you don't have to teach them what they can and cannot wear anymore.
Many look like the slept in their uniform which are so drab to start with what does it matter. I would be happy seeing employees who looked like they bathed.
... about time!!
Compared to many other international Airlines, ALL US Airlines show a picture, that makes you wonder many times, if VARIG is back in the air, when Flightattendants came to the gate with plasticbags from ALDI and other discount places in Europ on there way home and the Crew Bags were close to explode!
If i see UNITED Crew running around in rubber shoes and ther Crew bags with attached bags...
... about time!!
Compared to many other international Airlines, ALL US Airlines show a picture, that makes you wonder many times, if VARIG is back in the air, when Flightattendants came to the gate with plasticbags from ALDI and other discount places in Europ on there way home and the Crew Bags were close to explode!
If i see UNITED Crew running around in rubber shoes and ther Crew bags with attached bags and hanging coats and really nasty looking uniforms, i often wonder how on earth do these people life at home and do i really want to enjoy the food they offer me on the flight?
Compared to European or Asian Airline Crew, the appearance on most US Airlines is really far from acceptable, but i guess that has to do with the freedom these employess in the US think to have?
UNITED is a good example, comparing ex Frankfurt or Hong Kong based Crew to the ones from the US. OMG
... starting with wide open hair and long hair showing off over a food tray from any US airline from a flight attendant in the 70's compared to tied up hair from any EMIRATES Crew or a very young Crew from a European Airlines, just shows that the airline appearance is not just a requirement by health services but also by the way an Airline wants to be presented to the outside world.
UNITED or any US airlines seem to just don't care in most of the cases!
My opinion and i know, most of those who fly international and CAN compare, would agree in my point of view.
So, it's about time for a BIG change in the US!
Most Americans don't know how to dress themselves. It is a societal problem.
A polished, professional appearance is really important in some industries, and I believe that one of the top industries where it matters is the airlines. Flying is no longer classy, it's like riding a bus so when I fly, I appreciate flight attendants having a neat, uniform appearance. No one is deprived when they can't wear certain styles of grooming while working. Save the "personal expression" for off hours.
"We’ve spent the last several years listening to the feedback we’ve received from our employees and our Business Resource Groups" ...Well, how about their customers? Did they spend any time listening to them?
I have read many comments of how this will affect customer service, as it stated this was a decade uniform. Back when people traveled they all dressed properly and looked sharp, YES THE CUSTOMERS WHO ARE FLYING! What happen of how you present your self out side your home? Now days people who fly tend to smell they look like they haven’t showered for days.! They look like they rolled out of there bed, Some...
I have read many comments of how this will affect customer service, as it stated this was a decade uniform. Back when people traveled they all dressed properly and looked sharp, YES THE CUSTOMERS WHO ARE FLYING! What happen of how you present your self out side your home? Now days people who fly tend to smell they look like they haven’t showered for days.! They look like they rolled out of there bed, Some even forget to put on clothes. I seen a person using there bra as a sports bra.
Every job should have a uniform with some guidelines to follow. Best of luck to United airline and there employees!!
Good point! I fly UA all the time and have not once received a UA survey or airline review request. They need to keep to uniform, neutral, professional standards.
Be as inclusive as you want. A lack of people showing off who they are doesn't strike me as a real big problem in America right now. In fact, probably the opposite. And once people show off who they are, I rarely see that leading to a high level of customer service and excellence.
REAL premium airlines, mostly Asian and Middle Eastern seem to have a different philosophy. They command top dollar and are...
Be as inclusive as you want. A lack of people showing off who they are doesn't strike me as a real big problem in America right now. In fact, probably the opposite. And once people show off who they are, I rarely see that leading to a high level of customer service and excellence.
REAL premium airlines, mostly Asian and Middle Eastern seem to have a different philosophy. They command top dollar and are in high demand by discerning travellers around the world. I'll let you guess what sets them apart.
I am against visible tattoos. Airlines with the exception of Virgin/Alaska were safe places against these eye sores until now. I’ll be watching Delta and American and if one or the other doesn’t follow United on this, I plan on taking my business to them. Yes, they bother me that much. Eventually they will probably all follow but until then I have a choice.
I have never been triggered by tatoos can't even imagine what that's like. I still buy tickets based on price and schedule, not what the employee handbook says about appearance. I guess I don't understand why this policy upsets so many United customers. So many people are very intolerant and eager to hurl "woke", "NFL", "men with polish", "men with makeup", "tats". I am waiting for BLM and ANTIFA to be blamed for United's new update.
Rather than having United reflect the multiples of standards being celebrated in our new society, I would suggest that United have a standard of excellence that their employees agree to support, as a condition of employment.
Certainly there will be some model of decorum with the Express your self
Identify at United. I remember dress down Friday at work. It was novel Years ago and then became very sloppy. All one needs to do is visit large retail chains to get a look at expression. The airlines will probably be successful with this liberated woke work appeal. After all , just look around at the your fellow passengers. I remember...
Certainly there will be some model of decorum with the Express your self
Identify at United. I remember dress down Friday at work. It was novel Years ago and then became very sloppy. All one needs to do is visit large retail chains to get a look at expression. The airlines will probably be successful with this liberated woke work appeal. After all , just look around at the your fellow passengers. I remember when people dressed up before they got on an airplane. Not so much these days. Nose rings ear gauges tattooed necks and hands. Lip rings and dreads hijabs and crazy weaves.
might excite some, but courteous service and etiquette will get more attention and more passengers.
United should have re branded to Continental's model. They were a great airline.
All for it except the allowance of men wearing nail polish… some things are just not mean to done while working with the general public. Relaxing policy shouldn’t cause others in your workgroup uncomfortable essentially making this policy change pointless and open the door for backlash and potential hate crimes fronts flying public in general… just look at the current culture of people flying. Good luck on this one.
Whole Foods employees look like the stopped at a tattoo parlor and then went to piercing salon on their way to work. They are also the most polite, helpful, and friendly grocery store employees. Every time I go into a Kroger, Safeway, or other chain grocery store (unionized or not well paid or not) the employees are a bunch of sour, unfriendly lumps. Even if I think some of the getup and tattoos are silly,...
Whole Foods employees look like the stopped at a tattoo parlor and then went to piercing salon on their way to work. They are also the most polite, helpful, and friendly grocery store employees. Every time I go into a Kroger, Safeway, or other chain grocery store (unionized or not well paid or not) the employees are a bunch of sour, unfriendly lumps. Even if I think some of the getup and tattoos are silly, it clearly is part of a corporate culture the helps foster positive customer service. Whole Foods is just one example where I see this stark difference in retail between places that let employees “express” themselves and those that don’t. I’m a man, and I would never get a tattoo, a piercing, or wear makeup. (It all seems weird to me.) However, I
it seems that this is a key part of making frontline employees happy in their jobs. I’d rather be served by a friendly, helpful person who looks like a death metal concert attendee than a sour lump. I don’t think this will solve United’s abysmal customer service, but I think it’s one step that will help.
That has to do with a more positive company culture than anything else. Good management motivates employees to do a good job.
Glad to FINALLY see airlines catching up with the times! It’s ludicrous that it took this long. I’ve always dreamed of being a flight attendant and got a chance to back in 2015 with republic airways. They called me and told me I got the position, however they told me they weren’t moving forward with me the exact same day because I have tattoos smh. So I was pretty much hired and fired at the...
Glad to FINALLY see airlines catching up with the times! It’s ludicrous that it took this long. I’ve always dreamed of being a flight attendant and got a chance to back in 2015 with republic airways. They called me and told me I got the position, however they told me they weren’t moving forward with me the exact same day because I have tattoos smh. So I was pretty much hired and fired at the same time. They are always talking about discrimination for everything else, yet tattoo discrimination doesn’t seem to be a thing? It’s total crap. I wish I could sue that airline today for ruining my dream at the time
Good move on their part! How's your job at Walmart working out?
I sympathize. But tattoos aren't per se a protected class and they don't come under gender protections as far as I know.
But the world is changing... these things won't matter in a few years
Personally, I appreciate the professional appearance of pilots and FA. I still believe it says something about a person if they have a face or neck tattoo.
What does it say about Maori person with a tribal tatoo?
If United thinks their shift to "wokeness" will translate into better customer service they will find themselves very disappointed. Nose rings and tattoos may work for coffee shops but, not so much for airlines.
Well said, everyone has an agenda or personal identity including employees. Keep a professional, neutral standard!
Tats and Nose pierceings??? Mmmmmmm...can't wait!!! Along with all that new "freedom" will come plenty of attitude of "screw you"...I'm in charge are you are just a lowly customer. It will be way worse than it is now, if that is possible.
I prefer standard.
In your role you should be professionally dressed. Professionally dressed employees looked appropriate and not like the sleaze bags who are flying and causing undue harm to others. Changing the dress standards really shows the demise of the airline and its employees.
I'll take the opposite approach. Air France, Swiss, and SAS are among the most professional airlines I've flown and - guess what - they have appearance standards. If people won't want to look the part, don't be a flight attendant. What's so difficult about that?
My I suggest to go all the way and allow short, unbuttoned blouses showing pierced belly button and else, short skirt with side slits to show all the tattoos and piercings below the waist line, high heels and haltered stockings.
For the all inclusive male pilots one piece tightly fitted garment with something like the rainbow color scheme.
And, and, we have all inclusive, democratic BORDELLO in the air.
Im just wondering if when food service cones back, will flight attendants be required to pull back their hair. Ive had way too many meals with their hair hanging over my tray.
I couldn't care less if FA have tattoos and piercings! As long as they have PROPER HYGIENE, and they look presentable!
I was on a flight with a FA looking like she slept in her uniform! I was appalled!
This is going too far. Why do women with 2 inch claw nails & men & women with body piercings need to feel that those alterations to their bodies identify who they are? A person's soul & personality identifies who they are. I'm from the Era when people in different jobs were all looked upon as ambassadors of their trade and those types of alterations were certainly evidence of a trade that was far from...
This is going too far. Why do women with 2 inch claw nails & men & women with body piercings need to feel that those alterations to their bodies identify who they are? A person's soul & personality identifies who they are. I'm from the Era when people in different jobs were all looked upon as ambassadors of their trade and those types of alterations were certainly evidence of a trade that was far from professional and something that was seen more on street corners than in a business or customer ambassador setting. Sad that so many people who think this is ok have such little confidence in themselves as the beautiful unique person they really are without all the superfluous distractions. Sad that United is so insecure in itself that it can't stand on its own exemplary reputation of being the "friendly skies".
I prefer standards. Everything just gets worse and we accept poor service as normal. Dress for success.
I worked for a hotel for 35 years and was not asked what I should wear. That was not a choice that I should have been given since the company I worked for paid me to work for them. A person can choose what they want to wear on their own time. No one wants to look professional anymore and with that said,companies are giving in and that is a shame!
Give me break . Men wearing makeup- we don’t need more clowns in this world
I love America and Americans. Yet not only from memories but also just look at footage and photos from 40 years ago, Americans are much scruffier and look far less happy these days. Pride in Ones’s appearance is important, respectful to others and doesn’t have to be expensive.
Rose colored glasses. The america of the past was a facade of fake smiles and pigs in lipstick.
Only to a degree possibly. But it really is an honest comparison of America compared to now if you look at the facts. People were slimmer, more relaxed as education housing etc far less competitive, and there were much lower wealth inequality levels.
America had a younger population then too, the European Americans are ageing similar to Europeans now.
40 years ago, America was full of Americans. Now it is full of foreigners who constantly carp about how bad America is!
It's also still apparently full of xenophobes and racists
I'm sure they would all be more comfortable in their jobs wearing sweat pants and a tank top. Crazy...
But then they'd blend in with so many passengers.....
Is that what their saying here? Or are you just being intellectually dishonest?
So, this will do what for my in flight experience? There was always a standard when it came to wearing a uniform. First impressions count, a level of respect is shown when in uniform. Express oneself when out of uniform.
Exactly... they are wasting time setting standards for how weird people play dress up at work, instead of spending time setting up standards on how to better improve their business and customers experiences.
Golden words, bravo.
And thank you.
Well said
My three young sons attend an all boys school in Europe, uniform is mandatory!
In an effort to better reach out to students, the trustees allowed the boys to wear casual clothing on Fridays. Yep, you guessed it! About 20% of the boys turned up wearing the type of clothing endorsed by Watts citizens.
The rest of the boys either wore their normal uniform (probably "suggested" by Mom or Dad) or wore very...
My three young sons attend an all boys school in Europe, uniform is mandatory!
In an effort to better reach out to students, the trustees allowed the boys to wear casual clothing on Fridays. Yep, you guessed it! About 20% of the boys turned up wearing the type of clothing endorsed by Watts citizens.
The rest of the boys either wore their normal uniform (probably "suggested" by Mom or Dad) or wore very nice casual clothes. After two weeks Friday's went back to mandatory uniform. Pay heed. UA!
Personally, I'd draw the line at the pin badges because I imagine they're bound to cause lots of controversy in the future of what's aloud etc while only having a marginal positive effect, if that...
As long as people have good hygiene, are nice, their clothes don’t look like they came out of the hamper and their tie is actually tied…I don’t care one way or another if men has nail polish or a nose ring. The problem isn’t physical appearance when it comes to the image standards of Us employees…it’s that the rules regarding clothes aren’t enforced. I’ve seen crews of 4 that don’t even look like either of them work for the same company.
I agree
Pan Am had the most recognizable uniforms in the industry. They still look just as professional today as they did 40 years ago.
With relaxed standards for dress we will look as professional? Are we going to relax FAA flying standards too?
No , because there is basic standards.
We are an Global international Airline . Sadly Emirates crews always look way more professional along with a host of other major carriers .
This may be the final straw for my frequent flying on UA.
I don’t think anyone really cares about the gender expression BS. Most people flying just want courteous service from people who conduct themselves like a professional. Not giving a crap about knowing what the service folks are or are not regarding gender expression.
Alaska is already being sued for having strict male or female uniforms. I believe you will see more airlines relaxing their policy to avoid a lawsuit.
My best experiences with flight attendants (in the US) have been those who are the ones with the most personality. The flight attendants that do everything by script, without injecting much, provide a serviceable, but forgettable experience. So, I am in favor of allowing them to be more expressive.
Why would I want to remember my flight attendant? I just want them to do their best to make me comfortable and happy during my flight...then go away.
That’s how we feel about you when you give us your dismissive attitude and treat us like low class servants. I enjoy bending over backwards and going that extra mile for someone who is truly nice, has a smile, and doesn’t feel the whole world revolves around them. We are actually human, we are parents, with families, we have college degrees. We do this job because we love what we do, and we love people....
That’s how we feel about you when you give us your dismissive attitude and treat us like low class servants. I enjoy bending over backwards and going that extra mile for someone who is truly nice, has a smile, and doesn’t feel the whole world revolves around them. We are actually human, we are parents, with families, we have college degrees. We do this job because we love what we do, and we love people. It’s people with yours, and others on this thread, attitudes, who think you’re above us, and that we owe you something because you bought a ticket. Newsflash, your ticket pays for the gas to get you there, and the seat you’re sitting in. WE ARE THERE FOR YOUR SAFETY first, and The great service we offer is EXTRA. So, Go away. Fly private if you feel so entitled. Otherwise, next time you fly, remember that your flight attendants have blood running through their veins, just like you.
Well said.
I think allowing people to wear makeup and jewelry the way they want, and to choose their own hairstyle and look the way they want to look will make them happier and maybe they'll be more inclined to do a better job. Generally, if you treat employees well they will work hard. Treat them badly, destroy moral, and you don't get quality work.
I am not sure I understand your reaction that this is the final straw. If this “change” creates better feelings for the FA and they give better customer experience, based on your comment, you should be good with this. I am not sold on this changing behavior for the good, I think it may go either way. I am not sure some FA care enough to change. But if it does help, I am good with it.
Since when were flight attendants considered "professionals"? While I applaud anyone with a job, I do not believe they fit the definition of being professional.
Sir you have a lot of nerve saying that the people who train for months on how to evacuate you safely from an aircraft, or take care of you during any emergency situation are not “professionals”. Mentally you seem to be living in the dark ages based on all of your comments on this thread. Perhaps speak to a therapist to help you overcome some of that hate that you have built up inside you. Wish you the best.
Don’t bother, Ignorance is bliss with this guy…he’ll never change his attitude. But dude can’t afford a private jet to take him anywhere, so he’s chained to commercial. Poor baby
I think gender expression and professionalism can and do go hand in hand (e.g., in the pictures shown) so should be commended. But I'm not sure whether tattoos and nose piercings are really a gender expression.
If my company asked me to cover up tattoos at work, I wouldn't take offense.
But overall, change for good.
Tattoos and piercings can be culturally significant, so more inclusive in that way. Traditional Maori tattoos for example.
Has nothing to do with hygienic reasons and jsut because you shave your hair on the sides or your face, does NOT mean it's NOT an ugly or non appealing appearance!
Be and let be, but have some guidance and follow the line if you're in a job that can tell you what you should look like.
I don't curse at somebody wearing a golden cross around there neck, just...
Has nothing to do with hygienic reasons and jsut because you shave your hair on the sides or your face, does NOT mean it's NOT an ugly or non appealing appearance!
Be and let be, but have some guidance and follow the line if you're in a job that can tell you what you should look like.
I don't curse at somebody wearing a golden cross around there neck, just because they are heavily religious.
Some people just like to wear there "jewelery" as "Art to the Bone" (Tattoo)
ah very good point- I had not thought about that.
But (in the US at least) tattoos are generally far more superficial.
Tell me how many Maouri flight attendants you have encountered!
I have been a 1K for seven years now. Before that I worked as an airport departure supervisor on a focus city for a large European carrier. With that experience in mind I think the new uniform standards here are great and much better reflect reality.
Great move for great people.
Lufthansa still weighs their flight attendants because they have to fit in the aisles...and represent the company. Same goes for perfume, cologne, hair style, etc. Companies have to have standards (especially those with customers). Express yourself all you want...after you leave work.
Yet Lufthansa has the worst services from first to economy with a full look that includes careless smug german prick of flight crew that don’t give a damn whatsoever ! And don’t even start me on the whole unshaved underarm and ladies with full leg of hair !
Oh how I yearn for the days when there were only young curvaceous female flight attendants in hot pink miniskirts and leather boots up to their knees. This is exactly why we need onboard alcohol service to resume ASAP.
None of the things for which you are yearning are required to get from A to B on an airplane.
Also, they weren't curvaceous. They were required to be underweight.
I don't think he really cares about the flight. He just wants to go back to a time where he could be a sexist pig and not be held accountable for being a jerk.
Next, we'll have flight attendants in orange uniforms. Why not just make it a retraining program for prisoners.
Not sure why you are including flight attendants and prisoners in the same thought. What are you trying to say?
Because this person is extremely narrow-minded and thinks everyone with a tattoo is a felon.
Wow I am surprised that you can't understand that. But it doesn't surprise me with the mentality of today.
I agree Burt.
If this is actually gonna happen, it will be so nice not to overheat at work just trying to keep my tattoos covered.
Actually, NOBODY is interested in your self-afflicted skin graffiti. Just deal with it!
B.S. Wood needs mental help. It's not natural or right to be so hateful.
Take this from someone who has roomed the world raised 2 Generations. About 40% of those two generations Express themselves in ways that might be uncomfortable to some. However they have found their way in different environments. And good on them Grandma loves them. What they didn't do was take a position that purportedly had standards and then tried immediately change the standards. Someone who tries to do that probably doesn't do the research needed...
Take this from someone who has roomed the world raised 2 Generations. About 40% of those two generations Express themselves in ways that might be uncomfortable to some. However they have found their way in different environments. And good on them Grandma loves them. What they didn't do was take a position that purportedly had standards and then tried immediately change the standards. Someone who tries to do that probably doesn't do the research needed to know what their customer wants or needs. Find something else. We have several ways to describe a person who takes money from someone else and has no respect for them
And, it is not right or unnatural to call BS on the silly and witless. KUMBYA
You’re a disgusting and hateful human being and I feel sorry for you. If you ever find yourself in a situation where a man with colored nails or tattoos has to help evacuate you from a plane, perhaps you will have some more respect for that person and realize that the color of their nails or tattoos does’t affect their ability to do their job. Take several seats and reflect on your own bitterness!
The majority of the general population you've interacted with and depended on throughout your life share the same values you're currently engaged in demonizing. Get out more.
Sounds like they have bern dealing with it. It also sounds like you're triggered! Lol
People have different tattoos for different reasons. And those reasons are none of your business. I know lawyers and doctors with tattoos. Would you refuse to let a doctor save your life in an ER because he happened to have a tattoo on his wrist that you could see??
I absolutely hate tattoos and nose piercings. They turn ugly over time. Find another way to celebrate or mourn. Dressing down is such a bad idea. I hope people realize they still have to keep themselves clean.
I don't understand why some contributors here are pushing back so hard.
It's not hard to walk and chew gum at the same time. You just have to want to.
No one's claiming that suddenly all flight attendants will always deliver excellent service just because United's taking a step to be more inclusive in allowing still-professional, but previously-banned aspects of one's appearance.
I can't see how this can be anything but a positive change for culture.
" I’m excited at the prospect of seeing more people being able to express themselves."
While it is good that a company treats all employees fair and to have policies to be fair to all employees, you are 100% wrong about employees being able to express themselves at work. They are at work.
They are there to do a job. And right now the USA FAs by and large are not doing it well.
So what you're saying is the professional look has zero to do with service standards.
I totally agree. The Airline is going the way of the NFL; expressing themselves in their work environment? They are there for a sporting event not to express themselves or demonstrate. Imagine the military expressing themselves in the battle field. United is wrong when they say their employees are not proud or good representatives of the airline. They are trying to justify their decision without reason!
I also have not seen any NFL player demonstrate while playing the game. What does the anthem have to do with playing football anyways? I don't see how the military comes into your analysis since it's not a corporation. I am very proud of our military that hire people who are brave and not easily triggered by people with tatoos and nose rings. Hopefully you will find an airline/sporting event that suit your sensitivities.
The military has tattoos all over themselves! Nurses are allowed to show tattoos. Police as well. Does that bother you? Does that make them less professional?
Really? As we are continually berated and literally beaten by the current crowd of pax who think we are their servants? And you think we aren’t doing our job well? GTFO.
What is the top right photo now allowing? Skin fades or lipstick on men??
I can't figure out the bottom left photo either...
Makeup on men
So here you go on setting low standards. It's just the beginning of the excuses of "I look like I just got out of bed look", and some will use that. As a former UAL flight attendant I was told many times how professional our customers thought we looked (95'-05"), they appreciated that we took pride in looking clean, kept. First impressions go along way in what the customer will expect of their inflight experience....
So here you go on setting low standards. It's just the beginning of the excuses of "I look like I just got out of bed look", and some will use that. As a former UAL flight attendant I was told many times how professional our customers thought we looked (95'-05"), they appreciated that we took pride in looking clean, kept. First impressions go along way in what the customer will expect of their inflight experience. I once had a guy on a Spirit flight who had long nails, colored. It was really lame to look at as he's serving you.
Professionalism goes along way, not lowering your standards.
Absolutely!!! I agree
Totally agree! I can already see the flight attendants rolling out of bed with their pajama bottoms and a tee shirt slippers instead of shoes and possibly a ball cap to top that runway style similar if not the same as Walmart customers but then again, it seems to be the go to style for a lot of people these days. No respect for their jobs, employers and fellow employees not to mention the customers. Pathetic excuse to not have to provide updated uniforms as well…
Will gave men be allowed to wear bras? Asking for a friend!
Gila monster.
Was gray hair not previously allowed?
Grey hair! Are you kidding! Been doing this job for 35 years, and I had to weigh in every month. I would be fired if I didn’t loose the weight. I had to have eye glass approved before wearing them. What an outrage! The women who thinks this is okay should be fired! Sad situation. This behavior is reflective on the entire profession..
There is inclusiveness and there is professionalism and a uniform (by definition) look.
I don't envy her role with the tribal "my identity" fad in the midst of it. At some point some may want to spend time more on their individual contributions to the group (forward looking) - which sometimes requires adapting - and less on hyper specific definition of their background (backward looking).
What if professionalism doesn't include an uniform look for the current generation? What if everyone wearing the same suit and tie is old-fashioned and laughable for them?
Expressing yourself is a huge deal for today's young people and a lack of identity is no longer considered a benefit.
Any one who is offended by someone else being offended needs to find a new hobby.
Well said.
I don’t get offended by anything, I do get upset when I pay for something and get terrible service present day UA.
So what new hobbies are you considering?
Politicians as a hobby?
People who are offended because their ancestors had (non-offensive) tattoo or nose piercing 150 years ago and demand reparations for themselves and not their ancestors.
"i'M dELiCatE"
Men should look like men and women should look like women. We pay enough for airfare employees need to look and be professional.No tattoos, nose piercing.I guess I will fly with someone else.
So, you don't care about how they do their job but their appearance better meet your demands? Well, good riddance to you. And with such a shallow level of tolerance, you best stay home.
Tim settle down, everyone has an opinion. Thought this was supposed to be an open minded discussion. Tim your taking this to personal. True not everyone sees it the same way you might see things, but this is a topic that is new and needs to be talked about in a civil manner. If not it will remain a pissing match. It will take awhile for people to wrap their heads around this. Stop telling...
Tim settle down, everyone has an opinion. Thought this was supposed to be an open minded discussion. Tim your taking this to personal. True not everyone sees it the same way you might see things, but this is a topic that is new and needs to be talked about in a civil manner. If not it will remain a pissing match. It will take awhile for people to wrap their heads around this. Stop telling people to get a life if they don’t agree with you. There is always to sides to everything.
Take it easy, enjoy life and each other
And what’s going to happen when all the airlines do that? Better get to driving
So your typical business person is “woke?” It may not hurt them much but it won’t help them. It’s America, we still have a choice and it never will be Untied again.
What should men look like and what should women look like?
The problem is that current generation doesn't share your views on what woman, man, or humans in general should look like. What you consider a professional look may be considered old-fashioned by many young people - and as they reach adult age, they're becoming more relevant source of income.
This is not new, standards have always been evolving. And they will continue to - I assure you that generation that motivated these changes will be...
The problem is that current generation doesn't share your views on what woman, man, or humans in general should look like. What you consider a professional look may be considered old-fashioned by many young people - and as they reach adult age, they're becoming more relevant source of income.
This is not new, standards have always been evolving. And they will continue to - I assure you that generation that motivated these changes will be angry about whatever the next generations come with. There is a justice in the world :)
I don't think i need a new hobby i think they need a new job maybe something in the construction industry
I agree with you Tim!
I am a retiree from United Airlines and when I travel I wear a suit , dress , heels. I make sure that I am professionally dressed out of respect and representation of the company that I worked for. Also it's a reflection of my parents discipline of military standards. Shoes shined, hair combed, shirts and blouses ironed and tucked in. I took pride in wearing my uniform. There once was a time we had...
I am a retiree from United Airlines and when I travel I wear a suit , dress , heels. I make sure that I am professionally dressed out of respect and representation of the company that I worked for. Also it's a reflection of my parents discipline of military standards. Shoes shined, hair combed, shirts and blouses ironed and tucked in. I took pride in wearing my uniform. There once was a time we had to abide by United's dresscode and we all did it. We looked smart , professional eager to help. Please , do not misunderstand me, everyone has the right to Express who they are and represent what they believe in. But hasn't it gotten out if control. Shouldn't we still ahere to the rules of the company to keep the respect between humans. Today we are name calling ,shooting innocent people turning the world upside down. As example , the airlines that can't fulfill their operations because of crew , staff shortage, weather, why is there so much hostility between passengers and agents. Because we have lost the respect for one another. Sadly 911 is coming to its 20th anniversary. I worked that day and I cried so hard with the loss of life and crew who were personal friends. But I witnessed strangers coming together, holding each other , comforting , crying and I thought to myself , we are at our best when the worst is happening.
So isn't it the best thing to take pride of who we are employed by United Airlines. Please note , to those who have the tattoo, are gay , piercings etc... you are my brothers and sisters who I do whole heartedly respect and admire.
I so wish the "United States would update their appearance altogether.