Typically I don’t write about “mile high club” stories, as I know there are other blogs that cover that more passionately than I do. However, I’ll make an exception here, because it’s the crew that was acting the most out of line, and not the passengers who were actually engaging in the behavior.
In this post:
SWISS pilots watch passengers having sex in galley
A SWISS crew is facing serious disciplinary action, after they filmed passengers having sex in the galley of an aircraft, and then distributed that video online. That sounds pretty wild, so let me explain.
This incident happened on flight LX181, a roughly 12-hour flight from Bangkok (BKK) to Zurich (ZRH) in late November 2024, operated by a Boeing 777-300ER. Somewhere around the middle of the flight, two passengers went to the forward galley (in front of first class), and had oral sex. It’s not known where the crew members were, but there were none in sight, so the passengers just did it right there.
However, that’s not to say the crew didn’t notice. In the cockpit there are cameras of the forward galley (intended so that pilots can see who is in that area, for when the cockpit door opens). The pilots were not only watching the sex happening, but they even filmed it, by pointing a smartphone at the screen, and providing commentary.
Even worse, the video then ended up being distributed widely among employees at the Star Alliance carrier through WhatsApp. In the video, the SWISS employee provides commentary, saying things like “one more sip of champagne and then put my **** in your mouth again.”
It’s not known who filmed the video. The camera is pointed from the area where the captain’s seat would be, on the left. So it’s anyone’s guess whether it was the captain, one of the relief pilots, or a flight attendant who happened to be in the cockpit at the same time, standing behind the captain’s seat.

A few thoughts here:
- I wonder if the passengers were joining the mile high club with the permission of the crew, given for how long the crew disappeared, plus their comfort with just doing it out in the open in the galley
- I wonder if these were first class passengers, or if they somehow snuck up from somewhere in the back
- Regardless, a galley shouldn’t be unoccupied by a crew member for that long, and it’s completely unacceptable to film others having sex without their consent, let alone distributing it
- There are always multiple people in the cockpit, so the worst thing here is that no one tried to stop this, and do the right thing
- Regardless of whether it was a pilot or flight attendant filming this, the pilots obviously saw everything going on, and were fine with it; this shows an unbelievable lack of professionalism

SWISS condemns behavior, takes action against crew
SWISS is angry about the actions of crew members, with a spokesperson explaining that the crew should have intervened immediately when they saw what was going on, rather than filming it. That spokesperson continues:
“Filming people without their clear consent and sharing these recordings contradicts our guidelines and values and violates the applicable data protection regulations. This also applies on board. Our crews are known for their professionalism. We trust in the competence of our crews and are confident in their abilities.”
“The cameras do not record anything. Filming of the monitor by the cockpit crew is only permitted in exceptional cases, for example to document safety-related incidents.”
SWISS has posted a message on its internal website for employees, explaining how this is being taken seriously, and warning employees against further distribution of the video.
The airline also calls the action of the passengers unacceptable, stating that “our passengers’ behavior is generally respectful and appropriate.” Of course that pales in comparison to the failure of the crew.

Bottom line
On a recent long haul SWISS flight, two passengers decided to join the mile high club in the forward galley, as there were no crew members in sight. However, the crew knew exactly what was going on, as they watched the entire “act” from the cameras in the cockpit, even providing commentary. Worst of all, the SWISS crew then distributed the video online.
This incident shows an unbelievable level of unprofessionalism on multiple levels, and I hope action is taken against the crew.
What do you make of this SWISS mile high filming incident?
Snaps and kudos for lady prepping “receiving area” with champagne. Being a European flight good chance it was French - maybe even Cliquot - classy lady!
Pretty sure captain was waiting for the flight to enter Turkish airspace to call them into cockpit and ask if they’ve been to Turkish prison?
We must protect the right of the mile high club! Don't let them take away all of our fun. Heck, I'll pay for that upgrade!
Were they two gay men? some gays are very messy is well known. Wheter or not they were two men or a men and a woman this is bordeline antisocial and a sign abusive behaviour. Planes are not hotel rooms, people is overly sexualized nowadays, this is beyond disgusting and disturbing. There's no way you can excuse these to individuals, the airline should have reported to authorities, and they should be investigating the alleged crew member who leaked this.
While I agree 100% with what Ben recommends, I must admit that back in the early 90s, I joined the MHC in a spectacular way. Unfortunately, I can’t share the details on a G-rated blog like this, but understand that it involved an overnight flight from JFK to Rome on a 747 in business class, an open bar, and a group of Franciscan Brothers making a pilgrimage to Asissi. True story, not a joke.
Couldn’t do that today!
Where is the video?
How is it filming something that is recorded wrong? He pointed his phone at the display and just so happen there’s an action going on.
When you act like animals in public you deserved to be recorded and exposed. No permission is needed. It’s not like they’re in privacy of hotel room. Aircraft galley is public space.
I ain’t no lawyer but I am sure any lawyer can defend the pilot in a...
How is it filming something that is recorded wrong? He pointed his phone at the display and just so happen there’s an action going on.
When you act like animals in public you deserved to be recorded and exposed. No permission is needed. It’s not like they’re in privacy of hotel room. Aircraft galley is public space.
I ain’t no lawyer but I am sure any lawyer can defend the pilot in a heartbeat. In fact the passenger need to be charged with exposure and indecency and if in america need to be put in sex offender list.
Looks like you didn't read the post—the part where Swiss says those cameras don't record.
If a passenger choose to have sex in an airplane in the galley, Its because they like sex, adventurous, like risks, adrenaline and like to joint the MHC, it has its risk which are well known including being film by a passenger or a surveillance camera. The passengers chose to take that risk and all the possible consequences. Actually, I think positive, with humor and very good for the pilots and crew, they didn't want...
If a passenger choose to have sex in an airplane in the galley, Its because they like sex, adventurous, like risks, adrenaline and like to joint the MHC, it has its risk which are well known including being film by a passenger or a surveillance camera. The passengers chose to take that risk and all the possible consequences. Actually, I think positive, with humor and very good for the pilots and crew, they didn't want to interrupt the passengers and filing a notification and causing a problem to them in exchange for enjoying the free show and sharing this amusing anecdotes to there colleagues, as long as there are no names of reference to the passengers involve. Passengers should be grateful they have a Crew with sense of humor.
I will fly Swiss any time, they´re humans, and in no way there professionalism its compromise.
If You want to join the MHC, know You know the way.
Firstly yes you do write about bare feet. Secondly allegedly kylie Minogue did it with her then boyfriend the late michael hutchence in first on a qantas flight that also had the prime minister of the day on board, he apparently was amused and thirdly was this video with man and woman or 2 men.
The door to the showers on Emirates state that no more than 2 people can use the shower at any one time. so threesomes are definitely out
The Mile-High Club is better on DELTA.
…. not if your companion is an Eskimo.
Where is the link to the video? How can your words to trusted if we cannot see the video?
If you choose to have sex in a public place you run the risk of being overlooked by a surveillance camera. The passengers chose to take that risk, and were recorded. It was cheeky of the pilots to post the recording on WhatsApp, but they weren't the ones bonking in the galley.
You're out of your mind.
No I’m not. Unless you’re in a private home, hotel room, or a toilet (in most places), it’s reasonable to assume that you’re under some kind of video surveillance. If you don’t want to be recorded doing something embarrassing, don’t do anything embarrassing.
it makes you wonder what else airline employees record and share on WhatsApp
If you have never been party to service worker gossip you've surely been the subject of it.
From the fact that those two decided to do that in the galley to the pilot posting the video online... the whole thing is seriously messed up
Pilots involved should be terminated. This was completely handled inappropriately. Recording and then posting it on the web. Good luck getting another job boys. Maybe RyanAir will hire you.
Slow news day, eh?
Ben I’m surprised you haven’t written a post about yesterday’s intriguing email from Ankur Jain. There was a lot to unpack there… mortgage payments alone is worth a story methinks.
@ Redacted -- Story coming about that soon as well, stay tuned! And no, this has been anything but a slow news week, so can't attribute this post to that.
I actually have no issue with people getting it on in a plane - in private. I mean FFS go and do it in a bathroom where no one else has to see...anyone could have walked into that galley. A kid for example.
The two that were putting on a display should be prosecuted.
Unlikely to be a criminal offence in any European country.
In the UK sex in public is not illegal per se. If people have sex in public - say, outside late at night in a location no one could reasonably be expected to witness it (behind some dense bush for example), they are not committing any crime.
However, this kind of location (an aircraft galley) where there is a real potential that someone could have walked in on them and seen them would be prosecuted...
In the UK sex in public is not illegal per se. If people have sex in public - say, outside late at night in a location no one could reasonably be expected to witness it (behind some dense bush for example), they are not committing any crime.
However, this kind of location (an aircraft galley) where there is a real potential that someone could have walked in on them and seen them would be prosecuted as 'outraging public decency'.
Just had a quick google of the situation regarding sex in public in Switzerland and it seems the law is quite similar. Not illegal, but if someone witnesses it and takes offence you can be prosecuted.
In a plane in the air of course, the Captain is 'the law' and he seemingly thought it a good idea to film it instead.
I think when you have sex public, any expectation of privacy goes out the window. Personally I don’t have a problem with the crew sharing the video, that’s the consequence of the couple’s action.
You're nuts. Hopefully the passengers file a lawsuit.
Reminds me of the photos that emerged of the CX flight attendant performing oral sex on the captain of a 744 in the cockpit.
How times have changed...
Swissair DC-9 some 50 years ago. One of the pilots, not realizing his P/A is on, tells the other: "You are in command, I am going to have a coffee and then f*ck the hostess" (that's how they were called then), which everybody in the cabin could hear.
A VERY flustered F/A then ran towards the cockpit door, at which point I (seated near the aisle) stopped her to say...
How times have changed...
Swissair DC-9 some 50 years ago. One of the pilots, not realizing his P/A is on, tells the other: "You are in command, I am going to have a coffee and then f*ck the hostess" (that's how they were called then), which everybody in the cabin could hear.
A VERY flustered F/A then ran towards the cockpit door, at which point I (seated near the aisle) stopped her to say "Don't run, Miss... He said he was going to have a coffee first".
This is a true story.
Come on - that joke is so old and recycled for years
You know, I was on this plane once. And I'm sittin' there and the captain comes on and he does his whole, "We'll be cruising at 35,000 feet," then he puts the mike down but he forgets to turn it off. Then he turns to the copilot and goes, "You know, all I could go for right now is a fuckin' blow job...
Come on - that joke is so old and recycled for years
You know, I was on this plane once. And I'm sittin' there and the captain comes on and he does his whole, "We'll be cruising at 35,000 feet," then he puts the mike down but he forgets to turn it off. Then he turns to the copilot and goes, "You know, all I could go for right now is a fuckin' blow job and a cup of coffee." So the stewardess fuckin' goes bombin' up from the back of the plane to tell him the mic's still on, and this guy behind me goes, "Hey hon, don't forget the coffee!"
I have to agree with the posters below.
The crew acted poorly - and posting the video is in incredibly poor taste even if legal; but it's the passengers who were the original problem. Were the passengers reprimanded too?
There's a lot of focus on how long the cabin crew was missing from the galley. But we're talking about sex, here. They only need to be gone for like... what? Two... maybe 2 and a half minutes?
2 and a half minutes?
Wow look at Mr. Marathon over here
Well we know that MildMidwesterner only last for 2 and a half minutes in bed.
This isn't about what you do in bed but in a public setting. And let me tell you, as someone with experience, 2.5 minutes is an eternity for the MHC when every second counts.
Oral sex does not qualify for the mile high club - only intercourse.
Please check page 13 of the rule book!
Clause 6 of page 13 does allow oral sex to be eligible for the MhC if “ the act is carried out without the use of any extra intervention including but not limited too toys or HANDS”
I second that motion(pun intended)
Despicable action from the passengers but even worst from the crew. As soon as they saw on their cameras what was happening they should have immediately called the FA and ask them to intervene. Watching it and recording should be enough to get them fired.
Jerry Springer is now a guest columnist on OMAAT
This video couldn't possibly be better than the Kim K. and Ray J video.
The crew was definitely wrong here, but you are letting the passengers off way too easily. In another comment, you say "it doesn't sound like they were actually causing harm to others." The galley is an area for food prep; exchanging bodily fluids is not OK. And what if a child walked into the area? It is fine to focus on the crew, but it almost sounds like you are defending the passengers here. There are no good people in this situation.
@ NK3 -- I hear you, and I'm not trying to give the passengers a full-on pass. My point is simply that a countless number of people join the mile high club on flights every single day, so that's hardly anything new. A crew watching, filming, and distributing videos, is hopefully something that almost never happens. That's why I'm covering this, and am giving the crew a hard time.
"A countless number of people join the mile high club on flights every single day." Huh? Yeah, it does occur, but you make it seem like every time you turn around, it is happening. Usually when I need to use a restroom on a plane, there is a line. I have flown millions of miles and have never seen 2 adults exit a restroom. Making it sound like it is a super frequent occurrence is normalizing the bad behavior of these passengers.
I realize European countries are different on this point, but at least in the USA, you have no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public space like a plane, and so consent is not needed to film (because our laws can be silly, assuming no audio).
Exactly correct! Everyone sucks in this one (I couldn't resist - but it is true).
Note to self. Never order the sticky buns for breakfast.
the real question is... There should NOT be a child in first class, to ruin a 12 hour flight from Bangkok to Zurich
Most passengers don't know there are multiple cameras on commercial aircrafts nowadays..
There's a camera around the cockpit door, and they're also installed on first/business class cabin with suites with 50"+ shells for FAA's direct view requirement.
The only area without a camera is econom / premium economy class cabin and lavatories.
If you really wanna join mile high club, do it in the lavatory. And take the risk to be busted by the FA and to join no-fly list.
I highly doubt anyone would get on a no-fly list over something this minor. Not with a European airline.
You're right, "banned by the airline" would be the correct wording.
You wouldn't be on a no-fly list by the government, but the airline can ban you from flying.
I strongly doubt having sex in the lavatory would have any consequences with any European airline. It is not illegal and is not putting anybody at risk. In case sex is performed in public, it would possibly qualify as exhibitionsm and a ban by the airline might be the consequence. In this case, nobody was supposed to be watching, therefore it probably doesn't qualify as exhibitionism.
Extremely unprofessional actions by the crew, especially since it was filmed in the cockpit and at least one (possibly both) of the pilots were in on it.
Could there be anything more wrong going on here? A couple fornicating in a food prep area (ick), flight attendants absent from their duties, pilots filming the deed with commentary, and putting it on the web. Good thing there wasn't some nasty turbulence.
@ Maryland -- Lol, this is the correct take...
This blog has been more upset over the placement of a bare foot, which is arguably less problematic than the biohazard dimension of this potential exchange of bodily fluids in a galley (i.e. nearby where food and beverages are prepared).
Highly doubt a cabin crew would actually give permission for this *extremely inappropriate* behavior.
@ Jyoti -- I've been more upset about bare feet? I don't really write about bare feet, unless I'm missing something, so I think maybe you're referring to another blogger?
And I'm not excusing the behavior of passengers, but a crew watching and filming is way worse than the actual act. Even if they didn't give permission in advance, they clearly were fine with it when it was happening, or else they could have stopped it.
The fact that people are defending the crew here is such a shame. The pax is the least of the problems here (off course they should not be doing this, and there behavior is poor) the fact that cabin crew were missing from front galley for so long and the cockpit crew were recording this and sharing it on WhatsApp group is a much bigger issue, both ethically and professionally. In fact they can also...
The fact that people are defending the crew here is such a shame. The pax is the least of the problems here (off course they should not be doing this, and there behavior is poor) the fact that cabin crew were missing from front galley for so long and the cockpit crew were recording this and sharing it on WhatsApp group is a much bigger issue, both ethically and professionally. In fact they can also very well face various privacy law violations if this occurred in a Lufthansa flight.
I don't understand why the focus is on the attitude of the cabin crew, and not on the attitude of the passengers. Everywhere in the world, any type of sexual activity during a flight is prohibited, and passengers who engage in such behavior have even been taken to court. This article seems to encourage people to be permissive about such actions, rather than addressing the issue as a matter of awareness to prevent it from happening again. It is a lack of respect...
@ Jefferson -- Generally passengers aren't taken to court for trying to join the mile high club. In most circumstances, passengers will just be told to knock it off, and it only becomes an issue if they don't follow crew member instructions.
I'm not excusing the passengers trying to join the mile high club, though it doesn't sound like they were actually causing harm to others. Meanwhile filming other people having sex without permission...
@ Jefferson -- Generally passengers aren't taken to court for trying to join the mile high club. In most circumstances, passengers will just be told to knock it off, and it only becomes an issue if they don't follow crew member instructions.
I'm not excusing the passengers trying to join the mile high club, though it doesn't sound like they were actually causing harm to others. Meanwhile filming other people having sex without permission and then distributing it online is a much more unethical activity, if you ask me.
Is sex on a plane really prohibited everywhere? What about the Emirates A380 shower suites? They're private, nudity is clearly permitted, and you're allowed to have 2 people in there for 30 minutes (thereby leaving you 28 minutes to shower afterwards).........
Asking for a friend, obviously.
>> Everywhere in the world, any type of sexual activity during a flight is prohibited,
I believe you've made that statement up out of whole cloth. I don't know of any law that specifically targets sexual "activity" on airplanes, nor have I ever seen airline policies that specifically discuss the issue. Clearly, it's not prohibited on SWISS or the pilots would have taken some action to stop it.
So that stupid couple got away from doing sex on an airplane, just because the pilot recorded the footage?
Mile high club members, better hope someone to record your intercourse footage so the airline gets carried away by that and thus forgive your misconduct.
@ Mason -- People joining the mile high club do generally get away with it, unless they repeatedly don't follow crew member instructions. Well, at least in most countries.
It is illegal not to crew members' instructions. Particularly with regard to . . . uh . . . what?