Russia has been voted off the governing council of the United Nations’ aviation agency, and of course Russian officials are claiming it was a rigged election.
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ICAO votes to remove Russia from governing council
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is the United Nations agency that oversees rules regarding international aviation. The 193-nation ICAO assembly meets every three years, and is currently meeting in Montreal, Canada.
Up until now, Russia has been on the 36-nation governing council of the organization. That’s because historically G7 countries, Australia, Brazil, China, and Russia, have held permanent spots as “states of chief importance in air transport.”
However, that will be changing. During a vote on Saturday, Russia only managed to secure 80 votes to remain on the governing council, while 86 votes were needed.
This vote was obviously intended to hold Russia accountable for all of the country’s ICAO violations in recent months, including violating Ukraine’s sovereign airspace, confiscating hundreds of foreign jets, and more.
If anything, personally I find it concerning that Russia did get 80 votes to remain on the council. Then again, Russia does have some soft political power, if nothing else, with quite a few countries.

Russia demands a new vote
Russia isn’t accepting the results of the vote, and is requesting an additional vote. Russia’s representative said the following:
“We’d like to express regret regarding the outcome of the voting. We view this as a purely political step and has nothing to do with Russia’s position in the field of civil aviation.”
The assembly president has called the request for an additional vote “unprecedented,” while the French representative to the assembly has said that “when we have votes in our countries, if we don’t like the result, we don’t ask for another vote” (it must be nice to live in France, eh?). 😉
Meanwhile the Ukrainian representative said that “it is important that all the ICAO members addressed such a drastic breach of the Chicago Convention.”

Bottom line
Russia has been voted off the governing council of the International Civil Aviation Organization, which is the organization that oversees global aviation. The country needed 86 votes to maintain its seat, but only got 80 votes. Russia isn’t accepting the results, though, and has demanded a new vote.
While it’s only fair that Russia has been kicked off the governing body, the overall implications for aviation here are pretty rough. Russia is a massive country with airspace that’s important to global connectivity. It’s pretty clear that we’re entering a new long-term era of Russia’s airspace being closed off to much of the world.
What do you make of Russia being kicked off the ICAO governing council?
Of the 80 countries who voted against Russia getting kicked out, you can bet the majority are little pin-prick ones sitting in the Pacific or somewhere similar who are reliant on Russian largesse. Others of course will be Putin-friendly fiefdoms located near or adjacent to the Russian Federation. All 'shit-hole' countries as the Trumps were fond of saying.
@glenn t.
You should have looked up the political history of Pacific island nations, and whose area of influence they usually fall under before you spoke. And also see how they voted (which you obviously didn't). It would have saved you some considerable embarrassment.
You just lost your bet. The 80 countries represent the majority of World's population.
It's time they're removed from the Security Council as well
I thought anything UN, Russia would have a veto power.
It's also funny how the French said that given they also have veto power.
UN, like the economy, is always a rigged system. For better or worse, it's still the best current system we have.
Russia, like the other permanent SC members, only has a veto in the Security Council.
No reason anyone should remember this though, since the UN has been irrelevant most/all of our lives.
Every little bit helps.
Lets list the 80 quislings somehow.
The ICAO Assembly vote for Council membership is by secret ballot. Even the powers that be back in capitals don’t know for sure how their representative voted.
Belarus needs to be shown the door as well after literally hijacking a commercial airliner.
Putin will just hold his own "vote" at gunpoint, then declare the UN Aviation Council is part of Russia, and threaten to use nuclear weapons against the UN building if they try to do anything about it.
In related news, one day after Putin declared Donetsk was now part of "Russia...forever!", surrounded Russian troops in the key Donetsk city of Lyman have dropped their weapons, stripped off their uniforms and fled as Ukrainian troops approached....
Putin will just hold his own "vote" at gunpoint, then declare the UN Aviation Council is part of Russia, and threaten to use nuclear weapons against the UN building if they try to do anything about it.
In related news, one day after Putin declared Donetsk was now part of "Russia...forever!", surrounded Russian troops in the key Donetsk city of Lyman have dropped their weapons, stripped off their uniforms and fled as Ukrainian troops approached. Russian commander says "these troops have been re-deployed to more favorable positions." Ukrainian commander agrees: "Yes, most of them have been re-deployed to body bags and POW camps."
Over 250,000 Russian men of "draft age" have run away to other countries since the "partial mobilization" was announced. Yeah, they certainly did mobilize.
Has anyone been able to find a tally of the 80 "yes" votes? I'd love to see the list, but I can't seem to find them anywhere.
A different Vote on sanctioning Russia from Human Rights Council is here - . Against + Abstention is 82. This ICAO vote should have followed same lines with two members likely absent.
Also, perhaps putin needs to get a certain judge in his pocket to demand a new vote.
Doesn’t matter. Russia can build their own planes and the ME3 still services SVO.
The US sanction attempts were useless. Now the Russian economy is even stronger and they have all the oil and energy too. Keep believing the garbage and censorship you’re being spoon fed by the media.
russian bot.
Are you a paid Putin shill?
Or is this a volunteer effort?
Huh? Is this guy for real?
Great trading opportunities for Russia now!
Russia has oil
ME3 has oil
La Brea tar pits has oil
Maybe Putin can chase a mastadon around Hancock Park and join his sabre tooth friends.
Wow what a lil Texas Putin-slurping cuck you are
Russia should be considered part of Taiwan and Taiwan given Russia's seat in the UN and ICAO.
Russia IS a part of Taiwan, cannot deny that.
The irony, following their fraudulent referendum in the eastern Ukraine. 1939 again.
Perhaps they shouldn’t have invaded a sovereign state, murdered thousands of its citizens and continue to do so.
Not defending Russia one bit. It should be voted off. But just wondering of how many countries the US violated sovereign airspace and bombed their airports? I mean, historically, the US invades a countty every 10 year or so. If I remember correctly in Iraq it was based to phony weapons of mass destruction it later admitted to making up. Pity it is not held accountable for any of its actions considering its actions have destroyed more generations then one can count.
No one is defending Russia but what is the US going to do about it ? Big fat zero. We are an embarrassment to the international community with this administration. Nothing will ever be perfect I get it.
The audience literally laughed at the previous guy during a UN session, presidents and prime ministers ridiculed the previous guy to his face at a G7 gathering...and you say the current administration is an embarrassment? No wonder the previous guy is still around and making money off people like you.
And yes, the previous guy and his henchmen are defending russia (I'm sure you watch non-stop tucking carlton or whatever his stupid name is). At...
The audience literally laughed at the previous guy during a UN session, presidents and prime ministers ridiculed the previous guy to his face at a G7 gathering...and you say the current administration is an embarrassment? No wonder the previous guy is still around and making money off people like you.
And yes, the previous guy and his henchmen are defending russia (I'm sure you watch non-stop tucking carlton or whatever his stupid name is). At least be man enough to stand by your position, although having a spine and owning their words is not a republican trait as most recently shown by flip-flop don bolduc.
You love to defend Russia, whiny little Texas cuck...and yet you slurp the most disastrous admin of all time (the previous douche)
Kind of funny that Russia wants a recount after their sham referendums the other day.
China is on the UN human rights panel and Saudi Arabia was, I believe, until 2020.
This brave move will bring peace to Ukraine in no time!
Right!? Russian troops pulling out of Ukraine at once.
They should be voted of the UNSC too.
The vote should stand 100%
UN Security Council? Russia is a permanent member with veto power. Not sure how that can ever happen.
I read an article laying out the steps how this could happen:
Wait... you mean we have 80 morrons in the Council??
80 countries that are more or less unconcerned. Russia still has some loyal countries in Africa, South America, middle east and i think you can always bribe someone from say Nauru relatively cheap...
@Thomas, Africa and loyaltie is something that never was and never will go together.
Most of CPAC sucks up to Putin too, the little b***hes they are
“This is outrageous. It’s unfair.” -Russia probably