Horrifying: Rioters Storm Russian Airport Looking For Jews

Horrifying: Rioters Storm Russian Airport Looking For Jews


This is just sickening…

Anti-Israel mob takes over Russian airport

This incident happened on Sunday, October 29, 2023, at Makhachkala Uytash Airport (MCX), located in the southernmost tip of Russia, in the Dagestan region. Russian leisure carrier Red Wings Airlines operated a flight from Tel Aviv (TLV), and the local community allegedly became aware of this, and decided to storm the airport.

Hundreds of rioters (the region is predominantly Muslim) arrived at the airport, and many broke through security and got onto the tarmac. They went plane-to-plane, apparently looking for Jews and/or Israelis. Some rioters had Palestinian flags, while others had signs saying “we are against Jewish refugees” and “there is no place for child-killers in Dagestan.”

There are videos of the crowd demanding passports of passengers, and having them prove that they weren’t Israeli. In one video, a pilot can be heard telling passengers that “it is not safe to open the doors” because “protestors are below our plane.”

At least 10 people were injured from this riot, including two people sustaining critical injuries. The airport remained closed for a brief period on Sunday night, but has reopened.

This whole situation is just heartbreaking

The current conflict between Israel and Palestine is ridiculously complex, and I certainly don’t have the solution to it. One thing is for sure — it’s tragic to see what has been happening in the region.

I don’t understand the general lack of empathy that seems to exist in the dialogue on both sides. There are a few things that I feel strongly about:

  • Hamas is a terrorist organization that doesn’t have the best interest of Palestinians in mind, and committed a horrible attack against Israel
  • Countries do have the right to defend themselves from terrorist attacks
  • It’s beyond tragic how Palestine has a million kids who have no fault in all of this, and they’re going to be suffering a lot from all of this as well

To me the question shouldn’t be who is to blame, but what can be done to create a prosperous and safe future for as many people as possible. What that looks like is way beyond my pay grade. But I know that I empathize with Israelis and Palestinians.

Yet oddly when you look online, people seem more focused on who is hanging up missing Israeli children posters and who is taking them down, rather than the general tragedy of all of this. The situation has really brought out the worst in many people.

If you favor a ceasefire, I get it. But then what? How can Israel ensure that a similar attack doesn’t happen again? If you favor a full-on attack against Palestine and trying to destroy Hamas, I get it. How can civilian casualties be minimized, and in the event that Hamas were actually taken out, what’s the plan then?

Everyone in life just wants to feel understood. I think some people acknowledging “I feel sorry for Palestinian children” and others saying “I condemn Hamas and they should release hostages” would go a long way.

Going back to the purpose of this post, my point is that no matter where you stand on this, the concept of going on a manhunt looking for Jews getting off planes makes my stomach turn.

Bottom line

Rioters managed to storm an airport in Russia, when they learned that a flight from Tel Aviv had just landed. They went on a hunt for Israelis and Jews, demanding their passports, and saying that they don’t want them in the region. Two people were even critically injured.

How awful…

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  1. Charlie Diamond

    If you don’t like Hamas (and you shouldn’t, they’re terrorists) then stop flying Qatar.

  2. Callum Guest

    Ben - I don't believe for a second that you "empathise" with the thousands of Palestinians being slaughtered as we speak. If you did, you wouldn't be keen to say that people shouldn't be "blaming" Israel for doing so, or that you get why people support war crimes.

    This conflict isn't at all "complicated" - it's very simple. I can only assume people characterising it as such do so because they are too cowardly to publicly admit that they can't justify their stance.

    1. Max Guest

      Yes, it's very simple: Neither Hamas nor any other relevant Palestinian organization does recognize Israel or a two state solution. Hamas has time and time again proven that they don't even care about running a successful Gaza, instead doing everything to wage war on Israel. Dismantling water pipes that came from foreign aid, building rockets out of them to shoot at Israeli civilians. Intentionally using Civilians as human shields for their terror infrastructure. And lots...

      Yes, it's very simple: Neither Hamas nor any other relevant Palestinian organization does recognize Israel or a two state solution. Hamas has time and time again proven that they don't even care about running a successful Gaza, instead doing everything to wage war on Israel. Dismantling water pipes that came from foreign aid, building rockets out of them to shoot at Israeli civilians. Intentionally using Civilians as human shields for their terror infrastructure. And lots of these civilians are actually so hateful, low IQ and indoctrinated that they gladly comply with everything Hamas does. Even voluntarily serving as such human shields even when Israel is warning them to leave before a strike on Hamas terror infrastructure.

    2. Callum Guest

      I should rephrase that. Simple to anyone capable of logical reasoning. A skill you're perfectly demonstrating is severely lacking nowadays.

    3. Alan Diamond

      Israel does not want a two state solution. If they did they would remove all illegal settlements from the west bank.

  3. stogieguy7 Diamond

    Let's call them for what are: nazis. Too strong? Look at the behavior. The only difference is that the "master race" is supplanted by their religion. All else is pretty much equivalent. Whatever happens to a territory where 90% of them have electorily supported savages like Hamas is fine with me. Screw em.

    1. Max Guest

      Don't you dare to equate inbred low-IQ islamists that serve as useful idiots for the Iranian mullahs and the Kremlin gnome with one of the smartest, most powerful groups in world history (that has unfortunately misdirected some of its ingenuity).

  4. Alex Guest

    Stay out of politics, This is not what this site is about!

  5. Tiger. Guest

    Ben may be you know nothing about the history of Hamas. If you know then you must know that it is Israel who created Hamas in Gaza to use them against the Palestinians in West Bank. Israel had their own agenda of not letting Gaza and West Bank to be on the same page so they used Hamas against the PLA in West Bank. Why do you people never waste a minute to decide who...

    Ben may be you know nothing about the history of Hamas. If you know then you must know that it is Israel who created Hamas in Gaza to use them against the Palestinians in West Bank. Israel had their own agenda of not letting Gaza and West Bank to be on the same page so they used Hamas against the PLA in West Bank. Why do you people never waste a minute to decide who is a terrorist and who is not? What Israel has been doing to Palestinians for the last 75 years is horrible.

    If Israel has no fault then why are Jews in the US demonstrating against the Israeli government? What Israel is doing to Palestinians is worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews during the WW2.

    1. ImIsraelChai Guest

      How are the passengers on the plane responsible for Israel?

    2. Huh? Guest

      Wow! The ignorance (or is it intentional "antisemitism"?) is unbelievablen

  6. Gentry Guest

    Just a quick typo comment: when you say Palestine I think you meant to say Gaza or Palestinians. Right or wrong, there is currently no Palestine.

    1. Callum Guest

      Palestine very clearly exists...

      There's a difference between not being an internationally recognised country and not existing. My house isn't recognised as a state - it still exists...

    2. Sara Smith Guest

      >Palestine very clearly exists...

      Lol, no. Just because you're a declared N*zi doesn't mean it's true. N*zi Callum.

    3. Callum Guest

      Are you a moron? Holocaust supporters like yourself don't want it to exist, but anyone with more than half a brain cell should be able to see that it DOES exist. Where on Earth do you think Palestinians live?

    4. Alan Diamond

      Of course it exists. Those living in Gaza and the PA controlled areas of the West Bank do not have Israeli citizenship and must travel on a Palestinian passport.

  7. D3Kingg Guest

    I’ve seen videos which have since been removed from online of Jewish babies heads being severed and Jewish children being forced on camera to watch their parents be murdered in front of them. I saw what it saw. I’m angry at uninformed free Palestine supporters in the US. The size of Israel will triple in size by early next year ?
    Just remember peace begins with me. Thank you. God bless and inshallah.

    1. Olel Guest

      In the same video, I also saw flying pigs

    2. Callum Guest

      I've seen videos of IDF bombing Palestinian babies, and Palestinian children being forced to watch their family get murdered in front of them.

      I'm angry at uninformed barbarians in the US actively supporting war crimes and campaigning for the slaughter of Gazan children.

      As disgusting as it was, this is exactly what happens when you colonise, oppress and then attempt genocide against a population. Peace cannot happen until that is stopped, and although your...

      I've seen videos of IDF bombing Palestinian babies, and Palestinian children being forced to watch their family get murdered in front of them.

      I'm angry at uninformed barbarians in the US actively supporting war crimes and campaigning for the slaughter of Gazan children.

      As disgusting as it was, this is exactly what happens when you colonise, oppress and then attempt genocide against a population. Peace cannot happen until that is stopped, and although your disgusting words show that your prayer for peace is insincere anyway, your God does not exist so won't be doing anything at all to help the situation.

  8. Dave Guest

    If Hamas had an underground base in Tel Aviv, would they carpet bomb Tel Aviv too? The logic in bombing Gaza is wrong, and constituted collective punishment which is against international law

    1. Huh? Guest

      @dave if they carpet bombed gaza, this war would have ended 3 weeks ago...
      They are working very very very hard to target Hamas "military".

    2. Callum Guest

      Then why did they announce - on the record - that they have "dropped hundreds of tons of bombs with the emphasis on damage and not on accuracy"? Certainly doesn't sound like they're working "very very very hard" to me. Are you ignorant or are you changing the facts because you know you cannot defend them?

      There's a reason why they offered shockingly little resistance to the Hamas invasion. The life of an Israeli citizen is worth more than 100 Palestinians.

  9. John MacGyver Guest

    Bem is a Zionist, a protest that where 0 people were hurt is sickening to him, but 75 years of etnich cleansing and murder of Arabs gets a pass. Boycott this site and all zionist businesses.

    1. ImIsraelChai Guest

      How is it ethnic cleansing is Palestinian population increased 6 times since 1960s?

  10. John MacGyver Guest

    No one was hurt. Meanwhile israeli jewish jewish zionist settlers have murdered 110 people in the West Bank (not in Gaza) in the last 2 weeks. I'm not going to mention the genocide being carried out in Gaza. Nuttinyahoo came on TV and said that scripture says that all "Amalek" including women, children, and cattle should be killed.

    In comparison this little protest is horrific for you?

  11. Ole Guest

    Hamas is guilt of killing innocent people (majority of Israelis, but there were folks from other nationalities too). But similarly, Israel is also guilty of killing innocent Palestinians. Both statements can be true at the same time.

    1. Max Guest

      You are equating Hamas intentionally targeting & killing peaceful civilians with Israel unfortunately due to population density in Gaza unintentionally causing collateral damage when hitting Hamas terrorists? Oftentimes these Civilians in Gaza voluntarily serving as human shields for their idols.

    2. Ole Guest

      There is no empirical evidence that Israel goes out of its way to limit civilian casualties. Also, as an government Israel has much greater moral obligation to minimize civilian casualties. Not to say, the Israel approach has not changed the situation one bit. In fact, its past and current rampant killing has only helped hamas recruit more people.

      Just like Hamas opposed the peace accord, Israelis including Netanyahu also opposed it. In fact he became...

      There is no empirical evidence that Israel goes out of its way to limit civilian casualties. Also, as an government Israel has much greater moral obligation to minimize civilian casualties. Not to say, the Israel approach has not changed the situation one bit. In fact, its past and current rampant killing has only helped hamas recruit more people.

      Just like Hamas opposed the peace accord, Israelis including Netanyahu also opposed it. In fact he became PM for the first time with the promise of walking away from peace agreement. Both - Israel and Hamas are equally responsible for every innocent Israeli and Palestinian death

    3. Ole Guest

      There is emiprical evidence, that Israel doesn’t care about who gets killed in their bombing. It has been confirmed by unbiased reputable international agencies after each and every major attack by Israel. Israel can send in special ops to kill hamas militants but bombing the hell out of Gaza isn’t serving any purpose. It is simply creating more hateful towards Israel in Palestinian survivors.

    4. callum Guest

      Yes - because Israel is just as disgusting as Hamas is.

      And no, it's not unintentional. If you remove your head from Netanyahu's backside and instead listen to the words coming out of his mouth, you will discover that they aren't "trying as hard as they can to avoid civilians" (hence why one of the most advanced armies in the planet is killing more children than they are militants). Israel has publicly - on...

      Yes - because Israel is just as disgusting as Hamas is.

      And no, it's not unintentional. If you remove your head from Netanyahu's backside and instead listen to the words coming out of his mouth, you will discover that they aren't "trying as hard as they can to avoid civilians" (hence why one of the most advanced armies in the planet is killing more children than they are militants). Israel has publicly - on video and on the record - stated numerous times that they don't care about accuracy and are focussed on causing damage. Again, hence why they're slaughtering UN staff, medical staff, hospitals and children on a massive scale (FAR more than Hamas did).

    5. Antwerp Guest

      No, Israel defends its nation against terrorists and barbarians who want nothing less than the slaughter of its people. If Palestinian innocents are killed, it's tragic, sure. But that is what happens when you provoke war year after year after year. And especially when you burn and decapitate the heads of Jewish children. Perhaps Palestinians will think better about enabling a terrorist organization next time to essentially run its military and government. Maybe THEY should...

      No, Israel defends its nation against terrorists and barbarians who want nothing less than the slaughter of its people. If Palestinian innocents are killed, it's tragic, sure. But that is what happens when you provoke war year after year after year. And especially when you burn and decapitate the heads of Jewish children. Perhaps Palestinians will think better about enabling a terrorist organization next time to essentially run its military and government. Maybe THEY should have thought of their children in not just turning a blind eye to Iran supplying and training 50K terrorists.

      Why? Innocent German citizens died every day when enabling its leaders to wage war across Europe and slaughter Jews. Innocent Russians will soon feel the pain of enabling a tyrant that murders the people of a sovereign nation for no reason other than nationalism. And Palestinians will soon learn that complacency and silence in allowing butchers to slaughter will be met with a force.

      Personally, I don't think it should stop there. We are just prolonging the pain. Until the head of the snake is cut off in Iran this will never stop. They will just keep getting everyone else to do their bidding. It's time to end the regime there once and for all. And if the people of Iran do not rise up (the reality is most want to), they deserve what's coming to them next as well. Because it will. I'm sick of this. All of it. Living in a world destabilized by religious zealots.

    6. Maryland Guest

      My prayers hope that both Palestinians and Israelis can step back to realize they now have a common enemy.

      The Kremlin and Iranian alliance ( probably temporary via Ukraine) has allowed a puppetry that is causing this pain through the funding of Hamas. God save us all from the mutual destruction they are leading everyone into. Please see that this is to their advantage, and nobody else.

  12. Ole Guest

    Whether left or right, the media, experts and politicians are mixing Palestine and Hamas. Anything you say in support of Palestine is construed as support for Hamas and terrorism. Anything you say against Hamas is construed as against Palestine. Palestine is not Hamas. One shouldn’t need a college degree to make this distinction, but alas folks with Ph D are unable to see the distinction.

  13. Daniel Guest

    Thank you for covering this story in such a balanced, sensible and sensitive way. I'm actually a bit surprised that some of the other big websites haven't covered it given that an entire airport had to be shut down. Your coverage means a lot and thank you again.

    1. Alan Diamond

      I suggest you read a bit more about what actually happened on Oct 7th. Much of what has been reported is not true


  14. Darryl Stewart Guest

    Ben, could I ask that you use the term 'Jewish People' as opposed to 'Jews'? It's moderately offensive to not use the word people when describing a group, particularly in cases where the group is a minority.

    1. Ole Guest

      Not trying to troll, but we don’t normally say Black People, Christian/Hindu/Muslim people. Normally they all are referred in plural- Blacks, Christians, Hindus, Muslims. Not sure where any level of offense comes from the work Jews?

    2. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      Not trying to troll, but we don’t normally say Black People, Christian/Hindu/Muslim people.

      What on Earth are you babbling about? Plenty of people say that.

    3. Darryl Stewart Guest

      Quite correct - I choose not to use it in the context of Muslims however.

    4. Ole Guest

      Just like plenty of people say blacks/muslims/hindus/christians etc.

    5. Darryl Stewart Guest

      Wow really, you say 'blacks' and 'muslims' and 'flamin' queers'? That's pretty distasteful... remember those are people you're referring to....

  15. Stop Bombing innocent people Guest

    What Israel is doing in Gaza is going to cause a Lot of Incidents like this in Future. The world has been without major Terrorist activities since 9/11. Many Politicians including Former US Presidents are warning Israel that when you wipe Off whole Palestinian Families there will always be a distant cousin who will be remember The whole Extended Family being wiped Out.
    If you travel Overseas, you can already see Extra armed Police...

    What Israel is doing in Gaza is going to cause a Lot of Incidents like this in Future. The world has been without major Terrorist activities since 9/11. Many Politicians including Former US Presidents are warning Israel that when you wipe Off whole Palestinian Families there will always be a distant cousin who will be remember The whole Extended Family being wiped Out.
    If you travel Overseas, you can already see Extra armed Police next to Israeli Flights. all it takes is one chance.
    All the Jews asking for a cease Fire are NOT Terrorist sympathizers. they like to enjoy Life without having to worry about a Lone Wolf.
    1) As far as Hamas attack is concerned, I would not have arranged for an All Night Party of Drinking and Dancing Right Outside The "Concenteration Camp" called Gaza. It is Like Taunting the Camp prisoners.
    2) Many US media including NY Times, CNN, CBS, Wapo,etc desribing Kibbutz and Jewish Homes outside of GAZA with "LUSH GARDENS" and "Swimming Pools" This is what people in Gaza were looking for

    1. Max Guest

      Bs. Neither has Gaza been an "open air prison"/"concentration camp", nor are swimming pools exclusive to Israel while Gaza population has none. There is ample photo and video evidence from Gaza showing that at least Hamas leadership and all their cronies do have such swimming pools at their luxury villas.

    2. Sara Smith Guest

      >What Israel is doing in Gaza is going to cause a Lot of Incidents like this in Future.

      You know what, I've had it with the muslim threats. I've reported you to the authorities for threatening terrorism.

    3. Indopithecus Guest

      Sara, the person you are threatening may not be Muslim at all! They may sincerely believe that a massively powerful nation like Israel should not be committing genocide in Gaza against a long-oppressed Arab population. Any problem with that? How rich is the fact that a people against whom genocide was committed by the Germans just 80 years ago (and earlier by European Christians) is now committing the same heinous crime! Think a little bit,...

      Sara, the person you are threatening may not be Muslim at all! They may sincerely believe that a massively powerful nation like Israel should not be committing genocide in Gaza against a long-oppressed Arab population. Any problem with that? How rich is the fact that a people against whom genocide was committed by the Germans just 80 years ago (and earlier by European Christians) is now committing the same heinous crime! Think a little bit, Sara, do not be taken in by Israeli and Western propaganda.

    4. Yassar Arapaho Guest

      Don’t be naive. There have been many terrorist attacks since 9/11.

      Eg - The 2002 Bali bombings that killed 2002 people

      -The July 2005 London attack where four suicide bombers killed 52 people and injured over 770.

      Just 2 that immediately came to mind.

  16. Stop Bombing innocent people Guest

    What Israel is doing in Gaza is going to cause a Lot of Incidents like this in Future. The world has been without major Terrorist activities since 9/11. Many Politicians including Former US Presidents are warning Israel that when you wipe Off whole Palestinian Families there will always be a distant cousin who will be remember The whole Extended Family being wiped Out.
    If you travel Overseas, you can already see Extra armed Police...

    What Israel is doing in Gaza is going to cause a Lot of Incidents like this in Future. The world has been without major Terrorist activities since 9/11. Many Politicians including Former US Presidents are warning Israel that when you wipe Off whole Palestinian Families there will always be a distant cousin who will be remember The whole Extended Family being wiped Out.
    If you travel Overseas, you can already see Extra armed Police next to Israeli Flights. all it takes is one chance.
    All the Jews asking for a cease Fire are NOT Terrorist sympathizers. they like to enjoy Life without having to worry about a Lone Wolf.
    1) As far as Hamas attack is concerned, I would not have arranged for an All Night Party of Drinking and Dancing Right Outside The "Concenteration Camp" called Gaza. It is Like Taunting the Camp prisoners.
    2) Many US media including NY Times, CNN, CBS, Wapo,etc desribing Kibbutz and Jewish Homes outside of GAZA with "LUSH GARDENS" and "Swimming Pools" This is what people in Gaza were looking for years, while they do not have drinking water or can only Bathe once a week with an allowance of 1-Gallon per person.
    You do not think this will cause resentment? Settlers taking over Paestinian Homes is another story.

    1. Jake Guest

      Your an apologist for non human monsters you f---king Jew hater. If you are a Jew your a kapo.

    2. 24 Hrs to vacate your Home of centuries Guest

      And you are an Angel for Killing Infants & Babies as young as 6 months Old By Bombing them 24/7. Remember in order to get one Hamas Fighter, Israel Bombed a whole Building Complex with Hundreds of people in them.
      Maybe you should look Back at History and see why Jews have been Kicked Out of every country in the world in the last 5000 years. When people say , "YOU Jew", It is not a compliment.

  17. echino Diamond

    Am I getting this correctly as someone not from the US: the US left is for Palestine, and the US right is for Israel, correct? To an outside observer, this left-right division in the US is deep and strange.

    1. BenjaminKohl Diamond

      Not exactly. Generally the right is for Israel, but the left is extremely split. This issue goes well beyond traditional party lines in the US.

    2. D3Kingg Guest

      I spent a year of high school in Israel. I was recruited by Shin Bet but didn’t have 20 20 vision. I also was a member of the New York Youth Symphony and had to return for duty.

  18. A_ Guest

    Quick correction to the third bullet point… it’s not just they’re “going to be” suffering, already over 3000 Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli rockets (more than double the amount of people that were killed by the original Hamas attack)

    1. Huh? Guest

      Sorry but that is a stupid comment.

      Hamas intentionally and horrifically butchered and burned and raped innocents.

      Israel is spending billions of dollars and putting their lives on the line to avoid civilians (who hate Israel and celebrated the Oct 07 massacre)

    2. Callum Guest

      Sorry but that's a stupid comment.

      Israel intentionally and horrifically butchered and burned innocents. Israel intentionally cut off power, water and food to millions of innocents. Israel intentionally keeps millions of innocents in an open air prison.

      Israel is spending billions of dollars dropping hundreds of tons of bombs indiscriminately across Gaza killing thousands of children (who are hated by Israelis who are celebrating the offensive).

    3. Alan Diamond

      I suggest you read a bit more about what actually happened on Oct 7th. Much of what has been reported is not true


    4. Max Guest

      1 You are quoting the Hamas propaganda numbers which based on past experience are usually 8-10x exaggerated and don't correctly distinguish between innocent civilians and Hamas fighters+support personnel.
      2 You forget to mention how many of these have not been killed by Israel, but by misled Hamas rockets (there have been more than 500 such dud rockets in the past 3 weeks).

    5. Sara Smith Guest

      So that's a few thousand fewer terrorists in the future. Got it.

    6. NoNameToday Member

      I will not believe a single number of dead in Gaza until someone other than Hamas tells us. And if they'd stop using their children as shields and put them in the tunnels instead of stockpiling weapons than the children would be safe.

  19. Golfingboy Guest

    So they were perfectly cool with what happened in Syria where thousands of innocent children were ruthlessly slaughtered by their own country in cahoots with the Al Assad regime. Maybe they should divert that energy towards their own government for the war crimes they committed. What is more appalling is the Kremlin refuses to take accountability for atrocities that took place at the airport.

    1. CHRIS Guest

      But....but....but.....Donald Trump......
      This rabid antisemitism is what's now being taught on American college campuses. Although I will say it is rather amusing to see the lgbtxyz++++ crowd going to bat for Hamas. I wonder if they know?....

  20. Brandon Biden Guest

    This sickening event is brought to you by many causal events, including the fact that many (not all) Muslims are born, bred and taught to hate Jews, from the pulpit, schools and textbooks they are given. Media around the Globe is predisposed against jews, Israel. And pure ignorance, like these cretins.
    Having said that, only prosperity, and loving your children MORE than hating Jews, will stop terrorism....it's up to them, but anyone who sympathizes...

    This sickening event is brought to you by many causal events, including the fact that many (not all) Muslims are born, bred and taught to hate Jews, from the pulpit, schools and textbooks they are given. Media around the Globe is predisposed against jews, Israel. And pure ignorance, like these cretins.
    Having said that, only prosperity, and loving your children MORE than hating Jews, will stop terrorism....it's up to them, but anyone who sympathizes with Hamas, is just low information, garbage.

    1. John MacGyver Guest

      Jews in israel taught to kill Arabs as children, this training is backed up by their scripture. There are tons of videos on youtube of classrooms full of jewish kids being taught to kill Arabs. Netanyahoo went on TV and said quoted a verse saying all "Amaleks" and their children and cattle should be killed. Only solution to the mid east problem to disarm the IDF and send the European settlers back to Europe.

    2. Jstu Guest

      Please provide YouTube link. I'll wait

  21. Ben Guest

    the jews are commiting genocide, but i guess that doesn't matter does it?

    1. Max Guest


      Gaza population has been increasing 10x in recent decades. There is not even a single downwards dent in the population curve. If that’s a ‘genocide’, it must be the least successful one in history of mankind.

    2. Herecomesthesun Guest

      Not a genocide?

    3. Indopithecus Guest

      Watch al Jazeera (not Zionist-controlled US channels) and read reports by Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to see today's reality. Also I recommend reading Max Blumenthal's 'Grayzone' reports and listening to Norman Finkelstein about what's going on in Palestine today. Do you not have an ounce of humanity in you?

    4. Icarus Guest

      You say “ the Jews” with disdain like it applies to all of them. It’s the Israeli government. Jews in other countries have nothing to do with it. Moron

  22. Herecomesthesun Guest

    Antisemitism and Islamophobia should be condemned unequivocally and I condemn them both. There’s no place for hate in this world. There should also be no place for genocide, apartheid, bombing of civilians especially children, women, the elderly and hospitalized, human rights violations, and war crimes.

    1. Sara Smith Guest

      You can absolutely hate a religion, stop making a religion the equivalent of an ethnicity.

      Islam has horrific attitudes towards women and minorities, no matter what your American sensibilities try to tell you. You're more than welcome to not like Islam for that (or any) reason.

      You are *not* more than welcome to hate anyone for their ethnicity, however.

    2. Herecomesthesun Guest

      So are you saying you hate Muslims because you hate their religion?

    3. Sara Smith Guest

      I hate islam, yes. That's a perfectly acceptable position. I hate that set of ideas and I stay away from people who subscribe to that racist, homophobic ideology.

      In fact, let me ask you: why do you support a religion whose supporters kill LGBTQ+ people in its name?

      Islam is basically n*zism in different clothes. It's not a coindince Mein Kampf is a bestseller across the muslim wold.

      So why are you a homophobe?...

      I hate islam, yes. That's a perfectly acceptable position. I hate that set of ideas and I stay away from people who subscribe to that racist, homophobic ideology.

      In fact, let me ask you: why do you support a religion whose supporters kill LGBTQ+ people in its name?

      Islam is basically n*zism in different clothes. It's not a coindince Mein Kampf is a bestseller across the muslim wold.

      So why are you a homophobe? You do realize this blog is run by a member of that community, right? You support throwing LGTBQ+ people off of rooftops like they do in Gaza. Why?

    4. Herecomesthesun Guest

      I beg your pardon? Are you that twisted and sick in the head that you will assume you know what my thoughts are on anyone's sexual orientation or that I even care?

      What's more concerning is that you are openly expressing your hatred of Islam and posting Islamophobic comments and no one bat an eyelid. Had someone posted that kind of hatred towards Judaism and made anti-Semitic comments, all hell would have broken loose. Just goes to show how low humanity has stooped.

    5. Steve Diamond

      It is quite comical how obsessed the far left in America has become to loving Hamas and accepting Islam not knowing that 99% of what they believe in personally would not be tolerated in Islam but yeah lets keep supporting people who would kill for being gay!

    6. NG Guest

      A lot of people these past few weeks have been pretending that they don't understand the moral distinction between deliberately killing civilians for the sake of killing civilians and attacking a military target where civilians are likely to die as an unintended consequence

  23. Sara Smith Guest

    This is what GUWonder was calling for. It's sad to see this kind of racist hatred unfold.

    However, it is not surprising when people like that can spew their N*zi rants as they please.

    It's time we stood up to the N*zis again, no matter their skin color. GUWonder, consider this your notice.

  24. Peter Guest

    I know I shouldn’t expect logical thinking from russians after over 18 months of their barbarism and butchery in Ukraine, but given the circumstances, why would they fly Jewish refugees to a predominantly Muslim region?

    1. Icarus Guest

      There are around 4-500 Jewish families already living in the region and probably in fear now of a pogrom.

  25. Samo Guest

    Mind you, this is the country that invaded another one and killed millions to "fight Nazis". Go figure...

  26. Dan Guest

    Politicians use war as leverage to gain power. That’s the only reason it exists. So, we just need to get rid of all the politicians. Poof it’s solved.

  27. Jamal Guest

    This is such a tragic situation and I grieve for all of the innocents lives that have been lost on both sides.

    Hopefully, one day, there will be leaders of good will on both sides of this conflict with the vision, courage and wisdom to negotiate a peaceful two-state solution.

  28. Honest Reader Guest

    I totally agree that the narratives around this conflict are so toxic and filled with blame and this only serves to fuel the conflict further.
    People should only talk in terms of reasonable solutions or not say anything at all

  29. Icarus Guest

    The attacks in Israel on 7 October were abhorrent however it has no been helped by attacks on Gaza since then killing hundreds of children, families and innocent people. It is likely hostages are also amongst them. It has to stop.

    Gaza is like a ghetto. There are 2 billion muslims and around just 14 million jews with around half living in Israel. Many arab states do nothing to help the plight of Palestinians...

    The attacks in Israel on 7 October were abhorrent however it has no been helped by attacks on Gaza since then killing hundreds of children, families and innocent people. It is likely hostages are also amongst them. It has to stop.

    Gaza is like a ghetto. There are 2 billion muslims and around just 14 million jews with around half living in Israel. Many arab states do nothing to help the plight of Palestinians as they simply do not care, with wealthy Saudi Arabia preferring to spend billions on architecture.

    The issue with these nazi troglodytes is they believe all jews support Israel

  30. Sad_State_of_Our_Nation Guest


    You blame the left when trump and republicans support putin and russia (and don't forget their open praise of nazis and white supremacists).

    It never ceases to amaze me how the right can over and over again demonstrate either cavernous stupidity or equally impressive hypocrisy (don't know which one makes them look worse).

  31. TravelinWilly Diamond

    These comments will surely change minds for all who read them.

  32. CecilO Guest

    I’m surprised Tim Dunn hasn’t chimed in that these riots were actually precipitated by lack of “Premium” service to Dagestan by the likes of Delta!

  33. LeonR Member

    Nothing about this mob was “anti-Israel.” They weren’t yelling “kill the Israelis!” They were yelling KILL THE JEWS. This was an anti-Semitic mob

  34. Creditcrunch Diamond

    It’s such an incredibly complex situation with polar narratives, regional and international influences, without writing a position paper it’s hard to quantify solutions and points of view in a blog comment. I fear all we are going to read here is anti and pro Zionist rhetoric.

    1. Antwerp Guest

      Which is exactly why there will be war across the Middle East. Nothing will stop it from happening now. But to be fair, we are fighting that war in the wrong place. It finally needs to come to Iran. It's time that we cut off the head of the snake that feeds extremism across the world or it will never end.

  35. Joe Guest

    What surprises me most is the “queers for palestine”. Do these geniuses know theyd throw them off rooftops in gaza?

    1. ImmortalSynn Guest

      How is that surprising? It's pretty par for the course. You see poor people cheering for tax cuts on capital-gains. You see women of childbearing age saying that rape shouldn't be an exemption to anti-abortion laws. You see old people supporting politicians who want to cut Medicare and steal (err, sorry: "privatize) Social Security.

      Logic surrounding personal interest, very often doesn't factor into people's socio-political stances.

  36. joeblonik787 Gold

    There’s no such country as Palestine. The conflict is between Israel and Hamas. Saying “between Israel and Hamas” is like saying “between Turkey and Kurdistan.”

    A country doesn’t suddenly exist just because a group wants it to.

    1. tda1986 Diamond

      You do realize that not all conflicts are between sovereign nations, right? Ben recognizing a conflict between "Israel and Palestine" does not imply any sort of opinion on whether Palestine is its own country, as you seem to think.

    2. Krams Guest

      It's an interesting point though -- around 140 countries recognize Palestine. Only a hundred or so recognize Kosovo, and probably no more than a dozen recognize Taiwan.

    3. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      "A country doesn’t suddenly exist just because a group wants it to."


      USA, Taiwan, Northern Cyprus, South Sudan, just about every ex-Soviet republic/federation, Slovakia, Montenegro, Brunei, Namibia.... etc etc

  37. DaBluBoi Guest

    This comment section is about to get real ugly...

    I appreciate your comments on the conflict, Ben, though I also think this comment section should be locked

    1. Steve Diamond

      Locking comments does not generate clicks, engagements and shares. Unfortuntely Ben needs the clicks on these types of posts in order to provide unbiased and unpaid reviews which we love. We dont want this site and the reviews turning into paid content like TPG so we can put up with these post every once in a while, its much better than the alternative.

  38. Mr. Corvin Guest

    Well said. For Jews, the images of a mob running around looking for Jews (with the obvious intent to attack them) bring back dark times in Jewish history.
    It's worth mentioning that the war in Israel/Gaza led these people (who are not Palestinian) to attack Jews, just because they are Jews.

  39. Josie Guest

    There’s no such country as Palestine. The conflict is between Israel and Hamas. Saying “between Israel and Hamas” is like saying “between Turkey and Kurdistan.”

    A country doesn’t suddenly exist just because a group wants it to.

    1. rpearson Diamond

      I agree that Hamas is a primary target - and they are the ones who who instigated the brutal rampage on 7 October. But Israel has responded to attacks from other Palestinians as well - including the PLO in the West Bank, and Hezbollah which includes Palestinians left from the Civial War that they brought to Lebanon. Also - Isreal has attacked the airports in Syria to stop munitions from coming to the Palestinians and Hamas.

    2. Indopithecus Guest

      Palestine-denialists are the most primitive, brainwashed, and benighted of Zionists.

  40. Hang in there Guest

    Why ya writing a very sensical position on something that's gonna get you flamed from both sides anyway?

    1. BenjaminKohl Diamond

      Because that funds all the other amazing content on this blog

  41. FMLAX Guest

    As horrible as all of this is, it was immediately made worse by Peskov lying about Western influence being the cause kf the riots.

    The fact is this incident was caused by home-baked antisemitism. Russia has no one to blame but itself.

  42. Jerry Guest

    IDF and Terrorist settlers has been slaughtering unarmed Palestinians in the West Bank for decades. No one ever writes about it except a few international news outlets.

    Israel’s powerful military is now genociding Gaza which has no military. This is not a war. Israel dropping bombs on kids while they sleep in their homes is not a war. That’s terrorism and genocide and the world is much more well informed today than in the...

    IDF and Terrorist settlers has been slaughtering unarmed Palestinians in the West Bank for decades. No one ever writes about it except a few international news outlets.

    Israel’s powerful military is now genociding Gaza which has no military. This is not a war. Israel dropping bombs on kids while they sleep in their homes is not a war. That’s terrorism and genocide and the world is much more well informed today than in the past. Targeting unarmed innocent civilians is never justified.

    1. Antwerp Guest

      If the Palestinian (Iranian) Public Relations and Marketing Department only worked as hard during peace than when at war all of this would have been avoided. They should have thought about their children's future before. Our children are also tired of living in a world uprooted by extremists and terrorists. Nor more. Game over.

    2. Joe Guest

      I have a great idea for you. How about you go assist in the efforts. Bunch of cowards, all of you. So uneducated.

    3. Jerry Guest

      I’ve been there I saw it with my own eyes. We were told to remove our crucifixes by IDF an East Jerusalem. I saw “Jewish only“ roads. That’s not a democracy, it’s only disguised as such.

      Your education has a lot more to be desired

    4. TravelinWilly Diamond

      "Israel’s powerful military is now genociding..."

      Genocide is not a verb, it's a noun. "Genociding" is not a word. Gerunds (including "ing") work with verbs to create nouns for some words. Genocide is not one of them.

    5. rpearson Diamond

      I apologize in advance for the length of my reply here. But I read many repugnant comments. The Palestinians have been killing the Jews for 3000 years, and Hamas has a stated goal of killing ALL jewish people, everywhere. They have been sending incursions into Israel to try and accomplish their goal for the last 20 years. The heinous Hamas attack of October 7 included burning people alive and be-heading children in Israel. There are...

      I apologize in advance for the length of my reply here. But I read many repugnant comments. The Palestinians have been killing the Jews for 3000 years, and Hamas has a stated goal of killing ALL jewish people, everywhere. They have been sending incursions into Israel to try and accomplish their goal for the last 20 years. The heinous Hamas attack of October 7 included burning people alive and be-heading children in Israel. There are over 2 million muslims in Israel and the being attacked as well.
      In case you wish to understand what the PLO did - here is thee Israeli ambassador to the UN. https://youtu.be/c7tmepPKIJE
      Hamas and the PLO both represent the the Palestinian people. There may be innocent civilans in Gaza city but most of the "innocent" have moved South. Those that remain are the ones continuing to empower Hamas - so I say there are "no innocent women and children" left in this area.
      The Palestinains are uniformly hated by their neighbors - Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Jordan (Eygpt keeps the border crossing closed, and flooded the Palestinian tunnels for that reason).
      Sadly - US policy has exerbated problems. Only one week before the atrocioties of 7 Oct, Jake Sullivan was published in Foreign Affairs and claimed that all the Middle East problems were all caused by Trump, but bragged that his progressive policies had resulted in "peace" in the Middle East. This policy included allowing Iran to break the embargo, and a wink at resuming nuclear weapon manufacture. (To cover up his failed policies, he has since rewritten his article with an emphasis on a caution that he doesn't know how long it will last!! It is now difficult to find the original article but you can still find it and read it yourself).
      I fully support Israel. Hamas will not exist at the end of this and we will finally have a Palestine free of Hamas. I hope and pray that it doesn't spread.

  43. Mak Guest

    A small but critical correction: It was not an "Anti-Israel Mob," but an "Anti-Jewish Mob." This event - and too many others - make it very clear that this is not just about Israel but Jews wherever they are. When the so-called "Progressive Left" talks about "globalizing the Intifada," this is what they're talking about.

    1. Chuck Guest

      You might have had it, but then you absolutely blew it.

  44. Joe Guest

    Beautifully said, as having family living in Israel they simply cannot live like this anymore. People are uneducated, there is no “occupation” we allow them to live freely. They need to be freed from hamas. The difference is hamas wants to annihilate the Jewish nation, we will live but peacefully. Thank you for bringing up how crazy these people are, you dont see anyone getting threatened at israelis protests.

    1. Vlady Guest

      how about west bank where there is no hamas, but are a lot of illegal settler invaders?

    2. MK Guest

      Lol.. “cannot live like this anymore”… the irony in that statement is mind numbing.. wonder what you think of the conditions for decades that the Palestinian population living next to your family having been going through.

      Oh sorry- I must be getting brainwashed from the worlds most effective Palestinian PR arm.. ‍♂️

    3. blake Guest

      MK, have you considered the cause of the deplorable conditions the Palestinians (including the innocent ones) live in?

      You seem to have missed the part where Hamas steals all of the humanitarian aid that countries (including Israel) give to the Palestinians and instead use it to build tunnels and rockets to try to kill more Jews with.

    4. rpearson Diamond

      The Oslo Peace Accord is an example of how much the Palestinians wanted peace. They broke the agreement the day after arrafat signed it.

    5. Jerry Guest

      So imposing a blockade on Gaza where Israel controls all aspects of life for Palestinians including what they eat, drink, soap they use, arming illegal settlers to seize Palestinian homes is your definition of letting them live freely ? God save us.

    6. Antwerp Guest

      @MK and Jerry

      Imagine Gaza today if after 2016 all the efforts in arming and training 50K radical Hamas militants had been instead used to educate, seed economic development, and encourage its citizens towards peace and prosperity? They should have thought of their children then. Yes, I'm tired of hearing talking points from the Palestinian PR Department. If they only worked as hard during peace. Too late now and as much as you wish to stop it it's game over.

    7. Dan Guest

      Prosperity how? The Israeli govt has enjoyed (until Oct 7) a divisive government like Hamas (a recent UN poll put the popularity of Hamas close to 20% in Gaza) and certainly welcomed divisions amongst Palestinians. You think they really wanted a thriving Gaza next to them (which would be a clear case of liberate west bank as well) or instead wanted people to live lives no one in the world wants to live. We can...

      Prosperity how? The Israeli govt has enjoyed (until Oct 7) a divisive government like Hamas (a recent UN poll put the popularity of Hamas close to 20% in Gaza) and certainly welcomed divisions amongst Palestinians. You think they really wanted a thriving Gaza next to them (which would be a clear case of liberate west bank as well) or instead wanted people to live lives no one in the world wants to live. We can always argue that Israel restricted goods from entering (through the Karem Shalom crossing) for security reasons but they also restricted trade coming out. Why ? if not to make lives a total misery, encourage fanatics and give you an excuse to increase your west bank settlments.

    8. rpearson Diamond

      You ask why? Perhaps it was due to the numerous incursions from Gaza. Of course Hamas built tunnels - with headquarters under hospitals, public buildings and houses of the "innocent". Antwerp is correct when he said, "Too late now and as much as you wish to stop it it's game over."

    9. Dan Guest

      I support the right for Israel to exist and I also think that Palestinians are unrealistic when they keep claims like the right of return. But the whole Gaza could have been a new Singapore is equally bullshit. Its not because the prison guard is in the cell with the prisonner that the prisonner is free. Whilst Gaza shares the Rafah border with Egypt, this is only opened to people. Goods have to go through...

      I support the right for Israel to exist and I also think that Palestinians are unrealistic when they keep claims like the right of return. But the whole Gaza could have been a new Singapore is equally bullshit. Its not because the prison guard is in the cell with the prisonner that the prisonner is free. Whilst Gaza shares the Rafah border with Egypt, this is only opened to people. Goods have to go through the Karem Shalom crossing which almost restricts all trade (nothing can come out of Gaza and only some rationed and basic food (no chocolates for instance), some medical supply (Gaza hospitals typically dont have chemotherapy so patients need to get permits to travel to East Jerusalem which seldom happens) and some fuel. There was a reason that the Gaza flotilla tried to break the blocus in 2011.

    10. Herecomesthesun Guest

      What world do you live in? The Zionists’ propaganda world when you say there’s no occupation and they can live freely? Clearly you turn a blind eye on what the UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and any other credible international aid agency has been saying for years that Israel is illegally occupying Palestinian land. Wow. Just wow.

    11. Open you eyes and ears Guest

      It's mond boggling how anyone still thinks any of those organizations have any credibility to them. It's been shown again and again how biased against Israel they are.

    12. Alan Diamond

      I am dumbfounded at your naivety. The Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are far from being free. They are not even permitted to visit Israel proper without special permission. They are not permitted to fly out of Tel Aviv but are rather required to travel to Jordan. In the case of Hebron a portion of the old city is literally off limits to them. I was visiting friends on the Palestinian side....

      I am dumbfounded at your naivety. The Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza are far from being free. They are not even permitted to visit Israel proper without special permission. They are not permitted to fly out of Tel Aviv but are rather required to travel to Jordan. In the case of Hebron a portion of the old city is literally off limits to them. I was visiting friends on the Palestinian side. I was able to take an Israel bus direct to Jerusalem; they are not.
      How is this freedom? Israel should grant them citizenship rather than having them live like apartheid times in South Africa.

  45. Chris W Guest

    Disable the comments for this one, Ben.

    1. Mak Guest

      I think Ben should let people express themselves exactly as they want, which might likely expose exactly how widespread an issue this is . . . which will not be pleasant to learn, but none of us should fool ourselves about the scope of the problem.

    2. Sara Smith Guest

      If you can't handle words, don't look. Man, Americans are a bunch of toddlers.

    3. ConcordeBoy Diamond

      I get that you aren't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you actually have no idea what this commenter's nationality is..... sorta ironic, considering some of your comments above.

    4. Sara Smith Guest

      Lol, ConcordeBoy - look him up on Flyertalk and see his comments about flight attendants' breast sizes. No, I'm not kidding.

      I don't think you're one to aKShuAlLy anyone, honey. Go eat your McDonald's.

    5. Pierre Diamond

      That comment is akin to breaking the thermometer to conceal that one has a fever.

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LeonR Member

Nothing about this mob was “anti-Israel.” They weren’t yelling “kill the Israelis!” They were yelling KILL THE JEWS. This was an anti-Semitic mob

Mak Guest

A small but critical correction: It was not an "Anti-Israel Mob," but an "Anti-Jewish Mob." This event - and too many others - make it very clear that this is not just about Israel but Jews wherever they are. When the so-called "Progressive Left" talks about "globalizing the Intifada," this is what they're talking about.

Joe Guest

What surprises me most is the “queers for palestine”. Do these geniuses know theyd throw them off rooftops in gaza?

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