Early Friday morning, we saw a major global IT outage, impacting all kinds of industries, including many airlines. In the United States, all of the “big three” US carriers — American, Delta, and United — were impacted by this.
What’s interesting to see is how inconsistent the recovery has been between airlines. Delta is in absolute meltdown mode, with no end to this disaster in sight.
In this post:
Delta horribly underperforms peers with recovery
FlightAware publishes data on flight cancelations and delays, and it’s interesting to look at how that has played out over the past few days. Among the big three US carriers, operational performance has essentially been the inverse of financial performance. American has recovered best, followed by United, followed by Delta. Let’s look at some of the statistics.
On Friday, July 19, 2024:
- Delta cancelled 1,207 (39%) flights, and delayed 1,867 (49%) flights
- United cancelled 694 (22%) flights, and delayed 1,898 (61%) flights
- American cancelled 408 (11%) flights, and delayed 1,757 (47%) flights
On Saturday, July 20, 2024:
- Delta cancelled 1,194 (36%) flights, and delayed 1,426 (43%) flights
- United cancelled 447 (15%) flights, and delayed 1,118 (38%) flights
- American cancelled 44 (1%) flights, and delayed 1,305 (35%) flights
On Sunday, July 21, 2024:
- Delta cancelled 1,377 (36%) flights, and delayed 1,584 (42%) flights
- United cancelled 266 (9%) flights, and delayed 719 (24%) flights
- American cancelled 92 (2%) flights, and delayed 1,638 (43%) flights
On Monday, July 22, 2024 (as of 6AM ET):
- Delta cancelled 578 (15%) flights, and delayed 97 (2%) flights
- United cancelled 12 (0%) flights, and delayed 43 (1%) flights
- American cancelled 36 (1%) flights, and delayed 87 (2%) flights
It’s worth emphasizing that the numbers for Delta are way worse than the above even suggests. Delta’s wholly owned regional subsidiary, Endeavor Air, has been having the same issues as Delta, so the numbers there are really bad as well, worse than at the regionals of the other US carriers.
I expect that Delta’s delay and cancelation numbers will increase significantly throughout Monday (way more than at American and United), and it’ll be several days before the airline is running anything resembling a reliable operation.

Why is Delta struggling so much right now?
It seems like American, Delta, and United, were all impacted by the same initial problem, but the recoveries have been wildly different, so what’s going on here?
As you can see, Delta’s numbers are absolutely brutal. On Friday, 88% of Delta flights were delayed or cancelled, on Saturday, 79% of flights were delayed or cancelled, and on Sunday, 78% of flights were delayed or cancelled. That’s not good at all. Yet when you go to Delta’s flight status page, the airline throws in your face how it’s the “on-time machine,” heh.

The current Delta meltdown feels a whole lot like the Southwest meltdown in December 2022, in terms of the operation getting to a point where it’s basically just not functioning. And that seems to be for good reason, as the challenge with the recovery has the same root cause.
Long story short, Delta reached a critical level of flight cancelations where the company’s scheduling software stopped working. Now pilots and flight attendants are having to be assigned to trips manually, and that’s an incredibly complex process. This is also exactly what happened with Southwest a couple of years ago.
Here’s how Delta CEO Ed Bastian explains this issue in an open letter:
Like many companies worldwide, Delta was impacted on Friday morning by an outside vendor technology issue, which prompted us to pause flying while our systems were offline.
The technology issue occurred on the busiest travel weekend of the summer, with our booked loads exceeding 90%, limiting our reaccommodation capabilities. I want to apologize to every one of you who have been impacted by these events. Delta is in the business of connecting the world, and we understand how difficult it can be when your travels are disrupted.
Specifically, the issue impacted the Microsoft Windows operating system. Delta has a significant number of applications that use that system, and in particular one of our crew tracking-related tools was affected and unable to effectively process the unprecedented number of changes triggered by the system shutdown. Our teams have been working around the clock to recover and restore full functionality.

Bottom line
A major global IT outage caused big issues for airlines over the past few days. What’s interesting is how differently the situation has evolved for airlines. American has recovered pretty nicely (for once), United is struggling but improving, and Delta is in a horrible spot.
While several airlines dealt with the same initial issue, Delta’s crew planning software has largely stopped working, and crews are having to be assigned to trips manually. That’s no small task, especially with so many planes and crews out of place
If you’re flying any airline in the coming days, I wouldn’t necessarily count on everything going as planned. And if you’re flying Delta, I’d basically count on it not going as planned.
Are any OMAAT readers caught up in Delta’s operational issues?
looks like the DoT is opening an investigation into DL over this, is that good?
Why is everyone paying attention to someone not even in the arena?
I’ve read through the comments and find the ones from Tim Dunn predicting a triumphant return from DL and problems for AA and UA laughable. It’s easy to be an armchair QB from your home. It’s much harder to be in the middle of the situation trying to return home from a business trip to ATL last Friday.
I’m a Platinum Medallion that found myself in that situation with a 7:35 PM flight to...
I’ve read through the comments and find the ones from Tim Dunn predicting a triumphant return from DL and problems for AA and UA laughable. It’s easy to be an armchair QB from your home. It’s much harder to be in the middle of the situation trying to return home from a business trip to ATL last Friday.
I’m a Platinum Medallion that found myself in that situation with a 7:35 PM flight to return home to CVG. Against my better judgement, I returned my rental car at 5 PM, since my flight was showing on time. The flight was canceled roughly an hour before departure. Then, the Fly Delta app would not update at all. So, I stood in a one hour line at the Delta Sky Club® for a 10:35 PM rebooking. That flight was delayed to 12:05 AM and was then delayed another 6 times before finally being canceled at 3:00 AM for lack of crew. Lack of information and failure to cancel the flights when Delta knew it could not operate them is unacceptable for a “premium” airline.
I was fortunate. While waiting at the gate for my long delayed 10:35 PM departure, I was able to secure a one-way Hertz rental car at 9 AM Saturday morning. I drove the 6 1/2 hours back to CVG and then 40 minutes back to my own home on about an hour of sleep. I left the airport at 3:30 AM early Saturday because the customer service lines were about a half mile long and went to a hotel lobby near the airport to wait for my rental car. At that time the airport resembled a refugee camp with passengers sleeping everywhere, including in the walkways between the terminals.
Delta never reached out to offer any assistance, and I never received any hotel or meal vouchers. I’m happy to have made it home less than 24 hours after the ordeal started for me! With delays or cancellations on 6 of the last 8 segments I have taken on DL over the past 5 weeks, I am really fed up with their operation. I booked a flight on Sun Country for a trip to Minneapolis for an upcoming wedding I am traveling to in August. I don’t know if I will come back to Delta or not. I do know an airline can’t charge premium prices, if they do not provide premium service. No amount of gaslighting from their supporters can change an actual experience. Home thanks to Hertz! If not for them, I might still be at ATL…
“as I have noted multiple times, Delta runs a larger mainline operation than either AA or UA - in fact, DL carries more domestic ASMs on its own metal than any other airline.
Only WN operates a larger mainline operation in terms of flights but they do not generate near as many ASMs.”
-False. WN carries more domestic ASMs than DL when excluding branded codeshare partners with AA carrying more than DL if...
“as I have noted multiple times, Delta runs a larger mainline operation than either AA or UA - in fact, DL carries more domestic ASMs on its own metal than any other airline.
Only WN operates a larger mainline operation in terms of flights but they do not generate near as many ASMs.”
-False. WN carries more domestic ASMs than DL when excluding branded codeshare partners with AA carrying more than DL if you include branded codeshare partners. For total ASMs, that’s UA>DL.
Yet another factually inaccurate claim made by Tim Dunn. Yet another attempt at trying to salvage a fifth straight day of double digit cancellation rates for DL.
I think it's absolutely hilarious how Timmy keeps getting roasted and have his claims debunked.
I've never seen anyone get dumped on this heavily since the Kendrick/Drake beef. Is Tim Dunn even aware of that? It appears that he centres his whole life on DAL/Delta, probably not.
I think we should take a step back.
Tim Dunn is unstable, which affects his analysis. He uses the word "fact" when convenient, and sometimes just made up. He uses the internet to attempt to feed his deprived and/or harmed ego. He needs help, and I think by just ignoring his comments going forward...at first, he'll rage...but hopefully in the end he'll settle down if we don't comment. Best case, he'll seek therapy. If...
I think we should take a step back.
Tim Dunn is unstable, which affects his analysis. He uses the word "fact" when convenient, and sometimes just made up. He uses the internet to attempt to feed his deprived and/or harmed ego. He needs help, and I think by just ignoring his comments going forward...at first, he'll rage...but hopefully in the end he'll settle down if we don't comment. Best case, he'll seek therapy. If he's truthful with himself to do that, then I'll be happy for him. I'd actually like to have a rational conversation with the guy...but he's not in the place of mind for that now.
That's exactly what happened on the CrankyFlier blog.
No one ever bothers to counter any DL-related aspect of his comment there these days.
It takes forever to write these multi-paragraph comments and Timmy does a lot of that.
Timmyboy how is your portfolio doing in the last 3 months??
You're losing your pants, right?
You're long DAL and short UAL, right?
Now Timmyboy, this time jokes aside, you seem to believe that you can have an impact on stock prices by feverishly commenting and lying on social media. You're wasting your time. There's nothing you can do as an individual to influence stock prices.
Delta is a fine airline and so...
Timmyboy how is your portfolio doing in the last 3 months??
You're losing your pants, right?
You're long DAL and short UAL, right?
Now Timmyboy, this time jokes aside, you seem to believe that you can have an impact on stock prices by feverishly commenting and lying on social media. You're wasting your time. There's nothing you can do as an individual to influence stock prices.
Delta is a fine airline and so is United. Delta will get out of the hole sooner rather than later, but the problem is that Delta has been overhyped and in relative terms is way overvalued when compared to United. A correction of that overvaluation will happen simply because is too big. Even if Delta goes back to running a smoother operation.
Kirby got everything right during the pandemic. He bet heavily on international travel coming back and didn't retire a single wide-body while the rest of the industry did. He placed huge orders for new aircraft when everybody else was scared. He was the first to foresee the pilot shortage and got ready to massively replace regionals with mainline, He also bet heavily on premium travel and at the same time successfully created a basic economy product to compete with the LCCs.
To be a successful investor you need to adapt to changes in the competitive landscape. You're failing at this. In the future United will be a much stronger competitor for Delta. Delta will still be a fine airline, but it will face a much stronger competitor whose stock is way undervalued,
Relax and take it easy. Your words are not gonna change reality.
He also owns LUV/Southwest stock. One only needs to look at his SeekingAlpha profile.
We saw the consequences of the Delta-is-Number-One mentality today. NWA had procedures put in place that would have avoided this.
United does not suffer from this hubris. Their management team is diverse with people from AA/US/sCO/sUA/NW/outside the industry. That creates a very healthy culture at corporate.
I am genuinely concerned for Tim's mental health and Delta obsession.
He has commented on this article over 100 times, but claims he is "as cool as a cucumber" while replying almost immediately to half of the comments in real-time. That level of cognitive dissonance is very telling about someone's mental state.
And this is not the only place he's doing it. He's also been commenting at View from the Wing and Live and Let's Fly all day long, and his words are getting more and more furious.
He's literally spending all his time commenting on the internet just to defend Delta.
This would be a good time to note that AA has a worse on-time percentage than DL right now for today despite the fact that DL is "melting down" but this is all just routine summer operations for AA.
and iamhere, as I have noted multiple times, Delta runs a larger mainline operation than either AA or UA - in fact, DL carries more domestic ASMs on its own metal than any other airline.
This would be a good time to note that AA has a worse on-time percentage than DL right now for today despite the fact that DL is "melting down" but this is all just routine summer operations for AA.
and iamhere, as I have noted multiple times, Delta runs a larger mainline operation than either AA or UA - in fact, DL carries more domestic ASMs on its own metal than any other airline.
Only WN operates a larger mainline operation in terms of flights but they do not generate near as many ASMs.
And Endeavor clearly uses DL's own crew tracking system.
LMAO the cope is unreal - Delta messed up big time and will have one of, if not likely the biggest, meltdowns in history. This is an undeniable FACT as you like to say and the DOT has literally said it is DELTA’s fault (post Saturday).
You claimed this morning Delta would have massive improvements - they have ~1050 cancellation (likely will end ~1100+) vs 1200 on Friday. You were WRONG. Marginal improvement (and more...
LMAO the cope is unreal - Delta messed up big time and will have one of, if not likely the biggest, meltdowns in history. This is an undeniable FACT as you like to say and the DOT has literally said it is DELTA’s fault (post Saturday).
You claimed this morning Delta would have massive improvements - they have ~1050 cancellation (likely will end ~1100+) vs 1200 on Friday. You were WRONG. Marginal improvement (and more cancellations than AA and United COMBINED have had at any point during this meltdown). They have 150+ cancellations already tomorrow and counting - the expectation is things won’t get better till the weekend (as per their internal memo) so expect minimum 500+ each in the next 2 days.
Bragging about 2-3% fewer delays when there’s a MAJOR variable you’re ignoring (like 30% more cancellations) strains your credibility - at times, you make good points on airline information and clearly have knowledge, but this manipulation and BLATANT intellectual dishonesty hurts you and cheapens this blog.
You honestly don’t realize that Delta has canceled fewer flights year to date than either American or United even including this operational event?
You and a whole lot of people want to hang Delta for one event, but you excuse months and months of inferior operations at American and United.
The data is overwhelming. Delta consistently runs a better operation over an entire year even with a meltdown like this.
@Tim Dunn. "hang Delta"...in the way that you're hanging yourself by being figuratively (and likely literally) on the verge of crazy today? Are you so socially and professionally inept that you have spent you entire day on this thread?
Go do some volunteer work not related to DL or the airline industry. You need a balance in life...
This is starting to feel like parody, no one can be seriously be this delusional, right? Maybe Tim Dunn is actually an AA/UA paid psyop campaign against Delta.
Hmmm well YTD cancellations (as of April) as per the DOT:
- Delta: 803
- American: 3052
- United: 5727
Then add in the cancellations we know of SO FAR with this event:
- Delta: 5066 (AND COUNTING - will be very likely 1000+ more)
- United: 1476
- American: 643
We do not have the actuals in data from May-July, BUT AGAIN it is very likely Delta is now ON...
Hmmm well YTD cancellations (as of April) as per the DOT:
- Delta: 803
- American: 3052
- United: 5727
Then add in the cancellations we know of SO FAR with this event:
- Delta: 5066 (AND COUNTING - will be very likely 1000+ more)
- United: 1476
- American: 643
We do not have the actuals in data from May-July, BUT AGAIN it is very likely Delta is now ON PAR with American in cancellations and SLIGHTLY AHEAD of United after this event. It is ALMOST CERTAIN that they will be BEHIND American and ON PAR with United once it is through, so no your information does not hold Mr. Dunn given that we still have 0 idea when this is going to end.
Plus most of those UA cancellations were from the MAX 9 issue. Those cancellations (apart from first couple of days) were implemented days in advance, so clearly not the same thing as having pax stranded at an airport like DL has done and continues to do.
Tim, add cancellations to the delays and you’ll see DL is much worse than AA. As Gary and others pointed out to you.
DL approaching 75% impacted flights, AA at 50%.
And a cancellation is worse than a delay, which could just be 15 minutes late.
Ask airlines and passengers if they’d rather have 50% of flights delayed or 40 % of flights canceled.
I’m just realizing that of course airlines are not hit as hard financially when a percent or two of flights are canceled in a day, especially when done in advance, since reaccomodation is much easier and usually within a few hours of original flight times.
Airlines like DL take hits of hundreds of millions of dollars when they cancel over 5,000 flights in a few days. Customers are stranded for days, compensation claims and...
I’m just realizing that of course airlines are not hit as hard financially when a percent or two of flights are canceled in a day, especially when done in advance, since reaccomodation is much easier and usually within a few hours of original flight times.
Airlines like DL take hits of hundreds of millions of dollars when they cancel over 5,000 flights in a few days. Customers are stranded for days, compensation claims and fines are huge, and they likely lose customers for many years.
Sorry for the false equivalency. DL will take a huge hit and will be a loooong time before anyone thinks of them as an on time leader.
I think you forgot about the bigger reason why Delta has more cancellations and delays, their planes are more full than the others.
@iamhere...such nonsense. Literally stupid in so many ways.
Which is greater: number of canceled DL flights or number of Tim Dunn comments in this thread?
No lies told in your post. OMAAT no longer is a travel blog by Ben. It's a message board for someone with OCDelta disorder and way too much time on his hands.
Lucky - You should do a series of posts in which you interview members of the OMAAT community, maybe starting with your most prolific commenters. Bonus points for in-home video—I bet Ms Dunn would even make you cookies when you go to the basement to see her Timmy!
In this 50,000 word paper, I will objectively set forth why this service failure by Delta proves that it is the best airline ever and all you haters and AA/UA employees commenting on this pathetic blog will be proven wrong by future events...
Who's melting down harder? Delta or Tim Dunn?
as critical as I am of Ben and want him to be objective, I want to see him succeed.
I participate because he provides a topic that is of interest.
I am as cool as a cucumber... the bike ride is quite enjoyable right now.
Why are you checking internet message boards while out on a bike ride?
It’s a summer afternoon. Put the phone down. Disconnect.
What exactly are you doing that you have managed to reply multiple times? If anyone’s mental health is at risk, I think it’s yours.
Excellent comeback!
At SLC right now. Most of Delta's operation seems on track, but the line to talk to an agent is very very long.
We need a passenger bill of rights in this country and we need it now. Passengers stranded, forced to pay hundreds out of their own pockets, and worse because this “premium” carrier can’t get its act together. Delta has no excuse at this point, every other carrier is back on track.
Delta needs to spend less on marketing and more on the basics.
just as with WN, DL will mail out hundreds of millions of dollars of reimbursement checks and will also send out refunds and discounts for future travel and miles and the whole nine yards.
@Tim Dunn. Okay, I'm curious. I have not looked into how WN dealt in the aftermath of their meltdown. Sincerely wondering, was it on their ledger, and how much? I would assume the traditional Big 3 would use FF miles to compensate in these situations....perhaps except for hard costs incurred by paxs. Hmm. Interesting. Worth a follow-up, and I'll be fine to read yours when we get the info...
But but but…UA’s modified flight attendant sick time policy!!!!!!
which will have UA FAs ticked off at the company long after Delta's operation has been restored.
I'll tell ya something. This Timmyboy really seems to have a mental problem. There he goes again with the obsession with United. Either that or that this guy is really being paid by Delta.
you do realize that I replied to a comment someone put in about UA's FAs in an article about DL?
The only mental issues are with people like you that can't read.
Tim, it was brought up in irony since you previously brought up the same issue in this thread.
Which is why we’re pushing 250 replies on this article because the same people are saying the same thing over and over again and nobody is going to let anybody else get the last word. I just happen to make sure my Voice does the work for me.
@Tim Dunn. A "voice of reason" is not you. A "voice of reason" provides facts, and then has the maturity level to step aside and move on in life, letting the others to carry-on as they may.
YOU are the worst example of a "voice of reason".
You are the voice of immaturity, the voice of despair in oneself, the voice of of a desperate person crying out for attention.
There are solutions to your...
@Tim Dunn. A "voice of reason" is not you. A "voice of reason" provides facts, and then has the maturity level to step aside and move on in life, letting the others to carry-on as they may.
YOU are the worst example of a "voice of reason".
You are the voice of immaturity, the voice of despair in oneself, the voice of of a desperate person crying out for attention.
There are solutions to your challenges. It's best that you take a time away from the internet and focus on your mental health. If you do so, I'll wish you the best.
In case there was a question about the individual airline recoveries, United is running extra sections to help stranded Delta passengers.
The Off-Line Machine!
United is going to win customers from this.
United lost more passengers to Southwest for the first two days of this that they can possibly gain from Delta. Fact
and United is simply cutting the amount of expenses that Delta will have to reimburse its customers -just as happened in NYC last June with UA's meltdown.
If you people had even the slightest bit of perspective, you would be able to see that everyone goes through the barrel at some time and yet, over the course of a year, DL will still end up operationally at the top of the list.
Denver and...
and United is simply cutting the amount of expenses that Delta will have to reimburse its customers -just as happened in NYC last June with UA's meltdown.
If you people had even the slightest bit of perspective, you would be able to see that everyone goes through the barrel at some time and yet, over the course of a year, DL will still end up operationally at the top of the list.
Denver and Houston still have lots of opportunities to meltdown - as they very often do.
How many did Delta lose?
How many is Delta still losing?
Please tell me you’re not comparing Delta’s 5,000 cancellations (plus regional cancellations) with United, who canceled a quarter of that amount.
I know you are, and I knew you would, and I know you will, but please find some self-awareness.
UA cxld 1500 flights Friday-Sunday.
ALL airlines were heavily booked this past weekend but WN has been running the lowest load factor of the big 4 for months.
THEY were in the best position to carry extra passengers and are still benefitting from DL's mess.
UA did not accommodate its passengers on its own system and cannot possibly run enough extra sections to make a difference in the amount of passengers...
UA cxld 1500 flights Friday-Sunday.
ALL airlines were heavily booked this past weekend but WN has been running the lowest load factor of the big 4 for months.
THEY were in the best position to carry extra passengers and are still benefitting from DL's mess.
UA did not accommodate its passengers on its own system and cannot possibly run enough extra sections to make a difference in the amount of passengers it lost from its system.
It's pure numbers. I realize that so much of this is about ego but there is no way that UA will undo the damage that it suffered by running a few extra sections now.
AA and WN might well have benefitted but UA most certainly will not.
So 1,500 is just as bad as 5,000, not counting the DL regional cancellations.
Got it. Thanks for clarifying.
And UA certainly benefitted yesterday (with only a fraction of the cancellations, almost of which were entered in advance) and they’re definitely benefitting today. Maybe not as much as AA and WN, but still benefiting.
You truly are dense. Delta didn’t fly the max nine so I had no max nine groundings in January.
Delta doesn’t have a hub in Texas so was not affected multiple times in May when 10,000 flights were canceled across multiple airlines.
And you still don’t get that Delta is a larger airline than united and operates about 750 more mainline flights per day
None of which changes that Delta’s recovery is very...
You truly are dense. Delta didn’t fly the max nine so I had no max nine groundings in January.
Delta doesn’t have a hub in Texas so was not affected multiple times in May when 10,000 flights were canceled across multiple airlines.
And you still don’t get that Delta is a larger airline than united and operates about 750 more mainline flights per day
None of which changes that Delta’s recovery is very apparent today as sad as it makes you
in the hurricane season is still young and Texas is a big state
UA is recouping more of their (minor, in comparison) losses than DL is.
I forgot how you like to throw everything at the wall. The MAX issue was in January, when customer protection was much easier. Additionally, cancellations were done days in advance so nobody was surprised. Additionally, UA was able to substitute other planes on routes to minimize the impact.
Regarding hurricanes, it sounds like you’re hoping hurricanes hit Texas so that...
UA is recouping more of their (minor, in comparison) losses than DL is.
I forgot how you like to throw everything at the wall. The MAX issue was in January, when customer protection was much easier. Additionally, cancellations were done days in advance so nobody was surprised. Additionally, UA was able to substitute other planes on routes to minimize the impact.
Regarding hurricanes, it sounds like you’re hoping hurricanes hit Texas so that other airline operations are hurt.
So hypocritical, coming from someone judging others for their schadenfreude. Yet so completely and absolutely predictable.
And since, even by your obsessive standards, you’re hitting a new low, I want to point out again that you’re hoping catastrophic storms hit Texas.
You’re hoping people die so that AA, WN, and UA take operational performance hits.
I think it’s time you take a break from this.
I will no longer engage with you here. You’re an embarrassment and should be ashamed of yourself.
no, I am not hoping for anything bad.
I am telling you that data OVERWHELMINGLY says that Texas hub airports experience much higher rates of weather IROPS than DL hubs.
And hurricane season only compounds that.
And you still can't understand that DL is taking its operational beating all at one time while AA and UA have had MULTIPLE operational issues throughout this year - including the MAX grounding and the Texas weather...
no, I am not hoping for anything bad.
I am telling you that data OVERWHELMINGLY says that Texas hub airports experience much higher rates of weather IROPS than DL hubs.
And hurricane season only compounds that.
And you still can't understand that DL is taking its operational beating all at one time while AA and UA have had MULTIPLE operational issues throughout this year - including the MAX grounding and the Texas weather events in May.
I and everyone else get how badly you want to put the scarlet letter M (for meltdown) on DL while you prostitute with someone else.
We all get the hypocrisy.
Nobody except you cares that DL gets all of its IROPS out of the way in one massive event while other airlines have it repeatedly.
And, YTD, DL's rate of cancellations and on-time is better than AA and UA's including this event.
And, AA's on-time for today is just as bad as DL's - 42% delayed.
AA isn't having a meltdown; this is just their typical operation.
Reading this, Americans are like babies screaming Delta this, United that, American. Blah blah blah. Everything has to be a Meghan Markle drama.
There was a global IT failure and some airlines managed better than others.
Idk man, I’m sitting in SeaTac, their recovery is not evident.
@Tim Dunn. Fact? Source and numbers please? When you so arrogantly write "Fact", show us the facts, and make the facts industry-wide as it perhaps relates to UA/WN, DL/WN, etc, etc.
Did any of the Big 3 not lose passengers to DL given that they weren't as affected? Given that DL cancelled the most flights, did DL in "fact" lose the most paxs to WN?
Just get your head together...
Correction - to WN in terms of loss of passengers...
Is Delta the new Air India?
That is a insult to Air India. At least Air India gets you to your destination
if you don't mind getting locked in an airport in Russia waiting for a replacement plane, then AI is indeed a good bet.
Comment of the day - Agree with Jedi. I don't remember AI having a meltdown like this. Even the Russia diversions have had zero liabilities, regardless of what the dramatic snowflakes may say.
"It is very hard to watch a formerly proud company be humbled so badly and take so many millions of people's plans and a lot of collateral money for vacations and associated travel expenses down the drain."
Anyone want to guess when this was written in the comments section, and about what airline? Y'all get one guess, okay?
I will guess by the one and ONLY airline guru on 12/26/22 about Southwest.
My sympathies for the folks stranded. It truly sucks.
But man, am I having a serious case of schadenfreude at his expense right now...
You prove my point that you use your site as a tool of revenge and you attract the petty airline employee crowd that is no different from you.
It's always sad when a company or person suffers misfortune. Only the lowest form of humanity gloats on someone's misfortune - which should not be confused with bad decisions which other airlines have repeatedly made.
Unlike UA's meltdown last summer which was directly attributable to overscheduling Newark...
You prove my point that you use your site as a tool of revenge and you attract the petty airline employee crowd that is no different from you.
It's always sad when a company or person suffers misfortune. Only the lowest form of humanity gloats on someone's misfortune - which should not be confused with bad decisions which other airlines have repeatedly made.
Unlike UA's meltdown last summer which was directly attributable to overscheduling Newark and which also resulted in a loss of operational control, Delta's event was precipitated by a 3rd party vendor - whose stock has lost 28% in just the last 2 trading days.
and UA did not get its operation back on track last summer in even 4 days.
But when you are far down the list of travel sites by volume, you have broken an ad system that you can't seem to fix, and you allow users to mock others despite the fact that your non-airline employee visitors say detracts from the site - and they, not your airline employee contributors - are the ones that can make or break your credit card hawking business.
But let's get to the facts.
- Delta's recovery is well underway. Their operation is significantly improved at this time of day compared to yesterday.
- DL already had a substantial lead over its competitors coming into this event in both on-time and cancellation performance - and DL can and will absorb this event and still outperform its peers for the year.
- AS and UA both suffered major cancellations earlier this year and, while the DOT noted them, they don't remove those cancelled flights from the list.
Texas weather decimated airline performance in May - and DL was undoubtedly very glad not to have a hub there - but AA, UA and WN all paid the price in operational performance.
- Those that argue that DL should have known better than to rely on CrowdStrike might want to explain why Boeing and the GTF issues should be treated any differently. They aren't. They are all management decisions.
Delta operated 1.5 million flights last year, 2/3 of which were on mainline. 5000 cancellations is not insignificant but it is a rounding error.
The smarter of your commenters - the ones that are not airline-related or hawk credit cards - understand this stuff not only CAN happen to all airlines but ACTUALLY DOES and WILL AGAIN.
And the bigger issue is that the entire cloud-based architecture with a single vendor that can create as much havoc will precipitate large scale changes in the way not just airlines but whole companies operate.
So, go ahead, Ben and be the petty person that you are.
Your real readers can grasp what is going on.
@ Tim Dunn -- Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. :-)
I participate in your site because I want you to succeed - but that doesn't stop me from calling you out for being petty.
If that makes you happy, then I am happy.
Of course, lots of people's vacations and business trips were messed up by DL's meltdown - and nowhere did I gloat about those people's misfortunes with WN.
Nor did I gloat about people's misfortunes with the Texas mess in May.
I participate in your site because I want you to succeed - but that doesn't stop me from calling you out for being petty.
If that makes you happy, then I am happy.
Of course, lots of people's vacations and business trips were messed up by DL's meltdown - and nowhere did I gloat about those people's misfortunes with WN.
Nor did I gloat about people's misfortunes with the Texas mess in May.
Or AS and UA's mass cancellations in January with the MAX crash.
And WN HAS FALLEN hard not just from that incident because its business plan needs to be reworked.
Delta as a company is still worth almost twice as much as United, the airline with the second highest market cap.
Delta will weather this.
And they are turning the corner, no matter how much extra you will have to work to create controversy to generate page clicks.
Yes Tim wants Ben to succeed. Has nothing to do with Tim wanting to blast his opinions everywhere, regardless of the scorn he inflicts on himself.
United is not the 2nd highest market cap airline (that'd be Ryanair) nor the 2nd highest among the US airlines (that'd be Southwest)...
...and Delta's value is nowhere remotely near (so no, not "almost") twice the value of any of the above.
Tim, serious question. Why do you remain here and obsessively post, even with all of your complaints.
This can’t be good for your mental health. Or is this how your obsessive personality manifests itself?
Again, I don’t mean this as an insult but there are medications that will allow you to mentally take a step back and not let an internet message board affect your mental health.
I get out as well as do other things quite well.
but thanks for your concern.
oh, and you do realize that I voice dictate about half of my posts while doing something else?
@Tim Dunn. Do you have any friends? Does anyone actually like you? A man-child who can't disconnect from the internet, for reasons very obviously psychological...seeking affirmation by both gloating about having knowledge (when, in fact, it's sometimes nonsense), or by putting people down. Get off the internet and speak with a psychologist, but only take prescribed meds from a psychiatrist as they are actual MD's. Okay, I actually wish you well on a better journey...
@Tim Dunn. Do you have any friends? Does anyone actually like you? A man-child who can't disconnect from the internet, for reasons very obviously psychological...seeking affirmation by both gloating about having knowledge (when, in fact, it's sometimes nonsense), or by putting people down. Get off the internet and speak with a psychologist, but only take prescribed meds from a psychiatrist as they are actual MD's. Okay, I actually wish you well on a better journey for yourself going forward....most importantly, go forward.
Ben, out of the countless times you have made me actually laugh out loud, this is among your best!
Thank you!
Between your talents here and Tim Dunn’s desire to see you succeed (also a LOL comment from him, but for different reasons), you have a bright future ahead of you!
I, for one, don't seek to compare Delta to United. I'm just up here in Seattle laughing as "the on-time machine" cancels hundreds of flights and cedes more market share back to Alaska. Sorry, Tim!
how quickly you forget that AS' schedule was decimated for far longer than DL's was not very long ago because of the MAX accident.
Unlike now, the AS accident and MAX grounding came at a time when competitors had far more capacity.
Flights were full on nearly all carriers - which is the same thing that happened with WN.
So, no, AS is not likely taking much share - or else they were poorly booked in the first place.
That wasn’t Alaska’s fault. It was the result of Boeing. After the initial day of last minute cancellations, AS was able to cancel them further in advance, minimizing customer disruption.
Delta is canceling flights hours AFTER scheduled departure time, making these cancellations much more impactful.
This Delta debacle is completely their own fault and the result of their lack of IT investment.
and yet there are people that have said repeatedly that the vendor someone chooses is a management choice.
There is nothing different about DL choosing CrowdStrike than AS and UA choosing the MAX 9.
And you do realize that UA manage to get its MAX 9s back in the air far faster than AS?
And, in the meantime, DL was taking share from AS.
Well beyond the humility, at least have a little short...
and yet there are people that have said repeatedly that the vendor someone chooses is a management choice.
There is nothing different about DL choosing CrowdStrike than AS and UA choosing the MAX 9.
And you do realize that UA manage to get its MAX 9s back in the air far faster than AS?
And, in the meantime, DL was taking share from AS.
Well beyond the humility, at least have a little short term memory and you should see that AS and UA are the two airlines that should not be poking DL about the choice of vendor or loss of customers.
I don't mean Market Share by counting the thousand of pax that Delta cancelled needing to rebook on AS, but rather the brand impact. Everyone knows the MAX fiasco is Boeing's fault, Alaska's brand is not eroded by that. Just like everyone knows that this week's meltdown is Delta's fault, as they're the only carrier unable to recover. That has a brand impact. That's the Market Share.
Alaska is going to buy Delta just to get the hubs in MSP and ATL
@jedipenguin while that will never happen it's a cute idea (seriously!... but will never happen for many many reasons. Seems the DOJ, currently at least, is having no more M&A happening for the long-term...
The following conversation took place this morning.
- Mr. Bastian, good morning sir. Timmy here.
- You fucking idiot don't call me now. I'm trying to figure out where my fucking FAs are. And fucking Kirby is all over me sticking it to me in every single hole I've got!!
- But sir what should I say on social media? I'm running out of lies.
- You fucking bastard say that Kirby...
The following conversation took place this morning.
- Mr. Bastian, good morning sir. Timmy here.
- You fucking idiot don't call me now. I'm trying to figure out where my fucking FAs are. And fucking Kirby is all over me sticking it to me in every single hole I've got!!
- But sir what should I say on social media? I'm running out of lies.
- You fucking bastard say that Kirby kidnapped our FAs. That it's all his fault. Sabotage!!!
- Sir do you think people are gonna believe me?
- Well dumb ass, you'd better convince them. I hired you as a cheerleader and look at what you have achieved you fucking incompetent. In the last 3 months United is up almost 20% while we are down 4%. Get to work right away you piece of sheet or next time I see you I'm gonna kick you in the ass until you bleed.
- Understood sir. I'll get to it right away.
This conversation would never happen bc Timmy's nose is stuck too far up Eddy's ass.
The Department of Transportation absolutely will put Delta through the same wringer SWA went through in 2022. Tim Dunn continue your meltdown of denial.
Delta like Southwest will pay for costs people have incurred with rental cars and hotels. It's the cost of doing business for US airlines. Profit margins are thin, airlines can't invest in projects that make them more resilient. DAL, UAL, and AA still have their debt rated as junk for a reason.
Hey guys knock it off. Timmyboy is right. He's always right.
United is also in deep shit. Look at the cancellations yesterday and so far today.
Delta 36% yesterday, 20% today.
United 9% yesterday, 0% today.
See? Very similar!!
This Timmyboy is a joke. He's always lying and believes that other people are stupid.
I love how he doesn't respond to your comment because he knows there is no way to twist the cold hard facts, when you lay it out like that.
Timbo has been going on unhinged rants to almost every other comment, so why not this one?
The Cyberstrike incident definitely has trickle-down effect on any travelers, regardless of airlines they are flying on. With the potential cascading rebookings going on as long as cancellation happens, I suspect full-capacity flights on all the major airlines down to the smaller airlines (like Sun Country, Breeze, Allegiant, etc.) until the schedules normalize. This will definitely impact those who need to book flights on short notice over the next few days.
Just about everyone who...
The Cyberstrike incident definitely has trickle-down effect on any travelers, regardless of airlines they are flying on. With the potential cascading rebookings going on as long as cancellation happens, I suspect full-capacity flights on all the major airlines down to the smaller airlines (like Sun Country, Breeze, Allegiant, etc.) until the schedules normalize. This will definitely impact those who need to book flights on short notice over the next few days.
Just about everyone who travels commercially--and those who support these travelers--are impacted by this. I hope grace is extended to those who are affected.
I'm no fan of Delta, but to have Mayor Pete bash them as if this is their fault is ludicrous.
Perhaps Mayor Pete and the rest of the soon to be over Biden Administration needs to start holding their friends in Big Tech accountable, namely Mircosoft and Crowdstrike.
The initial CrowdStrike issue was not DL’s fault, but the inability to recover is their fault.
Like I said, not a big fan of DL, but the original error was done by Big Tech. All I am saying is I wish Mayor Pete would hold them as accountable as they are trying to hold DL and the other airlines accountable. Won't happen, because Big Tech is supporting Biden, oops Kamala in the election.
Bro's brain has been so rotted by politics, it's sad to see.
That's SECRETARY PETE to you, magaturd.
Such language.....you must be a triggered snowflake.
But seriously, an individual whose only elected job was mayor of Gary, Indiana is way over his head as Sec of Transporation. Other than he checked a box....
It was the individual airlines' choice to use their IT platform. Unlike weather events which affect all airlines equally, the airlines who decided to use the Crowdstrike solution wound up with the problem.
Choosing an IT vendor is a controllable act.
Or Secretary Pete is looking to generate some publicity to be selected as a VP nomination. I never doubt a politician's desire for self promotion.
You are totally correct... Pete needs to get the correct info....from Big Tech
Timmy on this and other blogs' comment section:
Since COVID, Delta has clearly made little effort to get it's IT department back to where it was pre-COVID. What is happening now is the logical result of that situation.
Delta’s tech sucks on a good day. The app is buggy as hell, and I pretty much always have to call for any sort of flight change. I’ve had to call delta dozens of times over the years for basic flight changes or other questions (GUC/RUC usage and questions) that should be easily doable online or via the app.
It’s clear that DL is now a laggard in investing in technology. Enough with the overly...
Delta’s tech sucks on a good day. The app is buggy as hell, and I pretty much always have to call for any sort of flight change. I’ve had to call delta dozens of times over the years for basic flight changes or other questions (GUC/RUC usage and questions) that should be easily doable online or via the app.
It’s clear that DL is now a laggard in investing in technology. Enough with the overly dramatic commercials shown on board, press releases about any minor service enhancement, etc., and let’s just focus on the basics ok?
That's why automatic updates need to be disabled, and no update should ever be done unless absolutely necessary and only after it's been live for several days or weeks!!
That doesn't really work when you're talking abkut security software that is supposed to protect you from 0-day exploits. Delaying patching leaves you vulnerable to attack.
More likely we should look at the EU for requiring kernel access to Windows for cybersecurity applications as it’s what MS has access to
Flew UA yesterday without incident SFO-PHX. Walked past the DL counters at SFO. Chaos, with lines of frustrated stretching to hundreds deep. UA was business as usual, no lines anywhere. The scene at PHX baggage claim was even worse. UA - totally normal. DL - a sea of unclaimed bags and a line of passengers hundreds long stretching around the baggage carousels.
So glad I was not flying DL yesterday, nor regularly.
Every airline is subject to this kind of meltdown. It's just not a Southwest or Delta thing. With 90% load factors there's just no place to put people and they can't even be put on other airlines. Next time it will be .... fill in the blank airline.
thank you for that realistic perspective, George.
Of course other airlines will have meltdowns - and they will also run worse operations in all of the day to day events that are part of parcel of the airline industry.
My beef with this whole discussion is the arrogance of the pro-United posters on here that, not only resort to fake user names but also act as if DL is having a meltdown but UA didn't...
thank you for that realistic perspective, George.
Of course other airlines will have meltdowns - and they will also run worse operations in all of the day to day events that are part of parcel of the airline industry.
My beef with this whole discussion is the arrogance of the pro-United posters on here that, not only resort to fake user names but also act as if DL is having a meltdown but UA didn't for 2 days.
Good on UA to get its system back on track today - but even 9% cancellations is not acceptable and that was after double digit percentages of cancellations on Friday and Saturday at UA.
DL and UA generate very similar amounts of revenue and have about the same number of employees - but Delta operates far more flights on its own metal and also owns a regional airline that clearly uses DL's crew tracking system where UA has no wholly owned regional carriers, unlike AA and DL.
UA is not in first place in anything for more than a moment and that is what gets the UA fan kids so worked up. UA is largest only in number of ASMs - but that simply says that UA is far less efficient in generating revenue that other carriers including DL.
UA is next to worse in some metrics like baggage handling - and not first place in a whole lot of other metrics including service or financials.
Anyone that has remotely followed the airline industry for any length of time like you clearly have knows that throwing shade at other airline's misfortune always backfires regardless of the issue.
And, long after DL gets its operation back on track, AA and UA will be fighting with their flight attendants who are still waiting for a new contract - which absolutely affects service levels.
It is rather certain that this incident will cost DL less than what AA and UA will spend to settle with their flight attendants.
and DEN and EWR will still have far worse delays while Texas will have bad weather.
Acting as if "I" am so much better than everyone else is the height of arrogance and is certain to backfire.
Acting as if "I" am so much better than everyone else is the height of arrogance and is certain to backfire.
The irony.
Timmy, is it a good time to reveal that that your comment of yours you replied to was my alt?
See how easy it is to make yourself look better? I'll be waiting patiently to see you replying to more of your own alts
Delta consistently shows themselves as worse in IROPS-- a simple fact that shows in this current mess.
It's not "do you have problems". They ALL have problems. It's how you recover-- and DL is consistently terrible on the recover.
Your boss Ed's out crowing today that you can "rebook at no charge under our waiver".
As if they had inventory. As if they don't have close to 200,000 passengers stranded in the wrong...
Delta consistently shows themselves as worse in IROPS-- a simple fact that shows in this current mess.
It's not "do you have problems". They ALL have problems. It's how you recover-- and DL is consistently terrible on the recover.
Your boss Ed's out crowing today that you can "rebook at no charge under our waiver".
As if they had inventory. As if they don't have close to 200,000 passengers stranded in the wrong city right now. As if 1000 SkyPesos will make up for the misery of a badly run company that cares more about credit card revenue than flying planes.
You can make stuff up all you want, but the other majors got over this quickly and DL is still a dumpster fire today.
--- A guy who has slept on the ATL airport floor too often
AA settled with their flight attendants 2 days ago. I understand this was easy to miss with the CrowdStrike issue. Wondering if it is too late to buy puts on Delta and CrowdStrike?
Delta is still is a luxury airline. The fact they cannot locate their crew and cancel multitudes of flights does not matter.
Delta thinks it's the US Singapore Airlines. That's obtuse. They are simply Spirit Plus.
That is a insult to Spirit Airlines.
Is this Timmy's alt?
Luxury airline?! Subpar business class hard product because of an over reliance on 767s, IFE screens with resolution of the late 90s, maybe early 2000s at best. The food isn't any different or better than other US carriers. Nevermind the overcrowded lounges and no premium lounge up until recently. They are behind the 8-ball on product but they do a great job feeding the traveling public BS and they gobble it up. Its just like...
Luxury airline?! Subpar business class hard product because of an over reliance on 767s, IFE screens with resolution of the late 90s, maybe early 2000s at best. The food isn't any different or better than other US carriers. Nevermind the overcrowded lounges and no premium lounge up until recently. They are behind the 8-ball on product but they do a great job feeding the traveling public BS and they gobble it up. Its just like how if you take the labels of Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes, it routinely ranks as one of the worst, put the label back on and it is top 3. Delta is the same, take the label off and it is subpar. Gary Leff said it best in his post
Delta is cancelling more aggressively early in the 4th day indicating that they have control of the crew tracking system and are now focused on getting the operation back on track.
This will cost each of Delta and United hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and there will be all kinds of discussion about how to create parallel crew tracking systems in totally different IT environments.
All of the cloud-based IT computing can't help...
Delta is cancelling more aggressively early in the 4th day indicating that they have control of the crew tracking system and are now focused on getting the operation back on track.
This will cost each of Delta and United hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue and there will be all kinds of discussion about how to create parallel crew tracking systems in totally different IT environments.
All of the cloud-based IT computing can't help when you have one vendor that deliveries bad code and takes down millions of computers around the world.
In pre-market trading, CrowdStrike is down another 5% while all of the big 4 are down +/- 1%.
The real meltdown that the media is talking about is what took place in DC over the weekend.
Leave it the dunce to pop United into this analysis when DL performed way worse than UA.
Wonder when this guy will realize that people want integrity and humility, not deception and deflection.
Spot on. Nobody cares if anyone is critical over any airline.
Delta is approaching 5,000 cancellations. On Monday morning, their total of Sunday cancellations is still increasing. UA had just over 200 cancellations yesterday, most implemented the day before, which is why observers point out it looked “business as usual” at United since affected pax were already rerouted.
Delta and United are not the same. Not even close.
Any normal, mature and professional person or organization would take responsibility of the situation, try their best to rectify it and offer some sort of compensation. Tim Dunn and Bastian on the other hand deflects, blames others and offers a myriad of whataboutisms.
Woke up this morning just to find on the Delta app my flight from AUS-LAS was cancelled today...originally booked Mon-Wed RT...then I was automatically rebooked for getting into LAS at 4pm but my return is 55 mins later (Both on Wed!)
Guess I will just take my $$ back....I don't need a mileage run... lol..............
Somebody hold me. This is as bad as the day I got fired by Delta.
you continue to cling to this and yet it makes ZERO sense that someone that got fired from a company would be such an active participant in online discussion forums.
Your statement simply shows that this is all about emotion - absent intelligence - for you and a whole lot of people.
Meanwhile, long after Delta's operation is once again running far better than everyone else, American and United will continue to be at war...
you continue to cling to this and yet it makes ZERO sense that someone that got fired from a company would be such an active participant in online discussion forums.
Your statement simply shows that this is all about emotion - absent intelligence - for you and a whole lot of people.
Meanwhile, long after Delta's operation is once again running far better than everyone else, American and United will continue to be at war with labor because that is what they have done for decades.
And AA and UA will spend more to settle with their FAs than DL will have lost because of this IT meltdown.
"And AA and UA will spend more to settle with their FAs than DL will have lost because of this IT meltdown."
Please show the numbers and facts to back up your opinions...which, while you are NEVER wrong about ANYTHING...might actually help save you from the hole you've dug yourself into by your own free will.
Would never happen on Delta. Wrong information. Ben is biased. Would never happen on Delta.
Tim needs to sit down and eat his cookie dough batter because he's melting down far harder than Delta's operational performance this weekend.
Ed Bastion oversaw Delta with its Summer 2022 meltdown and now it's July 2024 meltdown. While Delta runs an efficient operation when times are good, it fails under stress. No airline should be melting down every other summer.
Like Southwest did with its Christmas meltdown, Delta may need to hard reset and cancel most flight for a day to get its crew and planes in the right spots. Will be curious how many hundreds of...
Ed Bastion oversaw Delta with its Summer 2022 meltdown and now it's July 2024 meltdown. While Delta runs an efficient operation when times are good, it fails under stress. No airline should be melting down every other summer.
Like Southwest did with its Christmas meltdown, Delta may need to hard reset and cancel most flight for a day to get its crew and planes in the right spots. Will be curious how many hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue and cost Delta will experience. Glad I am no longer an investor in them.
A genuine question to those who have an intimate IT knowledge...
Would companies have reasonable means to run all their systems with foolproof backup solutions built in? Or would they be too costly and/or unwieldy?
It is simply very concerning human errors may trigger such repercussions, be it for transportation, healthcare, law enforcement, energy, banking sectors, etc.
Accidents such an Internet cable accidentally cut at FRA, Rogers cell breakdown across Canada due...
A genuine question to those who have an intimate IT knowledge...
Would companies have reasonable means to run all their systems with foolproof backup solutions built in? Or would they be too costly and/or unwieldy?
It is simply very concerning human errors may trigger such repercussions, be it for transportation, healthcare, law enforcement, energy, banking sectors, etc.
Accidents such an Internet cable accidentally cut at FRA, Rogers cell breakdown across Canada due to a a configuration error during a network upgrade come to mind on top of this most recent meltdown...
It's multiple facets. First of all, companies need to have contingencies and failovers so that they don't get wrecked by a single outage.
Then, they need to have mitigation plans once a full on meltdown is in process. How do you appease customers and address their needs in crises?
You can build in quintuple redundancies so that EVERYTHING is covered and no matter what happens in the world (grid power loss, software glitches, hacks, disgruntled employees, Crowdstrikes, etc), your system can almost certainly just failover to an alternate/backup and "keep on truckin....". Then you test them again and again and again. And again.
However these super-duper redundancies are ***ing expensive and most businesses have shareholders to please....
This is a fail for every major organization that did not have something called a Business Continuity Plan. A company the size of Delta should have a backup data center. If they did, its possible when they attempted to stand that upthe rest of they way, theygot hit as well. Secondly, a company the size of Delta should not push anything to production that has not been tested first. The fact that Crowdstrike pushed to...
This is a fail for every major organization that did not have something called a Business Continuity Plan. A company the size of Delta should have a backup data center. If they did, its possible when they attempted to stand that upthe rest of they way, theygot hit as well. Secondly, a company the size of Delta should not push anything to production that has not been tested first. The fact that Crowdstrike pushed to the agent, possibly without allowing customers an option to test first would be the kind of mistake that could put them out of business. Literally.
Delta is not alone on this, however.
But as the more costly airline this supposedly Premium, they are not really delivering. I do think it's ti.e Bastion gets moved out. Tired of completely full old planes with broken crap and a weaker over all product sine the pandemic.
They can but if you’re running the same environment (Windows server in this case) you likely are running Crowdstrike there also. So the same update would have been applied, unless you manage that particular env differently, manually or spin it up after the patch was sent out.
We built and sold crew schedule software. This must of happened right in the middle of the bidding window at Delta to cause this much disruption.
They can but if you’re running the same environment (Windows server in this case) you likely are running Crowdstrike there also. So the same update would have been applied, unless you manage that particular env differently, manually or spin it up after the patch was sent out.
We built and sold crew schedule software. This must of happened right in the middle of the bidding window at Delta to cause this much disruption.
A real time PBS that Always has a legal and viable solution at any point in the bidding / or scheduling window would have helped as the solution that was computed at the last “good” point in time could have been employed.
I remember back in the 2016-2017 timeframe, DL took advantage of AA’s operational woes and jacked up what AA had to pay DL when they rerouted customers to them.
It was just before DL’s major 2017 meltdown so DL had to pay UA and AA the newly jacked up rates. lol
After that, DL lost its operational luster and people wondered if DL would bring the rates down.
Does anyone know whatever happened...
I remember back in the 2016-2017 timeframe, DL took advantage of AA’s operational woes and jacked up what AA had to pay DL when they rerouted customers to them.
It was just before DL’s major 2017 meltdown so DL had to pay UA and AA the newly jacked up rates. lol
After that, DL lost its operational luster and people wondered if DL would bring the rates down.
Does anyone know whatever happened with that? I’m sure DL would like to pay other airlines as little as possible to carry their stranded customers.
DL is approaching 1,300 Sunday cancellations, more than Friday or Saturday.
Considering it’s already after midnight in ATL and on the east coast, and that over 100 cancellations went in within the last hour, I wonder how many of these were creeping delays that finally had the plugs pulled on them.
Especially terrible for customers in circumstances like those. Makes you wonder if DL is considering doing a full reset.
Tim Dunn likes to brag that UA is only performing as well as it is due to their unsigned FA contract.
Well are we going to see the same standard applied to Delta and their underinvestment in IT, as their employees have pointed out multiple times?
Think how much money they’ll save if they continue to underinvest in IT. lol
Tim Dunn "you cannot handle the truth!"
The irony is that SWA not affected at all.
When you run your crew systems on a Commadore 64, modern Windows IT issues don't affect you.
Well, I sure wouldn't call Windows "modern"!
Don't believe me? Just for fun sometime, restart your Windows machine in 'safe mode' and pay attention to the Windows copyright notice that pops up; depending on the Windows version, it will say something along the lines of 'Copyright 1984 - 2xxx; the key part is '1984'
When it comes to Windows, you're using an OS whose kernal (the heart of the OS and the part to which...
Well, I sure wouldn't call Windows "modern"!
Don't believe me? Just for fun sometime, restart your Windows machine in 'safe mode' and pay attention to the Windows copyright notice that pops up; depending on the Windows version, it will say something along the lines of 'Copyright 1984 - 2xxx; the key part is '1984'
When it comes to Windows, you're using an OS whose kernal (the heart of the OS and the part to which the Crowdstrike has unfettered access) was built back when the Great Communicator was president and hair bands ruled MTV.
Close but not quite true... the Windows you're using today can trace its heritage back to the original Windows NT release in 1993. 1984 was the start of the DOS based Windows that died with Windows ME.
Not all companies use crowdstrike. Perhaps SWA uses a competitor product.
Tim, here’s a picture of the advisory of the non-rev embargo at Delta.
Do you think that will help or do nothing but anger countless Delta employees, many of whom are either stuck away from their homes or know someone who is and will take it as a personal insult anyway.
This is what happens when you over centralize, over automate and frankly reduce staff. This summer many IT companies are reducing staff by unprecedented levels due to “AI” or aka greed. Doing more with less, increasing efficiencies, and letting CFOs and the morally corrupt decide how to maximize profit at the cost of experience, service and impact to communities is the cause. Delta having a worse meltdown that other companies means that it was being...
This is what happens when you over centralize, over automate and frankly reduce staff. This summer many IT companies are reducing staff by unprecedented levels due to “AI” or aka greed. Doing more with less, increasing efficiencies, and letting CFOs and the morally corrupt decide how to maximize profit at the cost of experience, service and impact to communities is the cause. Delta having a worse meltdown that other companies means that it was being run more “efficiently” and financially responsible that other airlines! Enjoy!
Have you noticed that Southwest, JetBlue, and Frontier had little or no issues. Guess they use Apple or Linux for their operating systems.
From what I can read, only Windows based systems got the blue screen. Also, on YouTube, a systems engineer stated that the corrupted code needed to be removed one computer at a time. Time to reconsider the outsourcing of the IT department!!
Windows based systems that use CrowdStrike.
what an irony that a company that is supposed to prevent cybersecurity meltdowns is responsible for the largest computer meltdown.
I have a feeling that CRWD stock is far from the end of this mess.
Tim, you either misread Ben’s post about the UA flight attendant sick time or you’re intentionally misrepresenting it.
As the article said, UA has seen a rise in sick time over the last couple of months, particularly on weekends.
The new policy just went into effect today and only covers sick calls Friday through Sunday. Clearly nothing to do with Friday’s IT issues.
I can read just fine and your own comment JUST VALIDATED what I said.
United has had a problem with flight attendant sick time and has had double digit percentages of cancellations for two days as part of its own operational meltdown - so they implement a new rule for their flight attendants.
I have NEVER said DL is not having an operational meltdown as a result of the crowdstrike IT issue.
I take...
I can read just fine and your own comment JUST VALIDATED what I said.
United has had a problem with flight attendant sick time and has had double digit percentages of cancellations for two days as part of its own operational meltdown - so they implement a new rule for their flight attendants.
I have NEVER said DL is not having an operational meltdown as a result of the crowdstrike IT issue.
I take HUGE issue with the United fanbabies here that want to argue that UA has done fine through all this when it is Southwest that is carrying hundreds of thousands of AA, DL and UA passengers.
The United fanbabies want to draw the line of acceptability right above UA's level of cancellations when UA has cancelled the 2nd largest number of flights.
And AA somehow managed to get back to single digit percentage cancellations TODAY and YESTERDAY, something that neither DL or UA managed to do.
And DL and WN during their crew tracking systems meltdowns blamed their IT.
UA blamed their employees.
That says VOLUMES about the difference between DL and WN on one side of the industry - which have long had outstanding employee relations - and AA and UA on the other side of the industry.
You said UA is blaming the flight attendants for the Crowdstrike issue, comparing it to DL blaming IT.
I’m not sure where you got that.
DL is having a horrible weekend. Why not just leave it at that without conflating multiple unrelated issues?
you and anyone else that thinks that UA is not blaming its FAs are hopelessly naive.
If UA has been having FA sick call issues for months, why did they bother to crack down on the weekend that they are recovering from an IT meltdown?
And, once again, UA is NOT the north star for operational reliability in this whole thing that some want you to believe. They cancelled the second largest...
you and anyone else that thinks that UA is not blaming its FAs are hopelessly naive.
If UA has been having FA sick call issues for months, why did they bother to crack down on the weekend that they are recovering from an IT meltdown?
And, once again, UA is NOT the north star for operational reliability in this whole thing that some want you to believe. They cancelled the second largest number of flights of all carriers.
That is like boasting that their baggage handling is not as bad as AA's - true - but UA was still 9 out of 10.
I have no problem in admitting that DL had and is still having a very bad weekend.
I do take great exception to
1. Ben repeatedly failing to deal with the imposters who replied to this article in my name long before I ever saw it - and yet Ben himself replied to my reply on two separate articles in minutes. Ben is perfectly comfortable with if not promoting mocking other people.
2. Any notion that UA did better esp. since they chose to crack down on their FAs during this weekend - which also happens to be in the middle of labor negotiations.
3. that, in the scope of a year, this will matter any more than the repeated operational problems that happen to other airlines including UA's own meltdown at Newark last year.
When social media turns into mud-slinging, this kind of article is what happens.
Considering that today’s UA cancellations were implemented yesterday and there have been very few additional cancellations today, for today or tomorrow, UA must have known yesterday they had a handle on the situation and that they could move forward with a policy that really doesn’t go into effect until next Friday.
Meanwhile, DL has an announcement planned for tomorrow, as they approach 1,200 Sunday cancellations.
Maybe you should worry more about whether DL...
Considering that today’s UA cancellations were implemented yesterday and there have been very few additional cancellations today, for today or tomorrow, UA must have known yesterday they had a handle on the situation and that they could move forward with a policy that really doesn’t go into effect until next Friday.
Meanwhile, DL has an announcement planned for tomorrow, as they approach 1,200 Sunday cancellations.
Maybe you should worry more about whether DL plans to reschedule that.
Speaking of “blaming employees”, apparently Delta thinks banning their own employees from traveling is an answer to their problems.
What a great way to anger the company while really doing nothing to help solve the problem.
@Tim Dunn is nothing less than an embarrassment to himself, but doesn't have the self-awareness and maturity to realize it. No legit company would ever hire such a man-child.
Delta is the best airline in the world!
Delta is NOT flawless but:
Delta has year in and year out had the best operational performance of all large US airlines, DL generates the most revenue of any airline in the world, has the highest market cap, and pays the most profit sharing of any airline in the world.
Well, for an average passenger "stellar" financial performance of an airline is perhaps the most remote thing on their mind if they are stuck at the airport with no idea how to get to the destination, and with no meaningful assistance from the staff (for whatever objective reasons).
I am sorry, but this is a blog about travel experiences, rather than on intricacies of financial performances
and, yet, you don't want to hear about Delta's superior operational performance for the entire year despite the fact that DL, like every other airline, has some form of operational meltdown EVERY YEAR.
You don't want to hear that DL's on-time performance for 2023 was 5 percentage points better than UA's.
You don't want to hear that AA and UA were right at the bottom of 10 airlines for baggage handling.
No, you want to...
and, yet, you don't want to hear about Delta's superior operational performance for the entire year despite the fact that DL, like every other airline, has some form of operational meltdown EVERY YEAR.
You don't want to hear that DL's on-time performance for 2023 was 5 percentage points better than UA's.
You don't want to hear that AA and UA were right at the bottom of 10 airlines for baggage handling.
No, you want to talk about any failure that DL has and then endlessly deflect when I accurately bring proper perspective.
and, once again, UA has cancelled more flights through this whole even than every other airline except DL.
The notion that UA should be held up as the model of how to navigate this is beyond laughably hypocritical.
and then UA had the nerve to use their operational meltdown to implement a restrictive new attendance policy DURING the IT meltdown recovery which also falls right in the midst of labor negotiations.
Those of us that can see the big picture - AT ALL OF THE AIRLINES - know exactly what is going on .
UA implemented the policy AFTER the meltdown.
It’s DL who is still unable to recover. Not anyone else.
DL just passed 1,200 cancellations. Almost 300 for tomorrow.
If only the poor frontline employees told customers about DL’s stellar financials, the customers would feel better.
On second thought, the customers would likely be even more angry, wondering why some of those profits weren’t put into IT.
Hi Tim,
Delta at the moment, is melting down operationally, and struggling to recover. Not the first time this has happened.
Profits and illusions of premium branding mean nothing when the rest of the industry has gotten people moving, but Delta is still stuck at Friday.
Time for Tom Brady to shine. This is why he was hired right? He will keep throwing deflated footballs at the planes & computers until Delta's operations gets back on track. What a hero and what great value this partnership brings to Delta.
Timmyboy you're completely out of control because of your beloved Delta´s meltdown and your obsession with United. In other words, you're meltdowning as much as your beloved Delta. And leave United alone. Kirby is gonna keep sticking it to Bastian no matter how hard you lie on social media you fool.
the only person that is obsessed with any airline is you and United.
and despite your fixation with financials, UAL is worth precisely 54% of DAL's value.
If UAL is doing such a great job, then the memo hasn't gotten to the same Wall Street firms that own most of the big 4 airlines.
UAL's market cap relation to DAL hasn't changed in years.
This is a good post. As usual, Ben does a nice job selecting diverse topics. What I think is missing from the commenters is that the airline industry as a whole is a big mess. Instead of debating whose stock is higher, aka accounting books, why not address the ridiculous age of the airplanes the airlines are still flying, for one, but major issue. If that doesn't irk you, try out why the airlines don't have DIRECT flights anymore!
Offering some insight on IT systems in particular when things hit the fan and the IT must recover immediately. Almost all companies did not expect this to happen and I can understand why. Without going into the nitty gritty, it has never happened before so it's nearly impossible to create protection from it by just anecdotal reasoning because you will be building defenses for anything from hackers to alien invasion. I've been in good companies...
Offering some insight on IT systems in particular when things hit the fan and the IT must recover immediately. Almost all companies did not expect this to happen and I can understand why. Without going into the nitty gritty, it has never happened before so it's nearly impossible to create protection from it by just anecdotal reasoning because you will be building defenses for anything from hackers to alien invasion. I've been in good companies where we constantly do disaster scenarios simulations. Sometimes the company won't even tell you about it until an hour from the exercise but it's rare for most companies to go that extreme.
2nd, it's the response team. Here is where all the difference in the world comes. In a disaster recovery your team has to know everything. Not just the IT systems but the business operations. Your team is essentially 2 departments. That team has to come up with ideas quickly, they have to know their companies process and procedures, they have to know what mitigation technique to perform and how long it would take because your ceo may have a very different concept of recovery and that moron can ruin everyone's long weekend. If your staff is full of offshore folks you're almost definitely screwed. That team will do nothing even if you tell them if the system don't go back up in 5 hours, people may die. They will just sit there watching tv and 5 hours later tell you but you haven't told me what to do. You may have said to them please find the server with the hackers code in it and they'll say but you didn't tell me how I should search for that. While you're cursing at them they randomly run an update on a server without telling the rest of the team and now that server is offline and you can't get to it. You curse at them done more and they said but you told us to find the bad server and we think it's this one so we patched it. To which your entire us team yells at them and said we have a policy to not do updates until the everyone is alerted. And they'll say but we did, we called one guy he wasn't around so we left a message.
And that is how you have companies that takes forever to recover. Sadly, this is not fiction. I have spent 30 hours of continuous work because the offshore disaster team is themselves a disaster. I have had to implement systems that records their activity just to prove they broke something because the first thing they'll do is try to throw someone else under the bus.
I haven't read through all the comments, so apologies if someone has said this. It's entirely possible that DL's crew scheduling system may be cursed by having been modernized. Anyone who has a crew scheduling system that is on a mainframe or on linux would not be impacted. But if DL's scheduling system is running on windows - either on premise or in the cloud, they've got to get all the servers back up. Trying...
I haven't read through all the comments, so apologies if someone has said this. It's entirely possible that DL's crew scheduling system may be cursed by having been modernized. Anyone who has a crew scheduling system that is on a mainframe or on linux would not be impacted. But if DL's scheduling system is running on windows - either on premise or in the cloud, they've got to get all the servers back up. Trying to bring all the nodes back up while the system is being hit with load could cause a ton if issues and grind the servers that are up to crash. A solution to that would be metering the traffic, causing huge delays in serving requests into the system. That would leave the staff who work scheduling twiddling their thumbs waiting for the system to work. And while they do that, more staff and planes are getting out of position and more flights are being cancelled. It is definitely a miss.
Meanwhile, imagine you're doing scheduling in a mainframe, which I bet AA, in particular, is still doing. You have a lot of other systems that went down, but you're able to recover your schedule more quickly. I'm mostly making educated guesses about the airlines' respective infrastructure.
So, I think it's more an infrastructure problem than the actual scheduling system failing. But, again, an educated guess.
Now, ironically, I had made a note thursday evening to file a complaint after three flights in 10 days being 1.5-2 hrs late without and recognition from them that they messed up. But, I'm thinking now that would be a pointless email and that I should focus on hoping to get home tomorrow!
you needn't bother reading the comments.
Your explanation is very likely the reality.
And as much as United fans would love to hold UA out as the turnaround kid, they have cancelled a double digit amount of flights for 2 solid days and are on the verge of doing it for a 3rd day.
And let's also note that DL and WN blamed their IT during their meltdowns - even though DL and WN both...
you needn't bother reading the comments.
Your explanation is very likely the reality.
And as much as United fans would love to hold UA out as the turnaround kid, they have cancelled a double digit amount of flights for 2 solid days and are on the verge of doing it for a 3rd day.
And let's also note that DL and WN blamed their IT during their meltdowns - even though DL and WN both operate much larger mainline operations than UA.
And, more importantly, UA blames its flight attendants for its own operational meltdown while DL and WN blamed their IT.
AA, as you suggest, wasn't in the same league of IT as DL and UA.
In this case, following the best practices failed massively for DL and UA.
UA just happens to run a much smaller mainline operation so it was much easier for them to recover.
Go away.
Did mommy not hug you enough?
Did daddy get fired from UA?
What is your disability?
AD, yes a lot of comments to get through, though as much as Tim is comparing DL to UA, and is much as UA has also had issues this weekend, almost all of UA’s Sunday cancellations went in yesterday. Yea there are over 200 of them, but most pax were rerouted yesterday, before arriving at the airport.
Delta is approaching 1,000 cancellations, most of them entered today, and hundreds of them just in the...
AD, yes a lot of comments to get through, though as much as Tim is comparing DL to UA, and is much as UA has also had issues this weekend, almost all of UA’s Sunday cancellations went in yesterday. Yea there are over 200 of them, but most pax were rerouted yesterday, before arriving at the airport.
Delta is approaching 1,000 cancellations, most of them entered today, and hundreds of them just in the last few hours.
UA seems to have hit their reset button while DL struggles to keep up, all while canceling hundreds of flights out from under pax who were waiting to board, stranding thousands and thousands of pax at airports around the world.
So yes there are similarities but also major differences.
we get it.
You want DESPERATELY to draw the line JUST ABOVE UA's level of cancellations and yet AA and WN are doing far better and so are a whole lot of carriers.
It is people like you - and Ben - that weaponize aviation social media and could care less about facts or rationality.
United threw its flight attendants under the bus. Delta throw its IT under the bus.
This crisis will pass...
we get it.
You want DESPERATELY to draw the line JUST ABOVE UA's level of cancellations and yet AA and WN are doing far better and so are a whole lot of carriers.
It is people like you - and Ben - that weaponize aviation social media and could care less about facts or rationality.
United threw its flight attendants under the bus. Delta throw its IT under the bus.
This crisis will pass but UA will still have far lower operational performance month in and month out, will generate less revenue and profits than DL.
And UA's customer metrics WON'T pass DL's.
This is all yet another chest-thumping exercise by a few people that are incapable of taking the log out of their own before trying to get the speck out of someone else's.
Here goes your dose of reality liar.
Friday cancellations: Delta 32% of their flights, United 22%
Saturday: Delta 36%, United 15%
So far today: Delta 25%, United 9%
You’re a joke Timmyboy.
UAL is worth precisely 54% of DAL's value.
If UAL is doing such a great job, then the memo hasn't gotten to the same Wall Street firms that own most of the big 4 airlines.
UAL's market cap relation to DAL hasn't changed in years.
I love how he can't argue with you on the issue of flight cancellations, so he deflects/switches to another topic.
Those that continue to want to compare DL to UA yet think 3 days of double digit cancellations at UA is acceptable should see what everyone else can see 1. DL's crew tracking system meltdown but 2. UA's flight attendants called in sick well in advance
DL's operation melted down and they blamed their crew tracking system.
UA's operation melted down and they blame their unionized flight attendants.
UA operates 750 mainline flights/day LESS...
Those that continue to want to compare DL to UA yet think 3 days of double digit cancellations at UA is acceptable should see what everyone else can see 1. DL's crew tracking system meltdown but 2. UA's flight attendants called in sick well in advance
DL's operation melted down and they blamed their crew tracking system.
UA's operation melted down and they blame their unionized flight attendants.
UA operates 750 mainline flights/day LESS than Delta
United doesn't control its regional carriers so they don't use the parent's crew tracking systems.
In fact, DL ALSO operates more mainline flights than American.
Only Southwest operates more mainline flights than Delta.
The only things I am passionate about in aviation are facts and rationality. but many here use aviation social media as a weapon and invariably fail because their logic is failed.
Jesus Tim, get a life. Delta is in the middle of a Southwest-like meltdown, and you keep crowing about UA. You are so sad.
Shilling for DL across the internet IS his life.
As a percentage, United has canceled 9% of their flights. Yes that’s a lot but most of those flights were entered as cancellations yesterday, so most pax are not stranded at airports.
Delta has canceled 24% of their flights today, and the number goes up every time I check.
Worst of all, 700+ of today’s Delta cancellations went in today, stranding thousands of customers and resulting in those photos of those Delta concourses...
As a percentage, United has canceled 9% of their flights. Yes that’s a lot but most of those flights were entered as cancellations yesterday, so most pax are not stranded at airports.
Delta has canceled 24% of their flights today, and the number goes up every time I check.
Worst of all, 700+ of today’s Delta cancellations went in today, stranding thousands of customers and resulting in those photos of those Delta concourses filled with stranded customers.
Hardly any stranded United pax since they would have been rerouted before getting to the airport.
Tim, just in the last few minutes, Delta canceled another 50 flights for this evening.
As seen in news and social media reports, even UA areas are relatively calm, due to the proactive nature of today’s cancellations.
Delta hubs are a total mess with people having flights canceled out from under them, some after the delays crept for several hours.
Crew quotes from other forums, in addition to what JonNYC is passing on (which included quotes from senior DL crew that have said this is among the worst meltdowns they’ve seen and that they all predicted this, based on DL’s underinvestment in IT:
“Left 110 pax staring out the window as we flew an empty jet this morning. The flight attendants could not be located and crew tracking would not answer the phone. ”
Crew quotes from other forums, in addition to what JonNYC is passing on (which included quotes from senior DL crew that have said this is among the worst meltdowns they’ve seen and that they all predicted this, based on DL’s underinvestment in IT:
“Left 110 pax staring out the window as we flew an empty jet this morning. The flight attendants could not be located and crew tracking would not answer the phone. ”
“ Company was unreachable all day. My first flight canceled before I reported. I never heard from tracking all day even though I tried to contact them many times and various ways. The app had about a 30min delay to get an agent. If listen to that hold music any longer, I might be brainwashed into thinking our operation is the best.”
“ I’m now on over 2 hours since I sent crew assist a message. It has yet to even be assigned to someone.”
“ UPDATE: As soon as we got thru to someone at tracking, they said they would look into it and get back with us momentarily. not even a MINUTE later, they canceled the flight.
Y'all we are stuck in Philly rn with the dumbest delay ever... we got all the working crew we need to take this aircraft out: 3 FAs, an FO and a Captain. But the Captain we have is supposed to deadhead on this flight, the one who is scheduled to work the flight is trapped in ATL, and hasn't even taken off yet bc that flight is looking for an FO. So the DH Captain came up with a simple solution, just switch his deadhead over to a working segment and we can go! But he's been on hold with crew tracking for about 2 hours now to approve that, even though the OCC and dispatch are aware of the situation since he contacted them as well. so now we're sitting on this plane with a full legal crew and can't go anywhere bc we cant get a hold of anyone with the ability to give him permission to work. If the single most impactful thing we can do to help the operation is to work, then let us work!!”
Since this article was published, Delta has canceled an additional 556 Sunday flights while United only canceled 12 more.
Delta Sunday cancellations are approaching 900 and it’s only mid-afternoon.
Husband's 4 pm flight out of Boston cancelled= nothing till tomorrow night!!. No vouchers for hotel or food...nothing so far tho he is a lowly DM.... I got an email from Ed saying flight waivers and vouchers...but I am not the one flying..or trying to
update he is still at Logan waiting to see if any flights available...
This should surprise nobody. Delta IT is notoriously bad and has always been. There are still things you can’t do on Delta.com or app that you could do with Northwest’s IT systems almost 20 years ago.
The latest app updates are a good clue that nobody in that establishment is listless when it comes to IT issues. So recovering from a relatively easy IT related issue is not surprising.
They're completely different teams. All IT, yes but very different disciple. That said I'm sure their infrastructures team is s mess as well. Or likely they pay top salary to 1 guy and low salaries to 100 others in IT. That 1 guy is currently on vacation and the other 100 agreed to do nothing until the top guy returns their phone call because they're scared of breaking something.
Delta released the following today which explains why they have had such a hard time getting back on track
"Specifically, the issue impacted the Microsoft Windows operating system. Delta has a significant number of applications that use that system, and in particular one of our crew tracking-related tools was affected and unable to effectively process the unprecedented number of changes triggered by the system shutdown. Our teams have been working around the clock to recover...
Delta released the following today which explains why they have had such a hard time getting back on track
"Specifically, the issue impacted the Microsoft Windows operating system. Delta has a significant number of applications that use that system, and in particular one of our crew tracking-related tools was affected and unable to effectively process the unprecedented number of changes triggered by the system shutdown. Our teams have been working around the clock to recover and restore full functionality."
So, they had to get a system back online even while the airline continue to operate and then they had to put all of the updated locations of where planes are.
The moral of the story is pretty clear - crew tracking cannot be dependent on any one system.
Southwest suffered because of crew tracking.
Delta and every other airline needs to run crew tracking in parallel on multiple independent systems.
and United is just about to hit 10% cancellations today - the 3rd day of double digit cancellations.
But, in some people's minds, 20% cancellations is a meltdown but double digit is not.
and the question, again, is how AA recovered so quickly and the very likely answer is that they don't run crew tracking on a crowdstrike backed up platform or run it in parallel w/ something else - which DL and UA clearly did not.
It’s okay to acknowledge delta isn’t perfect all the time you know. You can still make the argument that DL is the most premium carrier or whatever you feel while also not gaslighting everyone who are highlighting Delta’s missteps.
UA is also struggling but DL has had the biggest operational impact.
But I think you attach a lot of emotional self worth to Delta’s reputation, which is why people troll you and will continue to do so.
See through the fluff.
If Delta and Tim excuse is Windows.
AA and UA are using MacOS or Linux for their system?
This is like blaming 9/11 on Boeing because no Airbus was hijacked.
can confirm AA is using modern versions of Microsoft
Almost all of United’s Sunday cancellations were entered yesterday, meaning most customers were proactively rerouted before they even got to the airport.
Delta had almost 700 (and counting) Sunday cancellations go in today, showing Delta is still very much in reactionary mode while stranding thousands upon thousands of customers at airports around the world.
Major difference between the two.
Another fun fact about Delta - Delta's pausing unaccompanied minor travel until Tuesday 7/23.
A lot of parents are in trouble for this now. I get that it's better than having hundreds of kids stranded while connecting, but the funny thing is that Delta's even denying boarding of minors at the age of 15 or more.
When they're 15 years old, they don't need unaccompanied minor travel service at all, but Delta's not letting them to fly.
They probably can't risk unaccompanied children getting stranded and then having to find child-safe accommodations
This is simply not true. Any child 15 and over can fly Delta by themselves without the UM services. DL has only embargoed children <15.
Because Delta is getting cocky and when a company is filled with pride and refuse to be honest with themselves, that’s when they start to go downwards.
This is correct. Delta is more interested in attending Coachella and SXSW than being an airline. They are so full of themselves it's funny. Janky 767 business class, sky pesos worth nothing, actively calling its customers Poor if they dont spend 100K on a Delta Amex.
One other interesting point is that most of UA’s Sunday cancellations were entered yesterday, allowing proactive routes while passengers are not yet at the airport.
DL had hundreds of Sunday cancellations go in just in the last few hours, likely leaving thousands stranded at the airport.
So much better than southwest. I remember calling them during the meltdown 3 hours before my flight and their moron customer service assured me it's fine. I knew that meant nothing based on how she said it. It was scripted. They canceled the flight 45 minutes prior to departure but I had already begun to get another flight because I saw that mess coming. Left 6 hours later on united instead at 3x the cost since it was last minute but at least I got out.
Has anyone noticed that Delta NEVER recovers well from any kind of issue, big or small? They always seem to have a meltdown. It is like they never, ever do an after-action report to learn from what went wrong.
Because they believe they're never wrong! Just like Tim Dunn's mindset.
To Delta's defense.
I believe they are in this position because they push all their operations to the limits, in a good way.
The problem is when something like that fails, all your efficiency bonus disappears too. So if on average everyone falls from 10 down to 0 Delta falls from 15 down. So the magnitude would definitely be larger. Because they are too good.
This is the beginning of the end for Delta. They need to stick to what they do best which is sports charters and leave passenger flying to the others.
Apart from the cancellations, this is the third day in a row the FAA is running a DL-only and DL-requested ground delay program for flights to ATL. Delays averaging more than four hours.
This is reminiscent of not just the infamous Southwest meltdown of winter 2022, but also Delta's own meltdown earlier that year. No way of sugarcoating this one other than saying it sucks for literally everyone affected. It really sucks for their crews stuck around the world, their frontline staff having to deal with this chaos, the under wing folks that have nothing they can control, and of course the passengers stuck and missing important events...
This is reminiscent of not just the infamous Southwest meltdown of winter 2022, but also Delta's own meltdown earlier that year. No way of sugarcoating this one other than saying it sucks for literally everyone affected. It really sucks for their crews stuck around the world, their frontline staff having to deal with this chaos, the under wing folks that have nothing they can control, and of course the passengers stuck and missing important events as a result. I hope it can get resolved soon but obviously this'll continue to have a ripple effect throughout the week.
On an another note, I can't recall of another time in the post-US merger history where AA has been looked upon as an example of operational reliability. I know we all like to kick AA when they're down, but you've gotta hand it to them for the way they've recovered from this crisis. Incredible stuff.
IROPS/Crisis recovery has been a focal point for management for the last few years at AA. While on-time stats still lag, Their IROPS recovery has improved dramatically. It used to take days, to get DFW back to 100% smooth operations during a spring storm event, now you're looking at a 12-36 hours usually. Their are a few exceptions like last month when it was day after day of storms, but the one day events have made huge leaps in improvement.
AA deserves a lot of praise for how their stats recovered very quickly.
Climbing, hardly more like Crashing as the true color of DL is showing. Love when self proclaimed "leaders of industry fall" . Like Southwest, DL is cheap and hasn't invested in their back end systems. Sure they look pretty on the app, but their mainframe / back end systems are woefully out of date.
AA spent the monies to update their entire IT system and continues to invest in AI and yes not perfect...
Climbing, hardly more like Crashing as the true color of DL is showing. Love when self proclaimed "leaders of industry fall" . Like Southwest, DL is cheap and hasn't invested in their back end systems. Sure they look pretty on the app, but their mainframe / back end systems are woefully out of date.
AA spent the monies to update their entire IT system and continues to invest in AI and yes not perfect but more reliable for sure. Maybe DL should take some of those profits and quiet acting like they are the best airline ever and invest in planes, food, equipment, software and staff. DL can't even live up to thier 1980s slogan of "get you there". . .LOL. Climbing. . .I don't think so. Welcome back to earth Delta.
Love it
Anybody who works for Delta should all quit. Delta goes out of business. Everybody wins
My family is flying from DFW to Seattle and their flight has been delayed 4 times so far. Totally unacceptable when AA has 21 cancellations and 121 delays today!
And the legitimate question is how AA managed to get its operations stabilized faster than Delta or United. Both are still incurring double digit cancellations. Delta is clearly higher, but United is far from running a good operation at this point. Is American using different IT platforms, did they only use crowd strike on a more limited basis?
Fewer systems pinging crowdstrike. If they are smart or just lucky their various systems ping different security providers. Maybe some to crowdstrike, some to cloudflare and some to palantir. Some companies let individual departments make their own it decisions which can be a disaster as well but not in this scenario.
Yeah don't know what's going on at this point. Total chaos. Crews reporting no hotel rooms, can't get through to anyone, can't even volunteer to work flights because no one answers to put them on crew list. Many fed up and going home on their own on other airlines or driving. Flights that have not had enough crew for hours still show leaving “on time”. No official update from airline since yesterday.
Omg. You hit it right on. I was at JFK yesterday. Flying Delta. What a mess. The hardest thing was the lack of explanation and answers being given. We were heading to Bogota. Everyone is at the gate. Ready to go (fly had only been delayed 30 mins). Plane had slept at the airport arriving the previous night. Pilots and crew were at the gate. Except there was no plane at the gate. Excelt the...
Omg. You hit it right on. I was at JFK yesterday. Flying Delta. What a mess. The hardest thing was the lack of explanation and answers being given. We were heading to Bogota. Everyone is at the gate. Ready to go (fly had only been delayed 30 mins). Plane had slept at the airport arriving the previous night. Pilots and crew were at the gate. Except there was no plane at the gate. Excelt the plane never showed up. Until all of a sudden. With no announcement and just via all notification we are all told to move to a different gate. To Gate 23 where basically they send tons of other flights they have no clue what they are going to do. (I asked the agent and he said oh this is most likely temporarily as they can house people down there for a while). Anyway ala American Airlines we got on a rolling delay every 15 mins for four and a half hours. I guess we got lucky that we went out. Still. It made absolutely no sense. Wait time to talk to someone at the sky club? 247 minutes lol.
I've been following this train wreck closely and it seems the key takeaway is how clearly it underscores the way things are trending for the carrier lately -- if it were just this, I'd have been tempted to just write it off as a stroke of bad luck and nothing to do with DL management strategy. Safe to say that over the past couple of years, we've been watching the makings of the next major airline industry landscape shake up emerge in real time.
And yet you say the same thing regardless if the topic.
Delta and United’s operations have been a train wreck.
Atlanta is Deltas greatest asset and biggest Achilles heel
yes i do; some of us value analytical consistency
Delta is going to bought out by United sometime down the line. United could use a southeast hub but can dump MSP, DET, and SLC. Those cities could benefit from carriers like Southwest, Alaska, Breeze, etc. Heads need to roll as a result of this.
If you’re flying Delta or United in the next few days, prepare for potential disruptions and stay informed about flight status updates. The situation is evolving, and the full recovery will likely take some time.
Any objective and databased analysis of the impact of the crowd strike meltdown would show that Delta runs a very efficient and very profitable operation and can overcome regular weather related issues, including in Atlanta. But when you have something such as an IT meltdown, Delta at Atlanta does far worse than the rest of the industry, because of the size of Atlanta and because of the high percentage of mainline flights. In the past,...
Any objective and databased analysis of the impact of the crowd strike meltdown would show that Delta runs a very efficient and very profitable operation and can overcome regular weather related issues, including in Atlanta. But when you have something such as an IT meltdown, Delta at Atlanta does far worse than the rest of the industry, because of the size of Atlanta and because of the high percentage of mainline flights. In the past, Delta has not issued ground stops and has had lines and lines of passengers who have missed flights and they are clearly not allowing that to happen this time and are canceling flights instead. Delta routinely deals with meltdowns in New York City because of weather and can isolate that but Atlanta is simply too large and a major systemwide issue such as with IT takes Delta down to its knees. The objective conclusion is that Delta has to figure out how to limit the impact when systemwide issues happen or other hubs instead of Atlanta
This too shall pass. Don't give up on Delta.
American has quietly become a really reliable airline. Props to them for how well they’ve recovered from this.
if you think a 37% delay rate is reliable, go for it.
The only carrier that comes out as a winner in this is Southwest and they, of all carriers need to financial help the most right now. This is just a big spreading of the wealth exercise to Southwest. Problem is they can’t help out with the long-haul international operations of American, Delta or United
Why would Southwest need to help UA or AA?
As of writing, UA and AAs cancellation and delay rates are single digits with AAs cancellation rate less than 1%.
DL is the only carrier posting double digit rates for cancellation and delays. Endeavor which doesn’t do any international long haul flying for DL is also posting double digit misery rates.
In any objective and databases analysis, DL is clearly the biggest loser and WN is the biggest winner.
Southwest’s finances are far weaker than Delta and United. WN has flown tens of thousands of extra passengers this week.
The real question is how American fared better than Delta or United in getting back on track given they all use crowdstrike on MS cloud operations. That is the question that matters but isn’t very controversial.
AA’s operations have been worse than DL and UA and they will be when this mess is...
Southwest’s finances are far weaker than Delta and United. WN has flown tens of thousands of extra passengers this week.
The real question is how American fared better than Delta or United in getting back on track given they all use crowdstrike on MS cloud operations. That is the question that matters but isn’t very controversial.
AA’s operations have been worse than DL and UA and they will be when this mess is over.
And anyone can draw the line as to what is a meltdown and what is just poor operations. United is hardly proud of where they are.
There is a clear line drawn between Delta plus Endeavor and everyone else, given that those 2 have cancelled more flights this weekend than the rest of the US airlines combined.
DL failed this shared crisis by a long shot, and it’s not even close.
The reason AA recovered so well compared to DL will stay within AA unless it comes out in this weeks earnings call...maybe get an analyst or reporter on the call to ask
we are in the 2nd quarter.
What happens in July won't be reported until October.
correction.. we are in the 3rd quarter already.
AA's earnings call will be about the 2nd quarter.
What happens in July won't be reported until October
I'm sure the media will ask about it.
I suspect they will be much more interested in AA's performance that included huge numbers of cancellations in Texas in May - which was in the 2nd quarter which was reported.
What is AA supposed to say about its recovery - which clearly was in a different league than DL and UA - but not as good as WN's?
It’s obliviously the Hamas retaliating for the banning of pins on flight attendants…
Thank you for bringing this up. As of 8:50am it’s up to 440 cancelations and I’ve been surprised I’m not seeing much news about it considering it’s approaching a SW style meltdown. When I saw they cancelled over 1,000 again yesterday, I knew it must be really bad.
Southwest's aging systems are well publicized perhaps because of the shock value of their old technology (see NYT's "The Shameful Open Secret Behind Southwest’s Failure") whereas Delta is just generally incompetent at responding to IRROPS which strikes me as something that is more boring to the average consumer. 'Airline uses Windows 98' is a much more compelling story than 'Delta does not budget enough slack to keep their large connecting hubs operating'
I think highly of DL, but I was in the middle of this Friday and DL really set a new low for me.
- On DL2546 DTW - DCA 10:15 a.m.. As driving to airport, get notification flight is cancelled. Upset, but get it that there is an IT outage. Get on the DL app, after some hiccups, booked DL2965 DTW-BWI scheduled for 7:16 a.m. but delayed until 10:16 a.m.
- Get to...
I think highly of DL, but I was in the middle of this Friday and DL really set a new low for me.
- On DL2546 DTW - DCA 10:15 a.m.. As driving to airport, get notification flight is cancelled. Upset, but get it that there is an IT outage. Get on the DL app, after some hiccups, booked DL2965 DTW-BWI scheduled for 7:16 a.m. but delayed until 10:16 a.m.
- Get to airport, get through check in and security and get to gate. Sitting at gate and flight is on the gate screens still departing at 10:16 a.m.
Now here's the low blow: When the flight is ready to board, the gate screen changes to a DTW-LGA flight. Gate agent tells us DTW-BWI flight moved from A10 to A8. As we're walking to A8, DTW-BWI flight is cancelled. No one tells us, people getting message through the app.
By the time we get to see an agent (the app is useless for rebooking at this point), only option is 9:50 p.m. Saturday night to DCA.
As I said earlier, when our first flight was cancelled, I got it...IT issue. BUT DL made a decision to screw BWI people at the last minute to use the aircraft for a LGA flight. Result - by the time any of us got to an agent to rebook, all flights for Friday were gone.
When this started, DL asked for patience. Everyone sitting at gate were patient while the DTW-BWI flight was delayed for 3 hours (absolutely no yelling or everything...people just sitting going about their business on their phones, etc.). Then, they cancel the flight, don't have the decency to tell us, and tell us to go to customer service, which is a 2 hour line. Agent goes up and down the line asking for patience. All I have to say is REALLY?
And what happened to you has and is being repeated thousands of times over the last three days. Not a whole lot better for employees who report total meltdown of communication and support. Flight crews can’t get through to anyone to even volunteer to work. Many who are stranded are fed up and going home on their own on other carriers or driving. Many flights without crew continues today but zero official updates from airline...
And what happened to you has and is being repeated thousands of times over the last three days. Not a whole lot better for employees who report total meltdown of communication and support. Flight crews can’t get through to anyone to even volunteer to work. Many who are stranded are fed up and going home on their own on other carriers or driving. Many flights without crew continues today but zero official updates from airline to passenger or employees today as of 11:30 AM.
You should have just booked with another airline. Delta is going to have to eat the cost of people who have to make alternate arrangements or you should have a credit card that has good trio delay/cancelation coverage to cover the cost.
as usual, the frauds are out in full force and Ben does nothing to stop it even though his own readers find it more than annoying.
What the hell is wrong with you, Ben, that you are incapable of blocking certain user names that duplicate others?
Given that you can't even fix the ad problems that some users say are driving them off the platform, of course, creating even more controversial topics that create...
as usual, the frauds are out in full force and Ben does nothing to stop it even though his own readers find it more than annoying.
What the hell is wrong with you, Ben, that you are incapable of blocking certain user names that duplicate others?
Given that you can't even fix the ad problems that some users say are driving them off the platform, of course, creating even more controversial topics that create page clicks is the way to fix the problem that you should be able to fix.
Or maybe you really are paranoid that Gary routinely posts how far down the list your site is the ranking of page clicks for travel sites.
It isn't hard to also look at the FAA's ATC status page to see that DL at ATL is the only carrier requested gate hold being continually requested since the crowdstrike mess started.
Delta operates more mainline flights than any other US airline except WN and also operates the world's largest hub at ATL with the highest percentage of mainline flights of any large US hub. ATL is more than 60% connections for DL.
DL simply cannot dump thousands of passengers per hour into ATL onto flights that risk cancellation.
There have been thunderstorms in the SE just as there have been thoughout Texas in May (documented by Cranky Flier)
UA operates a much smaller percentage of mainline flights than DL and yet still is cancelling a high percentage of international flights - which will have a large impact on their bottom line - just as this mess will for DL.
And the real question is why AA has managed to get back on line faster as well as how many passengers have just cancelled with DL or UA and flown WN whose decades old computers actually work.
Yes, DL is having a harder time because of their size and the concentration of mainline operations at ATL
When you focus on creating page clicks, there will be no light shed on why but let's face it that OMAAT isn't about creating understanding anything despite the article name but about creating page clicks by the AA and UA employees that can't stand to admit the real news which is that DL is still at the top of the industry and this event won't change it.
Hmmmm it seems obvious to me that for Ben, the only reason why (the real) Tim Dunn is even still allowed here is because he finds him quite him funny.
if Ben can’t even control fake usernames, what makes you think that he is going to be able to stop me or any number of other people that choose to do the same thing as these other fries are doing? Simply doesn’t want to control it because he gets page clicks out of the controversy.
And let’s not talk about the ad issue, which is what is clearly hurting his real page views because people...
if Ben can’t even control fake usernames, what makes you think that he is going to be able to stop me or any number of other people that choose to do the same thing as these other fries are doing? Simply doesn’t want to control it because he gets page clicks out of the controversy.
And let’s not talk about the ad issue, which is what is clearly hurting his real page views because people are specifically saying they are walking away from the site because of the inability to see content because of ads
Ed Bastian wouldn’t let this happen!
@ Tim Dunn -- "...but about creating page clicks by the AA and UA employees that can't stand to admit the real news which is that DL is still at the top of the industry and this event won't change it."
I want to live on the planet you're living on.
it is clear that you don’t live on planet earth when your own readers tell you that fraudulent usernames and adds that obscure content are costing you readers and yet you don’t listen
The absolute irony coming from this user name. We all hate your commentary
But then there would be no aviation social media because it is clear that the conflict between American, Delta, and United loyalists is what sells page clicks. Nobody cares about premium travel on Middle East airlines so Ben’s response is to write an article justifying his decision to fly on those airlines
I donno, I came to this website to read about Ben's (and others') experiences traveling premium. It's not something I would ever likely be able to do, but it's fun to hear about. (I also enjoy reading other blogs that focus on travel that is more reasonable for commoners like me.) For that matter, reading about American's A321T on this website is what made me plan to fly it on a trip I had to...
I donno, I came to this website to read about Ben's (and others') experiences traveling premium. It's not something I would ever likely be able to do, but it's fun to hear about. (I also enjoy reading other blogs that focus on travel that is more reasonable for commoners like me.) For that matter, reading about American's A321T on this website is what made me plan to fly it on a trip I had to take across country some years ago.
Step off your high horse @Tim Dunn. There is lots to aviation social media besides your hyped up conflict between American, Delta, and United.
Although I agree with needing to fix the ad locations.
What Tim doesn’t realize that if you want to get rid of the flies, you need to throw out the trash that attracts them.
@ 1 Solution, Nailed it!
Then why don’t you leave Tim? Stop posting? Stop shilling for Delta. You complain about Ben but yet you still are here.
Frankly, I wish Ben would ban you like other sites have.
@Tim Dunn ... you're such an a** of a person ... making your real input (which you occasionally do) worthless
@Ben he’s living in Delulu land. If it’s not about him or Delta being perfect, he can’t stand it. Aka when you reference JonNYC. “Anyone can find this news online.” He hasn’t admitted that Delta has had horrible IROP recovery in any of his comments. Just DL has the largest hub and largest domestic network…. I read somewhere that DFW is actually the busiest hub during the summer schedule. I’m glad AA is only at <1% cancellation.
DFW is ahead in scheduled departures over ATL (930 vs 898) for NS24, however DFW is at 37% mainline versus ATL's 89%.... so the passenger capacity isn't even close.
This isn't the first time ATL's been about in departure count over recent years, both DFW and CAN have done that before.
With the exception of the 2020...
DFW is ahead in scheduled departures over ATL (930 vs 898) for NS24, however DFW is at 37% mainline versus ATL's 89%.... so the passenger capacity isn't even close.
This isn't the first time ATL's been about in departure count over recent years, both DFW and CAN have done that before.
With the exception of the 2020 anomaly year (where CAN handled most passengers), ATL has consistently led in pax since 1998.
That should read:
"isn't the first time ATL's been outdone in departure count"
Thank you for the info!
Tim, the first two paragraphs you wrote indicate that you're also in full meltdown mode. Premium melt down mode. The best meltdown out of anyone in the comment section.
Just like you have the right to spew your DL propaganda (sorry "facts") on multiple sites, we also have freedom of speech and expression.
Leave Ben alone, Gulrs gotta make them coins, okrrr (no shade Ben)! Get an adblocker and get a life.
“Dictator Dunn” - LOVE IT.
Delta was last to lift their ground stops, they had ground delay programs for ALT, MSP, DTW, JFk, and LGA for the entire morning. MSP was the first to clear up then DTW. at 5:30pm eastern, ATL, JFK and LGA still had GDPs with JFK and LGA getting occasional ground stops. Yes the morning storms in ATL slowed things down on Saturday, but that can't be an excuse for a non-competitive recovery on Friday when...
Delta was last to lift their ground stops, they had ground delay programs for ALT, MSP, DTW, JFk, and LGA for the entire morning. MSP was the first to clear up then DTW. at 5:30pm eastern, ATL, JFK and LGA still had GDPs with JFK and LGA getting occasional ground stops. Yes the morning storms in ATL slowed things down on Saturday, but that can't be an excuse for a non-competitive recovery on Friday when their two biggest competitors were up and running by 8am. Needless to say, Delta has had their overdue meltdown and struggled to get back on two feet. It happens to every airline from time to time
With all due respect - the frauds are super easy to ignore, since they have "Guest" next to the screen name. Whereas the real Tim Dunn has the "Diamond" tag.
This isn't difficult.
To be honest, I think the readers find the real Tim Dunn more annoying than anything else.
It's unbearable. Every comment section gets hijacked by him.
Ben knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote this article.
Objectively and facts didn't matter to him.
He arbitrarily drew the line above the rate of United's cancellations because above that was a meltdown but United's level of cancellations was not.
And then Ben, who clearly isn't the smartest tack in the desk drawer, waited until I posted a reply and then he virtually immediately jumped on my reply to TWO...
Ben knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote this article.
Objectively and facts didn't matter to him.
He arbitrarily drew the line above the rate of United's cancellations because above that was a meltdown but United's level of cancellations was not.
And then Ben, who clearly isn't the smartest tack in the desk drawer, waited until I posted a reply and then he virtually immediately jumped on my reply to TWO ARTICLES but skipped over a half dozen posts by imposters faking me even though he could have easily deleted those and a dozen other replies to this article.
But Ben thrives on mocking other people and the companies that do better than his choice - because Ben himself has been mocked for much of his life.
People respond to others the way they have been treated.
Ben is a small little man that feeds Miles by mocking other people and cheering on those that mock other people.
Ben is a small person.
Very small indeed.
@ Tim Dunn — Dude, get a life…
Clearly I hit a nerve. Good.
You, just like Gary, have been bullied for large parts of your life.
Your site is now the tool through which you get revenge.
I can see it clearly.
Dude, please take your meds. You definitely need them.
What kind of drugs are you on? I’m asking so I don’t take them.
It’s time for you to go. If a username needs to be banned, it’s yours. You can go throw a fit on your beta website with the article you wrote yesterday that has 3 comments. Newsflash: YOU WONT BE MISSED.
Wow, we're witnessing full-on psychosis. This is sad.
Sure do!
I remember back in the day we would call a bad update like this a trojan
but it's all OK. Let's just believe crowd strike and call it a bad update.
Ben pokes the bear...
May I just add, whilst quite funny, (the real) Tim Dunn has ruined the comments section.
Nike is presently underperforming, by a lot. But, mmk....boomer.
Remember, Delta had similar problems in 2023. Or was that 2022? It happened a few times.
Delta doesn't seem to have the volume of customer service agents that it did before the pandemic, despite taking all the government money with the understanding that employees wouldn't lose their jobs.
Delta customers are having to wait 20 hours for a call back or text message from an actual human being. Despite what Delta says, many...
Remember, Delta had similar problems in 2023. Or was that 2022? It happened a few times.
Delta doesn't seem to have the volume of customer service agents that it did before the pandemic, despite taking all the government money with the understanding that employees wouldn't lose their jobs.
Delta customers are having to wait 20 hours for a call back or text message from an actual human being. Despite what Delta says, many customers can't re-book on the website or Delta app.
Memorial Day Weekend heading into Summer Season of 2022. What a mess. Looks like its happening again
The Delta cancellation is much higher if you include Endeavor, which is wholly owned by Delta and flies exclusively for Delta as Delta Connection.
Delta and United have fared far worse that the rest of their US peers as a result of the Crowdstrike/Microsoft debacle. WN runs on Windows 89 so no issues there. But DL is struggling for sure. Premium airline. Premium delays.
As I’ve said before Ed Bastain believes he oversees a lifestyle brand. He goes to Coachella and SXSW. He thinks he and Delta are the thought leader in travel. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Delta is just a nicer spirit who thinks most of their customers are Poor. True Colors come through in a crisis
Very true. DL is a trunk carrier that happens to rake in more profit than the rest of the US airline industry, because it segments everything and will continue to do so. Those who view Delta as America's SQ or QR are blinded by the light.
Emirates, whose not even a top tier airline, blows Delta out of the water and makes them look like Ryanair by comparison.
You'll never see Delta become the Nike of the airline industry despite what Ed Bastian says for that reason alone.
Delta needs Carl Ichan. Ed Bastain should be fired but that won't happen. Delta makes Frontier look good and that is saying something.
Any stock analyst who bought his nonsense about Delta providing an "experience" should be fired
Tbh though, I think Bastian might actually believe himself when he says stuff like that
A rich version of Tim Dunn.
This is completely fake news. Delta didn't cancel a single flight, and has earned more money that all other airlines ON THE GLOBE since Friday!
25% of DL flights cancelled at ATL.
These fake, childish, Tim Dunn contributions are becoming increasingly annoying. Get a life..
Not nearly as annoying as the real Tim Dunn.
"Not nearly as annoying as the real Tim Dunn."
Nah, definitely don't agree. These are getting way worse.
@Julia: I disagree. These seeming endless, pretty pitiful attempts at mimicking the real Tim Dunn only serve to make him seem more palatable.
The fake Tim is giving the real Tim a chance to play the victim card and get away with all his fluff.
If fake Tim really wants to troll, fake Tim needs to know when to let the real Tim take the hit.
He is an annoying troll/DL shill whether people are making fun of him or not. And if he wasn't such an annoying troll, then maybe those fake posts wouldn't exist.
Not Delta’s fault. IT issue that is completely outside their control. Delta is the greatest company in the world.
Repeat this for those in the back!
This is why avoid Delta even if I'm based in SEA.
Tim Dunn will be mad at my comment, but Delta is the worst among the US big 3 when there's an "unprecedented" event.
Yes, they have the best on-time performance and they're always #1 in consumer survey, but it's totally different when there's something out of normal.
I found it out during the pandemic. I'm Korean and I fly between Korea and the...
This is why avoid Delta even if I'm based in SEA.
Tim Dunn will be mad at my comment, but Delta is the worst among the US big 3 when there's an "unprecedented" event.
Yes, they have the best on-time performance and they're always #1 in consumer survey, but it's totally different when there's something out of normal.
I found it out during the pandemic. I'm Korean and I fly between Korea and the US multiple time every year. South Korea changed its COVID related travel restrictions almost every week. I know it's terrible, but Delta was the worst when it comes to understanding the travel restrictions even if they had JV with Korean Air.
They denied boarding of thousands of Koreans even if they had "valid" COVID test results just because the airline's ground staff misunderstood the rules.
Similar things happend at UA and AA, but Delta was absolutely the worst. I've seen a lot of Koreans denied boarding just because of the ignorance of the ground staffs.
UA and AA were far better than DL at dealing with the constantly changing travel restrictions. This is why I switched to AA/AS from DL.. I should take a detour to DFW or NRT/HND to fly to Korea, but I don't regret it at all.
Also during the pandemic, it was almost impossible to contact Delta customer service. I needed to change the name of my account, but it wasn't done for a half year. I received a mail from Delta customer service later saying that a half of the customer service center staffs were laid off and they were working on getting the capacity back.
Delta knows how to disguise themselves to look like the best. Most Americans wouldn't have gone through what I had because their final destination wasn't Korea, and because they didn't need to change their names on their accounts.
Delta may be the best at dealing with regular stuff, but they can be the worst when there's something out of the manual. UA or AA are far better thah DL in those cases.
United will buyout Delta before the decade is out and Delta won't be a problem. I think Delta's employees would be much happier at United.
Yes, but I have to consider how it affects me. That, of course depends on what Tim (Timmy boy) Dunn does.
My primary pleasure in following OMAAT id waiting for the Dunn fest.