“Comedian” Asks Southwest Pilot If He’s Drunk, And It Doesn’t End Well

“Comedian” Asks Southwest Pilot If He’s Drunk, And It Doesn’t End Well


If you have to tell someone you’re a comedian, you’re probably not very good at your job…

Man tries to joke with Southwest captain about drinking

A man who claims to be a comedian with Jammer TV (whatever that is) uploaded a 45-second video to TikTok, showing his interaction with a Southwest Airlines captain prior to a recent flight. The man was walking down the jet bridge and passed the captain. Here’s how the interaction goes:

Passenger: “Are you the pilot of this flight?”
Captain: “Yeah, what’s up?”
Passenger: “You haven’t been drinking or anything, have you?”
Captain: “You know what, that’s the stupidest f*cking thing you could say.”
Passenger: “I’m joking around.”
Captain: “No, I’m not joking.”
Passenger: “It’s a joke, sir.”
Captain: “No, I’m not joking, I can kick you off right now.”
Passenger: “I’m joking, oh my God. You ever heard of a joke? I’m a comedian.”
Captain: “Come here. All right. You don’t do that. And the reason is because that gentleman right there, and anyone else who is around, now doubts what I do for a living. I don’t go into your work and say sh*t…”
Passenger: “I’m very sorry I offended you. I understand.”

You can see the interaction for yourself below.

The captain is 100% in the right here

Admittedly everyone has a different sense of humor, but this guy simply isn’t funny. And I guess I’m not the only one who feels that way, because the guy claims he’s with “Jammer TV,” yet when you Google that, the first page of results doesn’t even lead to anything related to whatever it is he does. Bro, you’re not a very good comedian.

Now, in fairness, ideally the captain could’ve reacted without using profanity, but I can totally understand how he was probably enraged at this accusation. And while I’m not saying he should have, he could have easily gotten away with kicking the guy off the plane, by saying he’s not comfortable with having him onboard.

This simply isn’t something you joke about, and everyone should know better. Did he expect the captain would respond with a joke as well, and say something like “yeah, I was having some drinks at the bar before the flight… you’re flying, right?” That’s not something a pilot can or should joke about.

What’s even more telling about this “comedian” is how he still decided to upload this video to his TikTok. You’d think he’d be embarrassed about the interaction and not be the one to make it public, but nope. I guess he thought it was still funny, or that he looked good in it. That’s even more telling about how he clearly didn’t see how he was in the wrong. Go figure that since then, he has deleted it from his TikTok channel, given the backlash he got.

Bottom line

It’s not funny to try to joke with pilots about whether they’ve been drinking or not. Pilots have a lot of responsibility, and their careers could be in jeopardy if they’re caught drinking. So to even try to joke about that shows very bad judgment.

While the pilot had a strong reaction, I can’t blame him. And at least he didn’t kick the guy off the plane.

What do you make of this interaction between the “comedian” and the Southwest captain?

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  1. Tracy Guest

    At that point, the pilot should have gone for a voluntary drug test and banned the pax from the flight.
    In my career as a flight attendant I have heard some really dumb things from passengers and this isn't the first time someone thought they'd be "funny" and ask this. It didn't end well for them either. Same for someone who thought they'd be funny and say, "Hi Jack", while walking through security.

  2. Lisa Guest

    So disrespectful!
    That guy is an idiot!

  3. Me Guest

    Hope you like your flight cancelled

  4. Bear Guest

    I think the dumbass comedian should be punished and banned from air travel for a minimum of 1 year. Passengers need to understand that getting on an airplane is a privilege not a right. I’m a Commercial Airline Captain myself and and have to deal with similar BS. The government needs to step in here and punish these stupid and unruly passengers.

  5. Sonya Safetycard Guest

    Weird procedure for the Captain to be leaving the aircraft and walking up the aerobridge while pax are boarding. That interaction could not even take place at my airline.

    1. Francis Guest

      Not even a little weird. I can think of a dozen reasons for this. He's checking with the agent, he's checking to see if there are any cockpit jumpseaters at the gate, he's going to get something to eat.....

    2. Sonya Safetycard Guest

      At my airline the radio in the Flight Deck is used to communicate with the ground, summon Engineers etc., and a crewmember leaving the aircraft to buy food DURING BOARDING?? Er… no. Obviously different operators have different procedures but as I said an encounter involving the Captain heading UP the aerobridge while pax are heading DOWN (presuming the Captain was operating and not deadheading) wouldn’t happen in the course of normal operations where I work...

      At my airline the radio in the Flight Deck is used to communicate with the ground, summon Engineers etc., and a crewmember leaving the aircraft to buy food DURING BOARDING?? Er… no. Obviously different operators have different procedures but as I said an encounter involving the Captain heading UP the aerobridge while pax are heading DOWN (presuming the Captain was operating and not deadheading) wouldn’t happen in the course of normal operations where I work so to me it looks weird.

    3. Mech Mike Guest

      I've seen the captain and an fdj go get coffee during boarding. Doesn't seem out of place at all in my opinion.

    4. Guest Guest

      Really, we walk up & down the jetbridge all the time. Pretty normal in the USA.

    5. Pilot Guy Guest

      You are an idiot. Pilots walk up the jet bridge all the time during the boarding process. This could be for various reasons. He might need to talk to the gate agent, use a real restroom, meeting maintenance personnel, etc. Additionally, there is another pilot onboard, so the aircraft is not unattended. It would and does in fact happen all the time. I guarantee it does at your company too

  6. Steven k Guest

    I read this article this morning on a layover in MIA. Right now on a flight with AA and the FA made a joke to a passenger that the red wine is highly recommended by the pilot. Quickly followed by the fact it was a joke. Never had an experience like that and it happened the same day I read this article

  7. 40 year flight attendant Guest

    The guy is almost as humorous as the people who have tried to “joke around “ in TSA lines about bombs, guns and hijacking’s. They soon discover just go unfunny those flippant comments are.

  8. Former airline employee Guest

    All the comments are “right on” about the passenger being an idiot! The TWA pilot’s approach was the best and the current pilot should of used the same modern day approach, I.e., delay the flight by taking a test, announce the results & the seat assignment that caused the delay! Peer pressure or in this case passenger pressure on the so-called comedian would of been worth paying to see!

  9. JorgeGeorge Paez Guest

    Ben really?
    All publicity is good publicity!
    Now he can go on his redemption tour.

    It's a shame he didn't get to use his second joke: "Oh look, let's say hi to my friend standing behind you. HI JACK!"

    1. Tammy Guest

      That has actually happened over an open mic when a pilot was saying hello to his boss…Jack. It was purely accidental but caused some issues prior to departure

  10. Jennifer Tella Guest

    This happens from time to time. People make nervous jokes but it isn’t funny. I have, however, learned to provide an answer which allows them stress but it’s humorous to me. I always respond with “Yes………(long pause watching the perspiration build on the comedian)……I just had a bottle of water about 10 minutes ago!” Admittedly, I enjoy watching them stress.

  11. SMR Guest

    As an airline pilot myself If anyone mentioned or joked about my sobriety I would immediately ask for a dug test. What a senseless joke. Where is the humor ?

  12. HS Guest

    I suppose this "comedian's" next "joke" will be "I'm going to hijack this plane and I put a bomb on it".
    Let's see how far you get with that one...

  13. Lisa Lamkins Guest

    Supposed comedian should have been kicked off flight and even put on airlines no fly list. There is no joking around about various topics, when it comes to flying. He should have got “the boot” AND also, how is this so called joke even funny! NOT! Guys a jerk

  14. Adam Guest

    Probably the guy who thinks it's funny to joke about weapons or bombs while going through security. See how that works for him.

  15. JBM Guest

    As a surgeon, I get it. I would be horrified if a family member called my professionalism into question in front of my patient and coworkers. It isn’t “just a joke”.

  16. Kent Guest

    Captain handled it appropriately except for the profanity. Unprofessional and unnecessary.

  17. Jo Guest

    Pilot should have kicked him off. Not funny .

  18. Jim D. Guest

    Some people will do almost anything for "likes" and attention, all without passing it through a "should I really say or do this, at this time, in this situation" filter? That being said, it made me think, "What would I do?"

    Frankly I think I'd probably be taken back at first, then with a smile say, "You're not going. Now who's laughing?"

  19. Dionne Lange Guest

    Cqn't believe they commented on the Captain's use of profanity. How stupid after that idiot asked a question like that. The Captain handled it professionally and was restrained in his response. I would have kicked the SOB off the flight.

  20. JAC Guest

    Ban that idiot from flying for a couple years. That’ll fix his wagon. Bonehead. Probably a trump supporter.

    1. Steve Guest

      Great response until the breathtakingly stupid assumption at the end about being a Trump supporter…‍♂️

  21. Tom Guest

    45 year pilot, 40 with the airline, 787 Captain here. Without the cussing, passenger should have been kicked off and I would immediately report for an alcohol test.

    The 300 delayed and inconvenienced passengers could take their problem up with this jerk. This is never a “joking” matter!

    1. Tom Guest

      Just to reply to the “snowflakes” or “thin skinned “ comments you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.

      40 years in this industry and I’ve seen it over and over. If these types of issues aren’t addressed IMMEDIATELY and decisively, then they somehow become “true.”

      Example, say they blew a tire on takeoff (something totally unrelated), I can assure you that the media headline would be, “Pilot of distressed aircraft suspected of drinking.”...

      Just to reply to the “snowflakes” or “thin skinned “ comments you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.

      40 years in this industry and I’ve seen it over and over. If these types of issues aren’t addressed IMMEDIATELY and decisively, then they somehow become “true.”

      Example, say they blew a tire on takeoff (something totally unrelated), I can assure you that the media headline would be, “Pilot of distressed aircraft suspected of drinking.”

      Even on an uneventful flight a passenger overhears that comment and tells another passenger who tells another, etc. By time the story passes around (and is changed each time), the pilot is now under investigation by the company and FAA.

      Don’t even try to argue that point as I’ve seen it too many times, not only in this job, but other safety sensitive, responsible professions.

  22. paul Guest

    If there had never been a case of a drunk pilot, maybe that reaction is warranted. Otherwise, 'no sir, I have not been drinking.' The truth is, it does happen that drunk pilots take control. Pilots are still humans. Humans make errors, just like the comedian did. Good pilots should really be angry about systems that protect bad pilots.

  23. paul Guest

    Would you ask this of judge in a court or a surgeon who is about to operate on you? if not, why would you ask a pilot?

    1. Ross Guest

      If i offend a judge or a cop, they can abuse their authority and throw me in jail.
      If i offend a surgeon, they can abuse their authority and endanger my life by cancelling an operation.

      So you are right, why would anyone ask a pilot when he could vindictively wreck my vacation?

      You have pointed out that it is fear, not respect.

  24. J Mack Guest

    The pilot should have immediately announced to the rest of the passengers and crew that since his sobriety has been called into question, for the safety and comfort of the passengers he will need to get tested before taking controls of the aircraft. That means the flight is on an indefinite delay, and if in a outstation, likely cancelled and everyone will now need to deplane awaiting his results.

    I hate idiots like this.

  25. Hans Guest

    As an airline pilot, I would have immediately removed myself from this flight and gone directly to a medical facility for a blood alcohol test.
    Unfortunately, all the other passengers would have been greatly affected by the delay to find another pilot.

    1. Steve Guest

      Really? So, IF I'm reading you correctly, you would have the audacity to be offended that a passenger "dare" offend you by asking you if you were drunk or had been drinking, (like it hasn't happened before) so you'd remove yourself from the flight, knowing you hadn't been drinking, to go get checked out for nothing so you could try to teach all the other passengers a lesson by having their plans destroyed/delayed until another...

      Really? So, IF I'm reading you correctly, you would have the audacity to be offended that a passenger "dare" offend you by asking you if you were drunk or had been drinking, (like it hasn't happened before) so you'd remove yourself from the flight, knowing you hadn't been drinking, to go get checked out for nothing so you could try to teach all the other passengers a lesson by having their plans destroyed/delayed until another pilot could take over because your crappy little feelings were hurt? IF my assessment is correct, you really shouldn't be a pilot... if you even are really a pilot. You shouldn't even be on the internet....lol The flying public can ask the pilots anything reasonable that they want to if it comes to their safety concerns. Lol... you're funny!

    2. Nunya Guest

      It’s serious business. Someone once made a joke, “Didn’t I just see you guys at the bar?” As he got on the plane. The whole crew was pulled and tested (late at night) the flight was canceled. Some things you don’t joke about, it’s not remotely funny anyway.

    3. Tom Chapman Guest

      And you would not only be kicked off the flight, likely you would be put on the airlines no-fly list. Think it cant happen? Press to test and find out.

    4. Tom Chapman Guest

      While the harmless jokes flow, go ahead and make bomb jokes, but make sure you toss in a “it’s just a joke people” every now and again and see how that works out.

    5. Brad Guest

      Yes, we'll take a paid day off as often as we can. Enjoy the higher fares!

    6. CaptainX Guest

      Well sir you've only proven that you're a moron. If someone wants to question my sobriety then so be it, they will get indisputable proof that I am sober regardless of delay. I as a pilot would be compelled to pull myself off the flight to certify that I am sober and fit to fly. So if you're not prepared to deal with the consequences of opening your trap to ask, then I suggest you...

      Well sir you've only proven that you're a moron. If someone wants to question my sobriety then so be it, they will get indisputable proof that I am sober regardless of delay. I as a pilot would be compelled to pull myself off the flight to certify that I am sober and fit to fly. So if you're not prepared to deal with the consequences of opening your trap to ask, then I suggest you keep your trap shut.

      The captain in this situation is correct it's not only about the one who's asking it's also about those that overheard the exchange.

      It's called CYA asshole. Try and keep up.

    7. Rob S Guest

      I'm a captain at a major US airline, and two things are happening if you accuse me of drinking, especially in front of other passengers: 1) I am delaying the flight until I get tested and cleared, and 2) You are getting off my airplane.

      This has absolutely nothing to do with hurt feelings, but everything to do with protecting everyone else involved, from other passengers who may have overheard you, to the airline...

      I'm a captain at a major US airline, and two things are happening if you accuse me of drinking, especially in front of other passengers: 1) I am delaying the flight until I get tested and cleared, and 2) You are getting off my airplane.

      This has absolutely nothing to do with hurt feelings, but everything to do with protecting everyone else involved, from other passengers who may have overheard you, to the airline brand - we don't take jokes like this lightly, for my own protection as well. If anything happens on that flight subsequently, my sobriety will be questioned especially in light of your video which will undoubtedly surface, and I will lose tens of thousands of dollars fighting for my career. Yes, it is that serious, and has absolutely nothing to do with feelings.

      So, ask me if I had been drinking, I am going to make a PA, and then I am going to get tested. When that test comes back negative, the comedian will be removed from the flight.

    8. John Guest

      Exactly what he should have done.

  26. iamhere Guest

    This guy should compensate every passenger if there was a delay as a result of his so called joke

  27. Ben Guest

    Pilot handled this situation extremely well.

  28. Pam Guest

    Oh my god.. it was a damn joke. If you have not thought about your pilot and wondering if he had a drink before he got on the plane, then that means you're young. Because it used to happen all the time. It's a joke. Get over it snowflakes

    1. Steve Guest

      Exactly! Sounded like a reasonable question to me, not even a joke.

    2. Guest Guest

      Ok Pam...Are you a pilot? I have been for over 16 years. If my sobriety is questioned, I most certainly will remove myself from the flight to go get tested so there is no doubt. I have spent too much time and money to get where I am today, to have some jackwagon question my professionalism. It is not a joke. It isn't something that needs to be asked, if you are "wondering if the flight crew has been drinking " you can drive to your destination.

  29. Stu Guest

    Not funny he should have been kicked off.

  30. Ross Guest

    Awesome, I just found the only group with thinner skins than a cop!
    Kicking a guy off the plane cuz he hurt your fee-fees is an embarrassment.

  31. Steve M Guest

    Only in America.
    Fake comedian gets away with saying s@@t.
    Like fake "politicians."

  32. Bob Guest

    I'm in the minority here but I do not see the issue with simply asking if the person (with whom I have no relationship whatsoever and know absolutely nothing about) I'm trusting my life with has been drinking. Comedy or no comedy. The pilot could have simply said no sir and walked away but he wanted to threaten the passenger with removal from the plane to show his power/authority using profanity. Unnecessary.

    Was the...

    I'm in the minority here but I do not see the issue with simply asking if the person (with whom I have no relationship whatsoever and know absolutely nothing about) I'm trusting my life with has been drinking. Comedy or no comedy. The pilot could have simply said no sir and walked away but he wanted to threaten the passenger with removal from the plane to show his power/authority using profanity. Unnecessary.

    Was the question unnecessary? Perhaps, but the reaction from the pilot was unprofessional.

    1. IrishAlan Diamond

      I agree. While a passenger should return to the gate and speak to law enforcement if genuinely concerned about a pilot’s sobriety, even in this case I’m not keen on having a pilot with this angry reaction fly the plane. He should have been shifted off that flight and given time to calm down. Kick the passenger off too, but don’t just excuse such aggression from a pilot.

    2. Steve Guest

      Excellent comment. People and their power trips..."I'm the pilot, how dare you question me!" I'd want to know if the pilot had been drinking, too! NO JOKE!

    3. Mantis Guest

      Wouldn't you be offended if somebody asked you if you've been drinking before you served them their burger and fries?

  33. Shung Guest

    I thought this was tongue and cheek. It was clearly a joke or some gentle razzing. Obviously this pilot has an issue/ Who knows, maybe he's a recovering alcoholic. Hahaha, we can go down all sorts of rabbit holes.

    Mr. Pilot that is your customer and it would be nice if you treated him as such. He should be written up at the very least for his language and attitude to the passenger.

    Now had...

    I thought this was tongue and cheek. It was clearly a joke or some gentle razzing. Obviously this pilot has an issue/ Who knows, maybe he's a recovering alcoholic. Hahaha, we can go down all sorts of rabbit holes.

    Mr. Pilot that is your customer and it would be nice if you treated him as such. He should be written up at the very least for his language and attitude to the passenger.

    Now had the pilot taken this opportunity to talk about things we don't say in airports (like bomb) then I would have had mad respect. Otherwise, he's just an old almost retired grumpy pilot who must have some negative crap going on in his life or regrets to be that trigger happy to go off.

    Just my two cents worth.

  34. steve Guest

    Anytime somebody asks a flight crewmember that question- typically the flight will be delayed as we have to get the drug tester down there to verify we have not since its considered an accusation. I also always removed the person from the flight. Years ago before Columbus had their own airport police, that happened and they had to call the Gahanna police to come and administer a brethalyzer- 2 hour delay- all the passengers lost...

    Anytime somebody asks a flight crewmember that question- typically the flight will be delayed as we have to get the drug tester down there to verify we have not since its considered an accusation. I also always removed the person from the flight. Years ago before Columbus had their own airport police, that happened and they had to call the Gahanna police to come and administer a brethalyzer- 2 hour delay- all the passengers lost their connection and the accuser got off as the other pax were going to lynch him. As a 42 year Captain- I had no tolerance for stupid remarks

    1. Bob Guest

      Accusations and questions are two different things.

      I have been randomly checked by security post checkpoint by the gate before and did not protest because I knew that it was for my safety as well as the safety of everyone else in the airport. Based on recent headlines, asking someone I don't know if they are in proper shape to fly an airplane is a legitimate question.

      As I said, questions and accusations are two distinct and completely different things.

    2. CJ Guest

      You can ask all you want. At my airline, I’m immediately removed from duty, sent to a local specimen collection site (DOT doesn’t use breathalyzer in my experience, I’ve always had to pee in a cup). Then I’d be deadheading back home for time off with pay, while I await the test results. You can justify asking the question all you want, just be prepared for a cancelled flight.

    3. Steve Guest

      42-year Captain? Lol. Who cares about YOUR tolerance? Lololol. It's not like pilots aren't known to be a "drinking" bunch and it's not like pilots haven't flown drunk both privately and commercially. Oh, I just realized you claim you were a Captain. How dare anyone question you and upset YOUR tolerance, right? Lololol Thank God you're no longer flying commercially.

  35. Sandy Needham Guest

    What a totally stupid question to the pilot - it is rather like shouting "Fire" in a crowded cinema.

  36. Sandy Guest

    He is an actual therapist. For reals!
    Someone pays him for his mental guidance.

    1. Lord Buttsexington Guest

      "Former" therapist. He's now a boxer, personal trainer, baseball coach and apparently a comedian.

    2. Shung Guest

      Either way he was an ass and if he is going to work with paying customers (PAX) then he needs to check his sh#t at the door. Customers are arseholes and that's life. You put on your big boy pants when you go to work and you take it like a man. If I was that pilots supervisor I would definitely have a talk with him because this is NOT the PR the company needs right now!

  37. D. M. Guest

    This was definitely not funny. I don't blame this pilot from reacting with profanity. The creep said this within earshot of other passengers. His "joke" is insinuating this pilot might have done something that could get this pilot fired and jail time. Not something to joke about. Not funny in the least. This "comic" needs to look for a different line of work.

  38. Randy Guest

    A lot of drunk pilot? People see a news story and assume half the pilots are drunk. Same with teachers. 99.9% don't abuse kids, but the public think different.

  39. Bob Guest

    Retired TWA pilot. I had that happen. I got on the PA and announced that this pax just asked me if I was drunk. Of course I told him no, but to insure the safety of flight I am going for drug test (all large airports have centers for this).

    45 minutes later I walked on board, posted the results on the cockpit door and thereby sent a message to 437 people, that it's not a joke. They weren't happy with the pax either.

  40. BN Guest

    I agree this was not something to joke about however, there has been a lot of stories coming out about cockpit crew showing up to work drunk lately, and pilots do need to be held accountable as well because it wouldn't be the first time if it happened. So there is blame on both sides.

    1. Erica Guest

      But also ... we should all ask that question. It happens, Pilots being removed for drinking. Our lives are in their hands.

    2. Brian Guest

      The "Jammer" is supposed to be a therapist who we found has lost his license in NY. Ironic.

  41. Guido Sarducci Guest

    This is so much worse. If the fitness of a pilot is questioned by anyone, that pilot may be immediately removed from duty and subjected to tests to ensure readiness. This costs the pilot, this costs the entire airplane full of passengers and those for the rest of the day who's connections are threatened due to the delay or cancellation of that flight, and it costs the company.

    Stupid doesn't even adequately describe this...

    This is so much worse. If the fitness of a pilot is questioned by anyone, that pilot may be immediately removed from duty and subjected to tests to ensure readiness. This costs the pilot, this costs the entire airplane full of passengers and those for the rest of the day who's connections are threatened due to the delay or cancellation of that flight, and it costs the company.

    Stupid doesn't even adequately describe this idiot's actions. There's places you make jokes. In an airport or on an airplane is not one of those places. This has been common knowledge since security existed at airports.

  42. Mf Guest

    The captain was right here, and TikTok and its "comedians" are purely idiotic cringe. Even so, he didn't need to unleash swears like that while wearing his uniform; it was unprofessional.

  43. ImmortalSynn Guest

    What an idiot. This is one degree from joking about a bomb.

    1. ImmortalSynn II Guest

      Nobody with a bomb ever joked about a bomb.

  44. William Guest

    In my country, they speak of a man so virile, so potent, that to spend a night with such a man is to enter a world of such sensual delights most women dare not dream of. This man is known as the "Comedian". You may tell jokes, Mr. @JaimeDeGeorge5, but you are no Comedian.

  45. Dana Anderson Guest

    As an airline employee, I say , "What an idiot that guy is and NOT funny at all!"

  46. Yang Jin-Hong Guest

    You can blame the United pilot for that

  47. betterbub Diamond

    Some of the commenters are so sensitive with profanity?? Someone explain this reaction to profanity to me

    1. Icarus Guest

      Staff saying using profanities is completely out of order. Do you think it acceptable ?

      That orange criminal made it acceptable for people to be abusive.

    2. betterbub Diamond

      They're just words. If it gets an out-of-line passenger to shut up quickly then I'm all for it

      You're telling me you didn't know people cussed in public until 2016?

    3. James Mako Guest

      If you are a customer facing employee you should absolutely not talk like that. I would fire an employee for talking like that. You are getting paid, they are not. The onus is on the pilot. You can send the message that joking about that is inappropriate respectfully.

    4. betterbub Diamond

      I agree you shouldn't normally talk like that but this is an unordinary customer that needed to be shut down immediately. The pilot took the initiative to make it extremely clear extremely quickly that the passenger was out of line

    5. Icarus Guest

      They did, however it’s significantly worse since that criminal entered the White House.

      Of all the clients I deal with globally, Americans are the absolute worst. I receive emails and letters from senior management and even CEOs which are poorly written and often have profanities in them.

    6. betterbub Diamond

      idk dude maybe you just have more clients from the east coast now

  48. Alex Guest

    Unrelated, but very interesting read:


  49. Freddy Guest

    Well, this is like going back to 1776 and saying guess what in nearly 250yrs politicians will take control of life in America and attempt to prevent outsiders from taking part in politics...
    Manipulation of the judicial system for politicians. Is this a funny joke?

    1. Charley Lyman Guest

      I think you are lost and on the wrong thread.

  50. Frederik Guest

    He should have apologised initially once the pilot made it clear not to joke, and was fortunate that he was not kicked off.

  51. Philip Vardara Guest

    Private pilot here. I do not fault the Capt. for his profanity. This ”comedian” was suitably impressed by the Pilot’s response. FAA Regs are MINIMUM 8 hours “bottle to throttle.” All pilots take that very seriously. My personal minimum is 12 hours. You don’t use the “B” (bomb) word. Don’t be an idiot.

    1. PPL Guest

      Ah, the private pilot speaks and everyone listens!

    2. PPL II Guest

      ” All pilots take that very seriously." Most - Nearly All = Yes. 100%- apparently not. Never has a pilot been impaired before a scheduled heavy equipment operation?

  52. Billy Bob Guest

    TV is stupid. You watch TV.
    I'll watch you.

  53. Kor Guest

    Unpopular opinion.... yes joke was stupid, reaction from pilot not professional, I would kick comedian out, and suspend the pilot for a bit of time.
    I work in a very stresful enviroment and if I would react like this, no matter what the reason is, I would have consequences.
    And please do not tell me how responsible theri job is. I am not questioning it, I respect them very much, but there are...

    Unpopular opinion.... yes joke was stupid, reaction from pilot not professional, I would kick comedian out, and suspend the pilot for a bit of time.
    I work in a very stresful enviroment and if I would react like this, no matter what the reason is, I would have consequences.
    And please do not tell me how responsible theri job is. I am not questioning it, I respect them very much, but there are so many other occupations with same or higher level of responsiblity and stress.

    1. Nino69 Guest

      @Kor - Always humorous to read equivalency arguments when you don’t even have courage to tell us what you do. What this guy did only supports how air travel over the past few years has sunk to new lows with passengers acting in ways towards cabin crew and fellow passengers.

      So, when a dumba$$ like this guy thinks it will be funny to say something really stupid thinking the Captain will chuckle or retort...

      @Kor - Always humorous to read equivalency arguments when you don’t even have courage to tell us what you do. What this guy did only supports how air travel over the past few years has sunk to new lows with passengers acting in ways towards cabin crew and fellow passengers.

      So, when a dumba$$ like this guy thinks it will be funny to say something really stupid thinking the Captain will chuckle or retort with a joke couldn’t be further from reality.

      This wasn’t a joke, it was accusation levied against flight crew that could have been led to interfering with his duties (read 49 U.S. Code § 46504 - Interference with flight crew members) Therefore, the Captain’s response was fully justified to let this guy know this is NOT a joking matter.

    2. Kor Guest

      I have no problem saying what I do. I am a civil engineer, and if I make a mistake cause I am distracted it can also cause severe damage to people. I am not comparing myself to pilots, but it is a responsible job as well.

      And I am not defending the "comedian"... read my post.... just saying that if one meets and idiot he does not have to act like one as well....

  54. Nelson Diamond

    If I was the Pilot no doubt I would have kicked him off or if I was another Crew or any passenger around I would had advised the Captain to kick him off.

  55. Nick Guest

    I've heard from many pilots that their protocol from either the union or the airline is to request the entire crew be tested right then. If the flight gets cancelled, so be it. That is not something to joke around about.

    1. Todd Guest

      Not the whole crew, but certainly the crewmember in question.

      And I'd love to make that PA. "Ladies and Gentlemen, the passenger in 12B thought it would be funny to jokingly ask if I'd been drinking. Of course, I have not. But out of an abundance of caution, I will be subjecting myself to alcohol screening. I apologize for the delay caused by this passenger's joke."

  56. Mike Hall Guest

    I am a retired Airline Pilot and I understand the Captains reaction. During my career i encountered several "comedians" or hecklers who tried to embarrass me publicly. We professional Pilots literally live our lives around our jobs. Few positions anywhere involve the levels of responsibility we shoulder. We know that we always hold the lives of our crew and passengers in our hands and do everything possible to ensure their safety. Maybe instead of heckling...

    I am a retired Airline Pilot and I understand the Captains reaction. During my career i encountered several "comedians" or hecklers who tried to embarrass me publicly. We professional Pilots literally live our lives around our jobs. Few positions anywhere involve the levels of responsibility we shoulder. We know that we always hold the lives of our crew and passengers in our hands and do everything possible to ensure their safety. Maybe instead of heckling the Pilots, next time you might thank them.

  57. Icarus Guest

    Wasn’t necessary for the him to use profanities. Imagine other customers not being aware and hearing the captain saying f—g. No idea who this clown is. Another social media loser

    1. Ben L. Diamond

      You know what really isn't "necessary"? Tone policing a pilot who had just had his competence and character maliciously called into question in front of the passengers he's preparing to safely transport through the sky.

    2. Icarus Guest

      Yet as soon as a psssenger uses a profanity.

      Whatever the circumstances, it’s not acceptable.

      If you’re angry try to use sarcasm or a synonym. Something most Americans can’t do anyhow.

    3. NathanJ Diamond

      Oh my, aren't you just a sensitive, precious petal?

  58. George Romey Guest

    Another "social media" loser desperate for attention.

  59. Santastico Diamond

    I read until TikTok. Didn’t need to read the rest.

  60. Ocean Guest

    It is the stupidest f*cking thing anyone could say to a pilot.

    1. That Guy Guest

      Pilot here.

      Typically, if the sobriety of a crewmember is in questioned then they are pulled from that flight for a breathalyzer test. Normally voluntarily. If this happens then the flight will be delayed or even canceled.

      This so called "comedian" it a complete a-hole.

  61. Sanchez Guest

    In aviation industry, some jokes can land you in hot water situation, for example joking about bomb inside aircraft.

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Ben L. Diamond

You know what really isn't "necessary"? Tone policing a pilot who had just had his competence and character maliciously called into question in front of the passengers he's preparing to safely transport through the sky.

Bob Guest

Retired TWA pilot. I had that happen. I got on the PA and announced that this pax just asked me if I was drunk. Of course I told him no, but to insure the safety of flight I am going for drug test (all large airports have centers for this). 45 minutes later I walked on board, posted the results on the cockpit door and thereby sent a message to 437 people, that it's not a joke. They weren't happy with the pax either.

That Guy Guest

Pilot here. Typically, if the sobriety of a crewmember is in questioned then they are pulled from that flight for a breathalyzer test. Normally voluntarily. If this happens then the flight will be delayed or even canceled. This so called "comedian" it a complete a-hole.

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