There’s a ridiculous conspiracy theory going around in the anti-vax community, claiming that four British Airways pilots have died from being vaccinated. I’ve seen this thrown around in the comments section of the blog several times, so I wanted to address this so that people can stop making this baseless claim.
In this post:
Conspiracy theory about British Airways pilot deaths
Four British Airways pilots have recently passed away, which is incredibly tragic. A memorial was set up for the pilots in some sort of a staff lounge. At least three of the pilots died in May and June, while it’s not confirmed when the fourth pilot died.

How do we go from that to the conspiracy theory that all four of these pilots died from coronavirus? Well, there’s an anonymous voicemail that has been passed around, in which a person quotes their anonymous friend who is allegedly a British Airways pilot. The voicemail says the following, in part:
“My friend who is a BA pilot has just told me that they’ve had the third BA pilot die in the last seven days. The first two guys were in their 40s and 50s, this guy in his mid 30s, perfectly fit, no underlying conditions, gets his second jab, and he’s dead within days. Exactly the same with the first two. Because of this, BA are now in crisis talks with the government about whether to allow vaccinated pilots to fly. The issue with that is that 80-85% of pilots have been injected.”
To recap, four pilots have died, and someone anonymously posts a voice clip of an anonymous person quoting an unnamed British Airways pilot, who claims that three pilots died days after getting vaccinated, and that British Airways is in crisis talks with the government. That’s the extent of the “evidence” here.
What we actually know about what happened
For one, British Airways has publicly confirmed that four pilots did pass away, but stated that there’s “no truth whatsoever” in the claims that this was related to being vaccinated.
Beyond that, Snopes has been able to verify further details about the deaths of three of the four pilots (Snopes wasn’t able to verify who the fourth pilot was):
- One of the pilots had contracted coronavirus in March 2020 while on a work trip in Texas; he became extremely ill, and spent eight months in the hospital, before returning to England in December 2020
- One of the pilots was found unconscious in a mountain biking park, and a coroner determined that he died from internal abdominal bleeding
- While details regarding the third pilot’s death are unknown, people with knowledge of the matter have confirmed it wasn’t vaccine related
- Furthermore, there’s no evidence that the pilots died “days” after getting vaccinated
Bottom line
Unfortunately baseless conspiracy theories are at an all time high, and people will largely believe whatever suits their narrative, even if it defies logic, and goes off an anonymous person sharing an anonymous voicemail based on secondhand information.
Yes, tragically some British Airways pilots have passed away in recent weeks. No, we have no reason to believe any of them passed away due to being vaccinated. It’s mind-boggling to me that we see a pilot pass away after having been hospitalized for eight months due to coronavirus, and the takeaway is that the danger comes with the vaccine.
LOL, interesting article does not address how they died? If you were decapitated in motorcycle accident and had Covid, then you died of Covid. Now that is where real the lies await. Fauci Flu.
Appreciate trying to sort through let's not say conspiracy theory, but state what is the truth. The same with the pilots deaths..all perhaps a coincidence BUT only autopsies could determine and just as you discount this you discount the thousands who are injured VAERS less than 1% reported..just like the science study hydroxychloroquine does not work but trial gave to ICU 800mcg dose when 200mcg is normal so no wonder they suffered heart issues and...
Appreciate trying to sort through let's not say conspiracy theory, but state what is the truth. The same with the pilots deaths..all perhaps a coincidence BUT only autopsies could determine and just as you discount this you discount the thousands who are injured VAERS less than 1% reported..just like the science study hydroxychloroquine does not work but trial gave to ICU 800mcg dose when 200mcg is normal so no wonder they suffered heart issues and Lancet first time history had to pull back efficacy of the drug. Same with ivermectin until it finally though a 10,000 physician lawsuit against CDC NIH will finally bring truth to all. So as to is more than a coincidence for they every 6 months go through intense physical. So yes I do not have actual proof but if I were the families I would believe vaccine killed my beloved father. We know the truth and one day the truth will be heard...just takes time to prove but how quickly you wish to shut down a meantime by shutting down you will cause more to get vaccine, more deaths all because you were so anxious to shut down a possibility. I work United Airlines and classmate head of HR...they make the connection all are concerned now flight friends not getting the jab..Losing too many flight attendants too to neurological but shhh!.can't prove it YET but we will
Since Covid has never been isolated it has not been proved to exist. A normal vaccine uses Koch's Postulates as its foundation. What is this so-called vaccine supposed to achieve ? Nobody seems to know. Dr. Andrew Kaufman believes Covid does not exist because it has never been proved to exist. I can't help agreeing with him. Then lets look at the Burial/ Cremation Statistics. In the UK the Office of National Statistics are rather...
Since Covid has never been isolated it has not been proved to exist. A normal vaccine uses Koch's Postulates as its foundation. What is this so-called vaccine supposed to achieve ? Nobody seems to know. Dr. Andrew Kaufman believes Covid does not exist because it has never been proved to exist. I can't help agreeing with him. Then lets look at the Burial/ Cremation Statistics. In the UK the Office of National Statistics are rather embarrassed to produce these for 2020. Why? FOI results for Leeds and Wolverhampton show no unusual seasonal spike going back 12 years. There was never any Pandemic. There is abundant evidence of Applied Behavioral Psychology used by the UK Govt and the Media. ( We had a War on Terror. Now we have a War on an invisible Enemy, called Covid. The whole thing is full of logical contradictions. And yes the BA pilots might have died from the vaccines, but that is not getting fully investigated so no one knows for certain. But 4 healthy pilots ? Really ???!
The tweet only says, "there is no truth whatsoever in the claims on social media speculating that the four deaths are linked." It does not deny that they are vaccine related. Why? Because it is impossible to prove that a death is vaccine related. "Linked" is the key word here, this is a meaningless denial.
One can only hypothesize that vaccines could have caused these four deaths. Once a hypothesis is stated, the scientific...
The tweet only says, "there is no truth whatsoever in the claims on social media speculating that the four deaths are linked." It does not deny that they are vaccine related. Why? Because it is impossible to prove that a death is vaccine related. "Linked" is the key word here, this is a meaningless denial.
One can only hypothesize that vaccines could have caused these four deaths. Once a hypothesis is stated, the scientific method is to try to falsify it. This tweet by BA is not a falsification, it is only a confirmation that four pilots did recently die unexpectedly. One easy way to falsify the anti-vax claim is if several or at least one of the dead pilots had not been vaccinated. Of course the pro-vax side will blame their deaths on this fact!
A skeptical observer, who stands above both partisan sides of the vaccine question, should keep an open mind here and look for evidence that falsifies the claim. But given the limits to science, we may never have anything close to certainty either way if it does turn out that all four pilots had been vaccinated. At that point the butterfly flapping its wings arguments could take over.
Oh there have been many many many deaths counted as Covid that weren’t really from Covid. I’ve heard of this happening countless times. That’s one of the main issues.
Sorry, but I can't understand how you can state caegorically that the vacciens had nothing to do with the pilots' deaths when you admit yourself that you have no idea what the cause of death was in at lest two of these cases. I you don't kow what it was, how can you say with such certainty what it was not?
This isn't about anti-vax or conspiracy theories. I have taken plenty of vaccines and my children have as well.
The audio clip should be taken with a grain of salt as should ALL information (fact checkers included), but 4 pilots dying in short succession is odd. You also cannot rule out the chance that this audio is in fact real. The audio clip never mentioned the MHRA (only the government) so that is a...
This isn't about anti-vax or conspiracy theories. I have taken plenty of vaccines and my children have as well.
The audio clip should be taken with a grain of salt as should ALL information (fact checkers included), but 4 pilots dying in short succession is odd. You also cannot rule out the chance that this audio is in fact real. The audio clip never mentioned the MHRA (only the government) so that is a moot point. The statement by BA only states that their deaths aren't linked. One could assume the link they are alluding to would be the vaccines, but words matter. The clip author seems to have an "insider" so they would be privy to otherwise confidential information.
Since we don't know the vaccination statuses of these pilots before they died, then we cannot speculate about time frames for deaths. We also know that vaccine "related" adversities are being labeled as "adverse effects" which may or may not be related to the vaccines. In light of those facts any speculation (even from the fact checkers) is just speculation. What we would need to know is if these pilots were in fact vaccinated and how soon after they died.
Given the potential clotting issues associated with some vaccines there is a legitimate reason to seek answers here. Blood clots are already a risk at high altitude for long periods of time. Pilots are responsible for the lives of passengers so this should be taken seriously.
The truth is often inconvenient and these vaccines are still not fully FDA approved. They are only approved for EUA under the circumstances that no viable alternative treatments are available for use. The HCQ study in the lancet that, in part, made way for these vaccines has since been retracted. The same fact checkers told us for the last year that the lab leak theory was a "conspiracy theory".
There are no specific details in these responses. There are still a lot of questions.
1. Did the pilot who had contracted coronavirus in March of 2020 recently get an injection? And, if so, how soon before he passed away?
2. What caused the internal bleeding of the pilot who was found unconscious in the mountain biking park? Had he recently been vaccinated or not ?
3. What are the details of the...
There are no specific details in these responses. There are still a lot of questions.
1. Did the pilot who had contracted coronavirus in March of 2020 recently get an injection? And, if so, how soon before he passed away?
2. What caused the internal bleeding of the pilot who was found unconscious in the mountain biking park? Had he recently been vaccinated or not ?
3. What are the details of the 3rd pilot and who are the people whose knowledge of the matter we're supposed to blindly believe?
4. Oh, and we're supposed to forget about the 4th one cause it hasn't yet been confirmed when he died?
Yeah . . . nothing to see here folks . . . just go about your business . . . move on . . . OMG!!!
So why do these tragic deaths stop at pilots ?
What about the cabin crew ? How come they are alive and well ? Surely they should have succumb to the vaccine?
This is another totally baseless fairy story with no regard for the families that have lost loved ones.
There is no smoke without fire. Is it a coincidence that four pilots died one after another in a short period of time? I don't think so. If it was an untruth, why is the article not available anymore? Because everything that exposes the masquerade disappears. Fact checkers??? Laughable!!! It's communist censorship!
Since no one has said it yet.
This might be a UK cover up. Put a story behind deaths to hide actual cause.
Remember how much it would cost Oxford–AstraZeneca to get pulled off the market. Then all the lost income of selling this vaccine.
UK tax man will have problems with the royals if their pocket money declines, especially after spending too much on weddings.
I don't believe it too, but someone needs to fuel some conspiracy right?
With respect to counting deaths "with" vs "from" the Wuhan Virus, how does one justify classifying a young man who died in a motorcycle accident in Florida as being a pandemic victim? Once outed by an alert local journalist, the "powers that be" had to fix that classification "error"! There are also tons of other examples of such classification "errors," which can make one suspect that such "exaggerated" classifications have been intentional in order to...
With respect to counting deaths "with" vs "from" the Wuhan Virus, how does one justify classifying a young man who died in a motorcycle accident in Florida as being a pandemic victim? Once outed by an alert local journalist, the "powers that be" had to fix that classification "error"! There are also tons of other examples of such classification "errors," which can make one suspect that such "exaggerated" classifications have been intentional in order to alarm and frighten the public into being more compliant with government mandates regarding the dangers of this pandemic!
With respect to those who insist that deaths of people after getting their "jabs" have nothing to do with getting their "jabs," the standard of judgement should be whether those people were in danger of dying, anyway, *without* having gotten their jabs. If the answer is "No" then their jabs most likely *did* influence their deaths in some form! Since these vaccines are all being dispensed under experimental status (hence their EUA designation), we still do *not* know for sure what the entire spectrum of side effects are -- even CDC has now admitted that mRNA vaccines given to the young are creating greater dangers of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammations) than previously acknowledged. Just as anti-vaxxers should *not* jump to conclusions, pro-vaxxers should also *not* jump to conclusions in the opposite direction!
Where is your source for a motorcycle accident victim being classified as a covid death? I have seen no evidence that this misclassification is happening on any sort of wide-scale basis so one off misclassifications are not compelling evidence of a broader conspiracy.
Again, for vaccinations causing deaths - we need evidence that the vaccine caused the death. There have been cases like that due to blood clotting. Doctors and hospitals and governments have...
Where is your source for a motorcycle accident victim being classified as a covid death? I have seen no evidence that this misclassification is happening on any sort of wide-scale basis so one off misclassifications are not compelling evidence of a broader conspiracy.
Again, for vaccinations causing deaths - we need evidence that the vaccine caused the death. There have been cases like that due to blood clotting. Doctors and hospitals and governments have been very forthcoming about these incidents. I see no reason why in other cases with no evidence of a link we wouldn’t trust the obvious causes of death over some unknown vaccine link that can’t be proven.
Look at this report (remove surrounding [ ] first) --
You should do your research about such mis-categorized incidents more thoroughly, as these have occurred very often all over the country during the past year!
With respect to "evidence that the vaccine caused the death," I had already posted what I think should be the operative method for judging the possibilities of such occurrences; in order to truly determine the "cause of death," you...
Look at this report (remove surrounding [ ] first) --
You should do your research about such mis-categorized incidents more thoroughly, as these have occurred very often all over the country during the past year!
With respect to "evidence that the vaccine caused the death," I had already posted what I think should be the operative method for judging the possibilities of such occurrences; in order to truly determine the "cause of death," you need to do a formal autopsy with full knowledge of all potential side effects from said vaccine that was injected. Full autopsies may or may not be done due to costs involved and resources available, and we still do *not* know all of the potential side effects of those *experimental* vaccines, so you may *not* get any definitive answers, anyway, but you can be very suspicious of "influences" towards deaths by knowing the state of health of the individual *before* getting jabbed. Note that *none* of those "experimental" vaccines used worldwide have fully completed their Stage 3 clinical trials with final reports, so "seemingly implausible" causes of injuries or deaths can *not* yet be totally discounted!
Be real - anti-vaxxers are not "the opposite" of pro-vaxxers
One problem though - that's not how covid deaths are counted. Covid has to be a contributing factor to the death to count; in the falling out of a building example it is not. Unless you can provide any evidence that this type of death has been counted as a covid death it’s safe to say this is just another misinformed talking point.
"People don't realize this vaccine was 15 years in the making and has been tested on millions of people"
The technology may have been around for 15 years but this vaccine could obviously not have been unless covid is not a new virus. This is the first mRNA approved for humans so yes it has now been tested on millions. However, read the Pfizer phase 3 trial. Less than one percent of...
"People don't realize this vaccine was 15 years in the making and has been tested on millions of people"
The technology may have been around for 15 years but this vaccine could obviously not have been unless covid is not a new virus. This is the first mRNA approved for humans so yes it has now been tested on millions. However, read the Pfizer phase 3 trial. Less than one percent of the participants ever got covid and none died from covid even in the placebo group. I truly hope the vaccine ends the pandemic but there are plenty of reasons to be sceptical - just read the report. And now Israel is reporting that half of those infected by the Delta variant have been fully vaccinated. Dig into the report a bit more and you will also learn that the odds of being hospitalized are higher for those who have been vaccinated and get infected vice those who received the placebo.
Vaccines not FDA approved. Proteins that cause the white blood cells to multiply, hence endangering the immune system.. How can it be 15 years in the making if the outbreak was only 2 years back? Either this is true, meaning the virus was out and about 15 years ago as well and they just let the pandemic worldwide kill millions? Or the vaccine they're injjecting right now is an experiment since its been only a...
Vaccines not FDA approved. Proteins that cause the white blood cells to multiply, hence endangering the immune system.. How can it be 15 years in the making if the outbreak was only 2 years back? Either this is true, meaning the virus was out and about 15 years ago as well and they just let the pandemic worldwide kill millions? Or the vaccine they're injjecting right now is an experiment since its been only a year or so of testing and studying and we are all the lab rats.. Why it's not in the front pages? Of course it's not. It will make people think multiple times if its vaccine related
I'm curious why America has so many anti-vaxxers. I'm sure all countries have some, but they seem so numerous in America. Where I work, we have employees from around the world, and the only ones who don't want to take the vaccine are American.
Because ~25-30% of the US population has been conned over the past 5 years. They live in an alternate reality not based in science nor truth.
The thing is, if this rumour was true, don't you think it would be front page news by now? Jeez, all you need is one person dying of a blood clot and it is splashed all over the media. I am going to guess that they checked the story, and know the facts which remain private out of respect for the families. I just can't see the families holding back if they believe the vaccine...
The thing is, if this rumour was true, don't you think it would be front page news by now? Jeez, all you need is one person dying of a blood clot and it is splashed all over the media. I am going to guess that they checked the story, and know the facts which remain private out of respect for the families. I just can't see the families holding back if they believe the vaccine was the problem. Why would they? Having said that, pilots are prone to diseases that most of us don't experience because they clock up so many hours of changing altitudes and changing air pressure and this affects a lot of our organs in subtle ways. I used to fly a lot, and one issue that I had was my (many) amalgam fillings. If I had a slight gap between the filling and my tooth, so descending was like getting an electric shock that lasted for 10 seconds or so. It was the air expanding in the crack.
I must admit I'm flabbergasted that some people are naiive enough to believe this total utter codswallop! Great you've called it out but it still beggars believe what passes for 'evidence' in the anti-vax community
Thanks for posting this, Ben. Now please ban the troglodytes who spread QAnon misinformation in the comments section of your website.
What is wrong with Americans. Truth apparently does not trump idiocy.
I can see from the tenor of the previous comments that the Pro-vax bots are out in full force. After 9 years of postgrad medical education and 30 years of medical practice, I can tell you that where profit margins are concerned the pharmaceutical industry will throw caution and Truth to the wind to defend those profits. Still, I've never seen so many people in different walks of life mobilized to push an "experimental medical...
I can see from the tenor of the previous comments that the Pro-vax bots are out in full force. After 9 years of postgrad medical education and 30 years of medical practice, I can tell you that where profit margins are concerned the pharmaceutical industry will throw caution and Truth to the wind to defend those profits. Still, I've never seen so many people in different walks of life mobilized to push an "experimental medical procedure"---NOT A VACCINE---down the public's throat. Try requesting the package insert for the jab: the pharmacist is required to produce this on demand. "MEMENTO," did anyone tell you why you're now magnetic? Is the word 'magnetoprotein' in your vocabulary? Did anyone explain to you that the mRNA of the "vaccine" may end up being incorporated into both your somatic and germ cell lines? Most sensible people might have had second thoughts about an injection shepherded into production by the world's leading advocate for global depopulation; but not you, eh?
This magnetic thing is ridiculous. The vaccines do not cause people to become magnetic. If your skin has released sweat at some point in the day or oils, it becomes sticky - not hard to balance light objects on yourself and make it look like there’s some sort of magnetic phenomenon. mRNA can’t be incorporated into germ lines. It simply executes manufacture of a specific spike protein inside cells before being destroyed by your body....
This magnetic thing is ridiculous. The vaccines do not cause people to become magnetic. If your skin has released sweat at some point in the day or oils, it becomes sticky - not hard to balance light objects on yourself and make it look like there’s some sort of magnetic phenomenon. mRNA can’t be incorporated into germ lines. It simply executes manufacture of a specific spike protein inside cells before being destroyed by your body. The spike proteins create an immune response that is the only lasting vestige of the vaccine. The spike proteins and mRNA and both destroyed. The immune response is what remains.
SURE you're a doctor. If you even passed a high school biology class you'd know that the anti-vax babble you're spouting is a bunch of nonsense.
In 1921 the average life span was 40 years. In 2021 its 81.
The biggest reason for this is the introduction of Vaccines.
Rubbish. The main reason for this statistical phenomenon is the improvement in peri-natal survival.
They are both factors. Perinatal survival impacts the magnitude overall because of the impacts of those low numbers on the overall average.
Things like vaccines have still improved the life expectancy of someone aged 10 or 20 years old (at which point infant mortality is obviously not a factor).
Exactly, the reason for improved peri natal survival rates is primarily due to vaccines...
Biodistribution studies have shown the infamous spike protein in bone marrow, the ovaries, liver and other places....the developers has maintained it would stay in the deltoid muscle, and they were wrong. Thousands of post menepausal women are reporting bleeding, which is a serious health concern and could be due to cancers....the common denominator, the juice.
What caused the cycling pilot to develop internal bleeding all of a sudden? Is it normal for BA to...
Biodistribution studies have shown the infamous spike protein in bone marrow, the ovaries, liver and other places....the developers has maintained it would stay in the deltoid muscle, and they were wrong. Thousands of post menepausal women are reporting bleeding, which is a serious health concern and could be due to cancers....the common denominator, the juice.
What caused the cycling pilot to develop internal bleeding all of a sudden? Is it normal for BA to have four young health pilots suddenly die withing just a couple months? Has this happned before?
Oh yes, BA pilots are notorious for developing spontaneous abdominal hemorrhages while riding bicycles. And if you believe that one, you might as well get the jab, since you're already braindead.
The real question is, "What is going to happen to all of the 'vaccinated' people over the course of the next 3 years as they confront other strains of coronavirus?" Will their immune systems over-react, as the immunologists are warning? It's time to...
Oh yes, BA pilots are notorious for developing spontaneous abdominal hemorrhages while riding bicycles. And if you believe that one, you might as well get the jab, since you're already braindead.
The real question is, "What is going to happen to all of the 'vaccinated' people over the course of the next 3 years as they confront other strains of coronavirus?" Will their immune systems over-react, as the immunologists are warning? It's time to repeal the '86 (US) law giving the Modernas and Pfizers of the world exemption from legal liability. Then they might actually do the required clinical testing to assure both efficacy and safety.
Did you know!? Vaccines are a compliance test by Bill Gates and his Cabal. Those who sheepishly comply with all he says to do are of no threat to him and his NWO. The vaccine contains a chip to let them know who is in compliance.
Those who don't comply are dangerous to the NWO, and they have plans to eliminate anyone who doesn't have the chip.
.../s... right?...
Has the FDA approved the vaccine now?
Nope! As a matter of fact, from what I’ve read and heard, the WHO and CDC are no longer recommending 20 and under getting the vaccine.
The Anti-Vaccine Brigade hate being called conspiracy theorists and want to be called "truth seekers" which is pretty ironic considering they are anything but.
I work with a very intelligent older female colleague, and she refuses to have the vaccine for all different kinds of really weird hypothesis all based on American bloggers BS. She believes Trump won the US election and the Army is in charge, waiting to restore him to the presidency....
The Anti-Vaccine Brigade hate being called conspiracy theorists and want to be called "truth seekers" which is pretty ironic considering they are anything but.
I work with a very intelligent older female colleague, and she refuses to have the vaccine for all different kinds of really weird hypothesis all based on American bloggers BS. She believes Trump won the US election and the Army is in charge, waiting to restore him to the presidency. Joe Biden is in prison and Jim Carrey is his body double, and it was Jim Carrey at the G7 meeting in Cornwall, not Biden. Oh yeah... she is also a flat earther.
Honestly, these people........
Ohhhhh bull! I believe she said some of those things, but there is no way she said she believes Jim Carrey is posing as Biden for real. That is a lie and you know it. You are taking the SNL skit and embellishing.
Your comment is a generalized ad hominem attack. You don't address anyone's contentions. You don't defeat their arguments because you only have logical fallacies in your armory. Makes you the loser!
Unfortunately this is a reason why hospitals are not vaccinating the terminally ill. They fear that if these individuals receive the vaccine, and then pass away from their respective illnesses, then people will associate the vaccine having been the cause.
They do this at one of my family member’s organization, and they are a doctor working for a major hospital in a major city.
Stick to blogging about travel
One would need to see the death certificates to be able to know how they died. To me they died and I don’t know what their causes were. “People with knowledge” is weak. Sorry, but it is though fits the narrative of the post.
WTF is up with anti-vaxers? I do not understand being against vaccines in general. When it comes to COVID it is even more inexplicable. I got the Pfizer vaccine and, apart from now being magnetic, there have been no lasting side effects whatsoever (joke). One would think those “freedom lovers” would love the vaccine. They hated the masks because masks are mostly about protecting others. Well, F that. It’s Merica y’all. They should be free...
WTF is up with anti-vaxers? I do not understand being against vaccines in general. When it comes to COVID it is even more inexplicable. I got the Pfizer vaccine and, apart from now being magnetic, there have been no lasting side effects whatsoever (joke). One would think those “freedom lovers” would love the vaccine. They hated the masks because masks are mostly about protecting others. Well, F that. It’s Merica y’all. They should be free to pass the virus on to as many people as they please. The vaccine has a strong personal component. It protects the individual vaccinated at least as much as others. Instead these people come up with all kinds of bullshit to justify not getting a painless (or two) injection in the fleshy part of the arm.
There is likely a high, high correlation with these types of people also thinking Q Anon is a real thing and believing the Big Lie...they can't be helped sadly.
Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it
Jonathan Swift
thank you for addressing this.
We, unfortunately, live in an era where truth to some is what they want to believe and make up, and they repeat it over and over again.
Relying on repeated anonymous hearsays is dangerout but esp. when people's lives are at stake when many are still deciding about taking the vaccine and much of the world wants to have a chance to even make the choice.
The AZ...
thank you for addressing this.
We, unfortunately, live in an era where truth to some is what they want to believe and make up, and they repeat it over and over again.
Relying on repeated anonymous hearsays is dangerout but esp. when people's lives are at stake when many are still deciding about taking the vaccine and much of the world wants to have a chance to even make the choice.
The AZ vaccine, which is the predominant vaccine in the UK, is not flawless but the statistics do not support the rate of death that this rumor would suggest.
Of course they didnt die from the vaccine just like a lot of people with many other health issues didnt actually die from covid. It is a shame that people only look at things through their political glasses and argue whatever side they stand on and never look at things objectively anymore.
Um, no. If you died *with* COVID and having comorbidities, COVID still killed you and the comorbidities likely contributed. If you died in a car accident with COVID, different story. Where is the objective evidence the latter has ever been misclassified as death by COVID? Ben is making a stand for facts, and casual false equivalencies tunneling into another conspiracy is exactly part of the problem.
Its not misclassified it is simply counted, whether your were perfectly healthy before covid, had multiple heart and organ failures prior to covid, or died in a car crash and they all count as covid death tallies. My point was people need to look at everything objectively and not immediately make something political and get defensive. The problem with this vacinne narrative is that if you are counting all covid deaths the same when they...
Its not misclassified it is simply counted, whether your were perfectly healthy before covid, had multiple heart and organ failures prior to covid, or died in a car crash and they all count as covid death tallies. My point was people need to look at everything objectively and not immediately make something political and get defensive. The problem with this vacinne narrative is that if you are counting all covid deaths the same when they never were to begin with than the anti-vaccine crowd will count all vaccine deaths the same too.
Steve, Just look at the death rates of New York city pre covid compared to post covid. There is always a spike in winter due to the flu but this season it blew out to 40% higher than what would be normally expected... and it lasted a whole year rather that a blip in winter.There is only one explanation, because nothing changed except for the Covid outbreak. You need to talk to the hospitals that...
Steve, Just look at the death rates of New York city pre covid compared to post covid. There is always a spike in winter due to the flu but this season it blew out to 40% higher than what would be normally expected... and it lasted a whole year rather that a blip in winter.There is only one explanation, because nothing changed except for the Covid outbreak. You need to talk to the hospitals that are used to seeing spikes, and ask them what was different this year. This link shows you graphs for "expected deaths" as opposed to this pandemic year
This is a false equivalence. We know covid kills people with preexisting conditions, but there's still no evidence that the vaccines cause deaths. You're correct anti-vaxxers may push this argument, but that doesn't mean it's a legitimate argument.
Thank you for posting this. I've seen some utterly batsh!t comments in FT and other places about this. Unfortunately, there will always be stupid people and now the internet gives them a louder voice.
People don't realize this vaccine was 15 years in the making and has been tested on millions of people. They only see the "expedited" label and think we just rushed something out...
They've actually delivered over a BILLION shots to almost a BILLION people worldwide.
I know of someone who died in December of Covid. She was only 35. Not vaccinated because that didn't come out until mid December 2020. Ugh.
Don't be complacent even if vaccinated.
With all those 5G Bill Gates tracking chips, you’d think airplane nav systems would be seriously disrupted. Or have they abandoned that narrative for new ones?