While this is objectively a negative change, I have a feeling some people will be celebrating this…
In this post:
Amex Platinum Card authorized user fee hiked to $195
Effective immediately, the fee to add authorized users on the personal version of the Amex Platinum Card in the United States has increased significantly:
- Previously the fee was a total of $175 for up to three authorized users, plus $175 for each additional authorized user beyond that
- Now the fee is $195 per authorized user, with no discount for the first three authorized users
This fee change kicks in effective immediately for new card members, and when the next annual fee is due for current card members. The $695 annual fee for the primary card member isn’t changing. Furthermore, the fee for authorized users on the business version of the Amex Platinum Card isn’t changing, as that has long been higher.
Suffice it to say that this is a huge fee increase:
- Previously the way to maximize this card was to add exactly three authorized users, as you’d be paying under $60 each for them
- Now adding three authorized users would cost you $585, representing a ~235% increase ($410)
The primary reason that adding authorized users to the Amex Platinum Card is so valuable is because of the perks that authorized users receive. This includes:
- All the same airport lounge access as the primary card member, including Amex Centurion Lounge access, Delta Sky Club® access, a Priority Pass membership, and more
- All the same elite status as the primary card member, including with hotels and rental car companies
I imagine some people will still find it to be worthwhile to add authorized users, though in terms of value, it’s not the slam dunk that it once was.

Is this authorized user change positive or negative?
This change is objectively negative, since people will potentially be paying way more to get the same thing they got before. However, something tells me that a lot of people will be celebrating this change.
Specifically, both Amex Centurion Lounges and Delta Sky Clubs have suffered from crowding issues, and that’s largely due to the number of people with the Amex Platinum Card who have access to these lounges. While we’ve seen all kinds of new access restrictions added in hopes of helping with crowding, it seems like those changes haven’t quite done the trick.
I could be wrong, but I think these latest changes might just lead to the most significant change in lounge crowding yet. I have to imagine a large percentage of people accessing these lounges are actually authorized users, especially as guesting privileges have been cut over the years. Here’s to hoping that this change at least leads to calmer Amex Centurion Lounges and Delta Sky Clubs.

Bottom line
The personal version of the Amex Platinum Card now has a much higher fee for authorized users. You could previously add three authorized users for a total of $175, though you’ll now pay $195 per authorized user. While that makes the value proposition of the card significantly worse, I do think this is good news for those who complain about Amex Centurion Lounge and Delta Sky Club® crowding.
What do you make of these Amex Platinum Card changes?
well i have 3 users added for years, my wife that use card on daily basis and my two kids one 14 years old and one 18 years old.. they use card as emergency etc.. it doesn't make sense for me to pay 290$ for my sons just to have cards for them.. i will cancel them asap..
You can get your sons companion cards for free. Perfect for emergency use and they will receive PreCheck or Global Entry fee credits.
I got the card early September last year, and added 2 AU’s upon getting approved for the card. I yet to have received an email from AMEX about AU change. I think I got VERY LUCKY, and will be able to keep my AU’s for 1 more year because CC companies need to provide 45 day advanced notice for Annual Fee Changes.
I'm not going to take a position as to whether or not this is a good chance, but a lot of the comments below are complaining about kids in the lounge. That problem (if you deem it one) won't be solved with this authorized user change, as people under 18 cannot get authorized user cards. So the married couple bringing in two kids are paying for those kids (or, they have enough spending on their...
I'm not going to take a position as to whether or not this is a good chance, but a lot of the comments below are complaining about kids in the lounge. That problem (if you deem it one) won't be solved with this authorized user change, as people under 18 cannot get authorized user cards. So the married couple bringing in two kids are paying for those kids (or, they have enough spending on their platinum card that they still have guest privileges).
This change won't affect this one bit.
Incorrect. Age 13 or older for Amex.
Look at all the business users who hit the lounges weekly, complaining that families who use the lounge 2-3x a year are the ones clogging it up. Lots of cognitive dissonance going on!!
I don't think anything will change. I'm not sure I see any difference since the much advertised Feb 1 change. A desk agent at DFW Centurion said she was surprised, families come in and just pay the money per person/child. I have 3 AU and they don't use it THAT much so I'll prob be letting them get their own card, which for some reason they refuse to do. I'll prob drop the card and...
I don't think anything will change. I'm not sure I see any difference since the much advertised Feb 1 change. A desk agent at DFW Centurion said she was surprised, families come in and just pay the money per person/child. I have 3 AU and they don't use it THAT much so I'll prob be letting them get their own card, which for some reason they refuse to do. I'll prob drop the card and get another variety for the bonus (Schwab). Like someone said, the $$ will prob not go into the lounge but into Amex's profits, esp since bonuses have been low these last covid years for executives.
FYI: It seems the eligibility language has been changed in just the past 24 hours on the Schwab Platinum version so unlikely to get the bonus after holding vanilla Platinum.
I’m pleased, it’s a business lounge, not a zoo, it’s becoming way too crowded, they need to thin the heard. Starting with as others have said the pack children that many are having accompany them into the centurion lounge.
I'm on team LOVE this change! Recently I had two four hour layovers at LAX. Here are some of the things I witnessed:
- A group of adults with seven children, where the kids spread out all over the floor in a main area, causing a huge foot traffic jam.
- three kids having a good fight, leaving, and the overworked staff cleaning it all up 45min later. No one could sit in...
I'm on team LOVE this change! Recently I had two four hour layovers at LAX. Here are some of the things I witnessed:
- A group of adults with seven children, where the kids spread out all over the floor in a main area, causing a huge foot traffic jam.
- three kids having a good fight, leaving, and the overworked staff cleaning it all up 45min later. No one could sit in the area until then.
- two parents with three kids pulling out Tupperware and taking enough food with them to feed 10 people.
- two parents with five well behaved kids, but kids are messy and the area was unusable until they could clean it 30 min later.
- A line for the bathroom and when it was my turn the person coming out didn't flush their #2. At that point I was like, oh hell no, and politely asked the person to flush it. We proceeded to get in an argument about whether or not it was my job to flush their poop. They ended up doing it.
Yes, AmEx could maybe hire more staff to clean faster. But from my limited observations most of the issues are from young children, not twenty something tiktokers. The overcrowding creates this "hunger games" type atmosphere that is the opposite of relaxing.
Looks to be a good idea and if lounge overcrowding doesn't reduce, they can consider increasing the fee further.
Screw this. I can send message bc it gets deleted. Screw his elitist site that care about politics and sexual orientation know. Go stay at those less brands and write reviews plus fly economy or premium economy. Coming from a centurion cardholder and another Amex card that know one is aware of. Help middle class or below that. So hour shows on what they watch.
Are you… okay? This word vomit doesn’t sound like it comes from someone who is okay.
If you usually go to the lounge more than 4 times it's worth the $195 fee. I have MS Plat hope they keep the 1 free AU.
Are you Ok? Calm down! don't take it personal it's his site he can monitor it as he wishes. Your a hard earned C.C member & Amex
card no one is aware exist member.. None of these changes being discussed effects your lifestyle at all. As for me I love the upcoming changes. I did the all family members get a Amex plat user card before the Amex lounges existed, it was well worth...
Are you Ok? Calm down! don't take it personal it's his site he can monitor it as he wishes. Your a hard earned C.C member & Amex
card no one is aware exist member.. None of these changes being discussed effects your lifestyle at all. As for me I love the upcoming changes. I did the all family members get a Amex plat user card before the Amex lounges existed, it was well worth it. Now they are all grown and off my card. No Way would I pay 195 for each user if that was the going freight back then.!.
Actually, I think some of the authorized users may consider getting their own card. If you consider the $695 is really $495 because of the travel credit then you consider the other benefits if you can get it down to the same price as the authorized user or less. Others would just give up on Platinum because there are many shared benefits with other premium cards such as priority pass etc. Amex's use of benefits...
Actually, I think some of the authorized users may consider getting their own card. If you consider the $695 is really $495 because of the travel credit then you consider the other benefits if you can get it down to the same price as the authorized user or less. Others would just give up on Platinum because there are many shared benefits with other premium cards such as priority pass etc. Amex's use of benefits is annoying with dividing it up monthly or per ride, etc. Agree with the comments in that I do not think it will help lounge crowding.
I don’t think this will really reduce crowding at the lounges.
For the occasional traveler, paying the $50 guest fee for both the Centurion Lounges & the Sky Clubs is a better value proposition than the new increased authorized user annual fee at face value for strictly lounge access. (If AU takes advantage of PP, status, etc - diff story).
Unless the authorized user is accessing a CL or Sky Club 4 or...
I don’t think this will really reduce crowding at the lounges.
For the occasional traveler, paying the $50 guest fee for both the Centurion Lounges & the Sky Clubs is a better value proposition than the new increased authorized user annual fee at face value for strictly lounge access. (If AU takes advantage of PP, status, etc - diff story).
Unless the authorized user is accessing a CL or Sky Club 4 or more times a year it’s less cash to just to pay the guest fee.
Sure If it’s a CL then Amex still gets the revenue , but if it’s for a Sky Club guest fee that all Delta’s. So this seems to be a W for them.
I agree. I don't think anything will change. I'm not sure I see any difference since Feb 1 with the big change. A desk agent at DFW Centurion said she was surprised, families come in and just pay the money per person/child.
The platinum card isn't really worth it anymore. They jacked up the annual fee and are slowly removing benefits. I really hoped they would add some benefit given that the clear credit is basically useless at this point
Lounge access for 3 AUs for $175 was an insane concept to begin with. Make the lounge a lounge again.
Glad not to see any more ill-behaved children in the lounges — especially North American ones whose parents taught them zero manners.
There is problem NOW with lounge crowding... and IF it works, the solution will take a year to kick in all the way. So it seems it's not that important :/
How to reduce lounge crowding... reduce the annual fee for the card... make Delta lounges for FC only... and avail the lounges to other card holders on a rolling fee based on current traffic. Kinda like the HOV lanes around busy highways.
I do...
There is problem NOW with lounge crowding... and IF it works, the solution will take a year to kick in all the way. So it seems it's not that important :/
How to reduce lounge crowding... reduce the annual fee for the card... make Delta lounges for FC only... and avail the lounges to other card holders on a rolling fee based on current traffic. Kinda like the HOV lanes around busy highways.
I do not believe the extra fee's will go into the lounges. Seems like a way to make more $$$ with smoke and mirrors... giving the perception that now lounges will be less crowded.
One of the worst takes, ever.
With the amount of time people have to be in the airport and the general Americanization of the travel experience, lounges are more coveted than ever.
Sorry you can't afford the fee.
thank god, get those kids out of there!
Kids of what age do you refer to?
Honestly I think lounges as a concept has outlived its usefulness for some of the same reasons why pre-security concessions have declined dramatically over the years. People simply do not want to be in an airport longer than they have to be, and while benefits such as PreCheck and Clear reimbursement address this desire to spend less time in line and at the airport, lounges do nothing to address this issue, no matter how nice and lacking in crowds they are.
Your remarks are interesting. One could say you really do not like to fly. Not fear, but the total experience. One could say possibly you are a road warrior and certainly one could say just tired of the whole mess. Understand that.
Me, a guy million plus miler that goes back to props out of ATL on Delta or Eastern or Piedmont, still love the experience including lounges later on. Now granted TSA and...
Your remarks are interesting. One could say you really do not like to fly. Not fear, but the total experience. One could say possibly you are a road warrior and certainly one could say just tired of the whole mess. Understand that.
Me, a guy million plus miler that goes back to props out of ATL on Delta or Eastern or Piedmont, still love the experience including lounges later on. Now granted TSA and that whole mess regardless of Clear is just the price one pays to fly today. Granted again, the flying public is certainly not what it used to be. I could go on and on. I will say go to Delta lounge in SLC or the original Crown Room location at gate A17/18 in ATL or AA at LGA or Centurion LGA too, the experience can be very nice. Lastly, when I plan a trip, long (a month or so) or just a long weekend, lounge access/location is part of my planning.
I appreciate that for some the travel experience can be part of the enjoyment. But in my perspective even the nicest lounge is not on par with the comfort either of my own home or with the place I’m going. So for me things like expedited check in, security, baggage etc would and is more valuable. In my ideal world, which of course is not going to happen, I could step out of my car sail through the process and step on board the plane.
Keep there " card" only a fool would use it ( and yes I've cancelled mine". Don't need to get ripped off
Good for you. I get lounge access everywhere, discounts on rental cards, elite status, bag credits, uber credits, FHR amenities... pays for itself 5x over for me.
If a person actually uses the Platinum Card, the person will receive value that is substantially more than its annual fee. These people don't give the annual fee a second thought. The only people who question the annual fees are those who don't actually use it. These people have it for lounge access and not much more and must coupon-clip in order to justify holding it. Next step: add a $25k spending threshold for lounge access to kick in.
There is something especially funny about the snobbery that comes with something that has no barrier to entry other than a decent credit score and the ability to pay an inflated fee to a credit card company. It also amazingly enough has little to do with one's salary, career, or business acumen, because again one simply needs a decent credit score and $695 a year to get one.
But Sean, let's be real: lounges per definition should not be for you. It should be for travelers who can afford an elevated experience.
I am not sure what is funnier, the idea that sitting in a large open space room eating reheated catering food is "elevated" or that spending money is itself a sign of taste and sophistication. Frequent fliers and elite status holders are in an absolute time warp of what the rest of the world considers elevated or sophisticated. You aren't getting Noma or even Nobu level food in a loungeor even in First Class on...
I am not sure what is funnier, the idea that sitting in a large open space room eating reheated catering food is "elevated" or that spending money is itself a sign of taste and sophistication. Frequent fliers and elite status holders are in an absolute time warp of what the rest of the world considers elevated or sophisticated. You aren't getting Noma or even Nobu level food in a loungeor even in First Class on Emirates, and people stopped caring about champagne and caviar as a status symbol 20 years ago. So sure, enjoy spending your money on an "elevated" experience while the rest of us with actual taste and discernment scoot right on by you on the way to actual interesting places and experiences.
How does Priority Pass membership work? Does it changed to allow only the cardholder to enter with it or can you still have a guest with Priority Pass? I understand the limit on Centurion lounges etc but we already have Presidents Club access at most US airports.
You can bring in 2 guests with your Priority Pass card (in addition to yourself) for no additional charge.
Some Plaza Premium lounges are also apart of Priority Pass (such as the one at MCO). So you can enter that lounge using your Platinum Card (& you get one guest), or you can use your Priority Pass membership and bring 2 guests for free.
Presidents Club? Do you fly on Continental Airlines and not United?
I'm good with it.......heck I would be good if the authorized user fee went up to 350 a year per card if it reduces lounge crowding!
Agreed 100 percent.
Went to AMEX website and it states that if you received a notice of AU fee increase it would be effective on date stated in notice. Further states that if you did not receive a notice, you'd continue paying the $175 for 3 AU's until notified in the future. Is this because there's some legal issue that requires them to give a certain amount of time before raising fees? I read an article somewhere that...
Went to AMEX website and it states that if you received a notice of AU fee increase it would be effective on date stated in notice. Further states that if you did not receive a notice, you'd continue paying the $175 for 3 AU's until notified in the future. Is this because there's some legal issue that requires them to give a certain amount of time before raising fees? I read an article somewhere that Amex stated they were sending notices within 45 days.
Also noticed a non fee Companion Platinum AU qualifies for Global Travel/Precheck.
Regarding overcrowding in the lounges, I think itll still be crowded. AMEX waives Platinum annual fee for active Military and one AU.
It starts at your next renewal for current members.
Definitely the case at certain airports. However, active military is 0.38% of the population. Only a fraction have a Plat, and fewer have AUs. If 10,000 people are in an airport, you're talking about maybe 10 extra people in the lounge.
The value proposition of the Platinum coupon book card continues to decline. I will drop the authorized users at the next renewal and will consider dropping the card all together. With 3X points for air fare on both the Amex Gold and my Chase Ink, the extra 2X points for this category is no longer worth it.
Too bad, I will really miss the lines at the Centurion lounges.....
Thanks for giving me your seat!
Help yourself to all the airport lounge seats you want, and you are welcome to jostle with the masses for 'free' food and drinks (sometimes). I will just pay for what I want, including occasional lounge access when convenient and uncrowded (and not covered by one of my other cards).
I spend as little time in transit as possible anyway and will be holding on to the seats that really count: up front on the plane.
Good. Do more AMEX, thin the herd.
The headline isn't the fee at $195, it's the elimination of 3 for one price. Long overdue.
It's a small additional price to pay so that the college bound Doubt children can continue to piss off a segment of people who hate to see them in lounges.
And it does cheer Mrs. Doubt when they travel with us, even though most of their travel is independent these days.
How is a $20 (~11%) increase considered 'massive' as the headline says. That's clickbait.
Let me simplify it, since it seems that reading is very difficult for you.
It was: $175 total for up to 3 AUs.
It will be: $195 per AU, for every AU.
Did you actually read the post? If so, work on your comprehension.
Ben, I'm also seeing articles about the Audible credit being swapped for WSJ, minimum spend increase to 8k and cutting of separate bonuses for cobranded plats. Have you seen anything about these?
Audible out, WSJ in.
This is currently the text from the AMEX website:
"Experience the latest shows, music, news and recipes. Get up to $20 in statement credits each month when you use your Platinum Card® for eligible purchases on Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, SiriusXM, and The Wall Street Journal when you purchase directly from one or more of the providers. This can be an annual savings of...
Audible out, WSJ in.
This is currently the text from the AMEX website:
"Experience the latest shows, music, news and recipes. Get up to $20 in statement credits each month when you use your Platinum Card® for eligible purchases on Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, SiriusXM, and The Wall Street Journal when you purchase directly from one or more of the providers. This can be an annual savings of up to $240. Plus, Platinum Card Members will get exclusive access to special perks from time to time. Enrollment required.‡"
What do you mean when you say authorized users get the same elite status with airlines as the primary card holder?
No airline statuses, just hotel and car rental companies.
When Amex restricted free companions into Centurion lounges, people with kids mentioned how much it hurt them. But the blow was softened by the fact they could add the kids as authorized users.
Increasing the fee for authorized users really screws parents in this scenario. I'm fine with the fee going up, but it should be paired with some exception for kids getting into lounges; maybe waiving the entrance fee for minors on the same reservation as an adult.
Kids, like all guests, should require a fee for lounge entrance. Some people would ban minors from lounges, which makes no sense for me. But lounge space is a scarce resource that needs to be charged for
Kids can get into the lounges just fine. Just pay the $50 entrance fee.
That's the whole point of the change, to reduce the number of people in the lounges. Cutting families is a solid way to make a big impact. Letting kids in for free is like not doing the change at all.
Totally agree with the perspective that this is a move that is partially influenced by lounge overcrowding, but I actually think that AmEx's motivation for this is to get individuals who were previously AUs to apply for their own card. When you do the math, $195 is pretty close to the "net" cost of owning the card after subtracting credits that many value at close to face value (e.g., Airline Fee credit, Uber credit, Streaming/Media...
Totally agree with the perspective that this is a move that is partially influenced by lounge overcrowding, but I actually think that AmEx's motivation for this is to get individuals who were previously AUs to apply for their own card. When you do the math, $195 is pretty close to the "net" cost of owning the card after subtracting credits that many value at close to face value (e.g., Airline Fee credit, Uber credit, Streaming/Media credit). I imagine that this might push many current AUs to enter the AmEx ecosystem as a cardholder-- it's not as if it's hard to get approved for the Platinum Card.
Curious - who are most people adding as AUs? I originally assumed it was in-house family members, but maybe not? Are people adding friends and colleagues as AUs and asking them to split the fee? What is really going on here?
Speaking for myself, I am the primary and added my wife as an AU. But when I did that, I can add two more AUs for free at that point, so I add them as a nice gesture that doesn't cost me anything.
My wife and my elderly parents are AUs.
Same for me and I will continue to pay the two $195 AU fees for my elderly parents.
I want them both to have access to the premium global assist which provides emergency medical transportation/evacuation services.
Like we needed more excuses to cancel the Platinum card?
Here we go. Will be canceling upon renewal in October. 1 primary card and 2 authorized users. FU Amex.
And 3 users down right here. Perfect.
Bam! As you can imagine there is probably thousands of examples just like this! Fees should be fair across the board! Well done Amex!
That's 3 people less in line waiting to get into the lounges. Thanks!
Canadian here... Effective September 2023 - Canadian Platinum Card annual fee is increasing by $100 to $799 CAD per year and they're adding a new $200 CAD dining credit.
799 CAD is still less than $695 USD.
Thanks for the information. I wonder if that will be happening to cards issued in the States?
Curious ...... Is the credit spread out over a year at $XX per month like the Uber or the Digital Entertainment Credit?
So far seems like it will be like the travel voucher, you get 1 per calendar year up to $200, and if you use less you don't get the remaining balance.
It’s worse than that. The credit can only be used a specific restaurants that AMEX chooses and it can only be used once in a calendar year. So basically AMEX is paying for that fancy meal that you may or may not want to have (with three young kids in the house and no help whatsoever, I don’t see myself using that credit anytime soon)
But Canadian Amex Platinum still allows you two guests as companions into a Centurion Lounge without an annual spending requirement like the US card.
Hilarious that Amex is doing all they can to cut down on lounge crowding. Just walked by the Centurion Lounge in Vegas at around 12pm and there is a line of over 40 people waiting to get in. Premium experience my d*ck. Suckers
No kidding, the LAS lounge is the worst I've seen by far.
Good. As a primary with no authorised users, why should I have been subsidising their benefits? $195 p/a is a very fair fee, IMO - please point me to any other card where you get those benefits for such little money.
Well, VX and BofA Elite have free AUs, though of course those are different benefits. AA Executive, too.
I guess it makes the value propsition "significantly worse" for those that relied on cheap AU access. I only had one AU on my card, and I will likely now switch that AU to the Delta Reserve. But the AU feature was never a primary reason to have the card, at least for me. Almost all of the value is still in things like 5x on airlines, Fine Hotels and Resorts, club access for the primary cardholder, the various credits, and general AMEX service.
I have the Morgan Stanley co-branded card, is the AU still free? I am glad that AU is finally being charged more. I travel at least once a week for work and I was tired of seeing AU under the age of 25 in the lounges drunk and live streaming- I'm ready to going back to the good old days, when it was 40 to 50 year old slightly drunk
Let me add, go back to the 1990s or before. Passengers looked and acted like human beings drunk or sober.
I just ask Amex authority personnel, yes Morgan Stanley still offer the first AU free but after that each additional card would be $195
Weird quirk. My $175 AU fee for 3 people charged in June but my AF hits in November. I must have added the AUs later. Will my AUs be covered at $175 for three people until June 2024? Seems like it.
The AU fee charge should’ve been partial to only cover you until your card renewal. At renewal, you get charged will full year fees for primary and all AUs.
no I paid the AF in November and the full AU fee in June.
I think so. AUs have there own annual fee date.
Put me on team Love it!!
Good. Sick of lounges being filled with the toxic TikTok brigade. One step closer to normality being restored and reducing overcrowding in lounges.
Yeah this is a dealbreaker for me, I won't be renewing as I had 3 authorized users on it that made the card worthwile from a cost POV. AMEX became too greedy I'm afraid.
This is the fee change working. *waves good bye*
Maybe, you have to consider who will keep the card and who will cancel. Those who casually visit the club a few times a year will cancel since they can't justify the cost. Cardholders and authorized users who go every week will not cancel since it's still worth it. So AMEX will have a slight decrease in the use of lounge resources but an outsized decrease in cardholder and authorized user fees. I myself will...
Maybe, you have to consider who will keep the card and who will cancel. Those who casually visit the club a few times a year will cancel since they can't justify the cost. Cardholders and authorized users who go every week will not cancel since it's still worth it. So AMEX will have a slight decrease in the use of lounge resources but an outsized decrease in cardholder and authorized user fees. I myself will need to cancel the card now since as a casual traveler it is no longer worth it. I have a million AMEX points accrued over 8 years, and will transfer them to a no-fee card and move my active spend to another company. So it may not be a great move for AMEX.
Remember that "maximizers" (i.e. those that get 100% value for all the credits, visit the clubs a few times a year, spend very little on the card, and have a bunch of low cost AUs) don't earn Amex a lot of money, and probably cost Amex money. Amex wants customers that spend a lot of money on the cards (generating discount revenue), are engaged customers with all of the benefits (even if they use the...
Remember that "maximizers" (i.e. those that get 100% value for all the credits, visit the clubs a few times a year, spend very little on the card, and have a bunch of low cost AUs) don't earn Amex a lot of money, and probably cost Amex money. Amex wants customers that spend a lot of money on the cards (generating discount revenue), are engaged customers with all of the benefits (even if they use the lounges a lot), etc. I am sure Amex (and probably Delta) have run the numbers here and it makes sense for them.
You might be right, and perhaps I am an isolated example, but considering the spend I put on the card they were almost certain making money off me and those like me.
A million points over 8 years is not a lot of spend…
My travel frequency is like you. However, lounge access is not my justification for the card or certainly not primary. So the rest of the coupon book does not work for you? I will admit getting 500,000 points SUB last year certainly helps. But I actually feel like I get more than the AF. Also P2 has her own card account and we feel like we get our monies' worth on both. Granted it takes...
My travel frequency is like you. However, lounge access is not my justification for the card or certainly not primary. So the rest of the coupon book does not work for you? I will admit getting 500,000 points SUB last year certainly helps. But I actually feel like I get more than the AF. Also P2 has her own card account and we feel like we get our monies' worth on both. Granted it takes some work, but it's there IMO. Lastly, IMO everybody (sorry kids too) should pay to get in, one way or the other including Delta clubs.
The excessive number of Platinum authorized users was the biggest reason for Sky Club crowding and this will certainly help fix it
I believe the DEN route was close to happening pre-pandemic. My understanding was that they were waiting for more planes (321XLRs) to free up A330s to launch this route. Glad to see it launch finally with the plan to operate year-round.
Now where is that TK flight they teased a year ago...
whoa, some weird caching issue? that was meant to post on the Aer Lingus post, but apparently I somehow posted here... feel free to delete.
I think this could hurt AMEX in some ways. I have a platinum card with three authorized users, and we probably visit the AMEX lounge two times a year per card holder. Even with the other card bonuses the price was already getting a bit rich, but now I clearly need to cancel it. A better approach might be to give each card holder a set number of visits a year, so semi-casual cardholders like myself will not be getting screwed and close their accounts.
I think this is exactly why it will help. If they can get a bunch of people who visit a couple times a year to cancel - this solves the problem through attrition.
Well obviously removing anyone from the pool of lounge goers benefits everyone who is left in that pool. But if a bunch of people who visit 2 times a year cancel, that saves (2*a bunch) of lounge visits at a cost of $(a bunch*fees), whereas if a few people who visit a bunch of times a year cancel that saves (a bunch) of lounge visits at a cost of $(a few*fees). So maybe not good for AMEX itself.
How much are you charging to your Platinum card annually?
If you don't charge much, you are probably a net negative for Amex and they won't be sorry to see you cancel.
It's variable and couldn't tell you an exact amount but I have earned 1.5-2 million AMEX points total and currently have 1 million in my account, and got the card in 2014, so a pretty decent amount. It was my main card for travel and all misc purchases that don't fit into a better card (so anything not gas, supermarkets, wholesale clubs, Amazon.com etc).
Finally the US Platinum is in line with the AMEX Platinums in the rest of the world; the fee per authorized user is what almost every Platinum user in the rest of the world pays.
This should help a lot with lounge crowding.
Indeed, that is good news. Americans are over represented in lounges globally due to how cheap their cards are, and they have a heavy footprint in terms of both noise and individual physical volume. :)
Now if they could increase also the price of the US Amex Platinums to match those from the rest of the world (in Switzerland for instance, annual fee is more than 1'000 USD / year at current exchange rate)....
The numbers for the US issued card annual fees likely work out (better) for Amex once you consider the interchange they are getting on purchases vs. many other jurisdictions. There is of course now of capping interchange in the US, but so far that hasn't received much traction.
Not to mention the US cards are ad-supported. Not many Saks credits abroad.