There are lots of credit cards with annual fees that are worth holding onto, thanks to the benefits and return on spending that they offer. However, sometimes the annual fee on a card might be billed, and you decide that the card is no longer worth it for you.
In those situations, how long do you have to cancel a card, while still receiving a refund on the annual fee? The policy varies by bank, so I wanted to take a closer look at that topic in this post.
In this post:
Grace periods for credit card annual fee refunds
How long after a credit card annual fee is billed can you cancel the card and get the annual fee refunded? Each card issuer has its own policy, both in terms of how long you have, and based on whether you’re canceling a card altogether, or are downgrading it to a no annual fee card.
In this post I wanted to take a look at the annual fee refund policies of the major card issuers. Let me emphasize that these policies are always subject to change, so view this post more as a general overview of what to expect, rather than a listing of hard and fast rules.
Let’s compare the policies of the biggest card issuers in the miles & points space, in alphabetical order…
American Express annual fee refund policy
With American Express, you can typically cancel or downgrade a card within 30 days of the annual fee being billed, and get it refunded.
In the event that you choose to cancel a card more than 30 days after the annual fee is billed, you wouldn’t get any sort of prorated refund. However, if you downgrade a card to another product more than 30 days after the annual fee is billed, you can often get a prorated refund. You might want to think twice about downgrading an Amex card, though, given the “once in a lifetime rule,” which would make you ineligible for a bonus on that card in the future (even if you don’t earn a bonus when downgrading).
Bank of America annual fee refund policy
Bank of America is one of the only major issuers to not have a consistent policy for refunds after the annual fee is billed. Many people report getting a refund within 30 days of an annual fee hitting an account, but this isn’t a consistent policy, and it seems to come down to your relationship with the bank.
Barclays annual fee refund policy
With Barclays, you can typically cancel or downgrade a card within 60 days of the annual fee being billed, and get it refunded. Barclays doesn’t generally offer prorated refunds beyond the 60-day window.
Capital One annual fee refund policy
Capital One is one of the more inconsistent card issuers when it comes to its annual fee refund policy. The common wisdom is that you can cancel a card within 39 days of the annual fee being billed, and get it refunded. However, the same isn’t consistently possible with downgrading cards, where you may still be billed the entire annual fee.
Chase annual fee refund policy
With Chase, you can typically cancel or downgrade a card within 30 days of the annual fee being billed, and get it refunded. It’s that straightforward, and Chase doesn’t generally offer prorated refunds beyond the 30-day window.
Citi annual fee refund policy
Citi’s policy is that you can typically cancel or downgrade a card within 37 days of the annual fee being billed, and get it refunded. Citi doesn’t generally offer prorated refunds beyond the 37-day window.

Why credit card annual fee refund policies matter
Why is it important to be aware of a card issuer’s policy on annual fee refunds?
- Many of us aren’t that organized, and don’t mark our calendars to know in advance when annual fees will hit, but rather figure it out based on looking at our credit card statements; that means we’re only aware we were charged an annual fee after the fact
- When an annual fee comes due, I always think it’s worth crunching the numbers on the value you’ve received from the card, and considering either canceling the card or downgrading the card, assuming it’s no longer proving worthwhile (I recommend reading the linked posts, as there are several things you’ll want to consider, like the possibility of losing rewards)
- It’s generally not advisable to cancel a credit card within the first year, in which case at least waiting until shortly after the anniversary is a best practice

Bottom line
Each card issuer has a different policy when it comes to getting a refund on the annual fee shortly after it’s billed. As a general rule of thumb, you often have a 30-day window where you can cancel a card and get the fee refunded, but as you can see, it varies. Some issuers don’t have a consistent policy at all, while others give you up to 60 days.
What has your experience been with getting refunds on credit card annual fees?
Downgraded Chase Sapphire Reserve to Chase Freedom Flex and had my Annual Fee refunded pro-rata without asking.
Very specific scenario, but for the Chase Sapphire Reserve, if you happen to use the $300 travel credit within 30 days of renewal and then cancel the card, will they try to take back that credit?
Ben, do you have the Citi Rewards Plus card? If so, can you check if the card still has the 24 month extended warranty protection? You can check here if you have the card (I don't have the card myself--yet)