Venezuelan flag carrier Conviasa is launching a rather unusual, but not at all surprising, route.
In this post:
New route will connect Venezuela & Russia
The Russian Embassy in Venezuela has announced that Conviasa will launch a new twice weekly ~6,200 mile route between Caracas and Moscow as of April 1, 2021. This is interesting on a couple of levels:
- I love how it’s the Russian embassy announcing a new route for a Venezuelan airline
- The route is launching with just a few days advance notice, suggesting that perhaps this is more about cargo than passengers; now, in fairness, cargo is a motivator for a lot of routes nowadays, though I could also see this flight carrying some other kinds of cargo

The announcement from the Russian Embassy finishes with the following question:
“Ya te sientes la emoción del viaje?”
Which translates to:
“Do you already feel the thrill of the trip?”
The government of Venezuela greatly limits the countries to which flights can be operated, though Russia is among the countries that’s allowed.
Conviasa operates quite some routes…
For some context, Conviasa has a fleet consisting of roughly two dozen planes, though only two of those are wide bodies. That includes:
- A 28 year old A340-200 that used to fly for for Air France and Air Tahiti Nui, among other airlines
- A 23 year old A340-300 that used to fly for Air China and Cathay Pacific, among other airlines
In recent months the two planes have primarily been operating a route from Las Piedras, Venezuela, to Tehran, Iran, to Belgrade, Serbia, and back to Las Piedras. I’m not sure if the Belgrade stop is simply in order to refuel, or what the connection is there (no pun intended).

In January 2020, Conviasa was in the news for launching a new route to Damascus, Syria, though that didn’t last for very long.
And then there was that time when Iranian carrier Mahan Air launched a flight between Tehran and Caracas.
Bottom line
Conviasa is launching a new route between Caracas and Moscow as of April 1, 2021. Or at least that’s what the Russian Embassy in Venezuela is claiming. While most of the route growth we’ve seen lately has been between places like Cleveland and Pensacola, this new route most definitely stands out.
As an avgeek and as someone who loves to experience different airlines, I can’t even begin to say how fascinated I’d be to take this flight. I recognize it’s not happening, but that won’t stop me from daydreaming about what the experience might be like…
What do you make of this new Caracas to Moscow flight?
(Featured image courtesy of Andres Ramirez)
Belgrade is refuel, went once just to see the 340 last year. The 340-300 was landing, great plane only wish I could ride on it.
I can't believe two idiots came here to put their hands on fire for Venezuela's government lmao.
Venezuela holds regular elections and even Carter has called them some of the freest in the world. Imagine if a number of major countries placed sanctions on the US and blocked sea cargo. The US would be a basket case almost overnight. As it stands right now just try to buy an appliance - you will encounter a long wait. Imagine now imports blocked for years and now you can see the scope of their problems. At least Russia and Iran provide some assistance.
Say thanks to secstate clinton for the downward spiral...
No mystery at all - Moscow flights will be cargo only for bringing much needed covid vaccines .
I live me some bread queues, secret police, class warfare, and no pesky elections. Smell the freedom down there in Bananaland
@Indopithecus you're pathetic. You clearly have never been to Venezuela
So true!
As soon as we speak about countries like Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran the Western jingoists come barrelling along. Pathetic! Folks, the ONLY reason countries of this sort are under US sanction is because they refuse to kowtow to American business interests. For Iran, add the opprobrium of Israel which wants to sunder any country in the region that opposes its apartheid policies. The Caracas to Moscow direct run makes perfect sense, else American slave states...
As soon as we speak about countries like Venezuela, Cuba, and Iran the Western jingoists come barrelling along. Pathetic! Folks, the ONLY reason countries of this sort are under US sanction is because they refuse to kowtow to American business interests. For Iran, add the opprobrium of Israel which wants to sunder any country in the region that opposes its apartheid policies. The Caracas to Moscow direct run makes perfect sense, else American slave states in between will do their best to nobble Venezuela. I vaguely remember either Chavez's or Maduro's presidential jet being briefly detained by Spain at the behest of that country's American master during a refuelling stop.
On an A 340 - lotsa luck making that flight nonstop eastbound let alone westbound (hence the BEG stop)? One good thing. Because the 340 flies so slowly you wont have to worry about jet lag.
Your article does not need the political slant. Venezuela is a sovereign nation and should have the right to do as it sees best. The sanctions only affect the poor not those in power. I trust Russia will actually help the Venezuelans recover - the US is doing nothing but the contrary.
Why do people think this flight would be used to smuggle things like gold etc?
I mean there are dozens of military cargo planes that do the Russia to Venezuela route every week, if they needed something smuggled, that would be way easier.
For any adventurous soul wanting to take this flight, be warned: CCS is one of the few international airports in the world where even the airport property is dangerous. I've known people who were robbed and kidnapped before even leaving the airport grounds. The only relatively 'safe' area is behind security, though with the state of affairs in Venezuela, the airport services are in some disrepair.
@Pierre: Correct what @Daniel says about the vicinity of Las Piedras airport. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that the entire Paraguaná peninsula is a tourist place and a tax free zone. It also hosts a large persian and arab community. So other than the spare parts of the refinery, there are many different ties.
@Pierre: The biggest refinery complex in the country is close to Las Piedras. All those flights were bringing equipment and technicians to work on what used to be the biggest complex in the world. Now falling apart due to the lack of maintenance and qualified personnel. Goverment will say it's because of the sanctions.
We all know it’s about what’s in the cargo bay of the plane that will make their flights valuable to the regime
Why Las Piedras as a Venezuelan network center? It has the national and international stature of, if it were in the US, Little Rock AR (pardon the involuntary pun). Is it where the Venezuelan Gestapo and other stellar institutions are headquartered?
Belgrade stop was super likely to refuel, given that the plane was carrying parts and personnel to fix the refinery ar Amuay.
Having said that, let's see how long the route to SVO last, given that the other two are gone (Are they?)
Last but not least, I wouldnt want to be stuck in Turkish CCS-IST. I did ICN-IST once and that was enough Turkish for me. However, given how limited my options are, I may as well take those flights...
@James S as long as chavistas are in control, Venezuela will be on a downwards path. May not be as drastic as a few years back, but downwards nonetheless.
Clearly CCS-Moscow will carry valuable minerals and corrupt politicians and presumably weapons and other military equipment on the inbound flight.
BINGO! and I live in Venezuela, near to Caracas. you are spot on.
You actually made me legit laugh. The Cleveland/Pensacola was well done. Kudos.
But is it in an alliance? And what about the loyalty program? How soon before I can get a Conviasa Visa card?
It’s nice of Russia to buy Venezuelan flour
Bizarre! I love these reports. Kudos, Lucky.
Lucky, still waiting on your review of the Turkish flight from Caracas to Istanbul. Maybe you can make a round trip?
By the way, if you're American, you might not have noticed that Venezuela is never in the news anymore because it's not a disaster fetish. They finally ditched their currency and adopted the dollar, and most shortages are over. It's going to take a very long time for them to fix things, but they're no longer on a horrible downwards path.
Well Venezuela is freezing and this is launching right in time for Moscow's beach season so it makes perfect sense for a leisure route.
I am sure the Venezuelans are lined up to take this flight given all disposable income they have. I suspect the cargo in the hold will be amazingly valuable.
I’d love it how the Russians are not even hiding how they are controlling Venezuela it’s airline it’s governments and it’s economy, enabling the Venezuelans to get around international sanctions and it’s leaders to continue their grip on the ordinary citizens. #bebest Russia
Conviasa, Linking Autocracies Together Since...
Two incredibly fun and attractive destinations. The route should do really well!
This is obviously to smuggle gold and minerals to get ovet international sanctions. This is basic dictatorship 101.
I'm in, can you help me with the positioning flights to Caracas?