I’m terrified of snakes. TERRIFIED of them. So I think I’ve finally found my personal nightmare. A snake was found inflight on yesterday’s Aeromexico 231, operating from Torreón to Mexico City using an Embraer 190. I’d do more research about the type of snake, etc., but the thought of this story just makes me nearly throw up, so I’ll just leave you guys with the video.
Here’s what the passenger who caught the snake had to say, per Express:
Professor Indalecio Medina, whose video was today going viral, joked: “The flying snake. A unique experience on Aeromexico flight 231 from Torreon to Mexico City.”
He later added on social media: “I had to catch it with a blanket and obviously we gave it some magazines to read for a while.
“The snake arrived alive and kicking, frightened but without having paid its airfare.
“And best of all, priority when it came to landing and animal control experts waiting for the unexpected traveller.”
Please don’t ever let this happen on my flight, please don’t ever let this happen on my flight, please don’t ever let this happen on my flight…
I’m suddenly itching everywhere.

And where is the emotional-support mongoose when you need it?!
How cute, it was attending emotional support animals conference.
No badgers or mushrooms???
Ohhh it's a snaaaake <3
I once saw a small mouse on a flight from BCN. Have to wonder about the "boarding" process for them...... food carts, carryon bags, planted by airport employees or perhaps just a long slog down the jet bridge.
Wasn't there a movie with a very similar plot to this? It had Denzel Washington I think and it was called "Snakes on the Plane"
Very very funny -- co-pilot is very cute (and much braver than me... I would have FREAKED out)
good work by the flight crew!
That would be the best flight ever for me! I'm usually flying to tropical places in order to look for and photograph snakes anyway!
Sneky sneky
You should have asked Siri.
@Debit: Best comment today!
@ Travis's wife:
For real? Details?
love the humor of the professor.
Oh hell no!!! I would not make it! I am terrified of them. Too many bad experiences.
Where is Samuel L. Jackson when you need him
Agree with @Credit
The snake must have been terrified. I bet there were a whole bunch of assholes who wanted to kill the poor creature.
Just reading through the blog while lyng on bed and reading this headline..... I'm out of my bed in a spring....
On the way back from Panama on Copa, I got bit by a large, scary looking spider. Uggggggh.
so, grab it and put it in the pillow covering
Snek me up hiss
I am sure the snake was more scared than the people.
Omg , that happening on your cozy private first class suite, how would you even know if you were taking that first class nap after drowning a bottle of Krug. Imagine waking up and finding that thing on your lap , onesnakeatatime .
I'm also terrified to the point that if I was near the snake, I would start screaming and I would definitely leave my seat and people would have to punch me in the face so that I stop screaming lol
Delta will now be charging extra for this.
The copilot takes the snake!! see the image!!
hiss hiss hiss
i have had it with these m-fing snakes on this m-fing plane