A United Airlines top-tier Premier 1K member named Sam shares the wild story of how he was threatened to be put on United’s “no fly list” by a flight attendant because… another flight attendant made a nice gesture, by offering him some manicotti? Sam wrote about this on Reddit, but he also emailed me a more detailed version of events.
In this post:
Manicotti in economy leads to no fly list threat
A couple of days ago, Sam was flying from New Orleans (MSY) to Denver (DEN) to Seattle (SEA). His upgrade cleared on the first flight, but not on the second flight. While the first flight was supposed to have a meal, it accidentally wasn’t catered correctly, which he said wasn’t a huge deal.
Both flights were operated by the same aircraft and the same crew, which is pretty rare. So as he was leaving the plane from the first flight, he said to one of the flight attendants how he’d love one of the manicotti dishes from first class on the next flight (where he’d be in Economy Plus) if there were any left over. The polite flight attendant said she would see what she could do.
He says he was half kidding, and didn’t expect the gesture would be fulfilled. He got back on the plane 40 minutes later, and joked to the same flight attendant “don’t forget me now,” to which she responded “I got you!” I think it’s important to emphasize that Sam doesn’t seem entitled here, and says:
“She did not promise or guarantee anything nor did I expect something in return. Again, it was a just small talk and the kind of connection and bond that you make when it’s the rare occasion of having the same FA both legs of your trip.”
At this point the purser reportedly turned to the flight attendant he spoke with and asked what that was all about it, and she proceeded to berate her colleague.
About five minutes later, the purser came up to Sam’s seat, and in an aggressive, confrontational, and condescending tone, informed him that under United’s policy he wouldn’t be allowed to eat a first class meal in economy. Sam responded “okay, that’s fine, no worries.”
He didn’t think much of it until 90 minutes into the flight, when the first class dinner service was over. At this point the nice flight attendant brought him the manicotti. She discreetly handed it to him and smiled, and he thanked her for the gesture.
At this point the purser watched this unfold from the galley. As soon as Sam took his first bite, the purser came over and said that she was going to be “writing him up” for accepting the meal. She reportedly claimed that it was Sam’s obligation not to accept the meal. She said that because he was disobeying her instructions, he was going to be “disciplined” by United, and that could result in him being put on United’s no fly list.
She also claimed to have told the captain, and that he was also “upset at you for accepting the meal.” She also claimed she would write up her colleague and start a disciplinary process. Um, wow…

What on earth?!?
Admittedly we only have one side of the story here. Furthermore, personally I wouldn’t ask a flight attendant to get a first class meal in economy, even if there was an issue on a previous flight, since it puts everyone in a somewhat awkward position.
You absolutely can’t fault someone for asking, though, and the crew absolutely could have just politely rejected the request. That being said, the actions of the purser here are simply shocking. She went out of her way to be a grouch. I mean, unless the guy went into the galley and served himself the dish, there’s absolutely zero excuse for the purser’s actions.
After all, it was her colleague who served the passenger the dish. If the purser had an issue with that, this should have been taken up between them, rather than directly with the customer. I just don’t get with what kind of an attitude some people show up to work, especially in customer facing roles.
On top of that, this is a loyal customer, and they had an issue on the previous flight, where they didn’t get the meal that they were supposed to.
I mean, could you imagine if this same situation happened on Singapore Airlines? No, of course you couldn’t, because it would never, ever happen.

Bottom line
As a kind gesture, a flight attendant served an elite member in economy a first class meal that was left over. This was much appreciated by the passenger, but not by the purser, who allegedly reported this to the captain, and threatened to have the passenger put on United’s no fly list.
I am at a loss for words with this one…
What do you make of this situation?
Is there ever anything that a passenger who has been wronged can do? 14 passengers were banned after Alaska flight 1/7/21 from DC to Sea. I heard from a couple people on the flight that the attendants were extremely rude toward all the passengers, mostly because they were singing. A few took video and one person reached out to me hoping to get some more info because even though Alaska offerred the passengers $100 vouchers,...
Is there ever anything that a passenger who has been wronged can do? 14 passengers were banned after Alaska flight 1/7/21 from DC to Sea. I heard from a couple people on the flight that the attendants were extremely rude toward all the passengers, mostly because they were singing. A few took video and one person reached out to me hoping to get some more info because even though Alaska offerred the passengers $100 vouchers, including him, the FAA has since assessed a penalty of $15,000.00 and an attorney wants $20,000.00 just as a retainer. In his own account of what transpired, I believe he did nothing to trigger such accusations from the flight attendant. He complied with masking. He has been doxxed and his life has pretty much been ruined by all of this.
This makes me think of how through the united flight 93 hi jackings that Osama pushed United and few of their purser's to behave like him in power hungriness and aggression.
Fake news again. If customer was an employee of United then it makes sense..if not, purser should be sanctioned
This purser needs anger management and retraining in staff and customer relations.
I've flown United 3 or 4 times in the past year and always hearing bad things about them, I was pleasantly surprised that the service from staff, both onboard and on the phone were great, that is until yesterdays flight. We were told we were in premium economy, but ended up in economy, our plane was late, and in their haste to turn it around was pretty dirty. Despite being near the front of plane...
I've flown United 3 or 4 times in the past year and always hearing bad things about them, I was pleasantly surprised that the service from staff, both onboard and on the phone were great, that is until yesterdays flight. We were told we were in premium economy, but ended up in economy, our plane was late, and in their haste to turn it around was pretty dirty. Despite being near the front of plane we were forced to board in last group. As we were boarding they notified us the remaining passengers that wed have to check our carry on bags, despite the fact that people with backpacks every bit as large were still taking them on. When i explained that I travel carry on only, because I had to catch a ferry home the gate staff just ignored my pleas. Then when i get on board I see lots of room in overhead storage, and am told to remove my bag so it can be checked. Then, to top it all off, there was a big delay getting our baggage thus guaranteeing i missed my ferry, the last one of the night, and ensuring i had to spend $300 on a hotel in the city for the night. Just when i was thinking United was getting a bad rap, now im having second thoughts about ever using them again. Their domestic planes pretty lacking too.
What was the big deal. It's a crying shame that a show of kindness can get you written up, barked at an threatened by someone who got up on the wrong side of the Wing! I might change my United membership.
There is no way the captain would have had any issue with this. The purser made that part up!
Simple! The purser wanted that last manicotti!
I think the purser didn't get laid before the flight.
The Purser didn’t handle this situation in the best manner.
Working for the airlines, I see so many trying to get something for nothing. I guarantee you this guy would get his freebie meal and then turn around and contact customer service about his missed meal on first flight and he would also get compensation for that. Frequent flyers learn how to play the system and they never miss a chance to do just that. I’ve seen it countless times personally. Purser did handle improperly,...
Working for the airlines, I see so many trying to get something for nothing. I guarantee you this guy would get his freebie meal and then turn around and contact customer service about his missed meal on first flight and he would also get compensation for that. Frequent flyers learn how to play the system and they never miss a chance to do just that. I’ve seen it countless times personally. Purser did handle improperly, but FA should have sincerely apologized and directed them to contact customer care to avoid the notorious “double dipping” that is way too common and to avoid upsetting other passengers that were not aware of the situation.
Blogger stirring the pot
Sam should not complain, at least he didn't get punched.
It does not surprise me. Hypothetically if I worked for this airline I would be disciplining the Purser. There are some very angry people who work for United. I really have no explanation for this after many years of employment at perhaps a large airline similar to United.
Wow… I guess Nancy, singing about the Friendly Skies, from the early 80s United ads, no longer works there. That is insane!
What’s wrong with this flight purser ?
So many idiots wants show their power! Big deal lazy meal from first class which they own him from previous flight. Who the hell she think is she? The nasty flight attendant should be fired! More and more nasty flight attendant on United.
Before reporting this you have a responsibility to ask United for their comment. I would be upset too but at least try to find out what actually happened
No I think this described it perfectly
Nonsense !!!
I work for that Airline and I can find many things to hate them for .
This never happened!!!!!
It did happen, United exec team has followed up with Scott based on his complaints.
The Purser has problems!
If he has a choice of another airline I hope he takes it
I am not shocked by United's behavior at all, they are a pathetic airline in every sense of the word. To treat a 1K member that way, I certainly hope that Sam immediately takes his business elsewhere. My sister is a Cathay Diamond, I have traveled with her in economy before on a regional flight, it was a last minute booking and the biz class cabin was full. The flight attendant would come up to...
I am not shocked by United's behavior at all, they are a pathetic airline in every sense of the word. To treat a 1K member that way, I certainly hope that Sam immediately takes his business elsewhere. My sister is a Cathay Diamond, I have traveled with her in economy before on a regional flight, it was a last minute booking and the biz class cabin was full. The flight attendant would come up to greet her as soon as she was seated; she was the first one to be served and a biz class meal at that without even asking. Now, that's how you treat your top-tier customer.
Ok BUT This NEVER happened !!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I’d be writing a letter to the airline requesting an apology. I get that these crews have to put up with some turds these days, but that goes both ways. They are in a “customer service” position and should represent themselves appropriately.
Unfortunately, I have noticed in the past few years how rude, condescending & aggressive SOME flight attendants are, especially on US airlines. They seem to have an elevated opinion of themselves as if they are celebrities. They sit in the back of the plane, eating, talking, sometimes snoozing & seem bothered if you ask for something. Same thing with meal service - rude, rushing so they can run back to the back of the plane!...
Unfortunately, I have noticed in the past few years how rude, condescending & aggressive SOME flight attendants are, especially on US airlines. They seem to have an elevated opinion of themselves as if they are celebrities. They sit in the back of the plane, eating, talking, sometimes snoozing & seem bothered if you ask for something. Same thing with meal service - rude, rushing so they can run back to the back of the plane! Disgusting!
The flight attendants who behave this way have forgotten that they are supposed to be there for the customers who, by the way, pay their salaries!
Ever see What my Sisters and Brothers have been going through these days ??????????????
OK your name is Dot !!!!
United is garbage, the worst airline I’ve ever flown, and that includes Spirit, Frontier, and Ryanair. This kind of behavior is typical of them. I might as well be on their no-fly list, because I’ll change my itinerary to avoid them.
A long time ago while I was Platinum Medallion on Delta, I got late to my gate for a connection due to late arrival of my plane on the previous leg. The aircraft doors were already closed but the plane had not started to move. Back in those days, being Platinum meant a great deal. They opened the door for me and sat me in coach, even though I had a first class ticket because...
A long time ago while I was Platinum Medallion on Delta, I got late to my gate for a connection due to late arrival of my plane on the previous leg. The aircraft doors were already closed but the plane had not started to move. Back in those days, being Platinum meant a great deal. They opened the door for me and sat me in coach, even though I had a first class ticket because they had given my seat to someone else. I was just happy to have made my flight but then a FA from first class brought me a glass of champagne and apologized that I had to sit in coach. The guy sitting next to me was flabbergasted and said "who the hell are you? They open the door and bring you champagne with an apology?" I told him I am nobody, I just fly a lot. We had a chuckle about it and had a nice conversation during the flight.
What can you expect from United who even beat up their passengers.
No they didn't, don't believe everything you see or read.
First it was a Republic Airlines flight.
Second it was the airport police that tried to get the passenger to deplane, and when he fought them when they tried to remove him he got injured.
You know what we do now in the airlines when a passenger refuses to deplane when we ask them to? We deplane everyone else! And if the passenger still won't leave we cancel the flight.
He shouldve taken the name of the purser and reported them for being a complete asshole that gives the company a bad name.
Disgusting attitude and obnoxious attitude by the purser. She behaves like Robespierre of the French Revolution going around lopping of heads if she has the power to do that.
Be humble and kind so you can live a longer and good lives with good Karma instead of hates and anger to make another person suffered. He a customer paying her salary. OMG!
The purser has a bad attitude, bossy nature and is looking forxa fight. This purser is damaging United:Airlines' reputation which is already scarred and laden with multiple bad press events. This purser should be fired. A little kindness and common sense should be used instead of power, ego and blatant stupidity. I'll never fly on United.
She wanted manicotti and it ticked her off that he was getting it when she couldn't. You know you get "hangry" when that happens!
I was flying with American Airlines from AUS to OGG, with a layover in LAX. I was seated in first class with my husband, while my brother and his new wife were in coach. When I shared with a flight attendant that my brother had just gotten married and was on his way to his honeymoon, they surprised him and his wife in coach with a HUGE breakfast spread and a sparkling bottle of champagne....
I was flying with American Airlines from AUS to OGG, with a layover in LAX. I was seated in first class with my husband, while my brother and his new wife were in coach. When I shared with a flight attendant that my brother had just gotten married and was on his way to his honeymoon, they surprised him and his wife in coach with a HUGE breakfast spread and a sparkling bottle of champagne. Take notes, United - it's these small gestures that truly make all the difference in the world. 1 million miles with American, zero with United.
Meanwhile on AC they sell leftover Business or "Signature Class" meals in Economy buy on board, LOL
United delays my flight. I miss my connection by 7 minutes. I pay $80.00 to be downgraded to economy because it is the only seat available on the next flight out. No true recourse exists because customer service is intentionally understaffed to create unreasonable time-frames that deter people from finding rational solutions. The meal I planned on as a convenience of flying first class is not available after paying more money for my downgrade. I...
United delays my flight. I miss my connection by 7 minutes. I pay $80.00 to be downgraded to economy because it is the only seat available on the next flight out. No true recourse exists because customer service is intentionally understaffed to create unreasonable time-frames that deter people from finding rational solutions. The meal I planned on as a convenience of flying first class is not available after paying more money for my downgrade. I will never fly United again. On the return trip, more delays and obvious manipulation of schedules to United's advantage. Then all information is delivered with doublespeak and outright lies that reveal themselves. This airline has to be near it's natural end
Is she fired yet?
Classic example of the airline forgetting who the customer is.
This just confirms why I avoid flying United.
Put passenger back on united. A verbal reminder is all that isneeded. And coworker needs to mindher business and seek anger management
This has been quite a while ago, but I had flown night United so much that I had millions of frequent flyer miles. I was making a very short flight from Denver, Colorado, to Durango, Colorado. This flight took place on one of those smaller aircraft where there is only one flight attendant. I never elected to choose a seat, and just took whatever was given to me. On this particular flight, I happened to...
This has been quite a while ago, but I had flown night United so much that I had millions of frequent flyer miles. I was making a very short flight from Denver, Colorado, to Durango, Colorado. This flight took place on one of those smaller aircraft where there is only one flight attendant. I never elected to choose a seat, and just took whatever was given to me. On this particular flight, I happened to be in the second row from the back. The speaker overhead was not working. I could not hear what the flight attendant was saying so I leaned over to the passenger next to me and was asking if they could hear them. They also said they could not hear what was going on, so we just kind of tried to listen as best we could. When the flight attendant got back to us, she asked, what would you like to drink? I said it sounded like you were saying something about having different beverages on this flight. She replied with, well if you would’ve listened to me during my announcements you would’ve heard me. I immediately stood up on the flight and told her, in no uncertain terms, that if she ever spoke to me or any other passenger like that again, I would personally make it my life’s mission to make sure she never worked in a public facing role ever again. She threatened to have me escorted off the plane when we landed in Durango, and I eagerly advised her to test that hypothesis and do so at her earliest convenience. What makes it better is the gentleman behind me was asked what he wanted to drink and his reply was with “what do you have ?” I immediately turned around to look at her with a do it bitch look.
I have never experienced worse customer service thank have on United. Had it not been the company buying ny tickets m, I would have never flown them in the first place. Hell, Spirit’s customer service is better than theirs. Once I left that job I eagerly gave up my status with United, and began flying with Delta and Southwest.
And I agree, Singapore and Thai airways are my favorites. I used to include Continental until United decided to destroy them.
Did that make you feel like an exceptional human being to stand up and both physically and verbally intimidate someone?
Be human,for GOD's sake if not for. your own! Get over your "power" stewardress . He was polite and she was kind so what was lost.
It sounds a lot like the purser is either jealous of the connection of kindness between two human beings & feeling left out or maybe a little power going to the pursers head.
I was given a meal by mistake on a frontier airlines flight. I ate it and the person came back and said I was not supposed to get the meal. I just said bring me a bag and I will bring it back up.
Was not my fault. I made the reservations months in advance and my ticket never said anything about no meal.
If I were the person who was supervising that purser they would be out of a job.
What was the goal of the bursar getting involved in the first place? What possible good, positive result could come from them chastising and threatening a customer with a no-fly? Agree with other comments. They have no business in a customer-facing role. Anywhere.
Sounds like an all American culture war going on extremes to the malignant side. Just to think of the USA and how low it's become I'd say: I'm out!
United needs to remember where all their money comes from, the paying passengers! The entire airline industry has gotten out of control with their rude, entitled, antagonistic behavior towards their source of income,again, the PAYING PASSENGERS! The pandemic created these problems but no one (FAA) has the balls to fix it.
Flew as 1k once from London to San Francisco during holiday season. Upgrade didn't clear but I secured premier plus at booking. The FA asked fellow passenger, whom I didn't know, next to me first for meal option during food service and then skipped me to ask the passengers on the other side of the aisle. I politely asked why and FA replied - "I only have one chicken left and I want to be...
Flew as 1k once from London to San Francisco during holiday season. Upgrade didn't clear but I secured premier plus at booking. The FA asked fellow passenger, whom I didn't know, next to me first for meal option during food service and then skipped me to ask the passengers on the other side of the aisle. I politely asked why and FA replied - "I only have one chicken left and I want to be fair to the couple on the other side of the aisle". And here he rolled his eyes and pushed the cart away without serving me a bread crumb. It was until the other crew member came collecting the tray and noticed that I had no meal and asked whether I had already finished....
My experience, 1k in economy is the same as last row middle seat passenger with no status - you get the equal share of occasional nastiness from the FA from time to time.
Didn't happen. If this was within the last week, it is made up. I looked up the flights and the crew and this was not possible. Please take this fake story down.
You didn't look up sh*t.
Keep simping for an airline that wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, there's a good little simp. Unless you work for them. More's the pity
Someone needs to have a serious sit down with the purser and captain if he approved her behavior - customer service goes very far in business and so does shitty behavior
United overall gets judged by this
Sheletha Ragsdale….shame on her.
What a name eh. Sounds like one of those names you read in the credits to some B movie and think to yourself "who was THAT character I don't remember them?"
Whenever I see individuals trying to put a monkey wrench in pure kindness I have to question them.
This world needs more people doing what they can to lesson the sting of broken systems and truth be told, we are inundated with them.
Had that purser really been on their J.O.B. maybe this passenger wouldn't have missed their initial meal to begin with.
Focusing on the wrong things in a position is...
Whenever I see individuals trying to put a monkey wrench in pure kindness I have to question them.
This world needs more people doing what they can to lesson the sting of broken systems and truth be told, we are inundated with them.
Had that purser really been on their J.O.B. maybe this passenger wouldn't have missed their initial meal to begin with.
Focusing on the wrong things in a position is just as dangerous as being flat out unqualified.
We have got to know better in order to do better!
Hey, people! Remember you are CUSTOMERS and not hostages. A "no fly list" inclusion in this case should be regarded as a gift. My God!
This is why I don’t fly United anymore.
Honey this flight attendant tattle tell bs happens at EVERY airline. So unless you’re driving yourself from here on out this is the dumbest take away from the story.
Some airlines are more prone to it than others.
I’ve never had a bad experience like this on SWA. That’s why I fly them exclusively, and avoid United religiously.
I am sadly not surprised. I have had a very verbally aggressive flight attendant remove me from the seat I had booked months prior and place, what I can only assume was a very frequent flyer, in my seat. I ended up being stuck in a middle seat in the end. When she looked at me initially I felt like I was being talked about. When she walked up to me there was no chit...
I am sadly not surprised. I have had a very verbally aggressive flight attendant remove me from the seat I had booked months prior and place, what I can only assume was a very frequent flyer, in my seat. I ended up being stuck in a middle seat in the end. When she looked at me initially I felt like I was being talked about. When she walked up to me there was no chit chat and all she said was I was in the wrong seat and needed to move. I grabbed my stub to check (I was in my assigned seat). She scowled at me at in a very aggressive manor loudly stated, "Are we going to have a problem here?" I immediately knew if I had had a problem I wouldn't have made it to my destination so I moved. I would have moved anyway but lying about the reason and treating a paying customer like a criminal is wrong. I would like to also say I have encountered many pleasant and wonderful flight attendants. Some people given a sense of power can become tyrants.
May be the purser had her eyes set on that manicotti serving, and the FA gave it to the passenger instead.
How did someone with such questionable, horrid and unreasonable and unprofessional behavior even make to be a purser?
That is what is happening now...SHe is probably young and new vs the older professional senior FA's!!
I have mentioned how Qatar screwed up my Qsuites ticket and I was forced into row 43 DOH-SEA (customer service still not responding). HOWEVER - my wife (in her J Seat) mentioned the problem and the crew in business brought me two coffee cups before takeoff - first filled with Champagne and the second filled with Syrah.
At least the start was as good as possible under the circumstances.
Unfortunately impossible to continue...
I have mentioned how Qatar screwed up my Qsuites ticket and I was forced into row 43 DOH-SEA (customer service still not responding). HOWEVER - my wife (in her J Seat) mentioned the problem and the crew in business brought me two coffee cups before takeoff - first filled with Champagne and the second filled with Syrah.
At least the start was as good as possible under the circumstances.
Unfortunately impossible to continue for the next 16 hours with the full a/c.
16 hours in Y as a super senior :-(
I keep hearing the paying customers are a problem from interviews with flight crew. It seems flight crews are the ones becoming the problem. Their ego has pushed out the notions of being courteous to the people that make their job a reality. Maybe they need to start having a review board consisting of former customers.
Not a bad idea. Accountability goes both ways.
Crew who go the extra mile to enhance the passenger experience should get props and bonuses. Those that create a hostile atmosphere - maybe retrain or remove them from customer facing roles. Doing a variation on Oliver Twist- not cool.
I know that economic realities have driven the downward spiral of airline service- especially in the U.S. Low margins don't always allow for fine dining.
Not a bad idea. Accountability goes both ways.
Crew who go the extra mile to enhance the passenger experience should get props and bonuses. Those that create a hostile atmosphere - maybe retrain or remove them from customer facing roles. Doing a variation on Oliver Twist- not cool.
I know that economic realities have driven the downward spiral of airline service- especially in the U.S. Low margins don't always allow for fine dining.
But I looked it up - it doesn't cost more to treat people- both passengers or crew- well. In fact- it actually pays.
And when you drop the ball and have a chance to make it up- that is a good thing.
You may send my consulting fee to...
As a flight attendant I can assure you even if this flight attendant did file a report, there’s no way the company would place the passenger on their no fly list. One would have to behave with violence, sexual assault, threats, etc., and almost always the police would’ve also been involved. Although the airlines do have a policy that first class service and products stay in first class, the flight leader (pursers are the flight...
As a flight attendant I can assure you even if this flight attendant did file a report, there’s no way the company would place the passenger on their no fly list. One would have to behave with violence, sexual assault, threats, etc., and almost always the police would’ve also been involved. Although the airlines do have a policy that first class service and products stay in first class, the flight leader (pursers are the flight leader on international flights) definitely overreacted and is likely subject to a receive a “coaching” (non-serious form of discipline, often described as “a word to the wise”) should this passenger formally notify the airline of this interaction.
“…the flight leader…definitely overreacted and is likely subject to a receive a “coaching” (non-serious form of discipline, often described as “a word to the wise”)…”
That’s interesting.
In all my jobs, anyone who lies to a client, least of all threatens a client, is subject to termination.
Could it be CHRISTEL from CONAIR?
She was so aggressive on my flight to Spain, talking about her plane and her crew!
Heard her loudly telling people she came from CONAIR…had words when she pushed by me in boarding area…they actually wanted to not let me board but I managed to grovel enough to placate her sense of power.
She was the bursar…what the heck is a burger these days?
Personally why I do not fly United. Their people don't care about customers.
That's why I only fly Delta. Period!
I recently flew United in BC MCO NAP. Upon boarding I was asked by the purser if I wanted a drink. I asked for water and he said drink the one in the bottle there. It was warm. I was astonished as everyone else got Champagne. Cross UA off my list.
HMMM. something not adding up. As a former 1K 8 years and GS 5 years getting a first class meal or wine or desert while seated in coach was not that uncommon if for some reason I or one of my family members was not in first. Granted I am retired now and it has been 4 years since I had that status so some rules may have changed. But saying it is the passenger's...
HMMM. something not adding up. As a former 1K 8 years and GS 5 years getting a first class meal or wine or desert while seated in coach was not that uncommon if for some reason I or one of my family members was not in first. Granted I am retired now and it has been 4 years since I had that status so some rules may have changed. But saying it is the passenger's responsibility to refuse? Anyone see that in their Mileage Plus terms? That makes no sense and do not see how that is enforceable. Something isn't adding up.
You write this as if you were on the plane. I’ve flown a lot, I know FAs can get cranky because of bad passengers and take it out on good ones but this article is a joke. Why not just publish his whole complaint?
We had a really bad experience with United when we were leaving Denver for Orlando with my stepsons (teenagers) and son (elementary school). One stepson lost his boarding pass while buying snacks. The gate wouldn't let him on the plane until he found it. I raised my hand to ask a FA for help since we were delayed for mechanical issues anyway. She paused long enough to tell me she had more important issues to...
We had a really bad experience with United when we were leaving Denver for Orlando with my stepsons (teenagers) and son (elementary school). One stepson lost his boarding pass while buying snacks. The gate wouldn't let him on the plane until he found it. I raised my hand to ask a FA for help since we were delayed for mechanical issues anyway. She paused long enough to tell me she had more important issues to deal with and kept walking. Somehow my stepson found his way on the plane and we made it to Orlando. I mentioned the interaction to our FA, but all she could say was that the other FA was the head of the crew and she was "under a lot of pressure". Still no reason to be that rude. We never flew United again.
FLEW UNITED once from UK to New York never again some of the worst cabin crew I've ever encountered food absolutely disgusting
This is a case of asininity being blown up by stupidity and a need for a refresher course in customer service training and colleague communication.
The purser failed to communicate with the flight attendant to ascertain why they gave the passenger in Premium Economy a leftover First Class meal.
There was no reason, other than stupidity, for any interaction with the passenger. It could have cost the airline a valued customer or a lawsuit, or both.
The Purser probably wanted the extra Manicotti!!!
I will put the purse in a "no flight list" .....
It is United Airlines! It is normal policy to treat their passengers badly. Never fly United!
And things like that are why I never fly United anymore.
As someone who has managed workers in working with the public for 30 years, here's a guess:
1) Purser knows the pitchforks and torches that will come out of all the whiny babies when one person gets the first class meal the rest around him are not eligible for. Unlike a glass of wine which is not visibly exclusive to first class, this is a great way to light a Wildfire of discontent.
As someone who has managed workers in working with the public for 30 years, here's a guess:
1) Purser knows the pitchforks and torches that will come out of all the whiny babies when one person gets the first class meal the rest around him are not eligible for. Unlike a glass of wine which is not visibly exclusive to first class, this is a great way to light a Wildfire of discontent.
2) FA, whether well intentioned or not, in this regard was short sighted in violating a results-oriented policy that would please one customer while risking problems with the rest.
3) Purser is functioning in fight or flight and their patience is persistently exhausted because since Covid most people are also. It's a mass contagion of bad behavior.
Things are so bad out there, those of you who don't work woth the public literally can not imagine. It's not an excuse but we are all human and can only take so much. Be kind to those working in these positions and dont judge.
2 days ago, after 26 years of running a high traffic small business, a mob of jerk customers gone wild all at once thinking they were going to bully my staff put me in the ER on stroke and heart attack watch and I've now been diagnosed with an aneurysm. Another of my young healthy staff members collapsed. Society is imploding and no one is talking about it.
Niceness is kinda taboo. ..well supposedly if he got manicotti everyone's entitled. Thanks United. I'll think twice before booking with you!
Ridiculous treatment. I honestly don't enjoy flying anymore.
I was a United 1K member for years and when I flew Economy Plus, the staff always remembered my status and offered me wine and a meal wo purchase and free upgrades to first when available. Why would this purser go ballistic about a 1K flyer whose status is listed on the manifest?
There are just way too many stories like this.
I was on a basically empty flight in a 747. The were like four passengers and many more flight attendants than passengers on board.
One of the passengers was on crutches and had a full leg cast with an economy ticket. After take off, he switched his seat to business for more leg room, and he was berated by the flight attendant.
I felt so bad for him. We as humans have to do better.
Upgrading himself from economy to business without permission is very different than finding extra seats/space in the economy class.
“After take off, he switched his seat to business for more leg room…”
That’s called theft of services, whether or not anyone needs to “do better.”
I choose to not fly United since 1987 due to unprofessional conduct unworthy of my business and personal travel funds.
As a frequent flyer, I am going to believe that the purser was having a bad day and continue to commend the flight attendant for great service. Flight attendents are the face of United. Airlines have enough bigger problems than someone getting a leftover meal.
The purser butted into something had nothing to do with them.. Feel like they used her power over the other colleagues and went to the captain to start crap...
Honestly some power trips get to people way to much or try to find a reason to fire someone they don't like..
I get they have rules and more NY goodness it's food.. I can see if everyone and passengers made a huge deal...
The purser butted into something had nothing to do with them.. Feel like they used her power over the other colleagues and went to the captain to start crap...
Honestly some power trips get to people way to much or try to find a reason to fire someone they don't like..
I get they have rules and more NY goodness it's food.. I can see if everyone and passengers made a huge deal but the purser drew the attention and made a bigger deal than it had to be..
Honestly paying customers aka passengers would rather have a fun and nice flight attendant over a rude/butts in/ causes a scene and more kind..
I would rather have the Nice one win over the Purser jerk any day and time.. If the captains are just as uptight they need to go too..
BS how others treat humans and paying customers aka passengers anymore..
They made the error the first time they let the purser treat him like that is very wrong.. He never demanded or forced anything..
My thought don't fly United seem like jerks.. To the nice steward hope you find a better job that appreciates you and how you truly treat passengers and more.. Thank you..
Purser was taking her self important attitude to extremes. SHE should be written up instead of the other attendant and the customer should get a free flight with an apology from United.
People have forgotten how to be kind and to always live by "The Golden Rule". There would be much less anger, stress & angst in this world if this simple rule was followed by everyone. Always imagine being in the other person's shoes!
This airline has really gone downhill since Continental was bought out by United. They do not have the same level of customer service that they once had and the on-board quality of food that used to be. Very disappointed in this airline.
Our govt needs to start stepping in. Passengers need to have their rights reestablished. Some Airline employees have become out of control. I've never had issues until the Covid. One stewardess...yelled at me for my mask being a bit low on my nose (but still covering my nose and mouth) . I'm on a cane...carrying a bag so both hands were being used. Instead of letting me sit down...as I'm holding up other passengers...she demanded...
Our govt needs to start stepping in. Passengers need to have their rights reestablished. Some Airline employees have become out of control. I've never had issues until the Covid. One stewardess...yelled at me for my mask being a bit low on my nose (but still covering my nose and mouth) . I'm on a cane...carrying a bag so both hands were being used. Instead of letting me sit down...as I'm holding up other passengers...she demanded I stop...put down my bag ...adjust my body and fix my mask. I did ask...respectfully if I could wait until I'm seated..her reply? "You want to stay on the plane?" I nearly fell... bending back down in a small space to get my bag up off the floor. I've had two strokes. She could have offered to take my bag (wasn't overly big) and let me adjust my mask. I'm old enough to be her mother...a total lack of respect.
Seems like United should explain to the purser, how to conduct yourself on board. Kindness is free, and should never be punished. The purser just wanted to dictate the situation and didn't really understand the circumstances of the back and forth between the other two.
Sadly, airlines crews in the U.S. have gotten much worse since the pandemic and act with a level of authority I’ve never seen before, hauling people off flights for any minor indiscretion and in some cases even diverting flights over minor issues that can often be resolved with civility and patience inflight. I fly internationally a lot and never fly a U.S. based airline when I have a choice. As Ben indicated, something like this...
Sadly, airlines crews in the U.S. have gotten much worse since the pandemic and act with a level of authority I’ve never seen before, hauling people off flights for any minor indiscretion and in some cases even diverting flights over minor issues that can often be resolved with civility and patience inflight. I fly internationally a lot and never fly a U.S. based airline when I have a choice. As Ben indicated, something like this would never happen on an Asian based airline where inflight crews are exceptionally professional…
Ur crazy! Flight crew have gotten out of hand, ha…. I think u got that backwards, passengers have gotten outta hand and crews have all they can deal with trying to keep peace and civility on board !
If I had to guess the age of the pursuer I would bet $10k on her/him being a boomer and in need of retirement. The Boomer gen needs to realize thier time is over and they did an awful job. Hopefully we do better. Anyone wanna bring back the iceflows???
Flight attendents are out of control and power tripped out now. I was on a flight from orlando to denver and I was feeling a little sick, headache, tired, two hour of sleep. I was sitting in my seat staring ahead at my tv screen not smiling. A weird flight attendent looked at me and said "smile" as a command not an encoraging gesture. I looked at her like wtf are you talking to me!?...
Flight attendents are out of control and power tripped out now. I was on a flight from orlando to denver and I was feeling a little sick, headache, tired, two hour of sleep. I was sitting in my seat staring ahead at my tv screen not smiling. A weird flight attendent looked at me and said "smile" as a command not an encoraging gesture. I looked at her like wtf are you talking to me!? She then stared at me like she wanted to fight. Her coworker told her something and pushed her ahead. Earlier on the flight they were collectibg trash, i was getting some out of the seat in front of me and apparently I was too slow a different flight attendent was holdind her garbage bag and said hurry up already. So I stopped and said No trash. She got very andry. I know you have trash in there get it out now. My husband said No Trash and she lwft. Tgeae flufht attendents have become psycho. They are trying to cause flights now. It is disgusting.
In my opinion, the purser should be offboarded from her job. In other countries, the purser would also have to expect legal consequences for this kind of threat with no justification.
The entire event is an example of someone that works in a industry customer related that can not separate duties and personal matters. The purser doesn't have the slightest clue of her role and uses it to for pettiness toward her colleague and the premier customer. This purser is not an asset to the company!
I can see this happening on United nowadays. I used to love them. And we flew w them almost exclusively. But A couple of years ago my family and I flew United from Hawaii with a layover from LA to Phila. this one particular attendant seemed to target my family from la. At one point she got a little threatening bc my mask was down. And our sons mask slipped while he was sleeping. But...
I can see this happening on United nowadays. I used to love them. And we flew w them almost exclusively. But A couple of years ago my family and I flew United from Hawaii with a layover from LA to Phila. this one particular attendant seemed to target my family from la. At one point she got a little threatening bc my mask was down. And our sons mask slipped while he was sleeping. But I was taking a sip of water at the time. We quickly realized she was keeping an “eye” on us in particular. We decided to just nap thru and never fly United again and we haven’t.
Avoid United, simple.
I feel strongly that airlines have gotten completely out of control just as passengers have. How dare she threaten him! How embarrassing and completely un called for. She needs to be fired. Stop the madness!!! United sucks!
I find the actions of the pursuer to be detrimental to the company United. Customer service should always come first when possible except in emergency situations. She needs a chill pill . She is the one that needs to be put on the no fly list.
You state that you only have one version of the story buy intentionally minimize the passenger story and AMPLIFIED the pursers doing.
You don't innocently just joke about taking advantage of your status with the airline to take advantage or to manipulate a weak Fa into doing something that is against UNITED policy.
Also, add to that the fact that you have an status with an airline does not necessarily means you are...
You state that you only have one version of the story buy intentionally minimize the passenger story and AMPLIFIED the pursers doing.
You don't innocently just joke about taking advantage of your status with the airline to take advantage or to manipulate a weak Fa into doing something that is against UNITED policy.
Also, add to that the fact that you have an status with an airline does not necessarily means you are a loyal customer, and YOU know that.
Why did this customer mentioned the meal topic twice to the same fã?
I agree that the story should end when the purser discovered THIS Drama and corrected the violating Fa. And let me allow you into a secret, violating companys policies and procedures is not good customer service,.
It makes employee who do their job as expected *look bad* "because they did it for me on the last flight".
Serving customer meal in coach on this flight, makes other customers around feel undervalued, and there could be the 20 passengers in this flight with the Same status who witness this.
If the purser cough this and corrected the Fa, and this fã still retaliates and goes against the correct procedure.. Who is in the wrong?
Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed...the purser was out of order.
I was served a complementary alcoholic beverage and a second too on a LOS-IAH flight in economy 5 years ago. I was just a Gold MileagePlus member then.
Good thing the entire cabin crew were in on it and even addressed me by name.
Those were the days when service standards were excellent.
Flight attendants don't have the ability to put anyone on the no fly list, especially over manicotti. The purser just had a need to art authority she did not have. Sorry that Sam took this to be much more serious than it was. Training moment for the purser.
Former fa here (for an airline I will not mention but let’s just say I have some inside info here)… purser was not only out of line, she was wrong. There’s no policy that says that the other fa couldn’t give him that meal esp. to help in the fact that he didn’t get it on the first flight. He acknowledged the fact that he was aware he may not have gotten his first choice...
Former fa here (for an airline I will not mention but let’s just say I have some inside info here)… purser was not only out of line, she was wrong. There’s no policy that says that the other fa couldn’t give him that meal esp. to help in the fact that he didn’t get it on the first flight. He acknowledged the fact that he was aware he may not have gotten his first choice on the first flight and though we are not obligated to fix that in any way, the fa that tried to was well within her rights to do so if she wanted to.
All I can say is that sounds like United. I’ve flown with them, last time a few months ago and I’ll never again do that again. Really poor customer service especially with rebookings
Sounds like the purser was in a bad mood, hopefully. If this is her usual demeanor, I sympathize with the rest of the crew, her family, friends(if she has any.)
Brought to you by the airline with drunk pilots, who shamelessly break passengers' luggage, and beat them up like they're in an alley of their home city.
And one fa forced a customer to stick her dog in overhang. It cried until it died, no air!
I'm trying to understand how United is still in business. I love the comparison to Singapore Airlines, so very true.
No worries here, United is on MY no fly list.
As a retired employee of the other airline, these situations arise because some flight attendants were so deprived of attention in their world they will escalate any little situation to feel empowered. I was in engineering however, the most important person at the airline is the one who services the lavs.
United Airlines has a long history of passenger abuse, so no surprise. The purser should certainly be fired, along with whomever is responsible for hiring and training the purser. Then demand that the CEO address the entire issue. Finally, never fly United. Report their abuse to FAA, major media and social media. You might even make a point of speaking to people flying United. Tell them about the doctor who was beaten and dragged from...
United Airlines has a long history of passenger abuse, so no surprise. The purser should certainly be fired, along with whomever is responsible for hiring and training the purser. Then demand that the CEO address the entire issue. Finally, never fly United. Report their abuse to FAA, major media and social media. You might even make a point of speaking to people flying United. Tell them about the doctor who was beaten and dragged from a United flight illegally. The United first class customer who was bumped from his flight so the United CEO could take his seat. Write your congressmen. These arrogant, crooked bullies need to corrected.
I had a similar situation on an American Airlines flight from Charlotte to Chicago. I didn’t ask for anything, but a flight attendant on my 1st leg DCA to Charlotte thanked me for diffusing an irate customer on that flight and was conveniently on my 2nd leg home. She was on 1st class and the supervisor took umbrage when I jokingly asked if she was following me. I discovered this when she brought me a...
I had a similar situation on an American Airlines flight from Charlotte to Chicago. I didn’t ask for anything, but a flight attendant on my 1st leg DCA to Charlotte thanked me for diffusing an irate customer on that flight and was conveniently on my 2nd leg home. She was on 1st class and the supervisor took umbrage when I jokingly asked if she was following me. I discovered this when she brought me a couple bags of pretzels and informed me that she can be disciplined for over friendliness. How sad. American Airlines is going downhill and I think micromanagement is probably the reason. Based on this story it appears it’s not just American.
The purser needs to be fired. Not sure what was told the Captain but why would the Captain be involved in who was served a meal.
The purser”s ego got in the way. Also, I sincerely doubt the Captain cared.
That’s United for you and a typical reason I NEVER fly United!
Is this same airline that got sued for 25 millions dollars over the incident at Chicago O'Hare Airport where Dr David Dao was brutally bashed when he refused to give up his seat for the United employees. Someone still have not learnt from the past lesson.
This is exactly the attitude I'd expect from United. A couple years ago they grounded our connecting flight in DC and left sixty of us stranded in DC at midnight, forced us to stay in the gate for three hours without any updates while yelling insults at passengers randomly during the entire time. At four they finally cancelled the flight and rebooked everyone at a six o'clock flight. I understand problems happen but the yelling...
This is exactly the attitude I'd expect from United. A couple years ago they grounded our connecting flight in DC and left sixty of us stranded in DC at midnight, forced us to stay in the gate for three hours without any updates while yelling insults at passengers randomly during the entire time. At four they finally cancelled the flight and rebooked everyone at a six o'clock flight. I understand problems happen but the yelling had stuck with me to this day and is why I never fly them anymore.
"JEALOUSY" !!!!!!
Envious Behavior
Lets PRAY for that individual, who lashed out at her co-worker.
United has strict passenger discrimination rules. The passenger who pays the most for their seat is Rank 1 and every single other passenger is ranked after him or her. This is used to settle what would otherwise be a judgment call on the part of the flight attendants. For example if more orders are placed for a popular dish in first class, even if a Rank 15 ordered first (and is in first class on...
United has strict passenger discrimination rules. The passenger who pays the most for their seat is Rank 1 and every single other passenger is ranked after him or her. This is used to settle what would otherwise be a judgment call on the part of the flight attendants. For example if more orders are placed for a popular dish in first class, even if a Rank 15 ordered first (and is in first class on a bargain), you can be sure that burger isn’t his if everyone behind him who ordered it after is a better Rank. This is how they make money — buy making class distinction, and even within class distinction, guaranteed.
If you board last, and are lucky enough to have a crew who does the PDB, and follow the FA with the tray down the aisle, and wait for her to ask the last row "Would you care for a water or sparkling wine?", you should say "Sparkling wine please!" and then she will say "I'm sorry, the beverages are for first class only!", and then you should say, "Oh shoot, and I just missed...
If you board last, and are lucky enough to have a crew who does the PDB, and follow the FA with the tray down the aisle, and wait for her to ask the last row "Would you care for a water or sparkling wine?", you should say "Sparkling wine please!" and then she will say "I'm sorry, the beverages are for first class only!", and then you should say, "Oh shoot, and I just missed the upgrade! But if you're about to pour one out, I'm in (your seat)."
If you give a person a way to avoid throwing something out, they'll usually take it.
Works every time, half the time.
Sounds like BS. He was definitely being entitled and probably caused a scene and was told to calm down or he would be banned from flying with United. He made up this cockamammi story to make himself feel better about being an Ahole.
BS in deed. Hate to say this UA you are not 'INCLUSIVE"
Looks like the purser brought her personal problems to work with her megalomaniac attitude. Cannot see that happening on Australian planes.
That type of miscommunication, unprofessional behavior, and lack of chain of command is one thing....
This isn't Ruby Tuesdays. This is an airplane and a professional environment.
I’m a United dependent with a Brother-in-law who also pilots for United. With 60 years affiliation with United (Father a Captain and TCA), flying all my life, hearing tales etc. - this sounds “ highly suspect “ and very against United protocol. Reeks of a good story of a purser having a bad day. Seriously doubt the Captain would involve themselves in a pecuniary matter such as entree choice?nah….
FAs are out of control. Many hate their jobs, resent their best customers, and despise their own company management. The air travel experience is at an all time low, and 911 and Covid is mostly to blame. BUT ABOVE ALL, THREATENING A PRIORITY CUSTOMER IN FRONT OF OTHER PASSENGERS SHOULD BE TERMS FOR IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL. Many top flyers pay full fare and keep the airlines in business. CEO Scott Kirby should be made aware of...
FAs are out of control. Many hate their jobs, resent their best customers, and despise their own company management. The air travel experience is at an all time low, and 911 and Covid is mostly to blame. BUT ABOVE ALL, THREATENING A PRIORITY CUSTOMER IN FRONT OF OTHER PASSENGERS SHOULD BE TERMS FOR IMMEDIATE DISMISSAL. Many top flyers pay full fare and keep the airlines in business. CEO Scott Kirby should be made aware of this incident and talk directly to the purser for her reasons for acting so forcibly. Her answers should determine her suitability for a customer facing customer service position. Labor relations in the industry have never been worse. Pathetic.
Purser is a prat. Obviously got some issues of her own . Probably lost a valuable customer in the process.
Untied Airlines (not a typo) is the absolute worst. My boycott has lasted 20 years, and will continue. I've had only three terrible customer service experiences in my two decades of frequent flying, and all were with United. I will gladly take multiple connections on any other airline vs a direct flight on United.
Just remember, "United Breaks Guitars" (a la Dave Carroll) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YGc4zOqozo After Caroll's song, UA stock took quite a hit (as I understand it).
Generally I have very good experiences with United FAs. I just flew to Korea a few days ago and it was my 2 million mile flight. I was in the purple seats and they brought me nuts, wine, and desert from business class. Over my 20+ years on united I have been brought many things from business while in Coach. I always treat the FA with respect and friendly banter and in return they treat me the same.
That Lady should be fired no question. She should not be in a position of authority. I'd fire he immediately and let her find a job scrubbing dishes at Denny's. Take out the trash United Airlines !!!
I never fly United. They are very fussy. Once I was supposed to fly to New Delhi from JFK. Unfortunately, I don't live in NY and the flight I took to Ny was domestic. For the International flight, I was allowed two pieces of checked-in luggage and one carry on and one personal item like a PC bag. United did not even allow two pieces for this which is OK but other airlines consider that...
I never fly United. They are very fussy. Once I was supposed to fly to New Delhi from JFK. Unfortunately, I don't live in NY and the flight I took to Ny was domestic. For the International flight, I was allowed two pieces of checked-in luggage and one carry on and one personal item like a PC bag. United did not even allow two pieces for this which is OK but other airlines consider that because the connecting flight was with the same airline. My handbag weighs 16 lb., which must have been due to the calibration of their scale because I very particularly checked it at home with a fishing scale. They charged me for 1 lb. At that time, I predicted that with their mean conduct, they would be bankrupt soon, and they were. Now I am surprised that how people would fly them when they have other options. Singapore Airlines and Qatar Airlines are very customer friendly. UNITED 0/10.
My husband is a million mile member with United due to his work and I think it's awesome that an attendant was willing to go out of her way for the individual involved. t I think the purser was absolutely out of line and way over the top.
What nonsense! The pursur should be suspended immediately and sued for intimidation by the passenger. She had a grudge against the crew member it seems and not able to do so trained her guns at the passenger.
Hope the passenger wasn't her ex....
Sack the purser real culprit..
The purser should have been severely disciplined for what she may have done but especially for her extremely poor attitude towards a loyal customer and, perhaps, for lying if she intended to cause someone to worry needlessly.
Sounds like United. I have flown 2.5 million likes with them and have found that many people working for United don’t like their bosses or passengers
Somebody in this story does certainly need to be on the no fly list. Remember the Seinfeld Soup Nazi? Nobody should have to be subjected to this crazed treatment while trapped in a plane in flight. Fingers crossed we never find ourselves under that purser's malevolent abuse of authority.
Guarantee she didn't tell the capt and if she did he couldn't give a flying F about who ate what. Totally outta line. I've been discretely handed ice-cream in coach as a thank you around the holidays. This lady needs to spend some time off
As a previous Captain for a long gone major airline, and what the purse thought needed to be brought to my attention, would set several thoughts and actions in motion. The first, would have been, did the passenger break any Company Rules by this action. Second, was the customer more demanding or just hoping he might, by asking, receive the meal. Also, was anyone in First class shorted by the flight attendant giving this meal...
As a previous Captain for a long gone major airline, and what the purse thought needed to be brought to my attention, would set several thoughts and actions in motion. The first, would have been, did the passenger break any Company Rules by this action. Second, was the customer more demanding or just hoping he might, by asking, receive the meal. Also, was anyone in First class shorted by the flight attendant giving this meal which would have probably been dumped at the end of the flight, by commissary. I like good manicotti, but would not have written this FA up or talked to her about this, except to say great customer relations makes for good job security, for all concerned.
Let’s assume that the events played out as stated by the passenger.
How that purser isn’t visited by HR to end her employment AT ONCE is puzzling.
This standard of service needs to be a shining example for her colleagues of what to never, ever, ever to do.
Figures it would happen to a good customer.
Flight attendants have zero power to “put some one on a no fly list. Story seems fabricated.
Technically, the purser didn't say she was putting PAX on the no-fly list, just that he could end up there after she wrote him up.
Of course, she wanted him to THINK she had that authority...
The purser is obviously a miserable human being. I had an encounter with a similarly miserable flight attendant on an American airlines flight from Phoenix to Honolulu. Evidently she switched airlines.
The purser is an a$&hole!!!
Power play. Some people should not work in customer service.
There's no on-board meal service in domestic "First" which is worth any amount of heartburn. One can get a better food in the terminal for less than $10. Just buy & bring onboard.
I traveled 11 years. As a 1 K flyer on United I was always treated with respect. The purser must have been angry with the flight attendant and the passenger was stuck in the middle.
The Captain should have stepped in and questioned both flight attendants. No way was the passenger wrong.
My experience on United was always excellent ridding in the front or back row.
No excuses for the pursers actions.
As a lifetime 1K flyer on United, due to the millions of miles I racked up over the years, I think that the purser should be disciplined or fired. She is one of those people who look at passengers as inconveniences to be minimized.
The Purser was 100% wrong and should be written up. Nice and loyal passengers get upgrades and favors. It pays to be kind, not the opposite.
And airlines worldwide continue to be perplexed why passengers hate them and are acting out in flight.
7-years I was Global Services, so I know how hard it to be away from home. I had multiple choices for airlines butThe one thing that kepte me coming back was the service.
If I was that passenger would asI k United for an apology, and if one was not supplied I would take my take my business elsewhere.
I no longer fly United Airlines for this same poor level of service. Stuck on grounded plane for 5 hours May 23, Houston to Trinidad, without water, food and AC and the poor decision making by senior staff. It's about time the buying power of consumers speak for those who can't.
Purser should be required to attend anger management classes.
As a former and now retired United purser may I add my profressional take on this. First off, I often brought my 1K passengers in coach a little something extra. Maybe a glass of wine, free headsets or yes, a leftover meal. This is good PR and we were encouraged to do this in purser training. At the very least I recognized their loyalty. The purser on this flight handled it all wrong. However, the...
As a former and now retired United purser may I add my profressional take on this. First off, I often brought my 1K passengers in coach a little something extra. Maybe a glass of wine, free headsets or yes, a leftover meal. This is good PR and we were encouraged to do this in purser training. At the very least I recognized their loyalty. The purser on this flight handled it all wrong. However, the nicer flight attendant should have cleared it with the purser first, as she is the one who is responsible and will get called on-the-carpet for any problems. I feel for the crew who had to work with this purser. Makes for a very long trip.
I don't understand the purser's logic, passenger gets in trouble for accepting. Not saying the flight attendant should get in trouble for offering, but if the purser had a problem she should have spoken to the flight attendant. Besides the bigger point is that nobody ate it and it could not be served again.
Flying is no longer glamorous, nor is it fun. Some flights are 20 plus hours long with 4 - 5 hours between each leg, because someone in logistics is sadistic. Anything that humanizes people is a good thing. We are herded like cattle. Told we should dress more business like when we know we will be sleeping on the floor about 18 hours into the flight. They hand us a dry chocolate dipped cracker and...
Flying is no longer glamorous, nor is it fun. Some flights are 20 plus hours long with 4 - 5 hours between each leg, because someone in logistics is sadistic. Anything that humanizes people is a good thing. We are herded like cattle. Told we should dress more business like when we know we will be sleeping on the floor about 18 hours into the flight. They hand us a dry chocolate dipped cracker and a half can of diet Coke, without enough leg room to accommodate the average adult. Fire the Purser, and give the flight attendant a raise!
I know who should be banned from United for life - the purser - that is appalling behavior on their part.
Moral of the story; Don't accept food from anyone. It could poison you in more ways than one.
I can promise you I will never fly United again. Unforgivable.
Switching your business to that other airline that only has all great employees?
... Let me know when you find it.
I don't know who Todd Gordon is; never met him. But I hope the next time I fly he is in the seat next to mine.
If United believes in customer care,pursers of this kind should be immediately dismissed. SB
Sounds like the Air Canada motto working here. "We're not happy until you're not happy"!
One of the best I flight service airlines on the side of the Atlantic.
Directly From American airlines customer book.
Omg! "Ok Karen!" Why such a bitch? Did the meal come out of your pocket? He missed out on his meal on the first flight and got it on his second flight! How awesome on the flight attendants part! Karen your the one that needs to go ...
No flights for you!
It's too bad people who help other people get flack from ignorant others! I don't see what the big deal was!
I would fired the purser, period!
How rediculos, I've often been served he better champagne and meals from 1st class while sitting in business class on Thai always, Eva Air and once on British airways. As everyone knows all leftover food gets thrown away after a flight so what's wrong with this guy getting the meal he wanted.
I think its time the purser looked at her job description and think long and hard about being in a customer service...
How rediculos, I've often been served he better champagne and meals from 1st class while sitting in business class on Thai always, Eva Air and once on British airways. As everyone knows all leftover food gets thrown away after a flight so what's wrong with this guy getting the meal he wanted.
I think its time the purser looked at her job description and think long and hard about being in a customer service position. The other F,A, was doing her job correctly in giving a perk to a loyal frequent flyer which is one of the reasons the loyalty is rewarded. Could also be the purser or should we call her a (Karen) Was jelious of her colleague who was doing her job in looking after a frequent flyer. I would love to know the outcome of this situation.
There are things employees do to keep customers happy and things that chase customers away. There was no harm in giving the meal to the customer. People want to throw their weight around.
That person is not qualified to be a Purser her behavior leaves too much to be desired. Her behavior shows she doesn’t like people or her job.
the purser should be put on a "no fly list" for 30 days ..apparently shes looking for kudos at other peoples expense and needs to ho to "customer relations school"...and I find it hard to believe the Captain agreed with her!
I hope the purser was reprimanded for forgetting what good PR is all about. A good deed is remembered but a bad deed is remembered more.
Another viewpoint ...I was traveling in econ and before boarding the plane noticed the right nose tire was woefully lacking tread. I mentioned this to the captain on the way in and he took a look ..had maintenance look and agreed however he said it was safe to fly.
In the middle of the flight two first class meals were brought to me and my companion in the exit row without even asking.
...Another viewpoint ...I was traveling in econ and before boarding the plane noticed the right nose tire was woefully lacking tread. I mentioned this to the captain on the way in and he took a look ..had maintenance look and agreed however he said it was safe to fly.
In the middle of the flight two first class meals were brought to me and my companion in the exit row without even asking.
Surprise.. surprise.
No lecture ..no quoting regulations that you don't even know exist, flight attendants can say anything and do.its a tough job dealing with the public who sometimes lack basic common sense / manors. The vast majority of flight attendants are helpful and honest.
Occasionally you get someone who's burned out taking it out on the customers. It's a real shame. Damages the brand and gives folks sitting around you a really bad experience to talk about.
I once fell asleep and my mask slipped off. I was woken up by a flight attendant screaming at me. I was so disorientated that I didn't even know what the issue was. Two other passengers told her verbally to calm down. I hadn't said a word.
She then told me I was going to be written up, gave me a disciplinary card ..which I handed back, and had the captain sneer at me as I was departing. I was also told I was going to be on the nor fly list.
Well we can see that the mask thing was a hoax as airplane cabin air is some of the cleanest in the world.
I'm still flying.. United is still taking my money, 30 yrs , and I haven't had that grumpy flight attendant again .
People are human but management needs to know.
Write Kirby the CEO at his office.
If your polite and sincere they will respond. They would like to be treated like that either.
Seems like a typical favor done for someone who normally travels first class based on points. It's unfair for non business traveller's, but elitism and privilege happens. But there seems to be one iron rule NEVER let coach class just how great First class is. They.might demand something extrA, like edible meals!
The “treating” a pax to a meal not offered at that level of service is a disservice to all. The other pax will want the same.. a set up for an entire cabin of unhappy customers to “treat” one. Should never happen
That is a ridiculous statement. Not everyone runs on jealousy. He gained no one lost. If I were sitting next to him I would congratulate him and ask how it came about for future reference.
We will welcome him on JetBlue any day.
Nahhhh, he wants to get there......
I was a premium passenger on United a number of years ago. It seemed to me on the international legs, that the cabin crew had names of the premium passengers in the economy plus. They would routinely bring wine and meals from BC. Discreet but acknowledging your value to the company.
I commend the flight attendant for going above and beyond.
It’s beautiful gesture and service!
United has catering issues CONSTANTLY. NO FOOD. NOT THE RIGHT FOOD. They blame the catering service. It's going on a year and it hasn't been fixed. That's where the problem is. They charge for it in the cost of a First
Class Ticket. Get it fixed. Pathetic.
The purser must have worked in HR, specifically in employee relations. Often they are specifically trained to engage in this sort of aggressive behavior as an intimidation tactic. It's similar to how police officers are trained to immediately escalate and take control when dealing with an initially uncooperative subject.
The job here is not to be "nice" but to be aggressive and take control. It's a deliberate action and they are trained to do this...
The purser must have worked in HR, specifically in employee relations. Often they are specifically trained to engage in this sort of aggressive behavior as an intimidation tactic. It's similar to how police officers are trained to immediately escalate and take control when dealing with an initially uncooperative subject.
The job here is not to be "nice" but to be aggressive and take control. It's a deliberate action and they are trained to do this if they believe they are dealing with an uncooperative person. This purser badly misread the situation.
There are some good and empathetic FAs on United and some and don't "f" with me FAs as well. Most are just fake smiling and going through the motions to finish their shift. As for the bad FAs, their level of professionalism and good customer service has decreased as their seniority increases as they near their retirement.
Not the same thing, but one airline I used to fly for (as a Captain) catered First Class meals in twos. So if we had 6 booked there were only 6 meals. If 7 were booked there were 8 meals. The company would not upgrade anyone if there wasn't a meal for them, regardless of status or who they were. One day we had a pass rider who happened to be a friend of mine....
Not the same thing, but one airline I used to fly for (as a Captain) catered First Class meals in twos. So if we had 6 booked there were only 6 meals. If 7 were booked there were 8 meals. The company would not upgrade anyone if there wasn't a meal for them, regardless of status or who they were. One day we had a pass rider who happened to be a friend of mine. He was declined an upgrade due to this policy. Enough seats, not enough seats. I had a word with the lead F/A and my friend and just told him to decline the meal. Problem solved.
US airlines are full of old, fat and unhappy flight attendants who exhibit this kind of behavior often. I am a million plus miler on United, and i see it often.
It would never happen on any asian airline period.
It's always United that is in these seemingly Anti passenger articles. Given a choice I NEVER fly United anymore. It's just too risky of running into these flight attendants from hell. I fly often and I just paid an extra $500 to Europe because I don't trust United airline because of how others are treated. That should know that people read these things. Heck I still fly Allegiant and Spirit. That should tell you alot....
It's always United that is in these seemingly Anti passenger articles. Given a choice I NEVER fly United anymore. It's just too risky of running into these flight attendants from hell. I fly often and I just paid an extra $500 to Europe because I don't trust United airline because of how others are treated. That should know that people read these things. Heck I still fly Allegiant and Spirit. That should tell you alot.
I'm sure I am not the only one who opts out of passenger abuse
Status = entitlement. People expect something for free because they have status. If you want first class then pay for first class. Stop masquerading as a first class person when you are a low class person. Status is just like white privilege. People think that they deserve better than everyone else because of the color of their points card.
fire the persur obvious reasons
As a purser, I believe in being kind to all our customers no matter where they sit..If I have completed my First Class service and a customers request something that I have available on board. I feel it is better to be kind and provide all request, as we deserve to be treated well, it is call customer service..and I don't have the authority to scorn or threaten a customer.
It's United, Jake.
Flying on US Airlines is such a joy.
And companies wonder why there is little loyalty towards them. United keeps slipping further and further from what they profess they want to be.
Nope. That’s not fair. It was the purser
Unfortunately this is not that big a surprise - some of these flight attendants act like entitled teenagers - and resent their best customers rather than treat them appropriately as the folks who pay their salary
Sounds like the Purser needs to retire or change career fields.
What is happening with United?
I seldom fly United. But I did to Italy last year. The mral was cold, the service terrible, and the flight attendants ready for a vacation in the Mental Health ward.
Back to KLM, Lufthanza, or even BA.
The 1970s SNL crew was correct airline travel in 2023 is a "cattle car with wings". The stewardesses, stewards, attendants (never "waiters"), are all snappy as hell.
I am looking at foriegn carriers for all my overseas flights in the future.
Obviously she had her panties in a wad- It’s time for her to find a new job!
When the rewards programs were such that my 100k of flying would get me 1k status (I think I held that for about 10 years iirc) I worked with the 1k customer support people on a couple of occasions.
Personally, I would have got this purser's name and the Capt name, and got on a call with them immediately. I would have also sought some support management and requested a follow up a few weeks...
When the rewards programs were such that my 100k of flying would get me 1k status (I think I held that for about 10 years iirc) I worked with the 1k customer support people on a couple of occasions.
Personally, I would have got this purser's name and the Capt name, and got on a call with them immediately. I would have also sought some support management and requested a follow up a few weeks from then on how the problem was resolved.
I did this twice for some equally, well maybe worse, grievances and as long as you are respectful and seek an appropriate resolution you will get pretty good results.
You can't hold a whole airline culpable for this loser's issues... But you can definitely hold them accountable for her actions.
Certain flight attendants let their "authority" over passengers go to their head. This Purser should be disciplined and made to apologize to the passenger and his status extended.
As a 32 year Captain, after I retired for the first year I had all sorts of nightmares and dreams, they ALL had flight attendant issues. They were my number one challenge. Management doesn't them accountable at all, and well, you see how they lack simple customer service. So sorry this happened to you. Not all employees are like this....
I remember once having to run from one plane to another because my connecting flight was leaving on time but the first flight I had was on had arrived very late... I am no youngster, and running through the airport, which was quite hot, left me feeling faint. I asked for water when I boarded, and was very rudely told that was not to be addressed until everyone was seated. When everyone was seated I...
I remember once having to run from one plane to another because my connecting flight was leaving on time but the first flight I had was on had arrived very late... I am no youngster, and running through the airport, which was quite hot, left me feeling faint. I asked for water when I boarded, and was very rudely told that was not to be addressed until everyone was seated. When everyone was seated I walked up to first class and asked for water again... By this time I really was physically in need of it. The stewardess just started screaming at me for disobeying her... She did this right in front of everyone. A first class passenger handed me his water. Stewardess didn't even seem embarrassed by witnessing his kind gesture, it was a similar issue in that she felt her authority was being questioned? Very strange.
I can’t wait to see how this plays out once Sam involves the 1K desk or higher. Funny enough, on Air Canada they give folks in economy the opportunity to purchase business class meals based on availability on routes with meal service. Clearly this purser has issues of her own that most of us aren’t trained to deal with.
When a First Class meal is brought into the Main Cabin/Coach and another passenger views that, it can be very disruptive to those sitting around the entitled passenger... The coach passengers in view of the special meal feel reduced in status.
You see such a scenario played out daily when it comes to seat assignments... There are two sides to this story and most crew members would never threaten a passenger for such a request or suggestion...
That IS the thought process, but a flawed one......How many people around this man complained????? None, zero, nada.....
Love, The Psycho Flight Attendant
I’m a regular United customer and most of their people understood customer service. Occasionally there’s someone snarky, but who knows why. Maybe someone on a previous flight was a jerk. Regardless, it seems like an over reaction. And by the way, the story ends ok, so let’s all calm down.
No, the story doesn’t end “ok.” This was an abomination, and that purser should be fired. And the Captain who sucked up to her should be ashamed of himself. What a pathetic fool.
This is so typical of American carriers, they suck compared to foreign carriers!
Just one more reason that 'food and flying' should never go together. Bad food, cold food, wrong food, bathroom issues and now this, favoritism issues can get you in trouble. This requiring a lawyer to be resolved, like most disputes in America. Eat at Mama's house or at a restaurant when you land.
I am 1K and believe me, I fly United a lot. First, I have never encountered such a rude purser, the flight attendants and crew are almost always top notch. IF this account is correct, then the purser should be disciplined. I know how much it takes to be 1K so obviously this customer has really put in the miles, and now money, so cut him some slack!
Unfortunately, this incident is far from being unique. Some FAs seem to have some type of issues and abuse the power they were given. The regulations that started with Set. 11 created some drastic consequences and have given too much power to the FAs.
This being said, there are a lot passengers that have issues and create problems during flights.
In protest, I'm never eating Manicotti on a United flight ever again!!! I'll show them who not mess with!!
That's why I am happy.that I was.
Good thing they did not turn the plane around and handed you to authorities for not following her instructions !
This is totally inappropriate. The purser who threatened to put the passenger on United's no fly list is nothing but a big bully. She has no business being a flight attendant because she is obviously not a "people person". To make matters worse, she's in charge?
As a top elite in various programs across all three alliances, I have had many unofficial perks offered to me by crew. I've even mentioned wishing I could buy specific options from forward cabins when seated further back (usually an F treat while seated in J), and been pleasantly surprised many times.
However, I would not push the matter more than once and would be very clear if I was joking so any deadpan would...
As a top elite in various programs across all three alliances, I have had many unofficial perks offered to me by crew. I've even mentioned wishing I could buy specific options from forward cabins when seated further back (usually an F treat while seated in J), and been pleasantly surprised many times.
However, I would not push the matter more than once and would be very clear if I was joking so any deadpan would not be misinterpreted. When you wield more "power" (be it superficial status below GS on UA, or actual wealth or notoriety) it always pays to be clear when sarcasm or humour is employed, lest you run the risk of being misinterpreted.
And no, 1Ks riding on CPUs are generally not high value pax.
Long term effect of covid. People losing their common sense and feeling of entitlement and becoming freaking tyrants !
Flight attendant was being very kind - nevertheless, to be within company policy and minimize crew conflicts, passenger should have been invited to enjoy the meal, in the galley.
Never mind conflicts with other pax in Y who might complain.
Just another reason to avoid United if you have a choice of airlines to your destination.
I fly Delta most of the time and I've been a Diamons Medallion for probably 8 years. Even when things go wrong Delta employees are generally smiling and making the best of things... even when they don't know I have diamond status. When I'm going somewhere that isn't convenient to fly Delta I've found myself on United a hand full of times this year, with a full paid first class fare. All but one flight...
I fly Delta most of the time and I've been a Diamons Medallion for probably 8 years. Even when things go wrong Delta employees are generally smiling and making the best of things... even when they don't know I have diamond status. When I'm going somewhere that isn't convenient to fly Delta I've found myself on United a hand full of times this year, with a full paid first class fare. All but one flight had mediocre service and many of the flight attendants have poor attitudes. It's really too bad this stuff happens... but they act more like a lower cost carrier in their culture than a top tier airline focused on customer experience.
I had a first class 75kGold upgrade on Alaska from Portland to Las Vegas. I was told at the gate the seat was broken and I had been bumped to a Premium window seat. OK, things happen.
As I sat down, I asked jokingly if I still got the meal. Once we reached cruise altitude, my dinner arrived!
I used to work with someone like that in the ER. This nurse would work to agitate the psyc patients when he thought no one was looking, just for the power trip of sending them over the edge and be able to call a psyc code on them.
It has never occurred to me that there may be FA with this tendency, and that some of the drama we see on flights might be in response to this kind of sick power moves.
The purser jeopardized the safety of the flight by burdening the cockpit crew with nonessential noise that did not require any cockpit assistance. Unless a diversion or other pilot-mediated need arose, I see no reason for an FA's ego to necessitate taking attention away from the essential function of safely operating the flight.
This is one of the reason I never fly United.
Like Hinter S. Thompson wrote in the 70s," United airlines...where each stewardess is personally hired by Pat Nixon....."
Likewise. Even if it is not a "value" carrier it is one of the worst regular (not even elite) airlines for the money. You could get better treatment for half the price at Southwest. I miss the days of Pan Am.
I used to fly United and this behavior does not surprise me at all. Something is seriously wrong with the United corporate culture to cultivate these kind of stories.
My own United story - flying out of Austin. My husband had recently had shoulder surgery (his doctor cleared him to fly) but wasn't supposed to do any lifting, pushing etc. Well I rolled in our 2 small roll-a-boards and the gate agent says I can't take 2. I tell her it's my husband's and he can't take it. His arm was in a brace. She insisted he had to do it himself or we...
My own United story - flying out of Austin. My husband had recently had shoulder surgery (his doctor cleared him to fly) but wasn't supposed to do any lifting, pushing etc. Well I rolled in our 2 small roll-a-boards and the gate agent says I can't take 2. I tell her it's my husband's and he can't take it. His arm was in a brace. She insisted he had to do it himself or we would be denied boarding. So he did roll it past her and then I took it back from him after we were inside the jetway door. I was 1K then too. It was a totally ridiculous situation but arguing seemed hopeless. I have no idea what she thought we could possibly be trying to get away with?
Not funny if you had to take a bag for an elderly relative who couldn't do it him/herself.
Fatal flaw in the story - manicotti on United Airlines. Hard to believe!
I have watched too many video's of FA dealing with wild, screaming, threatening, drunk, entitled, swearing, abusive, passengers. I can understand how the stress of that can your crush your usual good mood and lead to the FA becoming overly rigid in dealing with lesser situations.
The purser was way out of line and needs to be taken out of service and into a therapists' office. In fact, they could all benefit from time...
I have watched too many video's of FA dealing with wild, screaming, threatening, drunk, entitled, swearing, abusive, passengers. I can understand how the stress of that can your crush your usual good mood and lead to the FA becoming overly rigid in dealing with lesser situations.
The purser was way out of line and needs to be taken out of service and into a therapists' office. In fact, they could all benefit from time with a therapist to help improve coping skills and manage stress.
you take 2 domestic UA flights in one day - and BOTH are mainline aircraft? Hard to believe indeed! :-)
The Purser lied, never told the Captain, besides the Captain wouldn't care. The pilots don't care what goes on back in the cabin unless it's a safety of flight issue.
I bet she did tell the captain, and he probably dismissively said something like "yeah, that's terrible..." with no intention of actually doing anything about it.
That's nit necessarily true. I am a flight attendant, they usually tell us to "keep them in the loop" with issues in the cabin
Long term effect of covid. People losing their common sense and feeling if entitlement and becoming freaking tyrants !
Alcohol and drugs help this craziness. Many people are denied boarding due to "alcohol on board" .
If you can't get to an airport and take a flight without getting alcohol drinks... then you have a problem with alcohol and need help.
Stop serving it on-board and in the airport. Then if people act out, you know they're sober.
I am always going to remember when boarding UA in IAH, and the UA employee shouted at me because I handed her my passport open on the picture page and not close….
I was 1K at the time, now I am just a very happy member…
Air Canada wants your ID open.
Another old boiler or Nancy steward or stewardess on un-United. It only keeps happening because you Americans continue to allow it to happen. You have become a nation of accepting the mundane. You're all so scared shitless of each other is it any wonder boilers and Nancy's get ways with this.
Speak for yourself robbo. Idiot. 36mil people and you use "you people" like your are so superior. Just keep listening and watching the news which only shows bad behavior and you're gullible enough to think this way. I 'm not scared of any of my fellow neighbors I'm scared of fanatics like you.
Once was on a girls weekend to London with one of us being a flight attendant. We flew with her flight crew and even though she was not working and we had gotten bumped down to economy, we were treated as if we were in first class…food, drinks, Bose headphones….it was a fantastic trip!
Position a d knowing people has it's perks. Most of us aren't do privileged.
HUGE OVERREACTION by purser. Nothing but a POWERTRIP!
If this in fact is true, the purser needs to be spoken to. With the changes to Uniteds loyalty programs, a 1K member is someone that United should be going out of their way to retain. I am Platinum and though I've made multiple international and domestic flights this year, in Business class, I probably won't be able to make my status for next year. Once my status is gone, I'll be switching to another...
If this in fact is true, the purser needs to be spoken to. With the changes to Uniteds loyalty programs, a 1K member is someone that United should be going out of their way to retain. I am Platinum and though I've made multiple international and domestic flights this year, in Business class, I probably won't be able to make my status for next year. Once my status is gone, I'll be switching to another airline with a better loyalty program. If anything, that flight attendedent should be commended by United for keeping a 1K member happy, especially when all it took was some cheap manicotti. Since United has removed a ton of routes and are more expensive then comparable airlines.
The empowered attitude of the in flight crew is way out of line. They are not high level employes and have taken their power to a
level that is way out of line. Stay in your lane, don't talk back, don't act like yout the boss and just do your job. Respect the plat, exec plat 1k's and stay in a service mode. You are not hired to be the boss. Safety and control...
The empowered attitude of the in flight crew is way out of line. They are not high level employes and have taken their power to a
level that is way out of line. Stay in your lane, don't talk back, don't act like yout the boss and just do your job. Respect the plat, exec plat 1k's and stay in a service mode. You are not hired to be the boss. Safety and control are your job. Way, way too many agressive control, power hungry flight crews now. It's insulting when a $30k employee gives "BS"
to a 1k or plat who went to college and makes $200k. My suggestion is to stay in your lane or find another job where you can take out your anger.
Wow you had me until the utter BS that someone is entitled to more respect because they make more. The purser was way out of line, but if you feel insulted when she gives you an order because you think her job is less important than yours, you're the problem and your job probably isn't as important as you think it is.
In this day and age, rife with airline incidents, turning a kind gesture into threats and plain old rudeness is ridiculous. He was fine, the flight attendant was fine. No harm, no foul. But there is always that one person. A Karen. A Kevin. Who just has to say something.
Abgry person who takes out her feelings when she has "power" of her job. Not happy at home.
Everyone was in the wrong here IMO...
Everyone except the passenger.
The purser should be fire.
Union job - likely with lots of seniority. She'll continue to loose United frequent flyers.
And the sad part is the flight attendant wasn’t following policy and procedures so they will probably get fired.
The flight crews are supposed to keep a positive attitude, safety and provide excellent service. They are there to de-escalate, not escalate, the situation, as the purser did. This is clearly a FA who needs to be removed from the sky. There are many mainline FA's who had very bad attitudes. I was screamed at once, by a male FA, who got surly with me, for trying to give him my trash. He was upset...
The flight crews are supposed to keep a positive attitude, safety and provide excellent service. They are there to de-escalate, not escalate, the situation, as the purser did. This is clearly a FA who needs to be removed from the sky. There are many mainline FA's who had very bad attitudes. I was screamed at once, by a male FA, who got surly with me, for trying to give him my trash. He was upset I missed him the last time he came by to collect. TOO BAD! That position you are supposed to be an example of kindness, and patience, nor a rude idiot. But too many airlines let these fools continue. That passenger in question, wasn't being rude, unreasonable, etc. The purser clearly is not suited for that position. If a high status flyer makes a request, even if they are in economy plus, or coach, YOU GIVE THEM THAT SERVICE!
United or American?
I have watched too many video's of FA dealing with wild, screaming, threatening, drunk, entitled, swearing, abusive, passengers. I can understand how the stress of that can your crush your usual good mood and lead to the FA becoming overly rigid in dealing with lesser situations.
The purser was way out of line and needs to be taken out of service and into a therapists' office. In fact, they could all benefit from time...
I have watched too many video's of FA dealing with wild, screaming, threatening, drunk, entitled, swearing, abusive, passengers. I can understand how the stress of that can your crush your usual good mood and lead to the FA becoming overly rigid in dealing with lesser situations.
The purser was way out of line and needs to be taken out of service and into a therapists' office. In fact, they could all benefit from time with a therapist to help improve coping skills and manage stress.
The purser should be put on no fly list
On a recent Delta flight I received a last minute upgrade to first class as a result of a no show. I had just barely gotten seated and ordered a drink when the no show popped through the door. I had to return to my coach seat but the stewardess was kind enough to bring a drink back to me in coach class. No harm no grief. Sounds like the person making stink was on a power trip. Need to treat frequent travelers well.
Years ago on AA I had to reroute due to weather at my connecting airport. I kept an upgrade on the first leg but the second leg was hopeless. However when I got to the gate, the captain was a friend! He told the purser to take care of me and I ended getting ice cream and whatever drinks I wanted. It sure made a challenging day a lot more memorable.
The purser could have quietly told the passenger that it’s against policy and then we would not have a story here.
I would write a complaint to the Chairman of United, and post it prominently on social media! This is unacceptable and the purser should be disciplined!
The purser should be fired. I'd eat if you looked into her HR record, there are additional issues of record!
What has happened to being kind and customer service
That's why pilots make the big bucks. They have to fly the plane while keeping track of who gets the manicotti.
In this case both the passenger and the FA had reconciled how the meal was going to be provided. This didn’t involve any other passengers or the purser, unless this was actually a policy violation, which frankly I very much doubt. FAs on occasion engage in backbiting and petty behavior against each other and sometimes passengers get caught in the middle. It’s unprofessional and unnecessary.
A single man is alone in an airport lounge.A beautiful uniformed woman walks in and sits down at the table next to him. He decides that, because she’s wearing a uniform, she’s probably an off-duty flight attendant.So he decides to have a go at picking her up by identifying the airline she flies for, thereby impressing her greatly. He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto :‘To Fly. To Serve’? The woman...
A single man is alone in an airport lounge.A beautiful uniformed woman walks in and sits down at the table next to him. He decides that, because she’s wearing a uniform, she’s probably an off-duty flight attendant.So he decides to have a go at picking her up by identifying the airline she flies for, thereby impressing her greatly. He leans across to her and says the British Airways motto :‘To Fly. To Serve’? The woman looks at him blankly. He sits back and thinks up another line. He leans forward again and delivers the Air France motto ‘Winning the hearts of the world’? Again she just stares at him with a slightly puzzled look on her face. Undeterred, he tries again, this time saying the Malaysian Airlines motto ‘Going beyond expectations’? The woman looks at him sternly and says ‘What the F#@& do you want? ’‘Aha!’ The old man says, UNITED!
Fire the purser! She treated that man like he had committed a crime. She definitely is one of those people who given a little power totally abuse it! She has dictator written all over her.
Future tryanical HOA matron...
I brought in addition to my carry on bags, the lunch I purchased in the airport onto an American Airlines flight. The bag clearly was marked with the airport purveyor. A flight attendant came up to me and said that I had one bag too many and that would have to check one. I politely told the flight attendant that this was my lunch; I just purchased it in the airport & here is my...
I brought in addition to my carry on bags, the lunch I purchased in the airport onto an American Airlines flight. The bag clearly was marked with the airport purveyor. A flight attendant came up to me and said that I had one bag too many and that would have to check one. I politely told the flight attendant that this was my lunch; I just purchased it in the airport & here is my receipt. She was adamant that I had 3 bags and I had to check one of them. Rather than fight, I handed my lunch to the flight attendant and she checked my bag. When we landed, I picked up my lunch at the baggage carousel and threw it out because it was not fresh anymore. END OF THE STORY: AFTER THIS INCIDENT I MAKE IT A POINT NEVER TO FLY AMERICAN AIRLINES
Good for you! If people would just retaliate by taking their business elsewhere these businesses would be more cognizant of their dictatorial behavior.
I loved this. “Just check my lunch”. LOL!!! Some FAs should be fired on the spot if there were supervisors around watching how they behave.
LOL...I wonder what the bag handler was thinking as he loaded your lunch into the baggage hold.
The purser had an eye on that meal for herself and when it was given to the passenger she got mad. All for a “delicious” UA meal. :(
I doubt the captain cared. He has more important things to do. As for the purser, those types of people are everywhere. Unfortunately!!
It’s a noodle with cheese in it, not much of a story here. Did he get on the no fly list? So again no story here-
Probably because everyone else in economy witnessed another passenger getting special treatment was why they publicly reprimanded him-
Because we all know that we as humans will pitch a fit if we see anyone else get a noodle with cheese in it while the rest of us got a cookie.
United has this strange policy that they refund you your original way of purchase. So I bought a ticket for my Pakistani student, he had to cancel it because of covid mess up. I got a voucher (instead of a credit card refund), I had to use it anyway so I did not complain. When he canceled it again united said it won't be refunded to my card but as a voucher only. But the...
United has this strange policy that they refund you your original way of purchase. So I bought a ticket for my Pakistani student, he had to cancel it because of covid mess up. I got a voucher (instead of a credit card refund), I had to use it anyway so I did not complain. When he canceled it again united said it won't be refunded to my card but as a voucher only. But the voucher won't be available right away so I had to pay again using my card. This is 3 years ago now I still have the voucher not used.
Be aware the voucher or travel credits have expiry dates now, usually 1 yr.
Friendly Skies!!!
That purser should be suspended and as a condition for returning to work should be asked to write a letter of apology to “Sam” indicating how out of line she was and regretting making her company look so small and petty in the eyes of a customer notwithstanding his mileage status.
Sorry, this whole story doesn't pass the BS filter. And asking the second time absolutely crossed the line from "just kidding" to actually asking.
True. Could be a "plant" from AA PR department.
United Airlines as a company no longer values their customers, including those long time customers. I refuse to fly them again after a recent flight debacle and poor customer service
I am not surprised because it's united. I once flew to Australia and was delayed for 2 days, the 2nd delay due to mechanical issues at LA. The same plane would go to Melbourne from Sydney but United refused to give me a seat because I did pay for the flight. So I had to pay a 3rd time on Quantas for that segment. That flight was nearly empty for United because of the 2 day delay. I almost missed my own talk at a conference.
Lets start by saying the purser has no action to put the passenger on a no fly list. The purser was trying act like be all powerful and has no action here. The purser was actually doing harm to the United brand by acting like that and the passenger can tell friends and other not fly united by the purser actions. if anything the purser should be fired or dealt with for there actions and being rude to the passenger
The purser had been admonished by her boss when there was a meal handed out to a passenger and no ticket to match. Pencil pusher at his/her best
Malicious compliance over cheesy noodles.
Why is it always United?
It's United!
Pitiful purser portrays pettiness punishing passenger for perceived purloined pasta.
Unprofessional purser.
I think maybe either the purse was having a really bad day or was upset that the flight attendant didn't follow her orders, perhaps may have been more concerned over what other passengers might think if they saw this? However, believe the purser's "threat" to the passenger was totally inappropriate & certainly didn't fit his "alleged" crime.
I truly believe that the customer received the actual type of service very few experience in today's society. Shame on pursuer and Captain if those words were true.
What next. Is there nothing we won't fight over on these flights? Now it's pasta. It's sad how far down the industry has gone. Hope this person no longer flies United. So embarrassing.
Something doesn't add up here. The guy wrote on Reddit that he was flying from Madison and gave a Madison flight number, but apparently now he's told Lucky that he was flying from New Orleans.
It's just amazing how you freeloaders get all bent out of shape over stupid shit like this.
It’s amazing how you defend some terrible customer service.
Maybe you should either actually read what I wrote....I didn't defend anything. Maybe you should try thinking before you type, but I somehow bet that is far too much work for you to bother.
First Class meal stays in FC, the FA might be newbie who doesn't know how to refuse, the PAX should have said "just kidding".
The purser should have solved this in a better way, things don't need to go that far. The FAs are not supposed to give out thing from premium cabin(FC,BC) to coach, unless it is permitted by the purser. People are saying the FA is nice, NO! That's not about being...
First Class meal stays in FC, the FA might be newbie who doesn't know how to refuse, the PAX should have said "just kidding".
The purser should have solved this in a better way, things don't need to go that far. The FAs are not supposed to give out thing from premium cabin(FC,BC) to coach, unless it is permitted by the purser. People are saying the FA is nice, NO! That's not about being nice! that's not considered as nice it is considered not following the company policy, if they keep doing things like this it's gonna make it hard for other FAs in flight.
A 1K passenger gets preferential treatment, no matter what cabin they are in, PERIOD! End of story! That's how you treat your longstanding customers. The purser needs to be fired!
I find United to be the unfriendliest airline. Only fly them when forced to.
I was on spirit in 2010 I asked for a soda fa gave me a full can in f rank the full can he came back and said I stole it. I said "really " in a happy tone. He said he was bringing the captain to me .I said to myself this should be fun.He came back and said never mind I was disappointed.
This is a classic example of poor business sense. Does United really want to lose a customer over an airline meal? They need to train supervisors not to berate staff in public
Hey, Ben, does M.C.'s comment open the door for stories about the great service we used to receive when flying Pan Am? I have more than a few.
Absurd! As a lifetime 1K I have had first class meals served to me several times, not because I jokingly requested it but simply because a flight attendant was being kind. I actually asked them not to do it any longer because it made the people sitting next to me jealous and brought too much attention. The purser should be reprimanded at the very least.
As a parent with a young family we try and ease the travel process with kids. We bought a mountain buggy nano which collapses to a size than can easily fit in the overhead bin. One Chicago to LA flight when boarding, the United FA at the door stopped me and stated we couldn't bring a stroller onboard - I politely mentioned that it fit the overhead bin and wouldn't be in anyone's way. She...
As a parent with a young family we try and ease the travel process with kids. We bought a mountain buggy nano which collapses to a size than can easily fit in the overhead bin. One Chicago to LA flight when boarding, the United FA at the door stopped me and stated we couldn't bring a stroller onboard - I politely mentioned that it fit the overhead bin and wouldn't be in anyone's way. She stated it couldn't go up there because it had wheels - I raised an eyebrow and pointed at all the other wheeled suitcases being pulled aboard. She did not like that - told me to gate check it and be happy or get kicked off the flight. Never had that issue with any other airline, domestic or international.
Whether on United, or other airlines, I have encountered personnel like this who have absolutely NO business working a job where they interact with customers. Though we only have 'one side' of the story here, I find it very difficult to imagine even a worst case scenario of these events where the purser isn't still acting completely inappropriately
I was in first on an AA flight from Cabo to DFW and noticed during boarding that the person in the seat next to me was in first while his girlfriend was in economy. I got to talking with him and realized his mistake better than he did (he was early 20s), so I went back and switched seats with his girlfriend. As Karma would have it, on a full flight she happened to have...
I was in first on an AA flight from Cabo to DFW and noticed during boarding that the person in the seat next to me was in first while his girlfriend was in economy. I got to talking with him and realized his mistake better than he did (he was early 20s), so I went back and switched seats with his girlfriend. As Karma would have it, on a full flight she happened to have the only seat open next her, so I got an aisle seat with an empty middle, and she got to sit with her boyfriend. When the service started, the flight attendant in first came back and found me and asked if I’d like anything. I ordered a beer and he brought me 2, grinning ear to ear the whole time. It meant a lot to me that he looked for a way to make my flight special, as he saw me trying to do the same. I gave him one of those ExPlat reward certificates on the way out (not sure how that benefits them, but hope it does.). Thoughtfulness should be encouraged and rewarded, because it’s contagious.
What a BS story!!!
Do you just make things up or write random things that people send you? I don’t believe a bit. I’m a 1K and I’m sure the Purser doesn’t have all of this energy just for this person.
Oh yeah, some do! I work for a Major airline, and have encountered several instances of FA's with very bad attitudes. These individuals are now on a short leash, as airlines are now having company reps watching how they perform. The bad apples must be removed. Just as there are bad passengers, there are bad FA's.
I would consider being put on the list a huge plus. I had somewhat similar experience recently, wrote a complaint, and got one of the worst replies from corporate. My motto: I don't care the price or the convenience, never fly United.
Was it Karen? I think we're all quite familiar with her by now. God bless her.(with common sense and understanding).
Part and partial example of United Airline service, from the cockpit to the back galley.
Hey United there are many good people who deserve to work there than this woman. Get rid of her!
The story is fake.
I work for United and got so intrigued by this tale that I looked up the crews, flights and trip pairings to see if I could find this crazy flight attendant and then have something to gossip about on my next trip……….. Unfortunately we don’t have any trip pairings that take the same flight crew from MSY to DEN to SEA.
We also utilize an Airbus on 90% of...
The story is fake.
I work for United and got so intrigued by this tale that I looked up the crews, flights and trip pairings to see if I could find this crazy flight attendant and then have something to gossip about on my next trip……….. Unfortunately we don’t have any trip pairings that take the same flight crew from MSY to DEN to SEA.
We also utilize an Airbus on 90% of the MSY to DEN routes and a 737 on 100% of the DEN to SEA routes. Sooooo yeah; no crews work that route and no aircraft has been assigned that specific route.
I’m sure this passenger did have some sort of negative interaction with a flight attendant, but the specifics and the details are just “glitter” for a more intriguing story.
Also, as a UA FA who works primarily in the first class cabin, I can promise you that NOBODY likes or has ever asked for a second helping of one of our disgusting domestic meals. Lol
I believe some made a mistake when writing this story. In the reddit forum where the passenger first posted this, he stated he flew from MSN (Madison) to DEN to SEA. He even provided flight numbers which matched the flights (UA247 for MSN-DEN).
Either the passenger accidentally wrote the wrong airport code in the email sent to Ben, or Ben accidentally read MSN as MSY, and wrote "New Orleans" in the article (which is an...
I believe some made a mistake when writing this story. In the reddit forum where the passenger first posted this, he stated he flew from MSN (Madison) to DEN to SEA. He even provided flight numbers which matched the flights (UA247 for MSN-DEN).
Either the passenger accidentally wrote the wrong airport code in the email sent to Ben, or Ben accidentally read MSN as MSY, and wrote "New Orleans" in the article (which is an easy enough mistake, and both are plausable, given that the passenger in the Reddit forum did not name cities, but only provided the airport code). Although, I'd reccommend Ben to update his article if the latter is the case as it looks bad on the passenger.
If you want the routing the passenger claims with the flight numbers, go to reddit where it was first posted (link is included in Ben's article).
And please reply to my comment if the story does in fact check out from your end :)
My be a coveted route that FA’s want thus a crusty old purser that should retire.
It seems to me United has more problems than any other airline. In most cases I believe the flight attendant is playing power trip with passengers!!
At least the purser didn't have the passenger bloodied and knocked unconscious before being dragged off in a manner where teeth are lost.
That would never happen on a United branded flight...wait, a minute, it did actually happen on a United branded flight.
I forgot about that! The bloodied passenger had a boarding pass, was in his assigned seat. He was asked to give up his seat, he refused, and United forcibly removed him from his assigned seat! Such an unprofessional company!
US FAs are the absolute worst. Entitled, arrogant, lazy, bitchy...just the worst. Thank you unions for making sure that jobs and promotions go to anyone except the most competent. I feel sorry for anyone that has to fly domestic often enough to actually have top level status. It's something now I pity instead of envy.
Unions aren't the problem, but ok.
And you’ll be the first one to bitch about buying a basic economy ticket and demanding a bunch of shit. Fly private or take a bus
Not Delta. They have the best FAs in the business.
How do you think the others in economy class felt? And both were warned not to do it. The fact should be given at least a month off w/o pay.
Some flight attendent was just trying to harrass another employee and a customer. It's not about the actual leftover food being served, it's aboutvtrying exhibit power over other human beings.
Let's be honest, though, the behavior is not outside of expectations for United Airlines.
If all is as reported then UA should fire the purser and promote the friendly FA to being a purser.
I feel like we’re reading more and more stories of airline staff escalating things in the air and it’s getting concerning. It’s one problem when passengers cause problems in the air, quite another when it’s the people in charge causing problems.
The airline staff are burned out from many customers treating them in a $hitty way, so they are passing it forward to those who don't deserve it and letting become standard customer treatment.
Time to put body cams on flight attendants. Passengers will be protected from wild behavior. Management can identify and reward the excellent service provided each and every flight for the huge pay raises the FA union thinks they deserve. FA's want police, judge and jury power. Treat them like your local police officer.
I would have said write me up, and send me a copy.
The purser was worried that if other passengers in cattle class saw someone being fed a first class meal there would be a class riot. Then one day it would be her flight that was memorialized in the history records as the place where the end of modern capitalist civilization began.
After reading this, I know a purser who should be on UA's no fly list.
I am tired of airlines charge is for everything. When you pay for everything listed in writing when booking and paying for a ticket that needs to be provided. I have been on many flights where food wasn’t provided, it’s incredibly frustrating when you are paying for this and you get told that the catering dept didn’t load the plane up with food before take off. Really?!?! This is happening way too much lately. People...
I am tired of airlines charge is for everything. When you pay for everything listed in writing when booking and paying for a ticket that needs to be provided. I have been on many flights where food wasn’t provided, it’s incredibly frustrating when you are paying for this and you get told that the catering dept didn’t load the plane up with food before take off. Really?!?! This is happening way too much lately. People need to speak up when they are wronged by these airlines. It’s not entitlements or being a Karen, it’s what’s fair! Shame on the airlines and their big pockets and shame on the sheeple who villainies anyone who speaks up against this injustice.
Sad! Makes me wonder about their training, especially as a senior officer?? She so forgot that she is flying the "friendly" skies??
That United is horrible and that’s why people are abandoning them in droves!!
I had an issue on UA, flying first cross country. My tray table wouldn’t deploy. I just shrugged it off and ate breakfast off my lap. The purser came around and gave me a choice of money credit or miles, which I was not expecting. I got 7500 miles for my small inconvenience. That’s worth a lot more than a left over meal!
You ate breakfast on your lap and then were offered points or cash and you accepted the points?
The pilot is very angry at you for accepting the offer, and you will be disciplined by United.
Insane Crazy Rogue Purser
You have insight into something that most of us do not--how closely do airline PR teams read your site and respond to things in it?
I imagine you don't know specifically in this case but you probably have at least a general hunch. Does something like this item (or the Reddit post which prompted it) likely cause officials at United to begin an inquiry to get to the bottom of what happened?
Stories like these are why I avoid United (former 1k), and stick to Delta (Diamond) and American (EP) now.
United still has images in my head of Dr David Dao wrongly dragged off a flight with a bloody face. I am not convinced United has done enough to change their culture.
Also, cabin crews have legal power that needs independent regulation and supervision for abuse of power. If this story is factual and complete,...
Stories like these are why I avoid United (former 1k), and stick to Delta (Diamond) and American (EP) now.
United still has images in my head of Dr David Dao wrongly dragged off a flight with a bloody face. I am not convinced United has done enough to change their culture.
Also, cabin crews have legal power that needs independent regulation and supervision for abuse of power. If this story is factual and complete, the FAA should investigate and possibly suspend the purser and fine United for ineffective controls/training/management. Cabin crews do not have a check and balance on their power in the US. (And at the same time they are dealing with more bad behavior by passengers)
I used to work for United and have given a First Class meal to an elite passenger unfortunately having to sit in Economy for some unfortunate reason. Never had a problem with my coheatts abt it.
Somebody was power tripping.
Fire the purser. Just another day on United.
That is something that the airlines used to promote. It's called going the extra mile for a guest.
The purser was a total a**hole and should find another job not dealing with people. This was an elite frequent flyer who has spent time and money on this airline and when someone from the airline can go out of their way to make the flight better they should do it. The purser went overboard and needs a time out, maybe permanently.
I am a client services manager in the financial services industry, and some of my commercial clients are preferred customers, and we treat them as such.
This Purser was absolutely in the wrong to berate the airline's preferred customer, and in front of other passengers is even worse. If she were my colleague, my subordinate, or even my manager, I would not hesitate to go to HR and file a formal complaint against her....
I am a client services manager in the financial services industry, and some of my commercial clients are preferred customers, and we treat them as such.
This Purser was absolutely in the wrong to berate the airline's preferred customer, and in front of other passengers is even worse. If she were my colleague, my subordinate, or even my manager, I would not hesitate to go to HR and file a formal complaint against her. My employer has a zero tolerance policy for violence or unprofessional behavior in the workplace, towards fellow colleagues and specially towards customers. I hope that the Purser gets appropriately reprimanded by the airlines HR department, and that the kind flight attendant Who provided the meal continues to provide that kind of personal attention to her passengers.
United has a policy that 1K Premiers sitting in coach are entitled to a free meal and a drink. Typically, the meal would be a snack tray, not the First Class meal, but come on, why did this cause any problem whatsoever?? Perhaps the Purser had her eyes on the mainacotti as a post-floght snack :-)
As a former Purser and Flight Service Manager on TWA, a kind gesture like this F/A made would result in a commendation by the company and the Purser would be disciplined for behaving so rotten.
While the customer certainly didn't do anything wrong - and the purser's reaction is downright nasty - the "nice" flight attendant created a "if we do for you then we have to do for everyone" situation, which is not good for anyone. Giving a little extra to one specific customer does not create goodwill from all those excluded.
Yes, it does. If he is a loyal 1k flyer there is nothing wrong with going the extra mile for the customer once in a while. It happens all the time and quite frankly it is just a good business practice to take care of your loyal customers and show extra appreciation or throw a surprise once in a while.
That could be a concern if he had asked just to ask, but he was asking because he was supposed to receive that meal when he was in First on the previous leg. It would be extremely easy to tell any complaining, nosy passenger as much.
Unfortunately this is the current status of the airline industry in America. However as noted in the write up it was just one of the flight attendants who had the crappy attitude and was confrontational with a customer.
She was totally in the wrong, her obligation was too address this with the other attendant not the customer. The other helpful attendant was good at her job and knows customer service.
As someone else...
Unfortunately this is the current status of the airline industry in America. However as noted in the write up it was just one of the flight attendants who had the crappy attitude and was confrontational with a customer.
She was totally in the wrong, her obligation was too address this with the other attendant not the customer. The other helpful attendant was good at her job and knows customer service.
As someone else stated, you would never see this on international airline flights, my expierance is that they are so polite and helpful. I have seen to many bitchy (men and woman), on domestic flights, it gets old.
I know there have been a lit of jerks and sometimes violent people on airplanes over the past few years, but they can't always blame it on the person flying, the crappy, confrontational actions of flught attendants is the catalyst for people going over the edge.
Q: How is the passenger supposed to know this is a first class dish? How can he refuse something he didn’t know about?
First because it is what he requested even though he was not serious second because he was served discretely and third because full meal services is not available on most US domestic flights....
If united would put the same level of concern in there customer service it would be a shinning light for all the airlines to see, no the purser should of got the whole story before reacting. The Caption of the flight should of put it to bed..
I doubt the captain was even involved and he/she most likely never knew about this
My experience has not been favorable at all with united senior flight attendant (purser) staff.
They outwardly reflect their burnout and manifest it in contemptuous ways towsrds passengerd and fellow crew.
I am sorry you experienced that. I am retired now, but I served about 30 years as a purser, both international and domestic, and never had a customer complaint turned into the company about me. I often had to settle conflict between customers and crew member(s) but was always able to do what was right, not always who's right. I wished I could have served another 10 years, as I loved my job and most...
I am sorry you experienced that. I am retired now, but I served about 30 years as a purser, both international and domestic, and never had a customer complaint turned into the company about me. I often had to settle conflict between customers and crew member(s) but was always able to do what was right, not always who's right. I wished I could have served another 10 years, as I loved my job and most everyone I came into contact with, but also grateful to not experience the increase of bad behavior in both passengers and crew.
I don't believe this passenger did any wrong at all. Nor should he be taking ANY penalty. I also doubt that the captain of the plane had any care about it either. The captains job is to maintain Safety and fly the plane from point A to B and maybe even C. I doubt he cared what went into that dudes mouth. That being said, even if that was the case, then the passeneger still...
I don't believe this passenger did any wrong at all. Nor should he be taking ANY penalty. I also doubt that the captain of the plane had any care about it either. The captains job is to maintain Safety and fly the plane from point A to B and maybe even C. I doubt he cared what went into that dudes mouth. That being said, even if that was the case, then the passeneger still shouldn't be getting slapped with any fault, because how was he supposed to really know if he was or wasn't allowed to have it when the flight attendant gave him that food? Conversations happen and things changes during Conversations sometimes along those flights. He doesn't know whats being discussed amongst the flight crew. Also whats wrong with just allowing him to have a little extra of something that they'll have to throw out in the end if theres extra anyway? She sounds like she was just being a jealous hog. Either that or it was piss off a passenger day in her world.
Agreed. Of all the things the captain has to worry about, a meal being served in economy is surely not one of them.
After ready several articles and viewed many news articles concerning airlines; I'd walk before flying. Furthermore, the entire planet is filled with ass*****.
The problem is why does one Economy passenger get special perks
and not the others? If the guy next to me gets free wine and entree
can I ask for the same? Then what happens? What sounds like a nice perk for one guy becomes poor treatment for 90% of the plane!
It doesnt appear anyone else asked Ray. Most people (myself included) doesn't take the chance to even ask for extra perks if sitting on economy class. Also keep in mind he had first class on one leg one the exact same plane with the same crew. Regardless it was handled very poorly by the pursuer, and I find her to be the problem. Not the passenger.
Ridiculous argument. Why does someone get a window seat but not everyone else? Why does someone get seated in Row 7 but most everyone else behind them? The reality is frequent flyers who literally spend thousands of dollars annually with an airline are acknowledged as such over the thrifty passengers who book basic economy. Go fly Spirit or Allegiant if you're this easily offended.
He was supposed to get the meal when he was in First for the previous leg, so your complaint here doesn't even work. It's a completely fair correction of a previous shortcoming in service.
There was no harm in giving the guy the left over meal what was the big deal the flight attendant that made a big deal out of the situation showed bad customer service and should be trained again my hat is off to the one that accommodated the passenger
So, the purser claimed there was a policy that the passenger is not allowed to accept the meal (rather than the FA not being allowed to serve a meal)?
This is the real issue here. The purser apparently saw what was happening, allowed it to happen, then reacted. Sounds like the purser should be the one disciplined for allowing it to happen in the first place.
As a GS or 1k you are getting a meal or free alcohol even in coach. Is is a robot so generated fake article?
He is lying, his story is very well written .
He is male Karen and wants attentions .
If he wasn't entitled to something then he shouldn't have ask even if he was joking.
He is cheap and without dignity and no honor.
I don't believe that the flight attendants will acts in such way.
Considering how many people are stating this is very typical of this airline personnel, it seems you are in the minority. What makes you so adamant this person is lying about what happened? You seem very certain this is a lie. Are you perhaps one of this airlines employees who treats customers badly? You seem quick to dismiss a story which seems to ring true to many others. Why?
I don't work for any airline but I fly with many airlines domestic and international.
But I believe you are one low class,
beggar with no dignity and you think like many people think they are entitled to free things and will create situations to get free upgrade free food free vouchers and you one that cheats their work place to get reimbursement for expenses that did not happen
Petty, power-hungry purser!
Some people just don't know how to handle the little authority that they have. Some time you are better off to leave it alone.
I think actions should be taken against the Purser. Not the FA and definitely not the customer.. there is nothing that says you can't make a polite request of any kind- no matter how ridiculous.
United FAs in particular really seem to miss the halcyon days of lockdowns when they didn't have to provide any service at all and passengers obediently masked-up and shut up.
This report should surprise anyone who's flown United in the last few years.
And this attitude comes from the top. The purser will probably get a bonus...
United is the worst. Avoid them at all costs.
Based on what I read in this article, I think the purser should be fired for creating an issue when there wasn't one.
That purser needs to be retired ASAP! Bad for the airline customer image.
In many forums I'd write a viral story about the events that unfolded. Maybe ask other peoples opinions. Some will be constructive, though there's always a few smart-ass remarks.
Well they have to power trip on something now that Covid is over. Wish they would act like this when the hoard of economy passengers comes up front and waits in line to use the FC bathrooms (even when there are 3 not being used in the back, they don't even try. Just come up there and look around and are nosey and block service). Defend the Class of Service drapes! LOL!
Once when flying LHR-SIN on BA I realised that economy was almost empty and premium economy (where I was ticketed) was almost full. I would rather have four empty economy seats to myself than a premium economy seat with somebody next to me, so on boarding I told the cabin crew I would downgrade myself to economy. During the flight they (without me asking) bought me the premium economy meals which was very nice and...
Once when flying LHR-SIN on BA I realised that economy was almost empty and premium economy (where I was ticketed) was almost full. I would rather have four empty economy seats to myself than a premium economy seat with somebody next to me, so on boarding I told the cabin crew I would downgrade myself to economy. During the flight they (without me asking) bought me the premium economy meals which was very nice and something I wasn't expecting (and would have been happy with the economy meal).
Several years ago I was flying JFK-MAN on BA and felt unwell to the point that I actually vomited into a vomit bag while we were still taxiing. The crew moved me up to business which was completely empty and took care of me for the entire flight.
United should immediately fire that purser.
Probably a legacy United purser.
Idiot power heavy purser who needs to get fired. But of course Sara Nelson will protect her and say she did nothing wrong,
It’s just another day so another story of an FA reportedly being awful. It only takes someone going on a flight or two to bring home the believability of this story.
Looks like you hit a nerve with some grouchy UA employees!
Yet one more reason to avoid flying United...I'd fly 4 legs on another Airline rather than 2 legs on United...
It seems that some senior cabin crew, especially in the USA, are a bit up themselves and need refresher training in customer service
Please know that as an FA of 24 years I love my passengers and always treat them with the utmost courtesy 100% of the time I love to fly
I would think this day and age that United Airlines would discipline the Purser because it may have cost them in elite member and whatever his downline is this sounds ridiculous
I was recently on a United flight with my son who is allergic to sesame seeds. I didn’t flag the ticket because it’s not that severe. They gave us a sandwich with seeded bread. I asked the flight attendant if they had anything else. No big deal if they didn’t we had snacks. He came back with a fresh fruit cup & chocolate cake from 1st. Such a kind gesture
Question: What about all the crew and inflight catering crew that "take" all the leftover food and goodness knows what else home after the flight????? Please don't tell me they don't.
There are some who would literally take the lotions too. Give me a break.
He shouldn't have said," don't forget Me now",when re- boarding.....at that point it became an expectation,not just," if it happens,it happens"....
This is irrespective of what the Purser did or did not do.
He should have never said anything to the FA. Nothing good comes from talking to them outside of a yes or no in response to a direct question. Mitigate risk and don’t even make eye contact.
I mean, he DID get the manicotti..
So I guess you're right!
Some say.. That the pursers name..
The purser is obviously a cunt who was having her period.
Absolutely vile and sexist comment.
But it’s true. Ok she was just a c—t
This is wildly inappropriate
Speaking of cunts, hi there!
Speaking of cunts, hello there!
I find U’r use of that particular word unnecessary & personally OFFENSIVE & I think this comment should be removed immediately!!
Inappropriate. Show so respect for the people on this open forum.
And? Did he follow up with United, or just take to reddit and you to whine?
"Admittedly we only have one side of the story here."
Part of the problem, of course, is that something so ridiculous is entirely believable.
Fire the purser.
I would like to see this purser named and have her own medicine handed to her. This kind of actions will cost the company revenue and she should face disciplinary actions. If this were an Asian or middle eastern airline, she would definitely be fired.
Well said.
She is named in the reddit thread. Or was when I read it yesterday, anyway.
Sheletha !!!! Why you so rude girl?!?!
This purser, if the incident happened as described, should be placed on her own no-fly list, as in suspended for two weeks without pay.
Lol, suspended for two weeks without pay? She should be fired or reassigned to a non-customer service role if this is even half true.
This kind of story is precisely why I go out of my way to never set foot on both UA and AA these days. DL I have never flown but at least you don’t seem to see quite the same horror stories.
United, along with Frontier, should be banned from the skies ! With or without manicotti ! They are the worst !
"United will discipline you." You've got to be kidding ! Was the guy five yrs old ?!?
All the airlines in this country are completely out of control.
United seems to have a culture of being grouchy to customers. I thought I was just imagining it last time I flew with them, but it seems to be deeply ingrained corporate culture. Not only is the grouchy culture there, but anyone who goes out of their way to not be grouchy finds themselves subject to peer pressure (or worse, from superiors) and either learns to fall in line and be grouchy to customers, or...
United seems to have a culture of being grouchy to customers. I thought I was just imagining it last time I flew with them, but it seems to be deeply ingrained corporate culture. Not only is the grouchy culture there, but anyone who goes out of their way to not be grouchy finds themselves subject to peer pressure (or worse, from superiors) and either learns to fall in line and be grouchy to customers, or finds another job. This kind of corporate culture might not be fixable. People are weird; and any attempt to improve will no doubt be met with the strongest possible pushback from those who have been there a long time, and don't know any other way to be.
United has issues and it shows. Quit flying them.
Once as a a 1K on a weekend trip to London I flew there in business and back in economy. Same crew and they recognized me and brought my a glass of wine as a pre departure drink. It’s crew going out of there way to do things like this that should be applauded