While many countries have put sanctions in place against Russia, and have made it hard for Russians to visit, Turkey is doing exactly the opposite. The country has just revealed three programs that are intended to increase the number of Russian visitors, which will no doubt be controversial.
In this post:
Turkey’s plan to attract Russian visitors
Prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Turkey was expecting seven million visitors from Russia this year, and two million visitors from Ukraine. Combined, Russia and Ukraine make up over one quarter of the annual international visitors to Turkey.
Turkey’s government has announced a series of measures intended to increase the number of tourists from Russia, including:
- An agreement has been reached for Turkish Airlines and Pegasus Airlines to provide a total of two million additional seats to Russian tour operators, meaning we’ll see significant capacity increases on Russia flights
- Turkey is providing up to $300 million in state-guaranteed loans to Turkish tour operators established in Russia, including Anex, Coral, and Pegas
- Turkey is working on establishing a new airline that will be based in Antalya and will only transport tourists from Russia to Turkey; this is expected to add an additional one million seats per year

Is it wrong to woo Russian tourists?
Turkey actively seeking out Russian tourists will rub many people the wrong way, and probably for good reason. I think this also gets at the bigger question of punishing people for the actions of their government:
- For example, I think Turkey is one of the most beautiful countries in the world; I love the people (they’re genuinely hospitable), I love the food, I love the culture, and I love Turkish Airlines, but I’m certainly not an Erdoğan fan (to put it mildly)
- That’s not that different than Russia, in the sense that I don’t think Russians can individually be faulted for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine
- On some level the logic for sanctions that impact the lives of average Russians is that it will hopefully cause them to rise up against Putin, as challenging as that may be; with Putin having nukes, there’s only so much the international community can otherwise do
- If Turkey isn’t going to put sanctions in place against Russia (which obviously isn’t going to happen), is it wrong for airlines, the tourism sector, etc., to respond to where demand is?
- Even countries like the United States aren’t actually banning Russian tourists, but rather they’re just making it hard to visit, by banning flights from Russia
Does this rub me the wrong way? Yes, on the surface. Do I think this is a cut-and-dry situation, and that trying to ban tourists from Russia will accomplish much? I’m not convinced it will.
Since Turkey’s government definitely isn’t going to put sanctions in place against Russia, I suppose it’s not unreasonable that the tourism sector is responding to where the demand is.

Bottom line
While other countries are adding restrictions against Russia, Turkey is actively trying to attract Russian tourists. This comes in the form of loans to Turkish tour operators in Russia, two million additional seats being added between Turkey and Russia, and possibly even the creation of a new airline.
I suppose none of this should really come as a surprise. It’s not like Turkey’s government was going to do anything against Russia, so if that’s the case, it shouldn’t be surprising that the country still wants Russia’s tourism dollars.
What do you make of Turkey’s attempt to attract Russian tourists? Is it reasonable to respond to where demand is, given the lack of restrictions in place, or is it just plain wrong?
No sanction has been decided by the UN Security Council against US or Russia for their involvment in the civil war in Eastern Ukraine since 2014.
Or against Ukraine for sending neonazi paramiliary, SBU secret police and the Ukrainian army to occupy Eastern Ukraine.
The economic war waged by US government and corporations against Russia is unlawful in international law. As the economic war against Cuba since 1962.
Nazi practiced the punishment of civilians...
No sanction has been decided by the UN Security Council against US or Russia for their involvment in the civil war in Eastern Ukraine since 2014.
Or against Ukraine for sending neonazi paramiliary, SBU secret police and the Ukrainian army to occupy Eastern Ukraine.
The economic war waged by US government and corporations against Russia is unlawful in international law. As the economic war against Cuba since 1962.
Nazi practiced the punishment of civilians in retaliation against attacks by the partisans during world war II.
Should the U.S punish ethic Russian for the Russian army peacekeeping mission in Eastern Ukraine ? for the arrests of neonazi paramilitary involved in war crimes ?
Should U.S establish a worldwide segregation system agains ethic Russians ?
U.S war propaganda did a really good job if an average U.S citizen is asking himself this question.
Maybe ask yourself this question instead :
Should U.S should pay reparation for its intervention in many countries including Ukraine, for its detention of the Japanese civilians during world war II, for the segregation of African-American and the genocide of Natives ?
The US mainstream media has convinced the American public that the Kiev regime is good and Russia is bad. Try telling that to the ethnic Russians in Donbass who have suffered for the past 8 years at the hands of the Ukrainian government. Had the US pressured Zelensky to comply with the Minsk accords, it is likely Russia would not have invaded Ukraine. The blame goes all around.
I had planned on hiking the...
The US mainstream media has convinced the American public that the Kiev regime is good and Russia is bad. Try telling that to the ethnic Russians in Donbass who have suffered for the past 8 years at the hands of the Ukrainian government. Had the US pressured Zelensky to comply with the Minsk accords, it is likely Russia would not have invaded Ukraine. The blame goes all around.
I had planned on hiking the Camino de Santiago this summer with a group of Russian friends. But as that looks highly unlikely we are looking at similar walks in Turkey. At least one country remains open to both of us.
I feel like I need to add my 2c as a Russian. Look, for years Western countries talked about freedom, about "never again", and so on. But now that there is a clear case of it is "happening again", there is all this talk about a measured response. And while US may approve another $500 mil in aid for Ukraine or something, at the same time Germany, Italy, and other EU countries are sending $1...
I feel like I need to add my 2c as a Russian. Look, for years Western countries talked about freedom, about "never again", and so on. But now that there is a clear case of it is "happening again", there is all this talk about a measured response. And while US may approve another $500 mil in aid for Ukraine or something, at the same time Germany, Italy, and other EU countries are sending $1 billion PER DAY to Russia when they pay for gas and oil. So what's it going to take for everyone to wake up? Have we forgotten 1939? Because what we all did in 1939 resulted in what we had to do in 1940-1945.
Didn't Russia just literally *take* a bunch of planes that weren't theirs?
Didn't Ukraine just literally *beg* for a bunch of war planes that weren't theirs?
The Turks are not "supporting Russia". Inflation is out of control, people need jobs. The war has made it worse through no fault of Turkiye. They are just trying to support their own families with jobs in tourism.
That is the idea of sanctions, to punish the state. When you punish the state, their citizens will be hurt. Don't tell me about innocent Russians there! How about innocent Ukrainians?
Just cancelled 2 business class flights from Singapore to Rome on Turkish airlines
Suuuure you did.
For me as a German, it is always a special challenge to be in the same hotel with Russian guests. There are strong differences in behavior, volume, food culture, etc. For years I have tried to avoid areas where there are many Russian guests. This has always been difficult in Turkey. The beautiful Turkey is ruled out as a travel destination for me from now on. Let's see what kind of ideas countries like Sri...
For me as a German, it is always a special challenge to be in the same hotel with Russian guests. There are strong differences in behavior, volume, food culture, etc. For years I have tried to avoid areas where there are many Russian guests. This has always been difficult in Turkey. The beautiful Turkey is ruled out as a travel destination for me from now on. Let's see what kind of ideas countries like Sri Lanka and Thailand will come up with now to bring even more Russians into the country. Now that they come to Europe only with difficulty. Sri Lanka is broke and needs the money, and in Thailand tourism is down because of Covid. Both countries are deseperate.
Ah, so you're a Russophobe. Heck, based on what Germans did to Russians in WWII, it should be the other way around! Russians should not want to be in the same vicinity with Germans.
Did you hear about rapes in Berlin in 1945? Look Wikipedia!
Why make a big deal about Turkey, when many other countries have airlines serving Russia such as Israel, UAE, India, China, Qatar, Serbia, etc, and globally Russian visitors are still welcomed in many locations.
Turkey is also taking a big hit financially from the conflict. From 7mil expected Russians in 2022, they are now looking at maybe 2-3mil per the article. Meanwhile Ukrainian visitors numbers will also be in the dumps.
Since contracts entered into with Russia & Russian "word" are meaningless, it's just a matter of time before Turkey gets burned by this.
Only if Turkey tries to be a bully and pull a double standard to burn Russians first.
And just in case you don't realize it. We got burned so many times by loyalty programs. Their "words" are meaningless too. Free tickets? Fixed Points? Free Breakfast? Late checkout? and yes Suite Upgrades!!!! Seems like the "word" best available to many hotel means a same room type but little further away from your original room.
Smart move. Turkey actually behaving logically here. Do actual research into sources for current war and you’ll quickly find out it’s not exactly zelensky as Churchill and Putin as hitler. It’s a very nuanced and complex issue. Most logical people should take down Ukrainian flags immediately. It looks silly.
I disagree russians are not at fault. If 80% thinks Putin is right they are 100% to blame. And they deserve all sanctions possible.
I’m with you
And Americans are at fault for the human catastrophes that occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. All Americans are at fault!!! See your dumb logic?
The issue is that Russians will have a hard time accessing their money and credit cards. The very rich will travel but I don’t think average Russian tourists will be able to swing it financially.
Not really. Russian's payment system MIR works in turkey, so they can use their cards there as usual and even though tickets are more pricey, there's still affordable for middle-class Russians.
It's plain wrong. The whole world is experiencing consequences of the war but making "bloody" money when the whole world is trying to stop aggressor is just wrong. I understand that Turkey is going through difficult times but Ukraine is suffering the most. If you think that it's okay for Ukrainian people being killed based on their nationality, girls (even infants) being raped just for fun by some Russian soldiers and committing mass murders of...
It's plain wrong. The whole world is experiencing consequences of the war but making "bloody" money when the whole world is trying to stop aggressor is just wrong. I understand that Turkey is going through difficult times but Ukraine is suffering the most. If you think that it's okay for Ukrainian people being killed based on their nationality, girls (even infants) being raped just for fun by some Russian soldiers and committing mass murders of thousands of innocent people than it's definitely something wrong with you. You are preaching about tourism for Russian, claiming that not all Russians are the same. Let me tell you something, you have no idea what Russia and Russians are all about. I spent most of my life in Ukraine and Russia. I can tell you that the whole country must be hold responsible for their actions in Ukraine.
Turkey's economy is in desperate need of help, the Lira is down 75 in 3 years and close to 50% in the last 12 months. They need foreign visitors desperately. I dont blame turkey one bit plenty of russians with money that arent in the country and are desperate to get out. Probably get a lot of "tourists" that end up staying. If you have money or skills you are desperately trying to leave russia.
Nato ally Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974, illegally occupies 37% of its land since then. Also called their invasion a “Peace operation” back then, also set up a pseudo-republic that nobody recognizes except Turkey. Surely the Turks are laughing at the EU/USA/NATO pretending they didnt notice anything foul with Turkey trying to benefit from the war in Ukraine.
Turkey not illegally invade to Cyprus! Greece responsible all the problems! Ask Your Goverment about three Garantor of Cyprus England Greece and Turkiye! Greeks Cypriot Genoside Turks in Cyprus and Last chance Turkey stop all bloodshed since 1974 before you where kindergarten! Greeks known change history their own way added more lies to conflicts! So stop accusing Turkey read other side of medallion!
Restrictions on Russia and Russians have been put in place primarily by certain western, and a couple of non-western, countries. Most countries have not implemented restrictions. There many Russian tourists here in Bali, and it seems more arrive every day. Apparently, Dubai and other Asian countries are seeing high numbers if Russian arrivals as well.
Disagree, the sanctions are not directly targeted at Russian citizens, but all negative aspects felt by the citizens are side effects of the sanctions. Western airlines are not forbidden from flying to Russia by western governments, but by Russia in retaliation. Like, you said, Russian are not forbidden from traveling to US, or any other EU countries for that matter. I don't think there is any attempt at circumventing sanctions. Also, when Russian tourists spend...
Disagree, the sanctions are not directly targeted at Russian citizens, but all negative aspects felt by the citizens are side effects of the sanctions. Western airlines are not forbidden from flying to Russia by western governments, but by Russia in retaliation. Like, you said, Russian are not forbidden from traveling to US, or any other EU countries for that matter. I don't think there is any attempt at circumventing sanctions. Also, when Russian tourists spend money in Turkey, they strengthening the Turkish Lira, not rubles.
When the Putin troll army meets the Erdogan troll army, a comment thread.
It's like they were sent an alarm about this article and told to post here...
Or just 3 groups of people who can't mind their own business.
Oyyy only 7 comments in, so far, and it’s already a shitshow!
Oh, at least Erdogan thinks about the Turkish people and economy. How about Zelenskyy?
Good. Turkey actually has some common sense, unlike many of the hypocritical Western countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia and openly stolen assets of the Russian government and private Russian individuals. The BIG problem that I have is the glaring hypocrisy. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars perpetrated by the US and its coalition forces resulted in between 300,00-400,00 deaths, around 150,00 of them civilians, plus destabilized the entire region. Also, don't forget the violent...
Good. Turkey actually has some common sense, unlike many of the hypocritical Western countries that have imposed sanctions against Russia and openly stolen assets of the Russian government and private Russian individuals. The BIG problem that I have is the glaring hypocrisy. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars perpetrated by the US and its coalition forces resulted in between 300,00-400,00 deaths, around 150,00 of them civilians, plus destabilized the entire region. Also, don't forget the violent actions committed by NATO in Kosovo and Bosnia. How was that okay?! Why weren't the US and NATO countries sanctioned? Would it have been just to ensure the punishment and suffering of ordinary Americans simply due to their government's actions?? NO!! So, why is it okay for the US and Western countries to target Russian citizens?
Another point of hypocrisy is the blatant racism displayed by the US, a country that pretends to care about equality. I hypothesize that it was okay in the eyes of the US in their wars because the people were brown and non-Christian. Suddenly, the faces are white, and its no longer okay to undertake military actions in thier warped view. The US simply ignores non-whites who face violence, for example, Palestinians. Why doesn't the US sanction Israel?!
The US is trying to not only hurt Russia, but devastate the lives of ordinary people in their mistaken belief that it will drive the Russian people to oust Putin. In fact, the opposite is true. Hurting their livelihoods will only drive support against a common enemy, and ensure the popularity of the president. Americans have a distinct lack of understanding of Russian mentality. The US has a habit of placing everyone in the context of American attitudes and perspectives, which leads to tons of colossal misjudgements and screw-ups.
Sleepy Joe is just ensuring that the world moves away from the Petrodollar, and is basically sinking confidence in the American dollar. Congrats. American sanctions against Russia are already biting back, and it will only get worse. Karma is a... well, you know the word.
@Jesse - I kindly request you take your anti-West Russian propaganda to some other site. Your simplistic statements made that racism and skin color are the roots of conflict without truly studying the political, geographical, AND ethnic conflicts COMBINED!!
1. Absolutely the USA got involved to depose an Iraqi dictator that blatantly invaded a sovereign nation, and absolutely we (and all the WEST) had oil interests to protect in Kuwait (Jesse, do you drive...
@Jesse - I kindly request you take your anti-West Russian propaganda to some other site. Your simplistic statements made that racism and skin color are the roots of conflict without truly studying the political, geographical, AND ethnic conflicts COMBINED!!
1. Absolutely the USA got involved to depose an Iraqi dictator that blatantly invaded a sovereign nation, and absolutely we (and all the WEST) had oil interests to protect in Kuwait (Jesse, do you drive a car, do you heat your home, do you fly in a plane?). Do I agree with the events leading to 2nd Gulf War, not necessarily.
2. Afghanistan was "perpetrated" by the USA? You are making me laugh bud. Did we absolutely go in to topple the Taliban-ruled Islamic State who harbored the 9-11 terrorists. You bet we did. I suppose in your reply you are going to conspiracy theory us on 9-11 or downplay this event as a 'Western' problem.
3. "...the violent actions committed by NATO in Kosovo and Bosnia." Rather than just saying something so blatantly open ended, how about you provide some details around your statement. Yes, there are civilian casualties in war (and then there is targeting of civilians - as the Russians have done). You scream hypocrisy, but don't support a campaign to end the ethnic cleansing that WAS taking place in that region.
So Jesse - you have done your best to shame the West - lets see what you have to say to justify Russia's military actions in Ukraine? Surely you feel that this is completely justified and you have the details to prove it.
@Mr. Obvious
I thought we went to Iraq to find WMD’s. It’s funny how we keep changing narratives.
And majority of the terrorists involved in 9/11 were saudis. Not Afghan’s or Pakistani’s.
I'd only agree with you if every one of these flights ended up at the bottom of the Black Sea, thus ridding us of more collaborators of genocide.
Not sure that "all Russian tourists should die" is the anti-genocide take you think it is, chief
Perhaps not, but it's hard to feel compassion for a nation that cheers on genocide. Watch some of the raw video. And Russians have a long history of being bastards.
I get it. Russia is absolved of any guilt in war crimes because of what the "west" did before. And the "western" sanctions are not just US, but also EU. Well actually also Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Australia, Bahamas, Canada, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, etc... But go on justifying that it is ok for Russia to invade Ukraine, annex Ukraine and commit war crimes...
You mean the murdering Russian government who are carrying out pogroms invading a sovereign state killing thousands of civilians, destroying cities and forcing millions to leave, on the pretence it’s to stop nazism when their country is full of right wing groups. Don’t try to defend them.
And when you say “ Americans” you realise that country has millions of immigrants, including around 3 million of Russian decent and one million of Ukrainian.
...You mean the murdering Russian government who are carrying out pogroms invading a sovereign state killing thousands of civilians, destroying cities and forcing millions to leave, on the pretence it’s to stop nazism when their country is full of right wing groups. Don’t try to defend them.
And when you say “ Americans” you realise that country has millions of immigrants, including around 3 million of Russian decent and one million of Ukrainian.
Putain ( not a spelling mistake. The french word is more appropriate) is trying to rebuild the USSR with Lukashenko up his backside.
Jesse, really hard to believe you when you say "I'm not pro Russia" like you insisted under another article!
@Mr. Obvious
I'm glad you realize how @Jesse is under Russian propaganda.
If only you (and many others) can realize how you are under Western propaganda and double standards.
The victims here are the ordinary people of both sides who were grouped into either power hungry Putin or peace loving NATO. Wait or is it power hungry NATO and peace loving Putin. Probably depending on which propaganda you're brainwashed.
You think only Putin had...
@Mr. Obvious
I'm glad you realize how @Jesse is under Russian propaganda.
If only you (and many others) can realize how you are under Western propaganda and double standards.
The victims here are the ordinary people of both sides who were grouped into either power hungry Putin or peace loving NATO. Wait or is it power hungry NATO and peace loving Putin. Probably depending on which propaganda you're brainwashed.
You think only Putin had airstrike on hospitals? I think Kunduz was under Obama's watch.
War is never a good thing. It's us, ordinary people, who suffers. Not the generals, not the politicians, not the arms manufacturer.
Fun fact: When Russian troops crossed in to Ukraine and people are cancelling Russia everywhere. Lockheed Martin shares went up 20%. So who is exactly profiting from war? People denounce war, yet people wants to be part of the dollar printing war machine.
As a general reply to all the hate, I am simply pointing out the massive hyposcrisy. That is all. Many of the countries trying to punish Russia are guilty of the same things they are wailing about, and some, much worse (ahem, Germany). Remember, when you point the finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you. So many people are tossing hatred toward ordinary Russian people, but don't hold the same sentiments towards...
As a general reply to all the hate, I am simply pointing out the massive hyposcrisy. That is all. Many of the countries trying to punish Russia are guilty of the same things they are wailing about, and some, much worse (ahem, Germany). Remember, when you point the finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you. So many people are tossing hatred toward ordinary Russian people, but don't hold the same sentiments towards ordinary citizens of other countries that have done the same exact thing. It's simply uncalled for. If Russians are to be made to suffer over the actions of their government, then Americans, Germans, and citizens of many European countries (colonizers and enablers of American aggression) should be made to suffer. Heck, throw in China and Israel, too, as they are the worst human rights abusers. By the logic of many of you, every American that supported George W. Bush enabled a war criminal and should be punished. Every American that voted for Joe Biden should be held responsible for America's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that has led to a massive human tragedy. Do you now see your ridiculous logic?
My point is this: War sucks, but every powerful country has used its military in dubious ways that has led to tragic human consequences. Either hold ALL perpetrators responible in an equal manner, or not at all.
P.S.: If you actually researched the Ukraine issue in depth, you'd realize that Ukrainian mindset is very similar to the Russian mindset when it comes to war, and Ukraine is not as innocent of a lamb as many think. I'm not justifying the Russian action: rather, research away from biased media info in Russia and in the West will show you that Ukraine isn't so innocent, that the US and NATO used Ukraine to antagonize Russia (i.e, they WANTED this war) and then effectively abandoned them, and that Russia's action was not as crazy or far-fetched as many would like you to believe.
Oh please. There is a different between pointing out hypocrisy, and using claims of hypocrisy to justify current actions. All your "pro Russia" posts so far is about absolving Russian actions due to
western" hypocrisy. I mean the weak justification that Ukraine is no so innocent for "antagonizing" Russia. Do you go kill someone because they are antagonizing you? LOL yeah, antagonizing Russia is justification for invasion of another country, then commiting war crimes....
Oh please. There is a different between pointing out hypocrisy, and using claims of hypocrisy to justify current actions. All your "pro Russia" posts so far is about absolving Russian actions due to
western" hypocrisy. I mean the weak justification that Ukraine is no so innocent for "antagonizing" Russia. Do you go kill someone because they are antagonizing you? LOL yeah, antagonizing Russia is justification for invasion of another country, then commiting war crimes. That kind of weak justification only makes sense in "pro Russian" supporters. I bet if I ask you point blank, yes or no if Russia is commiting war crimes, you will say something like "how the west. blah blah blah"
While @Jesse might seem pro-Russia, his statements are indeed what most people are refusing to listen.
What if I ask you point blank, yes or no if Western power committed war crimes.
The answer is, it depends on who is the judge, you, Trump, Putin, Stalin, Truman or Yamamoto?
History is written by the victors of war based on their story, not facts based on what took place.
The bigger question is how do you know you are not under propaganda and fake news?
The west left Turkey no other option. With every chance they get, they're actively trying to isolate Turkey economically, militarily and energy resources.
- Official and unofficial bans on weapon/tech sale to Turkey;
- Visa free travel they promised for Turks, but never implanted it;
- Standing behind Greece and Trying to take every inch of Turkish economic zone in the sea, based on a 3 km2 island in front of the TURKISH...
The west left Turkey no other option. With every chance they get, they're actively trying to isolate Turkey economically, militarily and energy resources.
- Official and unofficial bans on weapon/tech sale to Turkey;
- Visa free travel they promised for Turks, but never implanted it;
- Standing behind Greece and Trying to take every inch of Turkish economic zone in the sea, based on a 3 km2 island in front of the TURKISH coast.
- France and Greece defense pact(aimed at Turkey);
- Sanctions for s-400 (India, greece and others have s-300 and india has s-400, no sanctions tho)
-Raising a 60k strong pkk terrorist army on Turkey's border
etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
With friends like that, even the Russians are angels.
You can dislike President Erdogan all you want. No Turk will care about what a westerner thinks of its leaders.
We'll see the two faced hypocritical behavior of the west and that when push come shove, the west not only won't have our back, but will join the enemy.
Just like on the coup night, western nations went silent and waited till it ended to show their "support".
Russians didn't and even warned Turkey on time.
Good thing your site is focused on airlines, and not on roads, taking the high road isn't meant for you.
There's just one problem with what you write: Turkey is part of the Nato since February 1952, and Nato members are not allowed to have/buy Russian armaments. Even so in 2017 they signed a contract for the S-400. And that's the reason Turkey was sanctioned!
The goal of sanctions was never to make it hard to visit Europe / US from Russia. There is no ban on EU-Russia or US-Russia flights either. The goal was to hurt Russian economy by targeting local companies, including companies, including airlines. Now of course Russia reciprocated by doing the same to US/EU airlines, so in practice there are no direct flights. But if Russia chose to remove the ban, US/EU airlines would be perfectly...
The goal of sanctions was never to make it hard to visit Europe / US from Russia. There is no ban on EU-Russia or US-Russia flights either. The goal was to hurt Russian economy by targeting local companies, including companies, including airlines. Now of course Russia reciprocated by doing the same to US/EU airlines, so in practice there are no direct flights. But if Russia chose to remove the ban, US/EU airlines would be perfectly fine to fly into Russia under US/EU laws.
Only way most Russians find out what’s happening in Ukraine is if they leave Russia. Furthermore, Russians taking even more money out of the country instead of spending it locally really serves to reinforce the sanctions when it’s done at scale.
The truth is - Russians and Ukrainians knew what happened in East Europe for decades, you knew nothing about what is going on there until the war started.