A 20-year-old posed as an Air India pilot to impress his girlfriends (yes, there were multiple of them), and it didn’t end well…
In this post:
Man arrested for being dressed as Air India pilot
ETV Bharat has the story of how a 20-year-old man was arrested at an airport for posing as an Air India pilot. On Monday, August 21, 2023, the man showed up at Vadodara Airport (BDQ), prepared to board a domestic Air India flight dressed in a pilot uniform.
The man reportedly told the flight’s crew that he was an Air India pilot, which made them suspicious. As a result, airport security staff got involved, and asked him some questions. He admitted that he attends an institute for airport ground staff training, but wasn’t a pilot. A search of his belongings revealed that he had flight safety manuals, and his phone contained many pictures of him in a pilot uniform.
At that point he was handed over to police. Upon being interrogated, he admitted that he often dressed in a pilot uniform to impress his girlfriends. Specifically, he preferred to pose in the uniform onboard flights, to make the story believable.
The man claimed to have girlfriends in Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Mumbai. He was traveling to board a flight to meet one of his girlfriends.

The fake Air India pilot’s punishment
On the plus side, the man was released from police custody, and could return to his family. That’s the good news. The bad news is that as a condition of being released, the man had to message all of his girlfriends, informing him that he’s not actually a pilot, and was faking it.

Bottom line
A 20-year-old got caught posing as an Air India pilot, while trying to board a flight in uniform. He was reportedly doing this to impress his girlfriends.
Look, it’s one thing to put on a pilot uniform and take some pictures in it. It’s a whole different thing to try to board a flight of that airline while dressed in uniform, claiming to be a pilot. Obviously that wasn’t going to end well. I suppose this guy got off pretty easy, since he only had to be honest with his girlfriends…
What do you make of this Air India “pilot” story?
The punishment should have been to make him pick up all the sweet wrappers etc from the floor of the aircraft, in other words to clean the floors of all Air India aircraft on a specific date otherwise he would be booked in under IPC 420.
Was his name Frank Abagnale?
When I was a kid, we decided to be idiots and do “mischief night” stuff (mid-late 80’s). We got stopped by the police and had an almost 10 dozen eggs in the trunk.
Our punishment was that myself and my knucklehead friends had to cook and serve breakfast for every officer at the local station. In hindsight, it was a fantastic and well deserved punishment!
This is even better than what we received.
If it were in the U.S., surely someone would have been shot because that’s what passes for law enforcement there.
Rookie mistake...
Poor guy. He hadn't known a better way to impress his girlfriends. At his age today's teens will resort to such cranky idea's to express their love. I, feel the Police did right.
That's all? those conequences are light!
Consequences of what? A bit of a cosplay? Sure, wearing a uniform that can lead to someone mistaking you for a flight crew member is not legal in most jurisdictions and it's pretty dumb, but it's not like he hurt anyone or caused any damages. What kind of "consequences" would you expect for something so trivial?
The girlfriends might have felt hurt about being lied to!
Lol! First time in this blog and I struck gold. There’s always hope! He can pose as a pilot for one of the US3 and they may just hire him, considering their attention to (low) quality and cost cutting. Lmao!
Hey @Ben! Do you enjoy your comments section populated with vitriol, like those below? It doesn’t exactly exude quality when imbeciles basically trash every article and turn them into a juvenile verbal diarrhoea. May want to think about improving the screening of the comments to ensure class and quality, unless all that matters is hits.
I feel the Girls were dumb and had no exposure to Outside World.
More interesting would be the questions (and answers) of how / where he obtained pilot uniforms and Flight Manuals?
Forcing him to reveal to his 'girlfriends' - which come and go, at that age - is fine, but would it not have been more appropriate for the judges / court to force him to admit his 'crime' publicly on his social media feeds? After all, he WAS feeding his own vanity.
Is being an Air India pilot really an aspirational thing? lol!
Ding ding ding! We have the winner of the award for the dumbest comment!
On the Bright side,at least he was not urinating/pooping all over co-pilots,FA's,passengers,etc
Stupid is - as Stupid does
I am a (relatively) young widebody Captain for one of the world's most recognizable airlines, and look even younger than I actually am. Pilots like myself are subjected to an extraordinary number of breathtakingly stupid and inane questions. When I showed this story to my wife, she laughed, "Pretending to be a pilot? You spend all your time pretending you're not."
Catch me if you can?
At least he didn’t choose a dump like AA, BA or UA.
Reminds me of when my Indian friend, a journalist for Indian Express, infiltrated the inner most security ring and hung out under false pretences with the secret service entrusted with keeping Obama safe, and then published their embarrassing secrets.
This was hardly so creative and daring. Also what twenty year old hasn’t had multiple “gfs” at that age?
Are you kidding me? Being an airline pilot in the U.S. is no easy task.
First you must maintain a weight at the border between overweight and obese, then regularly hide your alcoholism, and finally maintain a facade of loving your job instead of admitting that you’d rather be doing anything else. All this before having to deal with the wife leaving you and getting the children in her custody. So yeah - Don’t...
Are you kidding me? Being an airline pilot in the U.S. is no easy task.
First you must maintain a weight at the border between overweight and obese, then regularly hide your alcoholism, and finally maintain a facade of loving your job instead of admitting that you’d rather be doing anything else. All this before having to deal with the wife leaving you and getting the children in her custody. So yeah - Don’t kid about being a pilot for the US airlines. It takes mad dedication and loyalty.
Curious how the girlfriends bought the story that a 20 year old could be a FO or pilot for Air India.
@ Brian;
I'm with you! I guess tell's a lot more about the girls in first place.
Those chutiyas will believe anything.
20 year olds will believe anything. Why is that so hard to fathom?
@ Em;
Well I surely wouldn't when I was 20, not even wide before.
Unless things are different in India. Don't know Indian people.
@Nelson - you clearly haven’t spent sufficient time at a college campus recently or heard of Fyre. It has nothing to do with Indians or any nationality. Take a trip to the Midwestern states and you may find young women who will believe anything due to their lack of awareness of the world outside.
You may have been an exception.
The dumber they come the better they be when we’re in our 20s. In uni in LA, I remember the chicks believe that I was an European prince instead of just some kid from Breton! Not sure how the rumour started but I sure as hell didn’t stop it due to all the loving’ that was showered upon me. Good times! American girls are innocent, but also the best.
What stupid things people do for...love. I believe he got a fitting punishment.
love? lol this was not for "love." Well, for making it, maybe.
Just trying to keep it clean ; )
Given his choice of airline I’d question if he’s BF material.
Small correction: it’s BDQ, not VDQ.